[Q] Restarting after about a minute - help! - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I had a bizarre crash and now continuous rebooting. Let me explain what happened:
A friend messages me on Facebook to tell me his new number. It is highlighted so I click it and the dialer promptly opens and shows the number, and I highlight his number so I can paste it into his contact. When I click the copy button, the phone hangs, and shortly reboots.
I don't worry, these occasional crashes aren't unheard of. But when the phone reboots, it loads up a few widgets and my background before rebooting again. And you can see where this is going.
I figure I glitches some cache so I use vol up, power and home and wipe the cache. I think that fixed it, as I get about a minute then it goes again, and back we go to shorter times.
I'm at a loss to how this has happened. Any quick ideas? I'd like to avoid a factory wipe if I can avoid it.

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So, it only occurs when I have my SD card installed???
Anybody know anything about this?

formatting sd card and factory reset helps ...

Trying to avoid factory reset - already used odin to reflash and it did nothing besides ruin my carefully preserved root which I have now restored.
Now I'm exploring whether some weird app has installed to SD card and is playing weird, whilst I scan the SD card for problems.
I did find other threads talking about this issue in ICS:
but we shall see...
At this point, I'm sure that Factory and SD wipe would probably work, but I'm now as curious WHY it's happening, perhaps to help others later.

actually its happening with more posts tht i seen ,is wiv ppl using app2sd an movd all apps to sd...the prblm dosnt come if the apps r left were it is instead of moving...

I had the same problem after installing the insecure kernel.my cell started restarting.
Than I flashed a different kernel provided by chainfire. Bingo issue resolved ;-)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA

Why not use TB to backup all your apps & data then do a factory wipe/reset. Copy your SD card to your PC then format it. Reinstall TB then all your apps & data.
Sent from my I9100P using Tapatalk 2.


Not a single rom will work properly..

Is anyone else having this problem? I follow instructions to a T and still I get various major problems when using any rom. They lockup frequently, I can't play a any games at ALL, causes phone to reboot. I am getting very frustrated I don't know what the problem is. Can anyone help? I've cleared the cache (dalvic and program cache,) done factory wipes, restored to original stock vibrant rom. Absolutely nothing solves the problem..please help.
Sounds like a CPU problem. Try downclocking via SetCPU to 800mhz or lower. Increase voltage a bit with Tegrack Overclock.
i had the same problem, try bionix v 1.3.1 and you will have the most stable rom ever
Occasionally a total reformat of your internal SD is required, especially after several months.
To do this you want to move anything you want saved to your computer including titanium backup folder. After you've saved everything boot into recovery and go to mounts and storage there you'll be able to format. When done you'll have to boot download mode, go to voodoo section of recovery. Now Odin stock firmware and the flash whatever Tom you want, rejoice and click the thanks button.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
explodingboy70 said:
Occasionally a total reformat of your internal SD is required, especially after several months.
To do this you want to move anything you want saved to your computer including titanium backup folder. After you've saved everything boot into recovery and go to mounts and storage there you'll be able to format. When done you'll have to boot download mode, go to voodoo section of recovery. Now Odin stock firmware and the flash whatever Tom you want, rejoice and click the thanks button.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
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And by this, if you using unlocked phone, your phone will get locked.
mafaesto said:
Is anyone else having this problem? I follow instructions to a T and still I get various major problems when using any rom. They lockup frequently, I can't play a any games at ALL, causes phone to reboot. I am getting very frustrated I don't know what the problem is. Can anyone help? I've cleared the cache (dalvic and program cache,) done factory wipes, restored to original stock vibrant rom. Absolutely nothing solves the problem..please help.
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Here's the deal:
1) Use only "proper" releases, by which I mean, NO PORTS and NO CM7/MIUI based releases. That would me no 2.2.1 or 2.3 versions.
2) Do NOT overclock. AT ALL.
3) Do NOT undervolt. AT ALL.
4) Format your SD Card. Also try removing it temporarily to eliminate it as faulty.
5) All else fails, ODIN to stock and see if the phone is crashing. Make sure it is stable BEFORE installing a bunch of apps. Some of those apps could be causing issues.
If step 5 fixes it but nothing else does, then you are missing a step. Go back and re-read and try again.
If, however, it still crashes after step 5, then you have a faulty phone. Do a warranty exchange.

"please insert an sd card"

so this is what happened, i installed a fresh rom, checked the music app and it could read all my music files. then after running antutu benchmark, the music app will show "please insert an sd card".
i tried unmounting and remounting the card but doesnt work.
however, if i go into astro, i can see all the contents of the card and can play music and movies from the app.
does anyone know how to fix this?
reboot maybe?
tried that. doesnt work.
Try clearing the data on the music app. In setting/applications/manage application
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""shooter on Deck""
Same thing happened to me on miui. I just hit the play button and it just started working.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
i tried that but didnt work.
with no music, the play button is "greyed out".
so far the only method to make it work is to full wipe and reflash rom. but i was hoping someone would have an asnwer before i do that as a last resort.
Have you tried clearing the data in the music app??
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""shooter on Deck""
I get errors playing some mp3 files. says it's the wrong format. I can ALWAYS play these files from root explorer fine. very weird & annoying.
eddyz said:
i tried that but didnt work.
with no music, the play button is "greyed out".
so far the only method to make it work is to full wipe and reflash rom. but i was hoping someone would have an asnwer before i do that as a last resort.
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Try Reinstalling the App that's giving you the Problem... For Instance if its the Music.apk Go to System/Apps and the Click the App, then when Asked to Install just Select Yes! Or try using Titanium Backup to Make a Backup, then Uninstall/Reinstall... See if that Works, I'm Curious to hear if that Helps...
Good Luck...
eddyz said:
i tried that but didnt work.
with no music, the play button is "greyed out".
so far the only method to make it work is to full wipe and reflash rom. but i was hoping someone would have an asnwer before i do that as a last resort.
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I think we might both be having the same problem...my Music app can't find any music, and my Gallery app can't find any pictures!
Someone told me to reformat my sd card (which was a two-hour chore) and re-load all my files, but that didn't help. Like yourself, the only way I've been able to fix the problem is to flash a rom from scratch, but the problem invariably returns.
Is your Gallery app able to see any of your pics?
I'm extremely anxious to find a cure, as Ive been living with this problem for about three weeks now..
Try Reinstalling the App that's giving you the Problem... For Instance if its the Music.apk Go to System/Apps and the Click the App, then when Asked to Install just Select Yes! Or try using Titanium Backup to Make a Backup, then Uninstall/Reinstall... See if that Works, I'm Curious to hear if that Helps...
Good Luck...
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What's with you and capital letters... seriously...
Anyway, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.
First, try clearing data in the app like suggesting before. Go to settings, applications, (system or downloaded apps), select the music app, and clear data.
If that doesn't work, try removing the music.apk (or whatever music app you're using) from /system/app/ and reboot. Get one from your ROM and put that in /system/app/ and reboot. If it ever worked on your ROM, it should work now.
If for some reason even that won't work, it sounds like a kernel/device/SD Card problem. Device/SDcard would be extremely unlikely because if it works in root explorer, it should work in Music. Even a kernel issue sounds unlikely, but you should try flashing the kernel the ROM came with to be sure.
That should fix it, but if any of those don't, chances are getting a new music player app should detect the SD card. Uninstall your original music app from /system/app/ and install google music from the market. This should definitely fix the problem if the other stuff didn't work.
If it STILL doesn't detect the SD card, try reformatting the SD card.
yousefak said:
What's with you and capital letters... seriously...
Anyway, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.
First, try clearing data in the app like suggesting before. Go to settings, applications, (system or downloaded apps), select the music app, and clear data.
If that doesn't work, try removing the music.apk (or whatever music app you're using) from /system/app/ and reboot. Get one from your ROM and put that in /system/app/ and reboot. If it ever worked on your ROM, it should work now.
If for some reason even that won't work, it sounds like a kernel/device/SD Card problem. Device/SDcard would be extremely unlikely because if it works in root explorer, it should work in Music. Even a kernel issue sounds unlikely, but you should try flashing the kernel the ROM came with to be sure.
That should fix it, but if any of those don't, chances are getting a new music player app should detect the SD card. Uninstall your original music app from /system/app/ and install google music from the market. This should definitely fix the problem if the other stuff didn't work.
If it STILL doesn't detect the SD card, try reformatting the SD card.
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Can't speak for the OP, but for my own part I've already tried everything you suggested (as I stated, I've been wrestling with this for several weeks now), with no joy. And the problem recurs regardless of rom or kernel, or any particular combination thereof (and I've tried LOTS of rom/kernel combos).
Clearing data from the app didnt work. also tried going to system/app to reinstall the app. cannot install. shows a error parsing package message.
yeah, my gallery isnt functioning as well.
by the way, reflashing the kernel didnt fix the issue.
eddyz said:
Clearing data from the app didnt work. also tried going to system/app to reinstall the app. cannot install. shows a error parsing package message.
yeah, my gallery isnt functioning as well.
by the way, reflashing the kernel didnt fix the issue.
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So our phones are acting like there might be some kind of system flag that somehow keeps getting set to the wrong state by a custom rom or kernel (or rom/kernel combo), and the only way to reset the flag is by flashing a rom (any rom) again. But eventually the flag gets bumped to the wrong condition again, and clearing caches or re-installing apps doesn't fix the flag setting.
Is there anyone out there who might be able to make any sense out of a debug dump if I was to generate one? Such a person would need to let me know exactly how to get a dump of info for them.
Sure hope someone with more brains than myself can help us through this!
If anyone else is having the same problem that the OP and I are having, please speak up..
what ROM are you guys on, and what ROMs have you tried? I know you said it's across various ROMs I'm just curious. Also, what hboots do you guys have and how you rooted? And what recovery and version? Any kernel you flashed? Just trying to get as much info as possible.
For info, please get a logcat. I do NOT think I'll be able to fix this, but I'm willing to *Try*...
get this WHILE trying to play music, or access gallery.
adb logcat > logcat.txt
then upload to pastebin and link here, or PM.
I has an sd scare last week where recovery wouldn't read it. This was after removing the sd, inserting into a reader on my comp to mess with files, and reinstalling into phone. Booted into recovery to flash an update I had just made on comp and put into sd from comp - but recovery wouldn't read it. So I (oddly) had to pull the sd again, reinsert, reboot to OS, reboot to recovery, and it worked, thankfully. Unrelated, but it was my sd story
I'm curious as well. What rom are you guys on???
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oldjackbob said:
I think we might both be having the same problem...my Music app can't find any music, and my Gallery app can't find any pictures!
Someone told me to reformat my sd card (which was a two-hour chore) and re-load all my files, but that didn't help. Like yourself, the only way I've been able to fix the problem is to flash a rom from scratch, but the problem invariably returns.
Is your Gallery app able to see any of your pics?
I'm extremely anxious to find a cure, as Ive been living with this problem for about three weeks now..
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After you formated it threw your pc did you format it threw your recovery??
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il Duce said:
what ROM are you guys on, and what ROMs have you tried? I know you said it's across various ROMs I'm just curious. Also, what hboots do you guys have and how you rooted? And what recovery and version? Any kernel you flashed? Just trying to get as much info as possible.
For info, please get a logcat. I do NOT think I'll be able to fix this, but I'm willing to *Try*...
get this WHILE trying to play music, or access gallery.
adb logcat > logcat.txt
then upload to pastebin and link here, or PM.
I has an sd scare last week where recovery wouldn't read it. This was after removing the sd, inserting into a reader on my comp to mess with files, and reinstalling into phone. Booted into recovery to flash an update I had just made on comp and put into sd from comp - but recovery wouldn't read it. So I (oddly) had to pull the sd again, reinsert, reboot to OS, reboot to recovery, and it worked, thankfully. Unrelated, but it was my sd story
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Kind thanks, Duce. I'm at work right now so I won't be able to get a logcat until I get home this evening, but here's my current phone setup:
Currently on Warm2.3 Sense3.5 r52 (damn, I love this rom!) and Tiamat Sense kernel (early 1.03 I believe). I was hoping this rom might immunize me from the problem, but apparently not. Currently running System Tuner Pro, but when the problem first appeared I was running System Tuner free. Baseband, PRI 1.24_003, PRL 21081. Rooted via the Revolutionary exploit, hboot 1.04.2000, Eng S-off RL. TWRP 1.0.3 recovery (I don't care for the capacitive buttons on 1.1.1). Running a 32GB class 10 sd card, low-level formatted it last night and restored all my files, but that made no change from before. Prior to that, I tried pulling the sd card from its slot and re-inserting it, that didn't work either.
When the problem first occured I think I was running one of chad's Infected kernels (not saying the kernel caused the problem). I've played with a number of his undervolt kernels over the last couple of months, very nice kernels, but they always get laggy for me after a few hours (a reboot fixes that for awhile, then it gets laggy again). The problem also occurs now with RCMIX v11 kernel. I think I was running ARHD's 1.1.2 rom when the problem first surfaced, but I can't be sure now (not that the rom caused the problem, either). I was also running xron's rev117 rom for awhile, so maybe I had that one installed then, I just can't remember now. In any case, it doesn't matter what rom or kernel I run now, the problem always pops up eventually, and will only go away with a new rom flash, and will always return again after a day or two.
I've even tried pulling the sd card from its slot and re-inserting it, didn't work.
I'll get a logcat for you this evening, thanks again Duce.
---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:11 PM ----------
laie1472 said:
After you formated it threw your pc did you format it threw your recovery??
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I did a low-level format from the pc, laie. Took two hours to format a 32GB card, lol. Then I reloaded all my files and rebooted the phone, and Gallery and Music apps still weren't working.
Edit: Yes, after the low level format I did a Format SD Card from recovery's Advanced Menu (but that operation took less than a second to complete, if that matters).
Edit: I also tried a Factory Data Reset in settings a few days ago, problem still remained.
You skipped the recovery format step. When my sd card starting acting wacky this always worked for me. But just formatting it threw my pc wouldn't solve my issue. It wasn't untill I formated it threw my recovery did it actually solve the issue. Not saying it will solve yours but it might. So If you have the time I'd suggest format your sd threw your pc and a quick format should suffice. Then before you place your data back on ypur sd put the sd in your phone and format it threw recovery. With no swap no partitions. Then put your data back on and see if that helps. Hope it does.
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""shooter on Deck""
laie1472 said:
You skipped the recovery format step. When my sd card starting acting wacky this always worked for me. But just formatting it threw my pc wouldn't solve my issue. It wasn't untill I formated it threw my recovery did it actually solve the issue. Not saying it will solve yours but it might. So If you have the time I'd suggest format your sd threw your pc and a quick format should suffice. Then before you place your data back on ypur sd put the sd in your phone and format it threw recovery. With no swap no partitions. Then put your data back on and see if that helps. Hope it does.
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""shooter on Deck""
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Yes sir, I did all that (see my edited post above yours). Sorry I didn't answer that earlier.
Edit: I'm fairly certain at this point that the sd card itself isn't the problem. The low level format from the pc does an extremely thorough multiple write/read on every sector (that's why it takes so long to complete).
Besides, the OP and I are both experiencing the exact same multi-faceted malfunction, which suggests some other problem besides a random card defect.

Big Problem: Infinite Reboot when Apps installed in SD Card

==== Update 20120215 ==========
It seems Galaxy Note also has this problem.
jager13 has posted this issue in code.google.com, so please anyone with this issue comment there so that google devs can know about it and fix it!
I believe that many of us (if not all) should have this problem.
I got so many apps installed, so many of them are installed in SD Card automatically by Android or I manually moved them to SD Card.
(In total I have ~650 app elements in Titanium Backup and keep growing depending on what I have installed or haven't restored at any given point)
The problem is since I updated from 2.3.4 to version >= 2.3.5 even to ICS 4.0.3 LP2, LP6, LPB, LPH.
- Power On then phone will reboot after some 2-5 minutes idle and again reboot infinitely so I cannot use my phone at all.
- If I removed my external SD Card, no more reboot.
- Or if I delete some amount of .asec files in ".android_secure" folder (where the app in sd card is saved) in the external SD Card no more reboot.
- And yes, I have done many (if not all) imaginable things: re-flash, factory reset, wipe cache, fix permission, change SD Card, reinstall from market...
- And no, this is not specific SD Card problem.
There is older thread talking about this problem but the thread is about general reboot problem so it got mixed with other kind of reboot.
After trying ICS leaks in a hope that the problem is fixed I find that it is still NOT fixed
and maybe won't be fixed if not enough people complain about this problem.
And I think Samsung developers and QA don't know this issue.
It will be shame if SGS3 still has this problem. I absolutely won't buy it.
So to check this, I hope the reader of this thread to try this (Samsung based ROM > 2.3.4 only):
- Please move as many apps as you can or all of your apps to SD Card..
- Or please install as many apps as you can from market and moved them to SD Card if not already.
- The apps number is not exact (60 maybe more), more is better, maybe related with apps size too.
(I found that when my ".android_secure" folder size in external sd card approaching ~1.5GB maybe more, the reboot problem occurs)
- And then tell here that you have infinite reboot or not in idle mode 2-5 minutes after power on. Please try 2-3 times.
- Also post your ROM/kernel version, stock or mods.
- And please check that removing the external SD Card solve the reboot problem.
Remember that u have to be at least Samsung based ROM version 2.3.5 because this problem is side effect (2.3.4 and earlier does not have this problem).
For us who has this problem, please add your post to this thread to keep it alive
and don't forget to rate high so it will get attention from other users and hopefully from Samsung.
Let's make this issue known to Samsung.
And I hope that people who got firmware leaks from Samsung can tell them about this problem/thread.
List of threads mentioning same problem:
i faced exactly same problem with you, i thought is sd card problem at 1st, so i go and buy a new sd card, and the problem is still there....anyone can help us? now the sd card = nothing
Tried to replicate this problem by putting 67 apps onto sd card, but no bootloops.
On CM9 at the moment.
No issue here..
Sent from my GT-I9100
I just found similar thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1328191
Still, my thread is to gather data about how many user can reproduce the issue..
killall said:
Tried to replicate this problem by putting 67 apps onto sd card, but no bootloops.
On CM9 at the moment.
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So it seems that this problem happens only in Samsung based ROM.
It is great that CM9 does not have this issue.
BigMrB said:
No issue here..
Sent from my GT-I9100
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May I know which ROM/kernel u use?
Are u using Samsung based ROM > 2.3.4?
I have this bad problem. I posted about this problem on old topics and how to remove this problem by return to old firmware with android 2.3.4.
Thank you for opening this thread because It is I think a general problem and the big problem that its happened with ICS. I tried and tried to solve this problem without success but I found that this problem start faster after transfer small size apps.
This problem must be solved, because we need to transfer apps to SD card.
Thanks again dragon135
i can confirm i am another user who had no issues at 2.3.4 upgraded to ICS LP2 this evening and now have this problem! not cool....
Ok flashed lp6 and so far so good
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I have had the same problem with the following Samsung Android versions:
I have a SGH-I777 (AT&T Galaxy S II).
I have tried several class 4 and a new class 10 made by Samsung. Same results.
After using App2SD and after moving several apps to SD, the device will eventually reboot right after the SD scan completes.
Removing the SD is the only way to fix this. You can reformat the SD card but the problem will eventually occur when you move several apps to the SD card again. I have been unable to identify a particular app that triggers this reboot.
i have the same problem with my lg o2x. no solution??
exactly the same issue with my Captivate
I moved more than 100 APPs to SD recently. It worked fine with Froyo. The only problem I had is the icon disappearing issue. After switching to GO launcher, everything worked fine. Today I upgrade my phone to GB (KK4, 2.3.5), and started to have the same problem. I have to unmount my SD card to keep my phone away from rebooting. With my wife's card, only data on it, my phone had no issue. Once I put my card back, it starts again.
I can confirm. This issue exists and NOT just samsung firmware. i had the same issue running MIUI. When there are too many apps (my count is 264 apps) the phone will boot, the back of the phone will get really hot and then within 2-3 minutes of booting reboot again to the same unlock or home page screen. And it will keep doing it until your battery is dead. it also drains the battery like crazy!!!
Seriously wtf?
Is there a way to move those APPs back to phone? This is really annoying.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
dredgd said:
Is there a way to move those APPs back to phone? This is really annoying.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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yes, just cut some .asec-files (as many as it needs) from the .android_secure folder an paste them into another folder, so that the phone won´t reboot anymore.
the apps according to the .asec files now won´t be shown in appdrawer.
than you install gemini app manager and move the smallest (if you have not much space on phone) or just some other apps you want back to phonememory. after that you can put the .asec files back in to the android_secure folder, so that those apps appear again in app drawer.
if phone still reboots: same precedure.
like others wrote, and my own experience: abourt 50 files in android_secure folder is ok, more: reboots.
or if you have backups from your apps in titanium:
put sd card in pc. delete all the small asec files, so that in android_secure folder remain only the biggest files. and not more than 50 files.
better only 40. than your phone should work again and you can restore those small apps with titanium, but before that, you tell titanium only to restore into internal memory.
this helps for me. but i really wouldlike to be able to install more apps an sd card! nobody??
wuffi123 said:
yes, just cut some (as many as it needs) from the .android_secure folder in anotehr folder, so that the phone won´t reboot. than you install gemini app manager and move the smallest or just some apps you want back to phone. after that you after that you can the asec files back in to zhe androis_secure folder. if phone still reboots: same precedure.
like others wrote, and my own experience: abourt 50 files in android_secure folder is ok, more: reboots.
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Thanks a lot. I'll give it a try tomorrow .
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
LP6 and LPB still has this issue.
Another user has complain also in new thread. I update the first post.
For us who has this problem, please add your post to this thread to keep it alive and don't forget to rate high so it will get attention from other users and hopefully from Samsung.
As requested I also have this issue.
Seriously considering the downgrade to 2.3.4 despite the aggravation it will cause me.
I transfered all of them to my laptop first and then moved them back ~20 APPs at a time. But then I got the 'phone storage space is getting low' error. Trying to fix it eventually led to a 'factory reset'. I don't have backup for all of the APPs. Without all those junks the phone was very smooth and stable. Once I restored a few APPs and moved them to SD card, I was hit by random shut-down issue but no reboot yet. Finally I figured out why my phone went to sleep almost every night with me. LOL. It happened just after I moved most of my APPs to SD. WTF.


I am experiencing the same issues. I assume you have this problem with ICS roms, because that's where I get those problems. I am currently running WEUI and half my apps are not at all working. I have also flashed back to stock, tried ICS Slim and MIUI v4, but no luck. I am also getting issues, while listening to music, where the song will keep on playing, but the app will ask me if I want to FC or wait. This has only happened recently. I really do not feel like going back to 2.2 or 2.3. Any help is greatly appreciated
Have you guys tried fixing the permissions?
That usually fixes most force close problems.
Xenoism said:
Have you guys tried fixing the permissions?
That usually fixes most force close problems.
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Tried it, but no luck. Only option now is to flash a different ics rom, and see if that works. If all else fails I can always go back to bionix.
2 questions:
1 Can you see your internalSD with a file explorer?
2 Did you try wiping /cache and /dalvik-cache and rebooting?
I find a good wipe cure many things wrong (with my phone too )
Woodrube said:
2 questions:
1 Can you see your internalSD with a file explorer?
2 Did you try wiping /cache and /dalvik-cache and rebooting?
I find a good wipe cure many things wrong (with my phone too )
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1. Yes
2. Yes, usually before I flash a different rom/reflash rom to try and fix this I wipe data and wipe cache patition and dalvik cache.
OK. The first question was to make sure you still had access to your internal and not sole sort of veiled encryption error.
Let me think about somethings and ill get back to you. I am wondering if it wouldn't be a bad idea to format /data and /system to make sure that you don't have any ghosts lurking. If you do, make sure you back up SDs contents to PC just in case.
Woodrube said:
OK. The first question was to make sure you still had access to your internal and not sole sort of veiled encryption error.
Let me think about somethings and ill get back to you. I am wondering if it wouldn't be a bad idea to format /data and /system to make sure that you don't have any ghosts lurking. If you do, make sure you back up SDs contents to PC just in case.
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All those apps are still force closing on 2.2. Could it be, because I'm restoring them from titanium backup?
I'll try to backup SD onto my Computer and then format sd. It's probably some ghost file that is causing my phone to have errors. It probably is a file that has to do with MIUI since I flashed that as it happened.
Btw thanks for trying to help
Edit: I formatted sd card, put all the files back onto sd card, restored apps with tiatnium backup, but still no luck. I even factory reset,wiped cache and dalvik cache after formatting sd, but still no luck.
Thanks everyone for trying to help. I figued out the problem. Titanium backup was causing all those apps to have issues. I uninstalled all user apps via tb and download them from the market. I am getting no force close what so ever, with dl apps from market.
Usually when that happens from TB, it is from restoring system files (they show in red in the TB list of apps).
I use it to restore user apps + data every time I flash a new ROM, but I never use it to restore system apps, and I don't have any problems with it.
Since you've already restored from the market, you could try running TB and deleting it's backup data and then running a new batch backup of user apps (and no system apps) to have the freshest copy of your apps from a working system. That should allow you to restore in the future, hopefully without issue.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
This could be a problem with using TB. TB gives you the option of restoring apps+data. If you're coming from a 2.2 rom to 4.0, you don't want to keep the data from a 2.2 rom. What you can do is restore apps without the data. That should solve your problem.

SGS2 Random Shutdowns

So yes there have been other threads recommending cleaning/tightening battery connectors, using monitoring programs to assess and alert on things like high temp and process cpu spikes etc... a lot of the time the issues raised have been to with someone only recently acquiring their SGS2, or after having "upgraded" their ROM.
Mine seems not to fit any of those scenarios.
A week ago, I found the phone off, so I switched it on and it bootlooped. Nothing new had installed prior, although the was an update to the ZD Box app which I read had problems, but I'd already uninstalled that. So, I rebooted the phone and it seemed to work fine. But no...
At random times whether the phone has been in my pocket or sitting on the desk, I will find the screen is black and none of the hardware buttons do anything. I have to hold the power button for quite some time before I see the Samsung logo and the phone boots up.
It happens several times a day. Battery/CPU monitoring/stats/alert apps show nothing out of the ordinary. I've uninstalled several recentish apps just in case, and no fix. Cleared all caches, fixed permissions, changed modems, no fix.
I'm now in the process of wiping data and flashing a different ROM (a newer version of illusion-xt to the one I've been using... excellent ROM btw), and I'll see if that solves anything.
What's weird is that I've had this phone for nearly a year and it's only just started happening now.
I'm wondering whether this sort of issue has become common with the SGS2 recently. Anyone else experiencing this, and is there are solution for it?
See how you go with the new rom.
If it's still happening, go back & do a completely clean install of stock; format cache, data, system, & internal sd card then flash stock rom in Odin (don't install any apps at all) & run that for a few days. If it's still happening on a relatively 'clean' stock phone, that probably indicates a hardware issue. Could be something simple like the battery, could be the USB/charging circuitry problem we see on here a bit or some other hardware problem.
See how you go with it & post back here.
MistahBungle said:
See how you go with the new rom.
If it's still happening, go back & do a completely clean install of stock; format cache, data, system, & internal sd card then flash stock rom in Odin (don't install any apps at all) & run that for a few days. If it's still happening on a relatively 'clean' stock phone, that probably indicates a hardware issue. Could be something simple like the battery, could be the USB/charging circuitry problem we see on here a bit or some other hardware problem.
See how you go with it & post back here.
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Followed your recommended steps with the newer ROM. Seemed to be good for a day. I then found my phone off again while it was sitting next to me. I had just installed an app (from "untrusted" sources) just prior to this. So I uninstalled that. Found my phone off again a few minutes ago. This time the phone was hot and about 20% of the battery had drained.
Think I need to do another wipe of everything (except external SD) in case that app was the culprit?
[got a I9100]
if i were you i do this....
save my video/mp3.. stuff
remove microsd
remove sim
using cwm format system, data cache, dalvik, sdcard/emmc (depends on your cwm)
using odin flash a GB rom (i usually go with LA2 / JPLPC [ICS])
after first boot and few minutes dial *2767*3855#
next boot ill setup google account but will not do auto restore / untick auto restore.
shutdown remove battery put the simcard and see how it goes for a day or 2
It's switched off three more times today. The last time it happened the app "Battery Monitor Widget" alerted a "Voltage out of range" warning.
So far nothing's ever gone wrong while the phone is charging.
I may try formatting as has been suggested, but I think I'll try using a new battery first.
Please forgive my daftness as it seems I've misunderstood the instructions here.
Upon booting into CWM Recovery (I have v5.0.2.7) and navigating to "Mounts and Storage" I've discovered what you both mean by "format" in your instructions.
Would this mean following the Gingerbread section of the guide at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1457458 is what I need to do to get up and running, and then continue with the remaining instructions in this thread?
MonkeyScrotum said:
Please forgive my daftness as it seems I've misunderstood the instructions here.
Upon booting into CWM Recovery (I have v5.0.2.7) and navigating to "Mounts and Storage" I've discovered what you both mean by "format" in your instructions.
Would this mean following the Gingerbread section of the guide at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1457458 is what I need to do to get up and running, and then continue with the remaining instructions in this thread?
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I have had this issue with certain ROMs in the past where I would get a black screen and no response from the hardware buttons. I found that on installing the ROM everything worked fine. Then I would go ahead and restore my apps, still everything was fine.... but once I configured Exchange sync I would run into the issue. My only option was to go back to a ROM that I knew worked on my device correctly.
In reply to your question above, If you have a ROM downloaded that you can flash in CWM then so long as it is stored on your SDCard you can format the system, data, internal SD and wipe cache, delvik cache from CWM. In doing this I would recommend making sure you know exactly what "internal SD" CWM is talking about. To be sure you could remove your SD card. I made the mistake of formatting the wrong card once and spent the next day recovering the data from it.
If you have the same issue with a new ROM then i'd recommend going back to a stock ROM using the link you posted.
Hope this helps.
I took my sdcard and sim out and rebooted just so I could see what would show up in the file manager. It would seem like there are no apps or mp3's or pics or anything "additional" available.
Strange as I don't recall ever using app to SD, and I could've sworn I saved at least a few MP3s and pics to the phone.
Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. Where would I normally find my app folders without the sdcard being present?
Ahh... so once you put the sim in (but still without sdcard) apps folders show up in "/sdcard"
hmm... does this sound correct?
why are you making things difficult?
put your sdcard back, open file browser goto sdcard dcim
you will find pics and videos there if they are saved on your phone storage. copy them to micro sdcard.
if you are on aosp rom than the structure is little different
PS: doesn't matter your sim is in or out.
Stock ROM
As instructed I formatted partitions, installed latest official ICS ROM (for Australia) from sammobile.com using ODIN. Didn't install any apps. Didn't sync. I still have the "black-screen-freeze" at least once a day for several days. Today it's done it 5 times already. Sometimes I find the phone is hot, sometimes not, and a couple of times I've found the battery drained as well.
I can't seem to find a standard pattern that's reproducible.
What now?

