Problem with all of Samsung ICS roms - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

OK there is one problem that persists with all of the versions of the Sammy ICS roms.
I boot into recovery wipe data, cache, dalvik cache, format system and then flash the rom, for example "Neatrom lite". Everything goes ok, I boot into the rom itself. Then I'll say, hey what the heck ~I won't install anything just to see whether its a application that is causing it. Then I listen to some music and turn off the music and lock the phone. After like 20 minutes or 20 hours or 2 days it will frequently stay on the 1200MHZ frequency and stay there for about 10 minutes. And as all of you know this will heat the phone up and therefore cause it to lose a decent amount of battery (30% in my case).
I tried to so hard to fix this problem by flashing another kernel or flashing the rom again or flashing a different rom but it still doesn't work...I love Samsung's ICS roms because the TV out works and its ICS. I just hope that the 4.0.4 rom will fix this.
So any idea guys? Any help or any suggestions would be appreciated.

Install BetterBatteryStats from a thread here on XDA and fully charge your phone and then let it fully discharge and study the results for kernel wakelocks. Type wakelock into Google and find a solution.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


[Q] Can Too Much Flashing Affect your phone?

I’ve flash about 20 different ROMS since I got my SGS2
I’m running checkromHD 4.0 every two days or so my phone seem to turn off or go into a sleep mode and cant be woken up, my friend running the same ROM (which I installed for him) and has got no problems
Ive tried wipe / format data cache and factory reset, tried flashing a stock ROM, then Checkrom 4.0 still the same problem
Can too much rom flashing affect the phone?
Any help would be appreciated
Problems are usually user error or rom error .
I agree, I flashed mi phone like 32 times and still rocking
long ago i rested counter and at the moment i have like 50 flashes and i think im gonna flash again tonight...when sth is wrong its either the rom or the users fault...nothing against u but mostly its the users fault
raidenuk said:
I’ve flash about 20 different ROMS since I got my SGS2
I’m running checkromHD 4.0 every two days or so my phone seem to turn off or go into a sleep mode and cant be woken up, my friend running the same ROM (which I installed for him) and has got no problems
Ive tried wipe / format data cache and factory reset, tried flashing a stock ROM, then Checkrom 4.0 still the same problem
Can too much rom flashing affect the phone?
Any help would be appreciated
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this sounds like too much undervolting, or playing with set cpu settings, very common issue, had it like millions times, either flash a different kernel, or increase voltages of the sleep/wake frequency ([email protected])
with some kernels my voltage for 200mhz was at 825 and was running fine at some kernels i was having no wake issues, so had to put it up to 850-875 or change governor hope this helps
Flash durability
Flash memory durability depends of type. You can expect to be able to flash your phone at least 10,000 times. You will find that the connector which is also rated for 10,000 connections, would wear out first.

[Q] I777 shutdown & SOD issues with a twist

i have Slim's latest on my I777. i am having constant shutdowns & SOD's, like every few minutes. the twist is that i have had the same release of Slim on the phone before, several times in fact, and i had the occasional SOD, but not constantly like now. i have installed Slim a number of times because i like to try new ROMs, and i keep coming back to Slim cus i like JB.
this must be diagnosed, because i believe now that something was messed up a bit along the way of flashing ROMs, mods, and kernels, but our awesome ROM supporters in their threads have their limits they have told me, and i should ask here since this is a general question about the phone & system. i am seeking help here relating to the rest of the phone and system that may become damaged somehow, and i want to clean up my system to end this problem. logcat & last_kmssg linked below.
to be clear: i am rooted correctly, am running the right software for the I777, always check my MD5's from the phone before flashing, clear my caches when needed, wipe dalvik before flashing kernels, etc etc.
interestingly, i fully wiped/factory reset, formatted system, dalvik, wiped batt stats, and fixed permissions, then reinstalled stock Slim last night because i thought maybe my settings were trouble, so i decided to run an out-of-the-box Slim, changing only the dpi and launcher. no change.
i've tried Siyah's latest after running Jkay's kernel cleaner as well. no change. something is making my phone shutdown/SOD constantly, and it may not be the ROM. others don't seem to be having this issue. i have little running on the phone. just accuweather, Date in Tray Pro, and Apex Pro. no overclocking/voltage changes... nothing fancy at all. so i'm just perplexed.
here's the latest logcat:
here's the latest last_kmssg:
if any of you guys can help with this, then thank you in advance.
VR32 said:
i have Slim's latest on my I777. i am having constant shutdowns & SOD's, like every few minutes. the twist is that i have had the same release of Slim on the phone before, several times in fact, and i had the occasional SOD, but not constantly like now. i have installed Slim a number of times because i like to try new ROMs, and i keep coming back to Slim cus i like JB.
this must be diagnosed, because i believe now that something was messed up a bit along the way of flashing ROMs, mods, and kernels, but our awesome ROM supporters in their threads have their limits they have told me, and i should ask here since this is a general question about the phone & system. i am seeking help here relating to the rest of the phone and system that may become damaged somehow, and i want to clean up my system to end this problem. logcat & last_kmssg linked below.
to be clear: i am rooted correctly, am running the right software for the I777, always check my MD5's from the phone before flashing, clear my caches when needed, wipe dalvik before flashing kernels, etc etc.
interestingly, i fully wiped/factory reset, formatted system, dalvik, wiped batt stats, and fixed permissions, then reinstalled stock Slim last night because i thought maybe my settings were trouble, so i decided to run an out-of-the-box Slim, changing only the dpi and launcher. no change.
i've tried Siyah's latest after running Jkay's kernel cleaner as well. no change. something is making my phone shutdown/SOD constantly, and it may not be the ROM. others don't seem to be having this issue. i have little running on the phone. just accuweather, Date in Tray Pro, and Apex Pro. no overclocking/voltage changes... nothing fancy at all. so i'm just perplexed.
here's the latest logcat:
here's the latest last_kmssg:
if any of you guys can help with this, then thank you in advance.
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Nothing jumps out at me but you need to backup your data and SDCARD to a PC, flash back to stock..... when stock boots up perform a factory reset and test with the stock firmware... if it work fine.... root and install the ROM fresh and clean and test without installing anything else. If it again is fine then install every app from the Market. if you want to restore your recent data afterwards that is up to you but There are so many variables that could be causing your issue and you need to step back and try to find the cause one step at a time.
shoman94 said:
Nothing jumps out at me but you need to backup your data and SDCARD to a PC, flash back to stock..... when stock boots up perform a factory reset and test with the stock firmware... if it work fine.... root and install the ROM fresh and clean and test without installing anything else. If it again is fine then install every app from the Market. if you want to restore your recent data afterwards that is up to you but There are so many variables that could be causing your issue and you need to step back and try to find the cause one step at a time.
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thanks shoman. much appreciated for the tips.
You wouldn't happen to be using an aftermarket phone charger would you? I was working on a phone behaving like that and it was the charger. If you lifted up on the plug a little while plugged in, it would wake the phone from sleep and constantly restart it. It also did something to the ROM or possibly the Kernel cause it started restarting while not plugged in and the power button quit working. I used a known good Samsung charger and installed AOKP JB with the kernel that came with and it fixed everything. I replicated this problem with two different chargers. It is possible that the USB port on the phone was worn. However, no matter how I moved the cable with a Samsung charger, nothing bad would happen.
beaverslayer said:
You wouldn't happen to be using an aftermarket phone charger would you? I was working on a phone behaving like that and it was the charger. If you lifted up on the plug a little while plugged in, it would wake the phone from sleep and constantly restart it. It also did something to the ROM or possibly the Kernel cause it started restarting while not plugged in and the power button quit working. I used a known good Samsung charger and installed AOKP JB with the kernel that came with and it fixed everything. I replicated this problem with two different chargers. It is possible that the USB port on the phone was worn. However, no matter how I moved the cable with a Samsung charger, nothing bad would happen.
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no I've never used one.
but it appears this was all caused by the app Screen Off And Lock by Katecca. I had the donate version. its always worked for me on every ROM up through ICS, but it seems to wonk out JB. I changed to Lock Screen App by Kenneth Cheng and have had zero problems in days now, which is a first.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

[Q] SGS2 turns itself off

Hi, i've been experimenting this problem for 2 months. I've got CyanogenMod 9, but before I flashed Cyanogen Resurrection 4.0.3 and I formated everything as possible (Wipe Data, Cache, Dalvik and format /system). The battery doesn't lose charge when I restart it.
So, what is your question..?
Sent from the Matrix
If any of you have the same problem and know the solution. I've read other messages like mine, but I'm not in the same circumstances. I haven't got any apps except social (whatsapp, twitter...) none of my apps it's draining the battery I simply don't know why my phone shuts down by itself
You're running stock kernel right? Have you changed anything at the Performance-menu at Settings? And when do this reboots occur?
Have you tried flashing for example CM10.1 to see if the same problems come up? You could make a Nandroid backup to try this.
Sent from the Matrix
Thanks for the answers. I have the stock cm9 kernel. I don't touch anything at the performance settings. Actually, this problem comes from a couple of roms more. AOKP, ParanoidAndroid, and another one 4.2.1 which I don't remember the name. I've tried a stock ROM before but the performance was not good at all, freezes and slow work at general. Thanks.
Make a full wipe (4) and go as stock as you can. Try it for a day or two and then go back to custom.
You wanna see if it keeps going off on its own, don't worry about performance just yet.
If it does it on all roms you've tried its obviously a hardware issue.
Try a different battery, if that doesnt help then send it for repair.
SGS2 power off issue
I have been running and updating Resurrection Remix and Siyah/Dorimanx kernels for awhile now and this worked fine up until last week. After an update to Dorimanx 7.50 my phone started dropping its network connectivity and powering off randomly, i then updated the Kernel to a new verison hoping the issue had been address (8.3 to be specific) after which my phone wouldnt even go through the boot sequence properly.
After a bit of fiddling i have managed to install an Official JB ROM, (details in the image attached) and network connectivity now seems to be ok, but the phone still powers off...ALOT. Anyone else experience similar issues and find a solution?
Note: I have ordered a new battery in case that is the issue as suggested above, but just checking incase theres something im missing while I wait. Also, the phone is about 16 months old.
Sv: [Q] SGS2 turns itself off
Check your fuel gauge chip. Reset it with siyah or dorimanx kernel.
Skickat från min GT-I9100 via Tapatalk 2

[Q] Can't not find stable rom, freezing reboots.

I have flashed over 10 roms each time I do a NUKE and wipe all caches and data. I have installed roms as per instructions. But for the life of me I can not find one that will go an hour without rebooting or freezing. I have tried many different kernels as well.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Do your phones reboot all the time?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there something wrong with just my phone?
Is this normal?
Someone advise a stable version. I just don't get it......
Maybe a battery issue.
I really don't understand it. It reboots when I'm sending a text or searching internet or swiping screens. It doesn't matter what i am doing at the time.
The most stable one I have found to work the longest without reboot is Omega Milestones with 7.13 dormaix kernel. Thats it. But I still have problem.
Please help
It could be the battery dying on you.
If it's not the battery then we could be talking hardware.
Sent from the little guy
casualt said:
I have flashed over 10 roms each time I do a NUKE and wipe all caches and data. I have installed roms as per instructions. But for the life of me I can not find one that will go an hour without rebooting or freezing. I have tried many different kernels as well.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Do your phones reboot all the time?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there something wrong with just my phone?
Is this normal?
Someone advise a stable version. I just don't get it......
Maybe a battery issue.
I really don't understand it. It reboots when I'm sending a text or searching internet or swiping screens. It doesn't matter what i am doing at the time.
The most stable one I have found to work the longest without reboot is Omega Milestones with 7.13 dormaix kernel. Thats it. But I still have problem.
Please help
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Have you tried going back to an official stock firmware?
Sent from my SGS II

[Q] i9300 getting random freeze/hang up irrespective of recover/kernel/rom

This is my first post here so please excuse any violation of rules.
So, I was running CWM recovery + Siyah kernel + CM10.1 + Touchwiz 4.1.2 (dual boot setup) perfectly fine on my Galaxy s 3 for almost a year. But yesterday I decided to update all of those and updated to latest CWM using ROM manager, then changed the kernel to googy max2 and installed CM11. Everything worked properly except that my phone would freeze or hang up randomly at any time(whether swiping through homescreens or updating apps or even during standby). So I changed my ROM to S4 Revoution ROM (tried with both googy max2 and devil kernel). However, even this ROM gave me same hangup problems. So I moved onto TWRP recovery+ OmniRom but still encountered the same problem multiple times. After getting tired of wasting so much time, I came back to my original setup of CWM+Siyah kernel+CM10.1 thinking I wouldn't face this problem again, but to my aghast, the phone would still freeze randomly. Only a power button reboot would help. Please help, I have no idea what might be causing the problem as I have successfully tried every combination of recovery, kernel and ROM but to no avail. And no, I never manually tinkered with any CPU/GPU frequencies or voltages. Your time and help is greatly appreciated, Thank you.
PS: One more very important thing I forgot to mention, CPU-Z shows most of the time all 4 cores of the CPU stay at 1400MHz even though minimum speed is 200MHz. I have noticed this in S4 revolution ROM with googy max2 kernel and pegasusq governor(currently using this setup on my phone). Also, the "devil kernel" app on this ROM shows CPU either stays in deep sleep mode or 1300-1400MHz frequency.
Can't take screenshot for some reason in this ROM otherwise I would have uploaded those too. Thank you.
newoverhere said:
This is my first post here so please excuse any violation of rules.
So, I was running CWM recovery + Siyah kernel + CM10.1 + Touchwiz 4.1.2 (dual boot setup) perfectly fine on my Galaxy s 3 for almost a year. But yesterday I decided to update all of those and updated to latest CWM using ROM manager, then changed the kernel to googy max2 and installed CM11. Everything worked properly except that my phone would freeze or hang up randomly at any time(whether swiping through homescreens or updating apps or even during standby). So I changed my ROM to S4 Revoution ROM (tried with both googy max2 and devil kernel). However, even this ROM gave me same hangup problems. So I moved onto TWRP recovery+ OmniRom but still encountered the same problem multiple times. After getting tired of wasting so much time, I came back to my original setup of CWM+Siyah kernel+CM10.1 thinking I wouldn't face this problem again, but to my aghast, the phone would still freeze randomly. Only a power button reboot would help. Please help, I have no idea what might be causing the problem as I have successfully tried every combination of recovery, kernel and ROM but to no avail. And no, I never manually tinkered with any CPU/GPU frequencies or voltages. Your time and help is greatly appreciated, Thank you.
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Did you do a complete wipe before installing all these roms? Wipe Dalvik Cache and Cache partition. I am running WanamLite 7.3 with stock kernel and Wanam Xposed. Here is the link to the rom -
Reboot into custom recovery. Do a full wipe, even though this rom says that it is not necessary but it is always a good idea to do a full wipe before flashing. Try this out and let's try to fix your problem.
Hamza18 said:
Did you do a complete wipe before installing all these roms? Wipe Dalvik Cache and Cache partition. I am running WanamLite 7.3 with stock kernel and Wanam Xposed. Here is the link to the rom -
Reboot into custom recovery. Do a full wipe, even though this rom says that it is not necessary but it is always a good idea to do a full wipe before flashing. Try this out and let's try to fix your problem.
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Yes, and not just once, but every time I flashed a new ROM. I'm thinking my only option now is to unroot and go back to stock but i am unable to find my country's rom. (found one on sammobile but the download speed refuses to go beyond 2-3kbps).
One more very important thing I forgot to mention, CPU-Z shows most of the time all 4 cores of the CPU stay at 1400MHz even though minimum speed is 200MHz. I have noticed this in S4 revolution ROM with googy max2 kernel and pegasusq governor. Also, the "devil kernel" app on this ROM shows CPU either stays in deep sleep mode or 1300-1400MHz frequency.
Can't take screenshot for some reason in this ROM otherwise I would have uploaded those too. Thank you.
newoverhere said:
One more very important thing I forgot to mention, CPU-Z shows most of the time all 4 cores of the CPU stay at 1400MHz even though minimum speed is 200MHz. I have noticed this in S4 revolution ROM with googy max2 kernel and pegasusq governor. Also, the "devil kernel" app on this ROM shows CPU either stays in deep sleep mode or 1300-1400MHz frequency.
Can't take screenshot for some reason in this ROM otherwise I would have uploaded those too. Thank you.
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Try WanamLite 7.3. Use the link I gave. And install it after doing a complete wipe. See if that makes a difference.
Hamza18 said:
Try WanamLite 7.3. Use the link I gave. And install it after doing a complete wipe. See if that makes a difference.
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Thank you for the suggestion but i'm afraid that would not help as i have already tried 4 different roms, one of which i used for a year without any problem, but still facing the hangup only since yesterday. plus, I have gone through enough trouble restoring my accounts/apps/contacts and all (especially whatsapp) again and again for the whole of yesterday every time i flashed a new rom. the problem is not related to the rom. thank you, again.
pertsky makes
newoverhere said:
Thank you for the suggestion but i'm afraid that would not help as i have already tried 4 different roms, one of which i used for a year without any problem, but still facing the hangup only since yesterday. plus, I have gone through enough trouble restoring my accounts/apps/contacts and all (especially whatsapp) again and again for the whole of yesterday every time i flashed a new rom. the problem is not related to the rom. thank you, again.
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See, most of the things in your phone are software related. It is very very rare that you might have damaged the hardware. I see mismanagement of the resources by the ROM or kernel in your phone. What are the steps you are doing when installing a new ROM and which custom recovery are you using?
Full wipe flash stock rom and test ,
Read the FREEZING sticky and SDS sticky .
JJEgan said:
Full wipe flash stock rom and test ,
Read the FREEZING sticky and SDS sticky .
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I did a full wipe, flashed everything again, did the emmc check as well as the dummy file generator thing....the hangups have reduced to 2-3 per day from 2-3 per hour but are still there. Should I downgrade my cwm recovery?
If you are rooted try the COMPLETE unrooting procedure mentioned at various places by flashing the latest stock firmware available from sammobile. This is to make sure your device software is like brand new. Test it for at least a day. Do a mega wipe (erasing everything even on internal SD card) before which can fix it in some cases.
When rooting again make sure you have the most bug free version of the recovery. CWM is known to have minor problems here and there but nothing concerning to this topic.
~DemonLord~ said:
If you are rooted try the COMPLETE unrooting procedure mentioned at various places by flashing the latest stock firmware available from sammobile. This is to make sure your device software is like brand new. Test it for at least a day. Do a mega wipe (erasing everything even on internal SD card) before which can fix it in some cases.
When rooting again make sure you have the most bug free version of the recovery. CWM is known to have minor problems here and there but nothing concerning to this topic.
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Hi guys, I experience the same problems: I'm in any app and I press home to go back to the home menu => my phone's freezing for 5 seconds and then I see all my icons/folders/widgets slowly appearing. I would like to know how to complete format my internal SD card like you said. Thanks in advance.
by pressing the powerkey+homebutton+volume up for about 8-10 seconds you are taken to a recovery menu. You can choose to factory reset over there. That fixed problems in most cases. The only way to wipe the internal partition as well would be to install stock firmware which is a part of unrooting, this will erase everything and put a original rom in your phone.. You can follow the unrooting processes written in many posts in xda
Ok thanks for this quick answer ! So the only way to erase the internal SD card is the unrooting method?
Radder124 said:
Ok thanks for this quick answer ! So the only way to erase the internal SD card is the unrooting method?
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As far as i know yes. Its not any trouble at all, wont take much time, except the firmware you would have to download. Its not needed in most cases. As i said before you may only need a factory reset so try that before! And just hit the thanks button

