[Q] Phone Charging While Unplugged (vbus_present) - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys!
I have a weird issue with my phone, and after doing a bit of research I got a bit pessimistic, so here it is:
When I unplug my phone from the charger, the phone stays in "charging" state, which means the charging icon is there, the battery stats are not shown correctly, I can't plug it into my PC via USB, etc. It also doesn't enter deep sleep, since there is a vbus_present wakelock held, which is normal for charging.
I've read that water damage can be one of the causes, and if I think of it, I did have my phone with me, while I took a long bath. While the phone didn't touch any water, the air humidity was really high , so I could blame this for the issue.
Do you have any suggestions / ideas?

My phone is dying here!

Sounds like water damage to me... however sometimes, to my knowledge, the issue can be solved like the fuel_alerted wakelocks: pull battery for a while and reinsert. But I assume you already tried that, so water damage would be my best guess although air humidity shouldn't cause that...

It is the same for me when I dropped my phone into water. However, it is now normal again ( lucky me). For your case, I think it water damaged, I would suggest you dry your phone. Take out the battery, dont use phone for some hour(4-5hrs in my case), dry the phone by whatever you can( I just put in under the sun for 15mins, and put it in a bag of rice). It was 2 days since I got the problem, but now its ok. Just try it.
Hope it helps
P/s: still get some minor problem but I can bear with it though

Fixed ?
It seams a bit too laste to answer, but it might help someone esle.
I had quite the same issue, and it seams that the solution is to clean the phone USB slot with a toothbrush...
cant post the reference url cause i'm new... so search for "galaxy s2 won't turned off"...

VBUS present wakelock caused by using Apple compatible charger
It does not look like this was ever resolved, so figured I would chime in since I have been looking at this for a while.
If you use a charger which is compatible with Apple products, it will cause the vbus_present wakelock since Apple does not adhere to USB standards and requires two of the pins to be bridged or open (can't remember which) to work for their products. However, when you charge a device that does adhere to USB standards with one of these chargers, it will cause the wakelock (on all the samsung phones I have seen, anyway).
Another downside to using an apple compatible charger is that you can never get more than 500ma out of it due to the non-standard USB connection, even if the charger is capable of 2000ma output. So you get slower charging.
When you are connected to any charger, this wakelock will be present. If you use an Apple compatible charger, it will persist after you unplug it and will drain your battery around 10% per hour since it prevents it from going into deep sleep. You can clear the wakelock by rebooting the phone or plugging it into a standard USB charger, such as a PC or Samsung charger, even for a few seconds.
You can use Better Battery Stats to see the effects of this wakelock. Note that it can take a few minutes to show up once you have unplugged from the apple charger.
Yes, this really p*sses me off. This is one of the reasons I no longer have any Apple products in my house and long since thrown away all the Apple compatible wall chargers I once had. It still comes back to bite me since I still have a couple of chargers that contain batteries to charge when you are away from a wall outlet and they both cause this. When I use them I just have to make sure I reboot afterward. The USB outlet I have installed behind the stereo in my car also causes this wakelock. I have one to replace it but have not gotten around to removing the stereo to do this yet.
The next best solution to never using an apple compatible charger at this point would be to have a kernel that addresses this and removes the wakelock after it is unplugged but I don't see this happening.

Man, I know you love your S II, but don't go taking a bath with it!
Was this recent? why don't you give the little guy a rest and leave it a day in rice, stucked inside a zip lock bag, can't hurt.

Googled this "vbus_present android battery not plugged in"
found this thread. Seems to have worked for me by simply rebooting. thx!


[Q] What can I do to get my NT to power back on?

So last night before I went to sleep, my NT had about 40% battery life left in it. I'm currently running the final alpha build of CM7. I've been experiencing really bad wifi loss issues and have kept the 'Never' option enabled under the wifi sleep policy (thinking that would help hold the connection).
I woke up to find the NT was turned off. Figured that was odd as I was only asleep for about 5hrs. I turned it on and then noticed it got into the OS and then died. I did see the battery icon was red briefly.
I then plugged it into the wall and it was boot looping. I saw the 'n' logo pop up, screen went black, 'n' logo, etc. etc.
After numerous attempts of holding down the power button for 20+ seconds, holding power+vol down for 10 seconds, plugging it with or without an sd card into the wall and computer, nothing is happening.
The computer does see something as I'm hearing the common connected/disconnected tone from the USB port. Now I'm noticing that plugged into the wall, the 'n' on the cable stays orange. It never turns green.
Did it go 'poof' in the night somehow?
[EDIT] Ok after leaving it plugged into the wall for about 15mins, it suddenly turned on but had a google framework FC error. Yeah, not sure what I should do at this point. It appears to be charging...
It's been noted by others that if the power level goes below 15% you mustn't turn the device off if you don't have the original charger nearby. If it dies you need to charge it with the original charger for a bit before it'll power back up.
I assume this means that you can't run it off the cable while you've got a completely dead battery. That kind of stinks but isn't too surprising, a lot of devices are like that.
So does that mean that if the device is <40% of battery I need to plug it in if I won't be around it for a while? Not sure I'm cool with that. Battery life was great all day yesterday but somehow it dropped 40% in under 5hrs while asleep.
I can't really say much as I haven't dealt with it personally. People were talking about it in a couple threads about the NT's charger and unique 12 pin cable.
Here's what I understand from what I've read:
You can run it until it's empty all you like. You'll just need to use the Nook's factory charger (or a compatible 2A charger with bridged D- and D+ pins) AND (this is the important one) the factory USB cable to charge it.
If you run it until it dies you have to charge it for a little while before it'll turn on again, BUT you have to use the original cord and charger. It won't charge off of a regular micro USB cable nor will it work if you're using a 2A or smaller charger that doesn't have the middle two pins bridges (the Apple UBS chargers won't work nor will your PC's USB ports, for example).
The NT will charge, albeit slowly, if connected with a third party cable or USB charger (without the data lines D- and D+ bridged), but not if the device's power has been depleted.
So I suspect something sucked up a lot of juice while you weren't using your NT. Not a huge deal, but definitely annoying. Plug it in for 15 minutes and you can get rolling again.... BUT only if you're using the original charger and cable. Lovely isn't it? It's not a huge problem but it is annoying. I wish you could at least use the device with a dead battery while plugged in.
I just mention the charger/stock cable thing because I'm sure someone will probably see this post in the future and may be having that particular problem resuscitating their NT.
Cool, yeah I don't specifically set out to run it down to zero but since the device is clean with minimal stuff running in the background, it's difficult to know when this might happen again. I assumed I'd wake up with like 20-25% battery left. The framework FC is also something I'm concerned about but maybe it was just a fluke.
Ah well, really do appreciate your input and I'll be sure to keep the stock cable/adapter on hand when I'm on the go.
Battery showed fully charged, I rebooted to do another CWM backup and then when it came back up it showed 84% charged. Lol. And this pic made me laugh even more. Time to get that lady from Poltergeist involved I think...
The Google Framework force close is typical of stock rooted NTs. I don't believe it ever did any harm to anything though. Just that it sometimes appears on reboot.
I'll ask one additional question as to not make another topic since it's related.
Opinions on battery calibration with the NT? That was one of the reasons I didn't charge it last night as I wanted to fully run it down and then fully charge it back up. Does the NT require this with a new rom install? That pic above shows the battery gauge clearly wasn't correct initially.
Your battery is draining overnight because wifi is running the whole time (as you stated in your first post).
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
ckevinwelch said:
Your battery is draining overnight because wifi is running the whole time (as you stated in your first post).
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
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That's what I obviously thought of at first but it didn't drain nearly as much when I was using it throughout the day. The only thing I can think of is maybe the fuel gauge itself was wrong from the start, which refers back to my calibration question.
My GS2 has the sleep policy set to 'Never' as well and only loses maybe 7-8% after being asleep for around 7-8hrs and it certainly uses more juice in sleep due to the cell communication, etc.

[q] seriously weird problem with charge

I left my tablet in my car, in my backpack, away from the sun. It still managed to get some heat over a few hours and when I turned it back on it turned off after a second. After cooling it and connecting my charger it started working again.
Here is where it starts getting weird. It won’t charge. It says that it isn’t charging though I know it knows there is a charger connected. Every time I insert the charger it gets out of sleep, but no charge! What is even weirder is that the dock won’t charge now either. The tablet still recognizes the dock as well and I can type but it’s not very useful if I can’t get it to charge.
The charger was not in the car so there was no damage to that. I don’t want any feedback about what I should have done as I can’t afford another one so that would be utterly useless. I know that I shouldn’t have left it in the car in the first place, no need to mention it.
The Prime might have become totally discharged. I'd suggest trying to charge them for 24 hours...Plug them in and leave it alone and see if that solves the problem. Just to be sure there are no interaction problems, I'd suggest that each be charged individually.
Good luck,

[Q] Galaxy S3 Discharging whilst plugged in, no matter what

Ever since sometime yesterday or something. My phone has been steadily discharging whilst plugged in.
I charged my phone to full yesterday and noticed that it was charging a bit slowly.. but eventually it got there.
Then I unplugged it and plugged in a really low battery (4%) to charge it to full overnight (I have 2 batteries)
I woke up to the phone at 26% after an entire night of charging (about 8 hours).
I thought that the battery must be dead. It's a cheap one from Ebay but it has the official sticker on it, but it's a bit creased so it looks like it could be a cheaper one with a fake sticker on it. It always used to last about 20% less than the original one I got with the phone anyway. But that isn't the point.
I thought it must be dead. But I charged it a little before work and nope, it just kept dying. So I started worrying if the charger had died.
Then I just swapped the battery out and decided to use the fully charged one.
After about a days use I went to plug it in and it ALSO started discharging whilst being plugged in.
In fact they seem to discharge FASTER if plugged in.
I immediately thought that the little Wall Socket to USB Adapter had just blown. So I unplugged it and just plugged the phone in via my PC's USB 2.0 Port.. Same thing.. it sits on the same Percentage (%) and then gradually (if I use it at all) it starts to discharge.
It's charging so slowly that if I use it at the same time it'll die. When before I could even have a Skype call and keep it plugged in and it would overcharge through the amount of power I was using.
Does anyone have any ideas? It can't be the battery because both of them are dying no matter one, and they can't have both died. It might not be the little USB charger (although it no longer gets hot like it used to) because if I plug the phone straight into a USB port on my PC (I know the mW is lower but it should still prove if the charger is dead or not) then it still discharges.
Any ideas? I mean... it looks like somehow the USB port is no longer taking a charge? Without my phone I am a dead man.. it will totally mess up my work and everything...
Have you used a different cable? You said you plugged it into your PC USB port but you didn't say with which cable.
I don't have another cable :/ as it's a proprietary one... I can't just use some normal micro USB..
9/10 it's the cable that's the fault.
It's not proprietary. I walked into a shop and said "2 micro USB cables please" and they both work better. Also my HTC and blackberry micro USB cables both work better. Try another cable. Borrow one if you have to
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I have a micro USB cable.. it's for my HDD and it doesn't fit. It's a little bit too big. The last HDD I had too was the same, just a bit too big. Maybe it's not proprietary but I'm pretty sure it's smaller than the traditional Micro USB.
Also, I tried doing a file copy from the phone to my PC and back and forth. The speed is totally fine, really fast.
So could it still really be the phone? I'm a pessimist and I don't see why the cable would just suddenly die... I've already had my phone replaced on one of the 'sudden death' issues like everyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if there's yet another hardware fault...
At the moment it's off, and charging from the wall.
EDIT: Maybe it's a Mini-USB not a Micro.. in that case I have 1 Micro USB. Still I think my phone just died somehow overnight................. again.
leijonasisu said:
it's a proprietary one... I can't just use some normal micro USB..
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what? yes you can
Well cables are expensive in Finland but I suppose I have no choice but to bike down into town and buy another cable...
Most hdd caddies are indeed mini
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
leijonasisu said:
Maybe it's not proprietary but I'm pretty sure it's smaller than the traditional Micro USB.
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no, your phone uses a traditional micro USB. and data speed is not really connected to charging speed
New cord seems to have fixed it. 'Hama' brand (Finnish) triple shielded, with some gold plated connectors. Looks a lot higher quality than the traditional Samsung one. (Unshielded, no gold plating)
Also it's a bit longer, which I dunno if that will affect the rate of current. I know that shorter is better. It's 1.8m vs the older 1m.
Seems to be charging properly now, still a bit slow (phone is off) but I suppose that could just be the battery getting used to actually receiving a proper current finally.
Christ and I almost went and just bought an iPhone...
If in the end it was just the cord then €12.95 bought me peace of mind.
EDIT: Scratch that
It won't charge if the phone is on at the same time... it just sits at the same level of power. But if I use it, yeah it starts to discharge.
So basically it's lost the ability to charge whilst being used, and on top of that it did charge pretty slowly when turned off, but at least it did.
Looks like I'm going to have to sort out a way to fix it, then maybe sell it and get something else. I can't handle a phone that's such a disappointment.
The Galaxy S2 was a bit of a let down, to RMAs to Samsung now...
leijonasisu said:
triple shielded, with some gold plated connectors..
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sounds like something Monster cables would sell
Shame that it doesn't seem to have done the trick.
I'm really confused now. The battery I got off the net doesn't seem to be charging really at all, but ever so slowly when the phone is off.
The other battery, my normal OEM one charged sorta slowly but kinda normally I guess..
Really don't know what on earth is going on. It's going to be a total pain to get this thing repaired a second time, and it's been rooted and flashed multiple times. Plus it has the new bootloader on it that you can't possibly trick that it's been rooted.. (was installed after a fix on warranty)
So the oem battery charges normally?
leijonasisu said:
Plus it has the new bootloader on it that you can't possibly trick that it's been rooted.. (was installed after a fix on warranty)
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of course you can, use TA
You may have a faulty charging port (if not battery problem)
Why not download the Galaxy Charging Current app and see if your SIII is charging at 1000mA using wall charger?
Galaxy Charging Current
BTW - Other than faulty charge cable, it could also be faulty wall charger
Glebun said:
So the oem battery charges normally?
of course you can, use TA
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Well I wouldn't say normally, it was pretty slow but there was definite noticable improvement.
tigerporc said:
You may have a faulty charging port (if not battery problem)
Why not download the Galaxy Charging Current app and see if your SIII is charging at 1000mA using wall charger?
Galaxy Charging Current
BTW - Other than faulty charge cable, it could also be faulty wall charger
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Thanks so much for the app. I bought the pro seeing as it's only 0.50c
Now this is really confusing. I'm gonna do some testing now:
On the cheaper battery Ebay Battery Using New 1.8m Shielded Cable With the OEM Wall Charger
If I plug the cord straight in from the wall charger without moving it the power starts off at 1000, then goes down to about 900, then after awhile to about 400, and then after awhile longer to 100. But I can't be sure that I am not bumping the cord even a tiny bit. Also the battery is at 94% so it could just be shutting off the charge in order to not overcharge. (Though before the issue the batteries always charged to 100%).
If I move the cord around and tap refresh the number drops by 100 - 200 every time I press refresh (all the way down to 100). Also if I move the cord perfectly back into the middle, the number doesn't go back up. It's like the more I move the cord around the lower the charge will be. If I leave the phone alone for a bit and look at it again after a minute, the rate has gone back up to 1000, then down to 900. Where it seems to stay.
The statusbar battery app shows that it is charging too (% is going up as normal)
At 97% charged on the cheap battery the phone only accepts a maximum current of 300. So it seems that the overcharge protection is working.
Though the battery can display fully charged and then drop to 97% after I unplug the cord. Which didn't happen before but it's an understandable thing.
Moving the cord a lot causes the rate to drop dramatically.
When plugged in the current starts off at a full 1000, then drops to 900 (dunno if this is normal) so it seems to start off charging at max
The max concurrent, current that can be achieved from the wall charger with new shielded cable is 900-100 it seems.
The phone seems to discharge faster when plugged in (and current on 100) than when it's unplugged??!
Could someone please install the free app (Galaxy Charging Current), who isn't experiencing issues like me and wiggle their cord around and see if the rate drops too? I want to know if there's some sort of methodology that if the cord is moved around a lot the current rate is dropped, and it won't return to normal. Or if it's just my phone. Thanks so much!
Ok... tested with everything I could honestly think of. Ebay/OEM Battery, Both OEM/New Cord and USB/Wall chargers and etc,
Basically it's like this. Both cords are fine. Both charge the phone just as fast. Using the wall charger is faster than using a USB. (But not if the cord has wiggled so much that the rate has dropped lower than what as USB gives)
The current rate only drops when the cord is moved, and here is the crucial thing:
When the cord is moved the rate drops anywhere from 100 all the way to 900. Meaning that the rate of charge can go from 1000 (max) down to 100 (absolutely nothing). Either in 1 go, or in bits every time the cord moves. Also if the cord moves EVEN ONCE, even the smallest bit the rate can just drop on its own.
So basically it seems that somehow there charging port has been damaged or something and the pins are no longer connecting and the phone or charger or SOMETHING has this incredibly bloody stupid thing where if the cord moves or if the rate drops, it doesn't go back up. So if the rate drops all the way to 100, it won't increase or go back to normal after a certain amount of time.
Or maybe I am wrong.. because if I push the cord even a little towards the back of the phone the charging light goes off completely, and the rate hits 0. Whereas if I pull it towards the front of the phone, the rate stays constant (at max) but if I take my hand off it, the rate drops to about halfway or really low. It just seems like the little connectors inside the phone are really.. really flimsy and loose. It obviously got damaged somehow. Either by constant connecting and disconnecting or bending or just you name it.
So does anyone have any suggestions? I might try and clean the inside of it with nail polish remover or something in case they're just dirty but I doubt it will do much. It seems definitely like the plug just doesn't fit in and connect well enough any more and that's where the power is being lost. It's gotten a bit loose, but really nothing out of the ordinary.
I can confirm that putting it in such a position where there is absolutely no chance for the cord to move at all, allows the phone to receive a constant rate of the highest possible charge.
I guess I could try and make the fit a bit more snug myself but it would be only really temporary.
I think I just need to get it serviced again, but I am not sure that I could because it's got a custom rom, it's rooted and it's already been repaired for one of those 'sudden death' issues already...
How generous is Samsung with their warranties?
Either way this is a terrible blow for me, I need my phone to pay my bills and stay connected with my work and friends. If I can't have it plugged in and still be able to move it around and use it. Then it's basically useless.
At least for now it seems to be charging okay just sitting completely still on the table.
leijonasisu said:
Well I wouldn't say normally, it was pretty slow but there was definite noticable improvement.
Thanks so much for the app. I bought the pro seeing as it's only 0.50c
Now this is really confusing. I'm gonna do some testing now:
On the cheaper battery Ebay Battery Using New 1.8m Shielded Cable With the OEM Wall Charger
If I plug the cord straight in from the wall charger without moving it the power starts off at 1000, then goes down to about 900, then after awhile to about 400, and then after awhile longer to 100. But I can't be sure that I am not bumping the cord even a tiny bit. Also the battery is at 94% so it could just be shutting off the charge in order to not overcharge. (Though before the issue the batteries always charged to 100%).
If I move the cord around and tap refresh the number drops by 100 - 200 every time I press refresh (all the way down to 100). Also if I move the cord perfectly back into the middle, the number doesn't go back up. It's like the more I move the cord around the lower the charge will be. If I leave the phone alone for a bit and look at it again after a minute, the rate has gone back up to 1000, then down to 900. Where it seems to stay.
The statusbar battery app shows that it is charging too (% is going up as normal)
At 97% charged on the cheap battery the phone only accepts a maximum current of 300. So it seems that the overcharge protection is working.
Though the battery can display fully charged and then drop to 97% after I unplug the cord. Which didn't happen before but it's an understandable thing.
Moving the cord a lot causes the rate to drop dramatically.
When plugged in the current starts off at a full 1000, then drops to 900 (dunno if this is normal) so it seems to start off charging at max
The max concurrent, current that can be achieved from the wall charger with new shielded cable is 900-100 it seems.
The phone seems to discharge faster when plugged in (and current on 100) than when it's unplugged??!
Could someone please install the free app (Galaxy Charging Current), who isn't experiencing issues like me and wiggle their cord around and see if the rate drops too? I want to know if there's some sort of methodology that if the cord is moved around a lot the current rate is dropped, and it won't return to normal. Or if it's just my phone. Thanks so much!
Ok... tested with everything I could honestly think of. Ebay/OEM Battery, Both OEM/New Cord and USB/Wall chargers and etc,
Basically it's like this. Both cords are fine. Both charge the phone just as fast. Using the wall charger is faster than using a USB. (But not if the cord has wiggled so much that the rate has dropped lower than what as USB gives)
The current rate only drops when the cord is moved, and here is the crucial thing:
When the cord is moved the rate drops anywhere from 100 all the way to 900. Meaning that the rate of charge can go from 1000 (max) down to 100 (absolutely nothing). Either in 1 go, or in bits every time the cord moves. Also if the cord moves EVEN ONCE, even the smallest bit the rate can just drop on its own.
So basically it seems that somehow there charging port has been damaged or something and the pins are no longer connecting and the phone or charger or SOMETHING has this incredibly bloody stupid thing where if the cord moves or if the rate drops, it doesn't go back up. So if the rate drops all the way to 100, it won't increase or go back to normal after a certain amount of time.
Or maybe I am wrong.. because if I push the cord even a little towards the back of the phone the charging light goes off completely, and the rate hits 0. Whereas if I pull it towards the front of the phone, the rate stays constant (at max) but if I take my hand off it, the rate drops to about halfway or really low. It just seems like the little connectors inside the phone are really.. really flimsy and loose. It obviously got damaged somehow. Either by constant connecting and disconnecting or bending or just you name it.
So does anyone have any suggestions? I might try and clean the inside of it with nail polish remover or something in case they're just dirty but I doubt it will do much. It seems definitely like the plug just doesn't fit in and connect well enough any more and that's where the power is being lost. It's gotten a bit loose, but really nothing out of the ordinary.
I can confirm that putting it in such a position where there is absolutely no chance for the cord to move at all, allows the phone to receive a constant rate of the highest possible charge.
I guess I could try and make the fit a bit more snug myself but it would be only really temporary.
I think I just need to get it serviced again, but I am not sure that I could because it's got a custom rom, it's rooted and it's already been repaired for one of those 'sudden death' issues already...
How generous is Samsung with their warranties?
Either way this is a terrible blow for me, I need my phone to pay my bills and stay connected with my work and friends. If I can't have it plugged in and still be able to move it around and use it. Then it's basically useless.
At least for now it seems to be charging okay just sitting completely still on the table.
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I am having the same issue as you, I have been managing to get it charged using my ipad charger which is stronger but it sometimes still doesn't charge with that. Last night I put it on charge and it turned off due to dead battery in the middle of the night. Did you manage to fix this?
spike305 said:
I am having the same issue as you, I have been managing to get it charged using my ipad charger which is stronger but it sometimes still doesn't charge with that. Last night I put it on charge and it turned off due to dead battery in the middle of the night. Did you manage to fix this?
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Since no one replied with a solution I will let you know my fix. I sent it to Samsung for repair under warranty and they have fixed the issue. It is due back tomorrow. Just so anyone else having this issue knows its covered under warranty.
I've got the same issue. At first i thought it was the custom ROM acting up. But even after unrooting it and going back to the stock firmware its still the same. The only way i can charge my phone is by switching it off nd plugging it in. Cuz no matter what i try, if the phone is switched on,the battery still drains. Couple of my friends had the same issue too.They ended up buying new phones. Guess this is a standard fault with all Samsung phones. If anyone's got a fix,do pass it on.
S3 charging problem
5h1n1gam1 said:
I've got the same issue. At first i thought it was the custom ROM acting up. But even after unrooting it and going back to the stock firmware its still the same. The only way i can charge my phone is by switching it off nd plugging it in. Cuz no matter what i try, if the phone is switched on,the battery still drains. Couple of my friends had the same issue too.They ended up buying new phones. Guess this is a standard fault with all Samsung phones. If anyone's got a fix,do pass it on.
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I´m having the same problem. I flashed my S3 i9300 to a cianogenmod 11 ROM. It's a relief to know it's not the ROM. The technical service prom the phone companies here really suck, so i'm taking my S3 to a third party cellphone technician and tell you if he solved my problem.
try this.
dear poster I have a solution that may work for you ,first thing take the battery out of the phone and leaving the battery out plug the charger in .leave it that way for about an hour .then unplug phone pop battery in turn the phone on .the replug the charger while the phone is still on and see if it charges better .

Samsung Galaxy S II I9100 does not charge properly

Few days ago my Samsung Galaxy S II I9100 stopped charging properly. If I connected the micro-USB charger, the phone just didn't charge. I tried with another charger, but this did not help. As a next step, I cleaned the micro-USB socket with compressed air and contacts with isopropyl alcohol, but still nothing. If I turned the phone off and connected the charger, instead of charging, the phone started to boot up. Often after the bootup the phone charged for few minutes. According to Battery Widget utility, the battery itself was healthy. As a next step, I made a factory reset, but this did not help. Installing the latest firmware didn't help either. Once those charging problems started, I also noticed that scrolling through messages or using the keyboard was bit disrupted and I often had to press a on-screen keyboard multiple times to print a letter. Finally I took the phone apart to inspect any visual faults, but there were none. All the connectors were properly connected and there were at least no visual signs of malfunction of electronics.
Has anyone seen such behavior? Is it possible that faulty charging module causes such behavior? I would doubt that as this charging module seems to be a fairly simple hardware detail and it's hard to see that this could cause a phone to behave like I described above
@m4rtin86 So far as i can read it, it is the Battery which doesnt want to get always charged or the charging module like you said. Maybe you can borrow a friend's s2 to see or his battery charges in your phone. If it isnt the charger/usb cable then its battery/charging module.
wulsic said:
@m4rtin86 So far as i can read it, it is the Battery which doesnt want to get always charged or the charging module like you said. Maybe you can borrow a friend's s2 to see or his battery charges in your phone. If it isnt the charger/usb cable then its battery/charging module.
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I replaced the charging-module and phone started to charge again. However, I'm bit puzzled how such seemingly simple component could cause such behavior? All it seems to have are just micro-usb jack, microphone, few contacts for speaker, connector for antenna and some electronic components like resistors, SMD capacitors and that seems to be pretty much all. How could such a simple component cause phone to behave in such way?
@m4rtin86 I have no clue why that component behaved in such way, but weird things happen to stuff sometimes and nobody knows why and how it could happen. Maybe something was loose a bit and didn't made good contact anymore just sometimes maybe.
Its good to hear that your phone is charging normally again I hope it stays like that for the next 2 years atleast.

Swift 2 + Battery

So my phones battery discharged from almost full to completely empty last night while plugged in. It seems to be charging fine right now however but I did fiddle around with it a bit. Even if it wasn't plugged in it discharged way too fast for regular standby and non of the "use since last full charge" look odd. Anyone else had anything like this happen?
So it turns out a least part of the problem was that my charge cable is damaged, it only works when plugged in in one direction. I still don't know why it was apparently running flat out all night though.
I wouldn't worry about it; there's no telling what a bad cable can or cannot do with your software. For all we know the software was unable to go to sleep because it constantly started charging, then stopped, then started again... Cut your losses, buy a decent cable and forget about the issue
One thing I tend to do to keep my phone behaving: I reboot it every so often (at least once a week).

