"Shell has been granted super user permissions" - Galaxy S III Q&A, (US Carriers)

Keep getting that message. I don't have ADB shell installed. Also in SU app the log shows it receives permissions about 25 times a day.
There is no app in SU list that says anything about shell.
Is it some kind of dequised virus or what could it be and what's the best steps to rid of it?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app

That's su granting root permission. Once its granted it doesn't prompt you anymore it just notifies you
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

Are you using a third party launcher?
Sent from my AT&T Galaxy SIII (SGH-i747)

Open your SU app and there should be an option to turn off the notifications.

This started happening to me after I updated to the latest su. It is supposedly a bug. Doesn't seem to be causing any issues other than annoyance
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app

Same thing for me - just started happening randomly. It pops up like 500 times. I just reboot my phone (damnit)
Very recent bug.

ChainsDD tweeted that he's looking into it.

Mine does the same thing and it wont stop. I would have restart me phone for it to stop. This usually happens when I'm using the swype keyboard.
I'm running ics objection on i717. And restart is only done thru battery pull

Are you using Go Launcher's locker app? That seemed to be the cause for me. Error stopped after I uninstall the locker and reboot. Everything is then fine again unless I go and install the locker again.

I'm having this problem too. I'm using Go SMS Pro, I wonder if that has something to do with it....but I have to use Go SMS Pro, because of the SMS bug in Jelly Bean...FAIL

Skywalker134 said:
I'm having this problem too. I'm using Go SMS Pro, I wonder if that has something to do with it....but I have to use Go SMS Pro, because of the SMS bug in Jelly Bean...FAIL
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Same here, I have AT&T Galaxy Note and the thing just popped up out of random.
I have NOT been installing any system apps or custom ROM in the past 2 days...

I started receiving this as well.
No GO SMS, no additional launchers.
Everything stock, except CWM Recovery and SU added
I started seeing it after I installed GTA III from the market
Also, I "think" but am unsure, I also updated SU at the same time, and even installed SU elite


SetCPU and constant superuser permission requests

As often as every few seconds and as rarely as every few minutes SetCPU will ask for permissions and a toast notification from the superuser app will indicate such.
Why is it doing this?
I've googled and searched here. The only solutions I've found are unacceptable. The solution provided each time is to turn off notifications. Not happening.
This issue has not occurred on any other phone I've had and has occurred on both my stock kernel and custom kernel with my current Evo 3d.
The last time I updated SuperUser this issue went away.
I had the same issue..i just went to the su settings and turn off the notifications and it was fix....
luisrod03 said:
I had the same issue..i just went to the su settings and turn off the notifications and it was fix....
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Again as stated in the original post, this isn't a solution. This is just ignoring the problem.
KB112 said:
The last time I updated SuperUser this issue went away.
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Everything is fully updated and still happening.
I have SU 3.0.7 and SetCPU v 2.2.4 and no issues in a while.
Sent from my PG8610000 using xda premium
May try a fresh install of superuser. Any issues to be aware of by removing the app that allows root access?
May try a fresh install of superuser. Any issues to be aware of by removing the app that allows root access?
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Flash it in recovery. It will just over write it. I downloaded a flashable update some time ago.
Sent from my PG8610000 using xda premium
To get rid of SetCPU notifications from Superuser you need to turn off notifications in Superuser
Lol yeah, just turn the notifications off and it'll stop.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Are you using a stock kernel? There is a reason I ask, but we'll get to that part.
Also, what rom are you running, and are you setting profiles?
FIT-Performance said:
May try a fresh install of superuser. Any issues to be aware of by removing the app that allows root access?
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Open the Superuser app and Turn off the Notifications

Wave launcher force closes

I've had wave launcher on my phone since gingerbread, now I'm on I'VE and everytime I try to open the app itself to change some settings, it keeps giving me the message that it stopped working. Although it works when restoring my backup from titanium after restarting. I have no idea why I'm not being able to launch it through app drawer.
Anyone else having this problem?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
Tried reinstalling manually? Clear dalvik and fix permissions?
Yeah, I've done all of those. I don't know what's up with it
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
Maybe it's having compatibility issues with ICS? I saw a comment on the app (not that we can really take those as gospel) from a gnex user saying it wasn't playing nice with ics.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
yeah probably. Seeing that it was last updated last year in September. Oh well, hopefully it gets fixed somehow
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
Xcor3 said:
yeah probably. Seeing that it was last updated last year in September. Oh well, hopefully it gets fixed somehow
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
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Good developers reply to emails from play store. That's how I got MadMaxx over here for 4ext. If you really like the launcher, and since its a paid app, an email may be worth a shot
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
glacierguy said:
Good developers reply to emails from play store. That's how I got MadMaxx over here for 4ext. If you really like the launcher, and since its a paid app, an email may be worth a shot
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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This is completely out of topic...
So, you're the one bringing the guy who made the 4ext to this forum?? OMG. you're as cool as a glacier dude
I have never email any developer through play store at all... lol. i guess I should try it when I got a problem XD
I have the same problem in my Galaxy SII with official ICS 4.0.3, the first times the app is active and I could go to the settings from the notification shortcut but when the app closed i couldn't opened anymore because when I try to open from the app drawer (that is the only way to active because the shortcut in the notification isn't there) it's always giving me force close.
The first times the wave is active when i restarted the phone because it was configured to open in startup but after two or three restarts it didn't activated anymore.
I tried everything I have installed all previous versions of wave launcher and the only that didn't give this problem is the 1.5 version but this version doesn't support widgets.
I don't understand why such a great application didn't receibed an update in 9 month, I hope the developer isn't dead
Sorry for my english.
I'm from Uruguay.
The only problem i had was the app would force close when launching from the drawer. So what i did was, i cleared the data, restarted and started from scratch again. of course the app still force closes when launching from the drawer and before, i hid the notification icon so there was no way to get to settings. Now its back and everything is working exept the only problem o had before, i have changed the settings and the apps i wanted to put are there. I can access it from the notication easily.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G
Diego_Go_Vegan said:
I have the same problem in my Galaxy SII with official ICS 4.0.3, the first times the app is active and I could go to the settings from the notification shortcut but when the app closed i couldn't opened anymore because when I try to open from the app drawer (that is the only way to active because the shortcut in the notification isn't there) it's always giving me force close.
The first times the wave is active when i restarted the phone because it was configured to open in startup but after two or three restarts it didn't activated anymore.
I tried everything I have installed all previous versions of wave launcher and the only that didn't give this problem is the 1.5 version but this version doesn't support widgets.
I don't understand why such a great application didn't receibed an update in 9 month, I hope the developer isn't dead
Sorry for my english.
I'm from Uruguay.
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Well i hope hes not dead dead. Lol. Maybe hes just not aware of this or just stopped developing for it. But its still a really good launcher.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G
Xcor3 said:
The only problem i had was the app would force close when launching from the drawer. So what i did was, i cleared the data, restarted and started from scratch again. of course the app still force closes when launching from the drawer and before, i hid the notification icon so there was no way to get to settings. Now its back and everything is working exept the only problem o had before, i have changed the settings and the apps i wanted to put are there. I can access it from the notication easily.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G
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Have you tried Swipepad? I remember it being similar with Wave Launcher.... It even has more shortcut available (up to 12 I think)
I haven't used it for a couple months after resetting my phone though. So, I don't know if it works with ICS
waved launcher force close on ics
Me too.. ref: v1.8.1
Same force close problems.. Once I managed to get it up & running (that was the first & last).
Now I can't even get it to install, "unfortunately wave launcher has stopped"..
YES DELICATELY NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ICS (like most fancy launchers like ultimate faves pro

Shell Denied Error in Superuser??

I've got the latest CM10 nightly flashed (11/9) on my fascinate with the Touchwiz Theme. Everything works great, but at least once a day my phone lags to unlock and I can see my homescreen very light in the background. Almost like an auto brightness issue. Lasts for about 5 secs, then its fine. I checked the Superuser logs to see if anything was there and noticed Shell was denied at the time all this lag was happening. Anyone else have or heard of this issue? I did do a clean install (fortmated/wiped etc) last night to see if that would fix anything but apparently not. Here is a screenshot of the log.
sammyroot said:
I've got the latest CM10 nightly flashed (11/9) on my fascinate with the Touchwiz Theme. Everything works great, but at least once a day my phone lags to unlock and I can see my homescreen very light in the background. Almost like an auto brightness issue. Lasts for about 5 secs, then its fine. I checked the Superuser logs to see if anything was there and noticed Shell was denied at the time all this lag was happening. Anyone else have or heard of this issue? I did do a clean install (fortmated/wiped etc) last night to see if that would fix anything but apparently not. Here is a screenshot of the log.
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Is : shell : listed under the apps tab?
If so,,, click on it and set :: notifications :: to disabled
Try that
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
I say that because I noticed this
View attachment 1471824
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
hhp_211 said:
I say that because I noticed this
View attachment 1471824
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium
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Thanks for the reply. Im using Superuser and even though I granted a Root Folder explorer permission, that doesn't even show up in the apps? odd. My apps page is blank. Do you have SuperSU installed over Superuser? I wonder if Superuser app is the problem?
sammyroot said:
Thanks for the reply. Im using Superuser and even though I granted a Root Folder explorer permission, that doesn't even show up in the apps? odd. My apps page is blank. Do you have SuperSU installed over Superuser? I wonder if Superuser app is the problem?
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Since I can't "uninstall" superuser app, I disabled it and installed SuperSU app. Lets see if that does anything.
sammyroot said:
Thanks for the reply. Im using Superuser and even though I granted a Root Folder explorer permission, that doesn't even show up in the apps? odd. My apps page is blank. Do you have SuperSU installed over Superuser? I wonder if Superuser app is the problem?
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sammyroot said:
Since I can't "uninstall" superuser app, I disabled it and installed SuperSU app. Lets see if that does anything.
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Ohh yeah didn't even catch that...
Yes, supersu
I thought you could install right over superuser
Sent from my SCH-I500 using xda premium

How to prevent keyboard going back to stock at reboot?

I bought and downloaded Swype. Ive been a Swype user for years and love it. Got it installed and set up. However, whenever the phone reboots it goes back to stock. And for the life of me I cant find the option to switch it to Swype and have to run the setup again.
Anyone else have this issue or offer any advice?
I'm having the same issue. It's very annoying having to set up Swype again after a reboot.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Keyboard resets to HTC after reboot?
I am having this issue too, anyone have any luck figuring it out? I am stumped!
Not having this issue on ARHD 7.1.
Sent from my Nexus 7
was having the issue..found this thread, no help. googled and found on androidcentral an answer that has worked for me even after reboot. when going to type something and the keyboard pops up, a keyboard icon will show in the notification bar. pull that down and select the keyboard input method and change it. should be golden after that!
adjat84th said:
was having the issue..found this thread, no help. googled and found on androidcentral an answer that has worked for me even after reboot. when going to type something and the keyboard pops up, a keyboard icon will show in the notification bar. pull that down and select the keyboard input method and change it. should be golden after that!
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Reboot the phone and it will go back to stock keyboard. It's a bug. Have it on the s3 and htc one and it does it on both.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
I rebooted twice, and still have Swype doing what I originally wrote. Will report if that changes
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Still swyping away here. No resets back to stock
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
I had this issue running rooted stock rom. I made Swype a system app with titanium backup and it worked as expected after. Recently upgraded to a 4.2.2 ROM and making it a system app doesn't appear to work anymore no matter how many times i clear cache and app cache so i set Tasker to set the input method at boot and no problems... Hope it helps.
Using Titanium Backup to freeze the system keyboards fixed the same problem on my S3.
If you're rooted just freeze the HTC IME in Titanium.

Any clue on whats causing these system errors

Everytime I use Facebook messenger ill receive these errors one right after the other. They appear after I send a message or shutdown the app. I uninstalled and re-installed and the same thing keeps happening. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
SHAK3R said:
Everytime I use Facebook messenger ill receive these errors one right after the other. They appear after I send a message or shutdown the app. I uninstalled and re-installed and the same thing keeps happening. Thanks in advance.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
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Wipe and flash the rom again also what launcher are you using ?
No rom, just stock rooted. Using GO launcher. However I've been using GO launcher for a loong time now including having both apps of which neither has had a recent update
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
SHAK3R said:
No rom, just stock rooted. Using GO launcher. However I've been using GO launcher for a loong time now including having both apps of which neither has had a recent update
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
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Try this its stock and rooted
I have problems with messenger when I have the chat heads active. I will receive the system ui crash lots of times and then when I disable it I never see the error again. Might be worth a try?
I've had the chat heads disabled since they first came out, not a fan.
Well I narrowed it down at least. It was my launcher (GO Launcher) I set sense as my default and used FB messenger and didn't receive the messages. No to figure out why. I'm gonna contact GO as they have EXCELLENT customer service, partly the reason I use their products.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
Huh that's strange that you all of a sudden started getting errors with that launcher even though you've used it for a long time. Glad that you were able to get it narrowed down though and hopefully they will have an idea of what's wrong and how to fix it

