(REQ)W7 WANNABE MiniCM7.2.2 CWM Backup - XPERIA X8 Themes and Apps

If not against of rules,can somebody make a fresh & clean CWM Backup with W7 look like for MiniCM7.2.2.0 cause im too lazy to search here & there or install this& that.Plsss!!!

You're lazy so you want it already done by others huh...
Sent from my X8 using XDA

if u're too lazy to do it urself why should ppl do it for u then?

chewdaniel said:
if u're too lazy to do it urself why should ppl do it for u then?
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Because these days many people like to make RE-theme roms but post it on DEV sec.But no blamming them,they just got confused since its ROMS.So why dont some1 make RE-theme CWM backup & post it in here, where its belong...Me sure they would love to do it & will got many THANKS than TROLLING.

Themed ROMs are not allowed anymore. Use the damn search button to find a guide and don't open useless threads. Nobody's gonna do it for you.

Chris95X8 said:
Themed ROMs are not allowed anymore. Use the damn search button to find a guide and don't open useless threads. Nobody's gonna do it for you.
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Oh...I see.REQUEST also not allowed these day..Tsk

Requests are allowed but not will always be granted LOL

phirman said:
Requests are allowed but not will always be granted LOL
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True it is.But my req is not impossible.Im sure many guys out there who is same "lazy"(not know how also) would appreciated their help

I Remember there was a Thread in this Section on how to make it look like WP7
I Actually Did it and it wasn't that hard to be honest ..
It's just about installing some themes and a Launcher..
And that's about it..
Hey Dude..
I have to tell you somethin..
when i 1st had the original Eclair ROM .. i was dying to install custom ROMs ..
Now after i've tried everything.. actually i had enough of all of the ROMs ..
Nothing is actually unique except for the Features .. That's why Am using GDXv25 of course ..
But now!!
Am dying to make it look exactly like Stock..
And no1 would do it for me.. For some Reason??
Well, i wish i could do it my self .. just for self satisfaction...
But i can't .. unfortunately ..

Everybody has something that their good at.Some people is good for "Creating" & some people is good for "Decorating".For Creators, they got their place in Dev and we should respect that because they are willing to share their masterpiece without price naming.Some Decorators also want do the same.Unfortunately,they just got confused about HOW & WHERE.
The whole point of this useless thread is to suggest Decorators make in CWM/Xrecovery backup,not a roms if they want to share theirs.Nobody get hurts,Nobody get insults just stay out of DEVELOPERS way.
DEVELOPERS=make a good roms & improvement in every update
DECORATORS=make a good roms prettier with their own taste
The REQUEST just a kick start since nobody make it with WP7 Wannabe yet....

Enough dude! Here is a tutorial. Do it yourself.

Chris95X8 said:
Enough dude! Here is a tutorial. Do it yourself.
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Thanks! I will not

Well, dude am not gonna beg em for somethin
if they won't do it... i'd Do it my self!!
Besides.. u will even like it more after doing it yourself
cause u'd feel like it's an accomplishment!
And you're Right in every single word you say..
Just forget about those guys that are wandering around the forum
just to spread their anger .. Like some1 would give a s**t ;D
Cheer up mate


TW Obsidian Vs. Onyx

Which ROM is the best?
What are the key differences?
Battery life better on which one?
Flash them and find out or read the threads about them
Still flashing
You really need to flash and keep what you like. They have their own personality.
established said:
Which ROM is the best?
What are the key differences?
Battery life better on which one?
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The only real difference between them is Onyx has LauncherPro built I'm cuz TouchWiz is removed....
Sent from my XDA app cuz I'm stalking your mom....
fearless1964 said:
The only real difference between them is Onyx has LauncherPro built I'm cuz TouchWiz is removed....
Sent from my XDA app cuz I'm stalking your mom....
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Thank you for your answer...thanks for the general info that the other posters couldnt give other than "flash yourself" like its such a problem to ask....this is a questions forum right?
established said:
Thank you for your answer...thanks for the general info that the other posters couldnt give other than "flash yourself" like its such a problem to ask....this is a questions forum right?
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Yes but if you took two minutes out of your obviously busy life to just read the op of both roms instead of being to lazy, people wouldn't have to take time out of theyre (obviously less important you) lives to explain it to you ,food for thought homie
Still flashing , thanks to odin
willsnews said:
Yes but if you took two minutes out of your obviously busy life to just read the op of both roms instead of being to lazy, people wouldn't have to take time out of theyre (obviously less important you) lives to explain it to you ,food for thought homie
Still flashing , thanks to odin
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Umm ive been flashing roms from TW from the start and i still couldnt really find a main difference between the 2...so before u go assuming i didnt look...all u had to do was state at least one difference...last time i checked when a person seeks help in a forum u dnt tell them go find it on their own...thats just my thought on good forum humanity.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
established said:
Umm ive been flashing roms from TW from the start and i still couldnt really find a main difference between the 2...so before u go assuming i didnt look...all u had to do was state at least one difference...last time i checked when a person seeks help in a forum u dnt tell them go find it on their own...thats just my thought on good forum humanity.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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The difference was literally in the op in like first few lines onyx is touchwiz free form of obsidian not really sure how you missed it.i would go on but then there would be a new question on the forum of you asking other people to read what I said and sum it up for you anyway no hard feelings I know im way to shallow to stay upset at someone I don't even know good day sir
Still flashing , thanks to odin
willsnews said:
the difference was literally in the op in like first few lines onyx is touchwiz free form of obsidian not really sure how you missed it.i would go on but then there would be a new question on the forum of you asking other people to read what i said and sum it up for you anyway no hard feelings i know im way to shallow to stay upset at someone i don't even know good day sir
still flashing , thanks to odin
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ok mr.alltime greatness
I demand you tell me how you know my real name
Still flashing , thanks to odin & tw
Calm down....he asked a question...i answered it....now he knows...lets move on people...damn.
Sent from my XDA app cuz I'm stalking your mom....
What is this thing with people getting all cocky when someone asks a question?
A forum is just like any other conversation in Real Life: someone asks you a question and if you like to you answer it, you don´t like you don´t say anything or something like "sorry, don´t feel like answering!". But this whole attitude like "I´m too great to answer questions" sucks, man. No need to tell people how dump they are not finding everything out on their own. I encourage people looking for answers themselves but with threads easily over 400 pages long I definitely don´t see a problem in asking such a question here.
Well, just my opinion, though, not forcing anyone into behaving like that.
Have fun guys
Shhhhhhhhhh ,this thread was finally going to go away and then someone else chimes In .Let it be gone noob , let it be gone.
Still flashing , thanks to odin & tw
think imma flash both. there's nothing else to do in my job. =(
Nicely said
V5 custom vibrant

[Q] What are the differences

Between these roms:
- Cogniton S2
- Batista70
- Criskelo
- Leo & Checks
- Androidmeda
... they all look the same to me?
Different themes/kernels/tweaks/apps installed, that's all... they're all samsung roms underneath.
does't really specify for those roms! need more deets
I still dn't understand... can someone tell me whats different between using them please
Too much to mention, use the search button and Google. Here is a video that maybe you should have taken note of when joining xda-d's. No offence but you are asking too much...
Refer to/read the specific threads in the development section of the forum relating to these individual roms for the features/advantages/disadvantages of each.
There is no central "list" or thread that contains every single SGS2 rom and any "differences" between same.
ms.brightside said:
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Mate.. ur acting like a kid. All those roms u posted. Go to their threads and read what they all offer. Its really that easy. Ur being lazy. Everyone has been nice to you.....trust me.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I smell a flame-fest brewing
ms.brightside said:
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You want to know more then you read and learn or do you want somebody to look up all the details of each rom and make a spread chart for you .Thats what we all have to do expert or noob .
Really if you cannot carry out such a simple task stay with stock you are only going to f*** you phone up .
If you can read the details the major difference will be in the themes plus you may find that rom xxx has a customized init.d folder that gives larger dalvik with later cwm and extra rhubarb .


Hi Devs,
I am uploading link to AOSP ICELite ROM by zdzihu...
Check Here to see the original Thread... It is a Beautiful ROM...
I tried to port it to PLAY but I cant do it without having the Device...
It boots upto SETUP and then restarts.. Its about done but I really cant bug my testers for trying small little things again and again...
Successfully ported drivers for almost all hardwares coz it boots into setup fine but then reboots suddenly... find the bug...
Its all Yours Port it, put ur name , take the credits.. I dont care...
If you need any help regarding anything.. let me know​
You do not own this rom therefore its not your rom remove it from your signature, plus do you even have the developers permission?
You Give no credit to the dev then you are not a dev.
GDSH said:
You do not own this rom therefore its not your rom remove it from your signature, plus do you even have the developers permission?
You Give no credit to the dev then you are not a dev.
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I think i started the Thread with first sentence giving credit to Developer zdzihu... And link to his thread...:-/
And as for permission, he has granted me full permission to port it... You can ask him...
Damn, what happened to users here?.. I spent bloody 3 hours porting it... I don't own an Xperia Play... Just came to share some goodies of other devices... I don't get paid for porting... i just do it as hobby...
If you guys want, i can stop... Nothing hurts me...
jjdoctor said:
I think i started the Thread with first sentence giving credit to Developer zdzihu... And link to his thread...:-/
And as for permission, he has granted me full permission to port it... You can ask him...
Damn, what happened to users here?.. I spent bloody 3 hours porting it... I don't own an Xperia Play... Just came to share some goodies of other devices... I don't get paid for porting... i just do it as hobby...
If you guys want, i can stop... Nothing hurts me...
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Thanks love zidzihu's work. Can wait for this for play. Have his beta asop on 1 of our old arc's runs sweet.
Sent from my LT26i using XDA
Sorry dude i was just trying to see if you were people who dont give credit lol
no worries and no hard feelings eighter
Looking forward to this bud thanks a bunch
Sent from my R800i using XDA
GDSH said:
Sorry dude i was just trying to see if you were people who dont give credit lol
no worries and no hard feelings eighter
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You mean like you and your rip off roms with just a theme? and no credits?
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
fma965 said:
You mean like you and your rip off roms with just a theme? and no credits?
Sent from my R800i using Tapatalk
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Well said!!
Sent from my R800i using XDA
this rom couldn't be ported (as in would never be fully working)
The problems you need to fix:
landscape bug
maybe graphics
maybe deep sleep
orientation bug
and a lot more!!!
As i said, i have replaced all the drivers... Everything will work... If it can be ported to Ray/Neo then it's not difficult to port to play...
Only problem is framework.... You have to deodex your ROM and replace that buggy one..
It isn't so easy
porting a arc ics rom is very hard
The neo arc etc. Are almost the same
Play have a different board
You will have a landscape bug because of gamepad
Just replacing some drivers won't work
Nothing is impossible if u give it a go...
Btw.. I have collected some Lib files.. these were the exact files I used to port this ROM to Xperai Ray and probably might make this port successful...
anyone wants to give it a go.. Flash the AOSP ROM, then Flash the AOSP_Play_Lib.zip
GDSH said:
Sorry dude i was just trying to see if you were people who dont give credit lol
no worries and no hard feelings eighter
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You? You're calling someone else out? And then you try to laugh it off like a Joke? Well, there's a joke there, alright...
Tough Job For a Tough ROM maker I've Tried to Port things from the ARC to Play They are really hard to work out.

Congratulations guys !!!! You' ll Rock!!!!

* Moderator feel free to close or delete this thread..
Congrats guys you'll did it !!!!
Yet another dev out from the Ace forums ....first jusada now tj_droid....even the awesome themer spacecaker has retired ...
Way to go guys !!!!you'll rock !!!!!
Very soon the dev section will be deserted and that day will the funeral day of our ace ....
Keep up the good work ...dont read the stickies and keep posting your awesome comments in dev section .. all of you'll rock !!!!
P.S.: i m not complaining about anything i m just congratulating you'll...nice work ....enjoy...
P.S. 2 : just in case you didnt realise whatever i said was all sarcastic ....
Sent from my GT-S5830
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
encik_racun said:
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
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Because there are no new stuff to do
Htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
But not full working
unwritten sentance
encik_racun said:
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
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If you think making ROMs is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
spacecaker said:
Because there are no new stuff to do
Htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
But not full working
unwritten sentance
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tj_droid said:
if you think making roms is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
Sent from my gt-s5830 using tapatalk
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spacecaker said:
because there are no new stuff to do
htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
but not full working
unwritten sentance
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Okay , that's it . I'm outta here .
Defy-ing all limits.
EmoBoiix3 said:
Okay , that's it . I'm outta here .
Defy-ing all limits.
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Eh? You are leaving too?
tj_droid said:
If you think making ROMs is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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So you decided to leave. Sorry to hear.
If it's so: thanks for your work, and roms, and good luck to your academics!
Rishris said:
Eh? You are leaving too?
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Out of this thread.....
No matter how many noobs there are here , I can never leave this place.....it's like my heart wouldn't let go
Defy-ing all limits.
kmarci said:
So you decided to leave. Sorry to hear.
If it's so: thanks for your work, and roms, and good luck to your academics!
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No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Leaving XDA isnt that easy
I love developing
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
you are welcome ;p
my heart will go on~~~~~~~~
i think some of noobs have learned their lessons and migrate to newbies..
welcome from old newbie~~zaqwankira
EmoBoiix3 said:
Out of this thread.....
No matter how many noobs there are here , I can never leave this place.....it's like my heart wouldn't let go
Defy-ing all limits.
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Thank god
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
tj_droid said:
No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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Good news! I think this is the good decision. I don't know the other communities, I just hear, that the other communities are better. I think our Ace is a very popular device, and there's a lot of people, who doesen't read even, or carefully enough, and that's why the noob questions. (I even made this mistake, but than I kept quiet, read, and learn, and read, and learn, and than come back for posting.) I think you should leave them without an answer. Noobs will always be here, and everywhere...
But those, who say that your work is not good enough, or always asking about ETAs, and so on... No, I can't understand them. They are not just noobs, they are simply miserable, who don't know, that this is not your job, you don't get money for this, and you have privacy either. With theese people... I don't know what to do.
But sure: I'm really happy, that you stay!
kmarci said:
Good news! I think this is the good decision. I don't know the other communities, I just hear, that the other communities are better. I think our Ace is a very popular device, and there's a lot of people, who doesen't read even, or carefully enough, and that's why the noob questions. (I even made this mistake, but than I keot quiet, read, and learn, and read, and learn, and than come back for posting.) I think you should leave them without an answer. Noobs will always be here, and everywhere...
But those, who say that your work is not good enough, or always asking about ETAs, and so on... No, I can't understand them. They are not just noobs, they are simply miserable, who don't know, that this is not your job, you don't get money for this, and you have privacy either. With theese people... I don't know what to do.
But sure: I'm really happy, that you stay!
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We all should ignore questions from noobs. If we wont answer they will search themselves and get the answer.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
tj_droid said:
No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Leaving XDA isnt that easy
I love developing
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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Phewwww i m happy i was really sad when i saw emoboiix 's post in the off topic thread and then your post in stock lite thread ...i m glad u changed your mind thanks man we need guys like you
Sent from my GT-S5830
I dont see why the DEV section cant be a moderated forum where every post has to be allowed through by a moderator.
NOOBS! DAMN ALL NOOBS! Why the hell can't they ever learn?! now spacecaker is out! Jusada, nims11, spacecaker, who's next?
Doo:DAce said:
NOOBS! DAMN ALL NOOBS! Why the hell can't they ever learn?! now spacecaker is out! Jusada, nims11, spacecaker, who's next?
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DooAce lets not start it again i m tried of saying "noob" again and again ...they are just lazy ppl ....just lazy ...lets just keep ourselves clean by not saying anything offensive. .... They will learn a lesson one day...when devs stop working ......untill then let them spam away:banghead: ....
Sent from my GT-S5830

Hey ACE Users!! Want a whole new ROM??

In this summer vacation, im going to develop a whole new ROM for Gio, Ace, Mini, Fit, its called Luminous ROM, the first step of this ROM are the icons, here they are: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1652012
Hope you like them!!
Whays gonna be in my rom:
Whole new icons
Modded tw launcher
Based on 2.3.6
Swipe to remove statusbar
Loads of tweaks
No bloatware
And much much more!!
Please Don announce something
without even have something to do
first make rom
then announce and post
CoolCatGetHome said:
Please Don announce something
without even have something to do
first make rom
then announce and post
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I think you didnt understand me, i wanted to know if thew wanted a whole new rom, because if they want i will make it, and if they dont want, i wont make it
Hope you understand
Pancakes_Gio said:
I think you didnt understand me, i wanted to know if thew wanted a whole new rom, because if they want i will make it, and if they dont want, i wont make it
Hope you understand
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just make it post it
we have over 200 roms on ace threads XD
i seriously dont know what i am saying but good lucks
Of course!! everyone likes a new rom
In xda stuff is not made because the users want it...users will always want stuff its actually made because the developers like to make it
Sent from my GT-S5830
sharing your work would be amazing
thats xda
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Too many derivative ROMs.....as what the mighty Cyanogen said
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
jumbobombo said:
Of course!! everyone likes a new rom
In xda stuff is not made because the users want it...users will always want stuff its actually made because the developers like to make it
Sent from my GT-S5830
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go for it!
make it ill test it LOL,,
winxuser said:
make it ill test it LOL,,
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I don't see the point of this thread. It's like asking people to get million of dollars. If you don't have, why are you asking? If you have compiled a ROM post it in dev section. Posting threads like this is only a thanks hunt. Period.

