Need opinions... - Motorola Droid RAZR

I have been a die-hard Moto fan since the original Droid, they make great devices and I've never had any issues with the ones I've owned, which include the Droid, DX, DX2 and Bionic. I also owned the Dinc (great phone), Charge (only thing great about the phone was the screen, but other than that it was total garbage), Tbolt (for a short while, then gave it to the girlfriend) and now the Rezound.
I'll be honest, I do love the Rezound. It's S-off'ed, rooted, ROM'ed, everything. It's fast and has a wonderful screen. I was surprised at the call quality as well, my biggest grip with both previous HTC phones was the call quality. I currently have a Sense 4.0 ROM from Newt and it flies. However, the phone does have issues of it's own.
The screen is not durable at all, I actually had to go and buy a quality screen protector after I managed to scratch the screen the first day, never had any issues with GG-equipped devices.
The build quality isn't exactly great compared to even the Tbolt, that thing was rock solid, so was the Droid and DX.
The red capacitive buttons are nice, but I've had to take the phone apart and recolor the LED bulbs red because the buttons turned pink (common issue), and it's hard to run a nice theme other than red because the colors conflict easily.
The recessed buttons on the top and sides are difficult to press at times, which can be frustrating especially with a case on the phone.
Bluetooth is almost non-functioning in ICS. It ran fine on GB with my Mitsubishi Lancer's stock audio system over bluetooth, but ever since ICS it doesn't work at all. I've tried the Tbolt, Droid and a friend's Razr, they all work perfectly. The Rezound, not so much. And after how well the phone runs on ICS, I can't go back to GB and be content with it.
Now, the Bluetooth is kind of important because I am in the process of being hired for a law enforcement agency in the DC area, and it requires me to drive into DC everyday and it's a hands-free zone. I'd like to be able to stream my music library and calls in my car, but currently I can't and that's a problem. Also, with this possible job opportunity comes the need for durable equipment, and I'm sorry to say the Rezound does not feel like it would hold up to a drop on the hard ground even with a good case on it. I also need something that has excellent call quality, excellent radios and very reliable. Out of the three possibilities that Verizon currently offers, the Razr seems like it would be perfect. After owning a Samsung and being unhappy with it, as well as seeing the horror from the Gnex, I won't even consider the GS3. My girlfriend even had the Fascinate and she hated it as well.
It's hard to consider getting a different device that isn't as dev-friendly, and doesn't have as nice of a display (that 720p has grown on me a lot). Granted, I played with both the Razr and Rezound at several stores and the experiences were pretty much the same at each store. They're both great phones in the end, but despite the locked internals, I've always had good luck with my Motorola devices. The screen isn't all THAT bad on the Razr, it beats the crap out of the nasty screens they put on the Bionic and X2.
I guess I'm just conflicted with a decision to either keep the Rezound, or go for a Razr Maxx. I know more phones are coming soon, but I need to get something that will last me a while. The modding of kernels, radios, OS's and whatnot is fun, but time consuming and free time is something that I won't have much of anymore. As long as I can theme the Razr, make it faster and be sure it has excellent wireless connections, I'll be happy.
Sorry for the long post...

The MAXX is a great phone. With the official ICS having been released last week, it's just gotten better. In the end it's entirely personal preference though. The screen is perfectly fine and clear for all practical purposes. Under minimum brightness settings there may be dark blotches visible in black areas of your screen, but this is extremely common and due to the screen type. It doesn't indicate any problems with the device nor will it be visible under screen brightnessess above like 15%. Personally I say go for it :good:

I have first hand experience on this topic, so I will dive in.
I too owned a Rezound and was reasonably happy with it. But ever since I got the Rezound (about 6 months ago), I could never understand or get over how sluggish the phone felt to me. With or without being rooted, GB was extremely choppy on homescreen scrolling. Way too much lag for the specs of the phone. So it was obviously a Sense thing.
I of course rooted it right away. And I can tell you that I tried every single ROM available for that phone and none of them ran the phone like I felt it should. That was GB, ICS and 4.0 ROM's. The Ultrasmooth tweak smoothed out the homescreen lag, but the overall phone felt sluggish too. Just in opening apps and all of that.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the phone was super slow or anything. But just slower than what it should be with the specs.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I sold my Rezound and picked up a Maxx locally off someone. I'm not looking back. This phone is great! Battery life is all it's cracked up to be and everything just runs smoother. Everything is snappier compared to the Rezound.
In the end, I would highly recommend making the switch. Just my opinion.
Feel free to ask me any questions.

WizeGuyDezignz said:
I have first hand experience on this topic, so I will dive in.
I too owned a Rezound and was reasonably happy with it. But ever since I got the Rezound (about 6 months ago), I could never understand or get over how sluggish the phone felt to me. With or without being rooted, GB was extremely choppy on homescreen scrolling. Way too much lag for the specs of the phone. So it was obviously a Sense thing.
I of course rooted it right away. And I can tell you that I tried every single ROM available for that phone and none of them ran the phone like I felt it should. That was GB, ICS and 4.0 ROM's. The Ultrasmooth tweak smoothed out the homescreen lag, but the overall phone felt sluggish too. Just in opening apps and all of that.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the phone was super slow or anything. But just slower than what it should be with the specs.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I sold my Rezound and picked up a Maxx locally off someone. I'm not looking back. This phone is great! Battery life is all it's cracked up to be and everything just runs smoother. Everything is snappier compared to the Rezound.
In the end, I would highly recommend making the switch. Just my opinion.
Feel free to ask me any questions.
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Awesome, I was hoping a former Rezound owner would chime in.
You know, I completely understand what you're saying about the sluggishness. While the phone isn't slow by any means, it does indeed have some "twitching" at times, and I want to say it has something to do with either the 720p resolution, the graphics chip, or both. Perhaps it's the fact that Sense is embedded into the OS and there's no way to run AOSP/AOKP as of right now, and we all know that Sense is a resource hog. There's no way the 1.5ghz dual core processor is slow, it's quick to open apps and whatnot, but your right it's definitely a little sluggish at times. And I understand no phone is perfect. Even the iTurd gets hung up as well. I even loaded Go Launcher up on the two test phones I mentioned in my first post, and the Razr just seemed to rock right through it with hardly any lag or sluggishness, whereas I can see it on the Rezound.

triton302 said:
Awesome, I was hoping a former Rezound owner would chime in.
You know, I completely understand what you're saying about the sluggishness. While the phone isn't slow by any means, it does indeed have some "twitching" at times, and I want to say it has something to do with either the 720p resolution, the graphics chip, or both. Perhaps it's the fact that Sense is embedded into the OS and there's no way to run AOSP/AOKP as of right now, and we all know that Sense is a resource hog. There's no way the 1.5ghz dual core processor is slow, it's quick to open apps and whatnot, but your right it's definitely a little sluggish at times. And I understand no phone is perfect. Even the iTurd gets hung up as well. I even loaded Go Launcher up on the two test phones I mentioned in my first post, and the Razr just seemed to rock right through it with hardly any lag or sluggishness, whereas I can see it on the Rezound.
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Yeah, you're right. It's not that the Rezound was a slow phone, but it felt like it which always irritated me. Sense is probably most of the culprit.
Just FYI, if you get a Razr or Maxx. Try Launcher Pro. This phone absolutely flies with that launcher!

WizeGuyDezignz said:
Yeah, you're right. It's not that the Rezound was a slow phone, but it felt like it which always irritated me. Sense is probably most of the culprit.
Just FYI, if you get a Razr or Maxx. Try Launcher Pro. This phone absolutely flies with that launcher!
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I will take that into consideration should I choose to buy one.
Good news is my girlfriend was eligible for an upgrade yesterday, right before this whole "share everything" went live, so she was able to preserve her unlimited data. Me, not so lucky anymore for discounted upgrades. Anyway, she decided to get a 16gb Razr in blue, so once it arrives I will be testing the crap out of it to see how well it does, especially bluetooth. If everything goes well, then I will fork out the money for one and sell the Rezound.

triton302 said:
I will take that into consideration should I choose to buy one.
Good news is my girlfriend was eligible for an upgrade yesterday, right before this whole "share everything" went live, so she was able to preserve her unlimited data. Me, not so lucky anymore for discounted upgrades. Anyway, she decided to get a 16gb Razr in blue, so once it arrives I will be testing the crap out of it to see how well it does, especially bluetooth. If everything goes well, then I will fork out the money for one and sell the Rezound.
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Just FYI about bluetooth and the Razr/Maxx.....I just recently got a brand new Ford Focus with Sync and MyFord Touch and the Maxx works beautifully on bluetooth with the system. So I think you will be good on the bluetooth front.
But please note that I am still on Gingerbread. Things can change on ICS, but I highly doubt it.

Check the sig.
The Razr is the better phone of the two. If the bootloader was unlocked I would say the Maxx is w/out a doubt the best phone to date....overall.

You guys are making my wallet run and hide, lol. But I do appreciate the input. Hopefully the gf's Razr arrives tomorrow so I can play around with it.

triton302 said:
You guys are making my wallet run and hide, lol. But I do appreciate the input. Hopefully the gf's Razr arrives tomorrow so I can play around with it.
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I too have used both phones. I can tell you that the RAZR MAXX wins hands down. IMHO. I bought the MAXX on it's release day and bought a Rezound off CL. I just switched my SIM card (had to use an adapter) between the two. Didn't care for the way the Rezound was built. From the recessed buttons, raised screen frame, poor battery life, and Sense. The only thing I did like was the unlock ring, that would allow you to camera/text/phone/unlock. I really like that Moto kinda copied this with the new unlock key on ICS. Don't know if you buy from CL, or pay full retail, but you will be happy with the RAZR MAXX.

WizeGuyDezignz said:
Just FYI about bluetooth and the Razr/Maxx.....I just recently got a brand new Ford Focus with Sync and MyFord Touch and the Maxx works beautifully on bluetooth with the system. So I think you will be good on the bluetooth front.
But please note that I am still on Gingerbread. Things can change on ICS, but I highly doubt it.
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Yep the Razr should work excellently on bluetooth as it has BT 4.0 capability. Awesome phones...

Bought my girlfriend a Maxx several months ago, she loves it. It works well with Bluetooth in my Mazda 3. She is a medical student, spend all day in a hospital, and if you work in a hospital (i do too) you'll know that your phone is constantly reaching for a signal through thick walls all day. She comes home with 70% battery after 12-16 hour shifts. She has a Charge previously, horrid horrid phone, i rooted it, but that thing was beyond help. With her Maxx, she doesn't even want me to root it or change it bc she loves it so much. No ICS yet, but I'm sure it will just be a better experience for her. Personally, i wouldn't take anything over my Galaxy Nexus, especially now that I'm running Jellybean, and i recommend the Nexus, pure Google is the way to go, this is my first Nexus device, and i will always have one now. If i could keep the slim profile of my phone and get the 3300 mah battery, it would be perfect, battery life my only complaint. Point of my ramblings i guess, personally, i recommend the Galaxy Nexus, but the Maxx is a hell of a phone, solid build, comparable specs, astonishing battery life. It's all personal choice, but if i was in the market for a phone right now, the Maxx would be my number 2 pick, hand down.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

evltwn72 said:
I too have used both phones. I can tell you that the RAZR MAXX wins hands down. IMHO. I bought the MAXX on it's release day and bought a Rezound off CL. I just switched my SIM card (had to use an adapter) between the two. Didn't care for the way the Rezound was built. From the recessed buttons, raised screen frame, poor battery life, and Sense. The only thing I did like was the unlock ring, that would allow you to camera/text/phone/unlock. I really like that Moto kinda copied this with the new unlock key on ICS. Don't know if you buy from CL, or pay full retail, but you will be happy with the RAZR MAXX.
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If i'm going to buy a phone that I want to take care of, I buy it brand new. I've had too many CL and ebay phones, never again. But I agree with you on some of the points about the Rezound.
pjcons said:
Yep the Razr should work excellently on bluetooth as it has BT 4.0 capability. Awesome phones...
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Awesome, thanks!
jprakes said:
Bought my girlfriend a Maxx several months ago, she loves it. It works well with Bluetooth in my Mazda 3. She is a medical student, spend all day in a hospital, and if you work in a hospital (i do too) you'll know that your phone is constantly reaching for a signal through thick walls all day. She comes home with 70% battery after 12-16 hour shifts. She has a Charge previously, horrid horrid phone, i rooted it, but that thing was beyond help. With her Maxx, she doesn't even want me to root it or change it bc she loves it so much. No ICS yet, but I'm sure it will just be a better experience for her. Personally, i wouldn't take anything over my Galaxy Nexus, especially now that I'm running Jellybean, and i recommend the Nexus, pure Google is the way to go, this is my first Nexus device, and i will always have one now. If i could keep the slim profile of my phone and get the 3300 mah battery, it would be perfect, battery life my only complaint. Point of my ramblings i guess, personally, i recommend the Galaxy Nexus, but the Maxx is a hell of a phone, solid build, comparable specs, astonishing battery life. It's all personal choice, but if i was in the market for a phone right now, the Maxx would be my number 2 pick, hand down.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Well I don't want the GN simply because my experience with Samsung phones has been horrible, both the Charge and my gf's Fascinate. Plus, I really didn't like the call quality from any of the GN's I tested, and the fact that I can't use my 64gb SDcard is a huge no-no. I'm also looking for something great on battery life, which is why I'm considering the Maxx. But thank you though!

No problem, like i said, not dogging the Maxx at all, if there was no nexus, i would have the Maxx with out question. Good luck, with ICS, it will be a great phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

Well, the girlfriend's Razr showed up yesterday, did some testing on GB and then installed ICS. Man, I didn't think this phone would be this great. The bluetooth was great on GB, connected up to my car with no problems, and it actually got better with ICS.
I think I'm sold on a Maxx now.

After dealing with the incompetent jackasses at the Verizon store at Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, VA, I decided just to call customer service and buy one. Should be here Monday or Tuesday.

triton302 said:
After dealing with the incompetent jackasses at the Verizon store at Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax, VA, I decided just to call customer service and buy one. Should be here Monday or Tuesday.
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I REALLY like my local Verizon store. It's this rare gem on a beach of fools gold. I've bought all my phones there for over 10 years. But, they simply couldn't help me with a new phone this time. I was nearing the upgrade date, but was going to be out of town when it hit and I wanted a new phone before I left. No dice. Then, Verizon had a sale on all 4G LTE smart phones on their website. $100 off. This was actually better than waiting for my upgrade discount. I went to the store, said I'd rather buy from them than online and asked if they could match it- they said no way. So, I bought it online, get it 2 days later, activated it myself with no drama and was good to go.


Still Happy w/ Your Thunderbolt?

Hi guys,
I'm planning to upgrade to a TB hopefully
this weekend, but also considering the iphone.
I'm about 70/30 in favor of the TB
Just wanted to get your input and see if you
guys that already have your TB, used it, gotten
comfortable etc:
- Can you still say that you are happy w/ your
- any items that you dislike that you've discovered
from your daily use that you had not noticed before?
- build quality still holding up well?
Thanks for your time
I've had my bolt for about 2 months now and I am very pleased with it. I never had the reboot issues so that was a non factor. Battery life honestly isn't that bad. I can make it 12 hours which is enough.
That's probably largely due to rooting and installing custom ROMs, which is actually the biggest advantage. The developer support is massive on this device, at least matching what I was used to on the Incredible, which had some of the best dev support next to the Evo and Nexus devices.
Don't fret the lack of a dual core processor, I honestly thought I would but clocked at 1.4 I don't notice ANY lag. And honestly, having a slow network (IE not Verizon 4G) would cause far more noticeable slow down than not having a second processor.
Hope this helps!
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
I agree with all of the above. I've had mine about 2 months as well, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I briefly considered exchanging my TB for a Droid Charge, but the Charge dev support is virtually nonexistant, and I can't stand Touchwiz. I've had better battery life with other phones, but I routinely get 16-20 hrs on my TB and I have a couple of extra batteries, so the battery isn't an issue for me. Mine is slightly overclocked (1.4ghz) and the Sense UI is silky smooth, so even though it has a single core cpu, it handles everything I throw at it. As mentioned before, you'll appreciate the difference between 3G vs. 4G much more than single vs. dual core.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
I agree too . I had iphones since first gen . Even when iPhone 4 came out I was talking smack bout Android phones . But I switched to Verizon from ATT and was debating either iPhone 4 again or thunder bolt . Picked the TB to test out . And gladly I say I made a good move that day . Great phone and puts the iPhone in the ditch .
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
I love it. Das BAMF just came out with 4 new rom versions under 24 hours.
Christmas in July.
But to answer "- Can you still say that you are happy w/ your
decision?" Yes because it has kickstand.
[email protected]@ge said:
Yes because it has kickstand.
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When I bought this phone I thought the kickstand was absolutely the dumbest thing I've ever seen on a phone. Fast forward three months and now if I look at a phone and it doesn't have a kickstand I wonder how the user is able to deal with it.
Mine did nothing but glitch and power off with factory flash. 1 week later I love it... running MR2.5, BAMF Stripped 2.1, and lots of apps.
The Samsung Galaxy S2 is tempting to me. I personally think the device looks amazing.
I remember when a kickstand and a FFC were the big draws.
I even got a 3rd line on my account just so I could get this phone.
But with 3D phones, dual core processors and fancier UIs I'm a little bummed out about this phone. If it wasn't for BAMF I'd have probably just sulked until the next big thing. As you can see I don't wait long to jump on the newest device (BTW, the mythical Bionic and GS2 don't impress me so it might be a looooong wait ):
Droid 1 - 11/09 - 4/10
Droid Inc - 4/10 - 7/10
Droid X - 7/10 - 3/11
Thunderbolt - 3/11 - present
The thunderbolt is well beyond expectation. The 4G LTE network is literally 20 to 30 times faster than the iPhone's 3G network, there are a couple dozen ROMs to test, and Android is better than iOS.
Also, there's a kickstand on the Thunderbolt, how can you not love it? If you overclock to 1.4 GHz like many of us do, you will most likely notice no lag. If you're smart with your battery, and take steps to save it, you should be able to get 12+ hours with it, even with somewhat heavy internet use and even a few videos or games everyday.
I love my Thunderbolt.
I had read all about battery life issues but decided to go for it anyway.
No battery issues to speak of and after rooter and going to BAMF the battery is even better.
The 4G speed is outstanding where available. I get 5mbps around my area (Mountain View, CA) but when I go to San Francisco it hits 20mbps+. Doesn't seem to matter where in San Francisco I am either, speeds are always amazing.
I never thought I'd use the kickstand. I just thought it would be there.. but I use it all the time. I do wish you could charge the phone while using the kickstand.. this seems like a major screw up on the people who designed the phone.
The Thunderbolt is the best 4g option right now, if it were me I'd get it before 7/7 to get locked into the unlimited 4g. If 4g isn't something you care about then I'd say the Droid X or X2. I like my Thunderbolt but not as much as my X, the thunderbolt is lacking in build quality, Motorola have always had the best from my experience.
my friend had one, but he sold it allready and will never buy a htc again.
He told me, it was ok, but nothing special..
most older htc models sucks anyway, mostly because of their bad camera and clumsyness.
Still loving the Thunderbolt. While the charge has a nicer looking screen, I still prefer HTC and the Sense UI over any other UI
I went from an Incredible to the tbolt and its not a switch I've second guessed for a second. Had mine rooted the same day I got it. I don't see how an iFone holds a candle to the tbolt in any way.
appreciate everyone's response
tct08 said:
I've had my bolt for about 2 months now and I am very pleased with it. I never had the reboot issues so that was a non factor. Battery life honestly isn't that bad. I can make it 12 hours which is enough.
That's probably largely due to rooting and installing custom ROMs, which is actually the biggest advantage. The developer support is massive on this device, at least matching what I was used to on the Incredible, which had some of the best dev support next to the Evo and Nexus devices.
Don't fret the lack of a dual core processor, I honestly thought I would but clocked at 1.4 I don't notice ANY lag. And honestly, having a slow network (IE not Verizon 4G) would cause far more noticeable slow down than not having a second processor.
Hope this helps!
Sent from my HTC Thunderbolt
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awesome, thank tct08 for the sharing your experience
allchannels99 said:
Mine did nothing but glitch and power off with factory flash. 1 week later I love it... running MR2.5, BAMF Stripped 2.1, and lots of apps.
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great that's definitely encouraging. I've been looking at the section w/ all the roms in it and i'm thinking i'm going to try one BAMF's roms
i keep seeing mr1/2 throughout the forums - what exactly is/does that mean? from what i've read it does it have to do w/ gingerbread at all?
mattsonhistb said:
The thunderbolt is well beyond expectation. The 4G LTE network is literally 20 to 30 times faster than the iPhone's 3G network, there are a couple dozen ROMs to test, and Android is better than iOS.
Also, there's a kickstand on the Thunderbolt, how can you not love it? If you overclock to 1.4 GHz like many of us do, you will most likely notice no lag. If you're smart with your battery, and take steps to save it, you should be able to get 12+ hours with it, even with somewhat heavy internet use and even a few videos or games everyday.
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thanks matt for your user experience as well. @ this point i'm definitely going to go w/ the TB, my wife's planning to go w/ the iphone route lol.
for overclocking, is there a tutorial on how to get that done? is that involving changing the kernal or something?
- - Another question I had that for you guys: on my current blackberry I have multiple email accts on it
w/ the thunderbolt how many email accts can you setup on it? is it only 1 main one that we need to forward all emails to or ability to setup multiple accts?
thx again
crookshanks said:
When I bought this phone I thought the kickstand was absolutely the dumbest thing I've ever seen on a phone. Fast forward three months and now if I look at a phone and it doesn't have a kickstand I wonder how the user is able to deal with it.
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Wow that is how I felt. I thought phones with kickstands were absolutely DUMB. Now after having the TBolt for a few weeks I can't see how I ever lived without one haha. I LOVE this phone. The build quality is awesome. It's not scary to put down and handle like the iPhone 4 (glass cell phone....really? idiots!!!). The only thing I'm not huge on is battery life but I got the extended 2750mAhbattery so it all works out! Screw the locked down garden of iOS and get the TBolt!!
eraursls1984 said:
The Thunderbolt is the best 4g option right now, if it were me I'd get it before 7/7 to get locked into the unlimited 4g. If 4g isn't something you care about then I'd say the Droid X or X2. I like my Thunderbolt but not as much as my X, the thunderbolt is lacking in build quality, Motorola have always had the best from my experience.
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Not hating on you but you really think the Droid X/X2 have a better build quality? My buddy has the X and to me it feels cheaper than the TBolt. Obviously it's our opinions and subjective overall but it just shocked me to read that.
- - Another question I had that for you guys: on my current blackberry I have multiple email accts on it
w/ the thunderbolt how many email accts can you setup on it? is it only 1 main one that we need to forward all emails to or ability to setup multiple accts?
thx again[/QUOTE]
I have 4 different emails setup all update just fine, the main issue with the bolt is htc and vzw screwed the pooch on the OS but the devs stepped up, it does have one of the largest group of devs working on it.
Bamf is runnin' my bolt - smoke that vzw!
One thing I really wish was different is the the location of usb port. I can't use the kickstand and and netflix at the same time, unless I'm lying on my side and have it kickstood portrait mode. I really think that the usb location should have been in between of the onoff button and 3.5 headset port. Tbh anywhere but the side it is now. =)
I love it. Rooted with a little love it is a very powerful device..stock is another story..

Hows the phone working out for you guys? (serious question)

I am on a Rezound and this phone is nice, but it has its share of issues(audio hiss/buzz when aux/headphones plugged in, dead pixels, overheating/freezing) & all are known issues.
I have until Friday to do an exchange with Best Buy. Was considering holding out for the Nexus but due to delay after delay I have my doubts it'll be out before Friday. That being the case, I'm seriously considering a RAZR instead.
Has it been working out well for the most part? Any issues like what I'm experiencing on this Rezound? How does the battery hold out under "heavy use"?(like if I want to watch a few movies back to back). Also, for that "fuzziness" on the text/icons, is there a filter to smooth that out?
voxigenboy said:
I am on a Rezound and this phone is nice, but it has its share of issues(audio hiss/buzz when aux/headphones plugged in, dead pixels, overheating/freezing) & all are known issues.
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I have experienced none of those issues with the RAZR. Keep in mind that under deep dark conditions with the screen at its lowest brightness setting against a black image, many units show some "smudges" or dots. If this concerns you, definitely check one out in the store ahead of time (try downloading draw! and open the app up on the lowest brightness underneath a jacket or shirt..people will probably stare..let them..haha) and judge how this effects you for yourself. I use mine as a night clock and though I can see some smudges in the middle of the night, they don't bother me.
voxigenboy said:
I have until Friday to do an exchange with Best Buy. Was considering holding out for the Nexus but due to delay after delay I have my doubts it'll be out before Friday. That being the case, I'm seriously considering a RAZR instead.
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I gave up on the Nexus myself. Lack of USB mass storage was the final nail in the coffin for me. I think the RAZR has the potential to turn out a better ICS device than the Nexus.
voxigenboy said:
Has it been working out well for the most part? Any issues like what I'm experiencing on this Rezound? How does the battery hold out under "heavy use"?(like if I want to watch a few movies back to back). Also, for that "fuzziness" on the text/icons, is there a filter to smooth that out?
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I LOVE my RAZR. Best Android phone I've owned to date. (Prev: Epic 4G, Droid 2, Nexus S, MyTouch 4G, LG G2X, Sensation 4G). Under light use, the battery literally lasts for days if you make proper use of the smart actions. Heavy use? I can't comment on video playback time, but I get about 4-5 hours of 3D gaming before running into battery trouble. There is no filter to help the pixelation around text that the Pentile screen creates, but it doesn't bother me. I find myself impressed by the deep blacks and color reproduction far more often than I do focusing on the Pentile effect, but again, you should view this in person yourself to be sure as everyone is different.
I haven't had the phone very long, only about a week, but so far no issues whatsoever with overheating or freezing at all. This wasn't the case with my OG droid or my droid 2 global.
I got this phone from someone else, so I don't have a contract and will probably switch to the droid 4 when it comes out, but won't consider the Galaxy Nexus at this point, as I can't have a plastic phone. I'm hard on my phones with keeping them in the same pocket as keys, and other items, and have broken many a plastic mounted phone just from that alone.
I do, however don't like the size of the phone overall. I find it a bit too large for me, and have had issues handling it....I'm hoping the Droid 4 has a bit smaller overall dimensions. Also I find the keyboard gives a better grip to the phone...but that's personal preference.
If you're adjusted the Rezound size, you shouldn't have an issue with this.
For screens, this screen is great. I actually was lucky and got one without the dark dots in dark light, so I can't comment on that experience, but the pentile is really almost imperceptible to me. You really have to strain your eyesight to pick up the pentile on this screen. I also agree with brianbrain on the deep blacks and color reproduction on the phone. It's a very good screen, IMO.
I've never owned an HTC phone, but have heard a few complaints similar to what you're talking about with their phones. I know Motorola is not always forthcoming with updates, and they release phones so quickly, you feel they're just out there to screw the consumer, but my experience has been completely different. I couldn't have lived without my OG droid, until the screen went out 1.8 years later, and I had my D2G that was a KILLER phone until I left in Thailand recently. The RAZR is a great addition to the Droid line, and I've had a blast with it since I got it last week.
Phone is awesome. Nothing wrong with this phone. Best phone I've had.
I'm more in live with this phone then the thunderbolt I had. Tbolt felt cheap. screen quality was lacking, and it just seemed slow. I know the rezound is different then the tbolt. But i'm leary on any HTC phone.
The razr feels very solid, very fast and the screen is great (even with the splotches in very low light). I've had battery issues with the media process. I haven't hooked my phone up to a 3.5mm input, so I can't say about any hissing. Having hooked it up to my Bose ie2, it absolutely sounds fantastic.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
I had an Incredible 2, which is kind of the oddball in the HTC lineup as it is one of their only phones that has GREAT battery life (even more ironic considering the T-bolt was so bad and the phones are so similar in hardware) I ended up getting a Razr recently because long story short Verizon was struggling to get 4G going on my tablet on their end so I said screw it and told them to send me a 4G phone.
Even coming from the Inc2, the Razr is a lot better on battery than I thought it was gonna be. Worse than the Inc2 for sure, but it has a bigger display and faster hardware. On 3G (LTE isn't in my specific city yet, but I've used it in others) I make it all day, and I work for 12 hours and use the phone moderately to heavily when I take breaks and get bored. That's acceptable for me considering no matter what I do, I'm gonna plug the phone up at night regardless. When in 4G areas, the speeds are pretty impressive and consistently good. I was averaging 20mbps down and 11-15 up in Augusta, GA.
I played around with the Rezound in the store. It's not a knock on the Rezound specifically, I have not been impressed at all by Sense 3.5. They may as well call it Sense Vista. On the Incredible 2 we have a few Sense 3.5 roms and while they're pretty, to me I can't find the will to run them as a DD because they're laggy. At the time I chalked it up as the Single core snapdragon in the Inc2 struggling to run such a big and graphic intense rom. Then I played around with the Rezound. No real difference. Both are pretty slow compared to Sense 2.1/3.0 honestly. Hopefully Sense 4.0 and ICS will change that, but I'm doubtful given HTC seems to be getting lazier with every new version of Sense.
After a week and a half with the Razr:
Screen rocks IMO
Battery life is better than expected. I go all day (12-14 hours) on one charge, using 4G (maybe 30-40 minutes of phone calls).
Phone is very fast
Width is very akward at first, but you get used to it. First few days you freak out every time you grab for it.
Smart Actions will be great once they tweak them a bit
Voice quality and signal for phone is awesome (coming from an HTC Inc)
I was really wanting a Nexus, got impatient. The battery life, voice quality, and screen on the Nexus would have to be WAY better to make me send the Razr back.
I've had just about every android phone going....nearly ;-)
Actually had the Razr(GSM) for 2 weeks,pretty much loved the phone but was just waiting on the Nexus(GSM).
Well I've had the Nexus since friday,not really impresed,was rooted and custom rommed straight away,buggy as hell.Battery life sucks and that's with GSM, LTE is gonna be even worse.
Cut a long story short,Nexus sold,Razr's coming back. Go for the Razr.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
I'm coming from the Nexus S. Like the phone so far. Motorola did a pretty good job considering I usually like stock Android.
UI doesn't feel intrusive. Motorola seems to have added a lot of useful functions. Been running ICS on the Nexus S, but don't miss it due to the RAZR's hardware.
The phone is amazingly fast. Feel like I've been wasting my time modding the Nexus S so much lately cause the RAZR blows it out of the water even with all the bloatware.
Only problem I've run into so far is blotches on the screen when it is black and the room is dark. Not as bad as some other pics I saw, but still going to try and exchange. Also found a dead pixel.
If I can get a device with a good screen, I think I will stay with the RAZR. I've only seen the Galaxy Nexus display model... possibly might exchange for it when it comes out.
Really like the form factor of the RAZR better tho. If the RAZR had a 720p screen I'd probably be able to easily ignore the Nexus.
Chelsea FC said:
I've had just about every android phone going....nearly ;-)
Actually had the Razr(GSM) for 2 weeks,pretty much loved the phone but was just waiting on the Nexus(GSM).
Well I've had the Nexus since friday,not really impresed,was rooted and custom rommed straight away,buggy as hell.Battery life sucks and that's with GSM, LTE is gonna be even worse.
Cut a long story short,Nexus sold,Razr's coming back. Go for the Razr.
How is the signal strength compared between the 2? Ive noticed samsung always seems to have a weaker signal...My galaxy s/fascinate has a horrible signal. I want the nexus but the razr is looking sooo nice i can wait for ICS
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How is the signal strength compared between the 2? Ive noticed samsung always seems to have a weaker signal...My galaxy s/fascinate has a horrible signal. I want the nexus but the razr is looking sooo nice i can wait for ICS [/QUOTE]
I would say the Razr is a tad better, moto is renowned for having good radios
Build quality wise there is no contest for me. Nexus is way too slippery and plasticky for my liking. Modders are already working day & night to make the nexus usable, the Razr works pretty much out of the box. 'When' ICS comes, I think it'll blow everything away.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
th3b3 said:
Chelsea FC said:
How is the signal strength compared between the 2? Ive noticed samsung always seems to have a weaker signal...My galaxy s/fascinate has a horrible signal. I want the nexus but the razr is looking sooo nice i can wait for ICS
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Im getting razr tomorrow buying it outright optus network TELECHOICE (GSM AUS)
for $600 from monne ponds vic (told the guy id give him a plug)
i'll let you know how it goes in terms of battery life on GSM
as far as i know motorola's antennas are PRETTY SWEET ... so dont worry about reception.. worry about downloading lots to feed that screen with awesome multimedia and moto cast
samsungs antennas are not bad... but motorola's track record with radios is proven (from UHF RADIOS to SATs experience counts)
nexus has ics but is trolling with bugs i had a play with it ... also looks so ugly next to the razr ... only good thing is the screen .....
however that said the bugs with ics troll the phone making it laggy and you can get jerky playback
so i decided get razr with ginger (motoblur customised to be more like an unbuggy ics) then next year when things perfect the razr will get ics
anyhow thats my rant hope it helps =]
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Chelsea FC said:
How is the signal strength compared between the 2? Ive noticed samsung always seems to have a weaker signal...My galaxy s/fascinate has a horrible signal. I want the nexus but the razr is looking sooo nice i can wait for ICS
I would say the Razr is a tad better, moto is renowned for having good radios
Build quality wise there is no contest for me. Nexus is way too slippery and plasticky for my liking. Modders are already working day & night to make the nexus usable, the Razr works pretty much out of the box. 'When' ICS comes, I think it'll blow everything away.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Hard for me to compare since I'm using T-Mobile and Verizon right now. T-Mobile's reception isn't too great in my area, so that's a main reason for me switching.
So far the reception on my RAZR has been great. Blows my Nexus out of the water in that respect, but not sure how much of that is attributed to the phone itself.
Definitely want to keep this phone... just wish the screen problems didn't exist.
google and motorola
apparently motorola will have more say with ics and customisations seeing as google acquired some share/part of motorola which comes in handy .. for razr and future moto users =D
maybe stuff pushed to us sooner ?
rzrsharp said:
apparently motorola will have more say with ics and customisations seeing as google acquired some share/part of motorola which comes in handy .. for razr and future moto users =D
maybe stuff pushed to us sooner ?
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Got a friend who works over at Moto mobility. He was one of the lead design heads on the Xoom & Droid 4.
The Google acquisition isn't going to truly affect platform builds and blur reductions till late 2H 2012.
They are still working out details on who and what is going where, and how programmers are going to be moved and cut. There's also the small thing of full FCC approval which still hasn't happened as well as EU approvals, which are needed for this (for more info, check out the WSJ article that came out yesterday on the subject). That should be completed by about Feb/March according to him, and then we'll really see some interesting movements. Right now everything is in stasis as far as building and coding are concerned.
So I wouldn't expect any increases in update frequency for a while, and I definitely wouldn't count on Android becoming less bloated on new moto phones for a while to say the least.
There's also been a lot of talk in his office about how Google may not put anything in place, because it could affect their relationship and promises to other handset makers, if they start tweeking with Moto's team a whole bunch.
I'll release info as I get it from him.....although he's interviewing with the automotive division of Moto, as he's not all that satisfied with the position at mobility. They have HEAVY requirements and deadlines, that he seems to think are totally unrealistic....but many people are really happy with all aspects of their job??
I wonder if the screen issue has been resolved (or even exists) in the GSM versions out there right now. Thinking of getting the Razr but am holding back due to development and the screen issue... Can someone give me an answer about this?
voxigenboy said:
Was considering holding out for the Nexus
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With a release date of tomorrow, you don't have long to wait on the Nexus, better be at BB early to make sure you get one.
Droid RZR
I just bought the new Droid Rzr today. It seems pretty fast and awesome, however , when I am connected to WIFI, and try to browse in the market, it acts like theres no connectivity. I can browse the web pretty fast when this problem is occuring, then when I disable the WIFI it works. Ive worked for Comcast for five years and I have lots of experience dealing with this kind of stuff, so I know its not the router. Anyone else having this issue?
a fat Samoan said:
I just bought the new Droid Rzr today. It seems pretty fast and awesome, however , when I am connected to WIFI, and try to browse in the market, it acts like theres no connectivity. I can browse the web pretty fast when this problem is occuring, then when I disable the WIFI it works. Ive worked for Comcast for five years and I have lots of experience dealing with this kind of stuff, so I know its not the router. Anyone else having this issue?
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I kinda have the same issue with you. I think it could be my router because out of the 3 routers that I have tried, only 1 is experiencing this problem. And only with the Razr that this happens. Something to do with the router and the phone settings? Anyone knows what might be the problem?
voxigenboy said:
I am on a Rezound and this phone is nice, but it has its share of issues(audio hiss/buzz when aux/headphones plugged in, dead pixels, overheating/freezing) & all are known issues.
I have until Friday to do an exchange with Best Buy. Was considering holding out for the Nexus but due to delay after delay I have my doubts it'll be out before Friday. That being the case, I'm seriously considering a RAZR instead.
Has it been working out well for the most part? Any issues like what I'm experiencing on this Rezound? How does the battery hold out under "heavy use"?(like if I want to watch a few movies back to back). Also, for that "fuzziness" on the text/icons, is there a filter to smooth that out?
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Read my Thread "Galaxy Nexus" I in general (razr) I just got word I'll have my press sample tomorrow so they are going to release after all. They should be at Best Buy tomorrow as well.

Is everybody happy with there Rezound?

I have the nexus but I miss sense. Had the 3d forever liked it but switched to Verizon and liked this phone but, I am so used to all the sense widgets and look. Just debating and looking for feedback on me trading out for rezound... all feedback helps....
These threads should cover it all for you:
Switched from a Nexus to a Rezound
Yet another traded my Nexus for a Rezound post (novel)
Made the Switch
Switching to the Rezound - a few questions...
May switch from nexus...have some questions
I'm about to go the other way. Started on the Rezound... Nexus is probably where I'll end up.
I have compared these two phones rather extensively. We have a VZ corporate account where I work & I am the head of it. We have close to 200 phones on the account & I set up every one of them.
I get my phones free & I can basically have any phone I want at any time. If I wanted a GN, I could have one this afternoon & we have probably 20 of them here on our account.
There is only one thing I like better about the GN(now that the Rezound has been unlocked) & that is the screen size. I like that a LOT, if I could get a phone with a 5" screen I would buy it today. That being said, there is absolutely nothing else I like about the GN compared to the awesome Rezound.
I have owned a TON of phones & the Rezound is by far the best phone I have ever used.
I love my Rezound. When I came from Sprint I bought the Rezound, picked up a GN, and exchanged it after 24 hours for another Rezound.
You can get just about any senselike widget in the market for your gn. I just got rid of my nexus for the resound. It fits in my hand much better. I do miss the large screen, soft keys, aosp roms, and super active forums of the gn though. Other than that, the rezound is just more comfortable in my hand which is the main reason I returned my gn. Oh yeah and the camera sucked on the gn. The rezound has better battery life.
Switched from a Galaxy Nexus 2 weeks ago - still very happy.
I think ICS is a step backward and the GN felt cheap and clumsy to hold. Love the Rezound - just wish it had more game compatibility.
I have both phones. Each has their perks, but the Rezound is my #1.
nexus holds nothing to this phone, IMO. i sell much more of these than nexuses... or nexi. lol
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
Yes, still very happy with the phone. Wish it had better game support though. Also, for having an HD screen the picture quality on my Netflix is awful. Would have expected it to be the same or better than my ipad or ipod but it's quite a bit worse. The occasional screen glitch when opening or closing apps is slightly annoying but that could just be an issue with my phone and not every one though.
Overall, very satisfied with this phone. There are some features I would love to have but you could probably say the same thing about any phone.
MarvinPontiac said:
Also, for having an HD screen the picture quality on my Netflix is awful. .
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Netflix does not display in HD on the Rezound, that is one place the Nexus is better if you care about that. I use Netflix all the time, but I have an ipad 2 for that so I don't really care.
On the other hand, I am a big time football fan & I absolutely LOVE the VZ NFL app & last I knew that app doesn't work at all in the Nexus.
I was lucky enough to have both phones for several weeks to compare and contrast. I sent the Nexus back to Verizon yesterday in favor of the Rezound. The Nexus has hardware issues that I could not live with. Specifically, the radios, the camera, and overall cheap build quality. Firmware updates and modding will never fix these issues.
I get having the Nexus for true development activities, but in terms of "real-world" functionality, the Rezound is the better device.
well I'm pretty confident I'm gonna switch. I sure appreciate everybody's input.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I just happen to stumble across this in a comparison of the Nexus & the Rezound. These are not my words, this is copied & pasted from a review online:
Advantages of the Rezound over the Nexus:
1) At first a gimmick, I really like the iBeats and software for casual listening as I travel
2) The camera is much better
3) The hardware (CPU, GPU, Screen) are better IMHO
4) I like the feel of the Rezound much better
5) MASS Storage is possible
6) I moved my Class 10 SDMHC 32GB memory card from my old phone to my new (48GB total)
7) The extended battery is about 500 mAh larger
8) My EVO 4G was very well supported by HTC
9) Highest DPI screen in a phone, ever...
Here are my thoughts on the rezound. I will preface this by stating that I was, prior to my journey to verizon, an iphone (since 2007) user, up to and I still have the 4s on AT&T. I have carried a Verizon mi-fi, 4g hotspot, droid charge (solely for hotspot and unlimited data).
I was waiting to pull the trigger on any phone until the gnex arrived. I was underwhelmed with the phone hardware. While I live in SoCal, I am surrounded by hills and Verizon coverage is weak. All signal indications aside, I couldn't hold a call or a data connection with the Gnex. Loved ICS, it was very smooth and felt "polished" to a large extent.
I finally gave up and traded in for the rezound, because I liked the specs. I also picked up a droid razr to play around with. I am having a hard time between the two. I am spoiled by the iphone's display and I think the Rez is every bit as good, if not better on my eyes. It really is like reading printed material. I like that. But, it is think and I seem to see it switching off more to 3g than the razr. I like the feeling of the razr in my hand. It feels like a mini-tablet, but yet still small enough to be a phone. (does that make sense at all). However, I don't think I can live with seeing the pixelation on the display. Just spent the last 1.5 years without it and I don't think I can go back.
The rez is a great phone, but may be too thick for me and I don't particularly care for sense. I am going to desense it and see if that solves some of my issues. I know enough to know that if I don't enjoy using the phone, I will find something else to complain about (in this case, the thickness).
Just my experience so far. These are simply my opinions, and everyone has different hot buttons.
FYI, I don't really play games or use my phone for much more than some specific apps, email, talking (yes people still do that), and browsing. The iphone did that just fine, but was getting a little long in the tooth from a UI standpoint and I just hate the AT&T network drops and dead zones.
Headed to Verizon to exchange. Thanks for the responses.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I'm very happy with mi rezound! I bought the nexus the day it came out after lurking it forever!!!However the phone just didn't do it for me. I'm no developer or anything(never rooted before) so maybe that's why I didn't dig the nexus so much. The battery was horrid, speaker made crazy screeching noises, lost data throughout the day, screen was a bit big/grainy, pictures I took sucked though instant, and also had problems with it rebooting while charging. I miss the sweet notification light, and ICS..thats bout it. I feel like samsung didn't want this phone to be much of a beast like anticipated...look at the comparisons to the galaxy s2.
Funny story with HTC, first time I got a phone it was the motorola droid2...suckked. Being the DINC was out so long, I never even bothered to check it out...though when I returned the droid2 for the DINC I was blown away of how sick HTC is...sorta similar to my second experience when upgrading my phone.
The rezound is great, I like the smaller size and battery life(When I bike, I always put it in my gym short pockets and jam to pandora...this seems nearly impossible to do with the nexus due to its size and short battery life). Quality of pictures are outstanding! The durability of the rezound is also promising. Sense is sweet too though I mainly use goexplorer...The speaker on the rezound is great, goes so loud!(so much better than the DINC2 speaker btw). I was also surprised that the rezound comes with many features that the nexus has(e.g. ability to have no screen lock, panorama picture abilities, slowmo video taking, ability to take screen shots). Basically this phone is an DINC on steroids...or maybe after going through puberty?
Reading these posts makes me glad i got rid of my nexus.
Just installed an HD Netflix app and it works super.
jmorton10 said:
Just installed an HD Netflix app and it works super.
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where did you find that?

Droid Razr Maxx or Galaxy Nexus?

Hello, I have been on sprint with an Evo 4g for a while now, but due to sprints recent coverage change for my area, I might be switching to verizon. so my question is, which would you all suggest i get? galaxy nexus? or Droid razr Maxx? any big devs going for the razr? easy root process? moto going to unlock the bootloader on it? any and all help is greatly appreciated, thanks - Matt
When I was on the same boat as you 2 days ago, I have to admit it was the toughest choice I have done in a LONG time.
As it stands your looking at this:
Galaxy Nexus Verizon
-Unlocked Bootloader bust that **** open and destroy it with mods
-Nexus phone, quicker to get updates
-Good battery life. Nothing compared to the Maxx though. But check out the battery life on the 4.0.4 leaked update, it's AWESOME.
Droid Razr Maxx
-Great battery life
-Locked bootloader
-To me it's a Nexus with a crazy battery & motoblur skin.
Now, IF the Razr Maxx gets ICS and an unlocked bootloader it will be: Everything pretty much equal except for these:
Great dev modding community, Nexus updates, good battery life vs. Maxx battery (best battery), great dev modding community
There, I put it in a nutshell for you.
I had the Maxx and returned and decided to return it because I didn't need all the battery it supplied and I can adjust the battery on my Nexus to fit my needs perfectly and spare. Lastly, I don't risk Moto not unlocking the bootloader, but ICS it will definitetly get. It would hurt Moto way too much to not give ICS to the Razr Maxx it's tied for the best phones on the market now the other being the GNex. My personal opinion though ICS won't matter since it's not gonna really look AOSP, Motoblur isn't ugly but it's not the nicest when AOSP ICS is on the GNex.
So it's up to you, can you have some patience with the Nexus and adjust it's battery till you get it right to your usage and make it last 18-20 hours? (More with ext. battery)? I'm in that process now. And not risk Moto not making a fully moddable phone? Take your pick, both are excellent choices. WHATEVER you do if you go GNex don't give up on the battery it's really easy to make it last without limiting yourself to 5% brightness and 2G signal. Just have to pinpoint everything and what's the problem.
Lastly, most and all radio/battery problems are easily fixed (if you have them on stock) by not even rooting. Just unlock bootloader and flash 4.0.4. Best update ever.
**I did not consider Camera and other features because both are just fine for a PHONE camera.***
Good Luck.
It all depends on what your requirements are. Personally, I'm on my phone nonstop all, so anything less than enormous battery won't work for me. Plus I have a prejudice against Samsung phones in general.
Worth noting that the Nexus doesn't have a micro SD slot (although it's NAND flash memory is very fast), and the Razr Maxx's battery is not replaceable (according to Motorola -- I've heard from some VZW reps that it can be done).
Either way, it's a gamble.
Sent from my Droid Razr Maxx
Had the Nexus for 3 days then returned it for a razr. That should tell you my opinion.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda premium
Adauth said:
Had the Nexus for 3 days then returned it for a razr. That should tell you my opinion.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda premium
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Same here. Got a Nexus demo at work for 2 weeks and did not fall in love with it. I hear 4.0.4 fixes battery but twice it went from 80% to 0% overnight doing nothing but 2 email accounts. Also, the Nexus just felt strange in my hand (I have large hands). I did not like where the power button was because i hold it in my left hand to read email and my index finger kept pressing the button and blanking the screen. The Droid Razr Maxx is in similar place but my index finger ends up well below the button when holding. The Maxx feels more secure in my hand and not like it's going to fall out like with the Nexus.
I rooted and did ROMS on all my previous phones (OG Droid, Droid 2, Droid Incredible) and enjoyed doing away with BLUR on my Motorola's but I'm sure I will do the same with the MAXX. I did like the idea of having the NExus with all the latest updates and development but the Samsung phone just didn't seem as well put together as the Maxx.
My speed tests showed the Maxx faster on WIFI and 4G. The 4G fringe areas work much better after the latest update (this past week), and I was having some issues with the Nexus getting 3G network in some light areas and not with the MAXX.
had the nexus for a week. returned it.
Not sure why anyone would want an AOSP phone. It's like having generic frosted flakes.
Battery life is not an issue for me so even though i knew about the maxx, i got the razr. The nexus is just awkward, buggy and just plain. you NEED a custom rom if you get the nexus.
I prefer the HTC sense UI's over anything else. If HTC would just make a thinner, better looking phone, i would jump all over that. You gotta see a ROM with HTC 3.6 and ICS. it will blow you away. I gave my kid the Sensation XL and loaded this
The greatest ROM i've ever seen. If you want a UI that will just make you smile everytime you use the phone, this is it. But for the RAZR, i'll take motoblur over AOSP anytime.
I don't know how you people like skins over aosp, gross
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
MrDrumngun said:
I don't know how you people like skins over aosp, gross
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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For the same reason that there are tons of launchers, widgets, etcc on the market. Because AOSP means, As Obviously Super Plain as possible. Just kidding of course, but AOSP really is out of the box google. It's meant to offend no one, not step on apple toes (like samsung), and not dazzle anybody. It really reminds me of APPLE iOS.
call someone you know on both phones and ask them which sounds better. then call a voicemail with both phones and listen to playback and listen to the difference in how you sound. if everyone did this Samsung couldn't sell a single phone.
mmrox117 said:
Hello, I have been on sprint with an Evo 4g for a while now, but due to sprints recent coverage change for my area, I might be switching to verizon. so my question is, which would you all suggest i get? galaxy nexus? or Droid razr Maxx? any big devs going for the razr? easy root process? moto going to unlock the bootloader on it? any and all help is greatly appreciated, thanks - Matt
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You do realize this is a Razr forum right? Then you cant possibly expect an objective voice. Those 80% overnight drop to 0% on Nexus is simply untrue or not true for all. Maybe on that unit yes. 4G speed? I don't know. I had a test on two phones side by side and GNEx beat Razr 4 G speed EVERY time buy at least 1mb. This is based on 20ish tests.
Battery life on Razr Maxx is just KING . So original razr is simply out of this competition PERIOD .
Except it is thinnest which you can't really USE that 7.1mm to do anything . Except cutting a cheese.
Gnex is for dev. Its openness is best. Razr Max is for regular user . So depends on which type you are
Disclaimer. I own both phones.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
The 5MP cam on the Nexus is an Absolut deal breaker for me. If it wasn’t for that, if the Nexus had an 8MP cam, it would be a fairly hard choice. But i use my phone cam like crazy so it completely ruled the Nexus out for me.
Hi all-
I ended up getting both. I got spoiled very quickly with ICS on my Xoom tablet. I have to admit that I also love ICS on the Nexus as well... However, and this is just my humble opinion.. The battery life is considerably better on the Razr than on the Nexus. Yes I have removed all of the battery draining apps. Tried several roms, Blah blah. On and on it goes. I've spent many an hour doing things that others claim to be the 'solution' to achieving great battery life on the Nexus. Well, I'm here to tell you that as far as I'm concerned, Samsung desperately needs to return to the drawing board and practice up on their battery design as that has been my number one issue with their device to date. Believe me, I got really SPOILED with the Razr's supreme battery performance. I easily achieved two days with it, yet with the Nexus I have not been able to make a full 12 hour day, and this is even with the extended battery. It isn't an ICS issue either as my Xoom plays for hours on end with little concern over battery life. I have also found that RF-wise the Razr wins hands down. I am aware of radio software improvements in ICS 4.0.4 and above. Perhaps with those updates coming down the pike some positives will be made in that area and I'm good with that.
No doubt other Nexus owners will disagree with me and that's fine. I'm only commenting on what *I* have experienced with the Nexus. Even though I have the freedom of running stock Android on the thing which truly is very very nice, I still have to confess that from a hardware standpoint my experience so far has been less than stellar.
I want to wait and see what Moto has up their sleeve with ICS once they implement it on the Razr. I may well take the leap back to it once that happens, but even with the mediocre battery life and RF performance on the Nexus, I plan on retaining it afterward if nothing else as a developer unit as I don't expect Moto to ever release the bootloader on the Razr.
The developers who are cranking out the roms for the Nexus (as well as the Xoom) are incredibly talented. It fascinates me to sit back and watch all of this in action. It makes me wonder where did all of this creativity come from prior to the emergence of smart phones.
Bottom line is that I firmly believe both handsets are worthy of ownership in their own right but I still lean towards the Razr. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
skoone68 said:
Hi all-
I ended up getting both. I got spoiled very quickly with ICS on my Xoom tablet. I have to admit that I also love ICS on the Nexus as well... However, and this is just my humble opinion.. The battery life is considerably better on the Razr than on the Nexus. Yes I have removed all of the battery draining apps. Tried several roms, Blah blah. On and on it goes. I've spent many an hour doing things that others claim to be the 'solution' to achieving great battery life on the Nexus. Well, I'm here to tell you that as far as I'm concerned, Samsung desperately needs to return to the drawing board and practice up on their battery design as that has been my number one issue with their device to date. Believe me, I got really SPOILED with the Razr's supreme battery performance. I easily achieved two days with it, yet with the Nexus I have not been able to make a full 12 hour day, and this is even with the extended battery. It isn't an ICS issue either as my Xoom plays for hours on end with little concern over battery life. I have also found that RF-wise the Razr wins hands down. I am aware of radio software improvements in ICS 4.0.4 and above. Perhaps with those updates coming down the pike some positives will be made in that area and I'm good with that.
No doubt other Nexus owners will disagree with me and that's fine. I'm only commenting on what *I* have experienced with the Nexus. Even though I have the freedom of running stock Android on the thing which truly is very very nice, I still have to confess that from a hardware standpoint my experience so far has been less than stellar.
I want to wait and see what Moto has up their sleeve with ICS once they implement it on the Razr. I may well take the leap back to it once that happens, but even with the mediocre battery life and RF performance on the Nexus, I plan on retaining it afterward if nothing else as a developer unit as I don't expect Moto to ever release the bootloader on the Razr.
The developers who are cranking out the roms for the Nexus (as well as the Xoom) are incredibly talented. It fascinates me to sit back and watch all of this in action. It makes me wonder where did all of this creativity come from prior to the emergence of smart phones.
Bottom line is that I firmly believe both handsets are worthy of ownership in their own right but I still lean towards the Razr. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
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Can you comment on the quality of *outgoing* voice quality when comparing the two handsets?
So what kind of future will a Maxx have if I buy one?
I love the things I can do with my Thunderbolt, but want the battery. Will ROM's be as diverse as my TB? I love the CM7 ROM's I have. I am just unclear as to what the bootloader will stop me from doing in the future.
Is it possible that CM9 could eventually work on it?
Are there any ROM's that have the hotspot enabled without the carrier option?
Sorry for newb questions. Just want to make sure I dont buy a phone I hate.
iolinux333 said:
Can you comment on the quality of *outgoing* voice quality when comparing the two handsets?
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Having had both, didn't notice any difference
jiwengang said:
You do realize this is a Razr forum right? Then you cant possibly expect an objective voice. Those 80% overnight drop to 0% on Nexus is simply untrue or not true for all. Maybe on that unit yes. 4G speed? I don't know. I had a test on two phones side by side and GNEx beat Razr 4 G speed EVERY time buy at least 1mb. This is based on 20ish tests.
Battery life on Razr Maxx is just KING . So original razr is simply out of this competition PERIOD .
Except it is thinnest which you can't really USE that 7.1mm to do anything . Except cutting a cheese.
Gnex is for dev. Its openness is best. Razr Max is for regular user . So depends on which type you are
Disclaimer. I own both phones.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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I also own both phones! I have the Razr Maxx because for work I need to have good call and sound quality and the Razr is awesome in both areas but for the inner geek I have the Nexus which can't be beat for Dev support and updates and pure fun but the sound quality is poor on calls and speaker phone. I have also had many calls where the person I am talking to can no longer hear me.
My advice! Get both!
I had the RAZR for 2 months now.
One thing I don't like about it, is the display. The colors looks beautiful, but the text doesn't play nice with my eyes. I've heard it's because Motorola uses Pentil display. Other than the display the phone is great, with solid and premium build quality.
Get the Maxx. I got the Nexus when it came out, and I have had nothing but disappointment from it. I really wanted to love it. I wanted to have a *true* google phone... but they just skimped out too much on the hardware.
The cell antenna in it downright blows. It's unusable at my house, where the Maxx works just fine (other people with Verizon phones in my house also work fine).
The camera on the Nexus also blows. It's fine outside, or in really really well lit rooms during the day, but don't even bother trying to take pictures in any kind of low light, they just look terrible. I don't care about megapixels, but I do care about whether or not the pictures look like junk.
The battery on the Nexus blows (seeing a pattern here?). It lasts 12 hours, with very minimal use. It's aggravating to have to run and drop it on the charger as soon as I get home.
There's no SD slot on the Nexus... which didn't matter to me, but some people care. You can still copy files on and off it from windows, and 32 gigs is a lot of space for most people.
The only good thing about the Nexus is the screen, which is admittedly awesome. The Maxx's screen looks pretty good though, even side by side with the Maxx. And don't let the dimensions of the screens fool you, they're very very close in usable size - the Nexus loses a bunch of pixels for its on-screen buttons, which seem to only disappear when watching videos. The height of the screens are just about the same, the Nexus is just slightly wider.
ICS is also SO much better than gingerbread... but if you're here, you can install a ROM and do just fine with the Maxx.
Im waiting on a razr maxx to arrive fed ex tomorrow. I am coming from a samsung charge with a total bad experience. Signal,battery and gps issues. Hope this is all solved with the new phone as Im sick of hearing it from the wife. She now swears samsung off and wants a motorola because when she had the dx2 gps was never a problem.
blueis300 said:
Im waiting on a razr maxx to arrive fed ex tomorrow. I am coming from a samsung charge with a total bad experience. Signal,battery and gps issues. Hope this is all solved with the new phone as Im sick of hearing it from the wife. She now swears samsung off and wants a motorola because when she had the dx2 gps was never a problem.
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Had the Droid charge too. After the lousy development, went to the Nexus Galaxy to get the A++ development. It was there, but too much plain ol AOSP for my liking. Saw a co-worker with the razr and instantly loved the blur and exchanged my phone. The 7mm thiness of the phone is just aluring to me. i love handling such a light and thin phone. The little bump on the top backside also helps to give it an angle when i lay it down. Its like the designers thought of everything.

[Q] question for current owners

Are the majority of the owners of the rezound happy, and if you had to do it again, would you purchase the same phone? Looking at getting the rezound
Yes I would this phone is the best when it comes to gaming but the battery life suck, unless you have the extended battery which is 50% off. But just to sum it up yes, yes I would.
Best phone for Verizon hands down. Only thing close to being at par with the Rezound is the Nexus and that's just software. Hardware wise, not even close.
Sent from my Htc Rezound
Follow me on twitter @lmrtech
I would buy again in a heartbeat. It's been nothing but good for 3 + months.
same for me. I pretty much have always stuck with HTC devices
Yes I am VERY happy and would do it again! Plus I got mine while it was on sale for $49.99 online
Seriously though Im very happy with the screen and camera which were things I really look for in a phone. My previous android was the droid X, I honestly didnt think it was bad (I was on a rom) but I HATED!!!! the camera.
If you get it you will be happy.
Yes, I would
I went from Incredible to Incredible2, then Rezound.
I like the hand feel of the Rezound best. Easy to locate
in pockets, easy to use, and soon likely to have Ice Cream
Sandwich, making it about perfect.
YES, I would buy it again best phone i ever owned
Perhaps, it certainly is a good device, I just feel it is a poor fit for me. I'm actually looking for a trade for the GNexus right now.
Extremely happy with the phone, would choose it over any other on the market atm. Signal is strong where all other phones fail where I live... Really I just hate the carrier, Verizon themselves lol.
I love this phone. When I purchased it, I was contemplating the G Nexus, Moto Razr and this one. The processor specs were the same for the most part, but what stood apart was either ICS on the Nexus, but no removable memory, or no ICS goodies for the Rezound, but removable memory. Of course with any good Android device the developer following was gonna be good so I went with the rezound. Haven't regretted it yet. Also I came from the Droid X as well and before that the OG Droid all had custom Roms and Kernels as will any Android phone purchased in my future.
I also love it! It took three replacements but I finally have one that plays nice with me xP
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
I love the rezound, but I wouldn take again, because I'm a gsm user
Sent from my Htc Rezound using XDA
No question. IMHO it is STILL the best phone VZW offers at the moment.
Only downside is the screen scratches easily. Get a protector. Runs a little hot too.
I researched the galaxy nexus, razor, and rezound for a month straight. I picked the rezound and I'm very proud of my decision. Best part is the screen. Not only is it extremely clear, but it scrolls smoother than any other android phone I've seen. Just don't play any games with high graphics and your phone will last you a whole day!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
rcavalier3 said:
I researched the galaxy nexus, razor, and rezound for a month straight. I picked the rezound and I'm very proud of my decision. Best part is the screen. Not only is it extremely clear, but it scrolls smoother than any other android phone I've seen. Just don't play any games with high graphics and your phone will last you a whole day!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
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I did very much the same. My two choices were either the HTC Rezound or Galaxy Nexus. I researched and went in to Verizon to play with both phones. Sure, the Nexus has a slightly larger screen, but the phone was held together by duct tape in the store. It just felt flimsy to me. The Rezound, on the other hand... ahhhh... I knew she was going to be mine the moment she touched my hand...
I would choose Rezound over and over again. I have never loved a phone so much. LOL
Agreed with most here, it is my favorite on V right now for these reasons:
Best Screen - 720p, not pen-tile and best pixel density of any phone, on any carrier...
SD card support - gnex and other ICS phones are dropping this feature for some reason
Dimensions - smaller screen dimensions than other top-end devices (yes, that is a plus for me... if I wanted a tablet to hold to my ear I'd buy one, lol)
Headphones - they don't suck (not something you normally say about any bundled 'phones)
Powerful - the dual core 1.5Ghz keeps things on par with gnex and any other contemporary
Out of each of those, the screen is hands-down the biggest asset. It is a amazing. Great to watch movies on when traveling. I can't say enough about the pixel density. From the endgaget review (silly link restriction): "And not only does the Rezound beat the iPhone's display soundly, it does so with a larger screen size. Rivals such as the Vivid and Droid RAZR are left in the dust."
The only downers from my perspective are it's not as thin as some (like the gnex) even though it is smaller screen it is heavier than some too. (only slightly) The positives above more than outweigh these though.
The ICS update was solid, but the rom scene showed (especially BAMF 2.1 version) how awesome batt life can be on it. Simply amazing.
You know, it would still be a tough choice between the Rezound and the Galaxy Nexus again (mainly because I dislike manufacturer skins).
But when it comes down to it, I probably would buy the Rezound again. It's a great all-around phone and gets much better battery life than I expected it would. Also, the iBeats were a nice inclusion.
There is no other phone but the Rezound. I haven't even looked at the One. I imagine at some point there will be another phone that draws my eye, but I am really surprised by the fact that no other super-phones have really been announced.
Love this phone.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

