Anyone Else Having this Calendar Issue with ICS Roms(New Entries Show up as Invites)? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note I717

I noticed this issue when I started using the Cyanogen Mod ROM. I'm not sure if it existed on the leaked ROMs or not. Can anyone else test and reply?
Any calendar appointment created on the phone will cause it to show up as an invite on the web version of Google Calendar. I'm prompted to accept/deny any new calendar entries that I created from the phone.
I've attached screenshots as an example. The first image is an all day event I created from my desktop on the web version of Google Calendar. The 2nd screenshot is from an all day event created from the phone. Notice the text, "Going?Yes - Maybe - No | Delete". This shows up on any event I create on the phone.
I found this thread from 2010 describing the same issue but no fix was ever really given.!category-topic/gmail/android/fwx_VzaYhyQ

Haven't encountered it yet, but will test it and see.
Edit: did not encounter that. Which calendar app you using? Mine is the Samsung version.
I am on flapjaxx 4.0.4 r5 Rom.
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Mad383Max said:
Haven't encountered it yet, but will test it and see.
Edit: did not encounter that. Which calendar app you using? Mine is the Samsung version.
I am on flapjaxx 4.0.4 r5 Rom.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda premium
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Thanks for checking. I'm using the standard Google Calendar app on the Cyanogen ROM.

webdave said:
Thanks for checking. I'm using the standard Google Calendar app on the Cyanogen ROM.
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No problem. Hope you figure it out.
Cosmo D from outer space!

Well I downloaded another calendar app (Business Calendar) and I am not having this issues. Appears to just be with the default calendar app.


Facebook contacts pics

I have an xt910 running on the latest EU version and I am facing a problem. I have some of my contacts linked with their Facebook so their photo shows when they call me. The first time I linked them everything was ok and their pics was shown correctly. But when someone updated their pic it showed it as blanc. Now none of my contacts has a pic displayed regardless if it is a simple Facebook contact or a linked one. I have the latest Facebook app from the market. I think it has something to do with the folder which the Android stores those pics and I want to delete it to see if it will force the update. Does anyone knows where they are stored or has any suggestions about the matter;
Sliced from my RAZR using XDA
It was easy to force update of Facebook contacts on wp7.. Not so easy on Android..
I'm interested in a way to force it besides using an app which is free on goggler play, which messed up my contacts by attaching the wrong image to the wrong person..
Sorry, this is my first Android phone.. Previously on wp7, blackberry and Nokia 5800..
Sent from my XT910 using Tapatalk
arisgoku said:
I have an xt910 running on the latest EU version and I am facing a problem. I have some of my contacts linked with their Facebook so their photo shows when they call me. The first time I linked them everything was ok and their pics was shown correctly. But when someone updated their pic it showed it as blanc. Now none of my contacts has a pic displayed regardless if it is a simple Facebook contact or a linked one. I have the latest Facebook app from the market. I think it has something to do with the folder which the Android stores those pics and I want to delete it to see if it will force the update. Does anyone knows where they are stored or has any suggestions about the matter;
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Go into config/aplications/manage apps/... and clear the contacts app cache, this may solve the black pics.
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pedrotorresfilho said:
Go into config/aplications/manage apps/... and clear the contacts app cache, this may solve the black pics.
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did not worked, any new ideas? has anyone found out where in which folder those pics are stored?
arisgoku said:
did not worked, any new ideas? has anyone found out where in which folder those pics are stored?
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I just cleared data for anything with "contacts" in the name, and your contacts will resync.
I have Facebook and friend caster pro installed. Friend caster syncs HQ pics when setup correctly and has kept them up to date for me.
stkiswr said:
I have Facebook and friend caster pro installed. Friend caster syncs HQ pics when setup correctly and has kept them up to date for me.
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I use contapps, it's an amazing free app
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arisgoku said:
I have an xt910 running on the latest EU version and I am facing a problem. I have some of my contacts linked with their Facebook so their photo shows when they call me. The first time I linked them everything was ok and their pics was shown correctly. But when someone updated their pic it showed it as blanc. Now none of my contacts has a pic displayed regardless if it is a simple Facebook contact or a linked one. I have the latest Facebook app from the market. I think it has something to do with the folder which the Android stores those pics and I want to delete it to see if it will force the update. Does anyone knows where they are stored or has any suggestions about the matter;
Sliced from my RAZR using XDA
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I use contact-sync from the market. It's really awesome
Sent from my DeathSCYTHE using xda premium

[Q] Contact Pictures not showing in Handcent after flashing CleanROM ICS

Anyone else having this issue? I have "show contact pictures" selected in Handcent's settings and the pictures are still not showing.
Sorry for posting in here. I don't have enough posts to post in the developer's forum.
Thanks in advance.
cdaniel76 said:
Anyone else having this issue? I have "show contact pictures" selected in Handcent's settings and the pictures are still not showing.
Sorry for posting in here. I don't have enough posts to post in the developer's forum.
Thanks in advance.
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From what I can tell from a quick search, it appears that it's a problem with Facebook integration with Handcent. While Handcent is installed, go ahead and log out of Facebook for Sense. Then log back into Facebook for Sense.
Sense has the contact pictures locked to an extent. You'll need to wait for your developer to update the app
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Go SMS Pro has the same problem, just going to have to wait until they get updated.
bloodrain954 said:
Sense has the contact pictures locked to an extent. You'll need to wait for your developer to update the app
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
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I guess I should have said this in my first post. Pictures were working fine in Handcent before I flashed to the ICS CleanROM. I was using a Gingerbread ROM from CleanROM before.
cdaniel76 said:
I guess I should have said this in my first post. Pictures were working fine in Handcent before I flashed to the ICS CleanROM. I was using a Gingerbread ROM from CleanROM before.
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I believe the problem is ICS not sense, I think I read somewhere that ICS handles facebook integration differently and that apps will have to be updated to work correctly with it.
I get issues with contact picture too most of the time it is caused by facebook syncing contacts
On meanrom ICS and having the same issue. Glad it's not just me. I just reported the bug to Handcent and all of you should as well.
That's what happens when viewing it in google play.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
This fixed worked for me.
Have you tried this Fix?
It works on my Sensation running ICS...

[Q] Facebook calendar not syncing

Hey guys I have added the Facebook acct (for syncing) but the calendar keeps saying "sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly". Ive tried removing the acct and adding it back but its still happening. Any1 any ideas why this is happening or how to fix?
I'm having the same issue. Looks like the last time it sync'ed was 02/07 how about you? The strange thing is that Gallery sync on the same account is working normally, and contact sync for the facebook app itself is working normally.
I'm putting this down to an issue on facebook's side - as I've also tried removing the account and re-adding.
It would be interesting to see if our devices stopped syncing on the same day.
i am having the same issue as well, gonna give it a day or so and see if it works itself out. i agree that its probably on the FB side of things
Same here.. It's probably the FB protocol or something knowing them post if you figure it out. Wonder if newer roms work or not? Be a quick upgrade then port the new file umm
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
+1 problem..
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
Just replaced the SNS.apk from /system/app with a newer version from the latest ROM released. Seems to work!
I'll upload the files tomorrow to drop box, odex and none, tomorrow some time..
Edit: Here is a link to the files. Suggest you backup your old ones first and replace. Delete dalvik cache, reboot, add the new account. Might take another reboot to get your apps going. Working in Jorte Calender now
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Hi, you can also export your FB calendar via parameters in your FB web page, and paste it in your google calendar (always via web), activate it in your sgs3 calendar app and it's good
See link below for more details: (works for events and birthday)
Yeah I already synced my fb bdays through Google before this happened and bdays is the only event type I have so I unticked the calendar syncing.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Strange, i have both birthday and event in my imported fb calendrar....
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Started sync'ing again properly yesterday. I figure it really was just an issue on FB's side. :good:
hello i have a problem with gallery sync, i get a sync error, but calendar sync works, can it also be facebook what have a problem ??
Hope this works for you...

[Q] Is anyone else having issues with Facebook Calendar sync?

It displays "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It'll be back shortly." and when I check it it's Facebook Calendar with the exclamation mark.
It doesn't sync since July 5th, which is when I got the ICS/Sense 3.6 update.
I noticed Facebook for HTC Sense isn't displayed in the Accounts & Sync list anymore since that update, is that normal?
Yes, I'm in mean rom latest ics, i just disabled it
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app
My phone has just disconnected by itself from Facebook right now saying "authentication failed" and when I logged in back the calendar sync is back working. It looks like removing the account and re-adding it solved the issue.
I'm having this same issue, however removing the account and re-adding it does not solve the issue. Can anyone help?
MeanROM ICS v2.6 and stock kernel.
I'm having the same issues sometimes. I'm almost positive it's the pos Facebook app. That thing is straight garbage.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Uncle Lizard said:
I'm having the same issues sometimes. I'm almost positive it's the pos Facebook app. That thing is straight garbage.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Facebook needs to get their act together on this. How come they are the only ones that can't seem to make an Android app run properly?
Mine is working fine since then...
As far as I know, Facebook calendar sync doesn't come from the official app. It's (Facebook for) HTC Sense.
Maybe you could try to logout / remove on the phone, then go to Facebook website and remove the HTC Sense app from the app settings page, then login again on the phone.

[Q] Stock Google email apk

Is there anywhere I can get the stock email app from Google that gets updated with any frequency?
I found one that is the initial Kit Kat version but nothing newer, and with all the updates that the gmail app has gotten I'm sure the email app has gotten at least one.
Thanks in advance.
stillTRE said:
Is there anywhere I can get the stock email app from Google that gets updated with any frequency?
I found one that is the initial Kit Kat version but nothing newer, and with all the updates that the gmail app has gotten I'm sure the email app has gotten at least one.
Thanks in advance.
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The Email.apk does not get updated near as much as Gmail. I think the latest version should be:
4.4.2 -f71429d610
The only version I see is when i hit submit feedback and it's listed as v6.0-893803
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stillTRE said:
The only version I see is when i hit submit feedback and it's listed as v6.0-893803
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I think the other # is how it displays in Titanium Backup. Had a friend look for me since I do not use the app and never have. But yea, 6.0 is the newest with the newer UI with the sliding menus and what not. Don't think it's been updated in months.
OK, thank you for the assistance
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