Scrolling wallpaper on ADWex - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

So Ive been using the latest version of saurom and I happened to have scrolling wallpapers on ADW.
What I did was set up touchwiz as my launcher and in deluxe settings I enabled ADW as the double tap home launch. I set up a scrolling wallpaper on touchwiz then double tap home and use ADWex. I'm assuming this will work with any other launcher also, just make sure it is set to launch on the double tap home option in deluxe settings.
If any of this info has already been posted, I apologize.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA

Not Necessary
I don't think thats necessary to be honest. I've got scrolling wallpaper working with ADW Ex without needing to set up ADW as my double tap function. I'm also using Multi Picture Live Wallpaper as well and it works just the same. I think the Touchwiz Scrolling fix happens to have just carried over to ADW.

I think you're right. I've been messing around with the settings back and forth and it seems saurom's fix is it.
Mods please delete this thread.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA


App to save my home screen settings

I have my home setup nice with wallpaper n Widgets n layouts - but now I want to experiment is there. Is there a way to save my current layout? Using zeam as my launcher
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalkt?
Never used Zeam but most launchers have a "Backup/Restore Settings" or something to do this.
I use Launcher Pro and I always use this feature.

[Q] ICS Passion v11 App Drawer

How to change app drawer from horizontal pages to vertically oriented, using the default launcher? I used ADW before, but the default ICS launcher looks fine to me... for now
Also, there's how to increase the number of slots for shortcuts and widgets in home - in the default launcher too?
fagnerkof said:
How to change app drawer from horizontal pages to vertically oriented, using the default launcher? I used ADW before, but the default ICS launcher looks fine to me... for now
Also, there's how to increase the number of slots for shortcuts and widgets in home - in the default launcher too?
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With stock Trebuchet launcher there really isnt a way, if i were you id look into alternate launchers like NOVA or APEX , i personally use apex though i dont see any options for vertical scrolling through the app drawer

[Q] Apex Launcher - New/Old App Drawer

Running CM9 (coffeebeans 4/30 build with latest pershoot kernel) on wi-fi 10.1, using Apex Launcher Pro.
I really enjoyed the old app drawer that didn't eat up the entire screen. In the new update, the apps in the app drawer take up the whole screen (similar to Nova Launcher, very different from Trebuchet). This is annoying because I love tapping the left or right of the screen to fast-switch app drawer screens. Yes I know technically the feature is still there, but more often than not, I hit an app instead of making the screen change because the space is so small now (beefy thumb syndrome).
Anyone here know if there's an option to go back to the old app drawer look? I posted at the Apex forum, but that place is a ghost-town filled with pr0n

Need a new launcher...

Posted this on Rootz as well but I wanted to ask here.
My main wants are:
Ability to hide bottom dock and Notification bar and use gestures to bring them back. Would be nice to utilize all that wonderful screen landscape.
Use my ADW and LP icon packs if possible.
Easy to use shortcuts for moving between screens along with smooth transitions when doing so.
Long press icons to change icon image.
Hi-res display
Resizeable widgets
Keep in memory setting that works well and/or the ability to set custom wallpaper dimensions. It's a pain in the butt to have to reset my wallpapers with Wizardrii because LP got booted from memory and had ot restart.
Set non-scrolling wallpapers.
Do both Apex and Nova have all of these features? Guess I could consider ADW too. Is there one you would recommend over the other? Thanks in advance.
All the features that you want are there in apex dude.. Just try it out..
Icon packs I'm not very sure but definitely sure about the other features
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
I've used both Apex and Nova, and I guess it's just a personal preference as they at least seem to be quite similar. They're both based on the stock launcher in ICS / JB, and basically have the same features. Only differences I noticed were very specific, but feature-wise they're quite similar. You should just try them out.
I prefer Apex though, if you wondered.

Scrollable Wallpapers

I have my evo 3D running ICS stock+rooted. I've tried several launcher and can't seem to get scrolling wallpapers to work. I've turned on the settings for it in the launcher prefs, but no go. Has anyone else gotten this to work with Sense 3.6/ICS.
Have you tried apex launcher? That has multi scrolling wallpaper. It also has options to disable and enable it on home screen menu. Please do not say it don't work because I use this launcher daily.
Try another launcher, or install custom rom with sense 4
Jsparta26 said:
Have you tried apex launcher? That has multi scrolling wallpaper. It also has options to disable and enable it on home screen menu. Please do not say it don't work because I use this launcher daily.
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Stupid me. It was the way I was cropping the wallpapers. Thanks!

