[Q] Question regarding rooting and roms - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777

Hey guys, as you can see I am new to the whole wide world of android. I have had an iPhone since 2007 and recently dropped my iPhone 4 on the pavement which completely wrecked the screen. I seized the opportunity to buy an android. I got this s2 for 350 on eBay.
Anyway... I have absolutely no idea what I am getting into here. I have watched a ton of videos and still am really lost. (Sadly)
I have this s2 at 4.0.3 and am completely lost when it comes to how to flash a rom. I get we have to use ODIN, Kies and your rom. Am I missing anything else?
I want to use this. galaxys2root. com/att-galaxy-s2/aokp-ics-rom-for-att-galaxy-s2-sgh-i777-best-ics-rom/ << I cannot post links so its just a space in between the .com
I have seen videos where I have to root the thing first- or will this do it for me? I have also seen "roms" that are 400 MB in size but this one I like its 134... Am i missing any files or something? I have done searching but I end up more confused than I started. If someone could give me a push in the right direction that would be a great help!
This is the first phone I am actually confused with... I am sure it is easy, just not for a guy who has had an iPhone and developed for them since then... (I am co founder of whited00r )

Start with the links in the sticky. Be sure to read them all.
You said your phone is already on 4.0.3, which is Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS). That means it's not stock (aka factory settings, out of the box, etc). I'd personally suggest after reading all the links, returning to stock and starting over from scratch as it's the best way to ensure you don't have any problems, especially since you don't really know what the previous owner did to your phone. The links for returning to stock and for flashing custom ROMs are also in the sticky. Please don't read just these links, read at least all of the other links posted there. That's just the starting point mind you, you should probably do more reading after that on stuff in the posts that you don't understand. I know this will take a lot of time, but it's for everyone's benefit that you fully understand everything you do to your phone before you do it.
I'll even help you out with a couple other links I think may be useful which aren't in the sticky.
ROM vs. Kernel
Odex vs. Deodex
Please hit my thanks button if I helped you. Good luck and welcome to the forums!

pcamlin said:
Hey guys, as you can see I am new to the whole wide world of android. I have had an iPhone since 2007 and recently dropped my iPhone 4 on the pavement which completely wrecked the screen. I seized the opportunity to buy an android. I got this s2 for 350 on eBay.
Anyway... I have absolutely no idea what I am getting into here. I have watched a ton of videos and still am really lost. (Sadly)
I have this s2 at 4.0.3 and am completely lost when it comes to how to flash a rom. I get we have to use ODIN, Kies and your rom. Am I missing anything else?
I want to use this. galaxys2root. com/att-galaxy-s2/aokp-ics-rom-for-att-galaxy-s2-sgh-i777-best-ics-rom/ << I cannot post links so its just a space in between the .com
I have seen videos where I have to root the thing first- or will this do it for me? I have also seen "roms" that are 400 MB in size but this one I like its 134... Am i missing any files or something? I have done searching but I end up more confused than I started. If someone could give me a push in the right direction that would be a great help!
This is the first phone I am actually confused with... I am sure it is easy, just not for a guy who has had an iPhone and developed for them since then... (I am co founder of whited00r )
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From now on, don't watch any videos. They tend to be incomplete and usually outdated. Also, don't use any files or methods you find anywhere else besides XDA.
Like karate104 said, read the stickies at the top of the forums; they will tell you everything you need to know in detail. Read this one in particular. It has links to a lot of useful guides.

you also need to be wary of what you read and watch on gs2root. com
when i first started i used the rooting technique with the kernel from there and ended up with no wifi and ended up having to flash entropy's daily driver to recover
as the guys above said, read the stickies here and go over it a million times until it makes sense
flashing can open up loads of features, but you can very easily make your phone unusable (easily fixable once not hard bricked) but better avoid the trouble than finding a fix

Another victim on galaxys2root!


[Q] G-TABLET OS Upgrade Service

I would appreciate some guidance with my question. I have a G-TAB that is running the Android 2.2 OS. I am aware that there are better OS systems available for the G-TAB with more capabilities, but I have heard that some of them disable FLASH and the CAMERA capabilities? I was wondering if there was a better OS upgrade out there in the development world that would not disable some of the origianl G-TAB features? Also, since I am a novice in this area, is there a service available that will perform this OS upgrade for me for a price? Please advise as I would like to move forward with the suggested upgrade. Many thanks!
There are some good froyo roms such as brilliant corners, mountain laurel, And a couple more that don't lose any functionality. There are plenty of guides to follow to change roms. Just read them carefully and follow the instructions. Don't pay someone to do it.
I'm more than happy to do it but I'm expensive. Considering that it costs 200+ more to buy a unit with Linux on it, I would charge the same for any possible version of Android. The majority of the price is the liability and time. I can fix anything, that's not the problem. The real problem lies in how we're forced to upgrade devices. It's a pretty straight forward process but if anything goes wrong it could take hours of research to figure it out.
If you're willing to pay $200 and ship it to me with a return label, I'm more than happy to help you out. Honestly you could do the same things I'm going to do if you put a little time into the research here on XDA and the other forums out there. If you're too busy or not technically inclined I can understand that. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes as they say...
PM me if you still need someone to help.
I'm not aware of any real service for flashing tablets. But we aware that if you pay someone to flash a new ROM you'll have no knowledge of how to fix it when things go wrong. And things will eventually go wrong. If you want to run anything other than stock, it's absolutely necessary to understand at least the basics of modding android devices. Check out http://viewsonic-gtablet-for-dummies.webs.com/ to get started. Good luck.
seiously, these topics are getting OLD quickly...
Patience yoda we have a young padawan among us
kieso said:
Patience yoda we have a young padawan among us
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Obviously not an illiterate one, though.
Does anyone ever read first, then ask questions anymore?
I know that it can get confusing, but really. Before I got my Gtablet back in April, I read just abotu every thread on here, and watched just abotu every youtube video available.
Was I fearful when I flashed my first rom? Absolutely. Did it work flawlessly? Absolutely. Did I read, re-read, watch videos, re-read, read step by step as I was doing it, then read again when I was done to make sure I didn't skip a step...YOU BET YOUR BIPPY I DID.
The reason that I get blunt when I see these questions is because this tablet has been available for almost a year. There is more information available for this device on several forums that there should be no reason to ask questions that have been answered at least 50 times.
If you seriously need a "service" to flash a rom for you, then you REALLY should have bought an iPad, and have been stuck with whatever Apple provides.
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.

[Q] Nooob with a SGS2 i777

ive been reading this forum since i got my phone yesterday, i previously used an iPhone 4s. Giving this phone a TRY something different...having alot of problems with the iOS/iPhone that just annoyed the crap outta me.
i dont quite understand all this lingo on here as far as rooting goes (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1285894)...so here i go:
Ive been messing around with the phone, i want to delete all this ATT preloaded Bloatware, what do i need to do to do that?? How to i "over clock" this phone so it runs better?
phone is completely stock, UCKK6 (but box says uckh7....?) with 2.3.6 gingerbread
I bought it off eBay... since i am not eligible for an ATT upgrade (used it for my 4s). I did however, find out that the phone has been flashed twice which from what i understand voids the warranty (but can be fixed with that microjig thing)? (seller claimed it was never used/under warranty..i am thinking of filing a claim on it for not as described and buying one thats actually brand new)
help im so used to the iOS this is new territory for me!
I think you need to read some more and Google. Until you understand what you're reading I say its best for you to stay stock. We have multiple threads of people trying things willy nilly and screwing up their phones and then come crying for help ( not saying you will)
Read some more and grab all the files needed
1st, thread titles are important for those who actually search. Please use more descriptive titles.
2nd, it is expected that noobs will first search before posting as most of the basics are already covered in here. Everything you asked about is covered in the main sticky here and in General.
3rd, do NOTHING until you understand the lingo and the procedures. Failure to do this will likely result in you needing help you won't understand from people who will not only resent you for doing so, but ridicule you, as well. Savagely.
You have been warned.
As noted - if you don't understand what you are reading, what advice can anyone here give you? Everything we say will simply be off to you as well.
But, rules are rules... just because you dont understand the post means you can ignore it, and create a new thread where your questions are already answered in the post you didn't read. Keep reading, read some more, and when the post makes sense, then you are ready to work.

[Q] DUMMIEs for Android!

Hi, Everyone. i am BRAND new to android OS. i've been using IOS until recently i got Samsung Galaxy S2 i777 ATT--running android 2.3.6 gingerbread, for $9.99 (gre8t deal huh)
1) can someone PLEASE give me Step-By-Step guide on rooting/unlocking my device?
2) what is the VERY 1st thing i should do with my phone before rooting?
--also i dont have any MicroSD--i dont use tons of App or anything so is there a problem me not having MicroSD?
--also i am Wi-Fi cover 100%, 99.99% of the times and NOT wanting to use ATT Data
once rooted--will my Internet work (must hav for myself).
3)what are ROMs (i kno little abut them) but, which one are best & how should i keep up-to-date with it?
4)once unlocked my phone, can i continue using WITHOUT paying for DATA?---like i do with my Iphone (turning 3g & cell data OFF)
i personally wana thanks to all hard working devs, i've read many posts befo. posting this and they seems to know what they doing, THank you once again!!
desichiko23 said:
i've read many posts befo. posting this!
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I get the feeling that some (myself included) will question this part. There are guides in this forum for nearly everything you asked. Search and I'm sure you'll find them.
Read, Read, Read is my first tip.
Start here, you will find everything for rooting.
Just a heads up as well, the search button and google should become your best friend. This forum is a self service forum, people don't take to kindly to those that don't do their research before posting.
SORRY!!! like i said i am DUMMMY to this android and really Fresh outta boat here. ive read alll the posts but, get very confused --sum say internet dont work after rooting....
If you are still confused after reading the link yoderk posted, then maybe you should not mess with your phone.
Just spend some time reading. Read more and rarely make new threads. This phone has been out for a while now so if you have a question, it probably has been asked before and answered.
1. It's in the link posted.
2. Turn it on
-yes (unless you fuxxor it up)
3.a Did you google it?
3.b no such thing as "best" or else there would just be 1 ROM and everyone would be using the same one.
4. wifi? sure
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
desichiko23 said:
SORRY!!! like i said i am DUMMMY to this android and really Fresh outta boat here. ive read alll the posts but, get very confused --sum say internet dont work after rooting....
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Internet will work fine after rooting.
If you just got the phone, I would seriously recommend taking about 2 weeks to read up and figure out what you are doing. Everything is fairly simple once you know the terms and common lingo. Don't jump in and come out with a nice paper weight.
desichiko23 said:
SORRY!!! like i said i am DUMMMY to this android and really Fresh outta boat here. ive read alll the posts but, get very confused --sum say internet dont work after rooting....
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I suppose my previous post was less than helpful. 'pologies.
1) There is a thread that will give you step by step instructions for rooting your phone. "Zedomax" has videos available as well. Check out galaxys2root.com under the AT&T section. Yoderk's post will prove helpful, should you read it.
2) The first thing you should do is turn the phone on Kidding. Backup your apps and data, just in case. Backing things up is usually a good first option no matter what you're doing with your phone.
-- No MicroSD card, no problem. Your phone has a few gigs of memory built into it. Just buy one if you need more storage space on your phone.
-- Internet will work just fine if you root successfully. Same goes for Wifi.
3) The best ROM is the one you like the most. Try them out and see for yourself.
4) I'm not sure what you're asking with this one.
THANKS everyone, & once again SORRY---lately thats what i been doing READIN everything i can about Android
but one thing thats keep bothering me is, i saw zedomax's video and they have OLD 2.3.4 gingerbread & i have 2.3.6 gingerbread....
can i still proceed with old files? or there are upgrades that i keep missing?
desichiko23 said:
THANKS everyone, & once again SORRY---lately thats what i been doing READIN everything i can about Android
but one thing thats keep bothering me is, i saw zedomax's video and they have OLD 2.3.4 gingerbread & i have 2.3.6 gingerbread....
can i still proceed with old files? or there are upgrades that i keep missing?
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I wouldn't recommend using that method, I would flash entropy's stock package that includes root and cwm via odin.
you can find it in the op of that thread.
Ok, thanks
i am sinking all the info now, gettting hang of it
one more quest. is Titanium backup free? and wht is most imp things to back up besides Apps?
I would suggest using it stock for a week, see if it does everything you need it to.
If it does, then just run stock.
That way there's no risk.
If you do decide to flash then like everyone else is saying, read and reread. Spend some time, several days just reading because there might be some little bit of information that you might miss, but is critical to a successful flash.
Good luck and welcome to freedom.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
desichiko23 said:
Ok, thanks
i am sinking all the info now, gettting hang of it
one more quest. is Titanium backup free? and wht is most imp things to back up besides Apps?
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Well you can get the free version but I highly recommend getting the pay version as it saves time hand over foot as it will bulk install all of your apps. As far as apps, maybe sms if you need them that's all I do. Just a word of advise with TB never restore system apps to a different rom, it'll give you a headache.

[Q]What is the Best Way to Root Note SGH-i717??

Hello, I was just wondering the best way to root the AT&T Samsung Note SGH-I717. I have looked up many ways but every time I scroll down to the comments I read everyone is having problems. I would just like the best and most proven way to root the phone. I use the phone with straight talk, it is an unlocked att phone, will rooting the phone affect anything with Straight Talk? I am new to rooting so please be detailed and give me links to get everything I need. Thank You so much.
zeus1911 said:
Hello, I was just wondering the best way to root the AT&T Samsung Note SGH-I717. I have looked up many ways but every time I scroll down to the comments I read everyone is having problems. I would just like the best and most proven way to root the phone. I use the phone with straight talk, it is an unlocked att phone, will rooting the phone affect anything with Straight Talk? I am new to rooting so please be detailed and give me links to get everything I need. Thank You so much.
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so here is the deal, here are 2 methods with very subtle differences. you didn't say what your phone was running now, so here are my suggestions.......
I know you are new here, and I was once too. I went through all of this and was very nervous about the process. (no real reason to be)
I spent a good 2 weeks reading so I would feel confident about what I was doing. I would read through these and figure which is better for you or which you feel more confident in using. they would both work fine depending on your situation or what you phone is running. because these threads are older, you may run into an issue as to where the download files are not active anymore. that is where a recent Google search could come into play. you say you have read the comments for different methods have had negative results. problem is you don't know whether that person followed the directions correctly or whether they were just in a hurry and missed something.
that's why I posted both these threads. compare to what you have read. I have a habit of going to the back of the threads and read forward. this tells me what the most recent problems may have been and if there is a solution. though the files may or may not be active, you can always get the file. its the PROCESS which is correct. compare them.
as I said........... READ, READ, READ
it puts you in the situation to help yourself first
take your time, do as the process suggests. I even rehearsed it several times. due to my lack of experience, I wanted to be as prepared as possible in case something went wrong.
both of these threads are from very reputable members of the community. as all threads will suggest......they are NOT responsible for what you do. make sure you are ready. watch Youtube tutorals, compare processes, have your files loaded and where you have easy access, read and rehearse.
take your time
whatever you need to do to feel confident. if something goes wrong....KNOW what you are going to do next. if you don't know where you went wrong in process or deviated from it, then others cant help.
good luck and I hope I have helped
just saw this...this is at the back of Da G 's thread. suggested by AGOATTAMER. he is the man when it comes to having old links to process. this IS the one I used, that I couldn't find.
Thanl You Very Much. I am running 4.1.2 jelllybean.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app

Greetings and root questions?

Greetings people here, nice to meet you guys but aside that I could use some assistance. All knowledge/experience I have with rooting have come from here and it has helped me quite a bit in the past with my old phone (Samsung Galaxy Light). Rooting that thing was simple and I have recently made the jump to a Galaxy S5 (SM-G900T3) and being the idiot I am I upgraded to the newest version (G900T3UVS1FOL1). I have looked around and around the internet for info on this firmware as well as my model of phone but I have found few pieces of information that include both. Fear has been keeping me from doing too much as this is the most expensive phone I have ever gotten and having very little funds I want to be sure of everything. I understand risks come with rooting and such but covering all the bases can't bee too bad right?
From what I gather there is no way around using Odin to do something that will let me root this thing. While I haven't used the program before I trust there are enough tutorials online involving the program that I can figure my way around that thing. What troubles me is that I see many files/tutorials for different versions (FOG, FOF, FOJ, ect...) not to mention numbers past those things. Also the staggering times I see someone mention SM-g900t and ONLY that one with the occasional person ask if it is similar to sm-g900t3. Long post yeah but I am concerned and as far as I'm aware more info for these kinds of questions leads to faster results and better times for those trying to help.
I would post links to images to show more info but my account is new so...yeah, sorry about that. Aside that thanks for taking the time to read my rather long post and thanks again for all that offer any assistance.
Ennen said:
Greetings people here, nice to meet you guys but aside that I could use some assistance. All knowledge/experience I have with rooting have come from here and it has helped me quite a bit in the past with my old phone (Samsung Galaxy Light). Rooting that thing was simple and I have recently made the jump to a Galaxy S5 (SM-G900T3) and being the idiot I am I upgraded to the newest version (G900T3UVS1FOL1). I have looked around and around the internet for info on this firmware as well as my model of phone but I have found few pieces of information that include both. Fear has been keeping me from doing too much as this is the most expensive phone I have ever gotten and having very little funds I want to be sure of everything. I understand risks come with rooting and such but covering all the bases can't bee too bad right?
From what I gather there is no way around using Odin to do something that will let me root this thing. While I haven't used the program before I trust there are enough tutorials online involving the program that I can figure my way around that thing. What troubles me is that I see many files/tutorials for different versions (FOG, FOF, FOJ, ect...) not to mention numbers past those things. Also the staggering times I see someone mention SM-g900t and ONLY that one with the occasional person ask if it is similar to sm-g900t3. Long post yeah but I am concerned and as far as I'm aware more info for these kinds of questions leads to faster results and better times for those trying to help.
I would post links to images to show more info but my account is new so...yeah, sorry about that. Aside that thanks for taking the time to read my rather long post and thanks again for all that offer any assistance.
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I might suggest you read: http://forum.xda-developers.com/tmo.../compilation-s5-g900t-stock-firmware-t3042400. Just find the info for your phone. For the most part, using Odin is easy. If you used Heimdall to root your previous phone, you might want to use a different computer because the two programs can conflict with each other.

