[Q] Google Music saved to external SD card solution? - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

Ok this is going to be a bit of thread necromancy, but another user, GMtom1 was helpful enought to find the thread, albeit for another phone, but this might be able to solve one of the problems people have been having with their phone and it not utilizing the external SD cards correctly. Or not, I'm hoping someone smarter than me can lend a hand.
And without further ado....
FuzzyMeep Two said:
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
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This seems like a workable solution to me but like I said, anyone smarter out there?

I think it would be a lot easier just to change the mounts:
SDCard = External
SDcard2 = internal
I have been searching on a way to do that but I cant find anything...

I know it's been awhile since anyone has posted on this, but I was having this issue on CM10 and found a solution.
I changed the script to say: mount -o bind /external_sd/GoogleMusic/ /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.Android.music/
The issue I was having was the naming convention for the internal & external storage. Depending on the file explorer I used, the name for the external SD card varied from "ext_sd", "external_sd", "sdcard1". The name for the internal storage also varied between "sdcard" & "sdcard0".
Also, some of the threads I found that were discussing this problem had the "/mnt/" in front of the "ext_sd". When I tried that, it didn't work for me.
YMMV, but I thought I would share the solution that worked for me.

omadhaun said:
I know it's been awhile since anyone has posted on this, but I was having this issue on CM10 and found a solution.
I changed the script to say: mount -o bind /external_sd/GoogleMusic/ /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.Android.music/
The issue I was having was the naming convention for the internal & external storage. Depending on the file explorer I used, the name for the external SD card varied from "ext_sd", "external_sd", "sdcard1". The name for the internal storage also varied between "sdcard" & "sdcard0".
Also, some of the threads I found that were discussing this problem had the "/mnt/" in front of the "ext_sd". When I tried that, it didn't work for me.
YMMV, but I thought I would share the solution that worked for me.
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THANK YOU, I've been searching for something like this for weeks! I'm going to give this a shot tonight in hopes that I can free up my internal SD which is currently full! I hope this work and I'll keep you posted.


How to use external Sd Card

I have just bought the samsing galaxy s 2 and bought also a 32gb external micro sd card - i mounted it and formatted it.
Yet for some reason when i chose to store apps or anything on memory card they are stored on the phone internal memory.
In fact when i use a file manager - the memory card is listed as the phone internal memory (i.e.16GB (11GB)), and the external sd card - is listed as a folder called external_sd.
My query is this - did i buy a 32gb card for nothing. Is there a way to make use of this card on this phone - can i install apps in it - can i store emails from maildroid in it?
Any advice would be welcome - anyone not having this issue?
Same question
I have the very same question.
This is just how these things are handled. The question is, what do you intend to use the large space for? In my case, it's music and videos, which it's easy to copy into the external_sd folder. I'd prefer that apps + data stayed in the 16Gb (or 11Gb) internal memory, because that's still more than enough space and I never have to worry about what happens if I eject the SD card.
Many apps have a setting to specify where their data is stored - if you really want it on the SD card, just point them to external_sd.
What usage scenarios do you see this causing problems with?
For instance Spotify does not have a setting for the location of the offline music and all the cached music goes to the internal memory (USB memory) at /sdcard/Android/data/com.spotify.mobile.android.ui.
If it were possible to make symbolic links or something like that there would be no problem. If not the sd will not serve for too many purposes.
How can you point apps to the external sd card?
beleta said:
For instance Spotify does not have a setting for the location of the offline music and all the cached music goes to the internal memory (USB memory) at /sdcard/Android/data/com.spotify.mobile.android.ui.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it does
This build adds the ability to select the storage location for Spotify on your phone from the Menu button when you’re on the login screen.
Thanks a lot. I'd have never found it for myself. It is in the login screen (that you see only once in your life) and you have to press the menu button. A clever way to hide things.
Settings Applications Application press > Move to SD card .
beleta said:
For instance Spotify does not have a setting for the location of the offline music and all the cached music goes to the internal memory (USB memory) at /sdcard/Android/data/com.spotify.mobile.android.ui.
If it were possible to make symbolic links or something like that there would be no problem. If not the sd will not serve for too many purposes.
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Click to collapse
This will work to change your music location.
It can be adjusted to bind folder locations for other files. just type another line in your script adjusting the command for the folders you want to bind.
the first location in the command is the place you want to save the data
the second is the current save location
make sure you remove all data from the second location before running your bind scrpit or the data will still be on your internal sdcard but inaccessible...
here it is..
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
FuzzyMeep Two said:
This will work to change your music location.
It can be adjusted to bind folder locations for other files. just type another line in your script adjusting the command for the folders you want to bind.
the first location in the command is the place you want to save the data
the second is the current save location
make sure you remove all data from the second location before running your bind scrpit or the data will still be on your internal sdcard but inaccessible...
here it is..
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
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Click to collapse
Check out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1410262
So I would have to do this script for every freaking program? What a pain in the butt. I don't want any of my program data saved on internal, because if the phone goes, then so does all my data. I would like to just load up the internal with mp3s from my computer that I would never want to delete.
What ROM are you using?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
shiboby said:
So I would have to do this script for every freaking program? What a pain in the butt. I don't want any of my program data saved on internal, because if the phone goes, then so does all my data. I would like to just load up the internal with mp3s from my computer that I would never want to delete.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try this. OPEN up vold.fstab. Where it says sdcard0 change to sdcard1.
And where it says sdcard1, change to sdcard0. then reboot. Now basically the phone thinks the sdcards are switched.
Sent from my Galaxy SII
FuzzyMeep Two said:
This will work to change your music location.
It can be adjusted to bind folder locations for other files. just type another line in your script adjusting the command for the folders you want to bind.
the first location in the command is the place you want to save the data
the second is the current save location
make sure you remove all data from the second location before running your bind scrpit or the data will still be on your internal sdcard but inaccessible...
here it is..
This is a fix i figured out piecing together other peoples attempts.
Use this as a script
mount -o bind sdcard2/android/data/com.​google.android.music sdcard/android/data/com.​google.android.music
Alternately you can change the first location to the location of your choosing as long as it resides on the external as card.
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music
will bind:
sdcard/Android/data/com.​google.Android.music (google's forced save location)
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal sdcard but not be accessible.
open script manager and find the script you made
Select it and make sure to click set on boot and superuser
Run Your script.
That is it now your default save location for google music is bound to the location on the external sdcard. the device will see the location as its default but really be saving to the external sdcard.
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
TLR Version (noob version)
I was getting a lot of questions about the preliminary steps here (i.e. rooting, writing script, etc) so i decided to attach the noob version in case anyone needs verification on how to accomplish these steps.
So, Rooting gives you full access and control over your phone. instructions for how to root are device specific. so i would start by searching XDA for "YOUR DEVICE one click root"
ex. samsung galaxy s2 one one click root
some devices are easier to root than others. i cannot provide steps for your particular device, but through XDA, and google you CAN find everything you need.
some devices have one click root tools, some do not, so the rooting process is more in depth for those devices.
rooting instructions are so device specific i could not find a generic set of instructions, and don't want to mislead anyone by linking them to a set of instructions not ​compatible with their device.
There is a risk of bricking your device (making it inoperable) while rooting, although the risk is minimal... almost non existent if you carefully follow instructions. I have rooted 5 seperate devices without bricking any, and, in most cases even if bricked the device can still be restored.
there are additional benefits to rooting, such as overclocking
for example my Galaxy S2 normally runs at 1.5 GHZ, i have increased the speed to 1.8GHZ
(NOTE** Without XDA DEVELOPERS i would have rooted 0 devices, and probably bricked at least one, so thank you to all of you out there who have helped me, I hope this method will help some of you in return.)
First, to install script manager just go to google market (Play Store) and search for script manager
To make a script go to google market (Play Store) and find ES File Explorer
Open es file explorer when install completes.
in es file explorer click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "File"
name your file something you'll remember
Click your new file
when prompted select "Text"
type this EXACTLY how you see it
Mount - o bind sdcard2/music sdcard/Android/data/com.​​google.Android.music
press back and when prompted to save click yes
now on es file explorer click "Favorites" (the star)
a new menu will pop up, at the top you willsee a picture of a phone with "/" underneath it click the phone
this will take you to the root directory
click the folder Sdcard2
click the menu button, and select "new"
when prompted select "Folder"
Name the folder music
Your script and destination music location are created
now open script manager
find your script which should be located in the directory /mnt/sdcard and the file name you chose earlier
select the script
open as script/executable
make sure script is selected not executable
click the buttons for "Su" and "Boot"
click save
Go to google music (play music now) settings and clear any music that is currently saved to your device.
this only applies to music made available offline. If you do not clear it before running the script the music will exist on your internal Sdcard but not be accessible.
now reboot the script will run at boot a prompt will appear asking for superuser rights, click yes and remember this selection (it may say something different than remember this selection whichever option resembles remember needs to be selected.)
your music should now save to sdcard2/music but the device will still think it is saving to the default sdcard/Android/data/​com.​google.Android.music
You can check this by going to google music. Selecting "make available offline" and look at the free space. It should shoe the space available on your external sdcard.
So try your hardest to figure out how to root using google, and if your not confident enough to attempt it this fix may not be for you.
if you have tried everything you can and are still stuck message me back, including what device you have, and i will see if i can find a link to the rooting instructions for your particular device.
I assume no responsibility if you damage your device... These steps do work, and if followed will fix your music issues as well as introducing you to a world of additional benefits of being a rooted user.
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Click to collapse
Very helpful. Will give this a try. I am assuming this will work on other devices as well? And does it depend on the ROM you are using. I am aware that if you are running Stock, the mount for the external SD is sometimes different. This one I am assuming it is CyanogenMod 10.1 based since you have
"sdcard2" and that is typically how CyanogenMod mounts the external SD on most devices.
I'm an experienced noob. (I know what I am doing when it comes to phones, I have rooted many, I just don't know scripting very well and I have delt with old phones mostly.) if my information is incorrect, correct me.

Save Google Play Music to External SD(SOLVED FINALLY)

So I've been researching this issue for a long long time and have tried so many different approaches. I've finally found one that works! You can now save your google play music to your external sd instead of the internal sdcard.
This is based on the post found here. Please go and thank the original author. This will probably work on any phone.
So what this basically does is mount the google play music cache to a directory on your external SD on boot.
1. Root
2. external SD(obviously)
Using whatever task manager you have or just go into settings->apps->running, close google play music.
Open your file manager and browse to /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.android.music/cache and delete all of the files found in music dir and artwork dir in this directory. This is very important step. If you do not delete your cache then your files will take up space but will no longer be available after this process.
Browse to the root diretory of your external sdcard and create a directory called "MusicCache".
Browse to the root of your internal sdcard and create a text file called "MusicScript.txt".
Using your favourite text editor open the the file and past the following: "mount -o bind /emmc/MusicCache/ /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.Android.music/" and the save the file. Please note that if your using stock room, then /emmc/ might be /external-sd/. Please make sure to check the directory name for your external sd and replace /emmc/ with whatever your external sd directory is named.
Go to the google play store and install script manager - Smanager. Open smanager, and on first open you should see an option to select root, check that option and click ok and make sure to grant root to the app when the su dialog appears.
In Smanager browse to the root of your sdcard and click on and hold the "MusicScript.txt" to open a options dialog. Select "open as" and then select "Script/Executable".
Then Select "Su" and "Boot" and hit save.
You might not need this stop but it might solve some issues. Go to settings app->apps->google play music-> and hit clear data.
Reboot your phone.
Open up google play music and click on Choose on device music, and you should see the total space available equal to what is available on your external SD Card
(Optional) Hamster dance.
Note: While downloading all of your music offline you may want to go to the settings app->developer options->check Keep Awake to keep the phone awake while charging so that the phone won't go to sleep. I did this so that I could finish up the download while keeping my phone charger connected. You should definitely turn this option off after your done.
**I assume no responsibility if this damages your device in any way**
skittles said:
So I've been researching this issue for a long long time and have tried so many different approaches. I've finally found one that works! You can now save your google play music to your external sd instead of the internal sdcard.
This is based on the post found here. Please go and thank the original author. I just slightly modified this to work for our phones.
So what this basically does is mount the google play music cache to a directory on your external SD on boot.
1. Root
2. external SD(obviously)
Using whatever task manager you have or just go into settings->apps->running, close google play music.
Open your file manager and browse to /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.android.music/cache and delete all of the files found in music dir and artwork dir in this directory. This is very important step. If you do not delete your cache then your files will take up space but will no longer be available after this process.
Browse to the root diretory of your external sdcard and create a directory called "MusicCache".
Browse to the root of your internal sdcard and create a text file called "MusicScript.txt".
Using your favourite text editor open the the file and past the following: "mount -o bind /emmc/MusicCache/ /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.Android.music/" and the save the file. Please note that if your using stock room, then /emmc/ might be /external-sd/. Please make sure to check the directory name for your external sd and replace /emmc/ with whatever your external sd directory is named.
Go to the google play store and install script manager - Smanager. Open smanager, and on first open you should see an option to select root, check that option and click ok and make sure to grant root to the app when the su dialog appears.
In Smanager browse to the root of your sdcard and click on and hold the "MusicScript.txt" to open a options dialog. Select "open as" and then select "Script/Executable".
Then Select "Su" and "Boot" and hit save.
You might not need this stop but it might solve some issues. Go to settings app->apps->google play music-> and hit clear data.
Reboot your phone.
Open up google play music and click on Choose on device music, and you should see the total space available equal to what is available on your external SD Card
(Optional) Hamster dance.
**I assume no responsibility if this damages your device in any way**
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Thanks! I've been trying to figure out how to do this. I figured I'd just have to wait for Google to get their act together. But external storage has clearly not been a priority for them.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
switters1 said:
Thanks! I've been trying to figure out how to do this. I figured I'd just have to wait for Google to get their act together. But external storage has clearly not been a priority for them.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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I'm glad I could help someone. I've been mostly a lurker on this board. But I've benefited so much that I felt I had to give back once I got this working. I've been at this issue for a long long time.
BTW, did it work for you?
Awesome, I'm going to give this a try when I get home from work today. I'll let you know if I got it working. Very cool of you to share this.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
Very cool, I'll definitely try this later today
Sent from my SGH-I777
Just use Directory Bind...much easier
mzaur said:
Just use Directory Bind...much easier
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From my understanding directory bind did not work for google music.
AOKP. not sure if CM has it. Swap storage location.
But thats a nice find for those that dont.
MotoMudder77 said:
AOKP. not sure if CM has it. Swap storage location.
But thats a nice find for those that dont.
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I have AOKP and no such swap storage location settings. I've looked for this before.
Can't get it working
I'm on a htc evo lte and i cant seem to get this to work. In the root directory my sd cards are sdcard and sdcard2 but sdcard is mounted to /mnt/sdcard and sdcard2 is mounted to /mnt/sdcard/ext_sd how would the script look for me?
ss2pheonix said:
I'm on a htc evo lte and i cant seem to get this to work. In the root directory my sd cards are sdcard and sdcard2 but sdcard is mounted to /mnt/sdcard and sdcard2 is mounted to /mnt/sdcard/ext_sd how would the script look for me?
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Just use the following instead of what I have posted for step 5.
mount -o bind /mnt/sdcard/ext_sd/MusicCache/ /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.google.Android.music/
Let me know if works out for you.
oh i forgot the ".google" my bad
it works thanks!
skittles said:
I have AOKP and no such swap storage location settings. I've looked for this before.
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Its in there. has been for some time, hell if you've done any kind of research before you posted that, you'd see hundreds of posts about it.
MotoMudder77 said:
Its in there. has been for some time, hell if you've done any kind of research before you posted that, you'd see hundreds of posts about it.
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ah, you mean, settings->storage->storage configuration->layout configuration. But that moves all of your apps/media to external storage. The method I posted just moves gmusic cache which the solution I've been looking for.
skittles said:
From my understanding directory bind did not work for google music.
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yes it does. I've been using it for months...
Awesome, gonna try this today.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
It seems like everyone has gotten this working except me! I was able to create the symlink using your script, and I even see the cache directory on the external SD card. The odd issue is that the cache directory remains completely empty no matter how many songs I store offline. Even when I remove the symlinks, the files are not in /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.android.music. I have gone so far as to factory reset my phone twice (in two different ways) and the issue still persists. After factory resetting, my main goal was to just find where the offline files are being stored so I didn't even create symlinks.
I am using a Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3 with the stock rom.
Can anyone help me with this? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Can you first confirm that files are available offline in music. Simply check On device only in the pop menu when you hit the menu button.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium HD app
mzaur said:
yes it does. I've been using it for months...
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Confirmed... I have also been using it since Google music came out. Directory bind is pretty awesome as it let's you redirect lots of data to wherever you want it. I use it for a few games also.

Moving Google Access Music To SD With FolderMount??

I cannot get folder mount tovmove my Google Access music. In fact when I use it to browse my SD card, it never populates folder sizes or anything else.
I used this for the sane purpose on my Razr, with success. Has anyone got this app to work on their S4?
jeepguy_1980 said:
I cannot get folder mount tovmove my Google Access music. In fact when I use it to browse my SD card, it never populates folder sizes or anything else.
I used this for the sane purpose on my Razr, with success. Has anyone got this app to work on their S4?
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I'm also having the same problem. Are the files stored somewhere else, because they don't appear to be in com.google.android.music.
EDIT: I think I figured it out! The location for the music is actually /data/data/com.google.android.music. Happy listening!
First kill play music app so it is not running
Then (I used solid explorer, but I am sure you could use a terminal app. adb shell, or any other app you prefer to use.
In Solid Explorer by deleting the music folder located in /data/data/com.google.android.music/files/music and then I created a symlink from /storage/extSdCard/files/music to /data/data/com.google.android.music/files which makes a music folder that points back to the external sdcard.
Last reboot your phone
It works very very well and all the music I want to cache from what I have stored in google works well.
Hope this helps you out.
Does it still let you write new music to this location?
It has for me. I have cached about 400 songs offline after doing the symlink
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Ainvar said:
First kill play music app so it is not running
Then (I used solid explorer, but I am sure you could use a terminal app. adb shell, or any other app you prefer to use.
In Solid Explorer by deleting the music folder located in /data/data/com.google.android.music/files/music and then I created a symlink from /storage/extSdCard/files/music to /data/data/com.google.android.music/files which makes a music folder that points back to the external sdcard.
Last reboot your phone
It works very very well and all the music I want to cache from what I have stored in google works well.
Hope this helps you out.
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symlinks are the way to go. do it with my solid state hard drive to a bigger drive, works great
This worked for me. But every time I reboot I get a "Google Music has stopped working" error. It onky does it once, right as the OS loads back up.
Ainvar said:
First kill play music app so it is not running
Then (I used solid explorer, but I am sure you could use a terminal app. adb shell, or any other app you prefer to use.
In Solid Explorer by deleting the music folder located in /data/data/com.google.android.music/files/music and then I created a symlink from /storage/extSdCard/files/music to /data/data/com.google.android.music/files which makes a music folder that points back to the external sdcard.
Last reboot your phone
It works very very well and all the music I want to cache from what I have stored in google works well.
Hope this helps you out.
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It worked. Thank you.
Fixed the error. Now it's 100%
jeepguy_1980 said:
Fixed the error. Now it's 100%
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How'd you fix it? Or did it just stop?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
I assume the problem was because I had converted Play Music to a use app. I just reinstalled my Rom and then recreated the symlink and it seeme to be working now.
darek65 said:
It worked. Thank you.
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Ainvar said:
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Is this really working or is it just duplicating your device folder on your sdcard? Since our phone's file system doesn't support symlinks, I don't understand how this is working! I've read many threads and no one can get this to work on the verizon version. Just curious!
Working for me! Symlink does work... thats what folderMount does.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda premium
krazykevin76 said:
Is this really working or is it just duplicating your device folder on your sdcard? Since our phone's file system doesn't support symlinks, I don't understand how this is working! I've read many threads and no one can get this to work on the verizon version. Just curious!
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I did not symlick the folder from the phone to the sd card. I actually deleted the cache and files folder located in /data/data/com.google.android.music and then I created a symlink from the cache and files folder I created on the sdcard to the system root partition.
So look at it like this. I created shortcuts inside the system root folder from the source located on the sdcard. So when Google Music go to place content in the cache and files folder in the system root partition it is actually placing this content on the sdcard.
This has been keeping my internal storage from diminishing and is using the sdcard.
I would say why not try it out yourself and test it out. You will be able to see everything for yourself.
This is doing exactly what FoulderMount does from internal storage to sdcard, but for the system root. I actually got the idea to try this when I got an error from FolderMount stating it cant be done from within the app.
Hope this answers your questions and concerns on this.
---------- Post added at 12:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------
chewwy420 said:
Working for me! Symlink does work... thats what folderMount does.
I am actually using FolderMount to do this for AmazonMP3 folder, DCIM, Downloads, Wallbase, and quite a few other apps. Specially with the beta setting os excluding the duplicate folders from being scanned into the media apps. The folder I have the files and cache in I have a .nomedia file in the rot folder to keep duplicate files from showing up in the media apps.
Sent from my GT-N8013 using xda premium
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Exactly, it is what made me try it for Google Music. I was thinking of doing this for the space time studios games but they don't hit over 50 megs each when you download the content.
i did try folder mount. And that's why I'm asking how yall two got it working. Our phone's, GS4's, does not support symlinks. Google it. There is no one else on the net with a verizon phone that has this working. Yes, there are tutorials on the net about using folder mount and various other ways, but they don't work for our verizon model. There are many many threads on the verizon gs4 forums about people asking about foldermount. When most verizon gs4 users use foldermount, it just makes a duplicate folder on the sdcard, both the device folder and the sdcard folders just mimic each other, not gaining you any space on the phone itself.
krazykevin76 said:
i did try folder mount. And that's why I'm asking how yall two got it working. Our phone's, GS4's, does not support symlinks. Google it. There is no one else on the net with a verizon phone that has this working. Yes, there are tutorials on the net about using folder mount and various other ways, but they don't work for our verizon model. There are many many threads on the verizon gs4 forums about people asking about foldermount. When most verizon gs4 users use foldermount, it just makes a duplicate folder on the sdcard, both the device folder and the sdcard folders just mimic each other, not gaining you any space on the phone itself.
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I am guessing you did not read what I have said in this thread. I did not use foldermount for this one but I did list the ones I did use foldermount for. I did state however that I did a "symlink" for google music folders. I never stated that I used foldermount for that. But no matter what I have said in the past few posts you dont want to listen or even try it out for yourself. I am very happy to know there are so many threads stating this cant be done.
Here is some information about symbolic links as I think you should read more about it.
Also you can create a symlink on an ext4 FS which is where the link resides and its target is on a fat32 FS. I never stated that I created the target on a fat32 you assumed this.
Also googling around about this I found an actually XDA thread that talked about yet someone else who was able to do this back in Nov 2012....
More links for your reading pleasure.... link 1, link 2, and last but not least one about the space usage which seems pretty clear that it does not do double space. Depending on how the software reads it, it may think it is using that space but it really is not. Read a little more next time. Google is not a hard thing to use when searching for answers. Also it is not hard to accept something works when others in this thread and others have plainly stated that it works.
Also just a little more information just in case you aren't sure about everything you read
Screenshot of files symlink and screenshot of cache symlink
Screenshot of files folder on the SDCARD and now for the screenshot of the cache folder on the SDCARD
I removed some songs to see if the device would record different storage use on the system root folder and it did not.
All in all believe what you want and do what you want, this works for me and it has worked for others on this thread and another thread I found earlier tonight.
You must be rooted....
Force Stop Google Music
In Solid Explorer (this is what I used)
go to system root and /data/data/com.google.android.music/ and delete files and cache (cache if you want to)
go to sdcard and make a folder called Google Music (or anything you want to name it...) create a folder called files and cache in this folder.
now right click and chose properties on files and chose create a symlink and give the path of the "/data/data/com.google.android.music/files This will be the target that is created.
now right click and chose properties on cache and chose create a symlink and give the path of the "/data/data/com.google.android.music/cache This will be the target that is created.
Now you are done. This is exactly what I did and it works very very well........
I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. I should have dug some more on the symlinks. I got even more confused when chewy said he made symlinks, that's what folder mount does. How do you have your sd card partitioned and formatted if you don't mind answering?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
krazykevin76 said:
I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong. I should have dug some more on the symlinks. I got even more confused when chewy said he made symlinks, that's what folder mount does. How do you have your sd card partitioned and formatted if you don't mind answering?
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda premium
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Not a problem, I just wanted you to be able to see the info.
My sd card FS is fat32 formatted by winbloze 7. Now my real test will be to replicate all of this once I get my 64gb sd card which will be formatted in exFAT.
I use foldermount for everything else though. It does well from my usage so far for the base few days and I dont have to remember which folders I use symlinks on. I just know from reading either on here or on the app page that the app does not make links in the system root. So I just tried to do a symlink and it worked well. Googling tonight actually showed me someone else did it before me.
Since you are having issues can I ask what type of sdcard do you have and what fs is on it? Also what app are you using to do the symlink? is it an app or are you doing it from a terminal emulator or through adb shell?
Ainvar said:
You must be rooted....
Force Stop Google Music
In Solid Explorer (this is what I used)
go to system root and /data/data/com.google.android.music/ and delete files and cache (cache if you want to)
go to sdcard and make a folder called Google Music (or anything you want to name it...) create a folder called files and cache in this folder.
now right click and chose properties on files and chose create a symlink and give the path of the "/data/data/com.google.android.music/files This will be the target that is created.
now right click and chose properties on cache and chose create a symlink and give the path of the "/data/data/com.google.android.music/cache This will be the target that is created.
Now you are done. This is exactly what I did and it works very very well........
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Just wanted to say thanks for this! I ended up buying Folder Mount thinking it would do it but I couldn't seem to access root folders. I didn't realize Solid Explorer could do it too and I already own it. The steps made it a snap

[Q] Finally Rooted, still cannot move to SD??

It took forever but i'm rooted, Supersu installed, Busybox installed, Root Checker verified. I still cannot move apps to sd, app2sd program still says external sd is emulated??? Please help, did all this for nothing, it seems!!
Georgiazen said:
It took forever but i'm rooted, Supersu installed, Busybox installed, Root Checker verified. I still cannot move apps to sd, app2sd program still says external sd is emulated??? Please help, did all this for nothing, it seems!!
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Same here. Tried link2sd and it worked once until phone was rebooted, then it can't create script.
I found this at www link2sd info/faq:
In order to use Link2SD you need to do "S-OFF" to disable this NAND lock. (a.k.a. "NAND unlock" or "unlocking the bootloader")
So maybe the bootloader has to be unlocked to move apps to SD. ???
Georgiazen said:
It took forever but i'm rooted, Supersu installed, Busybox installed, Root Checker verified. I still cannot move apps to sd, app2sd program still says external sd is emulated??? Please help, did all this for nothing, it seems!!
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Megado said:
Same here. Tried link2sd and it worked once until phone was rebooted, then it can't create script.
I found this at www link2sd info/faq:
In order to use Link2SD you need to do "S-OFF" to disable this NAND lock. (a.k.a. "NAND unlock" or "unlocking the bootloader")
So maybe the bootloader has to be unlocked to move apps to SD. ???
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Hello Guys,
Hold ON!! Hold ON!!!
You no need to do all that stuff to increase your phone's internal memory. Using Link2SD on L9 for increasing memory is a HORRIBLE !dea.
If you have a Class 10 (at least Class 8) SD Card with good storage capacity then Just Follow Me:-
1. First Download This script file and Install SManager (free app) from the link below:-
2. Now use a file manager with root access and copy above script file to /system/etc/ Folder of your device.
3. Run SManager, It will start with explorer. Tap on UP Arrow at top left until the first directory icon left only with "/".
4. Now tap on etc-> /system/etc, in list. It will take you directly to /system/etc/ Folder of your device.
5. Find extsd2internalsd-jellybean.sh file which you copied in 2. Step. Tap on it.
6. An open as ... dialog will appear. Tap on Script/Executable
7. Next dialog will appear with some icons and text with it.
8. Now tap on Su icon (Android with crossed bones).
9. Then tap on Boot icon (gear).
10. Now last one, just tap on RUN Button.
now go to setting=> storage and check the size of internal memory :silly::silly:
this tutorial will exchange your phone's internal storage with external storage.
and all this tutorial is not my work. All credits goes to Roker1, so thanks to him. Just explained it in a simple way that I am using my Self
gdjindal said:
Hello Guys,
Hold ON!! Hold ON!!!
You no need to do all that stuff to increase your phone's internal memory. Using Link2SD on L9 for increasing memory is a HORRIBLE !dea.
If you have a Class 10 (at least Class 8) SD Card with good storage capacity then Just Follow Me:-
1. First Download This script file and Install SManager (free app) from the link below:-
2. Now use a file manager with root access and copy above script file to /system/etc/ Folder of your device.
3. Run SManager, It will start with explorer. Tap on UP Arrow at top left until the first directory icon left only with "/".
4. Now tap on etc-> /system/etc, in list. It will take you directly to /system/etc/ Folder of your device.
5. Find extsd2internalsd-jellybean.sh file which you copied in 2. Step. Tap on it.
6. An open as ... dialog will appear. Tap on Script/Executable
7. Next dialog will appear with some icons and text with it.
8. Now tap on Su icon (Android with crossed bones).
9. Then tap on Boot icon (gear).
10. Now last one, just tap on RUN Button.
now go to setting=> storage and check the size of internal memory :silly::silly:
this tutorial will exchange your phone's internal storage with external storage.
and all this tutorial is not my work. All credits goes to Roker1, so thanks to him. Just explained it in a simple way that I am using my Self
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When you say "folder of your Device", is it the firmware folder, there are several?
Georgiazen said:
When you say "folder of your Device", is it the firmware folder, there are several?
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Also this script link is a text file not a downloadable script file, how would i put it wherever it has to go? Copy/paste the text?? So confused....
I found the script but ES file explorer will not allow you to paste it into etc folder.....
Georgiazen said:
Also this script link is a text file not a downloadable script file, how would i put it wherever it has to go? Copy/paste the text?? So confused....
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Okay Let me clear your confusions.
Before copying script to etc folder es explorer have to obtain root access.
To do so, open es file explorer, tap in a small icon with a globe behind mobile, located at top left of ES file Explorer.
A menu from left side will appear, tap on TOOLS option, it will get expanded.
Now scroll Down until you see ROOT Explorer option with on OFF button.
Tap on OFF button in front off Root Explorer. A message or dialog will appear asking to allow root access to es file explorer (if your l9 is rooted & super user is installed).
Tap on allow. Now the off button should change to ON. Thats it, ES file explorer has gained root access. Now try to copy that script file to etc folder and then follow rest of tutorial.
if still you are confused, let me know
gdjindal said:
Okay Let me clear your confusions.
After looking your above queries, it look's like you are not familiar to android development or to any other programming languages.
So help you more deeply am gonna update my above tutorial more deeply. Try to follow it again
Again if you got confused, you can ask again. For now follow my updated tutorial again.
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First voff I appreciate all your help, I really do. Where do i put the script in the etc folder specifically?
I have root but i get permission denied when i try and paste into system/etc folder using es file explorer
Georgiazen said:
First voff I appreciate all your help, I really do. Where do i put the script in the etc folder specifically?
I have root but i get permission denied when i try and paste into system/etc folder using es file explorer
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Root permission is getting denied because your es explorer is not allowed. to do so i have updated my last answer just chk it out.
Thanks gdjindal! I have some questions.
Does the SD need two partitions? Does this move any system apps to SD? Does it automatically move EVERYTHING else to SD or just apps newly installed after setting this up? Can you control which apps to move and/or move things back to internal? What happens if your SD card fails? Can this setup be uninstalled and revert back to stock? Do apps operate much slower running from SD this way?
Thanks again!
Megado said:
Thanks gdjindal! I have some questions.
Does the SD need two partitions? Does this move any system apps to SD? Does it automatically move EVERYTHING else to SD or just apps newly installed after setting this up? Can you control which apps to move and/or move things back to internal? What happens if your SD card fails? Can this setup be uninstalled and revert back to stock? Do apps operate much slower running from SD this way?
Thanks again!
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Read my post here, this will help you understand what this swap script is actually doing.

[GUIDE] Linking folders from SD card to the internal ones

After a lot of search and many attempts, I talked to our forum mate AXD96 and he found a way of 'cheating' the relatively small internal memory of our L9s, by using a method of linking the internal folders to an external one that actually works. So, here's what you need to do :
1. First of all, you need a rooted phone (I am using a rooted P760 v20i on Orange RO)
2. Download the latest version of Lucky Patcher from here, install it on your phone and grant its root access.
3. AXD96 suggested to create a single folder on the external_sd, that should be linked to the folder Android from storage/sdcard0 , but I've tried this and had a few issues. Here's what I suggest - create two folders on the external_sd => name the first one 'internal_data' and the second 'internal_obb'. You can give them any names you want, but this way you know better what are they linked to. I recommend you to create two folders because not every app has its download files in the same folder (par example, some of them have their datas in storage/sdcard0/Android/obb, others have their data in storage/sdcard0/Android/data)
4. Open Lucky Patcher, go in Toolbox (down, left corner) and choose Directory Binder
5. Here we find two things - "Directory with data" and "Mount directory with data to".
6. Click to create a new bind - in "Directory with data" choose the folder 'internal_data' from external_sd and in "Mount directory with data to" choose the folder 'data' from storage/sdcard0/Android.
7. Click to create a new bind - in "Directory with data" choose the folder 'internal_obb' from external_sd and in "Mount directory with data to" choose the folder 'obb' from storage/sdcard0/Android.
8. Now look at those linked folders and make sure the button in their right side is set to ON
9. Restart the device and now you can simply add data files of the apps on your SD card, in the right folder (as it is said in their instructions file), install the apks on the device and they will work just fine.
Tons of thanks to AXD96 for the tip!!! I thaught that many of you are sick of the small internal memory of our L9, so that's why I wrote this small tutorial. It is not meant to promote piracy, just to help people use their SD to run big games on their L9s. Cheers!
Abazel said:
After a lot of search and many attempts, I talked to our forum mate AXD96 and he found a way of 'cheating' the relatively small internal memory of our L9s, by using a method of linking the internal folders to an external one that actually works. So, here's what you need to do :
1. First of all, you need a rooted phone (I am using a rooted P760 v20i on Orange RO)
2. Download the latest version of Lucky Patcher from here, install it on your phone and grant its root access.
3. AXD96 suggested to create a single folder on the external_sd, that should be linked to the folder Android from storage/sdcard0 , but I've tried this and had a few issues. Here's what I suggest - create two folders on the external_sd => name the first one 'internal_data' and the second 'internal_obb'. You can give them any names you want, but this way you know better what are they linked to. I recommend you to create two folders because not every app has its download files in the same folder (par example, some of them have their datas in storage/sdcard0/Android/obb, others have their data in storage/sdcard0/Android/data)
4. Open Lucky Patcher, go in Toolbox (down, left corner) and choose Directory Binder
5. Here we find two things - "Directory with data" and "Mount directory with data to".
6. Click to create a new bind - in "Directory with data" choose the folder 'internal_data' from external_sd and in "Mount directory with data to" choose the folder 'data' from storage/sdcard0/Android.
7. Click to create a new bind - in "Directory with data" choose the folder 'internal_obb' from external_sd and in "Mount directory with data to" choose the folder 'obb' from storage/sdcard0/Android.
8. Now look at those linked folders and make sure the button in their right side is set to ON
9. Restart the device and now you can simply add data files of the apps on your SD card, in the right folder (as it is said in their instructions file), install the apks on the device and they will work just fine.
Tons of thanks to AXD96 for the tip!!! I thaught that many of you are sick of the small internal memory of our L9, so that's why I wrote this small tutorial. It is not meant to promote piracy, just to help people use their SD to run big games on their L9s. Cheers!
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Question? Why not just create a folder named 'init.d' in system/etc and then use Link2SD? It's much simpler than what you've proposed, in my opinion anyway. I use Link2SD with my L9 - P769 with no issues. Link2SD does require a second partition on the external SDCARD formatted as ext2, ext3, or ext4 however.
I just use an app called folder mount and it is very easy, no second partition on SD card.
@shinobisoft - I didn't verify yet, but I am pretty sure that if in the market it is an app larger than the space we have left on the internal, it will NOT be downloaded, no matter how much space we have left on the external_sd. I am not sure, I didn't try, but that's what I suspect. Anyway, this method is used to make work the apps that we already have data for. I found it very simple for the most users, to I thaught sharing might help some people. I am sure Link2SD method is good, but it's a bit more complicated. @greencartim - I have tried this Folder Mount, along with Internal2external... none of them worked for me. Maybe I missed something out there, I don't know. The idea is that I just followed AXD96s suggestions and it worked - pretty easy and no unnecessary complication.
bad post
I am interested in this topic, here is why:
I have a P769 (TMo - 20h), rooted, with CWM and BusyBox. Locked bootloader (bummer !)
I use a lot the GPS app Copilot, as it uses offline maps. However, when I want to download a BIG map, say, North America (almost 2gb), it tells me that I can't because I don't have enough storage.
I tried a lot of solution that I found on the web (modifying Copilot's config.ini and move the maps to the SD, with no success).
What would be the best way ?
FolderMount doesn't work... it moves the current maps (Midwest in my case), but when I want to download a big one, it still says "not enough storage"...
I heard about Kuma's script, could it work ?
Thanks for your help :good:
@damathos - You can use this method to link your internal folders to external ones. Then try to find the maps on the internet, download them and put them wherethey normally need to be and probably the app will see them as already downloaded so you could use them. You can try this method, it is fast, safe and reversible. Good luck with that!
damathos said:
I am interested in this topic, here is why:
I have a P769 (TMo - 20h), rooted, with CWM and BusyBox. Locked bootloader (bummer !)
I use a lot the GPS app Copilot, as it uses offline maps. However, when I want to download a BIG map, say, North America (almost 2gb), it tells me that I can't because I don't have enough storage.
I tried a lot of solution that I found on the web (modifying Copilot's config.ini and move the maps to the SD, with no success).
What would be the best way ?
FolderMount doesn't work... it moves the current maps (Midwest in my case), but when I want to download a big one, it still says "not enough storage"...
I heard about Kuma's script, could it work ?
Thanks for your help :good:
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I'm not sure about the OPs method, but Link2SD would not do the trick for you. @kuma82 script actually forces/tricks the device to thinking the external SD is the internal SD, which it sounds to me like is exactly what you need. As stated earlier, Link2SD works great for me, but that is also for my usage habits. We've all got different habits tho...
I've checked today - if you link the folders and you try to download a large app from market, it will say that there is not enough space. But, if you put the data where it needs to be, you install the app and it still needs some thing to run, it will download the data in on the sd location, leaving the internal space untouched (verified on Gangstar Vegas - initially had about 2.5 GB, after some playing it had about 5 GB... guess which space got smaller - the sd card one). So, it's a pretty decent method!
Ok, I found a way that works for Copilot:
1- Install Copilot, download one of the US fragmented maps (not the US or North America one, they're too big): Midwest, Northern, Southwest, etc.
2- close Copilot
3- use app FolderMount to link/move the folder that contains the maps on "internal SD" to the external SD (let it do by itself when it asks)
4- "unpin" the folders in FolderMount
5- start Copilot again, it will says that you need to download a map... do it for another map of US
6- move manually the downloaded map to the external SD folder created by FolderMount
7- repeat from step 5 to 6 until you've downloaded all the maps you need
8- once you're done, "pin" the folders in FolderMount
There ! you have all the fragmented US maps on the SD instead of the big US or North America :good:
damathos said:
Ok, I found a way that works for Copilot:
1- Install Copilot, download one of the US fragmented maps (not the US or North America one, they're too big): Midwest, Northern, Southwest, etc.
2- close Copilot
3- use app FolderMount to link/move the folder that contains the maps on "internal SD" to the external SD (let it do by itself when it asks)
4- "unpin" the folders in FolderMount
5- start Copilot again, it will says that you need to download a map... do it for another map of US
6- move manually the downloaded map to the external SD folder created by FolderMount
7- repeat from step 5 to 6 until you've downloaded all the maps you need
8- once you're done, "pin" the folders in FolderMount
There ! you have all the fragmented US maps on the SD instead of the big US or North America :good:
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Where does Copilot original download maps to? What folder
Sent from my LGMS769 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
kuma82 said:
Where does Copilot original download maps to? What folder
Sent from my LGMS769 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Original folder is in internal sd (sdcard0), maps for North America (NA) are in:
(this path is for Copilot Premium, don't know for the other version)
FolderMount will create automatically a copy of that path on ext. SD, you want to move the maps folders to that path ("eastern", "midwest", etc.)
Basically, both FolderMount and Lucky Patcher methods are doing the same thing, except there are situations where FolderMount didn't work (me ) ).

