{request}-crt on/off animation - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

I used to love this feature in gingerbread. Can anyone please please try to make a mod for this on the EVO LTE. Thanks in advance if anyone can.
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda premium

I don't remember this feature in gingerbread. I thought it was only in custom roms... Either way, I'd also love to see this.

From what I've gathered, it's in the works. But, the devs are having problems with the coding? I remember one discussion of the code being present in Gingerbread but not in ICS.

kornface13 said:
I don't remember this feature in gingerbread. I thought it was only in custom roms... Either way, I'd also love to see this.
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It was a built in feature of gingerbread, was even one of the things they demonstrated during the gingerbread presentation. The reason you may think it was special for custom roms is that most carrier stock roms disabled it for whatever reason.

WisdomWolf said:
It was a built in feature of gingerbread, was even one of the things they demonstrated during the gingerbread presentation. The reason you may think it was special for custom roms is that most carrier stock roms disabled it for whatever reason.
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it is built into the galaxy nexus

Which is pretty much what I said. Nexus devices use pure google builds, free from carrier molestation.

So does anyone know how to add this?

CBRRider said:
So does anyone know how to add this?
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HTC blocked it from sense. I did some research cuz I was thinking about adding it. I'll try to do more research tho.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

flex360 said:
HTC blocked it from sense. I did some research cuz I was thinking about adding it. I'll try to do more research tho.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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That's lame
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

HTC is trying to do to much thinking fot us like APPLE and im not liking that at all!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

geek wana-b said:
HTC is trying to do to much thinking fot us like APPLE and im not liking that at all!
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Or it could be that they found it doesn't work well with sense 3.6 and up so they removed the ability to set it up. Not every company is out to get you and take away all your freedoms.
Sent from my EVO 4G LTE

smw6180 said:
Or it could be that they found it doesn't work well with sense 3.6 and up so they removed the ability to set it up. Not every company is out to get you and take away all your freedoms.
Sent from my EVO 4G LTE
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Whatever the reason, I want the option back.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

Idk, I did read they removed the 3D Rosie to make it "lag less" instead of actually trying to code something a lil more functional. Lotta work goes into createing it from ground up n all, but that's apple idealistic laziness for idiots right there....
~Poisoned Viper4g LTEvOne by TeamVenom, Lionheart Cranked to 1.72Jigawats Deadline: Ca1ned.

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the one x had it...
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Screen off and lock in the market will do crt anim

SteelH said:
Screen off and lock in the market will do crt anim
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Doesn't do it with the power button though.
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* Kernel Source Released*

Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Yay, It's about time.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
ever get the feeling that deep down HTC wants us to root these phones? this is great news on the kernel source being released kinda funny that its released right before they give us S-off...
Seems like we are off to the start of a good day!
i think this is more important than s-off in relation to things
4 Door Skyline said:
KERNEL with an E, **** it's so annoying when someone misspells it!!!
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I fixed it happy.. Smh
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Jaywan said:
I fixed it happy.. Smh
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Classic 10 char
T3hPWN said:
ever get the feeling that deep down HTC wants us to root these phones? this is great news on the kernel source being released kinda funny that its released right before they give us S-off...
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I get the feeling that it was a race to see who could get s-off first. im sure they had no intention of giving us s-off from the start. but thats just my thought.
dr_acula_sxe said:
I get the feeling that it was a race to see who could get s-off first. im sure they had no intention of giving us s-off from the start. but thats just my thought.
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I won't be buying anymore HTC devices after this E3D unless it comes with an unlocked bootloader.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Dropbox Mirror if HTC's site is slow.
If we do get s-off today and with this new kernel source we can have some pretty smooth AOSP Roms here soon given that HTC Sense is a OS in itself any AOSP Rom should run like a Geo metro with an LS6 in it
Sorry for the noob question and I welcome any flaming for me not knowing this, but, what exactly does the kernel source give us?
T3hPWN said:
If we do get s-off today and with this new kernel source we can have some pretty smooth AOSP Roms here soon given that HTC Sense is a OS in itself any AOSP Rom should run like a Geo metro with an LS6 in it
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love the comparison lol
netstat_EVO said:
love the comparison lol
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"any AOSP Rom should run like a Geo metro with an LS6 in it "
Horrible comparison. Guess you never drove a Geo Metro.
That's saying it'll drive like crap, be cramped, rough and uncomfortable but haul ass (while parts fall off)
Compusmurf said:
"any AOSP Rom should run like a Geo metro with an LS6 in it "
Horrible comparison. Guess you never drove a Geo Metro.
That's saying it'll drive like crap, be cramped, rough and uncomfortable but haul ass (while parts fall off)
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Good news! Glad to hear it didn't take them 60-120 days!
Sent from my temp rooted Shooter!
tgruendler said:
Dropbox Mirror if HTC's site is slow.
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If am correct now that the kernel is released doesn't this reset on reboot once we try this? & if so is there some type of guide to show us on how to use this kernel on temp-root?
deadly3kys said:
If am correct now that the kernel is released doesn't this reset on reboot once we try this? & if so is there some type of guide to show us on how to use this kernel on temp-root?
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??????? What the hell are you talking about?
tgruendler said:
??????? What the hell are you talking about?
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Sent From My HTC Evo 3D Using Tapatalk On The Now Network From Sprint!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't make this **** up!!!! LMAO!!

[Req] HTC Hub

I'm looking for the HTC App that allows you to download themes...
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Verizon restricts it from there HTC devices. I know I don't get it either. Needs some skins real bad. But I actually do like the stock one. Not too bad.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
reverepats said:
Verizon restricts it from there HTC devices. I know I don't get it either. Needs some skins real bad. But I actually do like the stock one. Not too bad.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
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Warm has HTC Hub
Pretty lame, was one of the things I was looking forward to with my first HTC phone, having it all built in.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
JoelZ9614 said:
Warm has HTC Hub
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Come on! Sheezz....LOL, I just need a few skins.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
I downloaded a Sensation full app dump and found a htchubsyncprovider.odex and .apk. I am guessing they will do no good unless we have s-off and root. I can post them if someone wants.
I tried popping some of the APKs in and installing them, but no dice.. noob fail... Will just have to wait for root and a stock rom, I'd like to get sense.com back on it!
If the skins work reguardless of resolution, I can load up a sense 3.5 rom on my desire right before I get the rezound and download all the skins and such and then just dump them off my phone. That is assuming I get get the GSM Desire Sense 3.5 rom booting with a cdma patch.
No promises
Not that would really use this much. But, it really annoys the hell out of me. Not as much as the lack of landscape homescreens though.
con247 said:
If the skins work reguardless of resolution, I can load up a sense 3.5 rom on my desire right before I get the rezound and download all the skins and such and then just dump them off my phone. That is assuming I get get the GSM Desire Sense 3.5 rom booting with a cdma patch.
No promises
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I've tested a few 3.5 skins and they haven't worked
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
I was able to get htc hub installed and htc sense ( that's what the app is called) by hacking the manifest but it fc then when you reopen it doesn't fc but it can't load page. I'm still messing with it
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
fernando sor said:
I was able to get htc hub installed and htc sense ( that's what the app is called) by hacking the manifest but it fc then when you reopen it doesn't fc but it can't load page. I'm still messing with it
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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Whoa!!...nice man, is love to get that installed and working.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
fernando sor said:
I was able to get htc hub installed and htc sense ( that's what the app is called) by hacking the manifest but it fc then when you reopen it doesn't fc but it can't load page. I'm still messing with it
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
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Curious. Is the hub something that will come in time with or without Verizon block? Via update or something? Or is it only possible with s-off? Do other carriers do this? I'm so frustrated at this point with Verizon. I like this phone but I feel a bit ripped off. I also wonder if I don't know what the hell I'm talking about and just need to relax.
Edit: nevamind, I got my answers.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
has anyone gotten anywhere with this? now that i'm rooted, i'm really interested in the Hub.
jayochs said:
has anyone gotten anywhere with this? now that i'm rooted, i'm really interested in the Hub.
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I believe that the RZD is the only 720p HTC phone atm and because VZW told HTC to keep the Hub to themselves, HTC hasn't had any reason to make extra skins for the RZD. Here's hoping that we can use the skins from unreleased 720p HTC phones that don't get ****-blocked by VZW.
jayochs said:
has anyone gotten anywhere with this? now that i'm rooted, i'm really interested in the Hub.
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DSB has it working on his bamf cubed rom, but no skins show up . Ringtones, wallpapers, and everything else works just no skins.
mjh68 said:
DSB has it working on his bamf cubed rom, but no skins show up . Ringtones, wallpapers, and everything else works just no skins.
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of course skins are the main function of the damn thing.............
Bump for update.
Has anyone gotten this in an installable 90-100% working apk?
I am talking to htc about this now, but doubt I will get anywhere since it is a bs VZW fail.
fallen00sniper said:
Bump for update.
Has anyone gotten this in an installable 90-100% working apk?
I am talking to htc about this now, but doubt I will get anywhere since it is a bs VZW fail.
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Yes, I have a thread of a handful of them on here, and bunch on the market. The reason most skins from other sense 3.6 builds don't work on the rezound is the Android version in the manifest. Once changed they will work as long as resolution is correct
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Jmrwbilly said:
Yes, I have a thread of a handful of them on here, and bunch on the market. The reason most skins from other sense 3.6 builds don't work on the rezound is the Android version in the manifest. Once changed they will work as long as resolution is correct
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Yea I have seen one I like, but it didn't show up, guess I will have to hack it and make the version correct.
Also, HTC stopped talking to me when I told them, I am running a custom Rom, not the bloated, spyware infested Rom from verizon and they are not subject to the terms verizon forced upon them.

(Q) lick screen mod for sense 4.x

So I was looking thur the evo lte app and theme thread and found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1898274 and was wondering if anyone could make this work on the 3d
Imma try later but not sure if I could do it by myself
Sent from my shooter using xda premium
bmxerkid954 said:
So I was looking thur the evo lte app and theme thread and found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1898274 and was wondering if anyone could make this work on the 3d
Imma try later but not sure if I could do it by myself
Sent from my shooter using xda premium
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Your title made me have a good laugh.
"Lick screen mod"
I honestly thought that you wanted to lick the screen..
bmxerkid954 said:
So I was looking thur the evo lte app and theme thread and found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1898274 and was wondering if anyone could make this work on the 3d
Imma try later but not sure if I could do it by myself
Sent from my shooter using xda premium
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What happens when you use that idlescreen.apk and replace the one on a working sense 4+ rom like Viper3D? Is it the wrong size because the 4GLTE has a different resolution screen?
raptoro07 said:
What happens when you use that idlescreen.apk and replace the one on a working sense 4+ rom like Viper3D? Is it the wrong size because the 4GLTE has a different resolution screen?
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I haven't tried yet from what I was told the res would be to big and different values
Are you good at this kind of stuff?
Sent from my shooter using xda premium
DjDom said:
Your title made me have a good laugh.
"Lick screen mod"
I honestly thought that you wanted to lick the screen..
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Who knows maybe it would work lol
Sent from my shooter using xda premium
If you know anything about m10 files, start there, positioning and all that is m10 related
Sent from my PG86100 using xda app-developers app

looking for AOSP 4.1.2 ROM in forum

hey guys i cannot find any AOSP 4.1.2 roms as im looking for one for porting purposes
please help?
How about this one?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
FinZ28 said:
How about this one?
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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thank you, but the download link didnt work for that one. ill just use paranoid android haha. would you like to be a tester for my rom? ill give you details in a PM i dont want to share it here.
lreyes said:
thank you, but the download link didnt work for that one. ill just use paranoid android haha. would you like to be a tester for my rom? ill give you details in a PM i dont want to share it here.
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Sure man, I'm game
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
FinZ28 said:
Sure man, I'm game
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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well it will be awhile im stuck with editing boot.imgs as i dont have a linux OS installed.
lreyes said:
well it will be awhile im stuck with editing boot.imgs as i dont have a linux OS installed.
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Just let me know.
Sounds interesting.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
FinZ28 said:
Just let me know.
Sounds interesting.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Also very possible as the S3 and ltevo have the same processor.
The Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more. Don't defeat the purpose of why it was introduced.
CNexus said:
Also very possible as the S3 and ltevo have the same processor.
The Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more. Don't defeat the purpose of why it was introduced.
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But the EVO LTE is 4.7inches and the GS3 is 4.8 but that makes no difference just a few CM haha. I'm wondering if you can use the newer HTC touch panel drivers with the GS3 port
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
lreyes said:
But the EVO LTE is 4.7inches and the GS3 is 4.8 but that makes no difference just a few CM haha. I'm wondering if you can use the newer HTC touch panel drivers with the GS3 port
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Doesn't matter, all that might matter is the processor, not the size of the phone.
And yes. You will be able to use those because the touch drivers are not part of the ROM itself, it's stored on a separate partition.
The Thanks button is just to avoid "THANKS" posts in threads. Nothing more. Don't defeat the purpose of why it was introduced.

[Q] aosp roms and bad call quality

I've Looked Around And I Can't Figure Out Why Every Aosp Rom I Flash Gives Me Terrible Call Quality... I'm Completely Up To Date On All My Radios Firmware Etc etc.. I Am Resorting To Asking (Which I Hate To Do) But I Really Would Rather Run AospThan Sense. Btw I'm Dev Unlocked With Moonshine s-off. Currently Running MeanBean.
And I Don't Understand But Swype In Forums Seems To Caps Every Word...
You have to Edit this line in build.prop:
Change it from digital to analog. Save and reboot. Try it and let us know...
Sent from my EVO
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
First off thank you very much. I did that and it seemed to help but people still say I'm loud but not muffled anymore. Any other tweaks I can make to get it a little better??
I'm in a really good LTE area BTW just down the street from the kc sprint campus. So I'm pretty sure it's not signal based.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Not that I know of... Update profile and prl... Nobody complaints when I make or receive calls, I m in Houston and its pretty much covered with LTE, maybe try to call sprint and have your phone reprovisioned...
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Yea at this point I'm kinda just getting picky... But thank you for the help.
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Main reason I went back to sense 5 love Netflix but call quality is a must have
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zacnking said:
Main reason I went back to sense 5 love Netflix but call quality is a must have
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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We have Sense 5 now? Is there a Sense 5 ROM out that can be used as a daily driver?
louched1 said:
We have Sense 5 now? Is there a Sense 5 ROM out that can be used as a daily driver?
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It's a port from the HTC One. Bluetooth doesn't work, and some of the camera features are a little wonky. It works great otherwise, very stable
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
jocarog said:
You have to Edit this line in build.prop:
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Thanks so much for this solution. I had this problem, and this quick edit fixed it right away.
Then, I was able to pass that knowledge on over on the CM forums
How/where did you even figure this out?
ScottHW said:
Thanks so much for this solution. I had this problem, and this quick edit fixed it right away.
Then, I was able to pass that knowledge on over on the CM forums
How/where did you even figure this out?
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Get on IRC and you can learn a lot from the guy who is maintaining CM for the Jewel:
channel: #htc-evo-4g-lte
OP: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=37004248&postcount=1
link to make a donation at the bottom, don't forget to give him a THANKS at least...
oh awesome, this fixed my voice quailty !

