[Q] Reset on Wake - HTC EVO 3D

I have been having a having an issue with my Evo3D since I got this replacement phone and I am trying to figure out if it is the phone or the software/firmware.
Simply put,
when the phone's screen is off (asleep and locked), sometimes when I press the power key to wake it up and then swipe to unlock, about a second later, the screen goes black, then I get the HTC splash screen, ie it does a full reboot;
at other times, the phone will be in my hip case or in my pocket, I won't touch it or do anything to it and the thing will reset itself, I am fairly sure this occurs when it is scanning for a tower or when it is changing to/from roaming as this occurred mainly while I was in the middle of nowhere this past weekend; and
this can happen immediately after a phone call, or right after I turn off/on one of the wireless subsystems, but this is less common.
I am unlocked, I downgraded using the bricking method, I have used both Freeza's and TreVe's firmware packages, I have used the 2.17 stock RUU twice.
I have run Mik's 3.6 rom, D3rp's 3.6 rom, dropzeroc's ROM, MeanRom's ICS and gingerbread ROMs, and some others and I still get this problem. I have also tried multiple different batteries. I always superwipe between ROMs.
Because I have used so many different ROM's, I am fairly sure the issue is either firmware or hardware.
Anyone have any thoughts before I send this back to Sprint for 2nd replacement because I REALLY don't want to have to brickroot ANOTHER phone. Took me 8 f***ing hours to get this one done.

My first suggestion would be flash a new radio.
If the radio and firmware doesn't get along that well, it can cause problems like the ones you're having.

Moonbloom said:
My first suggestion would be flash a new radio.
If the radio and firmware doesn't get along that well, it can cause problems like the ones you're having.
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Which radio would you use if you want to run ICS Sense 3.6? I guess I am confused though, wouldn't the 2.17 radio jive with the 2.17 firmware (radio 1.06 should be fine with 2.17 firmware right?)

I had the same issue. My phone would randomly reboot on screen on or sometimes i would check it and would see it restarting.
I went back to full stock and still had the same issue.
Took it to sprint and they get me another replacement.
I suggest you take it back.

I am trying the radio suggestion but thank you for the suggestion and I will probably take that advice if it continues having issues.

Well, I am not sure what to say.
Like any BAD troubleshooter, I changed two factors at once.
I switched to PKMN and downgraded the radio to .97
Well, it hasn't reset itself since.
Who the hell knows why either thing would fix my issue.
Downgrading the radio to .97 (from the 2.08 ruu) when everything else is 2.17 ruu makes no sense.
Going to Sense 4.0 ROM makes even less sense as a fix.
Anyone have a clue?


GPS rom (vz) problems

I installed the dcd 2.1.0 verizon rom with the v3.27.0 radio (following these instructions:
and everything went fine but now my device is freezing up and generally not acting healthy. Can anyone vouch for this set up and/or recommend the best current rom for verizon? Im not too concerned with having GPS available (but would be nice), I would really like to have a nice no junk rom above all else. Thanks for any advice.
I haven't had good luck with any of the gps/reva roms on verizon... Seems every rom combination has it's share of quirks/bugs it's just a matter of finding the one that has some u can live with
I'm yet to find one that is FLAWLESS... if you find one let me know!
I have flashed several VZW xv6800s. If you have the 3.35 radio just flash DCDs latest (3.0.4). It runs very smooth. I have no issues except sometimes the GPS fix takes longer. It does everything else. Make sure you Hard reset after flashing.
Edit: sorry guys, was not thinking as i typed. I meant 3.35 radio (the one from the sprint update). Flash the 3.35 or 3.37 radio!
I would suggest using the latest ROM as well. Seems to have made a difference with battery life to me.
mdjkim said:
I would suggest using the latest ROM as well. Seems to have made a difference with battery life to me.
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interesting how u guys on vzq have no problems with the reva radios... I was running 3.0.4 for quite a while until I finally canned it because I couldn't deal with apps crashing when switch to other procs... I went back to 1.7 to see if there was a problem there too but everything runs good it seems... am having bluetooth problems locking up device sometimes though so now I'm back to vzw stock radio to see if that fixes things? Actually I have no idea if bluetooth would be affected by radio or not but I'm desperately trying to find a stable setup.
I have flashed several VZW xv6800s. If you have the 3.27 radio just flash DCDs latest (3.0.4). It runs very smooth. I have no issues except sometimes the GPS fix takes longer. It does everything else. Make sure you Hard reset after flashing.
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This is VERY bad advice and will only screw your phone up even more. It says in numerous places on these boards that 3.27 radio is NOT compatible with 3.x.x roms. The only roms that will work with the 3.27 radio are the 2.x.x roms.
My question to you though is why on god's green earth are you still wanting to run a 2.x.x rom with the old crappy buggy beta radio 3.27? Just update with the alltel updater to get radio 3.37.20, don't let customizations run, then flash dcd 3.0.4...much much better and will probably fix your gps problems.
corey113888 said:
I have flashed several VZW xv6800s. If you have the 3.27 radio just flash DCDs latest (3.0.4). It runs very smooth. I have no issues except sometimes the GPS fix takes longer. It does everything else. Make sure you Hard reset after flashing.
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radio 3.27 is NOT compatible with dcd 3.0.4 rom!!!
1) radio 1.30 or radio 1.40 = use dcd 1.7 (non gps rom)
2) radio 3.27 radio = use ONLY dcd 2.x.x series roms (with gps , revA - experimental)
3) radio 3.37 radio = use dcd 3.0.1 or 3.0.4. (gps and revA official)
my recommendation would be option 1 or 3. Depending on whether you want gps or not.
Zenoran said:
interesting how u guys on vzq have no problems with the reva radios... I was running 3.0.4 for quite a while until I finally canned it because I couldn't deal with apps crashing when switch to other procs... I went back to 1.7 to see if there was a problem there too but everything runs good it seems... am having bluetooth problems locking up device sometimes though so now I'm back to vzw stock radio to see if that fixes things? Actually I have no idea if bluetooth would be affected by radio or not but I'm desperately trying to find a stable setup.
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I think you might be the victim of a dodgy titan. I was, like you, using 1.7 for the longest time because I couldnt put up with the buggy 3.27 radio. So i just stayed non gps until the new radion 3.35 came out and dcd released 3.x.x series of roms. Since then I bit the bullet and went back to gps rom. I didn't look back. So far dcd rom 3.0.4 + radio 3.37 (alltel) has been the best (i.e reliable) rom setup I have experienced since I was on dcd 1.7.0. I think they are both equal now, except that I have gps enabled now and I dont need to carry my gps with me all the time.
The internal gps does SUCK the battery down kinda fast, but it is reliable. No bluetooth issues that I can see except that call quality is still sub-par but at least it connects without any trouble. If I am using the gps function in the car i use my BT gps because the BT radio uses a lot less juice than the internal gps receiver.
I have VZW just like you and gc, az clown etc and we all have similar good experience with the new setup. So the only other thing I could say about your titan problems is that it must be hardware. Try stock again and see if it clears up the problems then I would say that my reading of your situation is wrong. But from what you have said it seems right.
maccaberry said:
I think you might be the victim of a dodgy titan. I was, like you, using 1.7 for the longest time because I couldnt put up with the buggy 3.27 radio. So i just stayed non gps until the new radion 3.35 came out and dcd released 3.x.x series of roms. Since then I bit the bullet and went back to gps rom. I didn't look back. So far dcd rom 3.0.4 + radio 3.37 (alltel) has been the best (i.e reliable) rom setup I have experienced since I was on dcd 1.7.0. I think they are both equal now, except that I have gps enabled now and I dont need to carry my gps with me all the time.
The internal gps does SUCK the battery down kinda fast, but it is reliable. No bluetooth issues that I can see except that call quality is still sub-par but at least it connects without any trouble. If I am using the gps function in the car i use my BT gps because the BT radio uses a lot less juice than the internal gps receiver.
I have VZW just like you and gc, az clown etc and we all have similar good experience with the new setup. So the only other thing I could say about your titan problems is that it must be hardware. Try stock again and see if it clears up the problems then I would say that my reading of your situation is wrong. But from what you have said it seems right.
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Well, that's the thing.. when I go to stock everything I have no problems but am stuck with crappy wm6.0... I don't mind not having the gps so much but it def would be nice... However, I do hate having to run an older rom that isn't community-supported any longer due to newer releases...
I think my problem with 3.0.4 might have been the way I flashed the radio.. I was one of the original ones to actually get the dcd released radio installation to work and hadn't really looked back.... im wondering if maybe that was the problem... I might consider trying the sprint rom method to get the radio and then trying 3.0.4 again...
Other than that, I don't see any way to get a warranty replacement on the device if all the stock vzw stuff works without a problem.. only support I ever have logged with vzw for this device is the many many many times I've had hung data connections from switching back and forth to reva/non reva radios so much.... I long for a stable setup so I don't have to deal with this anymore
Other than that, I don't see any way to get a warranty replacement on the device if all the stock vzw stuff works without a problem.. only support I ever have logged with vzw for this device is the many many many times I've had hung data connections from switching back and forth to reva/non reva radios so much.... I long for a stable setup so I don't have to deal with this anymore
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Now I'm not saying I condone this, but man...there are definitely ways to get warranty replacements even if everything works fine...
Just need to "screw things up" on your own Make it so your phone won't boot, bring it to a vzw tech center...cuz they won't know what the hell is wrong with it trust me...and bam they'll swap it out.
Edited my original post...
Also, i have had 2 replacement xv6800s. One was for white spot in the bottom left part of the screen. I had to call VZW and tell them they were out of replacements at the store. The other was replaced a week later for data not working.
Zenoran said:
Well, that's the thing.. when I go to stock everything I have no problems but am stuck with crappy wm6.0... I don't mind not having the gps so much but it def would be nice... However, I do hate having to run an older rom that isn't community-supported any longer due to newer releases...
I think my problem with 3.0.4 might have been the way I flashed the radio.. I was one of the original ones to actually get the dcd released radio installation to work and hadn't really looked back.... im wondering if maybe that was the problem... I might consider trying the sprint rom method to get the radio and then trying 3.0.4 again...
Other than that, I don't see any way to get a warranty replacement on the device if all the stock vzw stuff works without a problem.. only support I ever have logged with vzw for this device is the many many many times I've had hung data connections from switching back and forth to reva/non reva radios so much.... I long for a stable setup so I don't have to deal with this anymore
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go the 'official' route from stock. olipro 2.40. sprint 3.35 official (without allowing customizations) then flash dcd 3.0.4. If you still then have problems then we can isolate your flash before as a potential problem.
if you still have all the same issues then i really think its time for a new titan. If all is well then you can finally relax and enjoy the device.
Good luck
maccaberry said:
go the 'official' route from stock. olipro 2.40. sprint 3.35 official (without allowing customizations) then flash dcd 3.0.4. If you still then have problems then we can isolate your flash before as a potential problem.
if you still have all the same issues then i really think its time for a new titan. If all is well then you can finally relax and enjoy the device.
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Ya, I actually did the Sprint Flash this time around and things seem to be working better, to my surprise... Things seem to be running a lot better now compared to the radio hack I was using before... I imagine that's the reason dcd killed that link off the forums... although it didn't brick my phone, it obviously was crippling my device quite a bit.
Only thing that worries me (somewhat) about the sprint rom was that it changed the bootup screen (pre os load).. it's now black screen with red lettering showing versions... I have NO idea how that can be reverted back if I ever need to have this thing serviced. That sprint rom appears to totally changed the device.
Zenoran said:
Ya, I actually did the Sprint Flash this time around and things seem to be working better, to my surprise... Things seem to be running a lot better now compared to the radio hack I was using before... I imagine that's the reason dcd killed that link off the forums... although it didn't brick my phone, it obviously was crippling my device quite a bit.
Only thing that worries me (somewhat) about the sprint rom was that it changed the bootup screen (pre os load).. it's now black screen with red lettering showing versions... I have NO idea how that can be reverted back if I ever need to have this thing serviced. That sprint rom appears to totally changed the device.
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Flashing of the pre-windows boot screens (i.e. the ones that show up around the time that the red lettered rom versions appear) are not part of the rom. You can't modify them with dcd's kitchen.
There are three options that you have.
1. You can create a mini rom with the splash screens in it that you can flash to the device. I dont know how to do it and dont really care to find out, but gcincotta knows how to do it and posted instructions a few days ago in another post. He can tell you how to do it.
2. You can use the ppcgeeks kitchen to create boot screens and then flash your dcd rom over the top.
3. Flashing a stock verizon, sprint, alltel etc rom will contain the splash screens and put them back on along with the correct (stock) radio and roms. Then you can take your very clean 'stock' titan back to the store for repairs or replacement without fear.
maccaberry said:
Flashing of the pre-windows boot screens (i.e. the ones that show up around the time that the red lettered rom versions appear) are not part of the rom. You can't modify them with dcd's kitchen.
There are three options that you have.
1. You can create a mini rom with the splash screens in it that you can flash to the device. I dont know how to do it and dont really care to find out, but gcincotta knows how to do it and posted instructions a few days ago in another post. He can tell you how to do it.
2. You can use the ppcgeeks kitchen to create boot screens and then flash your dcd rom over the top.
3. Flashing a stock verizon, sprint, alltel etc rom will contain the splash screens and put them back on along with the correct (stock) radio and roms. Then you can take your very clean 'stock' titan back to the store for repairs or replacement without fear.
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Interesting.. I've never seen that changed other than this sprint rom... the stock VZW rom images I have just do the OS and Radio separately... I guess when/if I run into a situation where I need to revert back I'll worry about it then.. Until then, the newer boot screen is def cooler
gcincotta said:
Now I'm not saying I condone this, but man...there are definitely ways to get warranty replacements even if everything works fine...
Just need to "screw things up" on your own Make it so your phone won't boot, bring it to a vzw tech center...cuz they won't know what the hell is wrong with it trust me...and bam they'll swap it out.
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gc, this is so true. The 'techs' at the verizon stores (bless their hearts) know nothing at all about the titan. you could go in there with a fully "sprintized' titan and seriously they wouldn't notice.
I found this out the first time I tried to flash. I thought I had bricked the device and took it to the "service center" verizon store near my location to get the data back working (yeah that's all the problem was, but I was a noob and didnt know better). They didnt have the slightest idea what to do to solve the problem. They screwed around with it for a while and gave it back, basically the same. they offered to switch it out for me, but I said i will try just a bit longer (and it had a customized 'colonel - ppcgeeks' rom on it - if you have ever seen one it is completely unmistakable - looks nothing like a verizon rom).
I went outside, called *8899 and got a service support tech to fix the phone over the air. The problem had just been the data account needed to be reset at their end. Not only did the guys in the store have no idea how to fix it, they didnt even notice that my device was clearly not stock.
Zenoran said:
Interesting.. I've never seen that changed other than this sprint rom... the stock VZW rom images I have just do the OS and Radio separately... I guess when/if I run into a situation where I need to revert back I'll worry about it then.. Until then, the newer boot screen is def cooler
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Yeah, if you do the flashes separately the boot screen never change. I still had the original verizon boot screens until just recently when I did the upgrade to dcd 3.0.4. Its the running of the sprint installer that overwrites your verizon splash, not the rom or the radio themselves.
Anyway, i used the dcd kitchen to create my 3.0.4 rom and selected HTC animation. That creates a HTC splash to overwrite the sprint stuff, and then I did this and this and my machine looks sweet when it boots.
The instructions of how to load them is explained in the thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=379822
Enjoy. (I cant post pics of the screens because the xda database is busted at the moment)

DCD3.1.2 / 3.39.10 Reception Issues.

I flashed my Verizon XV6800 to DCD 3.1.2 Radio 3.39..
I have always had 1 bar at home and barely one bar at my office. with my last 3 phones reception was identical. I'd drop maybe every 10th - 15th call at home and every 5th - 10th call at my office. This was no big deal, I'd call back and finish. Text messages / MMS incoming calls were always reliable. (Rarely an incoming call would just go to voicemail and not ring)
I flashed my 6800.. Everything works great everywhere except the office. I can’t receive Text messages.. Maybe every hour or so, 30 Texts will flood in at once. (I get a lot of text messages from server monitoring software.) My Phone will not ring any longer(only at the office). All incoming calls go to voicemail. I assume that since the Office had poor reception.. losing just a bit of signal would knock me out completely.
Anyway.. GPS doesn’t help if I can’t get calls where I need them the most, so I flashed back to stock... and I STILL have this issue. My phone no longer works at my office.
I have ruled out coincidental tower issues in the area.. my co-worker has the same phone with untouched stock software.
In debug, our signals are identical. All other version numbers and settings are identical. His phone works fine. When sending a Text through vtext.com to both phones, his gets the message immediately, my phone will receive it after an hour or longer.. sometimes 3 or 4 hours later. Outgoing calls drop after 30 seconds.. the phone is now unusable at the office.
Other than swapping out the phone... can anyone tell me if there are any settings i can compare or check on? Perhaps the reflash back to stock kept some settings or something? I know there are tweaks like setting how often your phone polls the tower for a call etc... Things like this could have an effect maybe?
Anyway.. After 2 days of searching and playing with settings.. I figured I was better off with 3.1.2 / 3.39 since the phone dont work anymore at the office anyway. so now I'm back to that.
should I try 3.35 or 3.37 Radio??
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Did you install the Verizon Carrier cab?
Yes on the 3.1.2 firmware.
Obviously not when I flashed back to the stock because it doesn't need it.... right?
Also.. I used a PPCGeeks Thread for the Flashing back to stock. (Maybe this helps)
Yes on the 3.1.2 firmware.
Obviously not when I flashed back to the stock because it doesn't need it.... right?
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Right. Have you tried OTA programming?
Yeah, Each time I've flashed.. I first run the OTA both option 1 and 2. then I usually need to call VZW for my AKey, or to reset the data Services because they do not work.. they have been cool each time though
I haven’t actually tried OTA FROM the office... because i cant hold a call long enough to have it complete. I'm not sure if the location matters though.
I can certainly get the phone swapped, but the first thing i'll wanna do with the new one is try DCD 3.1.2.. Unless there is a recommendation on a different Rom / Radio?
I've read a good many of your posts on other threads and you seem to be good at this stuff... so I'm willing to try whatever you recommend.
Also I seriously appreciate your time.
Go into Device Information in Settings and list me your PRL Version and PRI Version.
gc14 said:
Go into Device Information in Settings and list me your PRL Version and PRI Version.
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PRL 51056
PRI 1.35_002
Ok try rolling back to the 51020 PRL.
Download the attached file, unzip the PRL, and copy it to your phone.
Dial ##775 send.
Enter 000000 for unlock code.
Tap the box underneath Setting to highlight it, then click Menu->Edit.
Browse to where you put the prl file (51020.prl), and open it, then click OK.
Click Menu->Ok to update it and let the device reset.
See if this helps your issues.
I get Turn on LPM failed.
Maybe I should not try it from the storage card... let me try again.
** Update: It did update the PRL when i moved it off the SD Card.
However I sent 3 text messages and called the phone twice from my desk.. No change.
x51 said:
I get Turn on LPM failed.
Maybe I should not try it from the storage card... let me try again.
** Update: It did update the PRL when i moved it off the SD Card.
However I sent 3 text messages and called the phone twice from my desk.. No change.
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did you recently get an aluminum or metal case?
also, what is your slot cycle index under modem settings in EPST?
Actually I have a custom case I made myself out of Lead.. it gives the phone a nice weight.. LOL.. No... No cases or anything.. However.. I know this should be irrelevant but..
I went on vacation for a week and got an extended battery the day I was leaving. The day I got back I flashed my phone FROM stock.
Had my issues at the office..
Flashed Back...
Still had issues...
Decided that.. MAYBE the extended battery being thicker and all is blocking signal... Swapped back to normal battery.. No good.
Went back to DCD312
Slot Cycle was 2... I just now changed it to 1 and it makes no difference.
did you happen to flash the stock RADIO with the stock ROM? flashing back the stock radio would most likely screw your device, but ive flashed the stock ROM several times with no problems.
try flashing to the current radio 3.39. heres just the radio, without the Sprint ROM. Radio 3.39
it can be tricky flashing it without a non-SDHC card. PM me if you dont have one.
after that, just flash a compatible ROM and it should fix everything.
Well the whole procedure was this:
1) Stock phone
2) Run unlocker
3) Flash 3.1.2 rom
4) Device locks at boot
5) Flash 3.39 Radio from SD Card
5a) Ran VZW Provider Cab.. from DCDs 3.1.2 page.
6) Had the reception issues mentioned.
7) Run Titan Relocker
8) Flash Stock VZW Rom that includes original Radio Version.
9) Reception Issues remain. (Lived with it for 2 days)
10) Repeat steps 1-5a above.
so I'm on 3.1.2 / 3.39 again right now.
I CAN flash the radio again... I guess... i already have it on a 512 SD card ready to flash.
Outside of DCD 3.1.2 What would you say is the most recommended / stable Rom / Radio Combo?
x51 said:
1) Stock phone
2) Run unlocker
3) Flash 3.1.2 rom
4) Device locks at boot
5) Flash 3.39 Radio from SD Card
5a) Ran VZW Provider Cab.. from DCDs 3.1.2 page.
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you need to flash the radio before you flash the ROM
aguas said:
you need to flash the radio before you flash the ROM
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Yeah I read that somewhere.. but the instructions I followed had me flash the rom, wait for the device to lock up on the verizon screen... then use PWR+CAM+RESET and flash the radio.
Even if it were in the wrong order, wouldnt flashing back to the VZW Stock Rom that includes the original stock radio still work as it did previously?
(maybe the answer is obviously not?.. Perhaps I sould reflash everything in a different order?)
So I flashed back to Stock again last night. Had to call and have data services and AKey reset... as usual.
I'm at the office now, and so far I had several people send me test SMS and only one of them took a while to show up. The others came in pretty fast.
Here are the differences between this time, and the last time I flashed back to stock.
1) I DID NOT install any applications at this point... I have ONLY Configured my Exchange Activesync Email.
2) I do not have the extended battery installed.
3) I reset before the verizon custom cabs installed from the stock ROM.
It's only been 10 minutes, but so far it looks promising... I'll update if that changes.
Still can not hold a call... Text messages are now taking 10 - 20 minutes to arrive. My co-worker with the same phone still has no issues. Will stop by Verizon after work to have it swapped.
Stopped at Verizon.. Explained that the phone worked most places but just not at my office.. Explained that my co-worker has the same phone and does not have issues.
I expected to get a lot of crap.. but they were cool. They tested the phone, and claimed there was an issue. They didn't have any in stock, and have to mail me a new one.
SO... I havent seen many people complain about reception issues with thier radio upgrades... I'm wondering, should I upgrade the Roms and radio on the new one? Should I assume my reception issue was hardware and not caused by the software?
I'm still hoping someone with a lot of Rom experience can provide me with some recommendations.. I hear GPS Locks are flaky on DCD3.1.2..

CM7 Random Reboots

Is this happening to anybody else? My phone reboots several times a day and I cant seem to pinpoint the cause of the problem. I have tried various kernels and versions of CM7 (running latest RC now). My phone is not overclocked and is not having any heat issues. Does anybody have any ideas on how to fix the problem?
I have not had a single reboot since I put 1.5.2 on my phone. I did not wipe coming from 1.4 but I didn't have any issues on that build either. Have you tried wiping data and cache yet and reinstalling?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
You mentioned it isn't overclocked, but is it undervolted by your own modding at all? Other than that only thing I can think of are the reboots people were just experiencing in general (most likely due to the handoff between LTE and CDMA).
To answer the two previous comments. First, my phone is not undervolted. Second, I have erased everything and done a fresh install several times. Thirdly, I live in Richmond VA so I don't even have LTE enabled. I just enabled it yesterday and it seemed to decrease the number of reboots today. Yesterday I have about 4-6 while today I only had one. I think that all this began when I switched to the MR2 radio.
Is there a proper way to go from an earlier radio to the current or is it like flashing anything else?
Flashing the radio is pretty much just like anything else. Go into the bootloader and have the radio .zip on SD card named correctly and that's basically it.
You flash radios from hboot.
Pull battery, hold power and vol down
courtesy of my rooted bolt
Ya, that's how I've been flashing my radios. I just don't understand why the Mr2 and 2.5 radios would cause my phone to reboot.
Not too familiar with AOSP Roms, but have you tried the official OTA radio?
courtesy of my rooted bolt

People not getting some of my texts

I have had this problem before but not to this extent. A lot of my text messages aren't being received on the other end. I'm on Warm Rom and I have tried reflashing the rom, kernel, updating prl and profile. When I called Sprint about this issue before they just had me flash to stock and then gave me the runaround until the issue seemed to just resolve itself.
Has anyone else had this issue? Anything else I can try? Is there a way to install a different PRL? I can't flash the new radio because I'm on hboot 1.5. Or should I flash back to stock and take the update for now?
ummm... why don't you try flashing a different ROM bud. but even still there are no details in your post. warm ROM? cool story. so is that sense 3.0 or 3.5? what kernel?
flash a different ROM. if that fixes the issue, well good for you. if it doesn't, then take your phone into sprint because it has defective pArts.
also, can you make phone calls and browse the internet?
notfuzzi said:
I have had this problem before but not to this extent. A lot of my text messages aren't being received on the other end. I'm on Warm Rom and I have tried reflashing the rom, kernel, updating prl and profile. When I called Sprint about this issue before they just had me flash to stock and then gave me the runaround until the issue seemed to just resolve itself.
Has anyone else had this issue? Anything else I can try? Is there a way to install a different PRL? I can't flash the new radio because I'm on hboot 1.5. Or should I flash back to stock and take the update for now?
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Yep, just went through this from 1/14-1/18. Not your ROM, not your phone, it's a Sprint issue. Only things you need to do on your end is wipe the cache in your messaging app, and double check via Google Voice (if you have it synced w/ your Sprint #) to see which messages are (or aren't) going through. The network will eventually purge whatever is backlogged hours or days later to the respective recipients, probably in the early morning hours, and you'll be accused of duplicate texts. Yay Sprint.
Yeah other people started telling me of issues with texting as well. I went back to stock and flashed all the updates. I guess I'll go back and unlock it and reinstall my custom Rom. Thanks for the replies guys.
I have problems like this and SMS radio errors on Sense ROMs all the time, especially at night. I never have a problem on MIUI though so maybe you should give that a try
EniGmA1987 said:
I have problems like this and SMS radio errors on Sense ROMs all the time, especially at night. I never have a problem on MIUI though so maybe you should give that a try
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I have thought about MIUI and other AOSP roms several times, but every once in a while I do want to watch something in 3d. If they could get 3d fixed, I would probably give it an honest go.
Doubt that will ever happen :/
Yeah I kind of figured that.

Stock leak flashed gone wrong?

I "flashed" the stock ICS leak 3.11.605.22 and it worked awesome for like 2 weeks. Today I restarted the phone and it never came back on, it never booted up no matter what I did. I now have the replacement rezound and want ICS again, was this just a freak accident or did the RUU mess up?
Did you try a different battery? Id say the ruu had zero to do with it.
I certainly will not flash the leak on my phone. Its working too perfect to risk messing with uncertainties.
Personally, with all the reports of bad devices I would just wait a week or so to make sure your new phone doesn't have any issues before flashing anything.
I really wonder how many people blame the leak for bad phones. Seems like HTC had bad quality control when it came to the rezound. I feel lucky to have had no problems with my phone after reading all the reports of returns and heating issues.
I have had the ICS leaked RUU on my phone since the day it came out and have not had the first problem with it. The RUU didn't mess your phone up, a dead or faulty battery probably did.
It wasn't the battery, the Verizon rep tried a new one and he also tried both batterys in the new phone and they worked fine in the new phone.
The phone that messed up, I had for about 3 weeks or so with no problems. Then I used the RUU and it worked flawlessly for about 2 weeks, then BAM! now I have a brick.
since flashing the RUU i have radio issues galore. data just stops working. sometimes on wifi, sometimes on 3g, whatever.
tspderek said:
since flashing the RUU i have radio issues galore. data just stops working. sometimes on wifi, sometimes on 3g, whatever.
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See I never had problems with the RUU itself. The radio worked tons better than it did before the RUU.
Now my new rezound won't read my sd card. I tried reformatting still doesn't read it.
For those of you who have flashed the RUU and are having problems, try flashing it a second time.
I paid particularly close attention during the flashing process and hand verified the versions of subsystem I could after the update. It turned out that the first flash only applied the hboot, kernel/boot, and a few minor systems successfully. After a second flash, everything applied correctly.
For instance, a number of people reported that the radio versions didn't change from the update, when in fact the radio changed significantly (currently running @,
After the update, I've found my battery life is significantly better than the GB kernels (I used BAMFs modified, Incredikernel and the Stock OTA). My reception is noticeably better, but I can't give a qualitative judgement other than that. And, most importantly, the phone is easily 100% more responsive. I used the stock OTA and BAMF 1.0.2 on and off for a while and unless I repeatedly killed background tasks my home screen (ADW Launcher EX) would stutter and lag, games would periodically slow down, web browsing would periodically freeze, etc. Now, my phone consistently has 300MB of RAM free (before it was usually less than 100MB). The leaked RUU is the best thing to have happened to the Rezound so far.
Note: despite my complaints above, my phone was always more usable than my OG Droid and my wife's dinc2, I'm just giving a comparative description.

