I'm trying to help a friend with a Note and I can't figure out how to do this at all. Basically, he has a ton of contacts that are synced with our exchange server at work but he wants them to be synced through Google instead. How do I get them from his exchange account to his Google account? I've looked through everything on his phone and can't find a place to do this. Is this even possible or am I crazy?
goto https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync and have him install the program on his pc.
Thanks for the info. I gave him the link, not sure if it worked or not. I really thought there would be something on the phone to do this. On my One X there is a way to import my contacts from one account to my Google account but couldn't find anything like that on his Note.
He can import contacts to his Gmail account through settings and they will show up on his phone.
Just recieved my hero. Have had Windows live mail as my primare non work mail. Now that i got the Hero, do i have to switch over to the Gmail i.e in order to get the rooted access to marketplace etc etc? I know i can just forward my mails to a gmail account, but find it as a headacke to not just have things at one place.
So my question, do i need a Gmail account? Pro cons?
Thank you !
If you want to use the Market, yes, you need to have a google account.
Pros - everything is automatically backed up and linked to your account (downloaded programs, contacts, calendar etc) so if you install something that buggers the phone up and you have to hard reset, (or lose it etc.) as soon as you sign in everything is back (apart from apps but they are all listed so you can download them again immediately)
cons - none, unless you are paranoid about having your data in the cloud.
But cant i do that with my Win Live contacts as well? Just like with gmail?
Im just curious, not pro live or anything. Just annoying to keep moving everything as previous phone was WM based
When you say you know U can fwd to gmail, not sure if you mean that literally or are aware that gmail can receive/send hotmail/livemail automatically.
I set my gmail up to receive all my hotmail, so it's all in one place. I never need log in to windows live at all now.
When I log into my gmail account from my desktop, is there a list of android apps I have paid for? or downloaded?
Just import everything into Gmail.
when logged in to gmeil on your pc, go to settings and select import
follow the instructions and it will import your mail, contacts and everything.
then in settings, you add a signature telling eveyone that you are changing to your Gmail account and that they should email [email protected] from now on.
then a month or two down the line, just don't bother logging in to hotmail any more.
If you do want to keep hotmail going, then you can get google to log in for you and get all your emails....
Thank you for you replies. Just did as u adviced, lets go gmail now
OK, I transferred all my contacts etc to gmail, startet to use that instead. NOW, what really bumps me is that every contact i add on the phone, dont come on the gmail account. Neither does the group editing i do on gmail, show on the phone.
Any ideas ?
When you are creating the contacts on the phone, you are selecting to create them on google aren't you?
it's the very firts option after you enter their name....Contact type.
set this to google.
if you've already created some as Phone, just delete them and create them again as google type.
don;t use groups myself, so can;t help you on that...though i'm sure someone will be along shortly who can.
Yeah, all are google contacts. Got it to work today (i think), just pulled everyone into a group. Looks so. But on the other hand, is there a easy way of seeing how many contacts i have on the hero ? so i actually can be sure.
on the groups tab, press menu and then select sync groups.
each contact group (google, phone, exchange etc) will have the number of contacts next to it, so if you're only using google contacts, you'll see how many are there next to the google item.
Ok, Thank you rhedgehog, you have been very helpful
Apologies if this is a common newbie problem but i'm having no luck finding the answer.
1st day with the Atrix, got the guy at the ATT store to move all my contacts to it from my old blackberry. Everything was fine until i added my emails. I added my work email and gmail (which i never use and has some old contacts). Not sure exactly when it happened, but one of those syncs erased all the other contacts that were already on the phone.
Anyway to get them back?
Well, still not sure how it happened or how to fix something like this in the future.
I got my contacts back by re-adding them. Exported into a .CSV file with Desktop Manager (from Blackberry), unfortunately that did not work, MotoBlur site said the file was not valid. So i tried again, this time exported into yahoo, from yahoo export into csv. From there i again tried to use MotoBlur site to import that into my phone, this time it recognized the file and said it will sync in a few minutes. Did not work. So finally i imported this csv file into my gmail account, luckily i dont use gmail so it only had a few contacts in there which i deleted prior to importing the file. Then i synced the gmail account with the Atrix.
Gotta say, this was a bit of a pain in the ass way of adding contacts. Very surprised there isn't an easier method and i dont like how gmail is being forced on me in this situation. Maybe i just didn't research enough, but importing a csv file into a phone should not require syncing or emails, it should be easily done with connecting the phone to your PC.
So i purchased some apps on android market on my old Evo 4G. Now that i have the 3D im not sure how to get those apps on my phone. The Sprint Employee set up my phone and asked for my gmail account. I gave him the one i have all my contacts in but my market account is on another email.
How do i set up the market on a different account?
You'll have to merge your contacts into the account you want the apps from. The sync account on the phone is "google" i.e. the whole thing (contacts,calendar,market,gmail,etc.). You could use an app to backup your contacts to SD and then sign off/delete the current google acct. in settings/acconts + sync, then sign on the correct one, and import your contacts. Hope this helps.
You can add another gmail account and access that way. More than one gmail accounts are allowed.
Jye75 said:
You can add another gmail account and access that way. More than one gmail accounts are allowed.
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how do you add another account?
Where are the Google contacts stored?
The only place I can see them is when I am creating a message and tap add contact. There seems to be all the contacts from my Gmail account many of which do not have phone numbers and some of which I wouldn't want certain family members to see.
I have tried every setting in contacts and accounts I can find but no luck. I have cleaned up my Gmail account contacts and did a sync hoping that would over write them but no luck.
Any help is appreciated.
aussiemax said:
Where are the Google contacts stored?
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Google Contacts are stored on your phone and Google server if I am not wrong.
By default Gmail adds anyone you email to your contacts. This used to be so annoying to most people.
Sign into Gmail on computer, go to settings, general, "create contacts for auto-complete" and check off "I'll add contacts myself".
Now go to your Contacts and start deleting the ones you don't want.
As for where they are stored, they are stored on Google's servers and not necessarily on your phone. Any changes you make either on your phone or via the web are pushed and synced I'm real time.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
Yep cleaned up the contacts on the gmail account. turned of the auto add. Did a sync still have them on the phone.
I know they are stored on the phone and gmail account but where on the phone??
Can you see all the contacts when you hit the contacts tab in the phone menu?
If not then from within contacts Menu, More, Display Options and select the google contacts, under that there is a few options of what to display.
Why not try this last resort, remove your Google account on the phone and add it again.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
You are the man.
Yep need google contacts on in order to see them in Contacts. Then delete them and turn off google contacts again.
Now I can rest easy.
Thank you very much
No problem, glad to help, found out the hard way too!
Feel free to hit the Thanks button.
How to get contacts autofill in gmail
I use viewsonic tablet with android 2.2 running. I have a gmail application installed . Whenever I try to send a new email or take a picture and want to send through gmail instantaneously, I get up to emal "To " field. In there it expects me to type the whole email address again. This is even true if I want to send it to my own gmail id. I mean to say that autofill of email addresses doesn't work. All my contacts is synched with gmail account and that show all the contacts which is available through my email account.
Is there a way to get around and get this autofill option enabled?
I am getting a New Samsung Galxy S-2 and would like to know how to transfer or restore my contacts, here's the Glitch.
I have a Atrix, and the Gmail Account is Different than the Gmail Account Im planning to use on the SGS-2.
How do I get the 465 contacts from one Google account to another?
Thank you In advance
go to contacts on the atrix
menu, and find the import/export
export to sd card
take the .vcf that it creates, and import it in your new phone. dont know of any way to take it from one gmail account to another.
i have to ask WHY you want to do it this way though?
why are you using a different gmail account?
My Primary email is a roadrunner account, I did something stupid I included "Atrix" in my gmail name.
I didnt get the Samsung yet, so I was try to figure out how to synch or get the contacts over to the new email
PirateGhost! you did it!
Hey thank you, you did it, you made me think..... I exported the entire 465 contacts to a Google File like you said, but I did it on My PC! and to my Desktop. I then Logged into the new Gmail Account Im going to use for the Galaxy S-2, and Imported them. Blink their all their.
Now when I log into the gmail account (New One) on the SGS-2, the Contacts will automatically show up on the phone????
ItsaRaid said:
Hey thank you, you did it, you made me think..... I exported the entire 465 contacts to a Google File like you said, but I did it on My PC! and to my Desktop. I then Logged into the new Gmail Account Im going to use for the Galaxy S-2, and Imported them. Blink their all their.
Now when I log into the gmail account (New One) on the SGS-2, the Contacts will automatically show up on the phone????
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yep. sure will