[Q] external Bluetooth Keyboard - Galaxy Tab 10.1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Members,
i am asking from Germany, so sorry for my english.
I used a P7501 Galaxy Tab 10.1n 64GB 3G Overcome ROM 2.3.1 with an Bluetooth Mini Keyboard
For using QWERTZ it needs Samsung Keyboard as Standart Input-Mode.
So far so good ... all Keys works fine.
My Problem ist how to switch off the Display Keybord. If i press any Key on external Keyboard in an Input Field the Display Keyboard will pop on and need more the half of Display-Size (Landscape Mode).
Has anyone an idea to switch off the Display Keyboard when using external Bluetooth Keyboard.
Greetings from Germany

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[Q] Archos 101 onscreen keyboard missing while external keyboard is connected

Hi all,
I am a new user of Archos 101 here, today I just realized that whenever I connect an external keyboard to my Archos, the on screen keyboard is not displayed anymore. How do I make it is displayed again? Meaning I want to have both method of input at the same time, the external keyboard and on screen keyboard.
Yes, I know most people will prefer to disable the onscreen keyboard while the external keyboard is connected But this time, I need both..
FYI, I'm using the default Android keyboard.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot
Same issue here...
I have a need for both a hardware keyboard and the onscreen keyboard available at the same time as well. I love the device and this is the only thing holding me back from using it much more effectively.
FWIW, on my T-Mobile G2, I can't use the touch keyboard when the physical keyboard is folded out.
no one have the solution?

[Q] Atrix 4G, physical Keyboard outside of US (e.g. QWERTZ)

Hi all,
using a physical Bluetooth Keyboard is a good choice, but only if you have the right Keyboard-Layout.
As I am not living in US (but instead in Europe/Germany) I am strongly looking for a way to change the used Keyboard Layout. Is there an easy way to change it to get the ability to use a typical German (Hardware) Keyboard on the Atrix 4G (AT&T Version)?
Can I modify: /system/usr/keylayout/evfwd.kl
What are the possible risks?
Which file I have to change for the Webtop mode?
BTW: I tried the App “Keyboard Language” which doesn’t work.
wanted Layout see here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#Germany_and_Austria_.28but_not_Switzerland.29
I use SwiftKey. There are options in the settings to change it
Sent from my MB860 Atrix using XDA App.
thanks for your answer, but...
Swiftkey is a Software Keyboard, but I am talking about an Bluetooth Hardware keyboard...
The question is: How I can change the mapping of the keys on the Hardware...
Is there any kind of solution for this problem?
Thanks a lot!
Possible Solution for Keyboard Layout for external USB-Keyboard with Multimedia Dock
I had the problem that the external GERMAN USB Keyboard couldn't be used as a GERMAN keyboard. And changing the setting to german wouldn't work.
I found this
and i somehow solved my problem by doing this:
copy "kbd_de_basic.kcm.bin" from /system/usr/keychars/ to /data/usr/keychars/ and rename it to (the already existing!! - so, better make a backup)
"usb_keyboard_102_en_us.kcm.bin" and leave the setting of external keyboard to "US International" (or similar..). Reboot.
For me, it worked. You'd better uncheck all the options at the "physical keyboard" settings menu.

[Q] Task to solve - enable Keyboard without Keyboard

1. iam not an english native
2. here is my task: how can i choose a keyboard if the last one was uninstalled. A new keyboard is installed, but cant be enabled (com.android.setting).
Is there an ADB to enable it?
The keyboard is Swype an the Android Version is 2.2.1
Or is there any other solution?
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I think what you meant by is switching keyboard? If yes,
You have to long press the input box, press input method and choose your keyboard
Accidentally sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium
sorry but u can only choose those keyboard wich are enabled in the settings. But in my case there is one diabled keyboard in the settings. And when i try to enter the Input-Method Settings it will crash.
I hope there is an file on the phone in the system where I can set/enable the keyboard.
BTW: my phone is aktual working. but i got this situation two times.

Please move :s [Q] USB mouse pointer not appearing, how can I make it visible?

I'm sorry, I seem to have posted in the wrong section, can an admin move this to
"Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, Active, Ray, Live with Walkman Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting"
I have a sk17i with broken touchscreen (and atm no money to get a replacement phone, so ordered a replacement screen).
I can use text, call and browser pretty well using the hardware keyboard, but was contemplating using a usb mouse for other functionalities.
At the moment it runs Xperia Ultimate HD 2.0.2 ROM.
I plugged in a usb mouse and it seemed to work, but the mouse cursor was not visible.
Does anyone know of a way to make the cursor visible?
If that won't work, if anyone is sure of a rom where the cursor is visible, that would be another option.

Layout problem with official keyboard cover

Hey fellow TAB S4-users,
I (a student) have owned the Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 64gb LTE and the official keyboard cover for a couple of months now. But I have one very annoying problem with the Keyboard/ Samsung Dex software that persists. I have bought this keyboard in the French AZERTY-layout, but because I'm a student of Japanology, I have to use Japanese input very often. When I switch to Japanese input the keyboard switches to a QWERTY-layout with no option to change the layout for Japanese in Samsung Dex. For instance, if I want to type "kazoku", I have to put in "kqwoku". It is certainly possible to adapt to the QWERTY-layout because only the letter "A" and "Z" are switched to respectively "Q" and "W" and furthermore the letter "M" is switched to the key for ",". But what I strugle the most with is that the interpuction on a QWERTY-keyboard is completely different. Furthermore the Japanese script doesn't use the same interpuction as the latin script . For instance, if I want to type the "。" (the Japanese period), I have to input on my AZERTY-keyboard ":" (on a QWERTY-keyboard that would be the key corrsesponding to ".").
If I've searched far and wide for a solution to this problem, but I have not found any. In Windows 10 I encountered the same problem, but was able to fix it by changing the layout for Japanese IME to AZERTY in the registry. But since their is not a similar thing to the Windows Registry in Android/Samsung Dex, I was wondering if I their is a possibility to change the layout for Japanese Romaji input ?
Thanks in avance,

