[Q] solutions for wifi connection problem - HTC Amaze 4G

HTC Amaze stock rom;
it seems have wifi connection issue at home: after wifi connected, few mins later, wifi still shows connected, but no internet activities were allowed;
see people has similar issue on other sites, does anyone have a solution for it?
also the connection speed went to 1Mbps for no reason. the router should be good, has ipad and desktop PC wirelessly connected all the time, didn't see any kind of drop or anything.
will ICS release to fix this? does anyone know? ROM issue? thanks

I still have the issue with ICS. But I'm using a Custom Rom, Energy to be exact. I had the WiFi issue with this phone since day one. It connects fine but certain times it will show a connection but no data will come through. My wife has the GS2 and she has great WiFi connection all the time. So I'm not sure where the issue lies. I'm also using a TPU case and a Trident Aegis Case at times.
Contemplating on returning to Stock ICS soon just for s&g's
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thanks for the reply. I guess no hope for 21st's ICS then; if not, I propobably will consider to sell it. now I understand why the guy sold me that he wanted a ONe S.
Double0EK said:
I still have the issue with ICS. But I'm using a Custom Rom, Energy to be exact. I had the WiFi issue with this phone since day one. It connects fine but certain times it will show a connection but no data will come through. My wife has the GS2 and she has great WiFi connection all the time. So I'm not sure where the issue lies. I'm also using a TPU case and a Trident Aegis Case at times.
Contemplating on returning to Stock ICS soon just for s&g's
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I never had that problem on GB or ICS.
The 21st ota has already been leaked. Go to dev section and member Football has 2 leaked ROMs. The newer is what is what is being released on 21st
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

Labiker, do you have the latest stock ICS release from football? It's in the dev forums. I don't have WiFi issues, but I recommend testing your WiFi on other networks see if you have the same issue if you haven't tried that already. And in my opinion I would say stay away from energy ROM It's known to have WiFi issues when some sort of update is released for it I would probably try it out again. I would honestly stay away from revolution also until we get some new updates. I'm currently running the latest ics ruu stock and everything is smooth but I'm going to be trying eclipse ROM soon the speed ROM because I've been having the itch to flash something new.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

Come to think of it....I have been using Energy since I rooted. So maybe it is the Rom. Going to run stock in a few. Just making my MyBackupRoot for my apps.
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"if you choose not to not to decide, you still have made a choice" ~N.P. Rush
Courtesy of my Galaxy Note (i717) using XDA Premiero!

Amaze 4G sucks with WiFi and Bluetooth
I am on phone number 10 in the course of 11 months. I have had known issues I found; I have also found issues between T-Mobile and HTC. I've been through the Sensation about six times. That was replaced with the Samsung Galaxy Amaze...which was totally incomparable in specs. Then I was given the Amaze. Found many known issues...with WiFi (which is what I want to use...and especially using WiFi with Bluetooth. I get garbled incoming sound (sometimes the outgoing sound is at the same time audible to the recipient). I find that I get calls garbled constantly, or worse...completely dropped. I live in a metropolitan-suburban area where I get 4G signals. Additionally, I've found information on the internet about T-Mobile and Metro PCS having incompatible systems, which exacerbates the garbling and call drops. I have a very high-end router, on which no other devices have any issue...and the signal strength dot with concentric circles goes up to the full three and down to just the dot...and that's independent of how close I am to the router (again, no problems with any other WiFi devices). As I said, it's worse when the Bluetooth radio and WiFi are on simultaneously. I've had occasional success holding the phone in my hand...about two feet from any of my five high-end Bluetooth devices...it won't usually work if I have it in my pocket...three feet away. I've spent 53 hours on the phone with T-Mobile (I keep very good notes) and 17 hours on the phone with HTC. I'm running ICS 4.0.3. Both have said since May that "they" were working on the problem and expected a resolution in a week or two. Now HTC's relationship, per trusted sources, is disintegrating and neither has done anything...rendering my 10th phone useless to me. I'd rather go back to my Windows 6.1 AT&T Tilt phone, at this point. And three times, T-Mobile's "customer service" calls of 1-1/2 hours each, didn't even put any notes on the account. Caveat emptor...

I think your issue is related to software not hardware because you get constant bars right? Just no data sometimes? A lot of times its the router that needs refreshing I have noticed as well and I am running a Linksys e2500. I would try something like speedrom never recall it giving me WiFi issues. So don't put down the device without giving it a shot is all I am saying.


Dropped Calls on Froyo Roms

I have been discouraged from the Froyo ROMs for a while due to the problem with calls being dropped but then suddenly they aren't dropped. I really like the Froyo ROMs though so I decided to try it again and the first day I experienced it yet again on CELB 3.6. It only happened a couple of times then 3.7 was released and I flashed that and it happened again on the first call LOL. I then started looking through things in the settings and under the mobile data setting I turned on National Data Roaming, since then I have been on several calls ranging from 20 minutes to an hour and have yet to experience this problem since turning data roaming on, some of these calls were in areas that I know for certain I had the dropped and reconnected calls happen before. Maybe some others may want to try this out and see if it helps you as well. Hope this helps some people that have experienced this as well.
Has anyone else tried this yet? And if so, has it made any difference for you as well?
happens to me all the time. kaos froyo, tazz froyo, celb froyo, nonsensikal froyo. Only at my house tho. i have 3 bars there. not sure whats going on there but i have learned to live with it. Wont be long till we are on 2.3 anyway. deal with it for a month. by the new year kaos should have a completley functional 2.3 rom. maybe without camera, but still fully functional.
I've been messing around with the national data roaming for about a week now. When I have national data roaming enabled it doesn't happen, if I turn it of it does. Try enabling it and see if it makes a difference for you too. It's located under settings>wireless & networks>mobile networks
will enable it and see if it happens tonight.
Same here, after enabling it I have had no stopped call issues. Its been about a week, so far so good
Good information, I think I'm gonna try it, but first does this affect my billing at all? I'm on my parents plan and don't want to give them a heart attack if I incur extra charges
Scott586 said:
Good information, I think I'm gonna try it, but first does this affect my billing at all? I'm on my parents plan and don't want to give them a heart attack if I incur extra charges
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It shouldn't but that would depend on what your plan is. If you have a nationwide plan with unlimited data and no roaming charges then it won't. I'd suggest checking on your plan first. Just a thought though lol.
CondemnedSoul said:
It shouldn't but that would depend on what your plan is. If you have a nationwide plan with unlimited data and no roaming charges then it won't. I'd suggest checking on your plan first. Just a thought though lol.
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I also have this problem happen on non-Verizon based ROMs such as RCMix.
The call says it's dropped, but the person on the other end can hear everything that's going on.
Then the phone rings you back, but in reality, they were hearing everything going on around you in the meantime.
I almost lost my girlfriend because of it. Immediately flashed away from said ROM. Had the same problem with Froyo ROMs.
May switch to a CM ROM now, if this is a serious fix. Thanks very much for this.
I was hoping this would be a fix - I upgraded to CELB 3.9 a couple of days ago, and turned on National Data Roaming.
Tonight I had the same behavior - temporary call drop and reconnect along with the same symptoms that usually accompanies it (speakerphone mode toggles off, phone vibrated, yada yada).
Confirmed through examination of the (uncompressed) SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE file in /data/system/dropbox/ that yes, the usual cause is present: segfault crash of the "rild" process.
Rats! I was hoping this might provide a fix... but apparently not for me.
bftb0 said:
I was hoping this would be a fix - I upgraded to CELB 3.9 a couple of days ago, and turned on National Data Roaming.
Tonight I had the same behavior - temporary call drop and reconnect along with the same symptoms that usually accompanies it (speakerphone mode toggles off, phone vibrated, yada yada).
Confirmed through examination of the (uncompressed) SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE file in /data/system/dropbox/ that yes, the usual cause is present: segfault crash of the "rild" process.
Rats! I was hoping this might provide a fix... but apparently not for me.
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Sorry ut didn't work for you.... so far now im at 3 weeks without it happening to me
I have still had this temporary dropped call problem occur just as frequently on CELBFroyo 3.6 with this "fix". And most of the time I'm in my apartment on the phone for hours when it happens, and it sometimes happens more than once during these extended phone calls.
Just as has been described before: the phone looks and acts like the call was dropped, I can hear nothing but the other person can hear everything, and then after several seconds everything is back to normal.
Oh well. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
Very interesting to hear others have been having this problem. I had thought it was due to my bluetooth earphone, because it used to happen to my wife on her old earphone with a standard cell phone. However, last night I lost my earphone and the same problem occurred while on speakerphone. Although annoying, most of the time I just deal with it. I just installed radio version hoping it might help. Various versions of CELBFroyo (currently using 3.9) have done it. I will let you all know if this helps and keep checking back on this string to see if anyone else finds a fix.
farmdoc said:
Very interesting to hear others have been having this problem. I had thought it was due to my bluetooth earphone, because it used to happen to my wife on her old earphone with a standard cell phone. However, last night I lost my earphone and the same problem occurred while on speakerphone. Although annoying, most of the time I just deal with it. I just installed radio version hoping it might help. Various versions of CELBFroyo (currently using 3.9) have done it. I will let you all know if this helps and keep checking back on this string to see if anyone else finds a fix.
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Seems like its touch and go now. Works for some but not for others. I haven't had it happen to me in 3 weeks now but this hasn't worked for some others where some it has. Im using the new sprint radio now, I don't know if maybe it has anything to do with what radio you have too? I just flashed this radio about a week and a half ago though. Before that I was on the older verizon radio... not the one from july ota though... the previous one.
sent from the depths of hell
CondemnedSoul said:
Seems like its touch and go now. Works for some but not for others. I haven't had it happen to me in 3 weeks now but this hasn't worked for some others where some it has. Im using the new sprint radio now, I don't know if maybe it has anything to do with what radio you have too? I just flashed this radio about a week and a half ago though. Before that I was on the older verizon radio... not the one from july ota though... the previous one.
sent from the depths of hell
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If I recall correctly, it has been seen on multiple radios. ( Have you seen this thread? )
bftb0 said:
If I recall correctly, it has been seen on multiple radios. ( Have you seen this thread? )
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Thanks for the leads to the other threads. I had not seen them.
I have not had a chance to test with the current radio installed (, but plan to tonight. Is there a newer radio for the Eris? Looking at the version numbers of some I have seen referenced would make me believe that there are newer ones. Where do you download these?
farmdoc said:
Thanks for the leads to the other threads. I had not seen them.
I have not had a chance to test with the current radio installed (, but plan to tonight. Is there a newer radio for the Eris? Looking at the version numbers of some I have seen referenced would make me believe that there are newer ones. Where do you download these?
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AFAIK, this is the most recent radio and is currently what I'm using:
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
AFAIK, this is the most recent radio and is currently what I'm using:
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Thanks! BTW what is AFAIK?
farmdoc said:
Thanks! BTW what is AFAIK?
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You're welcome! AFAIK = As Far As I Know

MUST READ!! Archos tablets also have Wifi/GPS issues after ICS update!

Hey Guys, just thought I would pass this info along that I found really interesting. I have a friend who recently purchased the Archos G9 tablet, which came with Honeycomb. His Wifi/GPS worked great during this time, but after updating to ICS, his wifi signal is considerably weaker,(even drops connections) and he can no longer get a GPS lock! Also, it seems to be a widespread problem for the recently released Archos devices. Before ICS, they had no wifi/GPS issues, but right after the update, numerous owners are reporting that they can no longer get a GPS lock, or they may only pick up one satellite even when outdoors, but lose the signals as soon as they are in motion. Now this seems to be one hell of a coincidence don't you think?? Can anyone confirm that GPS and wifi was better for them before updating to ICS?? I also attached the forum link for you guys as proof of the ICS update issue. Apparently, Archos is working with Google to determine the cause of the GPS/wifi issues since the update. Now I am not saying that ICS is the root cause of our issues, but it is possible that it is compounding the problem with the metal backed plate on our Primes. It's well known that Asus installed two wifi chips to compensate for the metal backing, but what if the ICS code is also hindering on the wifi/gps performance??
Interesting read for sure. Well hopefully the big surprise from Asus is a new firmware with most of the issues fixed. Can't wait to see what they have instore for us. Then can't wait for diamond to integrate the good parts into his rom so I can flash it =)
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
....ring......ring........Hello.......um hold on...... GAAAAAARRRRRYYY! GARY! YOU HAVE A PHONE CALL.......[who is it ma!].....SOMEONE NAMED ARCHOS????.......
My Nexus One on unofficial ICS has the same wifi reception as on gingerbread. This being said, it also uses almost the same kernel and the same proprietary drivers as on gingerbread. My point is : ICS is not the problem. IF there is a software issue that can somehow be fixed, it should/must be done in the kernel/driver area.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA
Well.. I figure I have to reply to that post...
I have a Archos 80 G9 that I bought after reading too many horry stories on XDA, my heart was really set on a ATP but I figured that I would get a tablet that would a) be upgaded to ICS and b) I wouldn't mind giving way once the dust had settled and bugs have been ironed out.
I have been following these threads since the ATP hit the shelve, but they have not reached the ME where I live and after reading here there was now way I would buy an import without warranty support... So as I say I bought a cheapo Archos just to get me by.
I can now confirm the OP's statement. the Wifi problem is in ICS (can't say that about the GPS as I've not tested). I've read about you guys opening the boxx and from the start upgrading from HC to ICS so you've never seen the ATP running on HC. With the Archcos I had a good 2 month running on HC before the ICS upgrade so I can sure see the difference. The main problem I faced with the Archos on HC was anything using video - Youtube & Skype come to mind off the top of my head - they were both un-useable, but I figured you get what you pay for and let's see what the ICS upgrade brings.
Low and behold, after ICS, my WiFi is crap in comparision to before, I can't put my fingure on the issiue, but it's sure weaker connection, or doesn't connect automatically, or just won't allow me to load a web page! In addition, the touch screen is way less responsive in that I'm having topoke and poke again at the screen to make anything happen - that may be because the WiFi is crap so I don't have internet access, or it may be a touch screen issue. Either way it feels like I've jumped out of the pan and into the fire - no video before (now that is better), but I never know when I have internet access.
Well spotted OP... if there is anything I can test from here, let me know OK
benefit14snake said:
Interesting read for sure. Well hopefully the big surprise from Asus is a new firmware with most of the issues fixed. Can't wait to see what they have instore for us. Then can't wait for diamond to integrate the good parts into his rom so I can flash it =)
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
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That's exactly what I'm thinking. The new firmware fix could possibly address the WiFi issues which seems to be also caused by ICS. Maybe this is why Asus are returning RMA's with the same issues, could be that their dual WiFi components are working as intended, but ics is causing signal issues! This will be great news if the problem can be solved through a firmware update
Well if the wifi gets fixed on this tablet I will have zero complaints what so ever. GPS bothers me, but not much. Ill probably try to fix the small light bleed I have.
......and the thread blows up with speculation.... lol
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
I had GPS problems on the Prime before ICS. While there could be something in ICS that hinders GPS reception, I think it's well established that there are hardware problems with the Prime with respect to GPS and wifi reception.
My wifi seemed to be the same on HC as ICS; I haven't had any problems before or after upgrading.
DelboyG said:
Well.. I figure I have to reply to that post...
I have a Archos 80 G9 that I bought after reading too many horry stories on XDA, my heart was really set on a ATP but I figured that I would get a tablet that would a) be upgaded to ICS and b) I wouldn't mind giving way once the dust had settled and bugs have been ironed out.
I have been following these threads since the ATP hit the shelve, but they have not reached the ME where I live and after reading here there was now way I would buy an import without warranty support... So as I say I bought a cheapo Archos just to get me by.
I can now confirm the OP's statement. the Wifi problem is in ICS (can't say that about the GPS as I've not tested). I've read about you guys opening the boxx and from the start upgrading from HC to ICS so you've never seen the ATP running on HC. With the Archcos I had a good 2 month running on HC before the ICS upgrade so I can sure see the difference. The main problem I faced with the Archos on HC was anything using video - Youtube & Skype come to mind off the top of my head - they were both un-useable, but I figured you get what you pay for and let's see what the ICS upgrade brings.
Low and behold, after ICS, my WiFi is crap in comparision to before, I can't put my fingure on the issiue, but it's sure weaker connection, or doesn't connect automatically, or just won't allow me to load a web page! In addition, the touch screen is way less responsive in that I'm having topoke and poke again at the screen to make anything happen - that may be because the WiFi is crap so I don't have internet access, or it may be a touch screen issue. Either way it feels like I've jumped out of the pan and into the fire - no video before (now that is better), but I never know when I have internet access.
Well spotted OP... if there is anything I can test from here, let me know OK
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I'm waiting for my friend to stop by to do a wifi comparison test with his archos. Wish there was a way to make thus topic a sticky.
Not saying the wifi problems couldnt be software related, but didnt some guy already take apart his prime and confirm an obvious wifi design flaw?
scottrod said:
Not saying the wifi problems couldnt be software related, but didnt some guy already take apart his prime and confirm an obvious wifi design flaw?
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Nah, it's a myth. It is always a "s/w" problem... You should know that by now if you read this forum.
Ok, GPS issued is confirmed on the Archos G9 after my friend updated to ics. He didn't have the GPS test app prior ics, but on honeycomb he had no issues getting a GPS signal in seconds, an he confirmed that it worked in his car while driving to an from work. Now using the GPS test after updating to ics, it takes him in average of 2 minutes to pick up 3 satellites while outside, but he loses his signal when driving. Also, he has freezing issues when browsing an random reboots at least once a day. He's coming to my home now to do a wifi speed comparison, but he stated that he can no longer watch netflix when he is in his bedroom, while his router is in the living room(seperated by two walls). This to me is just one heck of a coincidence.
My tf101s wifi got really bad after ics update. Range was shorter, and disconnects.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
I can see ICS maybe affecting wifi. as far as GPS, we know the components of the deadly cocktail already. software is part of it but doubt it bears more weight than design issues on some units. I do believe wifi can be tweaked or optimized even more so. I get good wifi reception n all but anything could be made better.
we do have an update to .16 which is due anyday now. I would've thought we would've gotten it already. maybe tonight or tomorrow. still awaiting the great prime news also. maybe they will announce 5 million units sold in 3 months..lol
Cernunnoz said:
My tf101s wifi got really bad after ics update. Range was shorter, and disconnects.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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I read about wifi problems on original transformer due to ICS as well. Heard asus pushed out an update to ty and fix it yesterday.
[QUOTQUOTE=shinzz;23629090]Nah, it's a myth. It is always a "s/w" problem... You should know that by now if you read this forum.[/QUOTE]
Obviously your joking right? I opened mine and can confirm it's hard ware. Attaching one piece of wire to the wireless connection gives nearly double the wifi performance for me.
I can support the GPS theory for sure... My GPS stopped working completely as soon as I upgraded my Prime to ICS. While still under HC, I could get a lock on 10-12 satellites ... though it took way longer than it should (like a few minutes). Haven't had much trouble with my wi-fi, so cannot tell if it degraded with ICS, or not.
So ICS is still very new and has still bugs in it. I dont see where this is any new information Have some patience. My prime (can only speak for me) is very usable right now and i know that it will only get better over time as software improves. This was the case on all my android devices and will be true for the prime as well.
The difference is that ICS was quite the step for android, a lot of visual changes and tweaks/improvements. So i think we will see a big improvement overall if something like Android 4.1 comes out.
But as i wanted to say this is not really news to me^^ I expected something like ICS to be somewhat buggy I mean look at iOS. 5.0 had the battery bug which is being fixed now with 5.1. This is half a year after the release of ios 5.
Ok, lets pull up a couple of statements real quick. This is a Archos tablet that is having Wi-fi problems after ICS. How does this relate to android? I understand that this is based on the idea of ICS doing this, but they are different companies. Asus makes tablets for their tablets and the Archos tablets is made for their company. The company making Archos could have made a mistake when altering it to make it compatible for the Archos tablet. Also it has been proven that the metal backplate on the prime blocks off the wi-fi signal dramatically. ICS on the prime is already covered as it is. Think about it, why would they make the TF700 with the specific backplate if they knew that this was a software problem?
royredman said:
Ok, lets pull up a couple of statements real quick. This is a Archos tablet that is having Wi-fi problems after ICS. How does this relate to android? I understand that this is based on the idea of ICS doing this, but they are different companies. Asus makes tablets for their tablets and the Archos tablets is made for their company. The company making Archos could have made a mistake when altering it to make it compatible for the Archos tablet. Also it has been proven that the metal backplate on the prime blocks off the wi-fi signal dramatically. ICS on the prime is already covered as it is. Think about it, why would they make the TF700 with the specific backplate if they knew that this was a software problem?
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What are you talking about?? Both tablets are running ICS, both have wifi/gps issues after updating.. I never said that ICS was the cause only... I am saying that it MAY contribute.. Could be an code issue within ICS that doesn't play well with wifi, which is only amplified by the Primes metal backing.
I and others will confirm that wifi an gps was fine for the Archos tablets before updating to ICS. People are also reporting browser crashes, freezes etc. So yes ICS is still a young os an could be added to at least the wifi issue

[Q] Transformer prime - how widespread the issues are?

Hi everyone,
I am a long time iPad user, but on the other hand using android phones from quite a while (samsung sg1, sg 2, sgn now).
After seeing the new iPad I am really thinking about getting the transformer prime.
The big plus is the keyboard dock. The big minus is the lack of 3g but I may use my galaxy note as a wireless hot spot.
The only thing which is keeping me from buying is the long thread from the general section of this forum which contains great number of horror stories related to the transformer prime after the ics update.
The retailer from whom I want to buy has the prime with honeycomb on it.
Is it better to keep the old os? Are the ics bugs really wide spread.
Any help is welcome.
Well I got mine 4 days ago and it had the original OS on it played a little and switched to ics and haven't had any problems maybe I just got lucky who knows I think alot it's hype so far so good.
my Prime arrived with ICS already installed on it. So far the only significant issues I've encountered are wifi range and GPS, which I already knew about from reading other reviews. Since most of what I'm planning on doing with my Prime is off-line stuff anyway, I'm not terribly bothered.
Wrong post ,
my bad
ICS working great on Prime. ill never go back to honeycomb. I've only seen positive additions with ICS. too many positives outweigh the little issues some may have with it. plus issues not as wide spread as it may seems.
My Prime has been perfect! Only a week of use though.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201
I have problems with GPS... but tbh I don't know what anyone uses the GPS for lol.
My wifi range isn't as strong my iPhone 4 and game consoles. But it's also not noticeable, if I didn't look at the WiFi signal strength I wouldn't even know I wasn't at 100%.
Basically, WiFi strength weakens but it hasn't hindered the performance from what I've been able to tell. I still stream music, or watch youtube clips like it's nothing.
To be honest, I haven't had near the problems that people are talking about here... well not here but in the general thread. I had a few minor.. very minor issues with wifi using Skype but I think I solved that by changing channels on the router... As for signal strength, I am not sure what people think it should do, mine is on par or better then my sgs1. No light bleed or anything like that either, gps, the only thing I found was there were a couple of files missing gps.conf for one... but once I placed that in the proper folder it seems to work fine (not that I'll use it) In short... no regrets.....plus the thing is fast too
Also.... if your away from a hotspot and want to use 3g/4g tether it to your phone via bluetooth, work good.
As stated by Asus Rep Gary Key on this forum
1. As to various rumors or threads about every unit having a problem, the numbers indicate otherwise as evidenced in the CNET article and an upcoming followup. While not dismissing there have been some problems, the return/repair rates are no greater than other competing products based on current data and are actually lower than several. I am not going to defend us 100% as like with all manufacturers we have areas of improvement.
2. That being said, I want to discuss a certain population of users who complain about multiple unit problems or seem to have every problem that is discussed in a forum.
a. Of these problem repeat users, around 71% (varies on a monthly basis) never responded to direct communication attempts.
b. Of the remaining users (around 30%), we directly assisted 9% of these users and confirmed actual unit problems. Of the remaining 20% or so, we could not verify all of the problems reported (multiple units, service, returns). However, I would like to give two examples that generally mimic a lot of this 20% contact.
And by poll of XDA member
80% are liking their device
Topic of user with positive experience
I think the recent update has fixed a lot of the random reboot problems that came with ICS. I am saying this because I noticed a lot less threads about the issue and I personally haven't had ICS crash since I've updated (a month ago).
You can also use Bluetooth to tether 3g to your prime. Works great since it uses less battery on your phone and even though it is slower I tend not to notice since using 3g means I am on the go. Also, there is a handy app in the App/Theme forum that will auto connect the Bluetooth internet.
I had some force-closes after the ICS Update. As mentioned several times in the forums a factory-reset just after I updated to ics helped alot.
No major problems so far. I think one force-close in the last 2 weeks. And this app has problems on other devices as well.
Wifi is not great, but definitely not an issue. Since I don't use GPS at all, I would buy it again.
only problems ive had were a couple of tablets had lcd mura (bright spots) current one is fine. bit of light bleed but nothing too bad. im happy with it
Nice to hear that the issues are not serious.
I just have one question...
How bad the wifi signal is compared to the Ipad?
Is it necessary to use a second wireless router or repeater?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
silvehosszu said:
Nice to hear that the issues are not serious.
I just have one question...
How bad the wifi signal is compared to the Ipad?
Is it necessary to use a second wireless router or repeater?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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Ive not had any issues, router is downstairs
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
oh the wifi issue is as real as it sounds. I've been able to fix it to a extent by using various suggestions in this forum like using a router different than linksys, changed wifi channel to reduce interference, repeater to increase strength and the newest keeping the gps on which somehow seems to increase wifi link speed (need to verify, yet)
GPS has never worked even once, am yet to try the tether using my phone, although this doesnt bother me much. Bluetooth gives me issues at time with it not connecting to my phone or my laptop and am yet to try anything to fix it.
screen flicker issue is there when clicking recent apps, again seems to have reduced using suggestion on this forum, namely booting into download mode
(vol key down + power and then vol up) and then rebooting. some problems still exists in youtube app though.
Random reboots have anyway been not a problem for me with a very low count.
More or less I've been able to fix most issues with simple steps and am very satisfied with my prime. a lot more than I can ever imagine with an ipad.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
After doing my research i did the jump and bought the transformer prime. The wireless issue is not as severe as I thought, the primes wireless is almost as good as the iPads.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I don't think you will regret it. I bought mine 6 weeks ago, stayed well away from rooting actions, and it has updated itself faultlessly. WiFi is not a problem, though the "pinch fix" did improve reception. I can use my HTC Desire for GPS, over-air data when away from my (or anyone elses router), and just love the screen and keyboard.
Hope yo enjoy it.
Excuse my ignorance but what is that `pinch fix` ?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
silvehosszu said:
Hi everyone,
I am a long time iPad user, but on the other hand using android phones from quite a while (samsung sg1, sg 2, sgn now).
After seeing the new iPad I am really thinking about getting the transformer prime.
The big plus is the keyboard dock. The big minus is the lack of 3g but I may use my galaxy note as a wireless hot spot.
The only thing which is keeping me from buying is the long thread from the general section of this forum which contains great number of horror stories related to the transformer prime after the ics update.
The retailer from whom I want to buy has the prime with honeycomb on it.
Is it better to keep the old os? Are the ics bugs really wide spread.
Any help is welcome.
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Less than 1% of TFP have issues according to Gary Key with Asus.
silvehosszu said:
After doing my research i did the jump and bought the transformer prime. The wireless issue is not as severe as I thought, the primes wireless is almost as good as the iPads.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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Congrats. enjoy your new device
silvehosszu said:
Excuse my ignorance but what is that `pinch fix` ?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using xda premium
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its nothing really. some report fluctuating signal strength if tablet is pinched in area antennae would be. I'd say don't worry yourself with it if you already getting good wireless reception. its just more of an observation thing on the pinch.

Help - Anyone else have to toggle wifi after leaving phone idle to get data to work?

I'm so frustrated not sure what to do about it anymore. If I let me phone site idle anywhere from 10 minutes to 1+ hour. I will wake the phone it will show wifi is connected but there is no connectivity. No matter what app I go into, browser, slacker radio, play store etc. Nothing will load cause it can't connect. I have to toggle wifi widget off & back on before it will work again. The problem is intermittent as far as when it acts up but it usually does multiple times a day. It did it on stock rom, now stock with goodies 1.79 also just tried this method here but same issue. I have not updated my radios yet cause I don't want the new hboot but I might just update it to see if it will fix the issue.
Does anyone else run tomato firmware? My wifi router & home router both use tomato firmware so I'm not sure if it's just an issue with this or what. The same issue also happens on friends evo LTE at work. Tomato is some of the most rock solid firmware I have had and never had an issue like this with any other device or phone. Evo3D worked perfect and the orginal evo. I have tried everything I can think of to get it working from settings it to 2.4 only to replacing the settings apk nothing helps. I have no idea what to do about it anymore I have tried averting I can think of.
I guess I could try flashing different firmware on the router but I'd rather not. Does anyone else here run Tomato firmware 1.28 that could report if they have this issue or not? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone run tomato firmware or have this issue?
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Try changing the security on the router to wep.
Its actually a very common problem on a lot of routers with wpa activated, its not just the phone
om4 said:
Its actually a very common problem on a lot of routers with wpa activated, its not just the phone
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I have the problem. Don't think it is the router, since none of my other wifi devices have this problem, including my OG EVO. Tried a few of the fixes on the forum; so far, nothing's worked. I ended up using Llama to turn off my wifi when I'm at home and my screen is off, and turn it on when I'm at home and my screen is on; this way, my wifi is always cycled when my screen turns on.
Have not updated to the 2.13 firmware yet, though, since I'm waiting on some of the ROMs to get updated.
well I was just stating it is a known issue with routers in general, my father has a great internet connection, his brand new top of the line laptop has the exact same issue, my cousin's tablet on my dads router, same issue, he has wireless cameras for security, same issue, every time I go visit him, I power cycle his router and release all dns leases for good measure, My old (ancient by todays standards) Dell Inspiron laptop from 2000 runs Ubuntu with a work around that allows me to use windows firmware as a means to enable wireless, it reports a 2MB connection almost all the time and on his network, my dusty old wireless b/g runs circles around his spanking new wireless n laptop, the network manager used by Ubuntu will automatically disconnect and reconnect when ever this issue come up
edit: I just remembered stock has an issue when you enable best performance from wireless menu, something to check on
Thanks for some feedback, what I don't get this was never an issue with my 3D or my original evo. I'm running WPA2 AES at home and WPA TKIP at work. Exact same problem. Why is it only an issue with this phone and never had an issue with the other phones? I could use lama I suppose but I would rather not it should work correctly. I don't have any problems with any other device. I haven't seen any feedback on this issue except for now from you guys. I would have to think it isn't affecting that many people and I can't be the only one using WPA. I really don't wanna knock it down to WEP but it seems like there is no way to fix it. Since I have an office job and at home during the evening it's extremely frustrating to pick up your phone multiple times a day and nothing works. I guess I could try a different router or firmware but it has to be an issue with the phone have ran this router for years with lots of different devices and it's never had an issue.
I was never this frustrated with the original evo or the 3D. I have no idea how to fix this issue or where to even go from here. I'm seriously considering dumping this and getting a GSIII and I have been very loyal to HTC but between this wi-fi issue that I can't get rid of, the lame ass htc dev s-on restrictions and the horrible multi-tasking I'm really starting to dislike this phone. If I could fix this stupid wi-fi I could live with the other stuff. The only thing I haven't tried is updating my radios from the latest ota cause I didn't want the new hboot.
rgosborne said:
I have the problem. Don't think it is the router, since none of my other wifi devices have this problem, including my OG EVO. Tried a few of the fixes on the forum; so far, nothing's worked. I ended up using Llama to turn off my wifi when I'm at home and my screen is off, and turn it on when I'm at home and my screen is on; this way, my wifi is always cycled when my screen turns on.
Have not updated to the 2.13 firmware yet, though, since I'm waiting on some of the ROMs to get updated.
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None of my other devices have this issue either just this phone. What router do you use? I have a WRT54GL with Tomato 1.28 at home and a WRT54GS with Tomato 1.28 at work.
I'm using a WRT54G (old one, equivalent to the -GL) running DD-WRT. It's been rock solid for everything else.
rgosborne said:
I'm using a WRT54G (old one, equivalent to the -GL) running DD-WRT. It's been rock solid for everything else.
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I wonder if it's something with the router then. Like I said I run Tomato on a WRT54GL at home & a WRT54GS at work. All 3 of our models are very similar hardware wise. I was thinking about trying DD-WRT which I don't really care for I prefer tomato. I don't really want to replace my router for 1 phone when everything else works perfect on the network. I even have three 3M-50 wifi thermostats hooked up at work and one 3M-50 at home. Even those have been rock solid no connection issues what so ever just this stupid phone.
Now that you mention it I had to do the exact same thing on my Asus rtn16 running tomato firmware.
I was running my Epic back then I thought it was the phone.
Running my EVO now with a Netgear 3800 I never have to toggle wifi for data.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
fastmikey1969 said:
Now that you mention it I had to do the exact same thing on my Asus rtn16 running tomato firmware.
I was running my Epic back then I thought it was the phone.
Running my EVO now with a Netgear 3800 I never have to toggle wifi for data.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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I wonder if it's an issue with the aftermarket firmware but I just have never had issues on any other devices. I wonder if there is settings I could tweak to make it go away but I wouldn't know which settings to change.
Its the fact the wpask, tkip and other advanced encryptions are very broad standards, the hardware supports it but how well if supports it is the problem. Some routers implement the protocols in a very different way then others.
I.e. broadcom vs atheros, many atheros chipset fully support all standards while broadcom uses more proprietary implementations
---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ----------
This has been a big issue with desktop Linux, I wouldn't be surprised if the issue stands with android as well
om4 said:
Its the fact the wpask, tkip and other advanced encryptions are very broad standards, the hardware supports it but how well if supports it is the problem. Some routers implement the protocols in a very different way then others.
I.e. broadcom vs atheros, many atheros chipset fully support all standards while broadcom uses more proprietary implementations
---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 PM ----------
This has been a big issue with desktop Linux, I wouldn't be surprised if the issue stands with android as well
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Maybe it's time to just upgrade my routers. It just pisses me off I have used tomato for years without any issues on any device.
It happens, not much you can do about it. There's a whole consortium of these guys, you think the standards wouldn't be so lax. Then again they are still arguing about the new widi (yes thats a thing now) standards
Sim-X said:
Maybe it's time to just upgrade my routers. It just pisses me off I have used tomato for years without any issues on any device.
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I updated to the new OTA (2.13) and still get the wifi dropouts.
rgosborne said:
I updated to the new OTA (2.13) and still get the wifi dropouts.
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I updated my radios and went to mean rom 3.9 and updated to 4 tonight. So far it has been much better. I have only had to toggle it once but I haven't had that much time to test so will see how this week goes.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Sim-X said:
I updated my radios and went to mean rom 3.9 and updated to 4 tonight. So far it has been much better. I have only had to toggle it once but I haven't had that much time to test so will see how this week goes.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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I will say it has been much better, but not completely cured. Probably had to toggle twice in three or four days.
Well I have given the new radios a good run and I have to say the issue is pretty much cured. I have only had it happen one time and I'm not sure if my router just glitched or I didn't wait long enough. So I am very happy with the new radios & mean rom the phone has been rock solid. I was seriously considering getting rid of it because I couldn't stand the wi-fi dropping all the time it really made for a very poor experience. Yes I had to upgrade the hboot to upgrade the radios but I'm not gonna wait forever for s-off and I really don't think it's that big of deal. Mean rom now has an s-on kernel installer that automatically does it now so it really isn't any different. So anyone having trouble make sure you upgrade your radios see if it helps.

[Q] VZW GNII Tethering Data Issues

I live about a mile from the nearest VZW LTE tower. I have a direct line of site to it from my back deck. I have the GNII and an iPhone 5 and my previous Android device was a GS3 (Verizon). Tethering with the GS3 was OK, and the iPhone is great, but with the Note its subpar at best. I have the $30 unlimited tethering package (No other High Speed internet options where I live). I have been experiencing data drops when tethering to the note and the speed is definitely lower and less reliable than when I am using the iPhone. I REALLY prefer using my note, does anyone know of any radio fixes or firmware to help correct the issues with GNII tethering? I can post screenshots if necessary, and I do understand that the GS3 used a Quallcomm chipset while the Note uses the Exynos radio, so I expected differences, just not this much. I also will note that using the Note while not tethering doesn't seem to be an issue at all. I can surf, view youtube in HD on the device etc without much buffering time at all, but when I tether it it will drop out several times in just a few minutes. Any info or opinions would be great. Many thanks guys.
I have the same problem from time to time. Keep in mind this phone just out and I'm sure we will get firmware update down the road. I had bluetooth pairing problems with my HTC phone at first when I got them.
If you restart your hotspot when it happens it might reduce the drop out problem. It works for me when I start getting that problem.
I swap back and forth between the official VZ hotspot and the TreE Mod wireless tether.
We use tethering for my ipad, my daughters ipod and a very fast PC laptop.
I find the TrevE mod is consistently faster than the VZ hot spot for some reason, but the reason I use both different methods is that I'm never sure which one will stay connected better on any given day.
One day, one will work better and the next day the other one will work better and I never know ahead of time which will be the right choice that day. I have unlimited data and don't pay to tether so I can't call VZ and ask. I don't really tether all that much or I would pay for it (I'm definitely NOT one of those DBs that uses 150 gigs a month with a free wireless tether and then brags about it) but I just live with the little quirks as I'm getting it free anyway.
I use TrevE mod and have a rock solid connection. I can stay connected for days at a time. Considerably faster than my Galaxy Nexus was.
I've downloaded a couple hundred gigs so far. It NEVER drops connection.
Scott's CleanRom FTW.
This phone has an awesome radio.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
Izord said:
I use TrevE mod and have a rock solid connection. I can stay connected for days at a time. Considerably faster than my Galaxy Nexus was.
I've downloaded a couple hundred gigs so far. It NEVER drops connection.
Scott's CleanRom FTW.
This phone has an awesome radio.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
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Same here.
mptrh336 said:
I live about a mile from the nearest VZW LTE tower. I have a direct line of site to it from my back deck. I have the GNII and an iPhone 5 and my previous Android device was a GS3 (Verizon). Tethering with the GS3 was OK, and the iPhone is great, but with the Note its subpar at best. I have the $30 unlimited tethering package (No other High Speed internet options where I live). I have been experiencing data drops when tethering to the note and the speed is definitely lower and less reliable than when I am using the iPhone. I REALLY prefer using my note, does anyone know of any radio fixes or firmware to help correct the issues with GNII tethering? I can post screenshots if necessary, and I do understand that the GS3 used a Quallcomm chipset while the Note uses the Exynos radio, so I expected differences, just not this much. I also will note that using the Note while not tethering doesn't seem to be an issue at all. I can surf, view youtube in HD on the device etc without much buffering time at all, but when I tether it it will drop out several times in just a few minutes. Any info or opinions would be great. Many thanks guys.
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You know it's really funny that you mention this because I just got a killer deal on an iPhone 5 and my whole intent was to just flip it and make some $$ and that is exactly what I did! Anyways, I live right next to an LTE tower too and I found that the iPhone 5 sucked at data speed tests and tethering... In fact, the iPhone just SUCKS period!! You gotta be connected to wifi just to download an app over 50mb from the app store???? WTF?? I really didn't know just how lucky us Android folks are! :good: My post is not about bashing the iPhone or anything but I just thought I would chime in cause I had the exact opposite effect of what you are posting about...
BTW: Is it just me or does the iPhone 5 suck REALLY bad?? It was actually dropping frames in some heavy games that I was playing on it... I thought that Crapple was supposed to have the superior gpu? Guess NOT! Well at least I got to play with IOS for about 24 hours before it was sold on Ebay to some poor guy that thinks it's a great phone... Okay, maybe I did post in this thread just to flame.
I have the note 2 and clean rom 4.5 installed. Using stock tetherer I experience tons of dropped data. Anyone have a link to exactly what I need for travel mod? I've tried installing and turning on hot spot and it just doesn't turn on.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Which tool do you use to measure packet loss? I use the hotspot feature all the time at the gym (mostly for web browsing) with my tablet and have not noticed any issues (I am on cleanrom 4.5). Note that when it rains the signal usually drops to 3g in this location.
imablackhat said:
I have the note 2 and clean rom 4.5 installed. Using stock tetherer I experience tons of dropped data. Anyone have a link to exactly what I need for travel mod? I've tried installing and turning on hot spot and it just doesn't turn on.
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i use trev e mod and never had one disconnect...speeds are much better than the stock hotspot also.
Using treve mod right now. No issues yet.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Trev E settings
Anyone have a current configuration link to TrevE. I am using Beans build 9 and cannot get my Titanium backup of it to load it again.

