Android web browser that has cookie injection function? *** - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I would like to find ether some kinda app that will work with my browser or a whole new browser that will let me to inject cookies I have sniffed off my network to open up sessions. I'm kinda new to android pen testing and its really kinda foreign because now I can't work with a terminal (command promt) for the reasons I want. Anyone know of such a app? Or browser? Thanks for the help.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA

Nothing at all huh.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA

It's not possible it would be a big privacy violation.

kojot1234 said:
It's not possible it would be a big privacy violation.
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Its possible. There are apps that grabs cookies and inputs it in its own browser. All I want is the cookie injector. And not really a privacy violation what so ever. If people isn't smart enough to use SSL then there crap should be exploited. Not that SSL will keep you safe but android isn't that advance to decrypt. Yet.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA

Agree with you Bro. Use Droidsheep, it's more of a MITM attack rather than cookie injection, same thing really.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA

okmijnlp said:
Agree with you Bro. Use Droidsheep, it's more of a MITM attack rather than cookie injection, same thing really.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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Yeah definitely. I use Droidsheep for arp mitm spoof. Witch works amazingly for people who don't SSL there connection. Right now I have a privet server that interacts with the connection my phone has, anywhere I go. Witch is amazing, i can use backtrack without killing my phone via connnected to SSH -> TOR network. I can decrypt SSL via backtrack and all I need is a cookie injection method to complete my task (so i dont have to do it VNC). Until I find something else I want to do. Thanks for your feedback bro.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA

Anyother possible ways of doing this?

Do0ks said:
Anyother possible ways of doing this?
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I think the only possible way would be to use BOSCH (I think that's what it's called) to run windows xp, download a cookie injector and take it from there.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA

okmijnlp said:
I think the only possible way would be to use BOSCH (I think that's what it's called) to run windows xp, download a cookie injector and take it from there.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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I was afrade of that. Kinda figure that was the only way. It sucks because my main way of connecting to backtrack is through SSH tunnel. That way it's all command based and if I really have to, pull up vnc.
Alright thanks for replying guys. If anyone can make this happen... you know I'll love you forever.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA

Still nothing on this?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA

Bump to see if anything has been found on this.


Apps do not usually use your browser applications to send cookies and heartbeats lol
The key to manipulating/injecting/hijacking phone applications on Android (probably IOS aswell) is the Android System WebView library that comes with Androids base linux kernal. Oddly enough, what browser an app uses (useragent) to make background requests, heartbeats, cookies...etc is really up to the developer of the app. If you know what you are doing, there are a couple of ways to proxy that intent request but unncessary. Most apps will call directly to that WebView system app to create HTTP requests. It also uses if i remember correctly, the Mozilla, Android, and uh.. idr the last one. This is all happen stance information based on something else as an android dev. lol but TL;DR: Learn how to use Intents. Intent hackers own your phone just as fast as you purchase it. Ideally every major company would stop everything they are doing right now and sign up a raise:good: on their App Security Development budget immidiately.:silly::victory:
If you can change or even better if you can Filter all the intents sent from TargetApp => Android System WebView... well ****. Suddenly you dont even need an injecting mechanism. Cause you're now exactly that. Probably a better result then one would hope.

there any way to manager or change cookies values on chrome on android?

Yandex browser & Firefox let u edit the cookie, just search '' edit this cookie" (yandex) and" cookie editor" for firefox. And do the same as you do in your pc chrome(+add to chrome).

Preview of usi (User|Unified Script Injector)
usi (User|Unified Script Injector)by USI


Disable advertisements ?

Has anyone figured out a way to disable the advertisements that show on the bottom in most every app ?
So many are complaining about lag and I (for one) think it has to do with these stupid google advertisements.
Advanced task killer seems to stop them for a few minutes.....but I can't seem to grasp what is feeding them ?!?
Thats how some people make money... But if you must, there is an app called adfree android.... Must have root...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Please do not disable ads as a developer that keeps most of his apps free I really entirely on ads for any thing back.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Usually you can pick up the paid version of the app, which doesn't have ads.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Just install adfree and be done.
Xyber3364 said:
Please do not disable ads as a developer that keeps most of his apps free I really entirely on ads for any thing back.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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As a consumer, please don't play this bs pity game about your decision to make your app less useful by covering a portion of the screen with ads to make money off us.
Sent from my Vibrant using xda app
wrong section of the forums, this isn't "development"
but yes, AdFree is the thing that you're looking for.. most apps have a DONATE version which will remove the ad
Exactly, I just wanted to end the thread
You can afford a $500 phone, why not pay $ for an app you obviously like and find useful? Its especially insulting to ask for an easy way to screw the developers in a development forum... Try asking in general when you have questions.
Sent from my Vibrant
I think adfree slows down your phone well it did on my g1, just saying
Sent From Tha 1 Tha Only... Vibrant
AustinKnight45 said:
I think adfree slows down your phone well it did on my g1, just saying
Sent From Tha 1 Tha Only... Vibrant
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It will slow down dns a bit, but shouldn't be too bad.
MOD EDIT - Moved to General discussion as not related to android development
Re: Root,Unroot,CWM,and how to Flash Galaxy Ace S5830i
samersh72 said:
Put in your sdcard. Boot into recovery then apply update search well
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Wrong thread.
Here is the classic argument, I believe consumers should have the right to privacy and there are apps out there with risky permissions and adwares that can read your contacts and sms while it is a simply an 'offline' game. I do buy many apps and donate sometimes. I use a phone because it's my personal devices, I customize it how I want. To the dev who blame AdFree for 'losing' money, too bad. Create a good program, charge for it and remove your adwares for the paid version. Or a non euphemistic way of putting it: maybe if you made a non-s***** app without those adwares and not running in the background slowing down my phone maybe I would consider paying or donating, its free market capitalism, not welfare.
Also there are even purchased apps that come with adwares and sometime there is no paid option. I do understand Google list the permission before you download the app and since it's free its my choice if I want to download it or not, fine, but it is not always transparent for the consumer, for example apps do not list the type of adwares installed. Until the Congress say it's illegal to use ads blocking I will continue to use it.
Sent from XDA app
ads is everywhere, I got a headache when watching this ads.
Make sure to download the newest version if it via either Google play store or their website. They recently moved locations.
As for aware there exists an app that customizes that permissions an app installed on Android may have. You can use that to create a custom install for, say Angry birds, where it no longer allows it access to location or to the Internet which would defeat aware that tracts you or downloads new "harmful" features.
I cannot remember the name of the app offhand. If someone could help I would appreciate it.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda app-developers app

XDA App not working on Nook

I spent some time looking through forums, if I missed the answer to my question you can throw me in the fire.
Running nightlie #95 and dal oc [email protected] 1200 mhz. 7.03 stable all the way up to this nightlie I haven't been able to run the XDA on the nook. It loads up and I can make a few selections than it fc's.
Is this because I changed my build.prop for netflix? Any ideas?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
it dont work fer any body on a nook, use tapatalk.
luciferii said:
it dont work fer any body on a nook, use tapatalk.
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The XDA app (free version) looks for an IMEI number which the Nook does not have. DizzyDen has put together an app to patch your framework.jar file to give your Nook a fake IMEI based off your Serial number so apps like the XDA app, Swype, HBO GO, and the Xfinity app which look for IMEI numbers will work.
Is using Tapatalk just the easier idea?
Guys i hate to break it to all of you but the XDA APP has work on cm7 since day 1. No mods no tapatalk pro no nothing. install it from the market and run what ya brung. i have never had a problem with it once.
EDIT: This is without any hacking of the IMEI at all.
I will have to try out the imei file. Sick of seeing "process com.quoord.tapatalkxda.activity"
Thanks for the ideas
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
obsidianblackhawk said:
Guys i hate to break it to all of you but the XDA APP has work on cm7 since day 1. No mods no tapatalk pro no nothing. install it from the market and run what ya brung. i have never had a problem with it once.
EDIT: This is without any hacking of the IMEI at all.
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This is true on phones (which have an IMEI) not on the Nook...
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
In my experience the XDA never worked right. On both NookieFroyo and on CM7 I could use it to browse but once I tried to login it would force close. Works great on my Eris though!
I wonder what is the advantage of the app is anyway? I just use Opera and go to the website. I'm doing it right now.
again i beg to differ I have never once had an issue with the XDA app from the day i got my nook. Never hacked anything. It has always worked perfectly every single time. Not to say other people my not have issues, but both my Nook and My Wife's nook has never had an issue.
edit: Question or clarification perhaps. Are you guys getting errors just trying to load the app or when making a reply?
The error it's typically upon logging in.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA App
yeah never seen that one happen.
obsidianblackhawk said:
yeah never seen that one happen.
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When you say it worked from day one, which version of the app and CM7 are you referring to? And what are you on now?
I have a recent SD install CM7/n87 and a fresh download of the XDA free app, and it FCs everytime when you try to do anything relating to log in. Can you confirm what you're running, may have done special to get it to work?
fuul4nook said:
When you say it worked from day one, which version of the app and CM7 are you referring to? And what are you on now?
I have a recent SD install CM7/n87 and a fresh download of the XDA free app, and it FCs everytime when you try to do anything relating to log in. Can you confirm what you're running, may have done special to get it to work?
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fuul, what you describe is exactly the problem I am having
I owe this thread an apology. I had never actually tried to login on the XDA app. I just browsed forums.
Note However: Now that i have logged into the app. I can still browse fine, the only time i'm getting a FC is when i try to reply to a thread.
Again i apologize for not testing further before spouting off at the mouth. Yes there is in fact a problem, i just don't experience "as bad" of a problem as some of the rest of you.
I gotta say that its kind of rediculous this app has problems running on the nook correctly since xda seems to be the center of Nook Color hacking universe.
Then again the app is pointless when I can just use my browser. In fact I'm now getting rid of any and all apps that can be replaced with my browser. What's the point?
just get the xda premium app, that does not require an imei number or do the framework hack.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App
knaries2000 said:
just get the xda premium app, that does not require an imei number or do the framework hack.
Sent from my NookColor using XDA Premium App
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But why? What does the app offer that browsing to the full site does not? Besides looking like crap and taking up space.
But why? What does the app offer that browsing to the full site does not? Besides looking like crap and taking up space.
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Anytime I can use an app made for a particular forum I use that over the browser anyday. Having multiple bookmarks saved for each forum thread and for each forum starts to clutter up the rest of my non forum bookmarks. An app like XDA lets you save favorites within the app itself, therefor freeing up adding 20 some odd extra bookmarks of threads I like to keep up on.
The site provides that same functionality. You can subscribe to threads eliminating the need to fill your browser with extra bookmarks.
When I open my browser and click on my xda bookmark I'm automatically signed in and ready to pickup on all the threads I have participated in or have interest in. I just don't see the need for a xda app. There has to be a reason for the app. There must be something it does for the user the website will not. WHY!?!?!?!? LOL
The site provides that same functionality. You can subscribe to threads eliminating the need to fill your browser with extra bookmarks.
When I open my browser and click on my xda bookmark I'm automatically signed in and ready to pickup on all the threads I have participated in or have interest in. I just don't see the need for a xda app. There has to be a reason for the app. There must be something it does for the user the website will not. WHY!?!?!?!? LOL
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Lower bandwidth for one? Noticed that with the stock browser and dolphin HD, there are times when browsing the XDA site directly it has issues rendering certain pages. Could be luck of the draw and a misbehaving ad banner for all I know, or a bad internet connection from my side, no idea. But overall the XDA app feels like it's lower bandwidth.
Since I haven't been able to get the logged in version of the free XDA app to work, I couldn't tell you beyond just this if it's worthwhile.

[Q] antivirus?????

Is antivirus use full on android?
Please share your info
**** no
seriously man please mind the language,
all age groups of people here..
im saying no a mobile phone simply does not need antivirus.
about the language it doesnt really matter. even if a kid reads it, sooner or later when they grow up they will use that language anyway
Why not? I thing is not so bad for some people use antivirus as tool make wipe all data or try localization via antivir like avast etc. Dont forget, mobile antivir IS NOT SAME like pc antivir.
Sent from my ST15i using XDA
007snz said:
Is antivirus use full on android?
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Sure,it is useful for mine...all of my android have an antivirus at least one...I recommend avant anti virus
Sent from my SK17a using xda premium
UchihaDareNial said:
Sure,it is useful for mine...all of my android have an antivirus at least one...I recommend avant anti virus
Sent from my SK17a using xda premium
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Ohh man sorry wrong click...I want to click edit but accidentally click quote on my phone...well,what I want to edit is it is Avast Anti Virus,not Avant
Sent from my SK17a using xda premium
Not yet.
Antivirus is not needed if download apps only from Market. If outside Play Store, then you might get some bug in your phone indeed.
Android viruses are not popular enough yet.
Some info on the matter.
You only "need" an antivirus on rooted devices. If you havent rooted your device, then you shouldn't have an issue, since every possible virus out there needs root privileges in order to do some damage to your phone.
Since android is build based on linux, there are basically very few viruses out there. But as always, a little caution in what you install never hurt anyone.
Yes, it's useful...
1 - If you use your phone as an mass storage device, some virus from Windows can infect your sd card...
2 - if you lose your phone, most of the antivirus can help you to find the phone, and lock the device so others can't use them..
3 - if you download apps from "black market" or visit porn on your phone, ( yeah, I do that sometimes too..) it can protect your phone from malicious apps and others threads..
Sent from my Xperia Live using XDA
I've read some interesting blog posts lately:
For now my phone remains fast, stable and battery friendly without any av software. But i know for sure where my apps came from and dont use the mini for web browsing - there may be other scenarios.
LOL No,you don't need an AntiVirus yet on Android devices if you know what you re doing and if you re careful about app permissions esp on a rooted phone.
The Windows virus on SD card comment made me laugh! :-D
That said,according to a lot of sites on the net,Android Trojans are on the rise thanks to Google s app policy...
Sent from one of my 4 iPads.
BlackArtsInc said:
The Windows virus on SD card comment made me laugh! :-D
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Believe me, they are real..
Sent from my Xperia Live using XDA
LuisDias said:
Believe me, they are real..
Sent from my Xperia Live using XDA
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with windows virus you may transfer it to another windows, but it cannot possibly affect your android system.
i second the fact that unless you are rooted, you would not need an antivirus..
also google play removes malicious software from the store.
anti theft is possibly the only reason one would want to install an antivirus,
thanks for the comments
My phone is rooted,i download application from blackmarket,am going to try an antivirus let me see its usefull or not
As long as you don't install apps from untrustworthy sources you should be fine.
In any case, Avast seems to be pretty decent when compared to the other alternatives. Read about it in Android AV reviews somewhere. The firewall function is pretty sweet too to let some apps connect through WiFi only or not at all.
Sent from my SK17i
Gandhar said what had to be said. I am using a Mcaffe antivĂ­rus my Carrier gave me with a free full 1 Year license. The GPS tracking, wipe and block functions in case of a lost or theft phones are sweet. And if you are not rooted, no need for an av.
Windows viruses inside SD? Yeah, true. But than you can blame the Windows user who didn't has a decent av software to block it.
Sent from my SK17a using xda premium
gandhar said:
with windows virus you may transfer it to another windows, but it cannot possibly affect your android system.
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I know that, that's why.. I don't want to infeact my pc, 'cause I don't have Internet connection to update the antivirus..
Sent from my Xperia Live using XDA
Windows viruses can only affect other PCs when mounting your SD card.In Android they re irrelevant.
I did install Avast last night and found out that a Flashlight app that needed GPS permissions (!).
Other than that,I also liked the Anti-Theft protection which by the way you can keep even if you uninstall the virus scanner.
Sent from one of my 4 iPads.
Like people said, Windows viruses do not work on Android.
For anti-theft, use Prey. It's a great free app, that only starts working when phone receives SMS with specific text. I use it.
Sent from my Xperia Live using xda premium.

android browser keeps taking me to

When browsing the internet my phone keeps forwarding me to gotfreebies .org... i have checked my apps with airpush and there was a dog whistle that said it was dodgey so i removed it.. however the prob is still happening.. Its quite annoying! is there anyway to find out what is causing the prob or will i need to reset my phone? thanks
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
This happens to me when using Chrome and the stock browser, normally when on xdadevelopers website. I can't remember exactly, but i'm redirected to a site wanting me to install a battery saving app.
Amazing_Antony said:
When browsing the internet my phone keeps forwarding me to gotfreebies .org... i have checked my apps with airpush and there was a dog whistle that said it was dodgey so i removed it.. however the prob is still happening.. Its quite annoying! is there anyway to find out what is causing the prob or will i need to reset my phone? thanks
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Use some kind of virus scanning app such like dr web may help.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I only ever get this when reading this website. Can't remember exactly what it is but it pops up mentions some sort of prize and clicking something to claim.
m4tt24 said:
I only ever get this when reading this website. Can't remember exactly what it is but it pops up mentions some sort of prize and clicking something to claim.
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Yes I get those too, rather annoying. I hope its just the site and not some app or virus.
I just got one
This happens to me every now and again, and its happened on XDA more than once.
I took a screenshot just now when it happened.
It only pops up in the browser so I assume it is most likely an ad, but it is also aware of my location.
It goes here:
gotfreebies . org/contest/au-ipad-contest/index.php?c=AU-s2
(I'm not allowed to post links so I added spaces)
It's seriously annoying and I sincerely hope something can be done about it.
I'm using a Galaxy tab 8.9 over wifi.
XDA has gotten a lot of ads lately. I hate the flash ads that play at the bottom of the screen with sound. I tend to have a few XDA tabs open and its super annoying trying to find the one thats playing.
Banner ads and flash ads don't bother me that much but these ads just fill the entire screen on my phone. Now that is seriously annoying
had same issue. restart solved it for me.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Getting the same ads very annyoing like a pc browser hijacker redirects browser to their site get it mainly on xda but have had it 1 or 2 times on other sites.
Would be nice to know whether this Is an XDA ad or a virus.
I also get it, only on xda. I use ICS+ Browser. Very annoying.
The flash ads with sound on my desktop are extremely annoying as well. I too open multiple windows at once, and it is a real pain trying to find the noisy window.
It is an ad. It is harmless.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
joshnichols189 said:
It is an ad. It is harmless.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Is it an official xda ad? Why do they make it behave just like malware? That's what browser hijackers do. I've never seen official ads do anything as obtrusive as that.
I am getting tired of these ads, there is another similar or maybe associated ad for a site called '' too.
I get them on other phone related sites as well, just now I got one on phonearena.
I have found the google adwords complaint page and I'm going to submit a complaint.
Maybe if we all do then they'll do something about it.
Try "AirPush Detector" from Play Store
zamth2001 said:
Try "AirPush Detector" from Play Store
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Nothing found. It's the browser's being redirected, but only on XDA for me. I never ever see an ad like that anywhere else. No notification ads, no other unusual ads anywhere.
zamth2001 said:
Try "AirPush Detector" from Play Store
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The ad seems to be a browser popup, it is not associated with any apps.
It is targeted towards mobile users and it seems to only occur when using a mobile device.
If you search online for or you will see that the problem is experienced by Android and iPhone users.
these ads are the ones which remind me to enable ad blocking after flashing a new firmware. adaway and root are your friends
+1 to Artesea

Android porn filter?

Hi i was wandering if there is an app or something that blocks the porn websites or those adds with pornography.
I hate when i surf the web an suddenly opens those porno adds,
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
Root your phone and install AdAway
Adfree is free better than adway ..
Edward Cullen
That won't block porn websites - just in-app ads.
OP - does your service provider not give the option of adult filtering at their end? In the UK it's actually turned on by default and you have to request if you want it off.
Archer said:
That won't block porn websites - just in-app ads.
OP - does your service provider not give the option of adult filtering at their end? In the UK it's actually turned on by default and you have to request if you want it off.
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Sadly nope is all opened
And i wish if is possible to block only the porn becose with adds are supported most of the developers
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
optik19918 said:
Sadly nope is all opened
And i wish if is possible to block only the porn becose with adds are supported most of the developers
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
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Try this...
It gives you a fully functional version for 90 days and then you have to decide whether to pay or not. It has parental block for the internet.
Edit: Actually, a search for parental block apps on Google Play turns up quite a few...
Thanks a lot it works
Nice idea to use a parental control for myself!
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
criminal666 said:
Root your phone and install AdAway
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Awesome App that modifing HOST file in your android , and more advance than other ads block app's , that u can update it easily form the application
Suggest "ROM Toolbox"
One of the tools in ROM Toolbox Lite is a hosts-file modifier that can block ads, casinos, porn, and 'risky' domains. Seems to work well and it's nice and simple (as long as you've rooted your phone of course).
optik19918 said:
Hi i was wandering if there is an app or something that blocks the porn websites or those adds with pornography.
I hate when i surf the web an suddenly opens those porno adds,
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
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I'm also looking for android filtering apps to block sites while surfing or use apps. But it seems it's a little more difficult to make it than developing the features on Mac or Windows operating system. I use Aobo Internet Filter ( ) for Mac and PC, but can't find any apps to block unwanted sites for android phones. I want to know if you found anyone, just tell me, thanks.

