Status 7 error - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

I'm currently running SHOStock ICS ROM and I want to change it, but every time I try to flash the CM9 ROM in recovery mode, I get an error-
Installation aborted (Status 7). The first time it happened was after I installed the shostock rom (I had the cm9 before and had no problems installing it).
I tried to update CWM through ROM Manager, but it didn't solve the problem.
What can I do to fix it? I searched the forum but didn't find a solution..

Im not sure exactly how to fix that but I've always read that we should avoid Rom Manager on the i777. You might want to sheck the threads about Rom manager errors. I've flashed every rom out there and never used rom manager and never had any problems.

I used rom manager only to update CWM. I haven't installed any rom with rom manager.

last time i found that error with CM9 was because of the build.prop issue. Our phones run i9100 based ROM's alot, there's a line in the updaterscript that looks for phone model, must remove that **** outta there.
And i must say that CM9 sucks if they still have not addressed this well known issue.
Just flash AOKP.
O and, un install ROM manager, its for idiots.

Does this ROM fully support hebrew? (including menus)

yaniv156 said:
Does this ROM fully support hebrew? (including menus)
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What ROM?

mattdm said:
What ROM?
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the AOKP

yaniv156 said:
the AOKP
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Good question. I would say go ask in the AOKP thread, but you don't have enough posts to do that yet...I'll go ask for you. You can just go read the replies to my post.

Problem solved. I flashed AOKP and it worked (no error) ,but after that I flashed CM9 back (more comfortable for me), works perfect. Thanks for the help.


[Q] AT&T SGS2 CM ROM flashing errors [FiXED]

Before reading, please note that this problem was resolved - of course thanks to those who helped with tips and tricks... Continue reading towards the end if you wish to know how to fix this issue if you encountered it.
Original message:
Hello folks,
I'm not exactly a total n00b but I've been a hardcore iPhone fan then entered the world of Android when I got my SGS2 a few months ago. I need some feedback here with flashing Cyanogenmod 7 or 9 (I WISH)
I have my At&t rooted with Zedomax kernel and Odin v1.85
Root functionality is all good, and "superuser" does everything I ask it to
Now, I had tried to flash the "Unnamed" Rom and it worked before... Then went bacl to stock (using the backup I had before)
Now... the problem is that getting Cyanogenmod (whether 7 or 9) has been a complete challenge, but I'm loving it and won't give up
I tried CM7 as well as CM9. Always get the error message below.
Please note that I had also tried everything alltogether while on the (Siyah-v2.6.11-att) which is great too. But same thing happens every time (below is the log)
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "galaxys2"
.........and this line repeats then same exact line except it mentions "GT-I9100" like twice (2 lines) and same line again but "GT-I9100M" and then "GT-I900T"
Then last line in the log is E:Error in /sdcard/update....(mentions full path of zip file) then (status 7)
Something that might help is that I (unfortunately) updated my phone when At&t released this minor update back in December/early January... So my firmware is "UCKK6"
What exactly is causing this error?? If "Unnamed Rom" worked fine, then why is Cyanogenmod being stubborn??
Thanks for any help... Would really appreciate it
sounds to me like you are trying to flash the WRONG need the one made for the phone, found in the dev section
First you really should get rid of Zedomax kernel and keep using Siyah or Entropy.
The kernel you are using is way outdated and I am sure Entropy can give you a dozen reasons why not to use it.
Second do not try flashing CM9, cause you won't have a functional phone if you do.
When flashing CM7 did you try flashing it twice before rebooting?
Pirateghost said:
sounds to me like you are trying to flash the WRONG need the one made for the phone, found in the dev section
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Was about to mention that as well, beat me to it.
Thanks Pirateghost.
I got the rom from the Cyanogenmod website, and it's the only stable mod for AT&T SGS2. So it's the right rom/mod.
But as I'm typing I'm downloading the latest nightly for AT&T and will give it a shot.
LiLChris06 said:
First you really should get rid of Zedomax kernel and keep using Siyah or Entropy.
The kernel you are using is way outdated and I am sure Entropy can give you a dozen reasons why not to use it.
Second do not try flashing CM9, cause you won't have a functional phone if you do.
When flashing CM7 did you try flashing it twice before rebooting?
Was about to mention that as well, beat me to it.
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Thanks for the tips man
Just got rid of Zedomax lol... now back on Siyah, and will give Entropy a go later tonight.
TahrirSquare25 said:
Thanks Pirateghost.
I got the rom from the Cyanogenmod website, and it's the only stable mod for AT&T SGS2. So it's the right rom/mod.
But as I'm typing I'm downloading the latest nightly for AT&T and will give it a shot.
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I hope your not getting this one -
That is more than likely for the i9100 version.
Grab this one -
Next time check the development forums before flashing things.
LiLChris06 said:
I hope your not getting this one -
That is more than likely for the i9100 version.
Grab this one -
Next time check the development forums before flashing things.
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W0W!!! So those mods on the official Cyanogenmod website for SGS2 are ONLY for non-U.S. model!!!!!! Thanks a bunch man!!
I went ahead and got the latest nightly mod (02012012) but it came back with "Can't open /sdcard/..... (bad) installation aborted"
Will try my luck with earlier nightlies, perhaps this zip (02012012) is corrupt.
TahrirSquare25 said:
W0W!!! So those mods on the official Cyanogenmod website for SGS2 are ONLY for non-U.S. model!!!!!! Thanks a bunch man!!
I went ahead and got the latest nightly mod (02012012) but it came back with "Can't open /sdcard/..... (bad) installation aborted"
Will try my luck with earlier nightlies, perhaps this zip (02012012) is corrupt.
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i also had the same issue
To flasb CM7 and NOT get the get.prop error( which you will get coming from the siyah kernel and trying to update/or install CM7) download this kernel reverter/kernel cleaner MAKE SURE to put this kernelreverter/cleaner on your internal sdcard along with this newest build fojnd here of a CM7 KANG build
Then boot to recovery, choose the kernel and flash it, before rebooting then choose the newest updated nightly kang build and flash it, then reboot phone. Yoh should NO LONGER have an issue. ALSO MAKE SURE TO FLASH GAPPS if you want the market and other google apps like gmail etc.
Next if you want you can then reinstall siyah kernel over on top of the cm7 build. When you go to flash a NEWER nightly update then AGAIN flash the kernel reverter/cleaner then the newer update. If you are on the siyah kernel you will get the get.prop error if you DON'T flash the kernel reverter first.
Sent From My KickAss ATT SGS2 SPORTING CM7
For the tip, as well as the excellent tool "kernel reverter/cleaner"
It took care of the error, and installation went well.
Afterwards I was stuck with the CM7 boot loop, but searched and found a quick fix that took care of it - wiping /data once more after the actual install.
CM7 up and intact
Now, I will play around with tweaks and themes.
Can't wait for the first stable CM9 mod for i777.

[Q] Question about new versione Android 4.0.3

HI everyone
I have samsung galaxy s2 AT&T SGH-I777 Cyanogen mod 7.1 versione android 2.3.7
I notice almost everyone have already last version 4.0.3 so the question when will be avaiable for cyanogen 7???
I have one rom manager PRO and i tried to check if avaiable new update but still not yet but im afraid that rom manager wont work or maybe coming too much delay?
Someone could please explain me about it?
You need cyanogenmod9 not 7. 7 is gingerbread and 9 is ics
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Alan2012 said:
HI everyone
I have samsung galaxy s2 AT&T SGH-I777 Cyanogen mod 7.1 versione android 2.3.7
I notice almost everyone have already last version 4.0.3 so the question when will be avaiable for cyanogen 7???
I have one rom manager PRO and i tried to check if avaiable new update but still not yet but im afraid that rom manager wont work or maybe coming too much delay?
Someone could please explain me about it?
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in short, CM7 is based off Gingerbread and CM9 is based off ICS. If you want ICS, flash CM9 or one of the other roms in the dev section(s).
Other ROM's you may want to try:
Alan2012 said:
HI everyone
I have samsung galaxy s2 AT&T SGH-I777 Cyanogen mod 7.1 versione android 2.3.7
I notice almost everyone have already last version 4.0.3 so the question when will be avaiable for cyanogen 7???
I have one rom manager PRO and i tried to check if avaiable new update but still not yet but im afraid that rom manager wont work or maybe coming too much delay?
Someone could please explain me about it?
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You need to read around a LOT more.
First off, don't use ROM Manager on a Galaxy S2.
Second, no, there is no version of 4.0.3 for CM7 because cm7 itself is 2.3.7. What you want is CyanogenMod 9.
EDIT: Ninja'd! That took me much longer to type than I thought it did. :S
Has anyone mentioned to you that you need cm9 for ics?
Oh there it is.
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk 2
hmmm so i have to flash cm9 but is stable ? Too bad that im not good experience how to flash (cause i didnt even tried first time...i got cyanogen from china already installed).
I dont wanna finish brick or tilt telephone lol maybe i have to give support if someone know how to work this true talking about Mod is not automatic update need always do something odin ( i dont know either how to use odin anyway but i heard most ppl use it)
Edit= worse im not good english either but italian doh..
Alan2012 said:
hmmm so i have to flash cm9 but is stable ? Too bad that im not good experience how to flash (cause i didnt even tried first time...i got cyanogen from china already installed).
I dont wanna finish brick or tilt telephone lol maybe i have to give support if someone know how to work this true talking about Mod is not automatic update need always do something odin ( i dont know either how to use odin anyway but i heard most ppl use it)
Edit= worse im not good english either but italian doh..
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Unfortunately my Italian isn't very good. But you should do some reading before trying anything
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Nick281051 said:
Unfortunately my Italian isn't very good. But you should do some reading before trying anything
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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Ya i know if possible manual italian will help me a lot but for english sometime i could do mistake by step to step for installing things with this phone....
last question if need put cm9 i will lost all data progress during games isnt? I know some people its say need use TB for backup up but i dunno if this help.
Also why dont use rom manager? the user mattdm suggest me for dont use rom manager...maybe is not a good things? was already installed when i buy first time this new phone.
Alan2012 said:
Ya i know if possible manual italian will help me a lot but for english sometime i could do mistake by step to step for installing things with this phone....
last question if need put cm9 i will lost all data progress during games isnt? I know some people its say need use TB for backup up but i dunno if this help.
Also why dont use rom manager? the user mattdm suggest me for dont use rom manager...maybe is not a good things? was already installed when i buy first time this new phone.
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You can use TB to backup apps and data. Just remember when you're restoring apps on your new rom, DO NOT restore system apps/data. It will royally screw things up. The best course of action would be to manually select which games/apps to restore with data. The rest of your apps you should just redownload from the Play Store.
As for ROM Manager, it can just mess things up on this phone. You don't need it can do everything you need to do with CWM Recovery or Mobile Odin.
mattdm said:
You can use TB to backup apps and data. Just remember when you're restoring apps on your new rom, DO NOT restore system apps/data. It will royally screw things up. The best course of action would be to manually select which games/apps to restore with data. The rest of your apps you should just redownload from the Play Store.
As for ROM Manager, it can just mess things up on this phone. You don't need it can do everything you need to do with CWM Recovery or Mobile Odin.
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Ok perfect so...for the moment cyanogen 7 its seems stable but for 9 i know there should have some bugs...maybe ill wait when is stable.
but i have to find a way how to update 4.0.3 if need cyanogen 9 ya
Alan2012 said:
Ok perfect so...for the moment cyanogen 7 its seems stable but for 9 i know there should have some bugs...maybe ill wait when is stable.
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CM9 is already stable.
Alan2012 said:
but i have to find a way how to update 4.0.3 if need cyanogen 9 ya
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I'm not quite sure what you're saying here...all you have to do it flash CM9 in CWM...
EDIT: But make a nandroid backup first!
CMW = ClockWorkMod
Also, should he not follow the basic instructions for first time flashers so he can undo whatever the hell the Chinese dude did?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
clay101eve said:
CMW = ClockWorkMod
Also, should he not follow the basic instructions for first time flashers so he can undo whatever the hell the Chinese dude did?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
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Probably a good idea.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
I thought ROM Manager still works perfectly for any CyanogenMod ROM, CM7 or CM9. It's just highly recommended NOT to use with any other ROM that not-CM.
@OP, I strongly suggest you spend much more time reading and make sure you understand the whole process of making the CM9 on your device. In fact, it will save you more time than just keep flashing it, bricking it and hunting for help.
votinh said:
I thought ROM Manager still works perfectly for any CyanogenMod ROM, CM7 or CM9. It's just highly recommended NOT to use with any other ROM that not-CM.
@OP, I strongly suggest you spend much more time reading and make sure you understand the whole process of making the CM9 on your device. In fact, it will save you more time than just keep flashing it, bricking it and hunting for help.
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For cm7 it was okay for downloading but not flashing as i understood it but cm9 can make full use of it. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone.
votinh said:
I thought ROM Manager still works perfectly for any CyanogenMod ROM, CM7 or CM9. It's just highly recommended NOT to use with any other ROM that not-CM.
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Yeah I've heard that...I just feel like there's no reason to choose it over methods that always work.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
mattdm said:
CM9 is already stable.
I'm not quite sure what you're saying here...all you have to do it flash CM9 in CWM...
EDIT: But make a nandroid backup first!
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But flash Cm9 in CWM...
CWM mean rom manager inst? Sorry but wasnt clear :/ or maybe u mean Clockworkmod...but its seesm connect rom manager if im not wrong...
But first to start flash doesnt need change kernel or gapps too? i need more info about it before to do my mistake..
Alan2012 said:
CWM mean rom manager inst? Sorry but wasnt clear :/ or maybe u mean Clockworkmod...but its seesm connect rom manager if im not wrong...
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CWM means ClockworkMod. Don't use Rom Manager.
Alan2012 said:
But first to start flash doesnt need change kernel or gapps too? i need more info about it before to do my mistake..
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If you already have a kernel with ClockworkMod, you don't need to worry about flashing one before flashing CM9.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Nandroid backup.
2. Download latest CM9 and GAPPS
3. Do a full wipe in ClockworkMod
4. Flash CM9 in ClockworkMod
5. Flash GAPPS in ClockworkMod
mattdm said:
CWM means ClockworkMod. Don't use Rom Manager.
If you already have a kernel with ClockworkMod, you don't need to worry about flashing one before flashing CM9.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Nandroid backup.
2. Download latest CM9 and GAPPS
3. Do a full wipe in ClockworkMod
4. Flash CM9 in ClockworkMod
5. Flash GAPPS in ClockworkMod
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Thank you for quick reply i would like to ask u more info if possible:
1.So for doing backup its ok to use rom manager like backup all? or need to find one called Nandroid backup? doesnt do much different?
2. for CM9 maybe is not yet stable because someone its say for making video doesnt work yet at all isnt?
Alan2012 said:
Thank you for quick reply i would like to ask u more info if possible:
1.So for doing backup its ok to use rom manager like backup all? or need to find one called Nandroid backup? doesnt do much different?
2. for CM9 maybe is not yet stable because someone its say for making video doesnt work yet at all isnt?
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you know what ROM manager is?
you can boot into CWM directly and do anything that ROM manager can do except download the rom....
we have stickies outlining all this stuff already, not sure why thats a totally new concept for folks these days

installing new rom

Hi I'm currently on the root box ROM with the siya kernal and wanted to flash a different one but no matter what I do I get an error before unloading the package. I came across this problem before and the solution was to just reflash aokp. I believe the logic was, siya was not compatable to open the package or something and needed cwm. However I can't find a flashable zip of cwm default kernal and I do not have a computer to access for Odin at the moment. Someone please, point me in the right direction...
aspen1135 said:
Hi I'm currently on the root box ROM with the siya kernal and wanted to flash a different one but no matter what I do I get an error before unloading the package. I came across this problem before and the solution was to just reflash aokp. I believe the logic was, siya was not compatable to open the package or something and needed cwm. However I can't find a flashable zip of cwm default kernal and I do not have a computer to access for Odin at the moment. Someone please, point me in the right direction...
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I would use Heimdall to flash if possable also i would flash Siyah's new kernel also check the md5 to verify the rom you are trying to flash sometimes during download things get goofed after that make sure you wipe everything data/cache/dalvik and then try flashing your rom
You're trying to say yer getting the status 7 error. I think that's what I've gathered. Just do the same thing you did before, if u happen to have Tasks 7.3 version available flash that. It's a build. Prop problem with your phone showing a different model number than i777 because you are /were on a ported rom with i9100 showing as the model number. Flashing this version of tasks rom sets your build. Prop back to i777. U could actually use any rom that is based on i777 firmware although they may have scripts to check if your current build. Prop is i777 or not and may not let u flash it. The 7.3 version of tasks AOKP has those script asserts removed and it doesn't check what yer running which makes it great for situations like this. U can download tasks 7.3 AOKP by googling task AOKP I think. I haven't tried but someone said it's still up there. Or I could be completely wrong and status 7 error isn't what yer getting. In which case ignore this wall of text and go about your day. Lol,
Sent from Team Pirate Headquarters.
This link explains how to edit build prop to get rid of status errors.
Status 7 = incompatible CWM
Just flash the STOCK kernel.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
Phalanx7621 said:
You're trying to say yer getting the status 7 error. I think that's what I've gathered. Just do the same thing you did before, if u happen to have Tasks 7.3 version available flash that. It's a build. Prop problem with your phone showing a different model number than i777 because you are /were on a ported rom with i9100 showing as the model number. Flashing this version of tasks rom sets your build. Prop back to i777. U could actually use any rom that is based on i777 firmware although they may have scripts to check if your current build. Prop is i777 or not and may not let u flash it. The 7.3 version of tasks AOKP has those script asserts removed and it doesn't check what yer running which makes it great for situations like this. U can download tasks 7.3 AOKP by googling task AOKP I think. I haven't tried but someone said it's still up there. Or I could be completely wrong and status 7 error isn't what yer getting. In which case ignore this wall of text and go about your day. Lol,
Sent from Team Pirate Headquarters.
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First off, this was the reply I was kinda looking for, thnx. Second, don't tell me what to do *****. third, if what your saying is true, I should be able to flash the shoshock ROM and then have no problems with flashing anymore?
aspen1135 said:
First off, this was the reply I was kinda looking for, thnx. Second, don't tell me what to do *****. third, if what your saying is true, I should be able to flash the shoshock ROM and then have no problems with flashing anymore?
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Cause I'm trying right now. Wish me luck I'll report after I'm done with excessive flashing
RatusNatus said:
Status 7 = incompatible CWM
Just flash the STOCK kernel.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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Why you keep stating this garbage? its caused by build.prop.
flashing from CWM to is not a problem.
MotoMudder77 said:
Why you keep stating this garbage? its caused by build.prop.
flashing from CWM to is not a problem.
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Are you telling me that flashing the stock CM kernel wont solve the problem? Are you sure?
The Instalation checks the build.prop to know if your cwm image is good to go.
If not, it MEAN that your version of CWM is unsupported.
Did you flashed the ROM ??? LOL
gregsarg said:
Unsupported CWM image ...
Your CWM or TWRP is not compatible with your rom...
Flash the CWM from the "everything " thread ...
Then try again seems this version is the most stable ....IMHO
Edit :
It's non touch ...but it's rock solid ...g
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This is from closed threats:
"You are most likely using an unsupported recovery refer to OP for proper recovery"
"I'm pretty sure that the solution for this problem is to update CWM. Or even better, use TWRP."
RatusNatus said:
Are you telling me that flashing the stock CM kernel wont solve the problem? Are you sure?
The Instalation checks the build.prop to know if your cwm image is good to go.
If not, it MEAN that your version of CWM is unsupported.
Did you flashed the ROM ??? LOL
This is from closed threats:
"You are most likely using an unsupported recovery refer to OP for proper recovery"
"I'm pretty sure that the solution for this problem is to update CWM. Or even better, use TWRP."
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This problem has been occurring for a long time now. And has nothing to do with your version of cwm. It has to do with the script IN THE ROM YOU ARE FLASHING. If it has the script in the rom to check what phone model u have, and it detects something other than what it should, it basically says "hey! This guy doesn't have our phone! Stopppp!" And won't let u flash. Status 7 error. To fix this, either manually remove the script that checks for this in the rom yer flashing, modify the build.prop in the rom yer currently ON to reflect the model number of the rom u want to flash, or flash another rom that already has this script checking removed to get your build.prop to reflect the new model number u want it to show. Either way none of it has to do with your version of cwm.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
So why flashing the cm9 kernel and Not the ROM deal with that?
Are you sure that a kernel hás nothing to do with?
Im not just telling that, thats what i did and it works.
Im here sharing this info.
Tell me, did you tryed that to tell here that it wont work?
Just flash another kernel without the touch cwn.
...and thanks for unresume my resume.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
RatusNatus said:
So why flashing the cm9 kernel and Not the ROM deal with that?
Are you sure that a kernel hás nothing to do with?
Im not just telling that, thats what i did and it works.
Im here sharing this info.
Tell me, did you tryed that to tell here that it wont work?
Just flash another kernel without the touch cwn.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
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You had a different issue then. most likely just a corrupt recovery. as there are NO problems flashing from one version of CWM to the next.
The common status 7 error, is caused by the updater.script searching the build.prop. as stated a million times in almost every thread.

SGS2 ROM queries

Hey Peeps.
I have a SGS2 and I am using Resurrection Remix JB v3.8 by Westcrip
My phone randomly reboots, apps keep crashing, the phone staggers alot sometimes and thats about it
I have been out of the update ROM scene for a while.
My questions are:
- is RR JB still a really good ROM to use?
- if no to the above, what ROM would you guys recommend that is fast and stable?
I really and would appreciate your help
Hopefully I receive some support soon
And you need to include way more information than what you posted if you want help. Refer to the thread in my sig for the info you need to include to get help
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
thanks for your reply
Whilst I understand and appreciate not a single ROM maybe suited to all and its somewhat trial and error process to find out what works best for you, what happens if you dont want to try them all and just want to go with whats popular as I do?
Is there a way of knowing / finding out which ROM's are widely used by forum members?
I just need to get away from RR due to above mentioned issues and dont have the time at the moment to test several ROM's in the process.
What I would like from a new ROM is speed and stability.
Thank you
xirokx said:
thanks for your reply
Whilst I understand and appreciate not a single ROM maybe suited to all and its somewhat trial and error process to find out what works best for you, what happens if you dont want to try them all and just want to go with whats popular as I do?
Is there a way of knowing / finding out which ROM's are widely used by forum members?
I just need to get away from RR due to above mentioned issues and dont have the time at the moment to test several ROM's in the process.
What I would like from a new ROM is speed and stability.
Thank you
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Maybe try to reinstall the rom with a full wipe, because that's not normal behaviour for a rom otherwise nobody would use it.
There isn't just one answer to your question for the best rom, that's why there are xda-rules as mentioned here above. If you don't want to use nightlies or roms that are still under development, search for an older stable version.
Sent from the Matrix
xirokx said:
thanks for your reply
Whilst I understand and appreciate not a single ROM maybe suited to all and its somewhat trial and error process to find out what works best for you, what happens if you dont want to try them all and just want to go with whats popular as I do?
Is there a way of knowing / finding out which ROM's are widely used by forum members?
I just need to get away from RR due to above mentioned issues and dont have the time at the moment to test several ROM's in the process.
What I would like from a new ROM is speed and stability.
Thank you
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You can look at the amount of views and posts on each rom thread for the most popular, but the one in my sig is fast and stable
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
thanks guys, i understand what you are saying and realise its worth, time is just against me and really need something stable.
I was looking at the rootbox ROM in your thread yesterday, is this it? as this has the name vanilla rootbox, just wanted to be sure...
is this what you mean by rootbox?
xirokx said:
thanks guys, i understand what you are saying and realise its worth, time is just against me and really need something stable.
I was looking at the rootbox ROM in your thread yesterday, is this it? as this has the name vanilla rootbox, just wanted to be sure...
is this what you mean by rootbox?
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Yeah it is... enjoy
so i downloaded rootbox v3.2 and gapps 20121011 and tried to install using CWM based Recovery v6.0.1.2 and i keep getting this error message during installation:
- error in /emmc/rootbox-JB-i9100g (status 7)
so I downloaded the file again and tried following the installation instructions and get the same error
why will it not install?
how can I fix it so it will install?
please help
xirokx said:
so i downloaded rootbox v3.2 and gapps 20121011 and tried to install using CWM based Recovery v6.0.1.2 and i keep getting this error message during installation:
- error in /emmc/rootbox-JB-i9100g (status 7)
so I downloaded the file again and tried following the installation instructions and get the same error
why will it not install?
how can I fix it so it will install?
please help
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Status 7 generally means you're attempting to install something meant for another device.
Did you note that the file /emmc/rootbox-JB-i9100g contains i9100g? Do you have an i9100, and not an i9100g? That firmware linked above is for the Rootbox that is in the I9100G development section.
Download the rootbox meant for the i9100 (NOT FOR THE i9100g) and try that. It'll be in either the I9100 Android Development, or I9100 Original Android Development section. I don't remember which one it is, but if you take 5 minutes and look for it, you should be able to find it. If you can't, I'd rethink flashing anything to your phone. No offense, but I'm of the firm belief that not just anyone should flash custom firmwares. If you can't follow directions, for your own sake you should stay on a stock firmware.
so all went OK with the installation, thanks for your help
So far , no apps have crashed and the phone has not rebooted randomly....
Enjoying this ROM so far, its fairly speedy as well
Perhaps I will add a theme on...I am already using Dorimanx 7.21 kernal

Reinstall CM10.2 from CM11 on GT-I9100G

Can anybody let me know on how to downgrade my GT-I9100G device from CM11 to CM10.2 ?.
I upgraded to CM11 unofficial build, but then found lots of bugs and so want to revert back to CM10.2
srchandran_72 said:
Can anybody let me know on how to downgrade my GT-I9100G device from CM11 to CM10.2 ?.
I upgraded to CM11 unofficial build, but then found lots of bugs and so want to revert back to CM10.2
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just flash the cm10.2 build if you've root n have installed cwm,
nasheich said:
just flash the cm10.2 build if you've root n have installed cwm,
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Thanks, doesn't seem like it was so simple. I had tried that many a times before posting this on to the forum. When I try to install CM10.2 again through CWM, it errors out with (Status 7) error. I did a Wipe/Factory Data Reset, Wipe Dalvik Cache and format system. Tried again but the same error re-appeared (status 7).
So I had to reinstall CM11 and GAPPS for CM11 again to make the phone work with some old bugs again . Camera not working, lag in screen rotation, stock browser not working etc.,
srchandran_72 said:
Thanks, doesn't seem like it was so simple. I had tried that many a times before posting this on to the forum. When I try to install CM10.2 again through CWM, it errors out with (Status 7) error. I did a Wipe/Factory Data Reset, Wipe Dalvik Cache and format system. Tried again but the same error re-appeared (status 7).
So I had to reinstall CM11 and GAPPS for CM11 again to make the phone work with some old bugs again . Camera not working, lag in screen rotation, stock browser not working etc.,
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status 7 it's cause there's something wrong on the updater script in the Rom build, check the Rom Thread that you've download
nasheich said:
status 7 it's cause there's something wrong on the updater script in the Rom build, check the Rom Thread that you've download
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Thanks, not sure on what the issue with the Rom could be. I have rooted the device and then installed Blazing Kernel V3 with CWM 6.
Before I decided to upgrade my phone to experimental CM11, I used to apply all CM10.2 Nightlies without any issues.
I have tried to install even CM10.1 stable release through CWM v.6 and the same error comes up.
Further, I have always downloaded ROM's from or through the CMupdater in the phone.
Can you please let me know, what version of Blazing Kernel should I using on GT-i9100G and how do I flash it safely without fearing of the "Sleep of death" happening.
Thank you.
srchandran_72 said:
Thanks, not sure on what the issue with the Rom could be. I have rooted the device and then installed Blazing Kernel V3 with CWM 6.
Before I decided to upgrade my phone to experimental CM11, I used to apply all CM10.2 Nightlies without any issues.
I have tried to install even CM10.1 stable release through CWM v.6 and the same error comes up.
Further, I have always downloaded ROM's from or through the CMupdater in the phone.
Can you please let me know, what version of Blazing Kernel should I using on GT-i9100G and how do I flash it safely without fearing of the "Sleep of death" happening.
Thank you.
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I never use Gallaxy SII, dont know much about it
but, you can learn about your device by going to the SII thread, you'll find out more on there
nasheich said:
I never use Gallaxy SII, dont know much about it
but, you can learn about your device by going to the SII thread, you'll find out more on there
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Thanks, can you please let me know the link to the GT-i1900G thread and also, on how can "post" a new question in the thread.
srchandran_72 said:
Thanks, can you please let me know the link to the GT-i1900G thread and also, on how can "post" a new question in the thread.
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that should be the thread for your device
and for posting in a thread(speciallly in the dev thread), you must at least have more than 10 posting in whole xda thread
in general thread, you can post even you didn't have 10+ posting
please read the Rules of Xda for more detail about posting and everything

