pbm with backup (rom stock) - Galaxy Ace S5830 General

I come to you because I have rooted the original ROM and installed a recovery cwm.
I made a backup of my original rom before installing CM7.
I have important business data on my backup of the original rom, I wanted to do a restore, but the phone gets stuck on the "galaxy ace".
Could someone help me?
thank you

zulfurion said:
I come to you because I have rooted the original ROM and installed a recovery cwm.
I made a backup of my original rom before installing CM7.
I have important business data on my backup of the original rom, I wanted to do a restore, but the phone gets stuck on the "galaxy ace".
Could someone help me?
thank you
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try pressing the home button and the on off button at the same time when rebooting your ace...see if that help...after that go to the restore tab and click your restore file...hope that help...is yes click thx...^^

zulfurion said:
I come to you because I have rooted the original ROM and installed a recovery cwm.
I made a backup of my original rom before installing CM7.
I have important business data on my backup of the original rom, I wanted to do a restore, but the phone gets stuck on the "galaxy ace".
Could someone help me?
thank you
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Well ur phones format is "ext4 " now (with cm7) and stock rom is "rfs" ...there's only one to restore your backup : WITH ODIN! !!!"

Dragonoid said:
Well ur phones format is "ext4 " now (with cm7) and stock rom is "rfs" ...there's only one to restore your backup : WITH ODIN! !!!"
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Can I restore a nandroid backup with ODIN ?

zulfurion said:
Can I restore a nandroid backup with ODIN ?
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I think so ... wait wait there's another thing u could do
In recovery mode ..go to backup/restore ---advanced restore ..and try to restore "android/ data " or whatever data files present ONLY ..see if this helps otherwise Odin is ur biatch
EDIT: I went in my recovery mode to see the options well u click on advanced restore and then " restore data" ... cheers

Your solution
I know one another method.
U should reinstall another rom wich cointais the APK ext4 in order to transform ur filesystem from etx4 to rfs.
Let it work, it will take several minutes, and then, ur system will be again rfs.
U should then go to recovery, and restore without any previous wipes your stock nandroid backup.
When the restoring has ended, reboot normally ur phone and u will have ur stcok rom as like as u did ur backup.
(i 've used it several times, last time yerterday night, i have proved it on Ks5 ks9)

takitoblop said:
I know one another method.
U should reinstall another rom wich cointais the APK ext4 in order to transform ur filesystem from etx4 to rfs.
Let it work, it will take several minutes, and then, ur system will be again rfs.
U should then go to recovery, and restore without any previous wipes your stock nandroid backup.
When the restoring has ended, reboot normally ur phone and u will have ur stcok rom as like as u did ur backup.
(i 've used it several times, last time yerterday night, i have proved it on Ks5 ks9)
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have you got an example of this ROM with the apk ext 4 please ?

Custom rom?
SgS2 V7 got it.
Stock lite V6 got it.
Last time i did it with SGS2 V7.
I flashed the rom, i opened the EXT4 apk, and hitted the button convert to rfs.
Wait, reboot, and go to CWM5 and restore ur Backup.

takitoblop said:
Custom rom?
SgS2 V7 got it.
Stock lite V6 got it.
Last time i did it with SGS2 V7.
I flashed the rom, i opened the EXT4 apk, and hitted the button convert to rfs.
Wait, reboot, and go to CWM5 and restore ur Backup.
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Thank you very much, it works

zulfurion said:
Thank you very much, it works
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Could you please elobrate it more as i also wanted to convert EXT4 to RFS in order to reinstall my back up


Did I brick my phone?

I've looked through the forum and found too many answers.
Here is what happened.
I didn't like the ROM I just installed so I went to Restore old.
In clockwork, I hit restore (after backup yesterday). That finished and I rebooted.
My phone went to the opening screen. Which says Vibrant. And Samsung. It won't go passed that.
Do your custom room include the custom kernel? , if the answer was 'yes' so u cant use ur nandroid backup to restore ur previos rom, you have to flash again with odin or some thing
+ it just soft brick but u have to flash stock rom again
If u thing it help u so press it
NoeRie said:
Do your custom room include the custom kernel? , if the answer was 'yes' so u cant use ur nandroid backup to restore ur previos rom, you have to flash again with odin or some thing
+ it just soft brick but u have to flash stock rom again
If u thing it help u so press it
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The ROM that I flashed last night was RemICS. I forget what the original ROM was.
I will try ODIN
agreed with NoeRie. But still you can odin to stock . and later if u remember the ROM that nandroid backup was taken you can flash the ROM and then restore ONLY data.. [there is an option under advanced as i remember]
haarsh said:
agreed with NoeRie. But still you can odin to stock . and later if u remember the ROM that nandroid backup was taken you can flash the ROM and then restore ONLY data.. [there is an option under advanced as i remember]
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Thanks for the help.
Odin worked.
Now I need to pick a ROM.
For usualy use just pick a rom that with stock kernel , but if u do know the risk using custom kernel rom than , try it ,..
+the rom that use custom kernel will be more power full but if u want to back with ur nandroid backup you have to go with odin again , chose the best bro and read all thread before use some rom, usualy they have some bug to deal with . . Sory bad english
NoeRie said:
Do your custom room include the custom kernel? , if the answer was 'yes' so u cant use ur nandroid backup to restore ur previos rom, you have to flash again with odin or some thing
+ it just soft brick but u have to flash stock rom again
If u thing it help u so press it
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The ROM that I flashed last night was RemICS. I forget what the original ROM was.
I will try ODIN
PuritanHope said:
The ROM that I flashed last night was RemICS. I forget what the original ROM was.
I will try ODIN
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I dont know what that rom is im using galaxy y . All i wona say is pick wisely . Read before u use it

Restore nandroid backup?

My current CWM is giving me errors mounting /system and /data, and I can't restore my nandroid backup.
Anyway to do it using another CWM (link, please), or any way at all? So far, everything I've read says another CWM version won't work (well, that and there aren't many choices on our device).
EDIT: Fixed it by doing a clean install and using Titanium Backup to restore from my nandroid backup.
GermainZ said:
My current CWM is giving me errors mounting /system and /data, and I can't restore my nandroid backup.
Anyway to do it using another CWM (link, please), or any way at all? So far, everything I've read says another CWM version won't work (well, that and there aren't many choices on our device).
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Your /system, /data and /cache are in rfs or ext4?
I just used ODIN to go back to the stock ROM, so that might have changed something.
/dev/stl9 [b][u]/system rfs[/b][/u] ro,relatime,vfat,log_off,check=no,gid/uid/rwx,iocharset=cp437 0 0
/dev/stl11 [b][u]/data rfs[/b][/u] rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,vfat,llw,check=no,gid/uid/rwx,iocharset=cp437 0 0
Cache seems nonexistent.
EDIT: Just so I'm not misunderstood. I still want to restore my nandroid backup. I only flashed stock from ODIN so I could use my phone.
GermainZ said:
I just used ODIN to go back to the stock ROM, so that might have changed something.
/dev/stl9 [b][u]/system rfs[/b][/u] ro,relatime,vfat,log_off,check=no,gid/uid/rwx,iocharset=cp437 0 0
/dev/stl11 [b][u]/data rfs[/b][/u] rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,vfat,llw,check=no,gid/uid/rwx,iocharset=cp437 0 0
Cache seems nonexistent.
EDIT: Just so I'm not misunderstood. I still want to restore my nandroid backup. I only flashed stock from ODIN so I could use my phone.
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Hmm . . . but when you create a backup which recovery you used? RZR, CWM or CWM temp?
Alucard1989pl said:
Hmm . . . but when you create a backup which recovery you used? RZR, CWM or CWM temp?
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I feel kind of stupid not looking at the nandroid backup now that I just did.
When I did the backup, my system/cache/data were in ext4 format.
Also, I did it using rafael's permanent CWM, so I think that would be
Fixed the issue by flashing Rafael's latest kernel (E3 version) then using temp CWM to restore.
Didn't really fix anything as I think I soft bricked my phone again.
EDIT: Fixed it by doing a clean install and using Titanium Backup to restore from my nandroid backup.
U can use cwm 5.0.4 that type of version which is still there in android development section.that is good.
Sent from my Galaxy Ace i using xda premium
GermainZ said:
Fixed the issue by flashing Rafael's latest kernel (E3 version) then using temp CWM to restore.
Didn't really fix anything as I think I soft bricked my phone again.
EDIT: Fixed it by doing a clean install and using Titanium Backup to restore from my nandroid backup.
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That's a boot partition error
Flash firmware through Odin and don't forget to tick re-partition
Sometimes just flashing Boot loader file fixes everything
Didn't saw you fixed it
GermainZ said:
My current CWM is giving me errors mounting /system and /data, and I can't restore my nandroid backup.
Anyway to do it using another CWM (link, please), or any way at all? So far, everything I've read says another CWM version won't work (well, that and there aren't many choices on our device).
EDIT: Fixed it by doing a clean install and using Titanium Backup to restore from my nandroid backup.
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I had the same problem...when i flashed the latest kernel with permanent CWM. I did the same. Did a clean install then flashed the e3 kernel. I guess clean install requires a new stock kernel to be flashed over it...to solve the issue
Sent from something which calls itself an Ace with an I.
Problems restoring a nandroid backup
I hope it's ok to post my troubles just right here. Sorry for any inconvenience.
my phone is a XT910 with Android 2.3.6 my phone is rooted and I needed to go back to factory settings.
I have never experimented with any other roms. the stock rom (factory settings) work ok.
Now I try to restore a backup I made with "online-nandroid". Rom manager says CWM 3+ is used for my phone.
When I try to get int recovery mode, the screen stops with a driangle with an exclamation mark in it.
the only way to move on is to press vol up and vol down. That's how I get to a menu.
unfortunately I can't choose one of the two options:
- Android system recovery <3e>
- Android system recovery utility
a yellow
as well.
I stuck - please help.
da.cappo said:
I hope it's ok to post my troubles just right here. Sorry for any inconvenience.
my phone is a XT910 with Android 2.3.6 my phone is rooted and I needed to go back to factory settings.
I have never experimented with any other roms. the stock rom (factory settings) work ok.
Now I try to restore a backup I made with "online-nandroid". Rom manager says CWM 3+ is used for my phone.
When I try to get int recovery mode, the screen stops with a driangle with an exclamation mark in it.
the only way to move on is to press vol up and vol down. That's how I get to a menu.
unfortunately I can't choose one of the two options:
- Android system recovery <3e>
- Android system recovery utility
a yellow
as well.
I stuck - please help.
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Wrong section
If you are mounting error, is a corrupted partition.
Flash a ROM with Bootloader File (BOOT_... or DefaultCalBootWithData), select pit and repartition

Special Problem with restoring cwm backup

Hi guys. I wanted to go back from cm10.1 to stock 4.1.2 and did a nandroid backup with cwm touch and saved my data also with titanium backup.
After flashing stock JB I couldnt find the titanium backups anymore which I realized are stored on internal card so after wiping everything my data is gone. Ja I know my fault. But then I thought I can just restore the nandroid backup I just made to have everything how it was before, but after doing it my screen stopped at the samsung galaxy s3 screen and didnt boot anymore.
Of course I made the backup with and restored it with th same version, but I dont get why its not booting correctly :S
After that I thought I just root the stock phone and flash cm10.1 and try to restore again but it also didnt help.
thax in advance
galaxy s3 gt I9300
clown85 said:
Hi guys. I wanted to go back from cm10.1 to stock 4.1.2 and did a nandroid backup with cwm touch and saved my data also with titanium backup.
After flashing stock JB I couldnt find the titanium backups anymore which I realized are stored on internal card so after wiping everything my data is gone. Ja I know my fault. But then I thought I can just restore the nandroid backup I just made to have everything how it was before, but after doing it my screen stopped at the samsung galaxy s3 screen and didnt boot anymore.
Of course I made the backup with and restored it with th same version, but I dont get why its not booting correctly :S
After that I thought I just root the stock phone and flash cm10.1 and try to restore again but it also didnt help.
thax in advance
galaxy s3 gt I9300
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try philz recovery.
sriram231092 said:
try philz recovery.
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It says in all the steps E:failed archive external sd
is it a problem to rstore from external sd card? so shall I just try to put it on internal?
Worth trying if you have no backup of it .
Just to make it sure. I root my s3 installing stock jb, then I flash cwm with odin and install su.zip from sd card. always get root access. is it a problem for cwm to flash it first before having root access to the phone???
clown85 said:
Just to make it sure. I root my s3 installing stock jb, then I flash cwm with odin and install su.zip from sd card. always get root access. is it a problem for cwm to flash it first before having root access to the phone???
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CWM doesn't work without root access. Have you tried to install a complete new stock ROM from Sammobile.com? Even though this doesn't recover your data, your phone might work again.
Endiej said:
CWM doesn't work without root access. Have you tried to install a complete new stock ROM from Sammobile.com? Even though this doesn't recover your data, your phone might work again.
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My phone works just fine. The problem is to flash the cm10.1 nandroid backup successful to get my internal sd memory back.
btw I tried to copy the backup to internal sd but then it says md5 sum mismatch god damn it..... I just wanna have my internal sd card files back. grrrrrrrr
If you have Phil's recovery use the aroma file manager to find and move the back up so it can be seen as I'm guessing you are suffering the sd/0/0 etc problem
slaphead20 said:
If you have Phil's recovery use the aroma file manager to find and move the back up so it can be seen as I'm guessing you are suffering the sd/0/0 etc problem
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I guess Im just ****ed... I tried moving it with aroma and then it says error again. its just possible for me to restore the nandroid with cwm which I originally had and just from external sd and even then the logfile says everything is fine just restoring system is an error. that sucks cuz I cant boot the phone then to get access to my internal space via usb
or is there another possibility to restore internal card to get access????
Have you changed recovery versions between creating the backup and trying to restore it?
slaphead20 said:
Have you changed recovery versions between creating the backup and trying to restore it?
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of course not.
its just weird that I can restore everything exept for this cm10.1 backup. I made already a stock jb backup and I could easily restore this one :S but it doesnt help me anymore.....
Endiej said:
CWM doesn't work without root access
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Yes it does. Recovery and root are completely unrelated. Read the root guides.
Step 1 - flash recovery via odin
Step 2 - flash su zip via recovery
CWM can flash zips, backup and restore without root access to android. Root access is within android only
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
rootSU said:
Yes it does. Recovery and root are completely unrelated. Read the root guides.
Step 1 - flash recovery via odin
Step 2 - flash su zip via recovery
CWM can flash zips, backup and restore without root access to android. Root access is within android only
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Okay thats what I was thinking before hand... I got another idea. can I flash a working ROM like 10.1 and then go to cwm advanced recovery and restore data instead of the whole nandoid system???
clown85 said:
Okay thats what I was thinking before hand... I got another idea. can I flash a working ROM like 10.1 and then go to cwm advanced recovery and restore data instead of the whole nandoid system???
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You can try.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I have the feeling that my cwm version creates corrupt backups al the time. I just set my phone up with cm10.1 and immediately did a backup on it. I tried to restore it and while restoring it says
Erasing boot before restore...
restoring boot image...
restoring system...
restoring data...
.android_secure.img not found skipping restore of /sdcard..............
restore complete funny funny
please tell me that there is a way to rescue this
clown85 said:
I have the feeling that my cwm version creates corrupt backups al the time. I just set my phone up with cm10.1 and immediately did a backup on it. I tried to restore it and while restoring it says
Erasing boot before restore...
restoring boot image...
restoring system...
restoring data...
.android_secure.img not found skipping restore of /sdcard..............
restore complete funny funny
please tell me that there is a way to rescue this
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What's up? Does it not boot? Everything you posted above looks normal so can't advise.
I would recommend updating to latest anyway as hasnt got SDS fix.
rootSU said:
What's up? Does it not boot? Everything you posted above looks normal so can't advise.
I would recommend updating to latest anyway as hasnt got SDS fix.
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No it doesnt boot if I try ro restore the backup I end up seeing Samsung Galaxy S3 screen and thats it....
I just updated to cwm and made a backup and it also showed the above problem but this one restores and boots correctly :S
Another idea is. When I made the first backup with I was also running on yank555 1.6c kernel. Is that important to set up the restore with a running system and this exact kernel? Please tell me what to do if so.
clown85 said:
I just updated to cwm and made a backup and it also showed the above problem but this one restores and boots correctly :S
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What is "The above problem"? If it restores and boots, its fine.
clown85 said:
Another idea is. When I made the first backup with I was also running on yank555 1.6c kernel. Is that important to set up the restore with a running system and this exact kernel? Please tell me what to do if so.
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Nandroid backup takes
boot.img (kernel)
system.img (ROM)
userdata.img (Your stuff)
Its okay. Somehow I got the data restored with advanced restoring which didnt work with but with 3.2.
close here.
thanx for your help

[Q] How can I backup/restore ENTIRE phone?

I'd like to give MIUI a try, but, of course, I'd also like to switch back to my stock ROM if things go wrong or if I don't like MIUI.
How can I backup my entire phone (rooting, Recovery Mode capability and other on-power key-combination-activated features etc etc) and 100% failsafe restore it at any time?
Thanks in advance.
Rooted stock = do a nandroid (CWM) backup which is essentially an 'image' of the phone at the time you make the backup. Try MIUI; don't like it ? Restore the nandroid you took of your rooted stock setup. Sorted (You will need to ensure you backup the contents of your external SD card separately if you have one).
Be careful you don't 'overthink' this, it's really very simple both ways (backup/restore).
My Recovery Mode doesn't have a backup option
MistahBungle said:
Rooted stock = do a nandroid (CWM) backup which is essentially an 'image' of the phone at the time you make the backup. Try MIUI; don't like it ? Restore the nandroid you took of your rooted stock setup. Sorted (You will need to ensure you backup the contents of your external SD card separately if you have one).
Be careful you don't 'overthink' this, it's really very simple both ways (backup/restore).
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Thanks for prompt response. I took a look at current Recovery Mode menu and it doesn't include a backup/restore option like in http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/ClockworkMod_Recovery. It shows only the above:
Android system recovery <3e>
Volume up/down to move highlight;
power button to select.
reboot system now
apply update from external storage
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition
apply update from cache
test redbend fota[FS]
-- Appling Multi-CSC...
Applied the CSC-code : ZVV
Successfully applied multi-CSC.
I've already downloaded Recovery from clockworkmod.com but didn't do anything with it yet.
Sorry if it has already been detailed in another thread, but I didn't find it and I don't know how to make such nandroid backup.
I've just downloaded OBackup app from Play store and am doing my backup.
My question is: after I flash MIUI, what are the tools/steps I'll need to restore my backup?
Thank you very much.
That's the stock Android recovery.
What you need to do is not install CWM separately. That will only persist until you reboot & is designed to allow you to flash whatever rom/kernel you want which will have it's own version of CWM baked into the kernel.
That backup program you're using; no idea as I've never used it.
What I recommend you do is find a custom kernel you like (actually, any custom kernel will do given you're going to flash Miui) which will have CWM. Flash that into your stock setup, then make a nandroid (CWM) backup of your stock setup so you can go back to it if you don't like Miui/whatever else you try (If you restored this & wanted to go back completely stock/unrooted/etc, all you'd need to do is flash a stock kernel). This is what you asked for in your OP. I warned you not to start overcomplicating things, and this is exactly what you're doing.
The kernel supplied with Miui should have CWM, so if you find you don't like it, you should be able to simply restore the backup you made of your stock setup in CWRecovery.
I also very strongly recommend you learn 'the basics' as you seem to be lacking in this knowledge. Flashing stuff/etc without knowing these things leads to busted phones. Read the tutorials/guides stickied near the top of the General section; there's a wealth of information in those.
I've a similiar problem with my GT-i9100!
Can I do a restore of my stock ROM (that have android 4.1) if I've install a costum ROM like RootBox that have a different version of android (4.2.2)?
Can my phone brick because there are a differents kernel?
Tnx you all! ^^
Rox666 said:
I've a similiar problem with my GT-i9100!
Can I do a restore of my stock ROM (that have android 4.1) if I've install a costum ROM like RootBox that have a different version of android (4.2.2)?
Can my phone brick because there are a differents kernel?
Tnx you all! ^^
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No it won't brick.
sadekmefti said:
No it won't brick.
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Hi and tnx for reply!
I've try to do a restore of my sock rom from recovery but it's says to me that there is an error on md5 check sum...
I've install the RootBox ROM in my gt-i9100...but I can't come back to sock from recovery because the stock kernel dosen't work with RootBox's Kernel...
so I've to use odin to flash the stock firmware.......at the origin, my idea didn't comprised use odin because of download mode counter (so that why I did a backup!)...but now I don't have any other way...!
...what a sad story.. XD
Rox666 said:
Hi and tnx for reply!
I've try to do a restore of my sock rom from recovery but it's says to me that there is an error on md5 check sum...
I've install the RootBox ROM in my gt-i9100...but I can't come back to sock from recovery because the stock kernel dosen't work with RootBox's Kernel...
so I've to use odin to flash the stock firmware.......at the origin, my idea didn't comprised use odin because of download mode counter (so that why I did a backup!)...but now I don't have any other way...!
...what a sad story.. XD
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You can't restore your backup because of a different MD5 SUM which means that your backup has been corrupted.
Flashing a stock ROM or Kernel via ODIN will not increase your flash counter.
Flash NeatROM Lite, this is the best ROM ever, it like stock with additional things.
Sent from GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4
sadekmefti said:
You can't restore your backmyf a different MD5 SUM which means that your backup has been corrupted.
Flashing a stock ROM or Kernel via ODIN will not increase your flash counter.
Flash NeatROM Lite, this is the best ROM ever, it like stock with additional things.
Sent from GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4
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DIO *******************
I will cry...... :'( so the recovery hadn't save well my backup..I read about similar error and I hoped that was thet...
My last chance is use Odin..
Only a question: can I flash the stock rom from recovery renaming the file .tar.md5 in .zip?
Tnx for you for the counsel! I will try thet rom after solving this problem! For now I have changed rom and I'm using MIUI and it works really well!!
Rox666 said:
DIO *******************
I will cry...... :'( so the recovery hadn't save well my backup..I read about similar error and I hoped that was thet...
My last chance is use Odin..
Only a question: can I flash the stock rom from recovery renaming the file .tar.md5 in .zip?
Tnx for you for the counsel! I will try thet rom after solving this problem! For now I have changed rom and I'm using MIUI and it works really well!!
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You can't flash a stock ROM from recovery by changing .tar.md5 to .zip .
You want to change ROM to Stock, use Mobile Odin to flash a Stock ROM or Flash NeatROM v4.8 Lite.
sadekmefti said:
You can't flash a stock ROM from recovery by changing .tar.md5 to .zip .
You want to change ROM to Stock, use Mobile Odin to flash a Stock ROM or Flash NeatROM v4.8 Lite.
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Tnx you! I understand what I have to do! I'll try your rom today
Tnx again!!!

Mobistel Cynus T1 running Android 4.2.2

i`ve got a serios problem
i usually google my problems and find the \cure/ myself...but this time i cant get any luck
so...i flashed a custom ROM...and at the first boot everything was working preety well..then i saw that the Phone and some other apps were not installed
i remembered then that i havent deleted the cache and dalvick before flashing
so..i deleted them and reflashed ROM...in CWR after i finished flash i hit reboot..my phone didnt turn on
now...it turnes on after a very long press of the power button and the image is like a negative photo...i canot install any app..wi-fi not working
so..i mention that i have a nandroid backup on the device and the debug mode is enable
if someone can help me...that would be awesome `cauz ive runned out of solutions
Is the nandroid restore not working or something?
es0tericcha0s said:
Is the nandroid restore not working or something?
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i dont know for sure...i want to install nandroid manager but i cant install any app..
I guess I am confused on where you are at with this then. Typically when someone says they have a nandroid, they completed a full back up via their custom recovery. First thing to try when this happens is to restore the nandroid backup via the same recovery. Are you not able to boot into CWM anymore as well?
es0tericcha0s said:
I guess I am confused on where you are at with this then. Typically when someone says they have a nandroid, they completed a full back up via their custom recovery. First thing to try when this happens is to restore the nandroid backup via the same recovery. Are you not able to boot into CWM anymore as well?
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exactly cant boot into recovery....i can turn the phone up and the image is like a negative photo...beeing unable to instal any app
optiC.viber said:
exactly cant boot into recovery....i can turn the phone up and the image is like a negative photo...beeing unable to instal any app
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K, well if it does boot up into the OS, then you should be able to use the command: adb reboot recovery - and see if that will kick you back into it to restore.
If that doesn't work, then you'll have to do a full restore probably.
Here's the official software from their site:

