Has anyone found that while using a Bluetooth Headset to talk on the phone, while using wifi to surf the internet, the wifi connection bogs down even to the point of not working?
Even when I'm streaming Bluetooth music and trying to use wifi it usueally works for a bit then slows down or stops working
|Captivate|Galaxy Note LTE|Darth Maul, and music| http://www.last.fm/user/Ray_Banci?noredirect=1 |
Have not had that issue here at all. I am always on wifi at home and talk/surf a lot at the same time.
Lol I am a goober and should pay attention.
That being said I have never noticed issues but rarely talk on the phone
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA App
I have noticed this aswell and was really one of the things that I tested as my last device had this issue. After doing some research I have found out that the reason that this problem exists is because wifi and bluetooth operate on the same 2.4ghz frequency range. Some say that if you use a wireless n router or just simply use the 5ghz frequency the issue will be eliminated. So to sum up yes I am having this issue when I am on a phone call using my bluetooth headaet while browsing the web via wifi
This has been addressed in here before. But yes it happens to me. Once the cell audio got very distorted.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
kqh4 said:
I have noticed this aswell and was really one of the things that I tested as my last device had this issue. After doing some research I have found out that the reason that this problem exists is because wifi and bluetooth operate on the same 2.4ghz frequency range. Some say that if you use a wireless network router or just simply use the 5ghz frequency the issue will be eliminated. So to sum up yes I am having this issue when I am on a phone call using my bluetooth headaet while browsing the web via wifi
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That makes sence lol! Thought it was the phones fault
|Captivate|Galaxy Note LTE|Darth Maul, and music| http://www.last.fm/user/Ray_Banci?noredirect=1 |
Ray_Banci said:
Has anyone found that while using a Bluetooth Headset to talk on the phone, while using wifi to surf the internet, the wifi connection bogs down even to the point of not working?
Even when I'm streaming Bluetooth music and trying to use wifi it usueally works for a bit then slows down or stops working
|Captivate|Galaxy Note LTE|Darth Maul, and music| http://www.last.fm/user/Ray_Banci?noredirect=1 |
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I am also experiencing this problem. After I flashed to ICS (Hybrid ROM & The Unofficial ver 2.0), being on a phone call using Bluetooth degrades cellular data too. I'll revert to my stock GB back up to verify if in fact it may be an ICS issue.
I'm having issues with connection to wifi, anyone else??
wifi connects & then disconnects before Google.com even loads....then it reconnects again...and then goes around in a circle. Sometimes it last a little longer, but only long enough to keep my hopes up.
as soon as i got my RAZR i rooted it asap ....so now, I am unsure if its the handset, root, MotoBlur or something else?
ive checked and can't find any threads about this. anyone else have any issues or suggestions ....I will be very greatful for any response .. thanks
I 2nd That
You're not alone. I also noticed an issue with WiFi when using it for the first time. My RAZR is not rooted, so it looks like that isn't the issue. It contantly drops its WiFi connection, and can sometimes go several minutes before reconnecting. As far as I can tell at this point, signal strength does not seem to be a factor. I hope this will be corrected in the next patch.
I have also noticed that it randomly drop its LTE connection and reverts to 3G, even though it had great LTE signal... but this happened a lot with my Thunderbolt too, so I doubt its a device issue...
I'm running wpa-personal at home with no issues. What wireless security have you had issues with?
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
I guess to be more specific, i'm running wpa2 with aes cipher.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
I have WPA2-Personal in place also
You could kill your encryption for a bit to rule it out as an issue.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
Not a bad idea, I will try that later today. Something must be up though, as my Thunderbolt worked just fine on that AP on 11/10. Thanks.
check bluetooth
I noticed wifi issues as well connections would drop or jump from AP to AP, but wouldn't connect. It seemed to be when I had bluetooth enabled at the same time. My connection speeds would drop (if it worked) to ~2Mbps, instead of the usual 13-14 I was getting. Once I turned BT off, no problems, no disconnects. Bluetooth did not effect my 4G/LTE, which is very strong where I live.
Buffalo WHR-54GS
Cisco/Linksys E1000 v1
both running DD-WRT, WPA2
hmm... So far so good with Bluetooth off. Looks like we're on to something, thanks for the suggestion.
I started experiencing the wifi dropouts after installing Skype. I downloaded the non Verizon version of Skype and what I noticed is that when I open the app, it kills the wifi connection. It doesn't turn it off, it just appears to disable the wifi connection. It appears that I have to log off Skype and reboot and the wifi works fine.
Do you guys have Skype installed also?
the RAZR wifi signal is too weak
when i put my hand on a side of the phone ,the signal reduc a level .
Is a hardware problom?
XT910 version of Singapore
vias1 said:
when i put my hand on a side of the phone ,the signal reduc a level .
Is a hardware problom?
XT910 version of Singapore
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same here. guess we are going to have to find a better place for our hands
Oaklands said:
same here. guess we are going to have to find a better place for our hands
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same issue bad wifi connection ,,,, where is MOTO ??? please wake up and correct this fault, i remember the same issue was with SGS2 but it was solved after patch by samsung....
this issue is really teasing me alot,,
I found (on another forum) potential cause:
Turns out the milestone doesn't play well with newer models of wireless routers that use AEP authentication. Apparantly the milestone will sometimes send some inappropriate data to the router, which AEP authentication feels is a nono and so boots the device off the network until you manually reconnect. That's my understanding anyway.
The fix for me was to change my router encryption from WPA2-PSK to WPA-PSK (I have a siemens router supplied by Orcon). Since I've made the changes a few days ago I haven't had a single drop out. Hope it works for you too.
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I can confirm that I'm experiencing wifi drops only with WPA2 encryption on AP.
My Razr (XT910) works well at 5 GHz. When I tried to switch to 2.4 GHz frequency I had constant drop. Could be interference i guess! Once i switched back to 5 GHz haven't had a problem. Don't think Droid Razr (XT912) supports 5 GHz frequency though!
I have major WiFi problems. It can only detect my home router if it is in the same room or the room above it!
My three year old HTC Hero can see 7 networks up and down the street.
It's so bad that I could not recommend this phone to anyone who (like me) needs to be able to connect to WiFi on the move.
I have no idea who such a major fault in this otherwise fantastic phone could have been allowed.
I still have a few days left to return it but am not sure what the alternative would be. I had a Sensation XE that was great but like a brick compared to the Razr!
I hope there is a fix on the way.
Anyone else?
My wifi problem is that it can pick up router signal from too far. Even downstairs. My router is 4 floors up ...
Eddy T said:
Anyone else?
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Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
njoismartguys said:
My Razr (XT910) works well at 5 GHz. When I tried to switch to 2.4 GHz frequency I had constant drop. Could be interference i guess! Once i switched back to 5 GHz haven't had a problem. Don't think Droid Razr (XT912) supports 5 GHz frequency though!
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I don't think our XT912 does 5 GHz either. I wish we could turn it on.
jiwengang said:
My wifi problem is that it can pick up router signal from too far. Even downstairs. My router is 4 floors up ...
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
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I wish I had your problem!
I am trying to share my Galaxy Nexus' internet connection via bluetooth with my tf201.
I can get them paired, and connected, and the internet works (although a little slow)but after about 30 seconds the internet stops working. If I make the tf201 reconnect to the GNex it immediately works again for another 30 seconds.
How can stop the connection from turning off?
I don't know how to fix that specific problem; my bluetooth tethering has worked quite reliably for me.
You may want to take a look at the FoxFi app for your phone. It offers both wifi and bluetooth tethering without rooting. That may help you get a better connection.
not helpful, i know, but my Atrix will not do internet via bluetooth to my prime, and My Atrix 2 does amazingly well. idunno.
Again, not helpful, but I've no problem tethering my Prime to my Galaxy Note via Bluetooth. My Note is running a leaked ICS build too, so I was quite surprised that it works so flawlessly.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
I got my postcard and email regarding the class action settlement, so I might as well take the $17. But I already have a GPS dongle -- it showed up out of the blue a few months ago as I recall.
I haven't used it as all since I have no need for GPS with the way I use the tablet (GPS is much more useful on my phone), but something about the way the message was worded made me wonder if the dongle also has a WiFi antenna in it. The standard WiFi reception is definitely weak, although again it isn't a huge deal for me (I notice it most when connecting to hotel networks that are weak to begin with). So does the dongle do anything for WiFi?
Short answer, no.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Here is why I bought my watch (primarily):
I'd like to be able to leave my Note 4 on my desk while I am working elsewhere in the building.....and I often find myself out of bluetooth range. I have searched around a lot and I cannot see if the wifi connection works the same as a Bluetooth connection, only with greater range. I do not currently have a sim card in the watch, and even if I decide to get one later, I dont really want it used if im only a few feet away from the edge of bluetooth range lol. I have read a lot about turning wifi off because it can interfere with remote (3g) connection but that isn't my issue (no sim card to interfere with). I just want to see if the wifi connection will work the same as bluetooth, only with greater range (same building, same network, just further away from my desk). Thanks.
Otherwise, LOVING the phone! Cant wait to try it out when Im back to work in January!
k.babymamma said:
Here is why I bought my watch (primarily):
I'd like to be able to leave my Note 4 on my desk while I am working elsewhere in the building.....and I often find myself out of bluetooth range. I have searched around a lot and I cannot see if the wifi connection works the same as a Bluetooth connection, only with greater range. I do not currently have a sim card in the watch, and even if I decide to get one later, I dont really want it used if im only a few feet away from the edge of bluetooth range lol. I have read a lot about turning wifi off because it can interfere with remote (3g) connection but that isn't my issue (no sim card to interfere with). I just want to see if the wifi connection will work the same as bluetooth, only with greater range (same building, same network, just further away from my desk). Thanks.
Otherwise, LOVING the phone! Cant wait to try it out when Im back to work in January!
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Go for it wifi and call forwarding work very well. Remote connect. And your good to go January will be here shortly
Awesome thanks. So I'll get the same notifications Ala wifi as I will with BT?
k.babymamma said:
Awesome thanks. So I'll get the same notifications Ala wifi as I will with BT?
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Yes your calls(Call forwarding and messages should work) your app updates will have to wait until your connected to bluetooth again
Thanks again!
Works for me too. I can be across town at the gym and it finds my phone at home as long as the watch is connected to wifi. Or data.
Has anyone heard anything yet regarding the WiFi 6 problems this phone has?
I have to turn WiFi off and on numerous times a day to keep it working, it's insane. I use a TP-Link Archer 11000 and have nothing but problems. Every other device in this house works perfect (3 laptops, doorbell, multiple firesticks, roku, desktop on wifi adapter, iPhone 14 Pro Max, Google Home, hell, even my Note 20 Ultra 5G worked perfectly).
This phone is being crippled. I have already replaced it once, wiped the device, etc etc.
Mine will switch from 6Ghz to 5Ghz (from 6E to 6) throughout the day and I have no idea why, but it never loses connection.
I had to disable AX band on my router to keep a stable connection.
TP-Link Deco XE75 here at home, zero issues. Whatever they are using at work for the recently updated WiFi 6 causes some issues sometimes (says it's connected but there isn't any data) or it'll not stay connected even though I'm literally within feet of an AP.
I have problems too. Apps have sync problems. I get errors in uploads for Dropsync all the time.
However other devices work fine on the same network. And the S23Ultra doesn't have these problems when on mobile network.
I can't figure out the reason.
I have an unlocked S23 Ultra on the T-Mobile network with an ASUS WiFi 6 Router (RT-AX3000) and have never had an issue with the connection.
It's a known issue. Deal with it.
Brava27 said:
It's a known issue. Deal with it.
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I have had WiFi 6/6e in my place for a couple years now and have never had any issues with connectivity.
My first WIFi 6 setup used the Linksys Velop routers: https://www.linksys.com/mx10600---tri-band-ax5300-mesh-wifi-6-system-2-pack/MX10600.html
Never had any connectivity/speed issues using 2 nodes meshed.
I am currently running the Google Nest Pro's (WiFi 6/6e): https://store.google.com/product/nest_wifi_pro?hl=en-US
Also no connectivity issues at all, also using 2 nodes meshed.
Talderon said:
I have had WiFi 6/6e in my place for a couple years now and have never had any issues with connectivity.
My first WIFi 6 setup used the Linksys Velop routers: https://www.linksys.com/mx10600---tri-band-ax5300-mesh-wifi-6-system-2-pack/MX10600.html
Never had any connectivity/speed issues using 2 nodes meshed.
I am currently running the Google Nest Pro's (WiFi 6/6e): https://store.google.com/product/nest_wifi_pro?hl=en-US
Also no connectivity issues at all, also using 2 nodes meshed.
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Wi-Fi 6 connectivity issues are hounding Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra owners
Some Galaxy S23 Ultra units are apparently having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi 6 networks
Galaxy S23 Wi-Fi connection issue has an easy temporary fix, here’s how it works
The Galaxy S23 series is, as a whole, pretty great. All three models serve their purpose very well, with performance ...
Many Galaxy S23 Ultra units have a WiFi problem and potential fix might be too late
Samsung is aware of the Galaxy S23 Ultra WiFi bug and is working to improve the situation.
Some early Galaxy S23 buyers are having Wi-Fi woes
Some early Galaxy S23 buyers are seeing issues with Wi-Fi connections, leaving the phone without internet on certain networks.
Brava27 said:
Wi-Fi 6 connectivity issues are hounding Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra owners
Some Galaxy S23 Ultra units are apparently having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi 6 networks
Galaxy S23 Wi-Fi connection issue has an easy temporary fix, here’s how it works
The Galaxy S23 series is, as a whole, pretty great. All three models serve their purpose very well, with performance ...
Many Galaxy S23 Ultra units have a WiFi problem and potential fix might be too late
Samsung is aware of the Galaxy S23 Ultra WiFi bug and is working to improve the situation.
Some early Galaxy S23 buyers are having Wi-Fi woes
Some early Galaxy S23 buyers are seeing issues with Wi-Fi connections, leaving the phone without internet on certain networks.
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Interesting. I know 5 people here in town that have S23U's without issues. Is there a common link? I'll read more of the articles after my next meeting.
Talderon said:
Interesting. I know 5 people here in town that have S23U's without issues. Is there a common link? I'll read more of the articles after my next meeting.
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Just some wifi6 routers
ok, read a bit more, about to head into meeting.
It seems I have a different issue all together. I have absolutely NO issues with internet connectivity when on WiFi. Home or otherwise. My issue is, with my new Nest Pro's, I barely ever see WiFi 6e, not that it's making a huge difference as it is anyway.
Hrm, will keep an eye on this then.
TheGerbenator said:
Has anyone heard anything yet regarding the WiFi 6 problems this phone has?
I have to turn WiFi off and on numerous times a day to keep it working, it's insane. I use a TP-Link Archer 11000 and have nothing but problems. Every other device in this house works perfect (3 laptops, doorbell, multiple firesticks, roku, desktop on wifi adapter, iPhone 14 Pro Max, Google Home, hell, even my Note 20 Ultra 5G worked perfectly).
This phone is being crippled. I have already replaced it once, wiped the device, etc etc.
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make sure your wifi router support wifi 6 support in 2.4 and 5ghz then check in your phone again
Talderon said:
ok, read a bit more, about to head into meeting.
It seems I have a different issue all together. I have absolutely NO issues with internet connectivity when on WiFi. Home or otherwise. My issue is, with my new Nest Pro's, I barely ever see WiFi 6e, not that it's making a huge difference as it is anyway.
Hrm, will keep an eye on this then.
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Yes this is a different issues, I have the same issue as you. My S23U loses WiFi connection all through out the day, no other device in my house has this issue. I have the Netgear Nighthawk Mesh system. I am so tired of it because I have zero Data service at my house so wifi is my only option so when it does this and I am not aware I can't get text or calls.