Livewallpaper.apk? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can anyone provide me the .apk for Livewallpaper on ICS? I am running a slimmed down ROM that had that removed, however I would like to utilize that function. Thanks in advance!

Yeah, here you go.
I don't know if this is allowed.. doesn't seem like there should be any problems though. Please remove if this is a problem.

Thanks for the link! I actually found the .apk late last night on another forum.


[Q] [REQ] Flipfont application apk

Can someone upload the Flipfont application apk? Accidentally deleted it and i want to change fonts now.
lol I'm a bit confused myself...but why don't you just pull the settings.apk from a ROM or something...?
You know. It's been a really long time since I was on these forums. I used to come here before for winmo devices (5-6.1). Everyone was very helpful and understanding. What's with the accusatory tone? No intention of "lying" to you, just a misunderstanding on my part. I thought my request for the FlipFont apk was innocent enough, certainly not underhanded.
So I didn't uninstall FlipFont. Turns out the One Click Lag Fix causes custom fonts to not work. But the OCLF app includes a font installer. I thought Flipfont was broken, but it was the OCLF.
Sorry if I came off wrong. I intend to be helpful as much as possible. Don't let a couple users discourage you. ( yes, including myself) We all have our good and bad days¡! IMO as long as you have a legit question, we as a community should think before we post, and do our best to help...Hope you see this.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
OCLF and Fonts
With all that being said... Have we found a way to install custom fonts with the OCLF applied? Mine currently shows 'an error occurred retrieving the option list'
However, on my girlfriend's phone, it shows a couple of the fonts that were installed.
Is there a correct and incorrect way to install fonts for tOCLF to see them?
Hung0702 said:
Can someone upload the Flipfont application apk? Accidentally deleted it and i want to change fonts now.
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Can someone please upload this app or post its location from where it can be pulled off one of your ROMs? Im an Epic user and would like to try and get it working on my phone, TIA!
It doesn't appear to be an app. It is part of the settings.apk. It is built into it. Just go to the dev section and download a rom and pull the settings.apk from it. It probably wont work on your epic.
Pull it/push it and let us know.
Just do a backup first.
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To: Samsung Vibrant > Vibrant Q&A
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Deleted off topic!
Now let's please comment on the subject of the thread! No Hassle!

[Q] Camera App?

I have seen this v8 modded apk a lot, can someone clarify to me what exactly it is? I've been googling and that hasn't much helped. I use Vignette for taking pictures, and I'd like to know if there is something better?
EDIT: I've found the thread that answers my question.

[Q] Spareparts CM6 TW 007

Heey guys,
I need a little help, I know that spareparts is a tweaking app etc... But there is one problem!
I don't know what settings to use on my x10! Can anyone here make me happy and recommend me some settings? I really don't know anything of sparesparts! I never used it, but since it's delivered with TW 007 I would like to try it out!
I found this thread, but it's not very useful. Also don't give me Let Me Google That For You links, because I did search, and because I can't find any settings recommended for our x10 I ask this question.
Bump bump bump!

Call of Duty ELITE (apk) updated 2/11/12

saw it in market and DL'd/installed fine for me on CM7 ba2tf. pretty poor port though.
Oh okay cool. Well damn I don't know why it says incompatible for me on Weekly 4..? I guess If somebody else is having the same prob as me the apk is now easy to find.
Is it full screen for you? Toggling compatability mode in Spare Parts didnt seam to work for me on this app.
WiredPirate said:
Oh okay cool. Well damn I don't know why it says incompatible for me on Weekly 4..? I guess If somebody else is having the same prob as me the apk is now easy to find.
Is it full screen for you? Toggling compatability mode in Spare Parts didnt seam to work for me on this app.
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nope, it's a crappy WVGA port with no button functionality, just the stupid iphone style interface.
WiredPirate said:
So the CoD ELITE app was released on Android today! But NOT on (my) Atrix! But I transfered the APK from my Captivate and it works just fine!
The resolution is off, it does not take up the full screen. Maybe one of you mad scientist can dissect it for us?
It is just a port of the iOS version so it leaves a little to be desired, but at least it does work even though the Market says its not compatible..
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Thank you WiredPirate for posting the apk. Surprisingly, this app is not available in certain countries like mine. And you just helped me (and probably others) a lot by doing this.
You are welcome!
YEAH, thanks a lot WiredPirate, it's not available in Panama either...
Sure, no problem. If they ever update it to fix the resolution problem I will post that apk for yall!
cod elite
it's on the market for atrix now. terribly made app. just ported from iphone. doesn't fill up full screen or have any button functionality. actually, doesn't have much functionality at all. basically check stats and that's it. stupid iphone ports
Thank You very much
Yea, I wish they would fix the resolution. I keep seeing resolution fixes in the updates but still no luck
Hey WiredPirate, do you care to post the updated .apk? I would greatly appreciate it.
[EDIT] I mean, I greatly appreciate the effort thus far, but when I load up the app, it won't show the login form. Just the background with a banner at the top with the logo on it. :/
D4RKJ3D1 said:
Hey WiredPirate, do you care to post the updated .apk? I would greatly appreciate it.
[EDIT] I mean, I greatly appreciate the effort thus far, but when I load up the app, it won't show the login form. Just the background with a banner at the top with the logo on it. :/
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Here you go:
I don't have an Atrix to test this on anymore but it is the most recent version pulled from my SGN. I will also update the link in the OP.
Awesome! You just made my day. Thank you sooo much!
And another UPDATE last night, will add to OP too.
COD Elite v2 apk needed.
I am also looking for its Cakk of duty Elite apk. I can't install it because region not supported.

[Q] cm9 & build.prop

Has anyone been able to change the build.prop on cm9 so the market can open up to more apps and games? I had it working on cm7 as a droid3 but attempts to change it on cm9 haven't worked.
If so mind providing a link to the source?
Thanks in advance!
Has anyone modified their build.props on cm9 I have had zero luck since I first made this post
Theres been some conversation on this over in the CM9 dev thread, id check there and see if anyone has had any results. Im interested too, as quite a few of my apps arent available right now.
OK I'll take a look over there. Much thanks

