[Q] Can't receive texts (weird situation), can it be Leedroid tweaks? - HTC EVO 3D

I don't want to turn this into a blaming thing, but just looking to rule out some possibilities.
I have the stock rom with chad's kernel and leedroid tweaks (flashable zip). I'm on the 2.17 version too, but baseband that was previous to it because I had texting issues with the newest baseband.
The problem is, without warning and without doing anything (no new apps, no new mods, etc) I will stop receiving text messages. I have to dial a phone number and when the call connects, I get my texts. I have to have tech support push something to the phone to fix it, but it lasts maybe a week or 2 before it craps out again...
I didn't have this happen until I did go back to a stock rom and put leedroid tweaks on (rather than I think Eternity Rom at the time?). I thought it was Sprint being sprint for a while... I tried going back to full stock (as in data wipe too), but that didn't resolve it. Now, my texts were already broken when I tried that, so that might not have said much. But since I didn't have texts working on full stock, I didn't connect it to leedroid.
Now, my brother, about a month later, did the same thing. He flashed a rom (but can't remember which) then leedroid tweaks because they weren't a part of it. He has the Evo 3D too. After flashing leedroid, he mentioned having issues receiving texts... I just don't know if this is coincidence or if there's something to this.
I don't really see what flashing that mod could do to break my texting, but my knowledge of this sort of thing is pretty limited. Is this even possible? Is someone else having or had similar problems like this?
EDIT: After talking with tech support, and since this has been an on-going issue, they are rebuilding my text messaging service from scratch, or something along those lines. Said it would take a while, so I don't know if it worked yet. But if this means anything to someone, I'm curious.

gk1984 said:
I don't want to turn this into a blaming thing, but just looking to rule out some possibilities.
I have the stock rom with chad's kernel and leedroid tweaks (flashable zip). I'm on the 2.17 version too, but baseband that was previous to it because I had texting issues with the newest baseband.
The problem is, without warning and without doing anything (no new apps, no new mods, etc) I will stop receiving text messages. I have to dial a phone number and when the call connects, I get my texts. I have to have tech support push something to the phone to fix it, but it lasts maybe a week or 2 before it craps out again...
I didn't have this happen until I did go back to a stock rom and put leedroid tweaks on (rather than I think Eternity Rom at the time?). I thought it was Sprint being sprint for a while... I tried going back to full stock (as in data wipe too), but that didn't resolve it. Now, my texts were already broken when I tried that, so that might not have said much. But since I didn't have texts working on full stock, I didn't connect it to leedroid.
Now, my brother, about a month later, did the same thing. He flashed a rom (but can't remember which) then leedroid tweaks because they weren't a part of it. He has the Evo 3D too. After flashing leedroid, he mentioned having issues receiving texts... I just don't know if this is coincidence or if there's something to this.
I don't really see what flashing that mod could do to break my texting, but my knowledge of this sort of thing is pretty limited. Is this even possible? Is someone else having or had similar problems like this?
EDIT: After talking with tech support, and since this has been an on-going issue, they are rebuilding my text messaging service from scratch, or something along those lines. Said it would take a while, so I don't know if it worked yet. But if this means anything to someone, I'm curious.
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Thanks for the call to receive tip man! I frequently will stop getting texts randomly and it sucksssss. I carry around my Ipod with me and just send a text to my phone if I think I'm not getting texts. It is quite annoying sumtimes...
also im running mean rom v3.0 with leedroid tweaks and chads latest kernel
Swyped from mah 3vo!

I have been running leedroid tweaks on meanrom for a few weeks now with no issues. Do you use the stock messaging app, or something downloaded from the market?

I currently using Leedroid Tweaks and AnthraX kernel.
Im not having any issues so my guess is sprint fault since it happened even after you went back to Stock.

Thanks guys. I'm not sure what exactly fixed it... It could have been the rebuild thing they said they were doing or it was me flashing a custom rom. I have since flashed back to the setup I had before but everything still working. Oh well, was just really frustrating.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA

dyep8ball03 said:
I have been running leedroid tweaks on meanrom for a few weeks now with no issues. Do you use the stock messaging app, or something downloaded from the market?
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it happens to me on both....

dyep8ball03 said:
I have been running leedroid tweaks on meanrom for a few weeks now with no issues. Do you use the stock messaging app, or something downloaded from the market?
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Sorry I kinda missed this post. I use the stock messaging app. Tried go sms pre once to see if that could resolve it. Same problem though.
Either way, it's working again now. The question is for how long...
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA


[Q] So heres what my current issue is

Ok, so for some reason today i havent received alot of texts or calls from anyone, and this kinda just randomally started happening, im a huge texter sometimes upwards of 2-300 a day so this came as a shock to me since im running bamf and have had no problems/issues ever with this..
now i was told that bamf has their own kernal so i never installed a new one on the phone..
and i did use a newer radio, but could the kernal or radio have anything to do with what happened today, is their a better kernal or radio that i could flash onto my phone and this problem will never happen again?
Thanks in advance!
Willis_G said:
Ok, so for some reason today i havent received alot of texts or calls from anyone, and this kinda just randomally started happening, im a huge texter sometimes upwards of 2-300 a day so this came as a shock to me since im running bamf and have had no problems/issues ever with this..
now i was told that bamf has their own kernal so i never installed a new one on the phone..
and i did use a newer radio, but could the kernal or radio have anything to do with what happened today, is their a better kernal or radio that i could flash onto my phone and this problem will never happen again?
Thanks in advance!
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Was your line suspended due to non payment? Lol
Sent from my Synergized Thunderbolt via XDA Premium App
lol the bill is paid.. maybe the network was screwed up where im at yesterday or something, maybe today will be better.
if you can make calls and text yourself, then I don't think its the radio
Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using XDA App
I did some work on my brother-in-law's Thunderbolt. When we used the 802 radio set (CDMA+LTE), he couldn't send sms/mms, we didn't test receiving, but once we backed down to the 627 radio set everything was fine.
bigdwg71 said:
I did some work on my brother-in-law's Thunderbolt. When we used the 802 radio set (CDMA+LTE), he couldn't send sms/mms, we didn't test receiving, but once we backed down to the 627 radio set everything was fine.
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Can you elaborate please? is that just different versions? or is one more more compatible then another?
So far it seems to be ok texting again, however (and i know this sounds stupid) but one of my friends i cant text.. literally i can recieve everything he says but if i try to send anything to his phone it wont recieve, he is a tmobile carrier and i have never had issues.. even put the phones side by side and he still gets nothing.

What is it with this phone and 2.3.4 roms?

I sold my 3D to someone and have been trying to put a new rom on it for em. Everytime I flash a 2.3.4 rom everything works EXCEPT during a call you can hear the person talking but they cant hear you. And I know the speaker works because voice commands work fine but during it call it doesn't work, period.
Sounds Like a personal phone issue..I've been on 2.3.4 with multiple roms and never had this issue.
Sent from a little place called ETERNITY in the 3rd Dimension.
I never had that problem running 2.3.4 ROMs either.
I honestly don't get it. Every 2.3.4 rom I tried to put on the phone would have the issue with not being able to be heard during a call. I tried 4 different roms and had the same issue everytime. Put a 2.3.3. rom on it and I could be heard during calls fine. I dunno but I got tired of fooling with it.
I did notice one thing though... when wiping in recovery I got an error that said
E:can't give path "/sdcard/.android_secure" to format_volume
Think that might have something to do with it?
OP, did you do the EVRC-B mod? If so, undo it.
Compusmurf said:
OP, did you do the EVRC-B mod? If so, undo it.
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I don't even know what that is lol. This is basically the scenario. I can flash ANY 2.3.3 rom or lower than that and everything works perfectly fine. But as soon as I flash any rom with a 2.3.4. base everything works except for callers being able to hear me. It's crazy... I even tried the stock 2.3.4. deodexed update and it was the same thing. Flash a 2.3.3. rom and boom, they can hear me again.
brownhornet said:
I don't even know what that is lol. This is basically the scenario. I can flash ANY 2.3.3 rom or lower than that and everything works perfectly fine. But as soon as I flash any rom with a 2.3.4. base everything works except for callers being able to hear me. It's crazy... I even tried the stock 2.3.4. deodexed update and it was the same thing. Flash a 2.3.3. rom and boom, they can hear me again.
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The EVRC-B mod enhances voice, the same settings found on Verizon phones but in some cases it might not be supported by the tower. Its accessed in the EPST edit menu, via your MSL code.
But if you're flashing the ROMs with voice performance changing, I'm not sure whats going on. As I seriously doubt the EPST settings get changed by the ROM.
I could be wrong.
I don't know either... im clueless. First time i've ever had a hangup like this when flashing. I put it on the phone for her and everything was all good until she got a call and realized they couldn't hear what she was saying. I thought maybe it was a bad flash but hell i've tried every rom in the development forum almost.
Give the guy his money back, put it under your car tire, then smoke the tires, that phone sounds retarded.
Try revolution by Mike and see if that shows the same issue.
If it does then either your doing something wired while flashing, have some app messing crap up, or its hardware problem somehow.
Likely its user error somehow though. I dunno any roms that flip evrb on for voice by default for the mere fact that its not supported everywhere.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
But how would it be user error only for the 2.3.4. roms lol. Im sayin... i'm not doing anything different. Just download, transfer from pc to sd and flash through recovery like I always have. If it was user error it seems like id have problems with the 2.3.3. roms too. I gave up on it though.. technically it's not even my phone anymore lol

People not getting some of my texts

I have had this problem before but not to this extent. A lot of my text messages aren't being received on the other end. I'm on Warm Rom and I have tried reflashing the rom, kernel, updating prl and profile. When I called Sprint about this issue before they just had me flash to stock and then gave me the runaround until the issue seemed to just resolve itself.
Has anyone else had this issue? Anything else I can try? Is there a way to install a different PRL? I can't flash the new radio because I'm on hboot 1.5. Or should I flash back to stock and take the update for now?
ummm... why don't you try flashing a different ROM bud. but even still there are no details in your post. warm ROM? cool story. so is that sense 3.0 or 3.5? what kernel?
flash a different ROM. if that fixes the issue, well good for you. if it doesn't, then take your phone into sprint because it has defective pArts.
also, can you make phone calls and browse the internet?
notfuzzi said:
I have had this problem before but not to this extent. A lot of my text messages aren't being received on the other end. I'm on Warm Rom and I have tried reflashing the rom, kernel, updating prl and profile. When I called Sprint about this issue before they just had me flash to stock and then gave me the runaround until the issue seemed to just resolve itself.
Has anyone else had this issue? Anything else I can try? Is there a way to install a different PRL? I can't flash the new radio because I'm on hboot 1.5. Or should I flash back to stock and take the update for now?
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Yep, just went through this from 1/14-1/18. Not your ROM, not your phone, it's a Sprint issue. Only things you need to do on your end is wipe the cache in your messaging app, and double check via Google Voice (if you have it synced w/ your Sprint #) to see which messages are (or aren't) going through. The network will eventually purge whatever is backlogged hours or days later to the respective recipients, probably in the early morning hours, and you'll be accused of duplicate texts. Yay Sprint.
Yeah other people started telling me of issues with texting as well. I went back to stock and flashed all the updates. I guess I'll go back and unlock it and reinstall my custom Rom. Thanks for the replies guys.
I have problems like this and SMS radio errors on Sense ROMs all the time, especially at night. I never have a problem on MIUI though so maybe you should give that a try
EniGmA1987 said:
I have problems like this and SMS radio errors on Sense ROMs all the time, especially at night. I never have a problem on MIUI though so maybe you should give that a try
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I have thought about MIUI and other AOSP roms several times, but every once in a while I do want to watch something in 3d. If they could get 3d fixed, I would probably give it an honest go.
Doubt that will ever happen :/
Yeah I kind of figured that.

Emoticons not working with latest RUU

Not sure what is going on or if this even the cause. But I am not able to get emoticons any longer in either Handsense or GO SMS Pro. Is anyone else having this issue?
AM S-off and unlocked running Nils k5.7 Rom. Have restored from a couple of Nandroid backups with the same results.
Any help is always appreciated.
tenbender said:
Not sure what is going on or if this even the cause. But I am not able to get emoticons any longer in either Handsense or GO SMS Pro. Is anyone else having this issue?
AM S-off and unlocked running Nils k5.7 Rom. Have restored from a couple of Nandroid backups with the same results.
Any help is always appreciated.
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Yes, I just noticed this yesterday. I have used emoji before in the .10 ruu
So i did some testing from vzw to vzw from a user that has an iphone and she can send them all without any thing failing, however someone who has sprint iphone sends things ans some do not work ( most ). Another person who has boost ( also sprint ) sends corrupted emojis as well, not all, but most are bad.
I think this could be a carrier thing to be honest since this is the first time i seen this yesterday. Now who is to blame is unknown.
I have been using the .10 leek since it has come out and its been working fine til now
carm01 said:
Yes, I just noticed this yesterday. I have used emoji before in the .10 ruu
So i did some testing from vzw to vzw from a user that has an iphone and she can send them all without any thing failing, however someone who has sprint iphone sends things ans some do not work ( most ). Another person who has boost ( also sprint ) sends corrupted emojis as well, not all, but most are bad.
I think this could be a carrier thing to be honest since this is the first time i seen this yesterday. Now who is to blame is unknown.
I have been using the .10 leek since it has come out and its been working fine til now
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Thanks for the comeback. Occasionally I get one and it seems that it works after real text. Switched to Newts Sense 4.0 Rom and have a little better success. Also using Handcent. The ROM BTW is terrific. Fast and no errors up till now.
tenbender said:
Thanks for the comeback. Occasionally I get one and it seems that it works after real text. Switched to Newts Sense 4.0 Rom and have a little better success. Also using Handcent. The ROM BTW is terrific. Fast and no errors up till now.
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I still think this is a carrier thing IMO just b/c it works vzw to vzw.
Maybe someone else can confirm this?

Constant Phone issues on ALL JB ROMS

On every Jellybean rom, I have calling issues. On some roms, call audio wont work. On the rom I just flashed, it would not make or receive calls all together. Also, this happens only after a certain period of time. And it goes from sporadic occurances to permanent. It takes about a day or two for these issues to start appearing. This is so god damn frustrating because in the beginning the rom works perfectly, I spend all my time setting it up, and then a day or so later, I get these issues that make the phone completely unusable. Its absolutely ridiculous, and If anyone has any ideas, please please let me know. I love the JB roms but they all seem to make my phone unusable after a short time.
Please help....
JB roms are still a work in progress. And your problems could be caused/made worse by your setup (apps, widgets, tweaks, etc...). If you are using different kernels/radio, it can also contribute to problems. There are just too many variables.
My answer : use an ICS rom. ICS roms are alot more stable on our phone right now.
H0rn3t920 said:
On every Jellybean rom, I have calling issues. On some roms, call audio wont work. On the rom I just flashed, it would not make or receive calls all together. Also, this happens only after a certain period of time. And it goes from sporadic occurances to permanent. It takes about a day or two for these issues to start appearing. This is so god damn frustrating because in the beginning the rom works perfectly, I spend all my time setting it up, and then a day or so later, I get these issues that make the phone completely unusable. Its absolutely ridiculous, and If anyone has any ideas, please please let me know. I love the JB roms but they all seem to make my phone unusable after a short time.
Please help....
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I am observing similar issues. I didn't used to happen before. I mean it did happen but it was a rare thing. But now it is more often. Almost everyday I have to reflash because of loosing phone audio.
I was rocking AOCP 3.1 , Worked really sweet and then decided to update to go for AOCP 4.1 and since then no rom that I tried have saved me. In fact I had to revert back to stock. What rom are you using?
People, it's a known issue on all JB Roms.
Don't open a thread about it.
xaragen said:
I am observing similar issues. I didn't used to happen before. I mean it did happen but it was a rare thing. But now it is more often. Almost everyday I have to reflash because of loosing phone audio.
I was rocking AOCP 3.1 , Worked really sweet and then decided to update to go for AOCP 4.1 and since then no rom that I tried have saved me. In fact I had to revert back to stock. What rom are you using?
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I have the exact same issue now, It doesnt look like any rom is saving me right now.. my phone wont make calls or receive texts at all. I was running cookies and cream 4.1.2 and everytime i flash a JB rom it just seems to get worse and worse...
EDIT: I got it back on ICS. I guess I will just have to wait to use any JB roms... its unfortunate cause I love the JB roms hahaha
I have had issues with JB as well. I, just like the OP, would experience a perfectly working phone for a day or two then **** would hit the fan for no apparent reason. The phone would start locking up, randomly rebooting, apps would fail or not load, etc etc etc.
On most ROM's I didn't even have anything installed outside of the stock apps that CAME with the ROM.
Since then I have moved to a deoxed stock ICS ROM and honestly am not looking back. ICS is fast, stable, feature packed, and JUST WORKS.
My thing with JB was it's speed...but I was also comparing a barebones JB to the stock Gingerbread that came with the phone. I wasn't aware of how fast ICS was or I would have just gone with it long before hand!
But yeah, either way it goes, for me, no matter the ROM, JB always seemed to mess up at one point or another. Got annoying. Been going with ICS for over a week now with ZERO issues what so ever. No reboots, no crashes, no freezing, no nothing.
NEVERMIND..... ICS worked for one call, and now no calls work... great....
ICS roms are very stable.
You may have flashed your rom/kernel/radio incorrectly, or made some tweaks, or installed incompatible apps... There are too many variables.
Revert back to completely stock setup and see if the problems persist.
H0rn3t920 said:
NEVERMIND..... ICS worked for one call, and now no calls work... great....
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I'll take a stab, what gapps? Do you use a call blocker of any kind?
Sent from my Samsung-SGH-I717 using xda premium
Same. I think it's the same for a lot of people, and I think the ones who say things run great either ignore the problems or are just extremely lucky.
Switch to Padawan. It's rock solid and you get all the fanciness of jelly bean. Since switching to it I've completely lost the itch to try out random JB ROMs. I have cool animations, Google Now, and ICS Browser+. And until I rebooted earlier to mess with stuff, I was at 142 hours uptime without any problems.
I'm not calling anyone a liar, though. I just think some people ignore more or are, as stated, lucky. I've done wiped everything, went back and wiped stuff post ROM, ran 3rd party (3rd ROM party) kernels and the ones that come with it. I've set cron to fix permissions on boot. And other than gapps -- which I always flash what the dev says to -- I run about ten 3rd party apps, and that's mostly made up of solid apps -- dropbox, exdialer, ics browser+.. etc..
Padawan, or even Nebula.
These ROMs are by the same dev, and the only difference is that Nebula is based off of Canadian version, which has even less bloat. It is better than stock.
I have been on Nebula for about a week, and no random reboots, no lockup, no phone problems. Everything just works.
ddochi11 said:
Padawan, or even Nebula.
These ROMs are by the same dev, and the only difference is that Nebula is based off of Canadian version, which has even less bloat. It is better than stock.
I have been on Nebula for about a week, and no random reboots, no lockup, no phone problems. Everything just works.
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I like padawan, and Im on it now. But i still am getting this random issue where calls do not go through. Its so aggravating that Im about to smash my phone against the wall. Its happening all the time now and when I need to make a call, I cant. god damnit
have you flashed the most recent modem?
Yes, that was my next question.
Have you at any point flashed a different kernel/radio/modem? If you have, or if you do not know, search for stock kernel/radio/modem and flash them to see if it helps.
yes, uclf6 modem but eventually it just gives out.. idk what the issue is here everything works fine for a few days and out of the blue when I need my phone i cant receive or make calls anymore its INFURIATING
yes, uclf6 modem but eventually it just gives out.. idk what the issue is here everything works fine for a few days and out of the blue when I need my phone i cant receive or make calls anymore its INFURIATING
Revert back to complete stock and see if the issue still exists.
Mobile Network Type
Ltilt2 said:
People, it's a known issue on all JB Roms.
Don't open a thread about it.
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I have had a similar issue with the JB rom's...so far I've tried only two and seem to find the aokp_quicyatt_jb_milestone-1 rom. I have noticed issues with my phone and LTE network coverage...meaning, I can see the signal go from 4G LTE to 3G to H, then gone...I looked at the phone status settings and noticed the mobile network type with this rom is LTE:13 and with the stock ICS rom (prior to rooting and flashing) it was LTE:14...is there a way that I can change it via terminal? Thank you in advance for any help on this. The one big difference I can see so far is the battery life...much better. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Issues are known....Thread Closed & Thank You.

