need help with cd to sdcard - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

I cannot CD into any folder on my sdcard. I have tried CD /sdcard/nameoffolder and CD /mnt/sdcard/nameoffolder but nothing works. It always says "can't CD to sdcard/maneoffolder" I have Googled and a lot of other people have had this problem but I haven't found a solution. Could it be my sdcard? Could it be something wrong with root? I have reinstalled my rom twice. This didn't happen when I was rooted on the stock rom. I have also formatted my card.

porkenhimer said:
I cannot CD into any folder on my sdcard. I have tried CD /sdcard/nameoffolder and CD /mnt/sdcard/nameoffolder but nothing works. It always says "can't CD to sdcard/maneoffolder" I have Googled and a lot of other people have had this problem but I haven't found a solution. Could it be my sdcard? Could it be something wrong with root? I have reinstalled my rom twice. This didn't happen when I was rooted on the stock rom. I have also formatted my card.
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Okay I have somewhat solved my problem but have another related problem. I was finally able to cd into folders in the sdcard but I can only cd into folders that are made with ROOT BROWSER inside Rom Toolbox. I cannot cd into folders made with a non root file explorers or copied from my PC. I guess my question has changed, is there a reason why I cannot cd into folders that are not made with a root file explorer?


Root: Replacing system sound files

Ok so I have rooted my Hero and all is well. I've been trying to replace the sound files in system/media/audio/ui where the keyboard sounds are. I find that I cannot move a file into that folder, or apparently any of those folders. When I try to paste a copied or cut file using root explorer into the ui folder, the file just doesn't appear.
Why is this?
Switchbitch said:
Ok so I have rooted my Hero and all is well. I've been trying to replace the sound files in system/media/audio/ui where the keyboard sounds are. I find that I cannot move a file into that folder, or apparently any of those folders. When I try to paste a copied or cut file using root explorer into the ui folder, the file just doesn't appear.
Why is this?
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have you tried with and without file extention?
Yes. Root explorer just won't let me move any files around in the phone memory. Do I have to do it using adb?
I have a feeling its Root Explorer not working properly in Hero.
I could do this easily on my magic, but I get the same thing - looks like its copied the file, but when I paste, nothing happens at all.
I did manage to delete the Stocks app. from the device (don't use it or need it) using root explorer but other attempts to copy and pasdte have failed.
I have however managed to successfully use Astro File Manager to copy a wallpaper file from the device memory and paste to the SDcard. Will explore Astro a little further and see if it can do more on the device.
Phew, not just me being thick then....
I spent most of today trying to backup an .apk from /data/app-private to /sdcard. No luck with Root Explorer, adb pull or a 'cp' from the shell. "Remote file does not exist" was the result of the last two, but it's displayed by ls.
I think anything in app-private is a no go anyway as it contains copy protected apps. With regard to astro - it can copy from device in certain locations, and paste to sd to back up, but it can't delete from the device, and it can't copy or move files to the device.
Daisy xx
Dayzee said:
I think anything in app-private is a no go anyway as it contains copy protected apps.
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Hmm, thanks Daisy. Will get on to the app's developer, as it was his advice to gain the ability to change location settings that I tried to follow.
Shluggity said:
Phew, not just me being thick then....
I spent most of today trying to backup an .apk from /data/app-private to /sdcard. No luck with Root Explorer, adb pull or a 'cp' from the shell. "Remote file does not exist" was the result of the last two, but it's displayed by ls.
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adb shell
cat /data/app-private/ > /sdcard/
adb pull /sdcard/ worked for me on a stock, rooted HTC Hero.
Switchbitch said:
Ok so I have rooted my Hero and all is well. I've been trying to replace the sound files in system/media/audio/ui where the keyboard sounds are. I find that I cannot move a file into that folder, or apparently any of those folders. When I try to paste a copied or cut file using root explorer into the ui folder, the file just doesn't appear.
Why is this?
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Unless you made other changes than rooting, the /system partition is mounted read-only by default. As far as I know, you'll have to follow one of the root guides to mount it read-write (like you probably did to get /system/bin/su in place) and then do whatever changes you'd like.
Personally, I got tired of the boot audio real fast, so I changed useAudio in /system/media/boot_animation.xml from "1" to "0". Ahh, blessed boot silence...
nrkabul said:
adb shell
cat /data/app-private/ > /sdcard/
adb pull /sdcard/ worked for me on a stock, rooted HTC Hero.
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And work it did for me also! Many thanks for your help - I really appreciate it.

[Q] Adb pull failing on a file

I am trying to backup my phone with "adb pull /mnt/sdcard/ SDCARD20121115" but i keep having it fail in the middle of the backup with
cannot create 'SDCARD20121115\Folder\Folder2\Folder3\File.ext'
: No such file or directory
Still having issues with this and not sure how to backup my entire SD card...
Ok so i think i found the two different solutions to my problem.
First what actually was causing the problem was a folder with a $ sign in it. Using the command it looked like it failed on the file right before that folder so it didnt jump out right away.
Second i used a program called android commander that gives a gui. while this wasnt an actually solution i was able to select all but the folder tree structure that was failing instead of doing hundreds of directories by hand.
If anyone has any questions let me know.
Looks like i had another failure on a folder. The folder had a trailing space "/storage/sdcard0/folder /file.ext"
Possible the $ sign works but to lazy to test.

[Q] Remove annoying CDROM mounts?

I tried to search but didn't see anything here. I remember having this issue on another phone but forgot how to fix (not an issue with my Nexus or S3). So anyone figured out how to stop the annoying images from mounting everytime I plug in USB?
I believe you need to remove the CD.iso file.
Once I get my DNA I'll make a bloat free ROM with that and vol wake fixed.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
they are in the \etc folder labled cdrom.iso and PCTool.iso
crackeyes said:
they are in the \etc folder labled cdrom.iso and PCTool.iso
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Yup, delete those and no more annoying pop-ups.
Sorry to hijack a topic, but I didn't want to create another forum for the same question.
But, how can this be made possible? Do we have to wait for S-Off? (Still kind of new to this whole thing)
I have tried deleting the .ISO files through Root Explorer, no avail.
I tried to use Rexdog's De-Bloating Mod modified slightly to indicate a deletion of the two .ISO files. (I left everything the same except for the "/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script" File.)
I modified that single file to say this,
ui_print("Removing Bloatware");
run_program("/sbin/mount", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p32", "/etc");
package_extract_dir("etc", "/etc");
show_progress(1, 15);
delete("/etc/CDROM.ISO", "/etc/PCTOOL.ISO");
ui_print("Unmounting Filesystems . . .");
I was going off on a whim by editing the single file and hoping that it would work, but it doesn't appear to have worked. Is there something I was missing, or something else?
BigRed35m said:
Sorry to hijack a topic, but I didn't want to create another forum for the same question.
But, how can this be made possible? Do we have to wait for S-Off? (Still kind of new to this whole thing)
I have tried deleting the .ISO files through Root Explorer, no avail.
I tried to use Rexdog's De-Bloating Mod modified slightly to indicate a deletion of the two .ISO files. (I left everything the same except for the "/META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script" File.)
I modified that single file to say this,
ui_print("Removing Bloatware");
run_program("/sbin/mount", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p32", "/etc");
package_extract_dir("etc", "/etc");
show_progress(1, 15);
delete("/etc/CDROM.ISO", "/etc/PCTOOL.ISO");
ui_print("Unmounting Filesystems . . .");
I was going off on a whim by editing the single file and hoping that it would work, but it doesn't appear to have worked. Is there something I was missing, or something else?
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try to make the .iso in lowercase. That is the way it showed up on mine,
BigRed35m said:
I have tried deleting the .ISO files through Root Explorer, no avail.
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I just deleted those 2 files through root explorer, and plugged in usb to pc. no more pop-ups.
jasonpascoe said:
I just deleted those 2 files through root explorer, and plugged in usb to pc. no more pop-ups.
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That's only going to work until you reboot. /system is write protected. You have to go onto recovery mount /sys as writeable and use adb to delete the 2 files.
str8upx said:
That's only going to work until you reboot. /system is write protected. You have to go onto recovery mount /sys as writeable and use adb to delete the 2 files.
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You are indeed knowledgable. You don't happen to know a place where i can fnd instruction on how to do that, would you? (for a noob?)
BigRed35m said:
You are indeed knowledgable. You don't happen to know a place where i can fnd instruction on how to do that, would you? (for a noob?)
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Make sure you install the htc drivers (htc sync is not required) which is the first option when you plug in your phone to the pc.
Assuming you have usb debugging enabled and downloaded the android sdk and extracted the zip.
Navigate to the platform-tools folder inside /adt-bundle-windows-x86_64/sdk/platform-tools/
In an empty space inside that folder hold down shift and right click, then select open command window here.
Now in the command window type:
adb devices (your devices serial # should be displayed)
adb reboot recovery
On the phone select: mounts and storage, then: mount /system
Now in the command window type each of the following:
adb pull /system/etc/CDROM.ISO
adb pull /system/etc/PCTOOL.ISO
adb remount
adb shell
rm /system/etc/CDROM.ISO
rm /system/etc/PCTOOL.ISO
adb reboot
You have now made copies of both of these files on to your pc and removed them from your phone.
To restore these files open a command window and mount /sys in recovery as shown above then:
adb push CDROM.ISO /system/etc
adb push PCTOOL.ISO /system/etc

[Q] Can't delete CWM Nandroid backups

Hi guys, having an odd problem.
I've made some nandroid backups (about three) via CWM Recovery, and I can't seem to browse to them, or delete them.
It's definitely taking up space, and I'm not sure what to do now.
A backup that I made straight to my external SD card however, seems to be browse-able, so I'm a bit confused now.
Attached are some screenshots from ES File Browser (with root access turned on).
The last screenshot is going to /storage/sdcard0/clockworkmod/ (same directory, but now I can't seem to see anything about "backups").
I've also tried to delete these backups straight from CWM Recovery, but CWM says that it can't access the folder.
Oddly enough, if I do another backup (straight to internal), it seems to put all the files in /sdcard/Clockworkmod/backups but never to be accessed again.
Anyone have any ideas?
Delete via Windows Explorer .
JJEgan said:
Delete via Windows Explorer .
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Thanks for the suggestion, but nope, that didn't work. (Obviously tried that first).
The folder was shown as empty via Windows.
After a lot of digging and trying different things (including Root Explorer and Terminal Emulator), I've managed to delete it.
I'll post the instructions so other people who may have similar problems in the future can follow it.
First, you'll need ADB and you'll need to reboot into CWM Recovery.
Once you've gotten that sorted, boot into CWM Recovery and go to "mount and storage" and then select "mount /data".
This will mount the /data structure which we need to use.
Afterwards in CMD, use the following:
adb root
adb shell
After this, you should be logged in as ~ (root)
Proceed to go into the directory using the cd function. (PROTIP: Use the ls function to check where you're going.)
You need to get to ../clockworkmod/backup/
You'll find that you can finally access the /backup/ folder, and you'll then be able to delete the files. Please note that the below command will delete ALL the files within this folder.
rm -rf *
Afterwards, do
cd ..
to get back to the ../clockworkmod/ folder and then run the below code to delete the now empty /backup/ folder:
rmdir backup
no, to be logged in as root you need to type in "su"

[Q] help with factory mode

im very new in the forum thats my first post
i tried to install an app that required a rebbot in my gt-i9300, i rebooted and i got an pop-up window said that factory mode has crashed.
i searched for days in the internet and i found this thread:
i did all but my galaxy says that its unable to chmod /efs/FactoryApp/factorymode: no such file or directory
then i realised that i have no efs directory and that i can download one from here
so' my question is,
if i will flash it with odin, will the error will dissapear?
and if the answer is yes,
i understand that some people flash it because they have no imei and the phone dont recognize their sim card.
and my fear it can happen to me if ill flash it
some help please?
What app did you try installing?
slaphead20 said:
What app did you try installing?
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the swapsd app.
but theres no matter what app i installed
i just want to know if i can install the efs directory without problems
so please help me everyone!
You have a backed up EFS on your phone ???
JJEgan said:
You have a backed up EFS on your phone ???
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yes i have a backup named efs.tar in my root directory
can i restore the folder from it?
arimal199 said:
yes i have a backup named efs.tar in my root directory
can i restore the folder from it?
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Well, obviously you can. That's what an efs backup is for
Copy the tar file to your PC and download the Android SDK.
Once the Android SDK is installed, open up a command prompt.
Once you're in the command prompt, CD to the directory where the ADB executables and libraries are.
Usually it's here:
cd C:\android-sdk\platform-tools\
Once you're in the directory where the files are, unpack the TAR file and type the following code:
adb start-server
adb push <path-to-your-unpacked-TARfile> /efs/
adb kill-server
If you need further assistance, feel free to PM or email me
Hope I could help!
familyguy59 said:
Well, obviously you can. That's what an efs backup is for
Copy the tar file to your PC and download the Android SDK.
Once the Android SDK is installed, open up a command prompt.
Once you're in the command prompt, CD to the directory where the ADB executables and libraries are.
Usually it's here:
cd C:\android-sdk\platform-tools\
Once you're in the directory where the files are, unpack the TAR file and type the following code:
adb start-server
adb push <path-to-your-unpacked-TARfile> /efs/
adb kill-server
If you need further assistance, feel free to PM or email me
Hope I could help!
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thanks man ill try it
arimal199 said:
thanks man ill try it
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oh i forgot
my pc doesnt recognize my galaxy
maybe i can go to someone that already has a adb and see if he can fix it
but really thanks
I believe you'll also need to change files owners and access rights for it to work.
Edit : if you don't have any efs folder, I think your efs partition might not be mounted. Type "mount" in a terminal emulator and check if a line refers to /efs (that should be block 3)
arimal199 said:
oh i forgot
my pc doesnt recognize my galaxy
maybe i can go to someone that already has a adb and see if he can fix it
but really thanks
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Check out the links in my description. (Win8 help - ADB etc. etc. ...) that works with Windows Vista, 7 and 8. If you need the ADB binaries, in that same thread, you can donate a bit of money to me and I'll license you a program (Always with updated binaries) that installs ADB and fastboot to your system's root. With the click of a button
Edit: You can also download my universal Android tool kit and with the next update, all the Samsung Galaxy S III variants will be supported and you can easily backup/restore your /efs partition from there (With the Pro version, that is)
spocky12 said:
I believe you'll also need to change files owners and access rights for it to work.
Edit : if you don't have any efs folder, I think your efs partition might not be mounted. Type "mount" in a terminal emulator and check if a line refers to /efs (that should be block 3)
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i looked in mounts and storage in cwm and saw that efs is not mounted.
can i mount it and it will work?
arimal199 said:
i looked in mounts and storage in cwm and saw that efs is not mounted.
can i mount it and it will work?
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no i understood' i wasnt at factory mode at all!
all the time i had imei and call function , the only problem was that factory test has stopped.
so, i downloaded titanum backup pro and turned factory test app off.
now my galaxy went back to normal all works as well!
thanks for trying to help guys!

