Guide on how I build my own CM9 test builts - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

A follow up on this - - in the CM9 FXP thread, have I promised to make a little guide.
Guide how I build CM9 for my Mango.
For the first time you try to build CM9.
Create ~/bin and download repo to that directory. Afterwards set executable bit to make it possible to ”execute”.
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Now reboot the computer.
Create ~/android/system amd initialize the repository.
mkdir -p ~/android/system
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git:// -b ics
repo sync
Setup the environmental settings and initialize the Mango build.
. build/
brunch mango
Setup the environmental settings and initialize the Mango build.
git clone git:// -b ics ~/android/system/vendor/semc
cd ~/android/system/device/semc/mango/
Download the prebuilts
Check for new changes
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
Setup the environment again and build the ROM (takes long time)
. build/
brunch mango
You will now find the build here (change DATE into the date).
The next times you try to build it, you only need to do the following.
Delete build.prop, if not will build.prop not get generated.
rm -f ~/android/system/out/target/product/mango/system/build.prop
Syncronise the git repositories.
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
Setup the environmental settings.
. build/
brunch mango
You will now find the build here (change DATE into the date).
If you are trying to build it on a 32bit system, you should change line 374 in ~/android/system/device/semc/msm7x30-common/releasetools/
cmd = ["java", "-Xmx2048m", "-jar",
cmd = ["java", "-Xmx1024m", "-jar",
If you get into any trouble, please let me know, I may have missed something.
EDIT (July 2. 2012): I have made a patch to msm7x30-common, so you do not need to edit the file (with this patch does it automatically check if you run on a 64bit or a 32bit system):
EDIT (July 6. 2012): If there has been an update on git:// (like there has been today), shall you do the following (pull the updates):
cd ~/android/system/vendor/semc
git pull
EDIT (July 8. 2012): Adding the following, just before "</manifest>" in ".repo/local_manifest.xml" and the proprietary files will also get updated, when you make a normal "repo sync". Got this idea after talking to Andreas (so thank you Andreas).
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_semc" path="vendor/semc" remote="github" revision="ics" />
EDIT (July 11. 2012): Changed the proprietary repository from git:// to git://

allright, i have already synched the cm9 repo. about 5.8 gbs
can you tell me what folders does it include?
edit:took me a few days to download, just don't want to download again

gandhar said:
allright, i have already synched the cm9 repo. about 5.8 gbs
can you tell me what folders does it include?
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Are you thinking of the "clean" repo?
My ~/android/system/ consists of the following (remember the hidden directories):

You should be able to move your current directory and "just" sync it, to get it up to date.

hnl_dk said:
Are you thinking of the "clean" repo?
My ~/android/system/ consists of the following (remember the hidden directories):
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allright, out of these except for kernel, out and .repoconfig i have all the others synced.
will using
repo init -u git:// -b ics
repo sync
i am missing kernel, out and .repoconfig

gandhar said:
allright, out of these except for kernel, out and .repoconfig i have all the others synced.
will using
repo init -u git:// -b ics
repo sync
i am missing kernel, out and .repoconfig
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They are possibly first created when running brunch the first time. So it should be fine.

successfully building, but getting loads of warnings..
is that normal for the first build?
will report if it boots after compile is over.

gandhar said:
successfully building, but getting loads of warnings..
is that normal for the first build?
will report if it boots after compile is over.
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There are lots of warnings.
Personally I usually remove all that warnings (using the -Werror option, so warnings get treated as errors) in the projects I am working on. But I understand why it can be a big problem with CM9, that is based on many different projects.
Looking forward to hear if you get a successful built.

hnl_dk said:
There are lots of warnings.
Personally I usually remove all that warnings (using the -Werror option, so warnings get treated as errors) in the projects I am working on. But I understand why it can be a big problem with CM9, that is based on many different projects.
Looking forward to hear if you get a successful built.
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building will take some time...
well, most warnings are 'some variable has been set but not used', is that much significant?

gandhar said:
building will take some time...
well, most warnings are 'some variable has been set but not used', is that much significant?
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Yes, first build takes a lot of time... the next times it will be a lot faster.
No that is not very significant, but things like that should still get fixed, to to make it easier to find the significant things.
The less warnings the more easy it is to spot what is important. This also goes for things that should get changed when upgrading to a new major version of the toolchain.

succesfull build!
time: 56 mins for the complete build.
cpu: 2.9 ghz - 4 cores
os:ubuntu 12.04 64 bit
backed up the phone.
boots into recovery
errorless install.

gandhar said:
time: 56 mins for the complete build.
cpu: 2.9 ghz - 4 cores
os:ubuntu 12.04 64 bit
backed up the phone.
boots into recovery
errorless install.
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Super, looking forward to hear if everything is going to run as as should

hnl_dk said:
Super, looking forward to hear if everything is going to run as as should
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running fine.
but i see some dependencies missing from the libs needed from
downloading them, will build again later..
is that the reason for the warnings?

gandhar said:
running fine.
but i see some dependencies missing from the libs needed from
downloading them, will build again later..
is that the reason for the warnings?
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looks like a nice guide that is working with most devices, will save that link
No, the warnings are simply that you rarely find "clean" code, where most warnings have been fixed.
You also need to think of all the code from external projects.
You also only get many of the warnings, if you do not compile the code for some specific platforms.

hnl_dk said:
looks like a nice guide that is working with most devices, will save that link
No, the warnings are simply that you rarely find "clean" code, where most warnings have been fixed.
You also need to think of all the code from external projects.
You also only get many of the warnings, if you do not compile the code for some specific platforms.
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saw that guide after i started checking for dependencies.
1.hey i see two zips in the output,
one cm-9-20120702-UNOFFICIAL-coconut and other cm_coconut-ota-eng.gandhar
the second is bigger.
i used the first one. why is the second one built i wonder?
2.i think of compiling aosp from source too, but the out folder is 11.3 gbs, what about that?
i do not want to end up falling short on space.
3.this is a system related question, how much will it hinder performance if i move the source to a different internal hd from the main one and build from there?

gandhar said:
saw that guide after i started checking for dependencies.
1.hey i see two zips in the output,
one cm-9-20120702-UNOFFICIAL-coconut and other cm_coconut-ota-eng.gandhar
the second is bigger.
i used the first one. why is the second one built i wonder?
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Try to read the name ;-)
OTA - Over The Air... I guess that it can mbe used tfor OTA updates, like the mobile companies makes.
gandhar said:
2.i think of compiling aosp from source too, but the out folder is 11.3 gbs, what about that?
i do not want to end up falling short on space.
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You could do a "make clear", but if you have enough space, would I keep it, so you do not need to wait for the already up to date files.
gandhar said:
3.this is a system related question, how much will it hinder performance if i move the source to a different internal hd from the main one and build from there?
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There will be no problem with performance, as long as you move it to a HDD that is not too slow.

EDIT (July 2. 2012): I have made a patch to msm7x30-common, so you do not need to edit the file (with this patch does it automatically check if you run on a 64bit or a 32bit system):

i do a repo sync again, at end of it i get errors on changed files. i think its not replacing the old files.
it's red text
error: bootable/recovery/: CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery checkout f8fc12e741d566af215407f35cfc52e5c1cc0023
error: build/: CyanogenMod/android_build checkout df7d6893a59e62c15dd20e306d8280b16969097c
error: external/openssl/: CyanogenMod/android_external_openssl checkout d4004ae717232b83ea445f74c881d9ddc24f589d
error: frameworks/base/: CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base checkout e0a8c35c1572f0f0dbbda4d871d0a919a79cbe3f
error: hardware/samsung/: CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung checkout 23280fc439163a1971956167217283c4ae70bce3
error: packages/apps/Camera/: CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Camera checkout 644384a979ec9bd6b237e9031d5afbf592d3056b
error: packages/apps/Settings/: CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Settings checkout a946d9a905d460fa9d6c153e031285b566f8d223
error: system/core/: CyanogenMod/android_system_core checkout 389a2fa1d7e4bb8b6be411f272de2e8c92817964

gandhar said:
i do a repo sync again, at end of it i get errors on changed files. i think its not replacing the old files.
it's red text
error: bootable/recovery/: CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery checkout f8fc12e741d566af215407f35cfc52e5c1cc0023
error: build/: CyanogenMod/android_build checkout df7d6893a59e62c15dd20e306d8280b16969097c
error: external/openssl/: CyanogenMod/android_external_openssl checkout d4004ae717232b83ea445f74c881d9ddc24f589d
error: frameworks/base/: CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base checkout e0a8c35c1572f0f0dbbda4d871d0a919a79cbe3f
error: hardware/samsung/: CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung checkout 23280fc439163a1971956167217283c4ae70bce3
error: packages/apps/Camera/: CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Camera checkout 644384a979ec9bd6b237e9031d5afbf592d3056b
error: packages/apps/Settings/: CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Settings checkout a946d9a905d460fa9d6c153e031285b566f8d223
error: system/core/: CyanogenMod/android_system_core checkout 389a2fa1d7e4bb8b6be411f272de2e8c92817964
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Have not tried that.
You can try to do a "repo forall -c git reset --hard" this "resets" all the repositories (removes all changes, also if something has been corrupted).

hnl_dk said:
Have not tried that.
You can try to do a "repo forall -c git reset --hard" this "resets" all the repositories.
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will it redownload?


[REF]HowTo build CM9 from source

Made the CM wiki a little easier to understand. Most is taken from here:
First off you will need Ubuntu 64-bit for this to work (or one of the many ubuntu editions) I recommend the 11.10 version (will work on 10.x also), as it's the newest stable to date. 32-bit won't work. I'm using Xubuntu 64 bit, and it uses the same terminal codes of course.
Install ADB
Install the Android SDK.
NOTE: You do not need to setup the SDK with an ADV etc., just download and install to get the tools (e.g. adb).
Install the Build Packages
Open the terminal in ubuntu and paste the following code snippets:
To add sun-java to repo (works on various ubuntu versions):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java
sudo apt-get update
To get the needed build packages:
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev sun-java6-jdk pngcrush schedtool g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline5-dev gcc-4.3-multilib g++-4.3-multilib
NOTE: gcc-4.3-multilib g++-4.3-multilib is no longer available for Ubuntu 11.04/11.10 64-bit, but should still build without issue. On 11.10 lib32readline5-dev is no longer available, but lib32readline-gplv2-dev is there instead. Just install it with "apt-get install lib32readline-gplv2-dev"
Create the Directories
You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.
To create them paste these in terminal:
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/android/system
Install the Repository
Enter the following in terminal to download make executable the "repo" binary:
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
NOTE: You may need to reboot for these changes to take effect.
Now enter the following to initialize the repository:
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git:// -b ics
repo sync -j16
Retrieve the galaxys2 repo
. build/
brunch cm_galaxys2-userdebug
Copy proprietary files
NOTE: This only needs to be done the first time you build, but it's recommended to redo it when TeamHacksung makes some changes to these in their nightlies (which may occur quite often as of now)..
You will need to have a galaxys2 with the latest nightly of CM9 installed, and ADB working on the computer. This script will copy the proprietary files from the device.
Connect the device to the computer and ensure that ADB is working properly.
Paste this into terminal:
cd ~/android/system/device/samsung/galaxys2/
NOTE: If some hardware isn't working, like camcorder or FM radio, you will need to find the updated prop blobs.
Get prebuilts
Building CyanogenMod
First, check for updates in the source:
Paste into terminal:
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
Configure Build & Compile
Now, the environment must be configured to build and the ROM compiled, from code, for the galaxys2.
Paste into terminal:
. build/ && brunch cm_galaxys2-userdebug
End of tutorial
Nice guide, just installed ubuntu on my VAIO to do this kind of stuff.
On to setting stuff up...
You should consider getting the build script ( from teamhacksung's github ( and placing it in your android/system folder.
It allows you to use commands like ./ [devicename] [kernel] to build the version of CM7 you want and optionally will compile your own kernel (if you also have the c1 and aries kernel source)
Other commands it supports:
./ clean - to clear the output folders for a clean build
./ prepare - to pull the latest version of Rom Manager
When I build for the SGS2 my sequence of events are always:
repo sync -j16
./ clean
then either:
./ galaxys2 kernel
if kernel code has changed, or
./ galaxys2
if kernel code has not changed.
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And after the mentioned build sequence posted above to finalize everything you run the command "build/ && brunch galaxys2" or is that obsolete now ?
HarryRag said:
And after the mentioned build sequence posted above to finalize everything you run the command "build/ && brunch galaxys2" or is that obsolete now ?
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run all those in terminal... Remember the .
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
HarryRag said:
And after the mentioned build sequence posted above to finalize everything you run the command "build/ && brunch galaxys2" or is that obsolete now ?
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If you use the teamhacksung script then, yes, it is obsolete.
Novek said:
Remember the .
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Yes, don't forget the period (.) at the start of the ./ command or it won't run.
I was indeed revering to the from teamhacksung, thnx.
Got another question, is about: repo sync -j16
What does the -j16 stand for?
I'm aware of the . from ./ , just using linux for the first time to do this kind of stuff, using it a few years now for game/web server and playing some around with it.
Novek said:
First of, this is a re-written guide from the cyanogenmod wiki found here. All credit goes to them!
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the link you gave is for sgs1.
change it with this:
HarryRag said:
Got another question, is about: repo sync -j16
What does the -j16 stand for?
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To be honest, I don't know. I tried searching the man pages etc but could never find the answer. I use it because it is what is listed on the CM wiki. I have also seen people use -j40 or no setting. They all work.
NISIM2337 said:
the link you gave is for sgs1.
change it with this:
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Yes, the SGS2 wiki page was published today. It does not contain the teamhacksung buildscript details though as that is specific to teamhacksung.
Well just made to build my first Kang using ./ galaxys2 kernel
Just for now i'm testing to see what the difference is with the other building options.
For doing the ADB install part i started with a Howtoforge page about setting up android app builds since it has a good and very detailed part on how to exactly do all the adb installing stuff etc. (which would stand for this part of the turorial *Install ADB*), very newby friendly
HarryRag said:
What does the -j16 stand for?
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I think it's the number of the simultaneous connections that will be opened to the server.
echo "Example: ./ galaxys2 (prebuilt kernel + android)"
echo "Example: ./ galaxys2 kernel (kernel + android)"
As i understand the following from good. It means that with just the "./ galaxys2" is for stock CM7 kernel as from the source/github after running the sync.
but is "./ galaxys2 kernel (kernel + android)" then for an custom made kernel with tweaks or is this one just for when there is a (bigger) update for the CM7 kernel?
I think you should realse a rom based on cm.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
DvTonder said:
Yes, the SGS2 wiki page was published today. It does not contain the teamhacksung buildscript details though as that is specific to teamhacksung.
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ok, sorry.
Don't remove anything, don't except defeat, everyone is equal here!
Sent from my Samsung Galactic iPhone Killing Machine S II
Novek said:
Removed due to public harrasment from the "pros"...
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Wow, that is unexpected! And unfortunate! I was going to follow your extensive guide this evening, such a shame you took it away. I did not notice any harassment here, but i'm sorry you felt it. Hope maybe you and the "pros" can sort this out, because i think such a topic would be really valuable here!!!
mbroeders said:
Wow, that is unexpected! And unfortunate! I was going to follow your extensive guide this evening, such a shame you took it away. I did not notice any harassment here, but i'm sorry you felt it. Hope maybe you and the "pros" can sort this out, because i think such a topic would be really valuable here!!!
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Agreed : this has great value
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Novek said:
Removed due to public harrasment from the "pros"...
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Please, give us some names, we will know "pros" who don't like to share with others.
Some advanced devs just want to keep there secrets in order to make believe it's too hard for others ...
They would like us to re-invent everything when it exists already. Thats not my vision of linux freedom ...
Or please say us why they insult you ?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App

Guide on how I build my own CM10 test builts

This is a follow up on my "old" "Guide on how I build my own CM9 test builts" thread.
Guide how I build CM10 for my Mango.
For the first time you try to build CM10.
Create ~/bin and download repo to that directory. Afterwards set executable bit to make it possible to ”execute”.
mkdir -p ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Now reboot the computer.
Create ~/android/system and initialize the repository.
mkdir -p ~/android/system
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git:// -b jellybean
Unpack the attached local_manifest.xml.bz2 and place local_manifest.xml into ~/android/system/.repo
Synchronise towards the current git repositories.
repo sync
Setup the environmental settings and initialize the Mango build.
. build/
breakfast mango
Initialize the Mango build.
cd ~/android/system/device/semc/mango/
Download the prebuilts
Check for new changes
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
Setup the environment again and build the ROM (takes long time)
. build/
brunch mango
You will now find the build here (change DATE into the date).
The next times you try to build it, you only need to do the following.
Delete build.prop, if not will build.prop not get generated.
rm -f ~/android/system/out/target/product/mango/system/build.prop
Syncronise the git repositories.
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
Setup the environmental settings.
. build/
brunch mango
You will now find the build here (change DATE into the date).
EDIT (August 14. 2012): If the boot.img is not booting, is it most likely due to the bootloader bug.
To make it "work", do the following (replace mango with your own device)
cd out/target/product/mango/
rm -f ./boot.img ./combinedroot.cpio ./combinedroot.fs ./ramdisk.img
cp ./root/logo.rle ./root/waste_of_space1
cp ./root/logo.rle ./root/waste_of_space2
cp ./combinedroot/logo.rle ./combinedroot/waste_of_space1
cp ./combinedroot/logo.rle ./combinedroot/waste_of_space2
cd ../../../..
brunch mango
just a technical: is it really necessary to reboot the computer after downloading the repo binary? and if so, why is that??
bokrug said:
just a technical: is it really necessary to reboot the computer after downloading the repo binary? and if so, why is that??
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It is only necessary on some Linux distributions, where you will not be able to execute anything from that directory, before a reboot. You can try to see if you can do it without. If it is working, do you not need it.
hnl_dk said:
It is only necessary on some Linux distributions, where you will not be able to execute anything from that directory, before a reboot. You can try to see if you can do it without. If it is working, do you not need it.
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There's no really need to reboot - edit .bashrc in your home directory and add
export PATH=~/bin/:$PATH
Save, then run:
source ~/.bashrc
It have to work on all distros
pikpok said:
There's no really need to reboot - edit .bashrc in your home directory and add
export PATH=~/bin/:$PATH
Save, then run:
source ~/.bashrc
It have to work on all distros
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I just want to show the "universal" way.
Not everyone is using bash
hnl_dk said:
I just want to show the "universal" way.
Not everyone is using bash
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If someone use another shell, e.g. zsh, then he'll know what files he have to edit IMO rebooting is wasting time.
pikpok said:
If someone use another shell, e.g. zsh, then he'll know what files he have to edit IMO rebooting is wasting time.
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no it is not, as you do not need to edit any files. It will work automatically.
It is as much a waste of time to edit the resource-definition scripts.
hnl_dk said:
no it is not, as you do not need to edit any files. It will work automatically.
It is as much a waste of time to edit the resource-definition scripts.
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Reboot - about 1 min
Edit one file and paste single command in terminal - for me it's 10secs
But it comes to offtop discussion, so it would be better to end it now
@edit - now when I think about it... bin in home folder won't be added to PATH automatically, at least in Arch Linux. Maybe Ubuntu is more "intelligent" :laugh:
pikpok said:
Reboot - about 1 min
Edit one file and paste single command in terminal - for me it's 10secs
But it comes to offtop discussion, so it would be better to end it now
@edit - now when I think about it... bin in home folder won't be added to PATH automatically, at least in Arch Linux. Maybe Ubuntu is more "intelligent" :laugh:
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It does not take that long for me to make a reboot
No matter what, is it always good to have more methods to make something work.
It did the last time I tried Arch Linux... and no I am not using Ubuntu (too flashy for me )
Assuming that there is an entry in your ~/.profile that adds ~/bin to PATH, a reboot won't do anything that logout/login wouldn't. Furthermore, logout/login (in this case) won't do anything that sourcing ~/.profile wouldn't. So, simply issuing "source ~/.profile" is sufficient on most distributions. If you are using a distribution or a shell that doesn't do this by default, then you probably already know what you need to do.
I do, however, commend hnl_dk's efforts to make things simpler for newcomers to Android and Linux, even if it's not the the "fastest" or the "best" way. Whenever you start getting into one of those "what if?" arguments, things tend to spiral out of control. Sometimes it's better to just make a few assumptions and go with what is most likely to work.
A reboot might be a bit of an overkill, though. :laugh:
Can't run 64-bit prebuilts on my 32-bit Linux
I have a 32-bit Linux box so get the errors:
/bin/bash: prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: cannot execute binary file
Had a quick look around, but are there gcc etc. prebuilts for 32-bit Linux boxes?
ak-a said:
I have a 32-bit Linux box so get the errors:
/bin/bash: prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: cannot execute binary file
Had a quick look around, but are there gcc etc. prebuilts for 32-bit Linux boxes?
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Did you try to build it as described?
It is working fine on my 32bit debian machine.
If not, please describe hos you try it build it.
hnl_dk said:
Did you try to build it as described?
It is working fine on my 32bit debian machine.
If not, please describe hos you try it build it.
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Yeah, followed the instructions as per the first post. Will re-try and see if I missed/messed something and report back.
Hey !!! Do you think I should post my AOSP errors in this that its easier for us to keep track..?? :highfive:
As this is a Tutorial Thread for "how to build cm10 on your own" I don't think it makes sense posting errormessages of errm. "android open source project"? As I am writing this I recognize that I do not really understand what you mean.
CosmoDroid said:
Hey !!! Do you think I should post my AOSP errors in this that its easier for us to keep track..?? :highfive:
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Like Snoopo is saying, should that be in this thread. Compiling AOSP is not as "user friendly" as CM, as our devices are officially supported by CM and not AOSP.
If you want, can you make a new thread about compiling "AOSP - Jelly bean".
i always stop at "repo sync"
i always stop at "repo sync"
and it always tell me
"Fetching projects: 21% (66/313) fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=??????"
can you help me
shufuking said:
i always stop at "repo sync"
and it always tell me
"Fetching projects: 21% (66/313) fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=??????"
can you help me
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Same also happens for me, then I try again and again and again and then it is working.
Lots of people are accessing github, and there is only a limited "whole" for the data to get through.
hnl_dk said:
Same also happens for me, then I try again and again and again and then it is working.
Lots of people are accessing github, and there is only a limited "whole" for the data to get through.
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thanks for your suggestion
finally i make it.
another question.
when i perform " brunch smultron"
i got lots of "cannot execute binary file"
and final "make: *** [out/target/product/smultron/obj/lib/crtbegin_static.o] Error 126"
do you know what it means?
shufuking said:
thanks for your suggestion
finally i make it.
another question.
when i perform " brunch smultron"
i got lots of "cannot execute binary file"
and final "make: *** [out/target/product/smultron/obj/lib/crtbegin_static.o] Error 126"
do you know what it means?
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without more details, my best guess is that you may be building it on a FAT32 or NTFS partition?
then there is a good chance that linux is not able to read the executable bits.

{All 2011}[GUIDE][DEV] How to build CyanogenMod 11.0

This thread is intended for devs & advanced users only.
Here you can learn how to build CyanogenMod 11.0 for any of the 2011 xperia devices.
I will use 'smultron' as an example device, you should replace the codename with the device you want to build.
For the first time you try to build CM11.0
Follow this guide up to "Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository" step (don't execute this step).
Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository
Enter the following to initialize the repository:
cd ~/android/system/
repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0
Get the required local manifest
mkdir -p ~/android/system/.repo/local_manifests
curl > ~/android/system/.repo/local_manifests/semc.xml
Download the source code
repo sync
Setup the build environment
. build/
Download some commits from CyanogenMod gerrit which are not accepted yet
ln -s vendor/extra/
Get the prebuilts
cd ~/android/system/vendor/cm
Setup the build environment & prepare the device-specific code.
cd ~/android/system
. build/
breakfast smultron
Build the ROM (takes long time)
brunch smultron
If the build finishes successfully, you will find the build here (change DATE into the date):
The next times you want to build, you only need to do the following:
Sync the repositories & make sure you are using the latest local_manifest.
cd ~/android/system/
curl > ~/android/system/.repo/local_manifests/semc.xml
repo sync
Setup the build environment
. build/
Download some commits from CyanogenMod gerrit which are not accepted yet
Build the ROM
brunch smultron
If the build finishes successfully, you will find the build here (change DATE into the date):
Steps to build only the kernel:
Sync the repositories.
cd ~/android/system/
repo sync
Setup the environment
. build/
Download some commits from CyanogenMod gerrit which are not accepted yet
Build the kernel
breakfast smultron
make -j4 bootimage
If the build finishes successfully, you will find the boot image here:
Some suggestions for faster builds:
* Enable ccache
* Use the fastest hdd on your pc to store the source, build output & ccache
* You can also buy an ssd, if it's not large enough to hold everything, just store the build output & ccache
* mount /tmp on tmpfs (RAM).
The above have greatly improved my dirty build times with removed /out/target from 1h30m to 30m.
Mounting /tmp on tmpfs made the biggest improvement for me.
Credits: Thanks to hnl_dk for the initial CM9 & CM10 guides.
bro your devs are awesome but when you gonna give us the opportunity to taste kitkat
Thanks so muxh
Sent from my Xperia Live with Walkman using xda premium
Sorry for the noob question, first time builder here. You say you prepare the device specific code, but there is no official CM11 for 2011 Xperia. Where does this code come from? Do you upload somehow your ROMs to Cyanogenmod servers? If it is true, that means that if I build CM11 on my own I can get the latest features before you even release them with a nightly?
johnny.tifosi said:
Sorry for the noob question, first time builder here. You say you prepare the device specific code, but there is no official CM11 for 2011 Xperia. Where does this code come from? Do you upload somehow your ROMs to Cyanogenmod servers? If it is true, that means that if I build CM11 on my own I can get the latest features before you even release them with a nightly?
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Legacy Xperia maintains the device trees on github. All the respective devices have their codes there. No, the builds are not uploaded to CM servers. But, if you build CM11 at whatever respective time you build, the latest feautes merged till that time will be incorporated in the build.
Sent from my Xperia Mini Pro using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
For compile KitKat which better 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu ?
r00lz said:
For compile KitKat which better 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu ?
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32 bit
r00lz said:
For compile KitKat which better 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu ?
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Click to collapse
The link in the OP states:
You want to use a 64-bit version of Linux. According to Google, 32-bit Linux environment will only work if you are building older versions prior to Gingerbread (2.3.x)/CyanogenMod 7. However, as of 10.1 CyanogenMod does not build with 64bit host binaries on some systems. You will have to set something like BUILD_HOST_32bit=1 in your environment when building on such 64bit system. "
Start build.
Hope good luck.
In order to build for Xperia Ray I just have to replace "smultron" with "urushi" in each command, right?
johnny.tifosi said:
In order to build for Xperia Ray I just have to replace "smultron" with "urushi" in each command, right?
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I already had a build env for 10.1/10.2, and the first repo init... failed with "gpg bla cannot verify".
"gpg bla" is Finnish for "you need a new repo tool version". I re-installed it with
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
can anybody help with this please
Building stops after about 10 minutes with the following error: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'.
target thumb C++: third_party_WebKit_Source_wtf_wtf_gyp <= external/chromium_org/third_party/WebKit/Source/wtf/ArrayBuffer.cpp
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../../base/android/jni_generator/", line 1070, in <module>
File "../../base/android/jni_generator/", line 1066, in main
File "../../base/android/jni_generator/", line 1001, in GenerateJNIHeader
jni_from_javap = JNIFromJavaP.CreateFromClass(input_file, namespace)
File "../../base/android/jni_generator/", line 514, in CreateFromClass
jni_from_javap = JNIFromJavaP(stdout.split('\n'), namespace)
File "../../base/android/jni_generator/", line 457, in __init__
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
make: *** [/home/johnny/android/system/out/target/product/urushi/obj/GYP/shared_intermediates/ui/gl/jni/Surface_jni.h] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Any help?
Successfully build smultron on a clean Ubuntu VM. No problems.
ivosat said:
Successfully build smultron on a clean Ubuntu VM. No problems.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same here. Had not a single problem while building. And it works amazingly fast with barely any noticeable bugs.
p0werdirector said:
Same here. Had not a single problem while building. And it works amazingly fast with barely any noticeable bugs.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How much data is being used during the whole process...
You will need more than 55 GB free space to build it from scratch ( Linux installation and everything else ).
ivosat said:
You will need more than 55 GB free space to build it from scratch ( Linux installation and everything else ).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have no issues with storage ...cause ofd 1 tb hdd
but how much data i have to download to build it from scratch ?
Does everyone downloads that who build their own build ? !!
(Dont high speed bandwidths costs expensive in your countries ?)

[GUIDE][COMPLETE] All in one Android Development [NOOB FRIENDLY]

Hi All,
I and @akhilnarang decided to post this guide to help anyone wanting to learn building of Roms and kernels. We will be using Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr here.
You can find instructions to install it elsewhere, just remember rom building needs 64bit OS, minimum 4GB RAM, and 100GB space on HDD. Kernel can be built on less hardware, but will take long
Make sure you have fast net, as you have to download at least 16GB of ROM sources, or more kernel, only 1GB of sources max.
Be prepared to spend a lot of time downloading, learning, and fixing bugs
More RAM, or faster CPU, or SSD will speed up the process.
From our personal experiences we have found that this is the best, stable, up-to-date version of Ubuntu yet. This has come from my trial and errors, searching all over the web, and bits I picked up from here and there.
We will move Rom building part when we completed this step properly. Step by step we will learn compiling kernel, using Github, Gerrit, Cherry-picking.
At the end of the post I have linked a script by @akhilnarang which if run will automatically install all these programs for lazy people like us haha [emoji14]
If you not interested to do all procedure from below just use the script. Simply it will automatically configure the build environment.
NOTE-------- some of these packages may already be on your machine. Obviously, if you complete a step and you have one of these installed, the machine simply will not do anything. will not hurt anything. Some of the packages are different from Ubuntu 12.04 and 13.04 (use these packages for Ubuntu 14.04 as many of the old ones have obsoleted - these are new replacements).
So if you set up your pc with Ubuntu we are good to go.
All code will be in code boxes like this:
means you have to run that command in the terminal (don't type the $).
All commands with sudo, gksudo, or gksu means it requires root permission.
It will ask for password.
Once you type, then in that terminal session it will not ask you for a few minutes again.
Any time you make changes to .bashrc or .profile file, make sure to run
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.profile
Or exit and open new terminal else the changes will not take place
Setting up build environment:
Installing Java JDK
Note: You need JDK 7 when you willing to compile Lollipop. If you wanna compile KitKat or lower you need JDK 6.
Open terminal (CTRL + ALT + T)
Then execute the following commands in terminal one by one:
Download & install java
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre
CHECK if java properly installed or not
$ java -version
If you get output like
java version "1.7.0_79"
on the first line then all is good
Now JDK is configured!
Note: Only for Ubuntu 14.04 or higher
Installing Required Packages
Open Terminal
Now execute this command:
Note: This will take some time, has to download about 500MB or so of packages
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git-core python gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev openjdk-7-jdk pngcrush schedtool \
libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc lzop libc6-dev schedtool g++-multilib lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev gcc-multilib liblz4-* android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot ccache
Configuring USB Access
Now we need to set permissions so that our USB ports can detect our android devices [emoji14]
Type in the following commands, it will download a file with the permissions, give it permission to execute, and restart the service.
$ sudo curl --create-dirs -L -o /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules -O -L
$ sudo chmod 644 /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
$ sudo chown root. /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
$ sudo service udev restart
$ sudo killall adb
ADB & Fastboot are configured
Installing Repo Package
Open terminal and type:
$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Configure Git
Open terminal and type:
$ git config --global ""
$ git config --global ""
Git is configured.
Configure ccache
Open terminal and type:
$ gksu gedit ~/.bashrc
Enter these lines
export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_DIR=~/.ccache
Save & close
Open terminal & execute:
$ source .bashrc
$ ccache -M 50G
I usually use 50 gigs. You can use more if you have more space, or build for many devices
Make a GitHub account using the same email address you used for configuring git
Then follow these
So if you not interested in doing above all steps then simply use this script by my friend @akhilnarang
Open terminal and type:
$ sudo apt-get install git-core
then do
$ git clone
$ cd scripts
$ .
This script will install all required packages
Now move onto #2nd post for Git and repo tutorial
To be continued
How To Use Git!
Now, to explain about git
Its a version control system, for code, like mercurial or subversion
Most android source code is either at AOSP
Most custom ROMs like CyanogenMod,Radium, host their code over at GitHub
So to start off, make a GitHub Account!
Here, you will find all the various repositories, full of code
All files are stored in repositories
When browsing a repository, you will see a button called fork
This will make a copy of it in your account, so you can edit it, and even submit changes for approval to the parent account
Now, to download the source of a repository onto your computer, we use git clone command
$ git clone
So we download the scripts from my github onto your PC, so we can run them
Now, if you added your ssh key as shown in bottom of post #1, then when cloning a repo from your account, while copying the link from bottom right corner, choose ssh link.
If you, when pushing(uploading)local changes, you will not be prompted for username and password, your ssh key will identify you .
After cloning, cd to the directory
git remote -v
This will show a list of remotes
Default is origin, i.e. the link you have cloned from
Now once we make our changes locally
$ git add -A
This stages all modified/added/deleted files to be committed
$ git commit
This opens a text editor for you to write a commit message for your commit
Just give me brief description of your changes or something :v.
$ git push <remote-name> HEAD:<branch>
If you have cloned, then remote will be origin
Branch can be checked by
git branch
, and also online from where you cloned
If you used https:// URL then you will be prompted for username and password to authenticate yourself
If git:// URL you can't push, you will need to use a https:// or ssh link
Another way to push can be
$ git push <link> HEAD:<branch>
Now say you want to make your own git repository of your files
Click on the new repository button on GitHub, give a name
You can do initial commit online, or locally
Follow the instructions it gives you
i.e. if you have all files ready (in a folder)
$ git init
$ git add -A
$ git commit
$ git push <link> HEAD:<branch>
A VERY important thing to be noted while using version control systems like git, is to preserve authorship of a commit
If someone else has made some changes to a file, and we want them, we should not copy the changes and commit, but should give them authorship either by cherry-picking(will be explained)
Or using this syntax
$ git commit --author="Author Name <[email protected]>"
Through this git will know the correct authors
Not giving proper authorship is known as kanging, not appreciated here on XDA,(or anywhere else for that matter), and can cause you to be banned :3
Anyway, on to cherry-picking
Go to your repository
$ git remote add blahblah link-to-url-you-want-commit-from
$ git fetch blahblah branch-commit-is-on
$ git cherry-pick Commit-sha1-hash
If you see a commit on GitHub, or GitLab, or BitBucket, there is a unique(to that repo) SHA for every commit to identify it
Fetch the correct repo as shown above, and paste the commit id
That will fetch the changes
However, if your local source is quite different from the source you cherry-picked from, it will conflict
If so your terminal will display it
then run
$ git status
Files shown in red color have conflicts
Open them with a text editor like Atom(my favorite), nano, gedit, vim, etc
Look for <<<<<<<
From there, the content till ======
is the original content
till >>>>>>> *insert commit message here* is the new stuff
So check the commit, figure out what's wrong, fix it, save.
$ git add -A
$ git commit
If no conflicts it will commit on its own and you just need to
$ git push
as explained earlier :v
$ git log
will show you a list of commits , authors, and SHA
If for some reason you wanna remove some commit, use
$ git revert commit-SHA
Just like cherry-picks, it may have conflicts
Anyway, this is just a small guide to get started off
You can easily found out more by searching, and experimenting
I will add more stuff here soon
Enjoy with this much till then
Building CyanogenMod for those device which officially supported​If our build environment setted up successfully and after we learnt some Git and repo thing now we will concentrete on rom building
Now we have to Initialize Repo. We will try to build CyanogenMod.
Initialize the repo:
$ mkdir cm
$ cd cm
$ repo init -u git:// -b cm-13.0
$ repo sync -f --no-clone-bundle
For people who have already done a repo init:
$ cd cm
$ repo sync -f --no-clone-bundle
When prompted, enter your real name and email address.
Continue onto adding a device
~How To Add A Device To The List~
Find the github for your device you wish to add. (We will give Android One Devices(sprout4&sprout8) as an example
Navigate back to your home directory for building:
$ cd ~/cm
$ source build/
$ . build/
That sets up your environment for building
Get your list of devices:
$ brunch
Choose your device from the list, till will fetch tree and dependencies if needed, sometimes vendor tree will need to be added manually (In case of CyanogenMod, rest all ROMs keep in dependencies)
Build will start,enjoy!
For users who like understanding>
. build/
runs a shell script, which adds various environment variables,etc, and some commands.
Calling "brunch" actually runs the command
breakfast [email protected] && mka bacon
(for CM)
[email protected] in shell script means all the parameters that have been passed, so if you passed brunch sprout, it would pass sprout
breakfast calls lunch, which selects the device, prepares the environment for building for it, fetches dependencies with the help of roomservice python script
"mka bacon"
This calls GNU make, and passes bacon as a parameters, to be "made"
mka is used instead of make, as it automatically uses all available threads of your CPU
If you have a quad core Intel, or octa core AMD, you could run make -j8 bacon
This is just the gist of it, reading through the would make it clearer
If successful, you will get a zip in out/target/product/device
If not, check post #6
Most likely, you will find a solution there.
If not, please ask us in the thread, we would be happy to assist you
To be continued
Kernel Compilation
As many of you'll already know, kernel of an operating system
Android devices use a modified version of the linux kernel
Firstly, most important thing to note, in that the Linux Kernel is licensed under the GNU GPL (General Public License), which can be found here
Basically, you must always keep your work on the kernel open-source, and display the link to it when publishing your work on XDA Threads, etc
In order to do this, make sure you fork, or push the kernel source you're working on to your GitHub account so that you can push the changes you're making
Make sure you give proper authorship, as explained in post #2
If unable to, give credits to author in commit message, but don't kang please [emoji14]
Please try to have at least a basic knowledge of C, so that you can fix errors
Else, use Google before asking in thread, there's a huge chance someone has already gotten and solved it :v
So now, getting to work
I will give an example using Android One Device (sprout4&&sprout8)
The kernel source be found here(branch android-mediatek-lollipop-mr1 for 5.1,or something, not sure, check), and also here, branch cm-12.1 for 5.1 ROMs
So fork it to your GitHub account, or clone from AOSP and push to your git
I'd recommend the one from CM git, as it usually has small bugs fixed compared to stock
In my device's case, a whole lotta broken stuff is fixed, so I would take from cm
So start off, by installing all dependencies as shown in 1st post
$ git clone -b cm-12.1 sprout-kernel
Replace the link with your own, ssh if you wish, as explained in #2
You must specify -b cm-12.1,as the default is cm-11.0, and you will end up will KitKat source!
The last parameter is optional, it saves it in that directory, in this case sprout-kernel
Now, all kernel source's have a file called a defconfig, or default configuration, that is device-specific
You will find it in arch/*your devices architecture*/configs
Your device may be arm, arm64, x86
Make sure you remember the name of the defconfig, you can rename it too [emoji14]
If you would like to give your kernel a name, simplest way would be to look for the CONFIG_LOCALVERSION in the defconfig
Make it something like
Anyway, so now you need a toolchain
For starting off, we will use GCC 4.8 from Google
For ARM devices
$ git clone
For aarch64/arm64
$ git clone
For x86 I'm not sure, go have a look here
Now remember where you saved it
Now open the file called "Makefile" in the root of kernel source
Look for a line that has ARCH?=
that dosen't start with a # (lines starting with # are comments)
And make it
ARCH ?= arm
ARCH ?= arm64
And look for CROSS_COMPILE ?=
make it
CROSS_COMPILE ?= path/to/downloaded/toolchain/bin/arm-eabi-
for arm devices
CROSS_COMPILE ?= path/to/downloaded/toolchain/bin/aarch64-android-linux-
for arm64 devices
This may differ on Custom toolchains, etc, you can find out about that by viewing the commits of different kernels, and going through various threads
I'm only gonna explain how to compile the kernel, not how to add stuff (at least for now)
If you wish now, you can refer to #2, and commit and push these changes [emoji14]
Now run
$ make cyanogenmod_sprout_defconfig
That's what my defconfig is called, yours maybe called something else [emoji14]
And now finally to start the build
First, check how many cores/threads your CPU has
A quad core Intel, an octa core AMD, will have 8
So if you have one, run
$ make -j8
This will compile the code on all 8 threads parallely
However this makes debugging errors harder
If you have an error, just run
$ make
to reduce output and identify error
Anyway, the process generate a zImage in arch/arm/boot/zImage
or arch/arm64/boot/zImage
This is a binary file
If you check the zip of your favorite custom kernel, you will find one too
In most cases, you can simply replace it with this, update the updater-script, and flash
Most of these zips use anykernel format, meaning it utilizes ramdisk from existing kernel, so if you find such a zip for your device, you're good to go
Else unpack your boot.img and add this add the file boot.img-zImage, repack, flash
If you don't understand any of these terms [emoji14], please google about them first, and then if you are unable to find out ask here please
More stuff will be added soon
Uses of Local_manifests​
Now we will learn what is Manifest. Its used for syncing source from Github,Bitbucket. Its driven via XML. Basically XML is a markup language. We can modify Rom's default.xml but it can cause of conflicts next time. So never think of editing default.xml
Now you can say how we sync our desired repo without modifying default manifest? There is a option called local manifests. By local manifests we can sync our desired repository. You can add,remove any project from default manifest without modifying default.xml
So now we will learn using local manifests-----
Open terminal and type
cd your source directory name/.repo
e.g: cd cm/.repo
Now create a new directory called local_manifests
Then type
cd local_manifests
Now type
nano localmanifest.xml
Now add whatever you want and save it via "ctrl+X"
Adding or Removing repo
Open localmanifest.xml then
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base" />
<project path="frameworks/base" name="Anik1199/android_frameworks_base" remote="github" revision="cm-13.0"/>
This will remove project from CyanogenMod and sync from Anik1199's git.
When adding a new project that replaces an existing project, you should always remove that project before defining the replacement.
You can simply add a new project to the source code, such as when you want to add your own app to the build.
Note that when adding new projects, there are at least three parts defined:
• remote -- the name of the remote. this can be one that was defined in either the default manifest or local_manifest.xml.
• name -- the name of the git project-- for github it has the format account_name/project_name.
• path -- where the git repository should go in your local copy of the source code.
• revision -- (optional) which branch or tag to use in the repository. If this attribute is omitted, repo sync will use the revision specified by the <default ... /> tag in the default manifest.
After creating .repo/local_manifests.xml, you should be able to repo sync and the source code will be updated accordingly
In many Manifest.xml you ll find many stuff not needed by our device. Also there are files needed and that is not present in the default.xml.
Adding Projects to local_manifest.xml
So, to add projects to your local_manifest.xml for your device refer the following format that explains the same.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path=" directory in work tree" name="name of the repository in remote" remote="name of remote defined earlier" revision="branch of the repository" />
If you have any doubt? See my localmanifest.xml
Device Example Used Here : Android One (Sprout)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/google/sprout4" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_google_sprout4" remote="github" revision="cm-13.0" />
<!--Devices commons-->
<project path="device/google/sprout-common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_google_sprout-common" remote="github" revision="cm-13.0" />
<project path="kernel/mediatek/sprout" name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_mediatek_sprout" remote="github" revision="cm-13.0" />
<project path="vendor/google" name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_google" remote="github" revision="cm-13.0" />
This will download your device Identity needed for Rom Building
Making CM Device Tree Compatible With Your Rom For Compiling​
We learnt how to initialize build environment,learnt some git,how to use local_manifest and learnt how to build CyanogenMod. Now we will learn how to compatiable CyanogenMod device tree for other Rom. We used Android One aka sprout as a reference. Now we will try to build another CyanogenMod based Rom for sprout.
I am using Team-Radium Rom as reference. So we can start......
There are 3 files in CM Tree Which Should Be Modified.
They are,
2) cm.dependencies
We have to edit this 3 files for building Team-Radium
1) Rename to
As You can see That WE HAVE JUST REPLACED CM WITH Radium
Now you all must be thinking why did we rename to
A Simple Answer is we go to the vendor folder and check the name and replace it.
So now you must be wondering about the product name in the above image only the "cm" changes to "Radium" with the same logic of the vendor name
In this case we see that Radium is the vendor we rename the to
this same rule applies to the content inside the too ... we first make sure that the files are available in that location .
2) Now we have to move second file "cm.dependencies"
This file will be simply renamed by Vendor Name ...
In This Case "Radium" we rename it to "radium.dependencies"
3) The Last And The Final Change Required Is In The ""
Open and rename cm as radium and save.
Thats it!! So simple i think
Happy building
Good luck!!! :good:
Last one in case
Will soon add some common bugs and their fixes
If repo sync gives error like cannot overwrite work tree
$ repo sync --force-sync
For those with slow net
You can download highly compressed sources by @regalstreak and some others from here!
Unless its a one time build, i'd recommend getting the one with .repo folder, else you won't be able to easily update the source to the latest version!
Thanks guys like @OwnDroid @westcripp @##W4TCH0UT## @varun.chitre15 @CaptivateKing and many others who have inspired me about Android
Anik_khan and akhilnarang ( My Encyclopedia of Development), love u guys. Keep doing awesome work
This is a nice guide... I think most of the people in India do not have high speed internet or continuous electricity for repo sync
This puts limitations on using own PCs for ROM building. I have seen lots of people who are using rented servers for this purpose. These servers are located somewhere in Europe or USA and one can access them (or VMs on them) remotely. These servers have internet speeds in GBs so the repo sync does not take more than 30 minutes...
I've recently started learning about ROM building and I've started with Google Cloud. Google have 2 months free service (so interested guys can start the ROM building right away without thinking about the time required for downloading 15-20 GBs )
@Anik_khan may be you can think of adding this as a tip in the OP...
@akhilnarang thanks for helping me and be ready... I'll be coming with lots of questions
Great work guys.
This will help a lot of newbies.
Add use of build scripts maybe.
P.S : Sometime I forget actual commands because of too much use of build scripts
corphish said:
Add use of build scripts maybe.
P.S : Sometime I forget actual commands because of too much use of build scripts
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I was planning too, the guide is gonna be improved over the next few days
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
a small correction in installing java procedure, you need jdk 7 to build lollipop, you mentioned as jdk7 and higher but you can't build with jdk8. awesome guide so far, regards from me.
Sent from my XT1033 using Tapatalk
Great Post , Thanks my two most favorite Brother .
I am searching for this awesome post , and you give the way with a easy way .
Awesome written . Really easily to understand.
Thanks man thanks
Thanks guys..finally got a 'noob friendly guide'..
Sent from my HM 1SW using XDA Free mobile app
OMG!! It's awesome and damn noob friendly!! It's the best guide I have ever seen!!
Thanks to you @Anik_khan & @akhilnarang
Keep your awesome work guys!!
Anik_khan said:
There are 3 files in CM Tree Which Should Be Modified.
They are,
2) cm.dependencies
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Just add this point as a note :-
Some ROMs extensively need device dependencies in their vendor source, be sure that u add it before building (if necessary)
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Its really a nice guide, but i need your help as am stuck on how to add a device to aosp/CM source, whenever i tried to add a device, I follows all instructions but it always give me an error
Which would you like? [aosp_arm-eng] 7
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "ha_i9500". Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'ha_i9500'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
Frostyagent said:
Its really a nice guide, but i need your help as am stuck on how to add a device to aosp/CM source, whenever i tried to add a device, I follows all instructions but it always give me an error
Which would you like? [aosp_arm-eng] 7
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "ha_i9500". Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'ha_i9500'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
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Rename to
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
ujwal.p said:
Rename to
I have done it but still no luck and error continues to display, I want to know what am i doing wrong, I was trying all the night but bad luck
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✦✦✦ [GUIDE] Build LineageOS ✦ How To use Github ✦✦✦

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How-to Build LineageOS​
These instructions will hopefully assist you to start with a stock device, unlock the bootloader (if necessary), and then download the required tools as well as the very latest source code for LineageOS (based on Google’s Android operating system) for your device. Using these, you can build both LineageOS and LineageOS Recovery image from source code, and then install them both to your device.
It is difficult to say how much experience is necessary to follow these instructions. While this guide is certainly not for the very very very uninitiated, these steps shouldn’t require a PhD in software development either. Some readers will have no difficulty and breeze through the steps easily. Others may struggle over the most basic operation. Because people’s experiences, backgrounds, and intuitions differ, it may be a good idea to read through just to ascertain whether you feel comfortable or are getting over your head.
Remember, you assume all risk of trying this, but you will reap the rewards! It’s pretty satisfying to boot into a fresh operating system you baked at home . And once you’re an Android-building ninja, there will be no more need to wait for “nightly” builds from anyone. You will have at your fingertips the skills to build a full operating system from code to a running device, whenever you want. Where you go from there– maybe you’ll add a feature, fix a bug, add a translation, or use what you’ve learned to build a new app or port to a new device– or maybe you’ll never build again– it’s all really up to you.
What you’ll need
* A device (supported by LineageOS)
* A relatively recent 64-bit computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
* A USB cable compatible with the OnePlus One (typically micro USB)
* A decent internet connection & reliable electricity
* Some familiarity with basic Android operation and terminology. It would help if you’ve installed custom roms on other devices and are familiar with recovery. It may also be useful to know some basic command line concepts such as cd for “change directory”, the concept of directory hierarchies, that in Linux they are separated by /. etc.​​
1. Install SDK
2. Install build packages
3. Java
4. Create the directories
5. Install the repo command
6. Initialize the LineageOS source repository
7. Download the source code
8.Prepare the device-specific code
9. Extract proprietary blobs
10. Turn on caching to speed up build
11. Configure jack
12. Start the build
13. Install the build
Build LineageOS and LineageOS Recovery​
1. Install SDK
If you haven’t previously installed adb and fastboot, you can download them from Google. Extract it using:
unzip -d ~
Now we have to add adb and fastboot to our path. Open ~/.profile and add the following:
# add Android SDK platform tools to path
if [ -d "$HOME/platform-tools" ] ; then
Then, run this to update your environment.
source ~/.profile
2. Install build packages
Several packages are needed to build LineageOS. You can install these using your distribution’s package manager.
You’ll need:
bc bison build-essential ccache curl flex g++-multilib gcc-multilib git gnupg gperf imagemagick lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-dev lib32z1-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libssl-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop pngcrush rsync schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev
For Ubuntu versions older than 16.04 (xenial), substitute:
libwxgtk3.0-dev → libwxgtk2.8-dev
3. Java
Different versions of LineageOS require different JDK (Java Development Kit) versions.
LineageOS 11.0-13.0: OpenJDK 1.7 (install openjdk-7-jdk)*
LineageOS 14.1: OpenJDK 1.8 (install openjdk-8-jdk)
* Ubuntu 16.04 and newer do not have OpenJDK 1.7 in the standard package repositories. See Ask Ubuntu question How do I install openjdk 7 on Ubuntu 16.04 or higher Note that the suggestion to use PPA openjdk-r is outdated (the PPA has never updated their offering of openjdk-7-jdk, so it lacks security fixes); skip that answer even if it is the most upvoted.
4. Create the directories
You’ll need to set up some directories in your build environment.
To create them:
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ mkdir -p ~/android/system
5. Install the repo command
Enter the following to download the repo binary and make it executable (runnable):
$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Put the ~/bin directory in your path of execution
In recent versions of Ubuntu, ~/bin should already be in your PATH. You can check this by opening ~/.profile with a text editor and verifying the following code exists (add it if it is missing):
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
Then, use this to update your environment.
source ~/.profile
6. Initialise the LineageOS source repository
Enter the following to initialize the repository:
$ cd ~/android/system
$ repo init -u -b lineage-16.0
7. Download the source code
To start the download of the source code to your computer:
$ repo sync
The Lineage manifests include a sensible default configuration for repo, which we strongly suggest you use (i.e. don’t add any options to sync). For reference, our default values are -j 4 and -c. The -j 4 part means that there will be four simultaneous threads/connections. If you experience problems syncing, you can lower this to -j 3 or -j 2. -c will ask repo to pull in only the current branch, instead of the entire LineageOS history.
8. Prepare the device-specific code
After the source downloads, ensure you’re in the root of the source code (cd ~/android/system), then type:
You have to change DEVICE with the codename of your device (for example: Oneplus ONE codename is bacon)
$ source build/
$ breakfast "DEVICE"
This will download your device’s device specific configuration and kernel.
Important: Some maintainers require a vendor directory to be populated before breakfast will succeed. If you receive an error here about vendor makefiles, jump down to Extract proprietary blobs. The first portion of breakfast should have succeded, and after completing you can rerun breakfast​
9. Extract proprietary blobs
Method 1
Now ensure your device is connected to your computer via the USB cable, with ADB and root enabled, and that you are in the ~/android/system/device/your_device/codename folder. Then run the script:
$ ./
The blobs should be pulled into the ~/android/system/vendor/your_device folder. If you see “command not found” errors, adb may need to be placed in ~/bin.
Method 2 (Recomended)
Search for your device blobs on TheMuppets or Donkeycoiote and add them to local manifest
10. Turn on caching to speed up build
You can speed up subsequent builds by running:
$ export USE_CCACHE=1
And adding that line to your ~/.bashrc file. Then, specify the maximum amount of disk space you want cache to use by typing this from the top of your Android tree:
$ prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50.0G
Where 50G corresponds to 50GB of cache. This needs to be run once. Anywhere from 25GB-100GB will result in very noticeably increased build speeds (for instance, a typical 1hr build time can be reduced to 20min). If you’re only building for one device, 25GB-50GB is fine. If you plan to build for several devices that do not share the same kernel source, aim for 75GB-100GB. This space will be permanently occupied on your drive, so take this into consideration. See more information about ccache on Google’s Android build environment initialization page.
11. Configure jack
Jack is the new Java compiler used from Lineage 14. It is known to run out of memory
Simple fix is to run this command:
$ export JACK_SERVER_VM_ARGUMENTS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4096m"
Adding that command to your ~/.bashrc file will automatically configure Jack to allocate a sufficient amount of memory.
If this doesn't help, you can reduce the number of Jacks to 1 in
12. Start the build
Time to start building! Now, type:
$ croot
$ brunch [COLOR="red"]device[/COLOR]
Remember, device is the codename for your device
The build should begin.
13. Install the build
Assuming the build completed without errors (it will be obvious when it finishes), type the following in the terminal window the build ran in:
$ cd $OUT
There you’ll find all the files that were created. The two files we’re interested in are:
recovery.img, which is the LineageOS recovery image., which is the LineageOS installer package.
Success! So… what’s next?​
You’ve done it! Welcome to the elite club of self-builders. You’ve built your operating system from scratch, from the ground up. You are the master/mistress of your domain… and hopefully you’ve learned a bit on the way and had some fun too.
Now, what to do next? You can jump to next section of this guide to understand how Github works and how to pick some commits from other developers/teams to improve your custom ROM​
This guide was taken from Official LineageOS wiki and all credits goes to LineageOS Maintainers ​
What is Github and how to use it
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. It is a powerful tool with many features available and here i´m going to talk about how you can use it to help you build and customize your "Custom ROM"​
1. Repositories
2. How to add/remove repositories
3. How to add/remove remotes
4. Repository Fork
1. Repositories
Now that you have built custom lineage from source to your device, you can explore deeper and see how things work and change them according to your needs.
First we are going to se what is inside .repo folder
cd ~/working_dir/.repo
It will show you something similar to this:
Inside the .repo folder are the necessary "manifest files" that tell the repo sync command what to include or remove from our project when synchronizing with the source
Open manifest.xml
gedit ~/working_dir/.repo/manifest.xml
Inside that file you have all information about which repositories belongs to source. These are the base repositories to build LineageOS.
Inside ~/working_dir/.repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml you can see the repositories needed to build for your specific device. This file is created after breakfast device step and includes, besides others, device tree and kernel.
2. How to add/remove repositories
Lets take a look at how we use roomservice.xml to add/remove repo's from our project, i will use Oneplus ONE device tree for example
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_oneplus_bacon" path="device/oneplus/bacon" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
* project name="LineageOS/android_device_oneplus_bacon Name of repository (without
* path="device/oneplus/bacon" Here is where the files will reside in our working directory
* remote="github" Is the for remote we are using, in this case is github (see below how to add/remove remotes to your project)
* revision="cm-14.1" Revision is the branch we want to sync
3. How to add/remove remotes
<remote fetch="" name="github" />
* remote fetch=" Url for remote you want to add to your project (in this case, we are working with github)
* name="github" This is the name for remote
Now that you understand the concept of repository, you can "fork" one and start making your
changes and keep it up to date with LineageOS source. For that, you need a Github Account.​
4. Repository Fork
In this example, i will fork Oneplus ONE device tree
1. Create Github Account
2. Go to and tap on Fork button. After that you can see that repository on you Github account
3. Now that you have "forked" one repository, you need to edit ~/working_dir/.repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml and change the default location to your location on your github.[/SIZE]
This is the basic steps you need to understand how to use Github to keep your code saved and updated. On next section, i will tell you how use Git so you can work on your project and start to pick some cool commits from others projects.​
Hello ,
Thanks for your tutorial. It was very well explained.
I have a question in the step: "Prepare the device-specific code".
The last available branche of my device at, is the cm-13.0 version,
Should I tell which of the options on the device?
$ Source build /
$ Breakfast "[COLOR =" Red] Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Exynos) or treltexx [/ COLOR]
Another question: since the last branche is from cm-13.0, if I follow your tutorial, will it compile a, lineage 14.1 rom? Or CYanogenmod 13.0?
Thank you
John Jefferson said:
Hello ,
Thanks for your tutorial. It was very well explained.
I have a question in the step: "Prepare the device-specific code".
The last available branche of my device at, is the cm-13.0 version,
Should I tell which of the options on the device?
$ Source build /
$ Breakfast "[COLOR =" Red] Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (Exynos) or treltexx [/ COLOR]
Another question: since the last branche is from cm-13.0, if I follow your tutorial, will it compile a, lineage 14.1 rom? Or CYanogenmod 13.0?
Thank you
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Since your device tree doesn't have 14.1 branch you have to sync Lineage 13.0 branch
repo init -u -b cm-13.0
After that you have to sync your especific device repos
$ source build/
$ breakfast treltexx
A3 2017
Hi , I have Galaxy A3 2017 I got to point of breakfast and I cound download files for my phone. What I have to do if I want to have Lineage OS Nuggat in my phone. I hate original rom :-{
breakfast a3y17lte
including vendor/cm/
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_a3y17lte". Stop.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "cm_a3y17lte". Stop.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_a3y17lte". Stop.
Device a3y17lte not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github
Repository for a3y17lte not found in the LineageOS Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_a3y17lte". Stop.
build/core/ *** Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_a3y17lte". Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_a3y17lte'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
Is that mean that I have to wait for support from LineageOS dvlpr team <?
roman01110 said:
** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_a3y17lte'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
Is that mean that I have to wait for support from LineageOS dvlpr team <?
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Thanks for the great post! I have two questions to ask:
1. How to change LINEAGE_VERSION? Currently when performing brunch I've got
and I wish to change it to
to distinguish my personal modified build.
2. When I wish to sync again to obtain latest commits, how far should I go back? Is performing "repo sync" and then "brunch oneplus3" already good enough? Do I need to perform "make clean" or something similar?
Thanks in advance!
I'm trying to build this for my galaxy s5 and I'm using that same guide to the letter and I'm just getting errors. And all those packages listed in op don't work either. I also get an error when extracting proprietary blobs. The extracting isn't the error it's that all the files aren't found in source code at all?!? I'm splitting bloody atoms trying to figure this crap out. Any help at all??
Hazuki Amamiya said:
Thanks for the great post! I have two questions to ask:
1. How to change LINEAGE_VERSION? Currently when performing brunch I've got
and I wish to change it to
to distinguish my personal modified build.
2. When I wish to sync again to obtain latest commits, how far should I go back? Is performing "repo sync" and then "brunch oneplus3" already good enough? Do I need to perform "make clean" or something similar?
Thanks in advance!
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1. In order to add some code to your build, you have to get familiar with git/GitHub. I'm preparing my next chapter to talk about it
2. Yes, you have to "make clean" everytime before build
thatsupnow said:
I'm trying to build this for my galaxy s5 and I'm using that same guide to the letter and I'm just getting errors. And all those packages listed in op don't work either. I also get an error when extracting proprietary blobs. The extracting isn't the error it's that all the files aren't found in source code at all?!? I'm splitting bloody atoms trying to figure this crap out. Any help at all??
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You have to show all your errors and all your steps in order to get help!
I'm using the exact same directions in the OP. No different order exactly the same order only for my specific device. The first pic is when I extract the proprietary blobs from the lineage ROM zip. The second pic is after trying to build it I get the ninja wrapper error 1 at the end. Oh and I'm running ubuntu 16.10 on VirtualBox. And my build environment was setup step by step off the android website
thatsupnow said:
I'm using the exact same directions in the OP. No different order exactly the same order only for my specific device. The first pic is when I extract the proprietary blobs from the lineage ROM zip. The second pic is after trying to build it I get the ninja wrapper error 1 at the end. Oh and I'm running ubuntu 16.10 on VirtualBox. And my build environment was setup step by step off the android website
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Why did you run: " ./ ~/original"
FSadino said:
* A relatively recent 64-bit computer (Linux, OS X, or Windows) with a reasonable amount of RAM and about 100 GB of free storage (more if you enable ccache or build for multiple devices). The less RAM you have, the longer the build will take (aim for 8 GB or more). Using SSDs results in considerably faster build times than traditional hard drives.
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Can you tell me, where the space is nescessary in the file-sytem on a linux-PC?
Of course /home needs much space, as the build is done there, but where else?
JamBax said:
Can you tell me, where the space is nescessary in the file-sytem on a linux-PC?
Of course /home needs much space, as the build is done there, but where else?
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It depends on which Linux distribution you install. Usually between 10Gb/15Gb should be enough for file system partition "/"
FSadino said:
It depends on which Linux distribution you install. Usually between 10Gb/15Gb should be enough for file system partition "/"
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It is kubuntu 16.04.02, so this means all the hard disk space will be for /home filesystem, correct?
Another question, where is the space for the cache, for i can't see any parameter.
edit ok, looks like the cache is located at /home/..ccache, is there a possibility to move this location?
Could it be, that java 8 can be used for 13.0 also? I did not install java 7, but was able to build a working lineage 13.0.
JamBax said:
It is kubuntu 16.04.02, so this means all the hard disk space will be for /home filesystem, correct?
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You have to make root partition for system (/) with 10Gb/15Gb and home partition (/home) with the remaining disk space.
Another question, where is the space for the cache, for i can't see any parameter.
edit ok, looks like the cache is located at /home/..ccache, is there a possibility to move this location?
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Search on Google "how export ccache to other location"
Could it be, that java 8 can be used for 13.0 also? I did not install java 7, but was able to build a working lineage 13.0.
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I have a question. I repo synced lineage 13. The build was successful but doesn't boot. I am building for Moto E surnia. I breakfast surnia it didn't ask for vendor files but built correctly. What could be wrong? The kernel log doesn't tell me too much. It's frustrating. All my previous builds booted up before.( I compiled DU for the surnia) Also use the same environment to build Twrp recoveries. I am downloading lineage 14 to try again. Maybe someone can point me in the right path please
Hi, I am building klte version of CrdroidAndroid ( a LineageOS based ROM) on a ubuntu 16.04 LTS VM.
I am getting the following error. I am not sure what to do here. I have been cleaning the build folder and ccache and trying to build. I keep ending at this error. Any help to solve this issue is greatly appreciated.
/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-ld: /home/sadanand/crdroid/android/system/out/host/linux-x86/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libart_intermediates/base/allocator.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against protected symbol `_ZN3art18g_malloc_allocatorE' can not be used when making a shared object
/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-ld: final link failed: Bad value
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[email protected] said:
I have a question. I repo synced lineage 13. The build was successful but doesn't boot. I am building for Moto E surnia. I breakfast surnia it didn't ask for vendor files but built correctly. What could be wrong? The kernel log doesn't tell me too much. It's frustrating. All my previous builds booted up before.( I compiled DU for the surnia) Also use the same environment to build Twrp recoveries. I am downloading lineage 14 to try again. Maybe someone can point me in the right path please
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Try build with vendor files
sada23 said:
Hi, I am building klte version of CrdroidAndroid ( a LineageOS based ROM) on a ubuntu 16.04 LTS VM.
I am getting the following error. I am not sure what to do here. I have been cleaning the build folder and ccache and trying to build. I keep ending at this error. Any help to solve this issue is greatly appreciated.
/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-ld: /home/sadanand/crdroid/android/system/out/host/linux-x86/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libart_intermediates/base/allocator.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against protected symbol `_ZN3art18g_malloc_allocatorE' can not be used when making a shared object
/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-ld: final link failed: Bad value
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
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Try to use GCC 4.9 or if you already using it try update to GCC 5

