Noob question.
I wonder how to use supercharger effectively for my neo v..
Should i always open it when i turn on my neo v or not?
Should i always open it everytime or not?
Recently i use galaxy phone and now neo v..
So i don't have enough knowledge about this phone..
Thanks in advanced..
No, run it once then use smmanager to run the script at boot.
do not set the supercharger to run at boot, just the script it installs above
If you are using ics refer to this thread:
If not, then you just run it once and set what it asks you to run on boot.
How about Stock GB?
Sent from my MT11i using XDA
kvroath said:
How about Stock GB?
Sent from my MT11i using XDA
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then install the supercharge and allow 99 to run at boot
does no one read on the neo forum....
Hello people
First i wanna apologize for my bad English, but i know you will try understand me
After some hours of bootloop on my Neo MT15i i finally makes it to work This is my way to install Xperia Ultimate HD 3.0.2:
First you will need those files Flashtool last one
Those files too from my dropbox, screenshot for flashing options, nearly stock kernel and MT11i_4.1.B.0.587_Customized_NCB_Nordic.ftf (yes i know is for MT11i, and i'm with MT15i).
1. Flash boot_ICS_plus_v5.img KERNEL
2. Flash MT11i_4.1.B.0.587_Customized_NCB_Nordic.ftf as i show it in screenshot and you will have increased /System and /Data partitions (thanks to MaxWorks with his thread
3. Boot to CWM and Wipe Data/Factory Reset
4. Mount and Storage, then Format /System
5. Advanced then Wipe Battery Stats
6. Install zip Xperia Ultimate HD
7. Choose your options on AROMA
8. It's WORKS now
Shame on me, but is my first post and i can't post it at Xperia Ultimate HD Developer section thread
Good Luck
You could've posted in Ultimate HD q and A thread!
And this is pretty much known that
NEO users have to do this for any Rom normally so it was not quite required!
My point is :why create a thread for this?
You're trying to help I get it,but still!
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
Ghostfreak NB said:
You could've posted in Ultimate HD q and A thread!
And this is pretty much known that
NEO users have to do this for any Rom normally so it was not quite required!
My point is :why create a thread for this?
You're trying to help I get it,but still!
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
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Point !!!
Sent from my MT11i using xda app-developers app
Ok people i got it. If it useless let moderator delete it or stop comment it to go bottom and fade to archives. But let me tell you something: increasing /system and /data is not important for all ROMs. UHD 2 doesn't require it and when i have tried to update it with 3.0.2 my phone was bootlooped. At Dev section every 5th post was about the same, and some people aways says "Its working for me, which kernel you are using?", not so helpful right? When i tried to find firmware that i need to fix my phone, all the links was dead. Finally i have do my post, share working link and you people critic me. I'm newbie, most of people at this forum too and really want to help them.
I respect your intention buddy...i think u should change the title...let this tutorial be universal...i.e...for all roms...and modify the instructions in a way to help install all roms.
Sent from my MT11i using xda app-developers app
The thing is no one is criticising you... Just suggesting some things so that you dont do same mistakes again...
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
Is there any diference from 2.0.3?
eviljackxp said:
Is there any diference from 2.0.3?
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No, haha, why?
I make the same ROM, and upload it.
Yes, thats a great idea, itsn't it?
jader13254 said:
No, haha, why?
I make the same ROM, and upload it.
Yes, thats a great idea, itsn't it?
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I believe he was asking about the steps to install the rom...
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
jader13254 said:
No, haha, why?
I make the same ROM, and upload it.
Yes, thats a great idea, itsn't it?
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Click to collapse you trollin now
BUt,yea I too feel he is asking regarding the steps rather than the ROM (which is quite obvious that Rom must have changes)
eviljackxp said:
Is there any diference from 2.0.3?
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2.0.3 doesn't require increased /System and /Data partitions and you can skip points 1 and 2.
does this rom work on NEO L ???
Sent from my MT25i using xda app-developers app
I'm sorry if I post in the wrong topic, but I can't seem to install xperia ultimate hd (3.0.2 ) on my NEO and I can't post in the developer section.
I have a Xperia NEO with a LOCKED bootloader.
I have tried two times, and I get the bootloop after the SONY logo, also the leds of the buttons get switched on and I have to reflash the original firmare using flashtool.
The steps I use:
-Flash MT15i_4.1.B.0.587_Global.ftf with flashtool
-Flash MT15I_4.1.A.0.562_Kernel
-Root using DooMLoRD_v1_Xperia-2011-ICS-ROOT-emu-busybox-su
-Flash MT15i_4.1.B.0.587_kernel
-Install CWM (install-cwm1.cmd)
-Boot to CWM
-Wipe Data/Factory Reset
-Mounts and Storage --> Format /System
-Advanced > Wipe Battery Stats
-Install zip from SD card
-Follow instructions from AROMA (always careful to chose NEO as phone model and Locked Booloader)
-Tick the "reboot" option from aroma
Some people say that I should not tick the reboot box and reboot from cwm (but, from what I've seen, it exists Aroma installer and reboots from CWM).
Plase tell me what I do wrong, I hate to do this again and still get the booloop I mean, if it's 100% the reboot box from aroma, I will try it.. but if I do this and another bootloop then I will get very frustrated because its time consuming to reflash, reroot etc.
Thank you!
stadust_traffic said:
I'm sorry if I post in the wrong topic, but I can't seem to install xperia ultimate hd (3.0.2 ) on my NEO and I can't post in the developer section.
I have a Xperia NEO with a LOCKED bootloader.
I have tried two times, and I get the bootloop after the SONY logo, also the leds of the buttons get switched on and I have to reflash the original firmare using flashtool.
The steps I use:
-Flash MT15i_4.1.B.0.587_Global.ftf with flashtool
-Flash MT15I_4.1.A.0.562_Kernel
-Root using DooMLoRD_v1_Xperia-2011-ICS-ROOT-emu-busybox-su
-Flash MT15i_4.1.B.0.587_kernel
-Install CWM (install-cwm1.cmd)
-Boot to CWM
-Wipe Data/Factory Reset
-Mounts and Storage --> Format /System
-Advanced > Wipe Battery Stats
-Install zip from SD card
-Follow instructions from AROMA (always careful to chose NEO as phone model and Locked Booloader)
-Tick the "reboot" option from aroma
Some people say that I should not tick the reboot box and reboot from cwm (but, from what I've seen, it exists Aroma installer and reboots from CWM).
Plase tell me what I do wrong, I hate to do this again and still get the booloop I mean, if it's 100% the reboot box from aroma, I will try it.. but if I do this and another bootloop then I will get very frustrated because its time consuming to reflash, reroot etc.
Thank you!
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Did you atleast read this guide... It talks about flashing mt11i to increase system partition...
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
Of course I did, and I also read this "2.0.3 doesn't require increased /System and /Data partitions and you can skip points 1 and 2."
This is the reason I've posted the above message.
stadust_traffic said:
Of course I did, and I also read this "2.0.3 doesn't require increased /System and /Data partitions and you can skip points 1 and 2."
This is the reason I've posted the above message.
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Are 2.0.3 and 3.0.2 same??????
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
Sorry, my bad.
I will try with that method.
stadust_traffic said:
Sorry, my bad.
I will try with that method.
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So did it work?
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
Sorry I had some problems with my internet connection.
I did no try the method because I wanted to flash boot_ICS_plus_v5.img and made some research on how to flash these types of kernels and my question is: can I flashboot this .img file if my bootloader is locked?
stadust_traffic said:
Sorry I had some problems with my internet connection.
I did no try the method because I wanted to flash boot_ICS_plus_v5.img and made some research on how to flash these types of kernels and my question is: can I flashboot this .img file if my bootloader is locked?
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Nope... But just skip it and flash mt11i...
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
Hey all
My question is how to reduce data memory ( for apps install) and increase system memory ?
I ask this because in xperia arc thread there is a script to increase data partition (1-4 gb but must create ext4 partition )
This is mybe also goos for devs to inclued more apps in system
(i asked this because iam out of memory in system and yes ive flashed already the neo V ftf file to increase it but it isnt enough for me xdd)
Hope you all can understand what i say and what i mean XD
Sorry for my English xD
Sent from my Xperia MT15i Neo using XDA Premium
If you use ICS or JB rom just try to flash the script for Arc maybe it work on Neo.I use GB and when I try to flash it my neo get bootloop :silly:
sry for english
AW: How to reduce data partition and increase system memory??
Spellbound_91 said:
If you use ICS or JB rom just try to flash the script for Arc maybe it work on Neo.I use GB and when I try to flash it my neo get bootloop :silly:
sry for english
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Iam on jelly bean and i want to increase system memory ,,
And when my sd card arrives (amazon) then i create first an ext4 partition then flash the script ,,
On my fathers lg i can increase and decrease system memory/ data memory
Sorry for my English xD
Sent from my Xperia MT15i Neo using XDA Premium
I 'm looking for a ROMsimilar to one I 've installed in HTC Desire: It 's int2sd enabled on boot, mounts the entire data partiton to the extended partition of the SD card.
Is there something similar for Sony Neo V? Couldn't find something while searching. It doesn't bother me if it's 2.3 or 4.x.
Otherwise I 'll have to install an INT2SD script manually.
Best Regards.
You can use link2sd which you can find in play store
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
Guys heres the thing i want to get cronmod or link2sd working because of low internal memory
Im running stock gingerbread .62 on my Sony LWW wt19i since the phone has no further update available, has been rooted and busybox intalled via the doomlord exploit/script sucsessfully
His bootloader displays that cannot be unlocked and im not new to this and i know to run any of the above methods i need init.d support wich can only be obained on a kernel with busybox builted in.
So ... because of the bl i cannot change kernel ...
Therefor i need some suggestions.
Thanks in advance
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Premium HD app
enable init.d on any rom
XperienceD said:
enable init.d on any rom
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Did the trick thanks!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
What can I do with my Sony Ericsson WT19i? I've rooted it and I already have an ext4 primary partition with about 750MB (besides the other fat32 primary partition that came with my phone), but I'm not having success with Link2SD:
"Mount script error
Mount script cannot be created.
mount: no such device"
(I didn't use s2e, because I've read it only works on Cyanogenmod roms)
Any idea? Thank you for your time!
[email protected] #1
Update: I have found a solution: using FAT32 instead of ext4 (and then selecting apps on Link2SD and clicking "Create Link").