Weather Channel Widget (wide) - HTC Amaze 4G

When I try to choose the wide widget on ics I get a msg saying that there is no room and to delete other widgets...the problem is that the page is blank, no other apps or widgets. The other problem is that it worked fine when on gingerbread. My wife has the same issue on her SGSII which just upgraded to ics. So it is not ROM and or device specific. Any ideas?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA

Select the regular one then resize it.

Dark Nightmare said:
Select the regular one then resize it.
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Maybe it is because it is late, but I can not figure out how to resize it. Dragging it to edit does nothing, trying to pinch and zoom does nothing. Although I get a notice at the top of the screen that says to to press and hold to edit, but dothing that does nothing. Confused.

I have the same issue as well since I updated my amaze to ICS
I emailed The Weather Channel about it.. no reply yet.

Long press as if you're gonna move it, should give you arrows on each side of the widget, drag these to resize 'em.

icepixie said:
I have the same issue as well since I updated my amaze to ICS
I emailed The Weather Channel about it.. no reply yet.
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I did a google search a few days ago and found some people on a different phone talking about the problem and it was dated in March. I can't find the thread now (not on XDA), but it sounds like it is an ICS issue and several people have notified The Weather Channel.

eichenberg said:
I did a google search a few days ago and found some people on a different phone talking about the problem and it was dated in March. I can't find the thread now (not on XDA), but it sounds like it is an ICS issue and several people have notified The Weather Channel.
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I'll dl it and check it out too.
Sent from an Amaaaaaazing place :-D

Dark Nightmare said:
I'll dl it and check it out too.
Sent from an Amaaaaaazing place :-D
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Thanks...let me know if you find something.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA

eichenberg said:
Thanks...let me know if you find something.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
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Nada, no go, no matter which one I use, it's all small and the wide one never goes to my home page, they need to fix it.

Whoever is facing the same issue, please send the app developer an email so they know it's a widespread problem. I really miss my wide weather channel widget. lol

The app just updated for me and the issue is fixed now .

inuyasha1999 said:
The app just updated for me and the issue is fixed now .
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Just about to post the same thing. HAPPY DAY. Lol it's the little things.


Built in screenshot

Ok so ive someone else post about this before just canteen remember if it was on another forums or not.
Ok so earlier today i was messaging someone and i was trying to get out the message screen but my phone was taking too long or i was just impatient but anyway i kept hitting the home button then i hit the back button and all of a sudden i heard a shutter sound. Sooooo i went into my gallery and there it was a seperate folder just for "screenshots" and mind you i do have the shoot me app and the folder for that is "shoot me". Has anyone else ever experienced this? I thought it was so cool that there is/was a built in screenshot but just wish i knew how to do it again i was so excited!!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I've experienced this 2 times, I searched everywhere in how to do it, but people keep saying they didn't on accident, we need a dev to answer this question
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
this happened to me a few days ago, as well. thought it was a hidden TW bionix-v function. I tried a number of different key presses to no avail. somebody has to know what the deal is, right?
Seen this alot here but no one can seem to remember what they did to make it happen...its weird..
Lmao happen 3 times to me to smh
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Ahhhhh. Why doesnt anyone remember!? Lol.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I posted this same question in the axura beauty thread. I thought it was a special addition to the axura rom. I found out that its not a rom special but its actually an android feature, only problem I haven't got an actual answer on how to access this feature nor do I know what to look for. I have googled this several times and all I get are results telling me about drocap or shootme and how to use the ddms in order to screenshot without root.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I know for a fact how to do this. I don't think you can force a screenshot with any soft touch keys but you'll notice the screenshot goes off when you're exiting an app/browser and the system freezes up briefly and when you try to hit home on the frozen screen it takes the screenshot. It's happened to me on a few occasions and I distinctly told myself to remember what was happening when the screenshot goes off and turns out it always goes off when my screen is frozen and I hit my home key, while thinking my back button wasn't registered and in fact, was registered and I just got impatient and hit my home button.
I've got a feeling it's a bug log kind of thing. Every post I've seen about it mentions that the phone locked up, and the user pressed buttons rapidly. Sure, we can take Screenshots! You have to have a crashing app to do it though.
This topic has been covered soooo many times not only here on XDA but google.
Recently here:
If you have a vibrant running stock froyo.ka6 you can try this screen capture app from the market:
The only one that does NOT require rooting.
rel500 said:
Ummm neither of those links answer anything related to the subject. He's not asking for an apk but how to launch the actual service. Smh at some of the replys.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Thank you. =)
sofia.p said:
Thank you. =)
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your welcome, it happend to me a cpl of times today after morphing my framework, phone would get stuck i press home and (shutter sound)
im running a stock 2.1 vibrant and this app says device not supported why ?
dnahughes said:
im running a stock 2.1 vibrant and this app says device not supported why ?
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It's a 2.2 feature.
And why are you on XDA and still running 2.1?? Time to upgrade man lol
hanbaoquan15 said:
It's a 2.2 feature.
And why are you on XDA and still running 2.1?? Time to upgrade man lol
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I lol'ed..........a little.
rel500 said:
your welcome, it happend to me a cpl of times today after morphing my framework, phone would get stuck i press home and (shutter sound)
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Hmmmm it seems like StevenJCarney might be correct. Like he said it seems like it happens when peoples phones lock up & it could be a bug.
Hope it isnt a bug & someone is able to figure it out.
Same exact thing here. It really sucks an app has to crash to use it.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
If you have a rooted phone you can just use an app called screenshot which works perfectly. And it's free.
MegaPrime33 said:
If you have a rooted phone you can just use an app called screenshot which works perfectly. And it's free.
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Yea I have the shootme app. Were talking about the phone having a built in screen capture that goes off when an app crashes.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Doesnt work for me.

Did anyone know about this? cool animation

type " about:debug" into the address bar of the stock web browser, then press enter
go to settings
almost at the bottom check " smooth rotate"
load a random webpage and rotate your phone!!!
i just found out about it yesterday
I think there is a thread about this already.
beatstork said:
type " about:debug" into the address bar of the stock web browser, then press enter
go to settings
almost at the bottom check " smooth rotate"
load a random webpage and rotate your phone!!!
i just found out about it yesterday
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It's news 2 me, just applied it to my 3D kinda cool.
Sim-X said:
It's news 2 me, just applied it to my 3D kinda cool.
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I've always wondered why android didn't have a rotating animation like ios. Until someone told ne about this. It's not as good, but at least its something.
DarkManX4lf said:
I think there is a thread about this already.
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Yes there is...
My thread lol.
But Laie1472 covered it back in July hehe
I had to open up a new window.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Interesting. Almost entirely useless, but interesting.
Alcnaeon said:
Interesting. Almost entirely useless, but interesting.
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Valid post is valid......
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D using xda premium
After doing thie even though setting iw unchecked browser is now loading forcing mobile version of sites. At least on FB
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Geez that's annoying, turned it off immediately.
not working for me in myns roms

[Q] Facebook App? I just downloaded the Facebook App for my phone, and when I attempt to upload a new status message, the app just force closes itself. I want to know if anyone else is experiencing this and if there is a fix for this?
I am not sure if this makes a difference, but I am currently running on Slim ICS.
Facebook has been...and probably will be the single most hated app ever created that everyone has.
Every single version made never works right.
I've actually sat my phone on to of my router...with all other processes off......and still took 4min to even open the app
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
Dagan_ said:
Facebook has been...and probably will be the single most hated app ever created that everyone has.
Every single version made never works right.
I've actually sat my phone on to of my router...with all other processes off......and still took 4min to even open the app
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
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Yeah, I am starting to hate it myself now, however, mines does not load that slow. My only problem is I cannot post status updates..and I don't feel like using a web browser to log on and do it.
NelsonTheMoron said:
Yeah, I am starting to hate it myself now, however, mines does not load that slow. My only problem is I cannot post status updates..and I don't feel like using a web browser to log on and do it.
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Friend of mine using samsung 7plus on stock rom also having the same problem..still cannot resolve...if u dont mind..u can use other facebook apps..such as friendcaster..
i strongly suggest this. its not perfect, but i would say its the best facebook app out there. def better than the default. one major feature that makes it stand out is PUSH notifications for EVERYTHING...not just messages, friend requests, etc.
Norameen said:
u can use other facebook apps..such as friendcaster..
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Same **** happens to me. It will work like once or twice when i flash a fresh rom. But after a few days it starts force stopping. Im tired of that
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
TopShelf10 said:
i strongly suggest this. its not perfect, but i would say its the best facebook app out there. def better than the default. one major feature that makes it stand out is PUSH notifications for EVERYTHING...not just messages, friend requests, etc.
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I'll try it out and see if it would work for me. If not, then I guess I am stuck using the web browser method.
orphan22 said:
Same **** happens to me. It will work like once or twice when i flash a fresh rom. But after a few days it starts force stopping. Im tired of that
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
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Haha, but mines does not work at all ever since all the updates. Has been really annoying having to log on to FB using a web browser (I use Chrome Beta or Dolphin. Either works for me) and having to update my status like that. Mines does not FC, but only when trying to update my status. Otherwise, I can basically do everything else, just cannot write a new status update.
It seems to work perfect in diferent roms. I been using euphoria for a few days and it works like a charm
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
Mine makes my battery its biznitch. I'm talking like losing 8% in about 2 minutes. I just don't use it. Twitter on the other hand...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
Yeah, I know what you mean about the battery thing. That's why I just stopped using it, and from one of the suggestions on top, used Friendcaster up until when I deactivated my account about 5 days ago. I agree with that person that it is not perfect, but at least it gets the job done.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA

[MOD] Remove the HTC power saver option in the new sense Jellybean update

It was really annoying me so I did some searching and I found this thread.
Basically if you use titanium back up, you can just freeze or delete "" and it'll disappear.
I just thought I'd share with you guys, credit goes to to the guy who found this in the link above, I'm just passing it on.
EDIT: Freezing or deleting it will both cause your battery menu in settings to disappear. This isn't really an issue to me as there isn't really anything in there that you can do, besides see whats' eating your battery. IMO this is negligible especially when new roms will be rolling out soon, hopefully with a work around.
Wouldn't delete it just in u may need it later. Freezing is the best option for all annoying system apps. Thanks for sharing the link tho.
Anthonicia said:
Wouldn't delete it just in u may need it later. Freezing is the best option for all annoying system apps. Thanks for sharing the link tho.
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Read the edit I just made to the OP.
In JB you can long-tap on a notification and click on App Info. I did a Force Stop there, notification went away. Hopefully there are no other side effects. If there are any, I will report them.
LOL 5 minutes later, and it's back. And you cannot uncheck "Show Notifications"
I used this to get rid of mine. Think its a good alternative.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Why not just turn it off? Then it doesn't show up in status bar
i'm sure there's a way to hide the icon in smali...someone will find it
rpenrod23 said:
Why not just turn it off? Then it doesn't show up in status bar
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I have had mine turned off since I loaded the Rom and its still there. If we could just unlock the show notification option maybe that would turn off the one minor annoyance.
Is there documentation on what the power saver function specifically does?
thefsfempire said:
I have had mine turned off since I loaded the Rom and its still there. If we could just unlock the show notification option maybe that would turn off the one minor annoyance.
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I did to and noticed that it's still in pull-down menu, my bad. I agree, it's annoying
Sent from my EVO
I like it. Others need to Suck it up. People complain about battery HTC offers a little gadet then people cry. Go back to ics.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Androidfreakz said:
I like it. Others need to Suck it up. People complain about battery HTC offers a little gadet then people cry. Go back to ics.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Next minor update. They'll let us disable it
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda-developers app
Can't you just edit default.xml in system/customize/resource/MNS/ ? Of course on a clean boot, but that'sbetter then losing functions to me.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
Rydah805 said:
Can't you just edit default.xml in system/customize/resource/MNS/ ? Of course on a clean boot, but that'sbetter then losing functions to me.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G LTE, On The Now Network From Sprint!
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add these lines to SettingsProvider in system/customize/CID/default.xml
<item name="def_hide_ui_user_powersaver">1</item>
<item name="def_hide_ui_powersaver_connectivity">1</item>
credit to will lose the function though...I haven't tried enabling in terminal with this...maybe it would work
maxpower47 said:
Is there documentation on what the power saver function specifically does?
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Same here. I'm mostly against it because I don't know why I'd ever need it. It might actually be useful but if it does x y and z and I only want x and y I'd like to know what I'm getting into.
I can't believe no one noticed it yet but if you go to the app info there is a check box for notifications, just uncheck it and it goes away
wolfclan68 said:
I can't believe no one noticed it yet but if you go to the app info there is a check box for notifications, just uncheck it and it goes away
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I see the check box but mine is grayed out and I can't toggle it. Any idea on how to un gray it?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
tgrgrd00 said:
I see the check box but mine is grayed out and I can't toggle it. Any idea on how to un gray it?
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
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Let me know if u figure it out as well. Can't figure it out and I'm usually good at that.
Anthonicia said:
Let me know if u figure it out as well. Can't figure it out and I'm usually good at that.
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Mine won't toggle neither. I have tried with power save mode enabled and disabled as well as from safe mode.
That's the first place I went and mine is grayed out also.

Liquid smooth v3.1 ***solved***

Dunno if this has been mentioned or not I rarely have time to read through all the posts sorry. I've been using this ROM about a week and its great, I love it. I've flashed pollutions patch, issue I'm having is when I'm on home screen or lock screen the wallpaper disappears and I get these crazy lines that flash across the screen. It's impossible to take an ss cause every time I try it goes away and the wallpaper reappears. I thought my screen was going funky at first so I reflashed padawan and it didn't happen. Do I need to reflash pollutions? Is this considered the "screen flicker"? Has anyone else had this issue? I've only had my note for about 2 months and between two jobs I don't get much forum surfing in (my lady hates me being on the phone) any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
EDIT:: I've noticed it happens almost everytime I touch the screen while its locked. I had my coworker take pictures with his phone I'll upload as soon as he send them to me lol
First pic is my wallpaper 2nd & 3rd are the crazy lines, 4th is build info. Thanks again guys!
***solution*** conflicting lines in the build.prop removed conflict and all is well. Thanks to "rsfinsrq"
Solved, admin please remove. Or close whatever's easier
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
Muhff said:
Solved, admin please remove. Or close whatever's easier
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app
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How did you solve this?
MoronDroid said:
How did you solve this?
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in the build.prop there's multiples of the same item with different values. Just go through and double check everything in your build.prop, I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Bad luck i guess lol. Feel free to PM me with any other questions. Sorry it took so long to answer
Muhff said:
in the build.prop there's multiples of the same item with different values. Just go through and double check everything in your build.prop, I'm not entirely sure what causes it. Bad luck i guess lol. Feel free to PM me with any other questions. Sorry it took so long to answer
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I have encountered the exact issue, and it is driving me nuts...Sometimes it would hang as well.
What did you do to the build.prop to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
bb320 said:
I have encountered the exact issue, and it is driving me nuts...Sometimes it would hang as well.
What did you do to the build.prop to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
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I read through it top to bottom and removed any conflicting entries. There was only 2-5 not a big deal but enough to tweak out the system. For example, two entries of the same thing but one says "mm.enable.smoothstreaming=true" and the following says "mm.enable.smoothstreaming=false" just remove one or the other. Not saying that's one of them I just grabbed a random entry from my build.prop

