Pen settings dont work anymore help!!!! - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

My pen setting usually works before by changing the dominant hand from right to left handed but now it doesnt work anymore even if i change if from left to right or vise versa the offset is still on the left as if it was stuck on the right handed.
Can someone please help me to solve this as im a left handed person specially when drawing and yes i did reset it many times already to no avail.

Any chance you are running v01 of the Overclock kernel? Seems it had an issue for some:
Also, did you try holo's kernel? That makes the pen much more accurate from my experience.


keyboard layout not correct

hi, i just flashed my o2 xda mini s to the jaguar wm6 rom (fantastic btw) and now all the symbols on my keyboard are snafu'di.e when i press shift a i get ~ shift s i get !, and the * has gone awol totally!
any clues anyone? thinking i may need some sort of fix.
also is there anyway to get to the back of the keyboard with out the total dismantle job?? i think i got a stuck up key on my keyboard, cuz, it doesnt work when i jab it and every so often the unit will go into up scroll overdrive, and i gotta either jab the down key on the touch wheel, or belt the unit of something (yes, yes i know, not good)
muchos appreciated for any clues to either of these!!
The reason that your keys are wrong, is that the Jaguar ROM may be for a different localization....IE, Europe, Japan, Phillipines whereever, and for whatever reason, the Wizard keyboards in other areas have the symbols moved around on the beyboard. What you need to do, is find you a keymap settings.txt for the en-us keyboard, and then copy it into your Windows directory on your phone and it will fix that problem. Whether or not one of those exists for the Wizard I dont know, I know this fix from my days in the Excalibur forums though, because we had the same problem with the 6.1 ROMs from Asia. You may have to flash to a US ROM if we dont have a keymap.txt floating around somewhere. As to your second problem with the stuck key, I beleive that you will have to open your Wizard to fix that....unless it didnt do it before you flashed to the Jaguar ROM, then I would say that its the ROMs fault. I hope that helps out!
many thanks for the speedy reply! after a bit of hunting around, i came across this post and it told me how to change the reg setting for the keyboard locale. one soft reset later, and i can type what i see again!!!
as for the sticky key, i stripped the phone as per the service manual, gave it all a bit of a wipe, checked for loose stuff, etc, stuck it all back together, and it seems to be a lot better, only going ape every so often now!! will probably invest in a new casing and see if that does the trick, as this ones all battered anyways. should of seen the partners face when he walked in and the phone is all spread out on the bed the same face incidently whenever the ps2s in bits!!
heh, glad I could be of service!

Touchscreen problem

Hi friends.I have a big problem with my hero.Some places doesnt work on touchscreen.But i load custom rom same places work.But this time another places doesnt working.For example (a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l) on keyboard with original rom working.but i load sensehero 1.5 or 2.1 this place doesnt work.At this time (c,v,b,n,m,<) doesnt working.I dont understand is this hardware problem or is this software problem???
Sorry for my English
I am using one of the new Eris based 2.1 ROMS (Defiance 2.1). I have noticed that if I lie the phone down flat on a table, parts of the screen do not respond to touch, however held normally in my hand it all works perfectly, so try holding the phone at a different angle etc.
I have seen another post somewhere mentioning the screen not working properly when layed down.
A hate to be break your heart but i think you will need to return your mobile as its a hardware problem. Been fighting with HTC over it as i live in country where the customer service centre from HTC are not available and now i am stuck with the set.
Best of luck... and let me know if u can find a solution


The story:
I just got a HD2 today, and to be honest I'm pissed.. I've been ripped off big time, the phone has a cracked screen(it said the description, but I expected something smaller), it has been taken apart and put back poorly(windows key isn't backlit anymore). Also, the LCD has 3 big white circles and the touchscreen sometimes doesn't work. Not to mention that the USB connection doesn't work(USB device not recognized), No usb modes work. Sorry about that but I had to write it, I have to let the angryness come out some way.. I demanded a refund, and he better give it to me.
OK, now about my question:
The phone has a french rom(original, not updated) and it's AZERTY keyboard. Since USB doesn't work and I can't flash updated rom without HSPL, I'm stuck with this ROM and without Android(2.04 radio (( ).
How do I change the keyboard to qwerty, in keyboard settings, there's no option to change the layout, just auto-correct and other things, but no layout option.
And I can transfer files to it, I have an X1 and I can use that to transfer files to the SD card...
Since the phone is knackered and you're demanding a refund anyway (and quite right too!!), why does it matter?
Pay a bit more and get a good condition one. If you have issues with a working phone then we can help you.
johncmolyneux said:
Since the phone is knackered and you're demanding a refund anyway (and quite right too!!), why does it matter?
Pay a bit more and get a good condition one. If you have issues with a working phone then we can help you.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't think it matters if it's good or not, that's more of a software thing. Is there any cab or something to change the keyboard?
But you're returning it as damaged, so what do you care?
Seriously, from your description I wouldn't even bother turning that thing on!
A quick search (using the search) found this...
It's the opposite to what you're asking for, but it should point you in the right direction.

[Q] Cheap tablet issue

Hello there, i'm new in all this stuff of android devices and more.
I've bought a cheap tablet to begin with, it's a Skytex Skypad Pocket.
The issue here it's that it was working ok, but then i messed up with busybox and i had to flash. After flashing, the interface changed a lot (since the beginning and after flashing, the android version is 4.0.4 ICS), but that's not the point.
The only issue i have is that the accelerometer is inverted for portrait. I mean, It works great for "up and down", but when I tilt it left, it points right and if I tilt left it moves right. I though it was an app issue, but it does it also with the "auto-rotate" function. Also, I've used Elixir to check and in fact, the accelerometer is inverted for left and right.
Any suggestion? I've flashed a lot of times getting the same.
Maybe someone can help me with messing with the ROM? (tinyurl(dot)com(slash)9y6p7un)

[Q] inverted colours 4.1.2 and no switch back to normal

Guys, first of all great forum, excellect tools (like entons rootkit for A71 acer tablet) and splendid advices on many problems. I´m confident to find one for my current problem. If this is the wrong thread, please excuse but I haven´t found one for the Acer A71, so I went to the Android-Thread.
Okay, here´s what happened: I have a rooted (Entons rootkit) A71. Worked perfect for month now. Yesterday I unplugges it after charging. When I switched it on, the screen showed inverted colours. When I try to look at a picture or to watch a video, everything is inerted, too. . I allready unrooted it, made a factory reset, wiped the cache. I have digged into tons of threads in different forums. All that I have found was, that there is a switch you can find in accessability for changing from inverted to normal and back. But this one I do not find on my tablet. I ´m desperate now since I use my tablet for reading (which is still possible), for typing (which is no longer possible) and for videos (which is not longer possible). What to do now?
Datas: Acer iconia B1-A71, Android 4.1.2, Build Acer_AV051_B1-A71_1.25800_WW_GEN1, Image:Acer_AV051_B1-A71_RV05RC05_WW_GEN1, Image-P/N: FM.NLCAO.01Y, Kernel 3.4.0
Would be greatful for any answer.
Thanks a lot in advance.
I have just received this same tablet to repair with the same problem.
Mine would seem to have a damaged screen as its even inverted when in Recovery mode.
Maybe this is the same with you?
A quick google shows a handful of people with the same problem.
The device has some really poor design with the ribbon that connects the screen as some components rest against the quite flexible back cover.
So either one of these tiny components has been damaged or the device dropped and the screen has actually cracked along one of the edges.
What a pity the "invert colors" option is not enabled in the settings app as manually inverted images display fine.
If this was a high end device i'd unlock it and install a custom ROM and have a look into enabling colour inversion somehow but alas i'm not sure this little sucker is worth my time especially as the battery is on its way out now too.
Good Luck.
[EDIT] SOLUTION; it would seem my hunch regarding the crap placement of components on the screens ribbon cable was accurate.
Just found this page:
tried the soldering solution:
(feel free to do a better job than i did haha)
It works!
Normskilight thank you very much. It works perfectly!!. I could fix my tablet. For my it was a kind of miracle, jaja.
Thank you again!

