[Q] Where Can I get RUU_Legend_Froyo_S_HTC_WWE_3.15.405.6 ? - Legend Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I got an error 191 message during htc dev attempt to unlock my Legend (VF DE).
They said I should first update to
RUU_Legend_Froyo_S_HTC_WWE_3.15.405.6_Radio_47.51. 35.17_7.13.35.05_release_222317_signed.exe ?
After that, try to do the official HTC dev steps with their 3.30xxx ROM

Have you tried updating your phone via OTA? Its been a while since I used sense but it should be in Settings and then System Software updates. Check to see if there's an update for your phone.
Sent from my Legend using XDA

Unfortunately not. There is no OTA-Update for my German Vodafone (Froyo 2.2) available. That´s why I try to unlock (HTC Dev) the bootloader to use a another ROM. But I got a 191 error during the Radio Unit Update (RUU) :confused

When you go into the bootloader on your phone, what version does it say it is? Because I think I had a problem like this where it said the update failed but it turned out my HBOOT was 1.02 which is what you need to unlock so I just kept going with the unlock procedure and it worked.

hello, you don't have to upgrade to the new ruu first - you can use the method blaY0 has described here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=22613990&postcount=62

At the beginning of my Legends bootloader there is the following information:
***LOCKED (00W)***
Legend PVT Ship S-On
Dec 23 2011, 16:36:48
The Software Build on my VF D2 Legend ist Froyo 2.2 ( On the list at HTCDev there ist is only a version for Vodafone AUT GER Mobilcom. Perhaps thats the error, not having the 161.1 build on the phone

Peter_Freiwald said:
At the beginning of my Legends bootloader there is the following information:
***LOCKED (00W)***
Legend PVT Ship S-On
Dec 23 2011, 16:36:48
The Software Build on my VF D2 Legend ist Froyo 2.2 ( On the list at HTCDev there ist is only a version for Vodafone AUT GER Mobilcom. Perhaps thats the error, not having the 161.1 build on the phone
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Ok let me get this right, you are still having problems?
you have got hboot 1.02 now, its still LOCKED (look at first line), ok, so all you need to do is continue the htcdev instructions you would have received via email which included an attachment X.bin file if you don't have that email, your probably gonna be in big do do, my understanding is that the bin file is unique unlock file for your phone only.
let the thread know how you go.


[Q] how to install HBOOT 1.01.1000 on my HTC legend

Good morning everyone.
I am desperately looking for a way to put my HTC which is 1.00.0000 by 1.01.X000 in order to put it in "S-off" with "XTC clip more" which is only compatible with versions 0.33.X000, 0.43.X003 and 1.01.X000
Thank you in advance for your reply.
PS: Sorry for my English certainly approximate.
I thought you can s off without using the clip at this point. But anyway I think Blay0 made a guide for this.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
Good morning.
Thank you for the reply but I tried all the procedures in this site without success. the phone tells me it is impossible to downgrade the HBOOT.
in fact I am looking for a LEGEIMG.zip whith HBOOT in 1.01 and not in 0.93
Thank you in advance for your reply
Hang on a second, my understanding is that if you have Hboot lower than 1.00 you can S-OFF without XTC clip via visionary method, if you change to Hboot 1.00 or higher you can't S-off except with XTC clip? (More Money)?
I have read on Blay0s guide that having Hboot 1.00+ can be really good because the recovery portion is slightly smaller? Which gives us slightly more rom space yeah? and also allows for bad sectors (I Have 2 on my phone btw).
If you do an upgrade to htc froyo it already has Hboot 1.01 as part of the upgrade, isn't this what you want?
P.S. when I first got my phone it was eclair with Hboot 0.43 when I put froyo i got Hboot 1.01.
I carry out its proceedings, but at some point the phone told me that he can not downgrade to 0.93.
So I try to upgrade to 1.01.0000.
In France the Froyo Only HBOOT 1.00
I had the wrong idea at the time to do the update from my phone company.
nicus74 said:
I carry out its proceedings, but at some point the phone told me that he can not downgrade to 0.93.
So I try to upgrade to 1.01.0000.
In France the Froyo Only HBOOT 1.00
I had the wrong idea at the time to do the update from my phone company.
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If your really that desperate to get S-OFF hboot 1.01, then the following might help, I emphasise MIGHT as in it possibily might not work.
Edit: as an after thought this will unroot your phone but with hboot 1.01 so you'll have to root again
have you been to shipped roms here
downloaded a froyo rom from another country with Hboot 1.01 and tried to install it? It may need a goldcard to work???
I know that the AU rom has the 1.01 update
I don't know what the difference is between these to releases.
I'm not sure if they support French language, so you may have to experiment with something from another European country.
Of course doing these things are all at your own risk, however being S-ON I don't see how you can brick your phone.
Once your S-OFF then you can flash what every you like.
Thank you!
I'll try that.
we'll see if it works.

[Q]What kind of system I am using?

Hi all,
I got a HTC Flyer P512.
It is running a Eng build Honeycomb rom I guess.
Since it is not so stable and not localized to my place, I would like to flash it with a stock rom image.
But before that, I would like to know more about that since I am not not so familiar with that.
1. I see that my flyer is Eng S-Off, will it turn to Ship S-ON if I flash a stock rom for that?
2. If I make a full backup for that? Can all the things be able to restore back (include Eng S-OFF and rooted Eng build system) by that, and how?
Thanks for that.
I have little experience on handling Xoom but HBoot and RUU in flyer is new to me.
Start here
and do some reading. Information is available for all your questions.
We didn't make a YouTube video because we are all so ugly the cameras cracked.
Thanks for your quick response.
I read the thread before.
According to this thread,
I found that my cidnum is 11111111
Which is not mentioned. However after I do some research, I found that it is a superCID.
Does it mean that My machine is S-OFF in permanently and can be able to flash any rom I want, and such kind of cid can not be changed by software in anyway?
OK, that's a new one to me. I recommend you contact Globaltron on the forum here and ask him. He's the expert on models, boot, etc.
That appears to be a US model, so you would have to flash a US RUU to return to stock if that is the case. Not sure what the effect of having Eng S-OFF is . If you do successfully flash a stock RUU it will return you to S-ON, locked. Then you have to go through the process to obtain S-OFF again
Thanks again!
My Flyer is got from Google ADL last year.
It is running an eng build Android 3.2 with testkey.
Therefore I am wondering if that is a engineering machine without any flashing limitation.
Thank you again.
studenttwok said:
Thanks again!
My Flyer is got from Google ADL last year.
It is running an eng build Android 3.2 with testkey.
Therefore I am wondering if that is a engineering machine without any flashing limitation.
Thank you again.
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If you saw my post on general subforum, you may noticed we have same flyer model. Which from contacting with Globaltron is Prerelease Engineering Model of Htc Flyer.
I also get the cid: 11111111 from my device.
I'm trying to install a stock wwe rom now and see what will happen.
Thanks or your reply.
I use RUU to updae my flyer to HK wifi room.
It works!
It turns from ENG S-OFF to SHIP S-OFF.
Cid remains 11111111
That is expected, you had ENG not SHIP s-off. Run revolutionary to get S-OFF again.


Hi Guys/Gals
I have a HTC One V which I have Unlocked and Rooted, I have tried Various custom ROMS with no success, just keeps showing the HTC screen telling me this build is for Dev use only in RED writing.
The problem I am having is finding a stock RUU for this phone, I have found versions for all regions for my radio version number but none will load.
Before you ask no I did not do a backup of my ROM before I loaded the custom ROMS, my BAD.
If someone could suggest or post stock RUU for Australian region, you would save my bacon.
May 15 2812.10:28:15
Try this

[Q] What steps do I need to take to get CM7.2 on this Aria

So my friend gave me this HTC Aria (AT&T) phone in pretty decent condition... probably needs a new battery but other than that it works well. I have always been on Verizon and am just sick and tired of paying their high rates, so I thought maybe I could use a Net10 SIM in this phone, install CM and and just get by until I can save up for Nexus 4. My current phone is an HTC Rezound running Infected Rezound so I am familiar with rooting and flashing ROMs on HTC products.
I have heard that certain versions of software are unrootable, and S-OFF is attainable and it's not, and there are varying levels of radios, SIM unlock is impossible, etc. Just like all HTC's... So here is what I got, let me know what I should do make it work as smoothly as possible on CM7.2 and the approximate order to do it (should I RUU to Froyo first, S-OFF first, etc.). Thanks for any and all assistance.
Firmware version: 2.1-update1
Baseband Version:
Kernel Version: 2.6.29-7ff04569/[email protected] #1
Build Number: 1.25.502.12 CL192055 release-keys
Software Number: 1.25.502.12
Browser Version: WebKit 3.1
May 8 2010, 03:56:58
S-OFF is only obtainable with the 1.02 bootloader (bundled with the Froyo RUU), so I suggest running the Froyo RUU first.
The only newer bootloader is 1.03, which was made for official unlocking through HTCdev, and has a lot less open than 1.02 with Revolutionary (like changing the splash screen, custom partition sizes, etc)
The CyanogenMod wiki has pretty good instructions for installing a custom recovery and CM: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_liberty
As for SIM unlocking I don't think it's possible without going through AT&T or buying an unlock code from somewhere.

HTC One M8 - T-Mobile RUU

This may have been asked before, but several different things on how to do it, i'd rather do the safest as I do not need anything special.
Basically i'm running a network unlocked HTC One M8 and I would like to install the T-Mobile US version of Android to enable Wi-Fi Calling for my visit to USA, this will be it's sole purpose to use over there.
It's running the latest Android/Sense update for the UK, so this could be part of my issue.
I tried running the RUU, on the installer I was getting a small ARUWizard dialog saying "click here to next dialog" meaning i'm unable to select the options on the installer thus once getting to end will say complete and loads more dialogs after.
under bootloader the information is as follows:
*** Software Status: Official ***
*** LOCKED ***
eMMC-boot 2048MB
Dec 17 2015,14:15:48.0
I'm a little out of all this, last time i done any flashing of different rom's, was on the Dell Streak 5, installed the korean network version to get a newer android as there wasn't one release for the UK.
Hope someone can help.
V4mpire said:
This may have been asked before, but several different things on how to do it, i'd rather do the safest as I do not need anything special.
Basically i'm running a network unlocked HTC One M8 and I would like to install the T-Mobile US version of Android to enable Wi-Fi Calling for my visit to USA, this will be it's sole purpose to use over there.
It's running the latest Android/Sense update for the UK, so this could be part of my issue.
I tried running the RUU, on the installer I was getting a small ARUWizard dialog saying "click here to next dialog" meaning i'm unable to select the options on the installer thus once getting to end will say complete and loads more dialogs after.
under bootloader the information is as follows:
*** Software Status: Official ***
*** LOCKED ***
eMMC-boot 2048MB
Dec 17 2015,14:15:48.0
I'm a little out of all this, last time i done any flashing of different rom's, was on the Dell Streak 5, installed the korean network version to get a newer android as there wasn't one release for the UK.
Hope someone can help.
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Here Is A Link To A Thread I Made On Using The Latest T-Mobile RUU.exe
Since Your Bootloader Is Locked Follow The LOCKED Bootloader Steps
Hope It Helps You
TheKookieGuy said:
Here Is A Link To A Thread I Made On Using The Latest T-Mobile RUU.exe
Since Your Bootloader Is Locked Follow The LOCKED Bootloader Steps
Hope It Helps You
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Thanks for the reply, it's currently unlocked as I was trying to openbands for 4g/LTE, wouldn't I still need to do this, also change the CID since there isn't one set as it's unlocked?
V4mpire said:
Thanks for the reply, it's currently unlocked as I was trying to openbands for 4g/LTE, wouldn't I still need to do this, also change the CID since there isn't one set as it's unlocked?
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There Are Steps For If Your Bootloader Is Unlocked Make Sure To Follow Them All Carefully
As For Checking Ur CID There Is A Step For That Also
V4mpire said:
Thanks for the reply, it's currently unlocked as I was trying to openbands for 4g/LTE, wouldn't I still need to do this, also change the CID since there isn't one set as it's unlocked?
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When U Unlock Your Phone It Doesn't Change Your CID It Stays The Same

