S-Voice language issue? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
I've just been playing around on my new Galaxy S III and thought I would have a go on S-Voice.
Has anyone else from the UK realised that it will answer more questions if the language in the settings is set to US rather than UK??
For example on UK language I asked 'do you like me' and got the answer 'I'm not sure what you mean by Do you like me' But if I asked it the same question with the language set to US I get 'Absolutely' or 'What's not to like' or 'probably'. I can ask a whole load more questions when it's set to US but it pretty much only recognises the weather request when set to UK
What's the deal with this?? It seems S-Voice has more answers if the language is set to american? :/


[Q] Spell-check with different input/system language problem

I have a problem with the spelling correction build within ICS. I’ll try and explain as good as possible.
Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Android: Stock, unrooted, 4.0.1
Build: ITL41
My system setting is set to English while my keyboard/input language is set to Dutch. I prefer it this way since it’s much easier to look up problems and answers with English as a system language then Dutch (should a problem arise, the chances someone has asked it somewhere online in English are ‘a bit’ larger). However most of my texts are to Dutch friends, so the input language is Dutch. So far, so good.
If I mistype a word, the auto-correct does correct the word to a Dutch word. If I type words correctly, the auto-correct does nothing (and rightfully so). However, here’s my problem. The correct word remains correct, however ICS feels the need to underline it in red, showing it’s wrong. Touching the ‘wrong’ word gives suggestions for correct words, all of them in English.
Is there anyone who knows how to have the system language and the input language be two different languages, yet not have the spellcheck use the system-language?
I hope I’ve explained it clearly, such things are always more clear in your own head then when you type them out!
(If this has previously been discussed, my apologies, I couldn't find it)
Anyone? Having the same issue here. Thanks!
@ppdebie do you have the solution already?

Arrow [Q] samsung galaxy SII SGH-i777 at&t

Hello all,this is my first post,and i'm going to ask everyone here this
I'm from greece,and i get as a gift the smartphone mentioned above...It is
unlocked of course,but i would like to add greek language in the menu,and as an writing language as well..I spend days on internet to find a way to solve my problem,but nothing yet..anyway,any answer will be really helpful!!
Thank you in advance (my phone it is already rooted,and i read that the greek language its already in my phone,but i cant activate it..)
I have NOT used this, just try to help.
Try this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.c_lis.ccl.morelocale&hl=en
and see what happens.
It's free anyway.
For input language (and keyboard), I'm sure you can find a ton of other keyboards that support Greek

[Q] Problem with S-Voice

I have my language set to English but when I bring up S-voice it show it to me in French. I tried changing the language to french, then back to english but it still shows french. Can some one help? What do I need to do? Factory default maybe? I love the phone but this is crazy. Any help would be great!!!! Thanks.
If anyone has the same or simular issue with S-Voice
I figured it out. If you go into manage apps and scroll down to s-voice, you can clear the data. This will allow S-voice to default to your appropriate language. I bought this phone from some international whole sale company. It must have been used or at least set to French language and then defaulted back. Some how the S-Voice was stuck on French language. Hope this helps someone else out.
Thanks You
svt04cobra said:
I figured it out. If you go into manage apps and scroll down to s-voice, you can clear the data. This will allow S-voice to default to your appropriate language. I bought this phone from some international whole sale company. It must have been used or at least set to French language and then defaulted back. Some how the S-Voice was stuck on French language. Hope this helps someone else out.
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You certainly helped me buddy. Thanks. I just got S3 after no smart phones for over a year. I love this thing, but really was frustrated with French instruction for S-Voice. Mind you I am not too thrilled about S-voice itself but at least I can make work in a language I understand. Thanks a million!!!http://forum.xda-developers.com/images/smilies/good.gif

[Q] Telus: Voice Search not Talking Back for anyone else?

I got the One X+ last night from Telus (in Canada) and the voice search doesn't seem to be talking back regardless of what I change. I've also made sure the volume is up.
I've found that it seems either HTC or Telus has only provided English (Canada) as the only English selection in the devices system language. Could this be the culprit?
Is anyone else having issues with voice search talking back on a Telus HTC One X+?
Edit: Answered my own question. As I suspected, that was the cause of the issue. Gotta love when companies cripple features on phones by changing silly settings. Installed Locale Select (can't post the link, it's called Set Locale and Language in the Play Store) and changed to English (US) and it's working fine now.
xixarchangelxix said:
Edit: Answered my own question. As I suspected, that was the cause of the issue. Gotta love when companies cripple features on phones by changing silly settings. Installed Locale Select (can't post the link, it's called Set Locale and Language in the Play Store) and changed to English (US) and it's working fine now.
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Hey Archangel
I had the same issue and was wondering why was it not working, but now thanks to the idea you had now it talks back to me too.
Thank you very much :victory:

[Q] [HELP] TTS in Google Now/Voice Search

Hi Everyone.
I'm hoping someone will have a solution for me coz this problem is driving me mad now. Anytime I use Google Now/Voice search, the response is being read out in US English, as opposed to UK English, it used to be in the UK variant but something, somewhere must have changed.
I've resorted to restoring a UK ROM and wiping the device totally, including local storage so it got returned to being a device straight out of the box.
No matter have many settings to do with region that I find and make sure is set to English UK, it always speaks in US. Whats even more frustrating is, it's only this that's doing it, anything else that uses TTS speaks in the correct English, UK.
Any help would be great, even if someone knows what the language data is stored so I can delete it and see if it's then forced to use the UK variant. I've checked all around my actual Google account to see if it's getting a language setting from that, but again, everything is set to UK.
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