Evo lte and fast typing - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

Anyone notice that the HTC evo lte can't keep up with fast typing? For example when you type real fast the words get all jumbled and the vibration feedback stutters. Never had this problem on og evo.
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interhawk1 said:
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+1 I type like the wind

I had the same problem... I switched back to SwiftKey and the problem was solved!

Try a different keyboard maybe? Swiftkey is the absolute best available, and I would recommend it even to someone who wasn't having any issues.

Haven't had this issue, it might be your keyboard. Had the issue with the sensation and stock ICS keyboard.

The only time I ever experienced that was when I had the sound/clicks turned on. But even then it wasn't often. Since turned off and NO LAG HERE!

I have used a few different keyboards, but with all sounds, vibration, dictionaries and corrections disabled and don't have any problem on any normal things. Ie most apps.
But, typing into most web forms IS very slow and buggy, with any keyboard and with at least both the stock and dolphin hd browsers. One particularly annoying bug is that once you've typed a line or so, and try to position the cursor back in the middle to make an edit, the spot where text will be erased or added is nowhere near where the cursor is. And it's very slow & laggy. That's most blogs and article comment things.
Typing this into xda premium app is no problem.
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SoraX64 said:
Try a different keyboard maybe? Swiftkey is the absolute best available, and I would recommend it even to someone who wasn't having any issues.
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Yeah i turn off haptic and sounds.
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ptrd said:
Yeah i turn off haptic and sounds.
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This. Haptic on causes stutter on mine.
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cmdauria said:
I had the same problem... I switched back to SwiftKey and the problem was solved!
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+1 for SwiftKey
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Flawless here with SwiftKey. Typing on Chrome when it first starts sometimes lags a tiny bit but nowhere else. Matter of fact I'm typing so fast right now most of these words sfs care misspelled, SwiftKey just knows me too good <3
I even have haptic feedback on (albeit at very small vibration) but I like it that low because it makes the letters feel "fuzzy".
Sent from my Evo 4G LTE

theoner1 said:
This. Haptic on causes stutter on mine.
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I shouldn't have to turn off sounds and haptic to resolve this. Never had the problem with og evo. This is definitely an issue for me.
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It's all about that SwiftKey...never had that prob with it before.

I'm a long time SwiftKey fan, but I have to say I do like the Swype beta a lot. Don't like the keypad layouts as much and not being able to back Swype to delete a word makes me sad, but I can be really fast and accurate with this thing.
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hitzand said:
I'm a long time SwiftKey fan, but I have to say I do like the Swype beta a lot. Don't like the keypad layouts as much and not being able to back Swype to delete a word makes me sad, but I can be really fast and accurate with this thing.
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Swype works great for me :thumbup:
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I notice it a lot when trying to unlock my phone. If I type my PIN real fast it misses numberS. I'm always forced to type it slow.
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I get quite a bit of lag when I type in landscape mode in the stock Web browser. This is with SwiftKey.


Can't get trace to work with HTC keyboard

Other than enabling trace in settings what do I have to do?
Want to try it since swype on this phone is a buggy POS.
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IMHO, It's worse than the swype.
3vo. That is all that needs be said.
sdc177 said:
Other than enabling trace in settings what do I have to do?
Want to try it since swype on this phone is a buggy POS.
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I think you need to have word prediction enabled for trace to work. Give that a try.
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k2buckley said:
I think you need to have word prediction enabled for trace to work. Give that a try.
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Didn't work. No combo of settings I have tried have worked. Don't know what to do...
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The trace only works in a few apps.
Compusmurf said:
The trace only works in a few apps.
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Which ones?
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As quoted from goodandevo.com
"Trace will only work in prediction-enabled text fields like email, messages, and notes. Search fields and URL bars do not support prediction, so you'll need to tap the individual keys in these areas."
A little ot, but is there a way to update swype? I was using it but it stopped tracing my finger so now I'm on HTC trace, which is basically just for text and email
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LostRib said:
A little ot, but is there a way to update swype? I was using it but it stopped tracing my finger so now I'm on HTC trace, which is basically just for text and email
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Nope, not till root. There's a swype rep/employee on the IRC evo 3d channel and he's confirmed this already.
Darn. I'll just have to practice with the touch keyboard
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Does anybody use this app? If so, has anyone noticed a bad lag when using it to download videos, especially when dragging down the status bar?
Been using it for a while now. Haven't noticed any lag but I usually don't pay too much attention. Gonna D/L something now.
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What is this?
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wilderckw said:
What is this?
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App that lets you download videos from YouTube.
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klbjr said:
Been using it for a while now. Haven't noticed any lag but I usually don't pay too much attention. Gonna D/L something now.
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Cool, let me know.
The only thing that really lags is when I try to pull down the notification bar when it's downloading. Scrolling through the home screens seems fine.
clankfu said:
Cool, let me know.
The only thing that really lags is when I try to pull down the notification bar when it's downloading. Scrolling through the home screens seems fine.
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Well I just download about 10 different videos over 3G, 4G & Wifi. Didn't see any lag when pulling down the notification bar or the phone in general. Maybe you need to do a restart maybe? Sorry I couldn't re-create the problem you are having.
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I've used it for years. No problems here
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Still having the problem even after rebooting, uninstalling and reinstalling. Is there any advantage JetVD has over TubeMate?
So uninstalled JetVD, installed TubeMate and downloaded a Youtube file without any lag. I like JetVD's interface a lot better but I can't deal with the notification bar freezing up so I guess I'll keep TubeMate unless there's a better option.
I've been using FreeDi Youtube Downloader since I got my OG Evo 4G and I've loved it. Now continue to use it flawlessly on the Evo 3D.
I prefer to get vd slow, I would not like it jet fast
davec1234 said:
I prefer to get vd slow, I would not like it jet fast
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Lol + 1
sent from the Affliction EVO 3d

Car mode orientation

Is there a way to flip the car mode orientation? I can't find it. I would rather have my phone the other way, to get the cords out of my immediate view.
Both vlingo and HTC car mode auto orient to landscape, with the 'bottom' on the natural left side of the phone.
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Set orientation will be your best friend. I even use it to play temple run in landscape mode.
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chiggerfruit said:
Set orientation will be your best friend. I even use it to play temple run in landscape mode.
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Thx! I downloaded it and so far so good. I've been looking for something like this since I purchased my EVO LTE. Quick question... How is this app on the phone battery? Have you noticed any big drains on your battery? I hope not...
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Nope it hasn't effected my battery life. It only keeps that persistent notification so that Sense doesn't go and kill it. I personally disable it when I know I won't be using it for awhile only because I try to save as much memory as possible and because it's not the best looking icon to have on my screen haha.
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Swiftkey flow

I was under the impression that the spen would not work with flow, but it does! Sure am missing the dedicated number row though. If it had that it would be perfect.
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I can deal without a dedicated number row. Just turn your long press sensitivity down.
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Exactly. Seems like 180 is the sweet spot
FormeriPhoney said:
Exactly. Seems like 180 is the sweet spot
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I found about 300 to be sweat enough that I want accidentally hiring numbers but enough that it isn't an eternity to get to my numbers.
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Do we have to sign up for that vip crap or can we just download it somewhere
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I just got the email and clicked the link that was in it.... This is amazing...
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Swiftkey Flow & contacts
I wish flow was available when entering contacts in email or sms.
webleeper said:
I wish flow was available when entering contacts in email or sms.
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And searches and websites
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justin94 said:
And searches and websites
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Its a damn shame because the actual swipe function rocks...
How does the beta compare to the version pre-installed on the Note 2?
Flow is dope was playing with it last night and currently using it now
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I really like the swift flow, it takes some getting use to
mwmcd87 said:
I really like the swift flow, it takes some getting use to
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agreed on both parts. i can type amazingly fast with it
I love it. It has all the functionality of SwiftKey plus flow, so if you don't like flow you can use it just like you can use the normal SwiftKey.
I took nosit1's advice and turned long press sensitivity down to make numbers easier. Love it! Now just need to figure out how to swipe to erase like on the non - swipe version and I will be perfectly content.
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I just switched from a iPhone5 to note 2 and i hate the predictive txt on swype

how do i turn of predictive txt i tried every option on the settings do i have to root? i searched everywhere before asking plz help
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What settings did you search?
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If you aren't hooked on swype, you might want to try some of the aftermarket keyboards...they do some amazing things (and some do have swype or something similar included). Especially if you are used to the iOS keyboard...its probably one of the biggest day to day functional improvements on Android. Smart Keyboard Pro, Thumb Keyboard and Kii are all awesome.
@kintwofan i have that off and my swype keyboard still has the predictive txt and i downloaded kii is ok ill do for now
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boogief1 said:
@kintwofan i have that off and my swype keyboard still has the predictive txt and i downloaded kii is ok ill do for now
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My friend that's because I'm an idiot. First some reason I thought the picture was the Samsung keyboard. That setting has no affect on the swype keyboard
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
so is there a way to turn off predictive text on swype ?
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boogief1 said:
so is there a way to turn off predictive text on swype ?
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Uninstall swype!
Seriously not if there is a bug with it. Have to wait until they fix it.
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I would download the jellybean keyboard. I like it better anyway and also has a swipe feature
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What's wrong with the stock keyboard? I just swiped this from it
sent from my Note 2
It sounds like the complaint is the suggestion bar because you can't turn it off. But it is less annoying if you turn off auto correction and next word prediction.
But there are many good keyboards. No one should feel stuck with a keyboard they don't like.
Note 2 - Nexus 7 - Charge - Player 5.0 - Fascinate
Read twice, flash once
@littleguevara i want to turn offf predictive txt i turned off in all settings but nothing works
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boogief1 said:
how do i turn of predictive txt i tried every option on the settings do i have to root? i searched everywhere before asking plz help
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Try swiftkey then, it has the swype thing too....
Device = Note 2
Rom = Omega 12
([email protected] black,[email protected] pack)
Kernel = Perseus 32
(Cpu [email protected],Gpu [email protected])
Audio = AC!D + Noozxoide
boogief1 said:
@littleguevara i want to turn offf predictive txt i turned off in all settings but nothing works
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Thats not the stock keyboard. Thats swype. This is the stock keyboard:
If youre rooted, I can give you the stock kb with the auto correct turned off and ability to remove predictive text as seen above, in a flashable zip file. I cant help you with swype, I think stock is far superior though. Ive used 4.2 keyboard, swiftkey etc. I came back to stock
sent from my Note 2
Not rooted but will need to do soon thanks 4 all help so is it a bug in swype ?
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boogief1 said:
Not rooted but will need to do soon thanks 4 all help so is it a bug in swype ?
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Its not a bug, I think they consider it a "feature"
sent from my Note 2
Ohh ok blahh it suxs thanks for info
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boogief1 said:
Ohh ok blahh it suxs thanks for info
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Just cause your not used too it doesn't mean it sucks. You have to remember coming from an iPhone you are going from a windows 3 computer to windows 8.
Lotta capabilities you will need to get used too.
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I had a s3 before and the swype keyboard wasnt that anniyingbi had more androids than iphones and yeap this new swype keyboard suxs ill just stick with stock samsung keyboard
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A bit off topic but try hitting the first word suggestion and keep doing it to see an "easter egg" from samsung lol (stock keyboard)...its the sentence it makes lol
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