Hello, I am a noob, of course.
I am having a lot of difficulty rooting my LG Nitro HD phone. The best page I've found on site is this:
That page did get me the furthest with it, but I still get hung up in various areas and have not been able to successfully root my phone. I'd attempted a reply, but again, noob status leaves me limited in what I can do so far. If there is a better procedure on this site, I would like to know. Also, here is some information about my phone, and please let me know if there is anything else that might need to be known to help you best in answering my question.
Model: LG Nitro HD (LG-P930)
Android Version: 2.3.5
Kernel Version:
Build Number: GRJ90
Software Version: LG-P930-V10j-FEB-26-2012.
also, I'd like the thank the posts that I have read so far that have helped, but I can't find the thanks button. Maybe it's because I'm still a n00b.
Anyway, any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
Hello thee!!
just want to ask, why is it I can't upgrade my LG E400??
I already rooted it once, then i tried to use KDZ update, then my device break..
I spent a lot of web readings and searches just to recover my device before I recover my device back..
And now, i still wish to root it again.. I attempted to root my device with the same procedure I did on my first root, but always fail,.and i heard that downgrading my device will be my only solution.
Now, I wish to ask help, some expert's advice and links on how to downgrade my device to it's very first firmware, thank you so much!
details of my device:
LG E400 2.3.6
BaseBand: MSM7225A-1-AA
Kernel version:
Software: V10j-AUG-29-2012
I got this mobile phone from a friend who is used to give me phones to fix (for free ofcourse) it's just a hobby of mine to fix phones that happened to be S/W damaged or something like that.
And I really like this website as it's been useful with a previous problem I had with a Kindle Fire edition 1.
And I'm so thankful for that.
Anyway, I'm sorry I will be brief, He asked me to unlock this phone, its specs mentioned below:-
Model Number:-
ALCATEL OneTouch evolve 5020N
Firmware version: 4.1.2
Baseband version: MAUI.11AMD.W12.22.SP.V42.F2.P12
Kernel version: 3.4.0
Build number: M36UP61
Network Carrier: MetroPCS
I know that I can get it from ebay or some other code generating tool or...
But remember I'm doing it for free I have no gain from this but knowledge. And my motives are curiosity, Knowledge thirst and helping a friend to help someone else.
I'm in Yemen now, and there is only one CDMA carrier company.
I've read almost all threads regarding this matter in xda.
But, I didn't find any straight or explained solution for this problem.
lol I was hoping to find a guide or something like the guide to kindle fire for beginners.
Is there one way that can fix all kind of lock problems such this?
Can this thread help me?
or am I still a beginner to use such methods?
I don't want to brick the phone lol.
Thanks for your understanding
Thank you for all your help
First and for most thanks to everyone for all there useful knowledge lol...I have a couple questions and Iwhen it comes to computers or android devices im far from an amateur im no genius but definitely know my way around PCs and androids....Im having a problem with my SuperSU app it says I need to update my binary files and I've tried to do so with both options that were givin...My second problem is im not all that knowledge when it comes to custom roms and things of that nature so my question is could someone please email me detailed instructions on how I could possibly update my OS 2.3.6 to 4.0 or higher I've researched and researched but without any luck
And im in desperate need of an upgrade now after a few failed attempts im now frustrated and again im on a Motorola Milestone 3 (xt861) OS 2.3.6 and I do have root access thank u guys once again and please respond as soon as possible preferably by Email which is [email protected].....(those are 3 zeros not Os lol)
I have a Lenovo vibe x2, i used to have windows-phones but since my last one got stolen i thought i would try androids out. Lenovo has now updated vibe X2 to the lollipop upgrade and i can't find a video or anything that will help me root my device.
Plus i have some questions about rooting an android :
1st. does it worth to do so ?
2nd. What will i get from rooting my phone
3rd. Is it dangerous cause my phone might bug and what will i need to do if that happens ?
I would really appreciate someone answering those questions and helping me with the root.
(a trustful guide and trustful files will do just great, i am computer experienced enough to make it through it's just some fears i need to "extinguish" )
tomas96 said:
I have a Lenovo vibe x2, i used to have windows-phones but since my last one got stolen i thought i would try androids out. Lenovo has now updated vibe X2 to the lollipop upgrade and i can't find a video or anything that will help me root my device.
Plus i have some questions about rooting an android :
1st. does it worth to do so ?
2nd. What will i get from rooting my phone
3rd. Is it dangerous cause my phone might bug and what will i need to do if that happens ?
I would really appreciate someone answering those questions and helping me with the root.
(a trustful guide and trustful files will do just great, i am computer experienced enough to make it through it's just some fears i need to "extinguish" )
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I found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUGYK0tarBE
Although the title says Android 5.0 Lollipop but we can clearly see throughout the video that the guy is running android 4.4.2. Anyway, I've never heard of/tried kingroot so I can't be sure if its legit or not but you can give it a try.
And as for your questions:
1. Root is NOT a necessity. You can use google search to know about it and decide yourself.
2. Again you can find this by a google search.
3. There is always a risk when you mod your phone. Incase you somehow manage to brick it by that simple tutorial, I guess your device would have some stock firmware online which you can download and reflash by some kind of flashtool to restore to stock.
ok so i have jailbroken my iphone but i don't know where to find to root my android the info is Model Number: SM-G930V Android Version: 6.0.1 just kinda confused about the whole site and not sure where to look if someone can help me
no one can show me the way? just need help finding where to find the instruction on to rooting my device
thank you
so is there a program i can use to transfer files from my pc to my android?
Same Here!
I was able to unlock the bootloader but as far as a full root goes im stuck. I have the same version as you and if I do find success I will be sure to share it. Anything you come up with woud be appreciated as well