Hi guys,
I have looked around searching for how to supercharge our phones running ICS .431. But since ICS needs a deodexed services.jar file and Sony gave us an odexed one, we are only able to get 50% supercharged.
Not that alone, any modifications over framework are impossible to make due to odexed files.
Since many members and me are asking in many threads, I made this thread to share files and find out ways to supercharge Xperia ICS. Also, I hope developers participate too.
Thank you all.
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Hi guys,
I have tried to use like all the themes posted in this O1 forum from sense,honeycomb ,darksky ,Gb, Galaxy and all others(many thanx to the ppl who made them) on a stock Deodexed ROm (LIght ANDROID somebody posted not kpbotbot's one) ..I dont know how to edit framework files..SO i simple copy the files to /system/framework ,and most of the times either FCs happen or market and other gapps dont work or the UI reloads again and again ....Any tips on how to fix this ????
I've read the posts in this forum and have seen that it is possible to root and unlock the bootloader on the neo v. Has anyone had any success in loading cyanogen mod on the phone? Also does anyone know if later CM releases will support the neo v? The answers to these questions will determine if i purchase the phone, thanks.
Well they are busy working on ICS 4.0 now but maybe they will add official support later..
That said, I asked mods to move this thread to General section.
There is a topic on HTCMania about CM7 on NeoV -> http://www.htcmania.com/showthread.php?t=292218 , but it's not working for me. I have latest firmware 4.0.2.a.0.42 and when I flash CM7, my phone doesn't want to boot. Users on XDA have successfully flashed roms from other phones as well -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1375582&page=2
If a method for fixing camera issues will be find, we will have (i guess) all the roms for Neo, Arc Ray, or Play flashable
Hi there!
I'm just asking, why are there so few custom ROM's available at the moment? I'm thinking that, since we have this online UOT kitchen service?
Is there a problem making ROM's with UOT kitchen when it comes to this phone?
Because I would like to make ROM with UOT kitchen, but I'm not on unlocked bootloader, therefor no root and need the framework and Ui apk.
So what's up dev people?
you can only tweak so much with the uot. to really tweak out a rom it takes time.
I would think it's more to do with waiting for ics, then you might see the themers come alive.
i might tweak the phone a bit, this is what i did for my xperia play, you can see it here.
I will most likely add my tweaked htc keyboard as well you can see it here. hell it might already work. but i still need to unlock the bootloader and choose a base rom to use with my rogers version of the xperia s.
OK all.
I've asked this question for months and still no answer and I know it can be done because virtuous Inquisition. Conquered it for sensation.
I own a senseless rom for one x with most of sense removed. I have been trying to get stock android phone.apk to work with sense but constantly fc. When phone is included it fixes many bugs like aosp setup and unlock phone to answer a call bugs etc
I know smalli hacks are needed because I believe sense phone is linked to one of the framework2.jar and the ics phone.apk is linked to the other framework (possibly framework2.jar)
Please can some one help with how I can do this, I know in vritous rom they have renamed all apks and frameworks to com.HTC, com.android and com.Google
What difference would this make as I notice they have no framework.jar but a dummy framework.jar and one renamed to com.framework.jar.
Rally hope I can find help I've looked everywhere for months.
Sent from a pile of ****
Sent from a pile of ****
Could you include a logcat of when the crash occurs?
In the ROM's section there are really many many ROM's being released each day, most start as a personal work but then gets published, etc etc, but from what I see, 98% of them are DeOdexed (for now I remember find one Odexed rom for SGS3).
I know the difference between Odex/DeOdex:
- DeOdex: makes apk files easier for modifying and theming.
- Odex (Optimized Dex) are better for memory usage and speed (Hence optimized).
so why do most devs choose to deodex?
I read on a dev blogs sometime ago, that ROM developers should Re-Odex before releasing the ROM, what this is not the case in most ROMs
All devs release ROMs, and start talking about performance and memory usage, optimized etc etc, but leave it DeOdexed, so why not Odex.
(I made my own ROM, based on ELL5, with the few mods i always use, and kept it odexed, and it is working just fine. No immediate plans on releasing it.)
I guess it is because most apks that are modded are fairly easy to get hands on when it is deodexed. For short, everything is easier when deodexed
Most of my users want to change stuff after installing the inital rom. It makes it a lot easier for me if it's deodexed too because I will not get requests to deodex it!
I have been considering odexing the ROM, though, and making it final. I'm undecided.
but in odexed rom's, use can still use some deodexed APKs....
In the stock Samsung roms, in the /system/apps folder there is a bunch on normal apk files without the odex, so in case somebody needs to theme a few system apps, it should be possible, no?
In my ROM, which is based on stock ELL5 odexed Samsung rom, I installed JKay and I have a lot of possibility of theming, which is working just fine.
I also modified a couple of user apps, which has nothing to do with odexing a rom on system level, so... still don't understand why all prefer deodexed..
It's not necessary to deodex all apps. You can deodex only critical apps, to be able to mod them. And surely the right way would be to odex before releasing.