Change Fontsize and theme - Streak 5 Themes and Apps

i need a larger fontsize on my streak5 and want to have a darker theme. Is their any easy tut for this?


Change clock color[cm6][help]

I cooked a theme in uot kitchen for cm6 it is an htc theme it looks great but there is on problem. The font color of date and clock in status bar is black which is barely visible (can't post a screenshot not working not even qtadb). here is the theme can anyone help in changing clock and date color to white?
You need smali/baksmali edits. It s difficult for CM based ROMs. But I think Styloo maybe able to help you.
There is a thread for that
Search on xda/google
It needs editing services.jar
You can change to other colors too

Is there a way to change font color in menus ?

So i got a samsung i9100 with ics but the problem is that the font colour in menus are black with grey background which makes it difficult to read there a way to change the font color ?
theming aka framework-res. But to be honest, uts actually wuite difficult. easiest solution js a different rom

[Q] - How to change font colors in TouchWiz/ICS 4?

I hate new ICS colors.... some apps show unreadable fonts
Is there a way to tweak font/background colors systemwide?
No reply. Burn.

[Q] How To Change Settings.apk Default Blue Holo Colors ?

Good Day Master's I'm Newbie Here , Could You Please Help Me How to Change Settings.apk Default Blue Holo Color. Something Like This On The Screen Shot with Pointed Arrows.

[Q] Is is possible to only take certain elements from a theme?

The themes are pretty bad right now, but some of the colour schemes I find appealing, is there any way to just keep the colour schemes and not the icons and wallpapers?

