Help - App crashing on second launch - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey everyone, I'm working on my first Android app and ran into an issue that I haven't been able to solve after hours of searching...
When testing my app in the emulator, it launches perfectly fine the first time. However, if I exit the app using the Back button (which sends it to the Stop state I believe), if I try to reopen the app, it instantly force closes.
The error comes up on the setContentView(R.layout.main); part of the code inside the onCreate. LogCat has a number of errors like "Error inflating" and stuff.
I've only done WP7 development, so Android is all new to me, but according to all the code demos, I'm doing everything right... I can't figure out why it keeps crashing like this! After it force closes, I can launch it like normal again...
I've attached the archive file of my project so you guys could look at the code. There must be something going wrong with it trying to restore from the savedInstanceState, but all the samples I've looked at don't do anything differently! I don't understand what could be going wrong!

Ahh apparently I was asking too much of Android and was getting out of memory errors. Funny thing is it works fine on android 2.2 but if I try it on 4.0 it always crashes and NEVER opens.
Time to rewrite stuff...
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA

Be aware that, on Android, the second launch is often different from the first.
When you 'exit' after your first launch your activities are all destroyed (if you really exited) but the process remains in memory along with some resources and other objects.
This means that your second launch is not a fresh start like the first. For example, if you didn't clean up your activities properly when they closed after your first launch, that could cause a problem upon second launch.
You can see all of this in DDMS. Note that your process is still around after you exit. You can hit stop on the process to kill it (though Android will re-launch it in some circumstances).


How do I stop Android from auto-killing an app?

I am new to Android - just got a Droid 3.
How do I stop the system from auto-killing a certain app? When I play Angry Birds, if the phone goes to sleep on timeout, when I turn it back on, the App has to re-load from scratch (rather than opening to where I left off last time). I'm assuming the system decided to kill it for lack of memory, but how do I STOP it from doing that (like an ignore list)?
Will I need a third party app?
Any help is appreciated!
not really. the Android system does a pretty good job of reclaiming unused memory. ive been dealing with this for a while trying to keep a replacement lock screen in memory
Sounds like Verizon installed a task killer. I know their employees do that saying you need one. But you don't. Make sure you uninstall it. It is most likely set to kill apps off ever x minutes. Usually Android keeps foreground apps in memory for a long time unless the system needs it. But doesn't sound like it would. I wonder what the Droid 3 memory settings are for stock now. I have the Evo 3D and they are set at a higher threshold(as I'm kills unused apps sooner) compared to my older HTC phones(Evo and Hero). How long do you let the phone sit idle before coming back?
Sent from my iPhone with the bigger GeeBees.
notasimpleway said:
Sounds like Verizon installed a task killer. I know their employees do that saying you need one. But you don't. Make sure you uninstall it. It is most likely set to kill apps off ever x minutes. Usually Android keeps foreground apps in memory for a long time unless the system needs it. But doesn't sound like it would. I wonder what the Droid 3 memory settings are for stock now. I have the Evo 3D and they are set at a higher threshold(as I'm kills unused apps sooner) compared to my older HTC phones(Evo and Hero). How long do you let the phone sit idle before coming back?
Sent from my iPhone with the bigger GeeBees.
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It's not obvious which program that would be - there's nothing called Task Killer. Plus, most of the VZW bloatware can't be uninstalled anyway. Apart from rooting (locked bootloader on Droid 3), what can I do to force it to stay open?
Also, it gets killed immediately on turning off the phone. As in, I start the game, hit sleep, hit wake a second later and the game reloads from scratch. Very irritating.
Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks!
jbroses said:
It's not obvious which program that would be - there's nothing called Task Killer. Plus, most of the VZW bloatware can't be uninstalled anyway. Apart from rooting (locked bootloader on Droid 3), what can I do to force it to stay open?
Also, it gets killed immediately on turning off the phone. As in, I start the game, hit sleep, hit wake a second later and the game reloads from scratch. Very irritating.
Any thoughts are appreciated, thanks!
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I just tested this with Angry Birds from the time I posted till just now and it was right where I left the game. It may be called Advanced Task Manager. Or something like that. And you should be able to uninstall it. It would have been installed by the person selling the phone and not at the factory.
Sent from my iPhone with the bigger GeeBees.
Go to the Market, download Spare Parts. Open and scroll down to Activity/Process Management. Select normal. It may not have been the problem, but worth a shot. Are you hitting the home button before putting the phone to sleep? What do you see immediately upon turning the screen on and unlocking the phone? Angry Birds? The home screen?
Sent from my iPhone with the bigger GeeBees.
When you haven't used an app for a long time, Android automatically recycles all open activities from the app, except the root activity.
By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application’s code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it’s no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications.
If the user leaves a task for a long time, the system clears the task of all activities except the root activity. When the user returns to the task again, it’s as the user left it, except that only the initial activity is present. The idea is that, after a time, users will likely have abandoned what they were doing before and are returning to the task to begin something new
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From (sorry I can't make a link yet)
Shinigami20 said:
When you haven't used an app for a long time, Android automatically recycles all open activities from the app, except the root activity.
From (sorry I can't make a link yet)
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it actually happens instantly. in other words - open angry birds, begin level. sleep phone, wake phone. angry birds reloads from the beginning. this is all within the span of 5 secs.
i thought it might be my lock screen - widgetlock, but i disabled that and it just happened again, this time with opera mini as i was writing this. I was writing this post, went to a text, came back to opera within 30 secs and it had shut down and reopened (no tab with my partially composed message).
is the droid 3 just shutting things down more aggressively? is there a way to tweak that? maybe too much other crap is running and I should get a task killer? thoughts?
jbroses said:
it actually happens instantly. in other words - open angry birds, begin level. sleep phone, wake phone. angry birds reloads from the beginning. this is all within the span of 5 secs.
i thought it might be my lock screen - widgetlock, but i disabled that and it just happened again, this time with opera mini as i was writing this. I was writing this post, went to a text, came back to opera within 30 secs and it had shut down and reopened (no tab with my partially composed message).
is the droid 3 just shutting things down more aggressively? is there a way to tweak that? maybe too much other crap is running and I should get a task killer? thoughts?
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do not sleep your device, try entering level then return to home switch to other apps. Then open angry bird again and see what happen
On my desire Z, it kill the app every time i sleep the phone. Keep the phone alive then I have 3 apps running at same time without being killed. But it's not likely that I have RAM shortage. 3 apps is constant no matter what apps
Flipz explains that well. Autokiller is a great little app to adjust those settings. Used it for over two years now. I actually got to watch that app evolve. Great dev. Only works if you are rooted.
Shinigami20 said:
When you haven't used an app for a long time, Android automatically recycles all open activities from the app, except the root activity.
From (sorry I can't make a link yet)
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Sent from my iPhone with the bigger GeeBees.
Thanks for all the responses. I've tried to address them all:
Spare Parts - I installed this and set the Activity to Normal (it WAS set on aggressive). Unfortunately, this didn't help.
Press the Home key - Pressing the Home key and then going back to Angry Birds DOES work. It picks up right where you left off. Unfortunately, when the phone goes to sleep, it restarts Angry Birds on waking.
What do I see when I wake the phone - It goes to my WidgetLocker lock screen. Once unlocked, the very first thing that shows up is the Angry Birds "Rovio" loading screen. No home screen in between.
Any other thoughts are much appreciated! Is there any way to simply exempt Angry Birds from being closed by the system automatically? It seems like this should be possible!
Can you try something out for me? I want to give evidence to my theory.
Download another 3d game, load a level, then sleep the device. See if there's a lot of stuttering/reloading when you wake the device back up.
Any news on this? I got the same problem with CM 9.1 on my Doubleshot (aka M4GS). When I have like 10 tabs or so opened in Opera, Android kills the task. But not when I put it into sleep, but right when I'm browsing! That's really annoying since after restarting Opera I have to reopen every single tab manually from the history.
Already tried Spare Parts, but it doesn't offer some kinda whitelist for apps that shouldn't be autokilled.
It's really frustrating, Android's autokilling feature was one of the few things, that I didn't like about that OS when I switched from Windows Mobile to Android a few years ago. And I still hate that feature. Why can't I decide by myself which apps to be closed and which ones not? Give back the power to the user I say!
At least there HAS to be a solution to force Anddroid, not to kill a specified app (e.g. Opera) and kill all the other running apps instead. Any 3rd Party task killer has some kinda ignore list, so how could Android be tweaked to do the same?
Shani Ace said:
Any news on this? I got the same problem with CM 9.1 on my Doubleshot (aka M4GS). When I have like 10 tabs or so opened in Opera, Android kills the task. But not when I put it into sleep, but right when I'm browsing! That's really annoying since after restarting Opera I have to reopen every single tab manually from the history.
Already tried Spare Parts, but it doesn't offer some kinda whitelist for apps that shouldn't be autokilled.
It's really frustrating, Android's autokilling feature was one of the few things, that I didn't like about that OS when I switched from Windows Mobile to Android a few years ago. And I still hate that feature. Why can't I decide by myself which apps to be closed and which ones not? Give back the power to the user I say!
At least there HAS to be a solution to force Anddroid, not to kill a specified app (e.g. Opera) and kill all the other running apps instead. Any 3rd Party task killer has some kinda ignore list, so how could Android be tweaked to do the same?
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I agree. I was downloading a file in Opera, switched to other apps, then went back to opera and it reopened.. Needless to say the download failed. This really sucks.
Use titanium and freeze the stock task manager (if any).
Android, by default, keeps only 3 (correct me if I'm wrong) applications' sessions in memory, but that's obviously no reason for it to kill angry birds right after the display is closed.
Try installing Minfree (I think it's available on the Play Store) to understand when and why Android is killing the application. It'll give you the parameters on which the Android Auto killer operates, but you will need ROOT to be able to edit them.
And no, there isn't a way to earmark an application such that it isn't killed, at least, not that I know of.
Hope this helps.
Haters gonna hate
potatoes gonna potate.
Check out v6 supercharger and all ur questions will be answered.
sent from my DNA
jbroses said:
I am new to Android - just got a Droid 3.
How do I stop the system from auto-killing a certain app? When I play Angry Birds, if the phone goes to sleep on timeout, when I turn it back on, the App has to re-load from scratch (rather than opening to where I left off last time). I'm assuming the system decided to kill it for lack of memory, but how do I STOP it from doing that (like an ignore list)?
Will I need a third party app?
Any help is appreciated!
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Hi, excuse me for not reading other posts and replying directly but wanted to share something that works for me and does not kill certain launched apps. Open any app, then come out of the app and tap on recent apps button and you will see the apps that are currently launched. Depending on your OS and model, are you able to lock an app (by slightly dragging the app icon down and then tapping on the lock icon). I did that for one of the games and surprisingly even after several minutes, I was able to continue from exactly where I left off. Hope this helps. Let me know.

Any way to stop Android from closing programs on its own?

Hey there all, this is 2 Bunny again. As many of you know, back in October I had to make an emergency switch from Windows Mobile to Android. As you've all read in my posts, it has been a very "mixed" experience with both some impressive and downright pathetic discoveries, but one of the worst things about it (beside the complete inability to sync) is the way that Android closes your programs whenever it feels like it instead of letting you close them. Sometimes I'll be browsing the internet in Opera Mobile and I'll switch over to the email program briefly to check something, when I hold down the "home" key and pick OM from the list of recently used programs, it starts it all over again, and I know for a fact I didn't choose "exit".
Sometimes I'm glad Android "cleans up" (like if I back out of a program that has no "exit" option) because it saves me the trip to the task manager later, but is there any way I can prevent it from closing stuff I'm actually still using?
- 2 Bunny
kainppc6700 said:
Hey there all, this is 2 Bunny again. As many of you know, back in October I had to make an emergency switch from Windows Mobile to Android. As you've all read in my posts, it has been a very "mixed" experience with both some impressive and downright pathetic discoveries, but one of the worst things about it (beside the complete inability to sync) is the way that Android closes your programs whenever it feels like it instead of letting you close them. Sometimes I'll be browsing the internet in Opera Mobile and I'll switch over to the email program briefly to check something, when I hold down the "home" key and pick OM from the list of recently used programs, it starts it all over again, and I know for a fact I didn't choose "exit".
Sometimes I'm glad Android "cleans up" (like if I back out of a program that has no "exit" option) because it saves me the trip to the task manager later, but is there any way I can prevent it from closing stuff I'm actually still using?
- 2 Bunny
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Try ZDBox application.....maybe you'll find a solution to that problem!!
jimsiv said:
Try ZDBox application.....maybe you'll find a solution to that problem!!
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Interesting. So that can prevent it from closing certain programs?
- 2B
kainppc6700 said:
Interesting. So that can prevent it from closing certain programs?
- 2B
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Yup. I've been using it for a long time. As far as I know you can set certain apps to Protect so they're not closed.
ZaIINN said:
Yup. I've been using it for a long time. As far as I know you can set certain apps to Protect so they're not closed.
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Great, I'll give that a try and letcha'all know if it works.
- 2B
Update - well it seemed promising, but it didn't work unfortunately. ZDbox said it was "protected", but that didn't stop Android's hammer of making people's lives miserable.
Any ideas if I might be doing something wrong in ZDBox (I did turn off the notification thing) or if there is other software I might be able to try?
- 2 Bunny
If rooted try V6 supercharger script. Just do a search on XDA. It rewrites your phones memory management to increase multitasking capabilities by reconfiguring your ram. If not rooted, your choices are severely limited by existing software to hardware configurations preset by the android operating system and the device manufacturer. Go through all of your programs and clear out all of your allocated cache memory. Freeing up ram memory may help your multitasking needs.
Sent from CDMA V6 SC GNexus w/Liquid & Franco.kernel
As mentioned by others, the most likely culprit is high memory utilization. However, there are a few other reasons that may contribute to the application closing down. Android "ranks" applications from 1 to 5 (where 5 means it is the first to get killed) based on certain criteria. Because xda won't let me link to it (I'm a new user), I have posted them at the bottom of my message.
Chances are, you are seeing the behavior in numbers 4 and 5. The fact that Android keeps applications in a least-recently-used list means that if you have applications which you just accessed but appear to have closed when you come back to them, then, once again, it is likely you are using a lot of memory that the phone is aggressively trying to keep cleaned up.
Although, it is possible that a small number of your problems are based on poorly implemented applications since the developer website states "If an activity implements its lifecycle methods correctly, and saves its current state, killing its process will not have a visible effect on the user experience..."
1. Foreground process
A process that is required for what the user is currently doing. A process is considered to be in the foreground if any of the following conditions are true:
It hosts an Activity that the user is interacting with (the Activity's onResume() method has been called).
It hosts a Service that's bound to the activity that the user is interacting with.
It hosts a Service that's running "in the foreground"—the service has called startForeground().
It hosts a Service that's executing one of its lifecycle callbacks (onCreate(), onStart(), or onDestroy()).
It hosts a BroadcastReceiver that's executing its onReceive() method.
Generally, only a few foreground processes exist at any given time. They are killed only as a last resort—if memory is so low that they cannot all continue to run. Generally, at that point, the device has reached a memory paging state, so killing some foreground processes is required to keep the user interface responsive.
2. Visible process
A process that doesn't have any foreground components, but still can affect what the user sees on screen. A process is considered to be visible if either of the following conditions are true:
It hosts an Activity that is not in the foreground, but is still visible to the user (its onPause() method has been called). This might occur, for example, if the foreground activity started a dialog, which allows the previous activity to be seen behind it.
It hosts a Service that's bound to a visible (or foreground) activity.
A visible process is considered extremely important and will not be killed unless doing so is required to keep all foreground processes running.
3. Service process
A process that is running a service that has been started with the startService() method and does not fall into either of the two higher categories. Although service processes are not directly tied to anything the user sees, they are generally doing things that the user cares about (such as playing music in the background or downloading data on the network), so the system keeps them running unless there's not enough memory to retain them along with all foreground and visible processes.
4. Background process
A process holding an activity that's not currently visible to the user (the activity's onStop() method has been called). These processes have no direct impact on the user experience, and the system can kill them at any time to reclaim memory for a foreground, visible, or service process. Usually there are many background processes running, so they are kept in an LRU (least recently used) list to ensure that the process with the activity that was most recently seen by the user is the last to be killed. If an activity implements its lifecycle methods correctly, and saves its current state, killing its process will not have a visible effect on the user experience, because when the user navigates back to the activity, the activity restores all of its visible state. See the Activities document for information about saving and restoring state.
5. Empty process
A process that doesn't hold any active application components. The only reason to keep this kind of process alive is for caching purposes, to improve startup time the next time a component needs to run in it. The system often kills these processes in order to balance overall system resources between process caches and the underlying kernel caches.
That sounds promising. I'll give it a try and letcha'all know if it works or not.
Just FYI, the installation is a HUGE pain. I messed around with it for a solid hour and a half, maybe two hours to get it up and running, so it better work or I'm out the time I put in and I'd have anotherwise useless something running/taking up space.
- 2B
Looks like I wasted my time. Not only did that not have any effect, it seems to have permanently brought back the useless update nagscreen - a million thumbs down to "supercharger" for being the most useless waste of an hour and a half of my life.
Not to be mean here, but did anyone try the suggestions before posting them?
Guess I'm off to the recovery menu again to try and get rid of the nagscreen, that is if I'm not booted out first.
- 2B
Any updates on this?
- 2B
Any updates on this?
- 2 Bunny
Any updates on this?
- 2B
Any updates on this?
- 2B
Install V6 Supercharger and bulletproof Opera Mobile/Mini.
Are you sure you had it installed and it was running actually?
Your kernel needs to support init.d scripts.
If not, prior to installing V6 create init.d folder in /system/etc/ and grant it all the permissions. Download Script Manager app and set V6 scripts from init.d folder to run at boot.
I hope it works.
Simple Workaround:
Download MinFreeManager app and tweak your min free settings according to your RAM. More RAM = More Agressive Settings. Google android minfree and you'll find how to.
Boy124 said:
Install V6 Supercharger and bulletproof Opera Mobile/Mini.
Are you sure you had it installed and it was running actually?
Your kernel needs to support init.d scripts.
If not, prior to installing V6 create init.d folder in /system/etc/ and grant it all the permissions. Download Script Manager app and set V6 scripts from init.d folder to run at boot.
I hope it works.
Simple Workaround:
Download MinFreeManager app and tweak your min free settings according to your RAM. More RAM = More Agressive Settings. Google android minfree and you'll find how to.
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I'll tell you what, I screwed around with that "supercharger" for so long, I really don't want to look at it again (I think my ROM might actually have it included). All I know is that it did install because when I restarted the device, I got the stupid update nagscreen back.
I am going to try that "MinFree" program though and report back what I figure out. So far it seems to be working, so this could be promising, but I'll keep ya'all posted.
- 2B
kainppc6700 said:
I'll tell you what, I screwed around with that "supercharger" for so long, I really don't want to look at it again (I think my ROM might actually have it included). All I know is that it did install because when I restarted the device, I got the stupid update nagscreen back.
I am going to try that "MinFree" program though and report back what I figure out. So far it seems to be working, so this could be promising, but I'll keep ya'all posted.
- 2B
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Update. Looks like "MinFreeManager" isn't doing its job either.
Any other ideas? Anyone? I'll even try the "BulletProof" thing.
- 2B
I use the browser and check email while browsing without any problem returning to the browser. In your first post you said you use the home button. Doing that will close the browser. Use the back button to return to the browser.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA
fdaconta said:
I use the browser and check email while browsing without any problem returning to the browser. In your first post you said you use the home button. Doing that will close the browser. Use the back button to return to the browser.
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA
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Actually, the home key leaves it running. I usually check right away, and at first it continues running; it's when you're not watching that it takes it right out from under you. It might just be this build of Android.
Is anyone else running Gingerbread and having this problem?
Does anyone know of any kind of solution?
- 2 Bunny
Any updates on this?
- 2 Bunny

Help with app cannot launch from launcher but can run from market and recent

I made my first android app, it seems to run on most phones no problem
but one phone my bud has he installs the app no problem but the app will not run from the app launcher no matter what
when you click the app it just goes to the home screen.
However if you goto google play and click OPEN it runs fine
or if you hold HOME and goto recent Apps it opens right up, what could possibly make it not open from the launcher?
it only happens on HTC Thunderbolt works fine on 10 other phones so far.
I know this isnt the development forum but it said i had to post here until i had 10 posts.
Okay so i got it to do the same thing on my phone by trying a different launcher... it seems not to work with certain launchers, how can i fix this?
its a pretty basic app i mean what would cause this? it says Application not installed when you click it
Connect the phone to your PC, and open DDMS (AndroidSDK/Tools) or Eclipse. Check the logcat output and you'll catch the error (then you can search a way to fix it).
Okay i narrowed it down a bit more, when my app installs through google play it sticks on a white screen and crashes with a activity not found exception
(the activity in question is being called from the main activity onCreate method)
However after the program crashes it runs perfectly fine other times you open it.
its almost like the oncreate is trying to launch the activity before it registers with the operating system or something.

[Q] Apps not closing properly, using up all RAM, and draining battery

Hello, I'm new on the forum here. Hopefully the super smart people here can help me out.. I'm pretty clueless when it comes to troubleshooting my phone problems, but thankfully I haven't had many of them to begin with. To the problem!
Recently (as in the last week or less) I have been getting notices from Clean Master that my app MyFitnessPal is using up too much memory. What is happening is that when I use this app and I exit it (by using the back/return button), it isn't closing like it used to. I am realizing this isn't the only app that is performing strangely. Chrome and Apps Organizer are also staying open and using up RAM. I've not had these issues before, so I'm not sure if an app I have got updated and is causing problems.. or if it's user error on my end. I did a scan with Trust Go and the results were that everything was fine. That was all I honestly knew to do to try and fix the problem, other than use Google to try and find fixes for the problem.. to which I have found none. All I find are instructions of how to open the Task Manager and force stop the applications, which I already knew how to do. I really hope I don't have to resort to checking the Task Manager every time I open an app now to make sure it closed.. what a bummer.
I'm running Android 4.3 on my Samsung SIII SGH-T99L. My device is not rooted.

App won't respond

Hi, everyone!
I'm using a Huawei P30 and recently got a sprinkler controller as a present. Later I found articles and reviews that said this device is compatible with Alexa, Apple HomeKit, iOS, Android, etc. So I downloaded this Rachio app. For some reason, this app and some others stopped responding. I tried to restart my phone and reinstall these apps, but it doesn't help. Maybe someone had the same or similar problem and already found a solution?
Thanks in advance!
NoraHensl said:
Hi, everyone!
I'm using a Huawei P30 and recently got a sprinkler controller as a present. Later I found articles and reviews that said this device is compatible with Alexa, Apple HomeKit, iOS, Android, etc. So I downloaded this Rachio app. For some reason, this app and some others stopped responding. I tried to restart my phone and reinstall these apps, but it doesn't help. Maybe someone had the same or similar problem and already found a solution?
Thanks in advance!
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Nora it's possible to get this app running correctly if you had root...
([emoji88]Omni Rom[emoji88])
Main reason for an ANR ( read: Application Not Responding ) is device's low RAM and/or GHz.
An ANR will occur if you are running a process on the UI thread which takes a long time, usually around 5 seconds. During this time the GUI (Graphical User Interface) will lock up which will result in anything the user presses will not be actioned. After the 5 seconds approx has occurred, if the thread still hasn't recovered then an ANR dialogue box is shown informing the user that the application is not responding and will give the user the choice to either wait, in the hope that the app will eventually recover, or to force close the app.
The easiest way to fix an app that keeps crashing on your Android smartphone is to simply force stop it and open it again. To do this, go to Settings -> Apps and select the app that keeps crashing. Tap on the app's name and then tap on 'Force stop'. Now try opening the app again and see if it works well.

