[Q] Unusual Wifi battery usage? - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Hi Everyone,
I've noticed a few other posters have indicated that wifi makes up an unusually large amount of their Prime's battery drain. Personally I'm seeing anywhere between 60-90% of battery usage being attributed to Wifi. Do we know if there are any commonalities in these cases? I'm on a fully stock .21 build with a C3 series Prime, and my battery life has in general not been amazing (6-8 hours off-dock MAX). Anyone else seeing similar outcomes?

Yep, there are quite a few threads about this already
The wifi power consumption is absolute insane. With wifi off the battery last as advertised... but with bt or wifi..... well...
Wish there was a way to select how much power we want to assign to the wifi as i have seen in another phones.

Im having similar issues, on and off.
Recently, Ive been messing around with new roms and and kernels and found out tinkering here and there that when the tablet is put to sleep, its supposed to go into deep sleep, this being what makes the tab super battery efficient when its sleeping
A quick test to see if its going to deep sleep is to download Cpu Spy free from the market, start it, go to options (top right) reset timers to get a fresh reading, put tab to sleep for 10 -20 secs, then turn on, go back to Cpu Spy, options Refresh. You should have a listing for deep sleep, which will tell you that deep sleep is at least working.
Every now and again i would test this, found out that sometimes deep sleep would not initiate, normally its ok straight after reboot, but after ive been using the tab (mind you, not always), and test deep sleep, i find that the tab would stay on a low clock speed rather then deep sleep, well 'low' being a relative term, i mean at some points, the tab wouldnt go below 475mhz even when idle.
When idle, ideally, the tabs if not doing anything intensive in the background, SHOULD go to the lowest CPU state, 102mhz, i think there is something, either system related or app related, thats forcing our primes to run at higher clock speeds and in some cases its not letting our primes go into deep sleep
I think using cpu spy, is a good tool to figure out what that might be, restart your tab, before doing anything, establish that your tab can go to deep sleep while sleeping and uses the lower cpu speeds when idle, and then test it everynow and again, if the issues come back, and you see a connection between a certain app or certain setting you've been using let someone know, chances are, it could be our culprit, in this case the best way to fix something is to find out what needs fixing.

I have already checked forDeepSleep issues but I have none, my tablet sleeps like it should and when turned off use very little energy... but man once it starts transfering data the battery goes to hell hehe (Music streaming, WebSurfing. anything that uses internet).
The battery used by WiFi is more evident when using the Prime in Eco Mode with the light turned all the way down, 80-90% is from WiFi :/
Changing the Policy to disconnect while the screen turns off just does noting for me, since I like I said before, it only uses so much power when transfering any kind of data.

Zephyrot said:
I have already checked forDeepSleep issues but I have none, my tablet sleeps like it should and when turned off use very little energy... but man once it starts transfering data the battery goes to hell hehe (Music streaming, WebSurfing. anything that uses internet).
The battery used by WiFi is more evident when using the Prime in Eco Mode with the light turned all the way down, 80-90% is from WiFi :/
Changing the Policy to disconnect while the screen turns off just does noting for me, since I like I said before, it only uses so much power when transfering any kind of data.
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Thanks for the info.
Just to get our ducks in order, do you test with CPU Spy after you have messed around with the tab, without closing or shutting down anything?
Most of the time, mine works as it should when 102mhz and deep sleep is concerned, but on occasion after playing around with it, i find that deep sleep wont initiate and the lowest clock speed would be 475mhz 370mhz, its as if somethings hanging up the system, not allowing it to initiate lower more battery friendly settings
At the time i was using virtuous prime with motleys kernel with the script specific for virtuous prime, that combination was not allowing lower clock speeds at all regardless what i closed or even a reboot, im now in the process of reinstalling virtuous prime with stock kernel as vanilla as i can make it, as a base rom with all my apps ready, and it seems to be doing what its suppose to be doing, CPU wise.
Gonna get the rom just the way i like it and nand backup, before i reinstall motleys kernel again to see if it improves the battery with its under volt features, this time im gonna wipe davlak and cache see if that makes a difference
Im constantly using eco mode, so thanks for that observation, will definitely keep that in mind when im testing
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA

Yep, what I do almost every day is reset CPU Spy stats when disconnecting my tab from the power so I can have an accurate read of the whole day.
Deep sleep working, CPU scales down to 102MHz like it should.
WiFi is like a black hole of energy when transferring data hehe, wifi on with only chat client and my email and Widgets synced uses almost no power... downloading anything, web browsing, music streaming eats the battery

My tablet also seems to go into deep sleep just fine (at least a few small tests indicate that it does). I'm having the same results as Zephyrot though, if I'm doing something that uses the data connection much it just hammers the battery. It's odd that I can play GTA III with settings turned all the way up for 3 hours and have it use less power than lightly browsing the web for an hour. Do you guys have C3 or C2 models ? I'm curious if the changes they made might have some influence on this problem.

superhyper said:
My tablet also seems to go into deep sleep just fine (at least a few small tests indicate that it does). I'm having the same results as Zephyrot though, if I'm doing something that uses the data connection much it just hammers the battery. It's odd that I can play GTA III with settings turned all the way up for 3 hours and have it use less power than lightly browsing the web for an hour. Do you guys have C3 or C2 models ? I'm curious if the changes they made might have some influence on this problem.
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For reference im on C2, but im in the phase of testing some roms and kernels(recently unlocked to try Cornerstone Rom) so my testing results are gonna be all over the place until i find the best performance/battery rom and kernel, untill then im gonna be doing basic short term tests, untill i settle down, so as far as my personal findings are concerned, take em with a grain of salt

superhyper said:
My tablet also seems to go into deep sleep just fine (at least a few small tests indicate that it does). I'm having the same results as Zephyrot though, if I'm doing something that uses the data connection much it just hammers the battery. It's odd that I can play GTA III with settings turned all the way up for 3 hours and have it use less power than lightly browsing the web for an hour. Do you guys have C3 or C2 models ? I'm curious if the changes they made might have some influence on this problem.
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Exactly my experience, Asphalt 6HD uses less battery than wifi!
C20 Prime here.

Since .21 update my battery life is crap! I can have fully charged tablet and dock, leave it overnight and next morning dock is completely drained and tablet has lost 5-10%. I thought it was wifi issue at first, but have tried several times in airplane mode and still have same result. After reading this, I will try cpuspy and see if it is a deep sleep issue. I cannot tell you how much I regret "upgrading" to .21, which I did accidentally and lost root in the process. Man, I wish this device had a do-over button!


[Q] Standby battery usage iOS vs Android

Maybe someone can give some input about the following:
At work we have an iPad 1 and I've been monitoring it's battry drain in standby last week:
Full 6 days standby, with Wifi ON and not used in meantime:
battery went from 58% to 54%.
With my prime I get 2-4% during 1 night!
And that's even with Wifi turned OFF and docked (auto airplane mode app)
The dock looses about 1-2% each night
Why does the iPad have such crazy battery life in standby mode + wifi on? Is it all about good written software (iOS, drivers and apps)? Or is it hardware related? Or both?
In other words: will it ever be possible for an Android tablet to get such great standby time when ICS get more mature? Or is it already possible on other devices and lays the problem within hardware/drivers from Asus?
I really dislike having to use auto airplane mode, because I sometimes have to wait 5-10 second for wifi to get connected and ready. But with wifi turned on, the standby drain is even greater.
This didn't need its own thread. Should have posted it here.
you might have some wakelocks
Sent from my sgs2 running cm9 using xda app
use better batter stats to see what's causing your issue. I get great standby battery life + wifi on. plus 2% drain isn't bad at all in one night. my prime can easily get over 20hrs. on a charge with off and on usage. I get about 10hrs. or so with moderate to heavy usage. about 9hrs. real heavy usage. battery life dependent on several factors. as far as standby goes, like the other poster said, you are experiencing system or partial wakelocks. cutting down the frequency of updates can help or solve this. everytime you asleep and device goes off from a notification, its woke up out of sleep. then eventually goes back to sleep. this is a repeated cycle which causes extra battery drain during sleep. because device never gets a chance to sleep long because its always being disturbed by notifications constantly going off.
demandarin said:
plus 2% drain isn't bad at all in one night.
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I know that my 2% idle drain is quite good regarding to current prime and firmware/drivers, but how can a 2% drain in 8-10 hours be good when the iPad drains only 4% in 6 days (that's 144 hours!!) ?
The difference is HUGE, so that's why I wondered if it's bad coding in Android, drivers, Apps or maybe the used hardware that consumes just quite a lot more than iPad. Is 2% also common with other andoid tablets?
And if it's really software related: can and will it ever be fixed or at least reduced?
When in standby my prime is always in "deep sleep" and I don't see any interuptions. But I sure will try better battery app.
Then again: this is all with wifi off and iPad had default settings with wifi on and still consumes way less
My ipad 1 have a great standby time too, comparing it to my Prime, My iphone 3gs has great standby time to comparing to my Galaxy Note. BUT it is too bad I didn't buy those stuff to be there looking pretty, I bought them to be able to USE them. If my stuff stays on standby a lot of time, seems like I really don't need it.
On my home network, I get about .3%/hour battery use on standby. I have wifi configured to stay on when the screen is off, and I have a number of apps that synchronize in the background (gReader, TweetCaster, email (X2 accounts), Gmail, a tasks app, calendar, etc.).
The worst standby that I get is on my work network, where I get between .5%/hour and 1%/hour. I believe it's something to do with the router at work, which also causes problems with my HP Envy 14 notebook. Note that the difference in standby life is absolutely consistent and quantifiable.
At .3%/hour, my Prime would last for 333 hours. At .5%/hour, my Prime would last for 200 hours. Worst case scenario is that at 1%/hour, my Prime would last for 100 hours.
Quite honestly, I'll take a Prime that lasts between 100 and 333 hours on standby while running all sorts of useful background tasks over an iPad that last for however long while running few if any background tasks. My Prime is more USEFUL to me that way.
And, even if the iPad runs the same sorts of background tasks that I've described here, 100 to 333 hours of standby is perfectly fine. Is it as good as an iPad? Clearly, not, in this case. But even so, it's also a distinction without much meaning.
why is it that all these people make ****ing mac/ios based threads?
serious if you don't like what you have bought... G T F O
p.s. stop the trolls ok? ipad ****ing sucks and what you claim is total bull**** anyway. 4% in 6days with wifi on dreams are there to be made.
fact: use that ****ty ipad turn on wifi and use it for 6-8 hours.
now try with the prime
<edit>the topic of your thread... serious... your talking about 2 devices not even the actual software.. dip****</edit>
/end rage
Even if your using really clear, hard to see, mono filament, trolling is still trolling.
pvdwaal said:
Maybe someone can give some input about the following:
At work we have an iPad 1 and I've been monitoring it's battry drain in standby last week:
Full 6 days standby, with Wifi ON and not used in meantime:
battery went from 58% to 54%.
With my prime I get 2-4% during 1 night!
And that's even with Wifi turned OFF and docked (auto airplane mode app)
The dock looses about 1-2% each night
Why does the iPad have such crazy battery life in standby mode + wifi on? Is it all about good written software (iOS, drivers and apps)? Or is it hardware related? Or both?
In other words: will it ever be possible for an Android tablet to get such great standby time when ICS get more mature? Or is it already possible on other devices and lays the problem within hardware/drivers from Asus?
I really dislike having to use auto airplane mode, because I sometimes have to wait 5-10 second for wifi to get connected and ready. But with wifi turned on, the standby drain is even greater.
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Its not an issue with Android because I can get 2 months on standby with my Nook Color running CM7. The tf201's standby time is likely due to things on the kernel level rather than Android.
dalingrin said:
Its not an issue with Android because I can get 2 months on standby with my Nook Color running CM7. The tf201's standby time is likely due to things on the kernel level rather than Android.
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I was just going to post how crazy my nook color is with power consumption, but thats not the same level of processor that the Prime has.
Not sure if this has already been said? But iOS battery% behave very different than Android battery%. I noticed that when i got my first android device after using an ipod touch for a while. (that was a while ago so maybe things changed with iOS 5x never used that)
The iOS% will kinda adapt to your usage. If you play a 3d game on high brightness the battery% will go down pretty fast, but if you go back to standby they go up again. After some hour of gaming you can be down to 60% but after another one in standby it could go up to 80% again...
In general it feels to me like they lie "a bit". It could very well be that if you used said ipad it would drop to like 30% after 5mins of using. I found the way it behaves very annoying. But as I said that was on my ipod touch, maybe the ipad is different.
Android battery% are much more "direct" but also more accurate in my opinion. With my ipod I never knew how much juice is really left. With my phone or tablet now i know exactly what i can do until it shuts down.
That being said, i'm pretty sure there's still alot of room for improvement with the prime. The software is just an early version basically - all they did up to now is make sure everything works more or less and that its stable for most people. I'm confident the next patch will make things alot better in many aspects.
And i wonder how my prime will be like in half a year with a perfect custom rom
Ready2Mosh said:
I was just going to post how crazy my nook color is with power consumption, but thats not the same level of processor that the Prime has.
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That's true, but isn't Teg3 and the new Pad line supposed to be fairly efficient?
With the majority of my time spent at the lowest clocks, the drain I get does seem kind of ridiculous. That opinion stated, here's another: the battery-life on the Prime is still fantastic. I can almost push it an entire work-week on one charge so long as I'm not trying to game or anything, that's a pretty stout stand-by for most electronics. The OG iPad just happens to be so underwhelmingly powerful that its standby is much greater.
I personally believe that to coax away the random locks/reboots they raised the voltage values so that we're drawing unneeded power; however, I for some reason have not ventured into my Prime to see what they have the values set to so I have nothing to back this up. Just a guess.
Ready2Mosh said:
I was just going to post how crazy my nook color is with power consumption, but thats not the same level of processor that the Prime has.
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If its truly in standby/sleep then the processor should be essentially off. In the case of the Nook Color the primary CPU can power off entirely.
The issue is the dock, when mines not docked it can idle for over 60 days (according to battery widget app) and when it's docked I lose over 10% a night or more
d1ez3 said:
The issue is the dock, when mines not docked it can idle for over 60 days (according to battery widget app) and when it's docked I lose over 10% a night or more
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The dock is not the issue, neither is Android and neither is the processor. It comes down to what apps you're running, live wallpapers, radios, etc. Or just good ol' fashioned faulty units...or poorly built ROMs/kernels.
I'm running stock, rooted .15 with performance mode on always. When I wake up in the morning, I unplug my docked Prime before I go to work. When I get home 10 hours later...dock is at 100% and Prime at 99%. That's with dock connected, performance mode, bluetooth wifi and GPS all ON and no "battery saving" apps of any kind running. And that's been consistent for the last two weeks. I DO, however, kill all apps in the recent apps menu. I don't force stop them or anything, just open up the recent menu and swipe them away.
The only time I've gotten battery drain was when I left an N64 emu, an SNES emu, Sixaxis and two other games running in the background. That ate about 10% battery or so in 10 hours.
I left my prime unplugged for 8 hours, wifi on, and it was at 99%. So I don't know what the OP is talking about.
Additionally, iPad doesn't have a good clue as to what real multi-tasking is like, and therefore doesn't update as much because it doesn't have services running in the background.
Android does have services running in the background. Give and take. You want your data always refreshed? What intervals? etc.
That's all configurable, so you really decide how long your battery lasts.
Advice to OP: Read more, get smarter, post less dumb crap.

Wifi and sleep on ICS

I have a smartq t20 tablet (great cheap tablet!) running ICS, my question is, when I leave wifi on all the time, what happens when the tablet goes to sleep (not awake according to the battery details)?
I can leave a download running and it would continue when the screen is off, does this mean my tablet is never going into deep sleep? Or is that unrelated?
I know the wifi itself drains more battery when left on even if it isn't being utilized but I was wondering about the CPU side of it.
or.green said:
I have a smartq t20 tablet (great cheap tablet!) running ICS, my question is, when I leave wifi on all the time, what happens when the tablet goes to sleep (not awake according to the battery details)?
I can leave a download running and it would continue when the screen is off, does this mean my tablet is never going into deep sleep? Or is that unrelated?
I know the wifi itself drains more battery when left on even if it isn't being utilized but I was wondering about the CPU side of it.
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If you want to download something with the screen off go to Setings/Wifi/WiFisettings and choose the sleep policy as never. Then the screen can go off and still download... Regarding battery issue, it would be like the tab was on sleep anyway, battery usage would be minimal... maybe more than usual... but very minute nevertheless... hope it helps
No worries.
or.green said:
I have a smartq t20...
...I know the wifi itself drains more battery when left on even if it isn't being utilized but I was wondering about the CPU side of it.
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Well if you are concerned about battery and CPU usage, you have nothing to worry about. If the download is something along the lines of a movie, then you may see a small drop in battery length and internet speed. You should see barely any change in your CPU.
Thanks for the answers guys!
I knew how to do it, I was only asking about the effects.
I experimented a little with CPU spy and found out that the CPU never goes to Deep Sleep if the Wifi is active when the screen is turned off.
As a result I would expect the battery drain to be very different unless I don't understand deep sleep completely and it isn't such a big difference from the lowest CPU setting.

Anyone notice the lockscreen is sometimes slow to appear when pushing power button?

I wasnt sure which sub-forum to post this in but...
I was wondering if anyone else notices that the lockscreen is sometimes very slow to pop up when you push the power button (coming out of a deep sleep/idle state)
I used to experience this problem with my S2 and even my Galaxy Nexus but I find its pretty bad sometimes on the S3 as well...
Does anyone have any clue/solution as to why this happens?
I can guess that the phone is in a deep sleep/idle state with the CPU clocked very low, and it needs some time to ramp up once the power button "awakes" the phone - but if you've ever pushed the button on an iphone or OneX you'll notice the lockscreen pops up right away ....so what gives?
We have arguably the fastest CPU/GPU combination in a phone right now and sometimes these small things bug me a bit...
also goes for stuff in the dialer like answering a call or ending a call - you'll notice a slight delay/lag.
I'm almost 100% sure that's a samsung/TWZ/software issue, but ya, just curious on how no one else noticed this since the S1 and S2.
Any feedback or tips would be appreciated
I've tried both stock LF2 and am now on WanamLite v1.3 now , so ive already gotten a feel for stock and custom rom/kernels , all of which are the same in terms of experiencing that lockscreen wake delay
have seen this issue on my s3. restart of the phone had cleared the issue.
Same situation here..
HI guys, did you find any solution?
My girlfriend's GS3 lags sometimes when the power button is pressed. The lockscreen doesn't appear for a few seconds. Have tried many restarts but it still occurs sometimes.
It's deep sleep mode will happen on Samsung roms
Changing to an aosp rom will fix it but deep sleep does preserve a lot of battery life
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Is there any way to turn the deep sleep off? Heck, it happens even if i try to unlock the screen a few seconds after locking it.
It is not occuring on my gs3..
same problem here
That's deep sleep, preserving you tons and tons of battery life.
When you open the phone and it's in deep sleep, it will take time to actually fire-up the CPU/GPU back to a high clock.
I don't see why people hate this, even laptops 'sleep' and re-open in seconds, same thing here and for the same reason, saving battery.
Skander1998 said:
That's deep sleep, preserving you tons and tons of battery life.
When you open the phone and it's in deep sleep, it will take time to actually fire-up the CPU/GPU back to a high clock.
I don't see why people hate this, even laptops 'sleep' and re-open in seconds, same thing here and for the same reason, saving battery.
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this exactly, nothing one can do about it. Sames is true for every microprocessors ive ever used in embedded systems. It takes time for every system to come out of deep sleep, yet they really do save *tons* of battery life.
If deep sleep were turned off everybody and their dog would talk about miserable battery life on the s3... on the order of about 8-10 hrs while not using it at all i would guess
That's deep sleep, preserving you tons and tons of battery life.
When you open the phone and it's in deep sleep, it will take time to actually fire-up the CPU/GPU back to a high clock.
I don't see why people hate this, even laptops 'sleep' and re-open in seconds, same thing here and for the same reason, saving battery.
this exactly, nothing one can do about it. Sames is true for every microprocessors ive ever used in embedded systems. It takes time for every system to come out of deep sleep, yet they really do save *tons* of battery life.
If deep sleep were turned off everybody and their dog would talk about miserable battery life on the s3... on the order of about 8-10 hrs while not using it at all i would guess
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Aaah, yes, and it is a well known fact that people with common sense use their laptop to check the time, or send a quick message.
I mean, really, who need a PHONE that reacts quickly??!
Anyways, those stupid apple-people seems to have bothered to make a quick reacting phone, but everyone knows they are just stupids!
minekeeper said:
Aaah, yes, and it is a well known fact that people with common sense use their laptop to check the time, or send a quick message.
I mean, really, who need a PHONE that reacts quickly??!
Anyways, those stupid apple-people seems to have bothered to make a quick reacting phone, but everyone knows they are just stupids!
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Why rant at a three month old thread?

[Q] Question about S2 battery usage

Hi everyone
So I recently got a S2, upgraded it from stock Gingerbread to stock ICS via Kies, then flashed CM9. CM9 was great, but I quickly noticed worse battery drain than that of GB. I sorted out all wakelocks, now facebook is the top one in better battery stats list and it's only 10mins in a day so I don't think that's a problem. When charging, vbus_present shows up and keeps the phone from sleeping, but that's a normal thing when the phone is plugged, right? CPUspy shows the phone is in deep sleep the majority of time I don't use it, so I assume I have no wakelock problem.
But even then, the battery still seems a bit bad. When in deep sleep with wifi and mobile data off, it would lose around 1.5% per hour; and with moderate/high use (internet with wifi or gaming), I'd be lucky to have it last 3 hours. Charging to 100% from zero takes about 3 hours.
I also tried recalibrating the battery through BC, but haven't noticed too much of a difference.
Recently I found a guide on disabling fast dormancy via the build.prop file. Still waiting for results though.
So, my questions
1, My battery usage seems normal, doesn't it? 1.5% per deep sleep hour is acceptable I guess, but 3 hours of usage seems a bit short. Too short.
2, What effects does fast dormancy have?
1) Totally unacceptable. Mine lasts at least 7-8 hours with high use..
Does your phone heat up while the heavy use ???
What brightness level do you use for the display ???
How many apps do you have that can gain internet access ???
2) By default, the Samsung Galaxy S II has Fast Dormancy support enabled. One of the goals of Fast Dormancy is to increase the battery life of a device, by limiting the amount of signaling between the phone and the cell network. But, when Fast Dormancy it is not enabled in the network and is enabled on the phone it ironically works the other way around, and actually drains more battery than before.
Luckily, Fast Dormancy can be disabled on the phone. For the Galaxy S II, do the following:
Dial *#9900#
Press “Disable Fast Dormancy“
Press “Exit“.
Easy as that!
Thanks for the suggestion I have brightness manual and at around 20%. Wifi is disabled when not used, and mobile data is always turned off unless I need it, so basically apps only get internet access when I want them to. I have also disabled sync for both google and facebook, but fb still pushes notifications to me while it's connected. Is that a major battery drain, and if yes, how to disable it?
Anyways, facebook, instagram, youtube are the only apps than can access the internet. No messengers or anything that may keep a wakelock.
My phone doesn't heat up during normal use, maybe a bit when I do some gaming (Max Payne?)
Also, *#9900# doesn't do anything on my phone. It doesn't bring up a menu or anything like that.
Bump. Guys?
Delivered using Nyan Cat's rainbow powers.
Install BetterBatteryStats (search for it on here/Google Play), might help you nail what's causing the drain.
Yes I did, as said in my original post. After a night the highest wakelock are just around 10 minutes, and that one was facebook. Uninstalling it however had no effect.
Delivered using Nyan Cat's rainbow powers.
Thinking logically, there's got to be something else in those stats (partial wakelocks in particular) that's causing that drain. There's no way having fast dormancy enabled/disabled is either going to cause/fix the drain you've mentioned getting '3 hours of usage'; (I can get 5 & a bit hours screen on with CM9 & variable usage/mostly 'moderate' use) given everything else you say you've tried.
Post BBS logs here if you want someone to have a look.
Edit to add - Also post a screenshot of the 2nd screen in settings/battery, the one that has history 'details' at the top, with the 'mobile network signal' bar underneath the main battery graph.
Here you go: pastebin.com/1UwicChJ
I just registered half a day ago and don't have enough posts yet to paste links, so sorry the phone was only on battery for nearly 2 hours with some light browsing and facebook, but I hope it works.
Anyway, I looked through my running processes, and dsp manager is the only non-OS process running, besides facebook. I got CM9 so it came by default. Could dspmanager be the culprit?
Delivered using Nyan Cat's rainbow powers.
It's a new phone he's got there and I doubt it could be anything battery related itself.
I'm using CM9 nightlies and I get around 9 hours moderate use. It has been said though that a lot of these CM9 builds have battery drain and heat issues.
I use Juicedefender to help with the battery life which seems to work.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
MistahBungle said:
Edit to add - Also post a screenshot of the 2nd screen in settings/battery, the one that has history 'details' at the top, with the 'mobile network signal' bar underneath the main battery graph.
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About 1/3 of this time was on wifi browsing. The drop is much more drastic if I play games.
Delivered using Nyan Cat's rainbow powers.
A couple of observations. There's nothing that stands right out in the BBS log. The other one is, looking at that graph you've lost ~15% over a bit under 2 hrs. The screen has been on most of the time the phone has been awake (confirmed by the BBS log) if you look at the respective bars. You've also been using WiFi for most of the time the screen has been on/phone has been awake.
Roughly speaking, going by the screenshot, you'd get ~5hrs+/- screen on time if you kept using the phone in the same way you had during that just under 2 hrs, and this is pretty much normal. I haven't had drain issues for ages, so I double checked my details on the 2nd screen of settings/battery to make sure CM9 is reporting these details accurately (screenshot attached). Certainly in my case, this screenshot reflects what my phone had been doing for the just under 5 hrs it had been off charge/since last reboot; that is, >90% of the time in idle/deep sleep. So it probably isn't CM9 reporting these details inaccurately in your case either.
The BBS log & screenshot don't illustrate the problem you talked about in your OP. Now, if I had to take a stab in the dark at what's causing problems when you do have them (and FWIW, I do believe you're having the problems you mentioned in your OP at times), in the absence of any other info, maybe your WiFi router is constantly sending the phone packets (what's been referred to as a 'dirty router' on here before) when you're connected to WiFi & not actually using it. This scenario has been known to cause relatively high levels of drain.
So to be honest with you, based on that screenshot & the BBS log, I'm not really seeing a problem.
Now, if you want to post the same again when you actually have a problem with drain similar to what you described in your OP, happy to have a look at them. But for that ~2hrs covered by the BBS log & screenshot you posted, that's pretty much normal.
MistahBungle said:
A couple of observations. There's nothing that stands right out in the BBS log. The other one is, looking at that graph you've lost ~15% over a bit under 2 hrs. The screen has been on most of the time the phone has been awake (confirmed by the BBS log) if you look at the respective bars. You've also been using WiFi for most of the time the screen has been on/phone has been awake.
Roughly speaking, going by the screenshot, you'd get ~5hrs+/- screen on time if you kept using the phone in the same way you had during that just under 2 hrs, and this is pretty much normal. I haven't had drain issues for ages, so I double checked my details on the 2nd screen of settings/battery to make sure CM9 is reporting these details accurately (screenshot attached). Certainly in my case, this screenshot reflects what my phone had been doing for the just under 5 hrs it had been off charge/since last reboot; that is, >90% of the time in idle/deep sleep. So it probably isn't CM9 reporting these details inaccurately in your case either.
The BBS log & screenshot don't illustrate the problem you talked about in your OP. Now, if I had to take a stab in the dark at what's causing problems when you do have them (and FWIW, I do believe you're having the problems you mentioned in your OP at times), in the absence of any other info, maybe your WiFi router is constantly sending the phone packets (what's been referred to as a 'dirty router' on here before) when you're connected to WiFi & not actually using it. This scenario has been known to cause relatively high levels of drain.
So to be honest with you, based on that screenshot & the BBS log, I'm not really seeing a problem.
Now, if you want to post the same again when you actually have a problem with drain similar to what you described in your OP, happy to have a look at them. But for that ~2hrs covered by the BBS log & screenshot you posted, that's pretty much normal.
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Okay, much appreciated so I guess I'll take it from your reply that 5 hours with wifi browsing isn't too bad. Seems okay, but I still find it a bit strange that (in my case) wifi browsing uses just as much battery as games do. I always thought it was a light activity!
Or maybe it wasn't the battery that had a problem, but that I set my expectations a bit too high. I came to this S2 from a BlackBerry 9700, whose battery would last half a week with very frequent use. But anyway, I just got this phone for a week, so I consider myself a pretty heavy user. Probably when I get familiar with it, I won't feel the need to play with it every five minutes and battery will last a bit longer then! xD
Nah. Anything with screen on is far from 'light activity'. Screen consumes far & away the most juice. In saying that, I've seen some people on here say they can get 8-9 hrs screen on with 2000mAh battery. How they do it I have absolutely no idea.
But if yeah, 5 hrs with the screen on most of the time whether browsing or playing games (games in particular are very CPU/GPU intensive & thus use a lot of zzzzs; unless they're really basic games like chess or similar), or anything else isn't too bad. Can you do better ? Obviously, if people say they can get 8-9 hrs. But it's not a matter of doing A, B & C and you'll magically end up with massive screen on times. Every phone is setup & used differently, and getting the absolute max out of every charge takes a lot of trial & error and experimenting with settings/setup.
There are tons of threads about the subject on here if you feel like going down that path. For me, I'm happy with the battery life I get these days because you can really obsess over it & spend a lot of time stressing over it/trying to maximise it for often very little gain. I'd rather simply use my phone a lot during the day & charge it at night.
Yeah Crackberries are like Japanese cars, they can run on fumes pretty much ;-) Having a dual core processor, a decent GPU & a huge screen kinda changes things.
There is one thing you can do fairly easily tho. And that's to make sure the phone spends as much time as possible in deep sleep when you're not using it. That will ensure that you have enough juice to get you by when you do want to use it. Simple ways to help achieve that is to turn off data/WiFi completely when you're not using it (tho many people don't like to do this for different reasons; which is perfectly OK if you're happy to live with the resultant drain), and make sure you've got no apps that are doing things they shouldn't be doing (like syncing, for example) while the phone should be sleeping. Again, there are lots of threads about same if you ever feel like a bit of light reading ;-)
So yeah, if you do find you experience drain that's not normal/outside the usual pattern you have, definitely post details & people can have a look for you. And as you said, you'll get to know what really is normal with regard to drain & so on is as you use the phone more (I tended to use it constantly for that first couple of weeks as well).
nyancatland said:
Okay, much appreciated so I guess I'll take it from your reply that 5 hours with wifi browsing isn't too bad. Seems okay, but I still find it a bit strange that (in my case) wifi browsing uses just as much battery as games do. I always thought it was a light activity!
Or maybe it wasn't the battery that had a problem, but that I set my expectations a bit too high. I came to this S2 from a BlackBerry 9700, whose battery would last half a week with very frequent use. But anyway, I just got this phone for a week, so I consider myself a pretty heavy user. Probably when I get familiar with it, I won't feel the need to play with it every five minutes and battery will last a bit longer then! xD
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Already took such measures. Wakelocks killed my battery over my first night with the phone, and I woke up after 7 hours to find a ~50% battery completely empty. Now things are alright, I clear CPUSpy stats before I sleep and wake up to around 95% of deep sleep time. Overnight drain varies between 5 and 10%.
And yes, yes you are right. Maybe I should stop going nuts. I'm checking BBS and CPUSpy every hour, reading every XDA thread on battery, and calculating my battery drainage every morning I wake up :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Re: dirty/'noisy' WiFi networks, have a look at this post as an example of what I was talking about above.
MistahBungle said:
Re: dirty/'noisy' WiFi networks, have a look at this post as an example of what I was talking about above.
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Umm...so I just woke up, and noticed a wakelock in the kernel category. It was PowerManagerService, and it occupied around half an hour. Overnight, aftet I've slept 10 hours (got a day off ), my battery came from 24% down to 13%. That's a rate of roughly 1% per hour. Is that normal? And also, what is that PowetManagerService wakelock?
Delivered using Nyan Cat's rainbow powers.
Fantastic. Looks like you got your 10 posts That tip is about as useful as "don't plant cauliflowers in concrete".
trojans63 said:
Turn off wifi and dont play games and your batter will last longer
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What is Causing Some Folks to Have Truly Horrible Battery Life?

Because Im seriously curious... This phone has a rap of being "atrocious" in terms of battery life... Now I'm not making this post to be mean or anything, In fact I really do want to know what IS causing it or some theories.. and share one theory I have
But my personal experience really says otherwise, Tonight I set a new "record" on my One X+, 16 hours 28 minutes with 2 hours 43 minutes screen on time... And I didnt do anything "extreme" to achieve it, My Google Now is on, my location services are on, autosync is enabled.. About the only thing I have done is install JuiceDefender (My previous record without Juice Defender was about 15-something hours) I watched youtube videos, Read some websites, listened to music, and even played some games... I'm completely stock, no roms or anything
Now, I will note, I had a problem the other day where my battery killed itself, FAST.. After a bit of digging around and tweaking, I discovered the cause was that my One X+ wasnt entering Deep Sleep, and thus the processor was staying at 475mhz or so even when the screen was locked (Causing the battery to be drained like i was using it) What caused this? My Wi-Fi, of all things, While I had a really good signal, I had it prioritizing the 5.8ghz radio, and in my room, the 5.8ghz signal is fairly weak as im a ways from my router... so the phone was switching between it and the 2.4ghz signal, causing the phone to be unable to sleep, Removing the 5.8ghz AP from my phone fixed the issue completely and my phone returned to "normal" behavior...
Yeah i know it sounds really farfetched and weird, and took me a bit of googling to get the idea that this might be what was causing my issue (I tested my hypothesis by turning Wi-Fi off completely and using Cell data, Sure enough my phone slept like a baby and barely used any battery.. i flipped Wi-Fi on and suddenly the phone was drinking its battery down rapidly.. I disabled the 5.8ghz AP and suddenly the phone worked 100% properly again)
I suspect that this is the cause behind some folks who are saying their phone is draining down 7% in 20 minutes with it locked, Its simply not entering deep sleep, the processor is doing something in the background... Could some of them be having the problem i just described? Its possible, Especially if you have multiple Wi-Fi points in your house.. Could the wi-fi in the One X+ be bugged? I dunno, Thats possible to, Thats why I'm posting this...
Now of course some people need a phone that is going to go for 2-3 days without a charge, and no, this isnt the phone for you (There arent many smartphones out there that can manage that if you actually USE it any) But really.. 16 hours with 3 hours of screen on time is pretty darn good.. Thats getting quite close to my Galaxy Nexus with a 3500mah Extended Battery (Around 18h standby, 3.5-4 hours screen on) despite all of the "handicaps" the One X+ has over the simple GNex (Like LTE and a Quad Core processor) and is vastly better than my stock Galaxy Nexus battery which died constantly...
And yes, heres a screenshot as proof if you dont believe me...
I just want to add that I find that googlenow also drains the battery and as such I always disable it. It was a problem on my S2 and thus I have disabled it on my HOX+
Honestly, mine wasn't lasting longer than 8 hours until I rooted it and simply "froze" all of the AT&T apps I wasn't using. That alone gave me an extra 2-3 hours a day of battery life! (I've read here that the AT&T apps, even if you aren't using them, keep running in the background) The other thing that seems to help is an app called Smart WiFi toggler that's done wonders for both myself and everyone else I know who uses it in terms of minimizing WiFi battery usage.
I'm sure other folks have other tips, but this has been the winning combo for me.
I should add that i also froze every ATT app i could and never opened ANY of them.. So maybe thats part of it as well..
JuiceDefender i believe is doing something similar for me with the Wi-Fi by turning it off when its not needed...
My battery life was terrible when I first got this phone. I let it charge out completely once this month and I've been using LBE Security Master. Those two things have greatly extended my battery so much I have been able to go more than a day with it before charging. Another factor might be that my phone isn't carrier branded or anything.
The "My Wi-Fi isnt letting my phone enter deep sleep" thing is actually starting to get annoying, I thought i fixed it but it keeps coming back...and yes, it is legitimately killing my battery at twice the normal rate because the phone will -not- enter deep sleep
My phone goes into deep sleep just fine if i turn Wi-Fi off...and my battery drain returns to normal....So it cant be some app downloading stuff or constantly pinging the internet or else it would do the same thing when im on LTE...
Also i've reset the "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" option to never 20 times now, it keeps going back to "always" on me...
My battery life is ok. See here:
Mine is too, Provided i turn Wi-Fi off or i get the bug to go away for a bit (basically toggling wi-fi on and off a few times and twiddling with the settings makes it work right, but the problem comes back minutes or hours later)
Otherwise, Wi-Fi wont let my phone enter deep sleep, and my battery drains like im using it..
The thing thats annoying me more is that the "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" setting will not stay where i set it and keeps going back to the default setting....
I guess i can just toggle wi-fi on and off manually...

