Can someone tell me a few differences between unnamed and cm7? I've scoured the Web and narrowed it down between these two mods. I'm looking for features and good battery life. I webbrowse and listen do music a lot.
I'm Hoping there are people who have used both
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re: CM7 or unNamed
crewxp said:
Can someone tell me a few differences between unnamed and cm7? I've scoured the Web and narrowed it down between these two mods. I'm looking for features and good battery life. I webbrowse and listen do music a lot.
I'm Hoping there are people who have used both
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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I have used and extensivly tested both of them, if you want the
full features of your camera to remain intact you should select
the UnNamed 1.0.4 rom. CM7 lacks many of the features in the
camera part of the phone and it does not give you the full 30fps
framerates while recording videos as well as other issues.
Not only that, but the cosmetic appearance of the camera's lcd screen looks
like some cheapy camera phone and lacks many of the options which are found
in all the stock and custom roms except in CM7.
Hope this helps.
CM7 is good, but still has some rough edges.. I would suggest unnamed as your option being a new Android user. unnamed is based on the stock ROM and enhances on the stock rom. So basically everything works out of the box as it was intended to be
Okay thanks guys! Exactly what I needed. I thought since CNET was bigger, it would be better. good thing I asked!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
As stated above there are a lot of difference between the two roms you mentioned above. I would say try them all out as it is very easy. Get a rom working THE WAY YOU LIKE IT, then make a nandroid backup, try out another rom and set it up the way you like it and then make a nandroid backup. Then you can easily go between roms or stick with what you like best. As far as CM7 goes (I have been using CM7 since my captivate) and have found I like it the best. Due to integrated modifications and such it has everything working great. I do see that the camera works well but is not the same as the stock camera as far as settings and the CM7 camcorder (haven't noticed any issues personally) framerates not working as good as stock/stock based roms, and speed dial is not built in. Those are the ONLY things that can use some work in my humble opinion. But if your like me and want to customize easier, switch to different themes on the fly without any problems other than opening up the built in theme Chooser app. For stock roms I always had to wait for the theme developer to update his theme between rom updates due to framework changes, sometimes this would be the same day to a few days in between. Just trying to share some of the benefits CM7 may have. I have also tried different roms as UnNamed rom and they do work really well, the speed and fluidity of the stock based roms is as good as CM7 right now (wasn't the case on my captivate as CM7 worked smoother and faster than stock based roms). Plus CM7 will PROBABLY have ICS working before it is working on the stock roms. There are many things to look at and try out, so that is why I recommend trying them all out and find what you like.
Simply put, do you want it to be smooth or not? UnNamed is liquid butter smooth for me, cm wasn't. I have a very picky eye for this kind of thing being a pc gamer
tried both... Preferring CM7 at this point...
Although it's nice that the Stock-based firmwares (unNamed) work 100%, I know that development for CM7 is not far behind, and will soon surpass anything stock-based can offer.
The only real upside to unNamed over CM7 at the moment is the fully working Wifi Hotspot feature. (Which will of course be fixed soon in CM7) as well as the MHL (USB to HDMI adapter)...
Again... Both are good roms. But if you want to get on the Ice-cream truck sooner; go with CM. If you want things working %100 without a lot of trouble... Go with unNamed.
monsieurtalbot said:
tried both... Preferring CM7 at this point...
Although it's nice that the Stock-based firmwares (unNamed) work 100%, I know that development for CM7 is not far behind, and will soon surpass anything stock-based can offer.
The only real upside to unNamed over CM7 at the moment is the fully working Wifi Hotspot feature. (Which will of course be fixed soon in CM7) as well as the MHL (USB to HDMI adapter)...
Again... Both are good roms. But if you want to get on the Ice-cream truck sooner; go with CM. If you want things working %100 without a lot of trouble... Go with unNamed.
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I like CM7 as well however the Camera is one of the main feats of the phone, and if there was a good alternative whether 3rd party or not i would keep CM7 (its still on a NAND backup) but there isnt. Not even the MIUI Camera works (which is kinda nice). Also, the MHL out doesn't work as you mentioned, and battery life is fairly close to one another.
I personally bounce back between serendipity and Cm7, However IF there was a way to run a i9100 rom on our phones, then i would run gingerMOD all the way.
the girls phone is still stuck on 2.1 (ew)
im looking for something close to stock that is quick, optimized and up to date if possible.
looking for better battery life as well.
i rooted and installed cwm tonight, so its ready to go.
id prefer to keep it with touchwiz as she likes TW.
any ideas on what to look at as a good rom?
she likes landscape mode to reply to texts and stuff, ive seen how some can be buggy with that, so thats a feature i need to work correctly.
is gingerbread out for this phone?
thanks everyone.
We have CyanogenMod for this phone (2.3.7) -
Not an official Gingerbread release.
If you want a 2.2, stock-like but tweaked to run smooth phone, I'd go with Bionix;
Do note, it's sort of outdated, because of a bunch of new stuff that's come out. But it's the closest to stock (In the way things run.) It's just been optimized and it's really responsive. It comes with a gingerbread theme, so that's nice.
And you can always update apps and whatnot, install a newer modem, kernel, etc.
I would suggest trigger 3.2 final it is what i am currently running and i havent had any problems with it
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
When it comes to TW roms I found Trigger 3.2 to be very good. Although Bionix is another good choice as well.
However, my favorite rom by far is MIUI. It's based on android 2.3.7 (gingerbread) and CM7. It's super user friendly and one of the best overall built roms I've ever used. Plus it is extremely customizable and smooth. However, it has no app drawer, that's it's flaw. Still you should have your girlfriend look at it and see if she would like it, even though it's not really TW.
Here's a guide to flash it & everything else you'll need to get started... "Guide- Easily Flash MIUI for Vibrant + Themes/Modems/Kernels/ and more!"
Project-V all the way. You won't find a better 2.2 rom
Seeing as its not your phone i wouldn't suggest any 2.3 roms. Even tho they are great and have great devs working on them they still have bugs due to a lack of source code.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
konthewicked said:
Seeing as its not your phone i wouldn't suggest any 2.3 roms. Even tho they are great and have great devs working on them they still have bugs due to a lack of source code.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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yes i prefer not to have any bugs since she isnt really a dev when it comes to stuff and wouldnt know what to do if something started messing up lol.
thanks for the heads up everyone, ill be checking out every rom that was mentioned, perhaps a link included would help me faster access them.
ill show each one to her and see what she prefers.
I ended up with trigger, will let you all know how it goes for her.
she is very happy with how snappy it is, along with the visual voicemail lol
I have Eclipse 1.1 (old I know) it was great when it first came out and I flashed it. But now I need something new bc its not working as good, and I know theres better versions and other ROMs that are possibly better.
Any suggestions on which ROM to flash and why?
Depends on what you want. If you want a fully functional ROM I'd check out the latest edition of Eclipse.
Cyanogenmod 7.2 rc1 has a small amount of bugs, but is for the most part fully functional. HDMI mirroring doesn't work and that's the one and only downside to me. I still use CM7 as a "daily driver" so to speak. Lots of customization and with the hacks/mods found in this forum I get excellent signal strength, connection speeds and battery life. Wifi still sleeps when the screen's off, but with the v3 build.prop mashup it reconnects on waking within seconds every single time.
Cyanogenmod 9 alpha 3 is somewhat buggy as it's in its early alpha stages. There's no camera yet, but DZK already said there will be a fix for alpha 4. Same with aces miui. It's real slick, being on ics. I like it, but won't stay until there's a working camera and more stability. When that happens this rom will be simply amazing. Overall it's pretty sweet and at the very least, worth checking out/playing around with.....
MIUI4 will be awesome too once the bugs are sorted and fixed. As stated before- the next release will also have a working camera. MIUI is probably one of my favorites if not my favorite but right now its way too buggy for me to use. More so than cm9. Couldn't deal with the bugs Ace is hard at work bringing us more updates and when he finally gets this where he wants it MIUI will more than likely replace cm7 as my daily rom. It's a great ROM in general but I couldn't stay on miui for more than like an hour, personally.
Definitely go into each roms topic and check out the screenshots and videos if there are any. Also look for the working features and known bugs/issues. Honestly I say give them ALL a try and see what best suits you. I only really posted about the newer ones. If I remember correctly molten isn't being updated anymore after 2.3 and I keep forgetting liberty even exists, lol.......
Cyanogenmod all day
I started with Eclipse 1.3 and then went to 2.1 running scripts and about everything else with it. Then when CM9 alpha came out, I had to try it. CM9 alpha works great for me. I needed my camera, so I flashed back to CM7. When the beta version of CM9 rolls around, that's gonna be the ticket!
I can't believe how smooth and FAST my phone is with CM7. The camera works great, very little to no lag at all with anything I have found. There's all kinds of customizations for it. I'm not running any scripts, only CM7 and SD Increase from the market. My phone is fun again and I'm not hesitant to show somebody up with a whyphone like I was before. Try it and see.
Also check out this thread for sure!!
Cyanogenmod all day
Are you pretty good with computers, tech, etc.? If you want a fast update, just flash CM7 since it is on the same kernel as the version of Eclipse you are on. If you try to update to the latest Eclipse, you have to go through the process of using the SBF to get to stock, updating to 2.3.5 then flash the new version. Its up to you though. CM7 and Eclipse are the most stable ROMs we have at the moment until some bugs get worked out in CM9.
Thanks everyone. I am on Eclipse 2.2.1 as of right now (w/speedy script 7 and other tweaks/apps). Ill probably try CM7 in the future since its already on my sdcard.
xxbgjhn159xx said:
Thanks everyone. I am on Eclipse 2.2.1 as of right now (w/speedy script 7 and other tweaks/apps). Ill probably try CM7 in the future since its already on my sdcard.
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Just remember you need to be on 2.3.4 before flashing CM7.
Man I don't know what it is but.....
I used to run Eclipse 2.1 and scripted to the 23498457890345th power maxed out turnaround wing dinger squared. I thought it was as good as it could get. But when I went to CM7, I giggled at what I "thought" I had. Hands down the way to go, until CM9
I would use cm7. Just because its stable and has the best UI in my option and has pretty good performance. or you could wait for cm9 to get more stable with a working camera and better performance.
Liberty 3
Just Rooted and Flashed for the first time.
I went with Eclipse 2.2.1 - because the HDMI support was kind of a deal breaker for me. (Netflix, FPSE, SnesEX, etc. on a big screen!) But I was wondering why none of you mentioned Liberty 3? I haven't tried anything other than Eclipse 2.2.1 so I don't have an educated opinion to share, but other than CM7 it seemed like Liberty 3 and Eclipse were the two other "stable" ROMs in the DEV section.
Is Liberty "bad" or do you guys just not use it, and why?
Also, I flashed what I *thought* was the latest build of Eclipse 2.2.1 (from the official thread) but there are only 5 pull down toggles on my notification panel - I thought there were supposed to be 7? Did I miss something?
Specter597 said:
Just Rooted and Flashed for the first time.
I went with Eclipse 2.2.1 - because the HDMI support was kind of a deal breaker for me. (Netflix, FPSE, SnesEX, etc. on a big screen!) But I was wondering why none of you mentioned Liberty 3? I haven't tried anything other than Eclipse 2.2.1 so I don't have an educated opinion to share, but other than CM7 it seemed like Liberty 3 and Eclipse were the two other "stable" ROMs in the DEV section.
Is Liberty "bad" or do you guys just not use it, and why?
Also, I flashed what I *thought* was the latest build of Eclipse 2.2.1 (from the official thread) but there are only 5 pull down toggles on my notification panel - I thought there were supposed to be 7? Did I miss something?
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I haven't been on eclipse in a while so I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly, but I thought there was an option in settings to set those.
I can't say for sure why nobody mentioned liberty though, it might be because it doesn't offer much compared to eclipse. Also, it was supported for maybe 2 months max while I'm pretty sure nitro is still pushing out updates for the x2(somebody correct me if I'm wrong).
RoyJ said:
Depends on what you want. If you want a fully functional ROM I'd check out the latest edition of Eclipse.
Cyanogenmod 7.2 rc1 has a small amount of bugs, but is for the most part fully functional. HDMI mirroring doesn't work and that's the one and only downside to me. I still use CM7 as a "daily driver" so to speak. Lots of customization and with the hacks/mods found in this forum I get excellent signal strength, connection speeds and battery life. Wifi still sleeps when the screen's off, but with the v3 build.prop mashup it reconnects on waking within seconds every single time.
Cyanogenmod 9 alpha 3 is somewhat buggy as it's in its early alpha stages. There's no camera yet, but DZK already said there will be a fix for alpha 4. Same with aces miui. It's real slick, being on ics. I like it, but won't stay until there's a working camera and more stability. When that happens this rom will be simply amazing. Overall it's pretty sweet and at the very least, worth checking out/playing around with.....
MIUI4 will be awesome too once the bugs are sorted and fixed. As stated before- the next release will also have a working camera. MIUI is probably one of my favorites if not my favorite but right now its way too buggy for me to use. More so than cm9. Couldn't deal with the bugs Ace is hard at work bringing us more updates and when he finally gets this where he wants it MIUI will more than likely replace cm7 as my daily rom. It's a great ROM in general but I couldn't stay on miui for more than like an hour, personally.
Definitely go into each roms topic and check out the screenshots and videos if there are any. Also look for the working features and known bugs/issues. Honestly I say give them ALL a try and see what best suits you. I only really posted about the newer ones. If I remember correctly molten isn't being updated anymore after 2.3 and I keep forgetting liberty even exists, lol.......
Cyanogenmod all day
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I totally agree with this guy. It all depends on what you want out of your phone. If you can sacrifice the extra cool doohickies I say CM9 all the way cause alpha 4 just came out and it's pretty sweet, working camera too.
Specter597 said:
Also, I flashed what I *thought* was the latest build of Eclipse 2.2.1 (from the official thread) but there are only 5 pull down toggles on my notification panel - I thought there were supposed to be 7? Did I miss something?
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The toggles are scrollable. You have to scroll to the right to see the rest.
Sent from my cm7 using XDA
I loved cm7 as my first and only rom but my 3g sucks,dolphin force closes, camera is buggy etc I'm going to reflash before jumping to eclipse which I've heard is most stable ...
I loved cm7 but the broken orientation sensor in the kernel killed it for me. I now run eclipse 2.2.1. It was a bugger to get installed. Having to wipe cache at a different point than instructions indicate. And also I have a little touch-screen delay.
Sent from my DROID X2 using xda app-developers app
Hi All
I have been happily running CM7 on my Atrix for quite a while now. Because it has not had any issues (apart from the odd random reboot), I haven't kept up with new developments.
However, I recently bought a tablet and am running CM9 on it. I quite like it. But looking around the Atrix Dev forum, there is a bewildering array of CM9/10 ROMs and others, and I have no idea where to start. I don't have the time to go through them all.
So, I was wondering:
Does anyone have any recommendations as to a stable, everyday use CM9/10 ROM I could try out?
I have seen dual-boot ROMs in there. Are there any which include a stock-based/unrooted ROM?
In general, what are people's impressions of CM9/10 and Android 4+ on a phone?
Thanks so much for your help. I feel like such a n00b having to ask... That's what you get when you have a few months away.
BTW, the reason I would like to have an unrooted ROM in a dual boot environment is for a few apps which do not work with root, mainly Barclays banking app but a few others too. I don't mind having to reboot to get at them.
drmouse81 said:
Hi All
I have been happily running CM7 on my Atrix for quite a while now. Because it has not had any issues (apart from the odd random reboot), I haven't kept up with new developments.
However, I recently bought a tablet and am running CM9 on it. I quite like it. But looking around the Atrix Dev forum, there is a bewildering array of CM9/10 ROMs and others, and I have no idea where to start. I don't have the time to go through them all.
So, I was wondering:
Does anyone have any recommendations as to a stable, everyday use CM9/10 ROM I could try out?
I have seen dual-boot ROMs in there. Are there any which include a stock-based/unrooted ROM?
In general, what are people's impressions of CM9/10 and Android 4+ on a phone?
Thanks so much for your help. I feel like such a n00b having to ask... That's what you get when you have a few months away.
BTW, the reason I would like to have an unrooted ROM in a dual boot environment is for a few apps which do not work with root, mainly Barclays banking app but a few others too. I don't mind having to reboot to get at them.
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I would recommend you to try the "somebody's cm10 with those libs", it's JB with HWA, battery isn't that great but if you want to have a JB with HWA that's the option.
All the others cm10/cm9 will have the normal probles: cam corder not working, etc. There are some greats, epinter's cm10 is actually great.
You won't find any stable cm10/cm9 yet because there is no official kernel for them.
There's a reason why GB is still the most widely used version on this device. Although there are many ICS/JB builds available, there aren't actually any as of yet that will have everything working and still be as stable as CM7/GB.
OK, thanks.
Having a look at the threads joelorona pointed out, I think I will stick with CM7 for now. It's been fairly stable for months now and I'm getting a bit spoiled (I haven't had a phone as stable as this since I discovered custom ROMs for android phones)
Rom TopSmarts 1.3 is a good long lasting cm7
I have been a member for a long time, but I never post anything so in that sense I'm new enough that I can't post this in the forum I wanted to, so I'm asking here. This is going to sound like a hateful rant and I'm sure someone is thinking, "If she knows that, then why is she hatefully ranting?" I am not ready to give up yet, so I'm explaining how I arrived at this point.
I have had my Gtab for about a year and a half. In that time I have rooted it and changed the ROM several times. I moved up to the 1.2 bootloader. In all this time I haven't really used it much because it just doesn't work right no matter which rom I try. Each rom will be ok for a few days, and then it starts getting glitchy. I got so fed up with it, I just parked it for several months and didn't touch it. Just recently I have installed the smoother bean rom. It is sort of ok but it doesn't 'just work'. I'm not a bigtime gamer, I like angry birds and sudoku. I surf the internet, watch videos, read books/magazines that are in epub format. When I study, I highlight text and make notes. When I sit down to study, I need it to work. No hangups or lockups or slow/frozen screens. When I get it out to use at the KH to follow along with the material I studied previously, I need it to just work. It has been to the point that I had to open the thing and physically unplug the battery to get it to behave. I was so excited to get this tablet and read all the information in these forums about it, so I knew what I was getting into when I bought it. The bloom is off the rose and I just want a tablet that does what I want it to do. I don't even care if it has jellybean or ICS or even Honeycomb at this point... I just want a tablet that works without having to fiddle around with the software.
And I don't install crazy amounts of apps. I think there are 7 or 8 that I use. Mainly Moon+ reader, Dolphin browser, Pinterest and Sudoku and Angry birds. I also like to sync my google stuff, calendar, contacts, email.
I'm am thinking I might put it back to stock and let it do all the OTA updates and see how it runs. But if I do that, I have to do the fix that makes the google market and stuff work. If I can do that and in the end have a working tablet that is decent and stable, I'll do it. Can anyone give me any feedback after having done this themselves? How was your tablet after? I remember how horrible it was out of the box. Is it better? MUCH MUCH Better? or just a little better.
Is there another rom that has been proven to be stable? I'm not worried if the camera or bluetooth doesn't work, I don't use those with the tablet. I don't think they are working right now, I'm not sure I haven't tried them since I installed the smoother bean rom. It can be any version of Android, I don't care.
I have given some thought to selling my gtab and getting another tablet, but I don't want to do that just yet. I know there has to be a solution, I just haven't found it yet.
Any feed back or suggestions would be most appreciated. The developers work hard on this tablet and have kept it going when Viewsonic themselves quit on it. I think that its really cool that there is such a devoted community of people who still love this tablet.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
My recomendation for "stable"
No expert here, but I have multiple g-tablets. For the "stable" ROM, I use Cyanogenmod
Hope that helps,
I have very similar experience as yours. Bought the gtab long ago, played for a while, then stashed away for several month, but pulled it out again while some brilliant devs actually put JB on it.
I will never ever go back to stock on gtab. Both Smoother Bean and G-Harmony Jellybean ROMs work reasonably well. In my opinion, they are already pushing the limit of the hardware.
atfsi said:
No expert here, but I have multiple g-tablets. For the "stable" ROM, I use Cyanogenmod
Hope that helps,
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Whereabouts can I download that ROM? I googled the file name and I found the cyanogen download page with the various releases but I wasn't sure which one to pick. I didn't see any that said for the gtab and to tell the truth, it was late and my eyes were sleepy! If you know of a place to download the ROM, I would appreciate it. I would like to give it a shot and see how it goes on my tablet. I'm also going to try out reinstalling JB. I didn't realize there was a update for smoOther bean. So, we'll see what happens.
For stability and full function of the Gtablet, you will probably want to use a Froyo rom. All other versions of Android required re-written drivers and/or kernel, as Viewsonic did not release an official version, and never released their source code. My favorite Froyo rom is:
TNT 6039
I used that rom with VTL Launcher for months, until TeamDRH released their JellyBean rom. You might need to make some minor modifications to see all the apps in the Play store, just read the thread.
I also have another Gtab that is running CyanogenMod. This became my 'stable' tablet. My parents, kids and nephews have used it for months with no complaints. If it gets a little slow, just wipe the cache and it speeds right back up again. Hardware acceleration does not work on Gingerbread, so major 3d games often have graphical glitches, but it is very stable. Here is a link:
CyanogenMod 7.2
If you can wait a few more days (hopefully!) TeamDRH will be releasing a new JB rom with their new kernel. I am currently running my own CM10 build with the new kernel and it is great. Very fast and stable. None of the released JB roms ran very well on my 'experimental' Gtab, so I built my own. After a ton of work, it is running even better than my 'stable' tablet, so I would be willing to bet that when they release their new rom, it will be the best available. Judging by the description of your usage, I would try CM 7.2.
DaggerDave said:
For stability and full function of the Gtablet, you will probably want to use a Froyo rom. All other versions of Android required re-written drivers and/or kernel, as Viewsonic did not release an official version, and never released their source code. My favorite Froyo rom is:
TNT 6039
I used that rom with VTL Launcher for months, until TeamDRH released their JellyBean rom. You might need to make some minor modifications to see all the apps in the Play store, just read the thread.
I also have another Gtab that is running CyanogenMod. This became my 'stable' tablet. My parents, kids and nephews have used it for months with no complaints. If it gets a little slow, just wipe the cache and it speeds right back up again. Hardware acceleration does not work on Gingerbread, so major 3d games often have graphical glitches, but it is very stable. Here is a link:
CyanogenMod 7.2
If you can wait a few more days (hopefully!) TeamDRH will be releasing a new JB rom with their new kernel. I am currently running my own CM10 build with the new kernel and it is great. Very fast and stable. None of the released JB roms ran very well on my 'experimental' Gtab, so I built my own. After a ton of work, it is running even better than my 'stable' tablet, so I would be willing to bet that when they release their new rom, it will be the best available. Judging by the description of your usage, I would try CM 7.2.
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Second that! :good:
When will TeamDRH be releasing a new JB rom?
Do you mind to share the new rom?
Thanks for the feedback ya'll. I did install the CM7 ROM and I also tried another one, I can't remember right now which one it was. I was tempted away by the G-Harmony Jellybean ([ROM-AOSP][BL-1.2]G-Harmony Jellybean 4.1.2 ODEXed (UPDATED 12/28)) , I installed the Overclocked version and I have to say it is doing very well. I did have some SOD's but I supercharged it and bumped up the CPU with No Frills CPU and since then it has had no trouble. Its been since Saturday that I installed this ROM and I have used it a bunch since then. I guess time will tell.
I do have a question tho about a problem I'm having but it's absutely not a deal breaker. I can't get google calendar to sync. I know other ROMS have had a package to install that fixed this but I wasn't sure if I could do that with this rom. I don't want to jack up my install. I don't absolutelly have to get the calendar working right now. I don't have reliable internet at home, so the only time I get online with the thing is when I wifi tether to my phone. Was just wondering if anyone knew how to resolve this issue. Again, I would post in the forum for this ROM but I'm not allowed yet.
DaggerDave said:
For stability and full function of the Gtablet, you will probably want to use a Froyo rom. All other versions of Android required re-written drivers and/or kernel, as Viewsonic did not release an official version, and never released their source code. My favorite Froyo rom is:
TNT 6039
I used that rom with VTL Launcher for months, until TeamDRH released their JellyBean rom. You might need to make some minor modifications to see all the apps in the Play store, just read the thread.
I also have another Gtab that is running CyanogenMod. This became my 'stable' tablet. My parents, kids and nephews have used it for months with no complaints. If it gets a little slow, just wipe the cache and it speeds right back up again. Hardware acceleration does not work on Gingerbread, so major 3d games often have graphical glitches, but it is very stable. Here is a link:
CyanogenMod 7.2
If you can wait a few more days (hopefully!) TeamDRH will be releasing a new JB rom with their new kernel. I am currently running my own CM10 build with the new kernel and it is great. Very fast and stable. None of the released JB roms ran very well on my 'experimental' Gtab, so I built my own. After a ton of work, it is running even better than my 'stable' tablet, so I would be willing to bet that when they release their new rom, it will be the best available. Judging by the description of your usage, I would try CM 7.2.
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Can you share the ROM, please?
lekhwani said:
Can you share the ROM, please?
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Do you mind to share the new rom?
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When DRH is ready to release their new rom, it will likely be on the other forum first. Search Google for "gtablet roms 1.2/1.3" and that forum will be listed at the top of the page. Can't link you to it, else I may anger the XDA Moderators! Sounds like they are very close, just waiting on a new recovery.
As for my current build, just a basic CM10 build with a few minor customizations (my chosen boot animation, removed/replace system apps, changes to build.prop, etc.). I cannot share it because I am using the new (unreleased) kernel, and it's a pretty 'plain' version of CM10, but you can easily build it all yourself. Once you have your build environment setup, it is easy to rebuild an updated version any time you like. Only thing is, you are on your own when it comes to troubleshooting and support! If you are interested, I can link you to the info I used to figure out how to build the kernel and CM10, and the Git locations of the required source code. You would need a decent computer running 64bit Linux (I use Arch Linux, but Ubuntu is easier to setup), about 50GB hard drive space, and some free time. I just did it for fun, plus I'm impatient and wanted to try the new kernel, and none of the JB roms at the time would run well for me.
Best ROM for G-Tab
Hi all,
I bought my G-Tab whentheyfirst came out and have tried about 13 or 14 ROM's over the last (nearly) two years. In my opinion the best is SmoOtherBean by Nobe1976. Out of the box it is pretty good, I made a few minor adjustments after the install and it is running perfectly.
Changed dpi to160 (enabled Music / Movies in the Play Market)
Used ROM Toolbox to delete Music FX and DSP Manager (fixed problem where music would suddenly blare or change volume)
Set min/max CPU to 312 / 1200 (seems to wake up faster, no lags when browsing,etc)
Give Nob1976 a thumbs up if you like his ROM - stop the trolls who have chased off so many devs.....
This post. A million times this post. Smooth bean looks promising but I've been through so many roms with mediocre to poor tab perf.
[=torilyn73;37717272]I have been a member for a long time, but I never post anything so in that sense I'm new enough that I can't post this in the forum I wanted to, so I'm asking here. This is going to sound like a hateful rant and I'm sure someone is thinking, "If she knows that, then why is she hatefully ranting?" I am not ready to give up yet, so I'm explaining how I arrived at this point.
I have had my Gtab for about a year and a half. In that time I have rooted it and changed the ROM several times. I moved up to the 1.2 bootloader. In all this time I haven't really used it much because it just doesn't work right no matter which rom I try. Each rom will be ok for a few days, and then it starts getting glitchy. I got so fed up with it, I just parked it for several months and didn't touch it. Just recently I have installed the smoother bean rom. It is sort of ok but it doesn't 'just work'. I'm not a bigtime gamer, I like angry birds and sudoku. I surf the internet, watch videos, read books/magazines that are in epub format. When I study, I highlight text and make notes. When I sit down to study, I need it to work. No hangups or lockups or slow/frozen screens. When I get it out to use at the KH to follow along with the material I studied previously, I need it to just work. It has been to the point that I had to open the thing and physically unplug the battery to get it to behave. I was so excited to get this tablet and read all the information in these forums about it, so I knew what I was getting into when I bought it. The bloom is off the rose and I just want a tablet that does what I want it to do. I don't even care if it has jellybean or ICS or even Honeycomb at this point... I just want a tablet that works without having to fiddle around with the software.
And I don't install crazy amounts of apps. I think there are 7 or 8 that I use. Mainly Moon+ reader, Dolphin browser, Pinterest and Sudoku and Angry birds. I also like to sync my google stuff, calendar, contacts, email.
I'm am thinking I might put it back to stock and let it do all the OTA updates and see how it runs. But if I do that, I have to do the fix that makes the google market and stuff work. If I can do that and in the end have a working tablet that is decent and stable, I'll do it. Can anyone give me any feedback after having done this themselves? How was your tablet after? I remember how horrible it was out of the box. Is it better? MUCH MUCH Better? or just a little better.
Is there another rom that has been proven to be stable? I'm not worried if the camera or bluetooth doesn't work, I don't use those with the tablet. I don't think they are working right now, I'm not sure I haven't tried them since I installed the smoother bean rom. It can be any version of Android, I don't care.
I have given some thought to selling my gtab and getting another tablet, but I don't want to do that just yet. I know there has to be a solution, I just haven't found it yet.
Any feed back or suggestions would be most appreciated. The developers work hard on this tablet and have kept it going when Viewsonic themselves quit on it. I think that its really cool that there is such a devoted community of people who still love this tablet.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions![/QUOTE]
Running SmoOther Bean but it starts up laggy?
Nice you gave me some more settings to try. Don't know that I want to change the DPI or have any issues with volume. Did change CPU settings. Anything else you'd recommend?
After it's run for about 10 minutes, it seems to work OK, only occasional lag. I'm setting background processes limit to none on every boot up. Anyone have a way to make that change stick between reboots?
ugsny321 said:
Hi all,
I bought my G-Tab whentheyfirst came out and have tried about 13 or 14 ROM's over the last (nearly) two years. In my opinion the best is SmoOtherBean by Nobe1976. Out of the box it is pretty good, I made a few minor adjustments after the install and it is running perfectly.
Changed dpi to160 (enabled Music / Movies in the Play Market)
Used ROM Toolbox to delete Music FX and DSP Manager (fixed problem where music would suddenly blare or change volume)
Set min/max CPU to 312 / 1200 (seems to wake up faster, no lags when browsing,etc)
Give Nob1976 a thumbs up if you like his ROM - stop the trolls who have chased off so many devs.....
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Check out nobe1976 UnOfficial -BAKED ROM
For anyone who is "still looking" for something stable, check out noble1976 modified Blackbean (on this site).
I am very satisfied with this "beta" version that this maybe will be the last one I'll be using (its that stable for me).
A big THANK YOU to Noble1976 for his hard work on getting this version to work on the gtablet and his PAC rom and all the other help he has given to us. :good:
What's your experience like with Blackbean?
Are you seeing any startup or sleep lag like I'm getting with SmoOther Bean? I switched from Go Launcher EX to the default one (Apex?) and it does seem a bit better.
Would like something a bit more responsive for daily use though. What's involved to flash Blackbean over SmoOther Bean? Repartition, etc?
Thanks for the heads up on this - might give it a shot when I hear back from you! Sounds like a good weekend project!
_dave said:
For anyone who is "still looking" for something stable, check out noble1976 modified Blackbean (on this site).
I am very satisfied with this "beta" version that this maybe will be the last one I'll be using (its that stable for me).
A big THANK YOU to Noble1976 for his hard work on getting this version to work on the gtablet and his PAC rom and all the other help he has given to us. :good:
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downloadbob said:
Are you seeing any startup or sleep lag like I'm getting with SmoOther Bean? I switched from Go Launcher EX to the default one (Apex?) and it does seem a bit better.
Would like something a bit more responsive for daily use though. What's involved to flash Blackbean over SmoOther Bean? Repartition, etc?
Thanks for the heads up on this - might give it a shot when I hear back from you! Sounds like a good weekend project!
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BAKED Bean you will must NVFlash to the new 2013DRH setup. The boot.img in that ROM is the latest fosser2 3.1.10 kernel. The mounting is completely different other then the System. So updating the Tablet with the latest that is linked in the OP should be done to the T.
downloadbob said:
Are you seeing any startup or sleep lag like I'm getting with SmoOther Bean? I switched from Go Launcher EX to the default one (Apex?) and it does seem a bit better.
Would like something a bit more responsive for daily use though. What's involved to flash Blackbean over SmoOther Bean? Repartition, etc?
Thanks for the heads up on this - might give it a shot when I hear back from you! Sounds like a good weekend project!
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The only "lag" I'm seeing is after the opening screen animation the screen goes blank for 10sec or so. So, just wait till the regular default screen appears.
And be sure to do what Nobe1976 said. It went very easy for me changing over, for I already have used NVFlash 2013DRH version with
nobe1976 "PAC" ROM. Good Luck.