[Q] Archos Home Connect 35 Stuck on White Screen - Gen8, Gen9, Gen10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Thanks in advance for reading this and for any suggestions you might have!
I have a Archos Home Connect 35 Gen 8 device. I had it rooted on 2.4.82 firmware just fine. I wanted to update to 2.8.83 to get rid of the update notification I kept getting. I wanted to do it from a fresh clean slate as I wanted to reset my device anyway. First I used the Recovery Menu (White Menu) to restore back to default, then removed the SDE menu via the option to remove it in the SDE menu.
I then followed the guide that chrulri posted that I followed last time, but with 2.8.83 files. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=930197 (Note for Archos 35's you have to hold the power button for ~6 seconds, then double tap it to get to recovery instead of holding Volume Down like on other Gen8's). I was doing this on my MacBook Air at the time. (I rooted it before from my Windows PC). I went to 'Update Firmware" on the recovery menu, then took the SDE firmware file, and copied it over USB to the drive and safely removed the drive, then hit "OK" on the device. It proceeded to do the update it seems but only took 2-3 seconds so I'm fairly sure something didn't go right as it usually takes longer. It then said press ok to Reboot so I did.
After the reboot from that, the device turns on but I get a White screen. No Archos logo or anything. Usually this white screen comes on for a few seconds, then I would get the Archos Logo even if I was booting recovery. No luck. I tried resetting the device by holding power button for 20 seconds, waiting 10 seconds and turning it on, same issue. Recovery will not work either, I tried two dozen times to try and get it to load by doing the usual ~6 seconds holding power button then double tapping and no luck.
I tried hooking the device up USB and in Windows all I get "Unknown Device" in device manager, with DeviceId of USB\Unknown. I attempted to force both Archos' ADB driver and the Universal ADB drive onto it with no success. (I'm pretty sure its my device since normally when a device shows up and its capable of ADB you will get a difference device ID in Device manager like USB\ADBDEV1 or something. On my Mac, when I plug it in, all USB devices (Multitouch pad mouse included) will lock up for ~5 seconds, then in dmesg I can see it has a error on USB device and it disabled the device.
So something weird is going on with my Home Connect for sure. Any suggestions on what to try? I'm thinking somehow the filesystem or firmware on it got screwed up during the SDE flash and it can't boot anything even the recovery now. I have a MicroSD card I can use if there's some recovery feature built into it to get it to boot from the MicroSD slot or something to do a firmware recovery.
My only other option if there is no way to try and get it back would be to try and send it back to Archos for repair simply stating it was updating firmware and this happened. (No actual modified firmware is on it now as well, and i was flashing the Archos approved SDE firmware, so they should be okay with it).
Also the battery was fully charged when doing this. It seems different that the White Screen bug the Archos 101 and others get when the battery accidentally runs too low with older firmware.
Thank you again for your replied!

If you can't get into recovery anymore, then it is over. I would suggest to RMA the device.

From all my searches through Archos forums and here that seems right.
I'm shocked there's no failsafe recovery mode for Archos. My Asus Transformer TF101 had one, where even if the firmware was screwed and you couldn't get to recovery, a special key combo would boot it up and you'd load some special recovery driver for it (Not adb something with nVidia in it, has to do with Tegra2 chipset i suppose) and upload the firmware to it and it recovered. Even iPhone's have DFU fallback mode as well for when things are totally forked and iTunes will restore the firmware.

Just an update. I did RMA the unit and Archos sent me a brand new boxed up one back. (I have an extra charger and cable now since they said not to include them ). Have my new 35 setup rooted with .83 now.
I think I figured out what happened. After I installed the SDE, before I flashed the new kernel and such, if I booted the Developer Edition option from recovery, it would get stuck at a blank white screen until I power cycled. On my old 35 I had removed the option to boot regular so it booted the Developer Edition that was rooted every time. I think when I restored the original firmware, it of course removes the Developer Edition kernel I had flashed before, but it somehow didn't set the menu back and was trying to boot Developer Edition every time, which it lacked the kernel for, and went to the white screen. Not sure if it explains recovery not working though.
To make sure it doesn't happen again i've left the options all in tact and left it so I manually have to go to recovery if I reboot the system to boot the developer kernel for root. Since the device goes weeks and months without the need to reboot since it's just an Alarm Clock really that's fine with me.


[Q] Bricked my phone... another one bites the dust

YUP. I "soft bricked" my t-mobile galaxy s (vibrant here in the us) or so I hope. The phone was rooted via z4 on the latest android t959uvji6 from t-mobile.
How did i do it? Brick my phone that is...
The 3d gallery was pissing me off by picking up everything on the phone. I tried clearing the default setting via the manage app but nothing changed so I decided to delete it. First backing up the apk and odex file from the system folder with titanium backup then deleted them from the system folder via root explorer. Rebooted the phone, pulled out the battery, waited for 30 seconds or so, popped in the battery and booted up the phone w/o any issues.
I tried installing the backup 3d gallery apk file and got the "app not installed" error on numerous attempts. Then tried simply copying it over again with ti backup and nothing happens. Gave up and said the heck with and went the factory restore route, got all the relevant apps installed and tried reinstalling the 3d gallery apk but resulting in the same "app not installed" error prompt. So I again copied over the apk and odex file into the system folder. Rebooted and nothing... phone does not boot into the home screen.
At this point here is what the phone is able to do.
It will boot up and display the default galaxy s animation, goes through it's array of colors then comes to a stop at all white letters then the screen goes blank and nothing happens - zip. nadda. i left it on for 12hrs like that - blank screen w/all the hard keys lit up.
What i did notice was win7x64 recognizes the phone after it gets into the blank screen of death as mass storage units.
So far i've tried booting into the recovery screen via the three button method and none of them works.
Did the karma-volume up-home-power twist - nothing
Did the karma-volume down-home-power roll - nothing
Did the karma-volume up and down-power jiggy - nothing
I tried the key combos for about 2hrs without any success then jumped into adb. After reading for a bit I realized that the phone was still rooted and the debug mode was enabled the last time i shutdown the phone (good'ol ti-backup)
For a while there adb did not recognize the phone at all but with an odd power cycling while spamming "adb reboot recovery" it was able to finally nab hold of the phone and jump into the recovery console. At first I thought it was pure luck so unplugged everything and tried it again - works every time if i did the odd out of sequence power cycle while spamming the adb console with "adb reboot recovery".
In the reboot recovery - deleted the user data and did the restore.
Here's where I think I really screwed up - now the phone is no longer in debug mode.
Long story short - is there a way to get into the recovery screen w/o debug mode on?
**quickly pulls on flack jacket**
but seriously any suggestions would be great
Wrong section bro. You probably won't get an answer here.
To answer your question. Yes, Remove Battery, Plug your phone to USB, Press and hold the volume down and the power button Put the batter back on. This should get you into download mode. Use ODIN to restore.
the usb jig trick did the work - now i have two phones!!!! (bought the nexus s yesterday) lol
Time to ODIN.
To access Download mode.
Unplug. press volume up and down togheter, and connect USB. VOILA!
If ODIN does not recognize it, plug and unplug again
chichu_9 said:
To answer your question. Yes, Remove Battery, Plug your phone to USB, Press and hold the volume down and the power button Put the batter back on. This should get you into download mode. Use ODIN to restore.
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Why the hell are people giving others ideas on how to get into download when their doing it wrong.
volume + power = Recovery, which in this case you probably cant get into
Volume - Power = Download mode, which everyone can get into unless if they somehow hard bricked, if its possible.

[Q] Bricked, Not even Dell logo

I was trying to install GingerStreak. Flashed the amss and dsp1 and then got boot loops. Did a factory reset, and now I just get the buttons lit up and nothing else. Holding volume buttons & power doesn't take me to recovery. Holding camera & power doesn't take me to fastboot.
How screwed am I?
edit: now it doesn't even seem to want to turn on at all
Been there myself, and mine is fine again now, so there is still hope.
1) If it won't even power on, pull the battery. Then wait - at least a minute, more if you like...
2) reinstall the battery, being careful NOT to hit any buttons while holding the phone, then hold down the shutter button and power on to head to fastboot.
3) while in fastboot, flash the amss and dsp1 files (I use he 351 ones), and then the custom recovery of your choice, StreakMod is nice.
4) hold down the volume buttons and run a fastboot reboot, to make sure you go straight into recovery.
5) run the dell factory reset, but hold down the volume buttons to make sure you loop back into recovery when it reboots (think it does an automatic reboot, but it has been a while)
6) this time, in recovery, select option 2 and go into StreakMod, then install StreakDroid 1.9 (it is stable and this is about getting your phone back alive)
7) let it boot normally, you should end up with a happy working Streak.
After that, feel free to upgrade to GingerStreak, or head to a stock rom, or whatever, but the above should recover from most situations where you can still get to fastboot.
if steps 1 & 2 don't even get you to fastboot, then you're going to need QDL tool.
Thanks for the super guide reply. There is hope, sweet.
I plugged my Streak into a desktop it hadn't been connected too and hardware wizard popped up, so it's got something in there still.
I still can't get into Fastboot, so I've looked into QDL, however most guides reference repairtool.zip, which I can't seem to find. The Streakdroid.com link most guides use doesn't work anymore.
It is currently listed as Quallcom CDMA Technologies MSM, and has no driver installed.
Any idea where I could get repairtool?
The files I can do
here are repairtool.zip which is the full main QDL tool that takes you to 2.1 pre replease
and also streakflash.zip, which is a slightly older version, and doesn't flash as much - if the first one doesn't work, this one often does, it is designed to get the phone back to the point where you can repair it, rather than flash a full OS onto it
As for the driver, the one I installed went something like the following (from memory)
Pull the battery, wait a minute
Instert battery, DO NOT POWER ON
hold down the volume up button, and plug in the USB lead, STILL DO NOT POWER ON
Windows should recognise a device, and try for a driver, go through the dialogues to an all devices, choose a driver, have disk, and the one you need to choose is the driver in the repairtool zip
BUT, sadly, I don't have my streak with me here, so I can't remember the exact device name that you need to choose once you navigate to that folder
as I recall, it was the model 9002, and NOT the one with modem in the name, but I could be wrong. Hopefully someone else will be able to fill in the gap
Between you and this guide
I think i should be set. Much thanks. I owe you a beer.
I just want to add a few notes on what I had to do, mainly in regards to Windows 7 64-bit. Since Streakdroid.com is currently being rebuilt and some important resources (things that lots of other post reference) are currently unavailable.
Reboot, tap F8 to get the windows start up menu, choose "Disable Driver Check"
The driver you want, even if you have an Intel chip is the ..\Driver_2.067\win64\wnet\amd64\qcser.inf
(There is one specific Intel chip that needs the driver in \IA64)
I love you guys. For three days I tried to get away from Gingerstreak (It's horriable),and I bricked my phone. You're thread was a life saver.

Phone won't turn on

Sometimes my I5500 won't turn on.
This has already happened 2 times (with two different firmwares I5500XWJPL and I5503TTLPJP9). The phone shows absolutely no signs of life - screen is black, no sounds, nothing.
I tried everything: pressing VolumeDown+Center+Power, VolumeDown+Home+Power, with or without battery/SIM/charger/SD. Tried removing battery for 30 minutes, charging battery in external charger.
Sometimes when charger is connected, it shows green battery on the screen, but still won't boot.
Last times I spent several hours fiddling with it until it finally turned on..
Can someone tell my if there is a fast way to revive the phone next time this happens?
Maybe your arm11boot is damaged, but still partly working. You need replace that partition. I saw arm11boot partition image in one Russian FW. I can't remember actual name. You can try that, but caution. You might brick your phone compleatly!
sorry for reviving this thread.
but I got the same problem now. Tried to use ROM Manager to install CWM Recovery (following a blogpost explaining how to install a Custom ROM on the SG5). Might have accidentally clicked a different CWM Rec. version than I thought I did. However, ROM manager showed a message, telling me that CWMR was installed correctly.
So I wanted to boot into CWMR up to flash my device with the latest CyanogenMod 7 port from MADTeam. Used the "boot into recovery" option from ROM manager for that purpose. The next thing I know is my phone not reacting to anything.
Tried all methods mentioned afore (Vol- + Home + Power / Vol- + Center + Power, with/w.o. SD card and/or battery inserted). Screen keeps being off, no sign of life, phone wont even do anything when plugged to my PC or a charger.
The phone has been rooted properly before and was running Stock 2.1. Houston, we've got a problem.
Rigardi said:
sorry for reviving this thread.
but I got the same problem now. Tried to use ROM Manager to install CWM Recovery (following a blogpost explaining how to install a Custom ROM on the SG5). Might have accidentally clicked a different CWM Rec. version than I thought I did. However, ROM manager showed a message, telling me that CWMR was installed correctly.
So I wanted to boot into CWMR up to flash my device with the latest CyanogenMod 7 port from MADTeam. Used the "boot into recovery" option from ROM manager for that purpose. The next thing I know is my phone not reacting to anything.
Tried all methods mentioned afore (Vol- + Home + Power / Vol- + Center + Power, with/w.o. SD card and/or battery inserted). Screen keeps being off, no sign of life, phone wont even do anything when plugged to my PC or a charger.
The phone has been rooted properly before and was running Stock 2.1. Houston, we've got a problem.
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Take your battery out, put it back in and turn your phone on, then it will boot up into recovery mode. I also have this problem from time to time, sometimes it boots into recovery, sometimes not and i have to remove/replace the battery.
I actually thought that this might be a useful feature for say - if you wanted to upgrade a friends phone to cyanogenmod in the pub, for example.
did try that. now even had the battery removed for about an hour. put it back in. still no reaction on pressing the power button or one of the combinations that should put it into recovery or download mode. no sign of life when plugging the phone to my computer or the charger.
I do fear the worst, though I dont know how ROM manager was actually able to brick the phone that badly.
Rigardi said:
did try that. now even had the battery removed for about an hour. put it back in. still no reaction on pressing the power button or one of the combinations that should put it into recovery or download mode. no sign of life when plugging the phone to my computer or the charger.
I do fear the worst, though I dont know how ROM manager was actually able to brick the phone that badly.
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In that case then this also happened to me - While exploring the rom manager application after first ever flashing my phone i accidentally selected the wrong phone model from the 'flash clockworkmod recovery' option and my phone was gone forever. Perhaps your problem is similar.
(Luckily it was under warranty and they replaced it. The method worked so well in fact it happened 'accidentally' a second time i acquired a 3rd i5500 out of the box )
bought mine already used, so no chance for a warranty replacement :/
gonna give it a shot with a usb jig now, maybe i can get the thing into d/l mode with that, so I can revive it with odin.
Rigardi said:
bought mine already used, so no chance for a warranty replacement :/
gonna give it a shot with a usb jig now, maybe i can get the thing into d/l mode with that, so I can revive it with odin.
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what about the Emergency DLoad Mode, which is not the Download Mode? Did you try it?
{ brvsn ~ CM7 on GT-I5500 ~ Tapatalk }
how do I access emergency d/l mode?
I actually CAN get download mode (or what I assume it to be) running by pressing Vol- + Menu + Power (while Vol- + Home + Power wont do anything, nor does the USB jig that arrived today). Took me some time to discover this, as this doesnt seem to be the usual 3-button-combination used. BUT: while the phone is now recognized by my PC, it wont show anything on the screen.
Odin (tried 4.28 and 4.43 on both win7 x64 and x32 and everyting related to Kies shut down) does now detect my phone. However, it always gets stuck at "Setup Connection" when I try to flash the stock rom or CWMR. Tried different approaches (from starting DL-mode with the phone being connected to my PC to separately starting DL mode and then connecting, starting it up with the battery already being in place, starting it up with sliding the battery in place while holding the 3 buttons etc.), none of them gets me further so far.
Another hint I found was setting the Baud-rate of the Samsung mobile modem to 203400, but this, unfortunately, didnt change anything.
Anyone got a lead on how to get Odin finally started properly?
Rigardi said:
I actually CAN get download mode (or what I assume it to be) running by pressing Vol- + Menu + Power (while Vol- + Home + Power wont do anything, nor does the USB jig that arrived today). Took me some time to discover this, as this doesnt seem to be the usual 3-button-combination used. BUT: while the phone is now recognized by my PC, it wont show anything on the screen.
Odin (tried 4.28 and 4.43 on both win7 x64 and x32 and everyting related to Kies shut down) does now detect my phone. However, it always gets stuck at "Setup Connection" when I try to flash the stock rom or CWMR. Tried different approaches (from starting DL-mode with the phone being connected to my PC to separately starting DL mode and then connecting, starting it up with the battery already being in place, starting it up with sliding the battery in place while holding the 3 buttons etc.), none of them gets me further so far.
Another hint I found was setting the Baud-rate of the Samsung mobile modem to 203400, but this, unfortunately, didnt change anything.
Anyone got a lead on how to get Odin finally started properly?
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ops, sorry: I miss your previous message!!
Now I got it and read this last post.. let some time to think about it, I'll replay soon.. but, generally speaking, at this point there's not so much you can do..
If you can get it into Download or Recovery mode, then you should be fine.
Sent from my GT-I5500 using XDA App
Rigardi said:
I actually CAN get download mode (or what I assume it to be) running by pressing Vol- + Menu + Power (while Vol- + Home + Power wont do anything, nor does the USB jig that arrived today). Took me some time to discover this, as this doesnt seem to be the usual 3-button-combination used. BUT: while the phone is now recognized by my PC, it wont show anything on the screen.
Odin (tried 4.28 and 4.43 on both win7 x64 and x32 and everyting related to Kies shut down) does now detect my phone. However, it always gets stuck at "Setup Connection" when I try to flash the stock rom or CWMR. Tried different approaches (from starting DL-mode with the phone being connected to my PC to separately starting DL mode and then connecting, starting it up with the battery already being in place, starting it up with sliding the battery in place while holding the 3 buttons etc.), none of them gets me further so far.
Another hint I found was setting the Baud-rate of the Samsung mobile modem to 203400, but this, unfortunately, didnt change anything.
Anyone got a lead on how to get Odin finally started properly?
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download mode is Vol - / Central Button / Power..
Im aware of that. However, Vol- + Menu + Power is the only key combination that the phone will react upon.
Anyway. Brought it to a mobile phone shop on friday, called them on monday and according to them, the phone should be fixed by tomorrow, wednesday. Seems like ROM manager has done damage that cant be undone without knowing how to handle a JTAG device. But at least its not completely broken. Learning that will cost me 25 Euros, though.
One final update to this: Got the phone back today, they were indeed able to fix it.
While installing a non-fitting CWM-Recovery through ROM Manager will make your Galaxy 5 unfixable via Odin, it still can be saved by making proper use of a JTAG.
Rigardi said:
One final update to this: Got the phone back today, they were indeed able to fix it.
While installing a non-fitting CWM-Recovery through ROM Manager will make your Galaxy 5 unfixable via Odin, it still can be saved by making proper use of a JTAG.
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... for only 25 €!!!
{ brvsn ~ CM7 on GT-I5500 ~ Tapatalk }

[Q] Device "soft bricked" - Help needed!

Hi guys, I was trying to flash a custom ROM for the first time onto my ASUS ME301T, as I was fairly sure ASUS was not going to update these devices anymore.
Anyway, now the device will not start. It will power on, and the first of the two ASUS start-up screens will appear (the non animated/static one). In the top corner, it reads "The Device is Unlocked" as was required when attempting to flash the 4.4.4 ROM. Beyond this, nothing happens. If I attempt to power down the device it simply reboots itself shortly after. The only way to turn it off is to insert a paperclip into the physical reset hole, or to let the device run out of battery.
Now before you tell me to go into recovery by holding power and volume down... I've tried that hundreds of times.. As well as power+vol up, although I don't know what that does. I cannot access recovery mode, as far as I know anyway. Further, the device is not detected by either of my computers (desktop or laptop, windows and mac) so I can't attempt to flash it through USB (unless there is a way to do this?).
The device does not heat up, the screen simply stays on the ASUS static logo. It doesn't power off unless I hold the button, and it quickly restarts. To provide context as to what I did to cause this issue.. It was working fine on its factory ROM, no issues, and I attempted to do another system reset to fix an issue I was having with TWRP. However, I accidentally selected the middle open, not RCK, not reset, but something like "boot into Linux" or something, I can't exactly remember. Anyway, like an idiot I freaked and powered off the device.. My guess is that this is was caused the issue?
Anyway, making this post here as this is my first time looking into/attempting to flash a device. Would appreciate some expert help before I use my tablet to prop up the books on my bookcase
Help me try to unbrick my tablet! (I'm not too hopeful though..)

Jiayu G4 (God I hate to title it like this, but yes) stuck in bootloop

How the problem occurred
So a year or two ago I bought a Jiayu G4A/T/Whatever they're calling it and safely got it here. I've used the stock ROM for a bit but I wanted to get rid of the bloatware that was still on it, so I eventually ended up with a properly rooted phone with a ROM from Jiayu.es (Everything worked, have ClockworkMod as recovery, accessible via Mobileuncle Tools), which was essentially a stock Kitkat rom made to work for the phone. Now I got sick of the ROM and recently saw the new EMUI version on Huawei's P8 Lite, so I figured I'd look around for a tailored ROM running that, and ended up at "jiayu-emui-3-0-stable" from Needrom.
What I did
1. I downloaded a ROM from Needrom with identifier "jiayu-emui-3-0-stable" (I can't post external links)
2. Backed up my important files following a guide from androidcentral titled "[Guide] How to Backup and Restore Apps and Data when installing new ROMs" that I can't link,and did a full backup using CWM
3. Placed the ZIP on my internal SD card, went into recovery, wiped data/cache (not dalvik, since it wasn't described in the instructions, I think this might be a probable cause) and installed the new ROM from ZIP
4. Rebooted the phone and now it's stuck in the boot loop I mentioned.
What the problem is
Bootloops aren't that much of a problem usually, except this one is... I can't get into recovery mode. From there on it'd be cake, since I made the right preparations, but I can't get into it. While connected to my PC it keeps powering on, showing a splash screen from Jiayu.es briefly (which shouldn't be present anymore) and powering off after 10 seconds, only to come back to the splash screen.
What I've tried
I've unplugged it, removed the battery, waited to get a full power cycle and tried to hold my buttons in these combinations: [power button + volume up], [power button + volume down] - but neither work. It just keeps going with the boot loop. I can succesfully power it down, and when I plug it in from there it shows the low battery image. At the moment of seeing that I thought I could connect to it using ADB / Fastboot, but no luck there either. It keeps saying no devices found, and with fastboot it keeps on <waiting for device>.
My questions
What exactly can I do if there is no way for me to get into recovery mode? Are there any alternatives? How can I get my device to be recognized by ADB? Is that even possible? Why is this bootloop any different from others?
Update from the massive Q&A thread:
ZipAddict said:
Is it booting up on its own too after being off? This happened to wifes phone and it turned out the power button was stuck. I took a pencil and hit the power button with the eraser a few times and it worked then. Her case mustve dislogded it. I will keep my fingers crossed for u. If not send me a private message and i will look for an answer tomorrow and get back with u
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Thank you for the reply!
Yes, it does. I took the battery out and let it lay disassembled for a night, after which I cleaned it a little and re-inserted the battery. With the case back on, nothing happened, so the power button wasn't stuck for sure. When I powered it back on with the power button (no USB attached) it showed the emblem for ~8 seconds and powered off. It then buzzes to show it's powered on again and up comes the splash screen again. Could it be that the ROM was just a rebooting falsehood? Why would it disallow me getting into recovery mode? I really hope there is something that can still force the device into recovery mode / interact with it somehow while in this state.
Oh, I also tried to see if the volume down button was broken but all the contacts seem intact, plus, they worked an hour before I started switching roms.

