How can I remove my USB stick "safe" under ICS? In the original ROM was a Symbol in the Taskbar, when docking a Stick.
I think it's pretty safe because Linux has always built their safety features pretty well when it comes to adding or removing, it isnt like windows or mac where **** hits the fan if you remove it suddenly
I'm sure I'm not the only one here...
I absolutely HATE the car dock. It's glitchy, slow, and annoying. Not to mention it stays on (or the icon does) when you take it out of the dock. The media dock isn't as bad, but I wouldn't mind saying "Seeyalaterville" to it if needed to get rid of the car dock.
So, I commented on a thread the other day where a guy was switching out system apps with a CM6 dump. I went through the entire system file and could not find the regular "dock.apk" file. I was looking through a sholes build as they recommended. Here is my question....
Can I just delete this crap? I'm talking CarDock2.apk and CarDock2.odex. I don't care if I have something to replace it, I just want it gone. Do you think this would mess stuff up? I'm wondering how integrated into Blur it is, however I'm running a mostly deBlured ROM - Affinity ROM 1.0 Beta (which is lovely by the way)
I would love to hear your thoughts....
I toasted it with no problems. Better apps in market. You may need to SBF to get the upcoming OTA.
mistawolfe said:
I'm sure I'm not the only one here...
I absolutely HATE the car dock. It's glitchy, slow, and annoying. Not to mention it stays on (or the icon does) when you take it out of the dock. The media dock isn't as bad, but I wouldn't mind saying "Seeyalaterville" to it if needed to get rid of the car dock.
So, I commented on a thread the other day where a guy was switching out system apps with a CM6 dump. I went through the entire system file and could not find the regular "dock.apk" file. I was looking through a sholes build as they recommended. Here is my question....
Can I just delete this crap? I'm talking CarDock2.apk and CarDock2.odex. I don't care if I have something to replace it, I just want it gone. Do you think this would mess stuff up? I'm wondering how integrated into Blur it is, however I'm running a mostly deBlured ROM - Affinity ROM 1.0 Beta (which is lovely by the way)
I would love to hear your thoughts....
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Hey, send me your email, and I'll email you the two files that you need to replace to get the asop car dock app
Imma need those files too. Mistaken deleted em.
Using a stock blur-rom we get access to an app called 'Motorola Phone Portal'. Was curious if there was an app that does similar functionality to what the phone portal does that is not tied into Motorola workings... Viewing and editing text messages and contacts in a web browser from the phone is a pretty spiffy little feature, but I fear that there is too much tied into the framework to allow that to happen on anything non-blur like CM7 or AOSP.
Does anyone know anything to replace it? Not a deal breaker for me just a nifty little feature.
Try airdroid. Its on the market for free. works well here
Oo that is almost perfect too bad it doesn't have a USB option. When I get home from work I'll try it on my wifi connection thanks for that!
AFAIK when I last checked there was USB option on air droid, please check again.
No, there is no USB option for airdroid for usb management. However, it does everything I want via wifi, so that's good enough for me
Nottachtrix. Its amazing, great battery life, extremely smooth and stable. Comes with 4 themes and multiple different kernel options (stock, faux123 w/ varying degrees of overclock), all installable from the aroma installer. Definitely the best in my opinion.
laytveyit ??
well for the custom needs i'd say nottachtrix.
the aroma installer gives you many ways to customize the rom
Deafcyclist said:
It always goes into webtop mode
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Strange, I never had this problem since I have Nottachtrix ROM....
Deafcyclist said:
yeah, it seem like a problem with the webtop partition itself rather than the rom as I am still having issues with laytveyit rebooting when I docked it. I am trying to reinstall the stock webtop (fixed but is having problem with it now.
E:Error in /sdcard/fixed
(Status 7)
Installation aborted
Trying to find solution to this and seeing if just changing the build.prop and will breaks anything.
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Get the, not the 'fixed'. It worked for me.
nottachtrix: nice rom, with the ICS theme plus Ubuntop, the best Atrix I ever had , just have a problem 600 mgs instead 1 gig of ram...applied ram fix to get 600 mgs
laytveyit: looks like a update modded rom, tried very fast, because I dont like the UI and the no account problem...went back to Notta.
Will go for CM7, but need to use lapdock a the only way I can use it is with a BLUR rom ., but what do you think of mirror the phone? and install Office ??? is a good option to go for?
I've gone for maxblur 5 over notcha as its still in current development so chance of fixes.
It is however supplied with a non customizable installer.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Deafcyclist said:
Okay, got nottachtrix installed alongside with the webtop and it is working well.
Next step is to figure out how to get nottachtrix to let me just mirror the android display rather than entering webtop every single times. I also need to figure out how to install chromium to webtop as i depends a lot on the google sync in the browser.
About the webtop thing, it seem like even if i select to mirror the display, the phone stubbornly boots into webtop as soon as i docks the phone into the lapdock.
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As far as I know, what you're trying to get working won't work in whichever ROM you try, custom or otherwise. The phone is hardwired to boot webtop when it's docked, you can't select mirroring mode.
That said, there's the "misconnected" trick... You can plug the phone in such a way as that the HDMI connector is fully connected while the USB one isn't... This should get you access to mirroring... Ugly hack as it may be, lol.
41. said:
As far as I know, what you're trying to get working won't work in whichever ROM you try, custom or otherwise. The phone is hardwired to boot webtop when it's docked, you can't select mirroring mode.
That said, there's the "misconnected" trick... You can plug the phone in such a way as that the HDMI connector is fully connected while the USB one isn't... This should get you access to mirroring... Ugly hack as it may be, lol.
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Maybe you should read up on the subject. To my knowledge, there are many ROMs that do mirroring, semi-tablet mode and whatnot. None that does webtob though, except Moto's official, but that's not even the question here.
I do share the same issue with nottachtrix booting webtop when I click on mirror phone display... And I flashed and currently use ubuntop 1.10 and not the default 236 webtop nor the fixed one... The only solution I found to be acceptable is to make a dual-boot (actually, multi-boot as of now) setup atrix, with nottachtrix on internal sdcard and cm7 on external sdcard (plus cm9 plus nottachtrix on external sdcard in my current setup). I can switch ROM on the go WITHOUT CWM reflashing.
On one side, I can use webtop on my lapdock on nottachtrix. On the other side, I can boot back to cm7 to access that mirror phone display if I wanna play Android games or emulators on my lapdock (or HDTV, depending on my mood lol) with my sixaxis ps3 controller.
I have a generic android tablet running Android 4.4.2 with the Atom shell and there are some apps and media files that I keep removing that keep reinstalling themselves, and there's something that keeps spamming ads on my screen. One thing is doing full screen ads and when check the screen showing all apps that are running, the big ad is under something called "Tasks" with the android logo as an icon.
The apps that keep installing themselves are:
Something called "Settings" with a green baseball diamond looking thing with a red exclamation point that is clearly a fake settings thing.
Insane Stars
Ten Drops
Likin Hero
and a video called MP4(800x480).mp4
Also I have tried booting the tablet into safe mode using both methods, (Holding down the power button for a few extra seconds, as well as the method of booting while holding down both volume buttons), and neither work.
I'm a bit new to Android so I don't even know what are good anti-malware/adware apps. I use a combo of Spybot Search & Destroy + Ad-Aware on my windows computers.
Any help would be appreciated.
*bump* Anyone?
This is typical of off brand devices. The only way you would be able to get rid of them from good is by flashing a rom made for the device. It is built into the system. Not alot you can do without even root.
zelendel said:
This is typical of off brand devices. The only way you would be able to get rid of them from good is by flashing a rom made for the device. It is built into the system. Not alot you can do without even root.
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I do have root, and I successfully removed all the pre-installed malware, (and the files causing them to self-reinstall.) I've done full reboots since the removal and they haven't self-reinstalled so all seems to be well.
For reference here's the guide that helped me:
The files on my particular tablet did not match the ones mentioned in the guide exactly, but it still pointed me in the right direction. Just try the guide steps first then search your tablet's storage for "cloud" named files/folders that appear similar to what the guide is describing.
There does seem to be one lingering malware/adware thing lingering and it's not something that was there originally. I get something splashing a full screen ad on my screen and when I check all apps running when this happens, the ad app is listed as "Tasks" with the android logo. Does anyone know what this is and/or how to remove it?
I have Remix working perfectly on another computer, so I'm not totally inexperienced with it but I just can't figure this one out.
I have installed the latest Remix on a 32gb USB 3.0 for my daughter. It boots fine, but it is stuck in portrait mode, and the touchscreen doesn't work. So essentially to use it the screen must be plugged into the keyboard base, but when it is, the picture is all sideways.
It's an unbranded windows 10 2-in-1, model CES102. I know people are going to have less idea with an unbranded product, but hoping someone has similar issues and has managed to fix it.
Also, I'm trying to figure out how to expand storage space to take up the whole stick. All the instructions I find, including the ones I used for my computer, seem to be for expanding storage on an HDD partition and not USB.
I just downlaoded the nextbook version in case that will work better, my understanding is this 2-in-1 is extremely similar to one of the nextbooks, so thought I would give it a shot. But it looks to be quite a different install process to the standard "for PC" one. Does anyone know either the answers to my original questions, or how I can install this version to USB and give it a go?
boot it up, open play store, type in rotate, grab a rotation app to control rotation. The one i use allows me to lock rotation which is nice for games that think they are going to take over rotation. As for the Size of your data, Plug in your usb drive while in windows, grab Rmxtools 1.8 or 1.8fix, open Rmxtools and resize your data.img to whatever youd like
Great thank you, will give this a go in the morning. I think downloading that app will be difficult when everything is sideways to the touchpad lol, but if it might fix it I will absolutely do it. Will report back.
obsidianwings said:
Great thank you, will give this a go in the morning. I think downloading that app will be difficult when everything is sideways to the touchpad lol, but if it might fix it I will absolutely do it. Will report back.
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Rotation Control by Crapemyrtle is what I use.