Hi guys.
I was using my galaxy tab 10.1 (wifi only) with the official keyboard dock from samsung, and it was working great in honeycomb but now in ICS the're some direct acces keys that doesn't work, for example de home key or the recent apps key, but in the other hand the back key works perfectly.
Any ideas?
same problem
Hi, i have de same problem... your dock is the ecr-k14kweg???
The problem is only on ICS
Anyone knows how to enter a tabulator with the keyboard on a x10 mini pro? I like to play in the terminal emulator and a tab key would be very useful. If there was a way to add tab keys to the two arrow keys when blue button is pushed it would be very nice. Anyone?
We can't even work out how to write an underscore without reverting to the software keyboard... See this thread:
Might take a while to work out how to get a tab working.
Hi all,
I´m running CM9 on my 10.1N, and would like to use the android customized Buttons (home, back, appdrawer, lock,...) on my Galaxy Tab Keyboard dock?
in the past on other devices (S2) I was using an application called homemyhome to remap the and to start the camera using simnply the double click of the home button. This does not work for S3.
Someone knows if there is a similar application that works for the S3 ? rooted or un-rooted ?
Hey guys,
I have an mk808b htpc stick, and a wireless mini keyboard & mouse combo. Is there any app out there that will let me map physical keys to soft keys\shortcuts?
Meaning, my f1 key can be the home button, f2 the back button etc...and if i want to launch settings I can use f7.. I have done multiple searches, but I must be doing it wrong, because all I find is talk about modifying IME keyboard for custom icons etc.
hi I'm new to the forum I just have a question about this application I have a samsung galaxy s2 rooted with the stock ROM, I have it all syncd up, and it is working.. the problem I have everytime I run it with an application it acts as home keys. I reconfigure and remap the buttons with in the PlayStation emulator I I am using. But still when I press any buttons on the ps3 controller its still acts as home keys.. what I mean is if I press X or star or any other button besides directional it acts as I press the HOME key on my phone but then if I use the directionals it highlights the icons on my phone. So I know it's working how do I get it to work with just the application. Sorry if this sounds really confusing trust me it is is odd
here is the Dev Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1890121