[Q] Remove Email Notification - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Heres a strange one, yesterday I received an email and I now have a green email notification bubble with a 1 in it on my lock screen and main screen.
The problem is don'tt have any email accounts setup on my phone so I cant open it to remove the notification.
Does anybody know how I can get rid off the notification?


[Q] Unread email notification

Anyone having problems with the unread email notification on the lockscreen?
Mine often reads wrong. When i unlock the device it may say that i have say 3 unread and thats what show on the email icon however the notification on the lockscreen will read a different number.
any ideas?
I had that problem 2
I solved it by going to my account and mark all unread to read.
Mail in garbage was my issue.
Sent from my LT26i using XDA
do you mean there was an unread email in your 'trash' folder on the phone that caused the problem?
Also, do you know of anyway to 'select all' when trying to delete mail? i am trying to get rid of all the mail in my trash folder but dosent seem to be any simple way to do it without ticking every email.
hmm still says i have 1 unread email on the lockscreen even though i have gone into each account and ticked them all unread and then read again. I come out of the application, lock the screen press power to wake and it shows 1 unread email again!
Maybe power off and then restart?
Hrmm, mine doesn't show mail notifications on the lockscreen even though I've enabled them, turned them off and on again, rebooted :/

[Q] Email count on LockScreen

Having just got my lovely blue S3, I have been going though setting things up.
I have noticed that when the phone is locked and I get a text message when I go to unlock I see a lovely icon saying SMS and the number of messages in it.
Is there a way of getting the same type of notification with emails? Is there a setting I need to turn on?
Thanks. eon

Exchange Email Notification Won't Clear

Hi guys
I am having this problem:
Basically when i receive new exchange based emails (2 different exchange accounts), i get a push notification on my phone. NIce. If i read it on my laptop/computer, some hours later i look at my phone and the NOTIFICATION bar still shows "40 unrea msgs" - yet the email icon doesnt show 40. If i go into the email app, they ARE all marked as read- and then finally the notification goes away.
Why is this?

[Q] Air Gesture screen question

When my phone is lock and I put my hand over the sensor the screen comes up showing me the preview. It will show text notification icon, gmail icon and work email icon, but there is a Missed call notification, then next to that is an EMAIL notification. I have a work and personal email accounts set up on this, but the email icon next to the missed calls always shows zero even if I have unread mail in both accounts. Does anybody know how to set the email notification on that screen to actually show the number of emails?
Nobody has any answers for this issue?

Email Notification Icon stays after viewing email

I recently got this phone and loving it so far. The one problem I'm having is with my email notifications. After viewing the email, the unread email notification icon remains in the status bar. Only way to get rid of it is to manually swipe it away. Even if I tap on the icon and it takes me to the email, the notification icon remains in the status bar. I have tested and this is happening for me with the Gmail and Cloud Magic email apps. Anyone else experience this? Or better yet, anyone have a solution? Thanks..
Assume I'm the only one that has experienced this issue..
Turns out the app Lightflow was causing the problem. I have uninstalled Lightflow and problem gone.

