[Q] Bootloader Unlock not working - Hero, G2 Touch Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I downloaded the hBoot upgrade RUU, everything goes fine then it tell's me I'm not updated to the latest version... xx.xxx.406(?).xxx even though I am when I go to phone settings. I even downgraded by RUU and did an OTA to make sure it was HTC official and not rooted. Any ideas?

That program never worked for me... If you are rooted you can get an unlocked bootloader by flashing a package found here

Thanks very much.. it's such a shame as I really wanted to see what HTC had to offer. I didn't even need it much I had a custom recovery before and could do anything from there I jsut wanted to try stock


any way to go back to normal bootloader???

I'm thinking of selling my HTC Aria for a later HTC, But firstly I would like to Get rid of Cockworkmod and also put the latest OTA on the phone, clock work wouldnt be such a problem if the OTA's flashed from clock work, but they dont.. so IM wanting to go Full bog standard factory restore, Anyone able to help me out?? I have searched the internet, and the closest i have found instructions for is the Droid x, and.. I dont wunna screw this up so im not following those instructions
Cheers and thanks in advance.
Which HBOOT version do you currently have?
hboot ver. 6.02.1002
You should be able to run the RUU to revert to a stock, un-rooted ROM. The HBOOT won't be downgraded, but you don't really need to downgrade it. You wouldn't even notice any difference in normal day to day use.
Edit: You will either need to install a Sense ROM before you begin the RUU process or you can put the phone on the FASTBOOT menu.
I can do that the problem with that is the OTA updates wont be able to work as clockworkmod cannot apply OTA, unless someone has a RUU of 2.3 then i wont need it, otherwise the only Ruu i can get is a early 2.2 and im looking for the WWE or Asia version I dont like the Aus one even though im in New Zealand.
matrox02 said:
I can do that the problem with that is the OTA updates wont be able to work as clockworkmod cannot apply OTA, unless someone has a RUU of 2.3 then i wont need it, otherwise the only Ruu i can get is a early 2.2 and im looking for the WWE or Asia version I dont like the Aus one even though im in New Zealand.
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Well, as far as I know, you can receive OTA updates if you have the ROM installed. I don't think your HBOOT or recovery will matter, although I'm not positive. HOWEVER, you have no reason to worry about it anyway. There won't be any future OTA updates for the Aria, so it doesn't matter.
correct, I am able to recieve them, but the OTA fails to apply as it doesnt liek the clock work mod, if i try to go through just clockworkmod recovery it also fails to apply the update saying it cannot apply OTA's
matrox02 said:
correct, I am able to recieve them, but the OTA fails to apply as it doesnt liek the clock work mod, if i try to go through just clockworkmod recovery it also fails to apply the update saying it cannot apply OTA's
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What OTA are we talking about?
Oh my mistake, I ment I can get Asia 2.1-update 1 and no later, the Over the air update that comes after that( phone downloads it ) fails to apply, Btw I get my RUU from Shipped-roms.com
Im busy doing the OTA update right now.. it seams to be working, unlike last time i tried.. I dunno why either, Ill update with results..
ok apparently im updated to 2.37 or something.., but the android version is 2.2 now so atleased the OTA's work

Restoring, RUU, official?

Just got my Rezound about a week ago, and this is the FIRST HTC Android phone I have ever had. First unlocked phone as well!
I have experience with Moto phones and the .sbf process and what not and am pretty good with adb, but still a noob.
Questions is, found this RUU from the dev section: RUU_Vigor_VERIZON_WWE_1.02.605.6_Radio_RS_0.95.00. 1013r_3161E_9K_NV_8k_1.12_9k_1.83_V_APT_release_22 1502_signed.exe
Is this the latest official RUU? I noticed by looking at the numbers vs my software version and it seems the baseband is off, so, If I flash this, this will return me to complete stock, will I be able to update my baseband via OTA Software update?
Thanks everyone.
You should be able to run the ruu on a pc and restore it to how it was out of the box. First you do have to re lock it though
sent from my newly unlocked Rezound
pwned3 said:
You should be able to run the ruu on a pc and restore it to how it was out of the box. First you do have to re lock it though
sent from my newly unlocked Rezound
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I know how to run it, just want to make sure that the ones posted are for one official and if the baseband is slightly off by a few versions if doing an OTA update will update it. The latest RUU that I can find (here on XDA) looks like it has a different baseband than what came on the phone.
And yes, re-locking before the RUU flash is a must.

[Q] ¿Can i take an OTA whit S-OFF?

Im in stock 4.1.2 whit S-OFF, unlocked bootloader (1.55) and then RELOCKED.
¿Can i take the last OTA?
Im not rooted, and i dont have custom recoverys (i recently flashed a RUU.zip to return to stock, but i could not remove the S-OFF and RELOCKED status because the hboot 1.55).
I have economic (health) problems and I'll really need to sell my phone, but I'm afraid that the new owner will come out error when trying to update.
conquesoextra said:
Im in stock 4.1.2 whit S-OFF, unlocked bootloader (1.55) and then RELOCKED.
¿Can i take the last OTA?
Im not rooted, and i dont have custom recoverys (i recently flashed a RUU.zip to return to stock, but i could not remove the S-OFF and RELOCKED status because the hboot 1.55).
I have economic (health) problems and I'll really need to sell my phone, but I'm afraid that the new owner will come out error when trying to update.
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Yes. You can get OTAs while S-OFF. And assuming you haven't unlocked the bootloader since flashing the RUU, all the system files it verifies should be in place to accept OTAs. However, considering you are currently on 4.1.2, you'll need to run through a progression of OTAs to get up to the latest version, 4.4.2 w/ Sense 6. Might be better to just run the latest RUU to bring it up to 4.4.2 w/ Sense 5.5 then OTA to Sense 6. Be aware that you'll need to be on the AT&T network in order to get the updates OTA. If you're not on AT&T, you'll need to flash the updates manually, in which case you'll need to be S_OFF.
Also, once the phone is S-OFF there is no good reason to change that back to S-ON. There's the potential of bricking the phone by doing so. And even if it doesn't brick, the updates in firmware may make it more difficult to obtain S-OFF again.
Thank you very much.
At the begining i did this:
1- Unlocked bootloader and flashed TWRP.
2- Root
3- Gained S-Off
When i decide to sell it i did this:
1- Removed xposed and root.
2 - Relocked bootloader.
3 - Flashed RUU.zip (4.1.2)
¿What do you mean whit AT&T network? I unlocked the phone vía imei (using it in mexico whit Telcel) and still have the update appearing.
Sorry for my terrible english
conquesoextra said:
Thank you very much.
At the begining i did this:
1- Unlocked bootloader and flashed TWRP.
2- Root
3- Gained S-Off
When i decide to sell it i did this:
1- Removed xposed and root.
2 - Relocked bootloader.
3 - Flashed RUU.zip (4.1.2)
¿What do you mean whit AT&T network? I unlocked the phone vía imei (using it in mexico whit Telcel) and still have the update appearing.
Sorry for my terrible english
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First off, since you are S-OFF there is no need to relock the bootloader in order to flash an RUU. It will run just fine with an unlocked bootloader. Also when you flash an RUU, all the partitions get wiped so there is no need to do anything within the ROM such as remove xposed & root prior to flashing. The RUU will set the device essentially in a factory state.
As far as I understand it, the OTAs for carrier specific devices are served up by the carrier. So if the phone has been SIM unlocked and is being used on another network, if you go into Settings>AT&T software update, it will not receive any available OTA update. You will need to flash the update file manually using the information in this thread, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2659374.
Since you are still on 4.1.2, you will need to run one of the recent RUUs in order to manually flash the OTA updates in that thread. The latest RUU available for AT&T devices is KK4.4.2 w/Sense 5.5.
Flash that then you can manually flash the OTA update to get Sense 6.
You are the man.

[Q] RUU Failed

I'm trying to return my HTC One back to being unrooted because I wanna update it and almost everywhere I read, you need to unroot to get over the air updates. So I got S-Off and I relocked my bootloader, but whenever I try running the RUU, it always fails. I tried flashing it and I tried running the exe file. Why does it keep failing? Also, is it true you can't get OTA updates while being rooted? The RUU I use is for Cingular (which from my understanding is the one AT&T uses) and I have Super CID. Lastly, if anyone knows an easier way to return my phone to being completely stock and unrooted that would be great. Thanks in advance!
Which RUU did you use? Apparently the last official one was JB 4.3 w/ Sense 5.0, ver. 3.17.502.3. The one for KK4.4.2 w/ Sense 5.0, ver. 4.18.502.7 was apparently not actually released by ATT and many people were having problems with it.
clsA said:
Well near as I can tell the RUU did not originate from HTC, someone was able to create it and sign it same as HTC would. But the files behave differently than the "Real" HTC RUU. The only solution I found was to use the True HTC RUU from 3.xx.502.x and OTA to 4.xx.502.x to 5.xx.502.x. It requires s-off to flash the OTA's so it's not the perfect solution for everyone.
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So if you tried with the KK4.4.2 RUU, download the JB4.3 RUU from http://www.htc1guru.com/. Since you're S-OFF, you can use either the .exe or the decrypted .zip. I used the decrypted .zip before and it worked fine. Once you get that flashed you can then take the OTAs to update to KK4.4.2 w/ Sense 6. You'll need to be on the AT&T network to get those OTA. Otherwise you'll need to manually flash the updates, as clsA states in his post that I quoted above.
As for not getting OTAs while being rooted....
It's not so much that being rooted prevents getting OTAs. It's the process of getting to root that modifies or deletes system files that need to be intact for the OTA to work. OTA need to be installed through stock recovery. If you're rooted, it's most likely that you have a custom recovery. Also, unlocking the bootloader deletes some files the OTA checks for. If those files not there, the OTA will not install.
Flashing an RUU is the easiest way to get completely stock. It resets the phone to an out-of-the-box state. Whereas a factory reset done from bootloader or recovery basically just wipes the data partition, which will remove any apps you installed and user data. But any modifications to the system partition that are done remain. You don't get back the files that are deleted when you unlocked the bootloader.
Also, since you are S-OFF, there's no need to relock your bootloader to run an RUU. That's only required if you're S-ON. And once you get S-OFF, there is no reason to go back to S-ON.
Since I just want to get the new OTA update, do you recommend I just flash the update as opposed to going back to stock recovery because I don't mind having a rooted phone? Also, my phones camera suddenly became blurry, is it possible that the rooting had something to do with it? If it did, would flashing the OTA update fix it or would I need to go back to stock recovery or would neither fix it? Sorry for so many questions.
First off, what version is currently on your phone? Depending on where you're currently at you may need to flash more than one update in order to get it to the latest version. And no matter what, you'll need to flash stock recovery in order for the updates to flash. OTA updates, whether taken OTA or flashed manually, require stock recovery, as I mentioned before. Also, again as I mentioned before, the process of rooting your phone (more specifically, the process of unlocking your bootloader) most likely deleted files from your system partition that need to be in place in order for the OTA updates to install. If they are not there, the update will fail. So to answer your question...No, I don't recommend "just flash the update as opposed to going back to stock recovery". It won't work.
Since you didn't answer my question and state which RUU you tried, I don't know if you tried a bad 4.4.2 RUU or if there are other issues with your device and/or computer that's preventing any RUU from installing. If you just don't want to flash the RUU, then you can try flashing the update in the phone's current state and when it fails, you can analyze the error report, try to track down stock versions of the files you're missing and restore them if you find them, then try the update again, hoping you found everything. That's a lot more of a hassle than just flashing the RUU, flashing the updates, rooting, and setting up your phone.
Another option is to just flash a custom ROM. Most of them will bring the phone up to the latest version. Some will even take it higher than what is officially available from AT&T.
As for your camera problem, can't see how just rooting would cause that, but maybe it did. Without knowing the cause of the issue, I can't say if just flashing the OTA would fix it. If it's a software issue, then possibly it would. If it's a hardware issue, then probably not. Focus on updating the phone and worry about the camera issue if it still persists once updated.
Sorry, I forgot about your question. First of all, I got it working using RUU Zip M7 UL JB43 SENSE50 MR Cingular US 3.17.502.3-decrypted. The one that didn't work for me is RUU Zip M7 UL JB 50 Cingular - 1.26.502.12. Second, I am running 4.4.2. Thats for anyone who comes across this and was wondering. Thanks for your help sharksfan7. Also, in case you were wondering, my camera is still blurry, but I'll start a different thread for that.

Relocked, OS won't boot

Hey so here's my situation:
Installed the CM Nightly on my AT&T One M9, didn't like it, so I tried to revert to stock. I didn't want to pay $25 to S-OFF so I just tried installing various RUUs, but none would work. I read somewhere that I needed to relock my bootloader in order for the RUUs to work, so I did that, and now my phone just boots to Recovery Mode. I've tried installing AT&T RUU 2.6.502.16 (which didn't work because my phone is on a more recent firmware) and reinstalling 2.11.502.18/flashing its 0PJAIMG.zip (which didn't work because it's apparently broken). I've even tried installing T-Mobile's 2.11.531.19 RUU, which of course didn't work because my CID doesn't match and I can't change it because I'm S-ON.
I realize I went about this very badly almost from the start--no stock backup in TWRP, etc. This is my first Android phone so I've been learning this as I go and I was a bit sloppy.
I'm pretty sure I'm screwed, at least until a new update comes out or the current AT&T RUU is fixed, but I'm wondering if there's something else I can try. Any ideas? Thanks.
StageProps said:
Hey so here's my situation:
Installed the CM Nightly on my AT&T One M9, didn't like it, so I tried to revert to stock. I didn't want to pay $25 to S-OFF so I just tried installing various RUUs, but none would work. I read somewhere that I needed to relock my bootloader in order for the RUUs to work, so I did that, and now my phone just boots to Recovery Mode. I've tried installing AT&T RUU 2.6.502.16 (which didn't work because my phone is on a more recent firmware) and reinstalling 2.11.502.18/flashing its 0PJAIMG.zip (which didn't work because it's apparently broken). I've even tried installing T-Mobile's 2.11.531.19 RUU, which of course didn't work because my CID doesn't match and I can't change it because I'm S-ON.
I realize I went about this very badly almost from the start--no stock backup in TWRP, etc. This is my first Android phone so I've been learning this as I go and I was a bit sloppy.
I'm pretty sure I'm screwed, at least until a new update comes out or the current AT&T RUU is fixed, but I'm wondering if there's something else I can try. Any ideas? Thanks.
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I do not have this phone... but...
I would go thru the bootloader unlock process again... reflash twrp...
And then probably flash the viper ROM... since it's modified stock

