Software update!? - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

when i had my evo 3d, there were 3 subsequent software updates that came out to fix bugs and optimize the sense experiance; however, htc hasnt released a software update yet to fix bugs... whats up with this, are they getting lax on customer support issues, i really dont want to root the smartphone, but im thinking i might have to... what rom really cleans the device up, any suggestions would be nice, considering, i didnt want to root, because the device is top notch, hardware wise, but maybe our devs are cleaning things up that i dont know about.. devs and bros... let me know what you think

For your issues with HTC I would just recommend that you contact support and tell them whatever you think needs fixed.
As far as custom roms meanrom is great.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Yeah they're taking an awfully long time. It better be substantial!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

The phone has barely been out a month to the masses. Have a little patience.

Well, there is no major bugs. I seen worse. I don't understand why everyone is bitc*ing. But I recommend Flex's stock with goodies or mean rom.

njfoses said:
The phone has barely been out a month to the masses. Have a little patience.
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We got spoiled with the Evo 3D and there being a software update on what, day one? I think we really need a software update for the E4GLTE already. The inconsistent signal is really starting to be annoying.

If they needed a software update for the EVO 3d on day one, there must have been some serious problems with it.. plus look at the support from HTC and Sprint now for the EVO 3d.

kiewee3 said:
If they needed a software update for the EVO 3d on day one, there must have been some serious problems with it.. plus look at the support from HTC and Sprint now for the EVO 3d.
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Ya no kidding that why left my 3d for the LTE today. Hoping its better over here!
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

For what's worth (and I know this is a stupidly minor bug) I do hope an OTA comes to fix the "Productivity" lockscreen. If you have hyphenated phone numbers in your contacts list, and one of them texts you, the Productivity lockscreen shows their phone number instead of their name. The One-X has already been updated to fix this, among other things.
Again, I know it's small, but it's something. One can only hope they allow for the "Mail" widget on the Productivity lockscreen can at some point show GMail instead of main mail. That would be awesome.

I'm with ya, there needs to be an update to address some of the minor issues...
There are a few
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

No major bug?!?!?!
The wifi on this thing is a major bug! I'll use it on my home wifi network and leave, when I check my phone later far away from home it says it is still connected to my home wifi network, while the entire I'm not getting data because it doesn't connect to the mobile network.
When the 3D came out, HTC had a bug fix that very same day to correct quick apps disappearing from the lock screen. Even the original EVO 4G had a bug fix out within the first week to correct problems.
Samsung had a bug fix out the second week for the Galaxy S3 to correct problems.
HTC is losing it and if they keep this up those shrinking revenue numbers will keep coming.

BamAlmighty said:
No major bug?!?!?!
The wifi on this thing is a major bug! I'll use it on my home wifi network and leave, when I check my phone later far away from home it says it is still connected to my home wifi network, while the entire I'm not getting data because it doesn't connect to the mobile network.
When the 3D came out, HTC had a bug fix that very same day to correct quick apps disappearing from the lock screen. Even the original EVO 4G had a bug fix out within the first week to correct problems.
Samsung had a bug fix out the second week for the Galaxy S3 to correct problems.
HTC is losing it and if they keep this up those shrinking revenue numbers will keep coming.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one having the issue of my wifi not disconnecting. My wifi also randomly drops while connected unless I have the "best wifi performance" box checked.

I think there are slight bugs with the new sense, but can be delt with. However, I do believe all "my" major issues (i.e. missed calls, missed sms when using stock or 3rd party sms apps) is a Sprint issue. Sprint's network here in Sacramento (Rancho Cordova), CA. obviously conflicts with the new LTE antena located in the EVOLTE.

wuestsider said:
I think there are slight bugs with the new sense, but can be delt with. However, I do believe all "my" major issues (i.e. missed calls, missed sms when using stock or 3rd party sms apps) is a Sprint issue. Sprint's network here in Sacramento (Rancho Cordova), CA. obviously conflicts with the new LTE antena located in the EVOLTE.
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rancho? what's up neighbor

bug with font sizes?
Has anyone seen the font sizes change randomly? Mostly happens in Messaging and Mail app. The mail app will sometimes have giant text, and sometimes medium sized text even tho I have the setting set to small. It also doesn't let me pinch to increase or decrease the size of the text... Its really annoying!

dozybolox13 said:
Has anyone seen the font sizes change randomly? Mostly happens in Messaging and Mail app. The mail app will sometimes have giant text, and sometimes medium sized text even tho I have the setting set to small. It also doesn't let me pinch to increase or decrease the size of the text... Its really annoying!
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I have the same problem, but the pinch-to-resize works for my text.

Well if it's any consolidation we'll probably get an OTA by this weekend if not next. LTE is scheduled to go live on Sunday and there were talks and reports of there being LTE connection issues (the same as how the 3g connection constantly drops for no reason) and an OTA to correct the issue. Now there is also some wording on the Google Play Store under Google Wallet correlating that there will be an OTA in July that will restore Google Wallet functionality. Makes sense since the GSIII had an OTA about the same time as the 7/1 update and that fixed Google Wallet for them. So ours will probably be encompassing a decent amount of bug fixes if at least not those two.

Fix the Wi-Fi disconnects and the multi-tasking essentially keeping nothing running in the background, and I'm good.

A fix for bluetooth audio would be fantastic.

A fix for this stupid multi tasking would be REALLY appreciated.


WiFi Won't Disconnect Issue

Hey guys, I'm new here so let me know if Im messing up any board rules or customs!
I did a quick search but didn't hit on any exact results... I connect to my home or work WiFi without any drops (which is a whole other situation) but once I leave the range of the WiFi network my EVO doesn't realize and stays connected which means I won't get emails because there is no active connection... So far my only fix has been to turn my WiFi on and off again.. is anybody else seeing this?
It's not the end of the world just a minor nuisance! Im set to auto frequency, best performance and always keep WiFi on during sleep. I feel like that last one might be the issue but I don't want to go to 3G on standby!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
solo89 said:
Hey guys, I'm new here so let me know if Im messing up any board rules or customs!
I did a quick search but didn't hit on any exact results... I connect to my home or work WiFi without any drops (which is a whole other situation) but once I leave the range of the WiFi network my EVO doesn't realize and stays connected which means I won't get emails because there is no active connection... So far my only fix has been to turn my WiFi on and off again.. is anybody else seeing this?
It's not the end of the world just a minor nuisance! Im set to auto frequency, best performance and always keep WiFi on during sleep. I feel like that last one might be the issue but I don't want to go to 3G on standby!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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I have read about some other people having the same issue here. Wifi as a whole is very glitchy on this device right now and hopefully fixes will be part og hts's fist update.
I am experiencing the same issue. Would love to know how to resolve it.
Sent from my EVO using XDA
I'm also experiencing this. It is slightly annoying, but not a deal breaker. I'm sure it'll be fixed soon enough.
Mine does this as well, but goes a step further. Once I leave the Wifi area I can toggle Wifi off to drop the connection and use 3G. However, when I go back to a wifi area, any network ive previously connected to states not in range. I can pick up new networks, but not existing networks. The only solution is to reboot the device.
Is something the HTC set for battery saving, what happens when you connected to wifi with any device is that it check every 60-90-180seconds (wherever the programmer set) so your phone won't check right away, but when it does it will disconnect, every phone has it but probably HTC put up a high number that way it saves more battery
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
This is starting to get quite frustrating. If I leave the house and need to use navigation or anything requiring data I have to toggle wifi off. Has anyone figured this out or is it potentially a hardware issue where I should seek a replacement?
I made a thread about returning my EVO for another one. I had the same issue. The second EVO is working perfect so far. Way better battery life with this one too.
sminker said:
I made a thread about returning my EVO for another one. I had the same issue. The second EVO is working perfect so far. Way better battery life with this one too.
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Were you by chance also having issues with MMS downloading? I really like the phone but some of these little quirks are starting to annoy me.
Anyone else having this problem? I haven't seen a fix or any other posts which makes Mr think this may be a device issue. Thanks for any help.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Anyone else with this?
I flashed the OTA today hoping it would rectify and it has not. I am rooted, s-off, TWRP so my options are open for mods but don't know what to look for here. Anyone, anyone? :fingers-crossed:
browning said:
Anyone else with this?
I flashed the OTA today hoping it would rectify and it has not. I am rooted, s-off, TWRP so my options are open for mods but don't know what to look for here. Anyone, anyone? :fingers-crossed:
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I'm having the same issue, but with an international One X. It didn't happen initially, but after flashing various ROMs it seems to have started happening.
OliverHaslam said:
I'm having the same issue, but with an international One X. It didn't happen initially, but after flashing various ROMs it seems to have started happening.
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I spoke with HTC yesterday and they were not aware of a widespread issue with this. When I get more time I will dig into it a bit more as I believe it can probably be fixed with mods to wpa_supplicant. In the meantime, I will be sending some logs to HTC as well.
browning said:
I spoke with HTC yesterday and they were not aware of a widespread issue with this. When I get more time I will dig into it a bit more as I believe it can probably be fixed with mods to wpa_supplicant. In the meantime, I will be sending some logs to HTC as well.
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It's definitely software-based, as it didn't happen with MaXimus 2.1 or CM10, but DOES happen with MaXimus 2.2 and the stock ROM. Oddly, it never happened with the stock ROM before now.
Does it happen to you on more than one WiFi network?
OliverHaslam said:
I'm having the same issue, but with an international One X. It didn't happen initially, but after flashing various ROMs it seems to have started happening.
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OliverHaslam said:
It's definitely software-based, as it didn't happen with MaXimus 2.1 or CM10, but DOES happen with MaXimus 2.2 and the stock ROM. Oddly, it never happened with the stock ROM before now.
Does it happen to you on more than one WiFi network?
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It happens on every wifi network I've been on - private home networks, work networks, and open networks. It doesn't always fail to switch but 90% is too high for me.
browning said:
It happens on every wifi network I've been on - private home networks, work networks, and open networks. It doesn't always fail to switch but 90% is too high for me.
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Using the stock ROM?
OliverHaslam said:
Using the stock ROM?
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Yes, I 'm 100% stock. I'm rooted, s-off but no major mods. I have modded build.prop to restore the app associations but nothing else.
browning said:
Yes, I 'm 100% stock. I'm rooted, s-off but no major mods. I have modded build.prop to restore the app associations but nothing else.
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I'm having this issue too and it's quite frustrating. Any fixes on this yet?
had the same issue on cm10. iibooted into twrp and did aasystem wipe and wiped cache and davlik. installed the rom after that and it seems to have solved my issue.
gianmarco00 said:
I'm having this issue too and it's quite frustrating. Any fixes on this yet?
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I'm having this same issue too

[Q] What hardware version?

What hardware version do you have? What versions are currently being sold by Sprint? Any problems with yours?
Most are going to be 003.
I have 003, no hardware issues/defects.
Sent from my EVO LTE
003 no issues here
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
0003 here too. Works great!
3 here
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
3 here also. So far no problems. Waiting for a little bit to root though. I want to make sure no defects and some more roms to come out. Hopefully some MIUI V4. Still trying to decide on a case.
Sent from my Evo 4G LTE
003 with no problems as well.
Where are all those people who were complaining about everything?
By the way, as for a case, I highly recommend the Androidify case by CruzerLite. Awesome price for a minimalistic case that is made perfectly!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
PsiPhiDan said:
003 with no problems as well.
Where are all those people who were complaining about everything?
By the way, as for a case, I highly recommend the Androidify case by CruzerLite. Awesome price for a minimalistic case that is made perfectly!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
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I'm one of those people. I'm on my second 0003, my data speeds are still horrible, my phone has asked me 4-5 times today to set my time zone, and I still periodically get a roaming warning when trying to make calls from my house even though I have an Airave. I'm sticking with it though, I just hope my issues get resolved after and update or 2. Those issues are annoying but this phone is too good in every other way for me to let it go.
ausch30 said:
I'm one of those people. I'm on my second 0003, my data speeds are still horrible, my phone has asked me 4-5 times today to set my time zone, and I still periodically get a roaming warning when trying to make calls from my house even though I have an Airave. I'm sticking with it though, I just hope my issues get resolved after and update or 2. Those issues are annoying but this phone is too good in every other way for me to let it go.
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Data speeds bad? I am used to that, I'm a longtime Sprint customer, haha.
Turn off the automatic time zone under settings-->time and date. It stops the problem immediately. I had the same issue. No biggie now.
Turn off the roaming warning since I'm sure it doesn't deter you from placing your calls. Settings -->Mobile Network--> Roaming Guards. I did this as well because it irritated me.
These fixes work until and update arrives!
Sent from my EVO using XDA
3 no problems
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
3, no problems here either.
Well for a short while it stopped updating my statusbar time ... but it seems to be working again. Probably since I dumped a bunch of apps.
I believe Revision 3 is going to be the default US version.
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ausch30 said:
I'm one of those people. I'm on my second 0003, my data speeds are still horrible, my phone has asked me 4-5 times today to set my time zone, and I still periodically get a roaming warning when trying to make calls from my house even though I have an Airave. I'm sticking with it though, I just hope my issues get resolved after and update or 2. Those issues are annoying but this phone is too good in every other way for me to let it go.
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Anybody else notice that when it roams and asks you to set the timezone, that the central timezone uses Central America time rather Central Daylight Time as an option? You can go into the time settings as mentioned by PsiPhiDan to set it correctly, but things will be messed up for half the year if you use the default menu popout selections. Not sure if this is an ICS or Sense thing.
Hardware version 3 here.
No problems other than time zone glitch in the matrix.
ajs1122 said:
Anybody else notice that when it roams and asks you to set the timezone, that the central timezone uses Central America time rather Central Daylight Time as an option? You can go into the time settings as mentioned by PsiPhiDan to set it correctly, but things will be messed up for half the year if you use the default menu popout selections. Not sure if this is an ICS or Sense thing.
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Don't know what it was but there must have been something specific that caused that. I had that time zone thing several times that one day but I haven't seen it since. Just as with just about everything, the software on this phone seems a bit buggy. I'm sure they'll get it ironed out soon. I could say that I wish they'd get all the bugs worked out before release but that would delay my precious.

[Q] EVO LTE a lot of problems/bugs is it true ?? Do you??

Simple question. Probably getting the EVO LTE , but I've heard there are some problems with WiFi or connectivity . I've found some threads confirming that the problems exist.
What are the odds Ill be getting a bad phone? Are these problems just on a few phones or all?
Are those problems something a custom ROM will fix?
Obviously I don't want to get a bad phone. I prefer to wait 1 or 2 months , for a new batch of problem free phones. Then Ill get one, or try my luck.
Thnks everybody everything helps.
I had issues with wifi like a few others when I was unrooted but it was easy to fix and I haven't been having the problem in a while. Aside from that I'm very happy with the phone
guih said:
I had issues with wifi like a few others when I was unrooted but it was easy to fix and I haven't been having the problem in a while. Aside from that I'm very happy with the phone
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rooting just fix the problem or did you install a new rom
I've had zero problems with wifi or data on stock or rooted
Roms,running mostly rejuvenated which is on v1.5 right now.
Others are reporting many issues I haven't had so maybe I am just lucky. Just adding my experience for you, its an awesome device in my opinion...
Ohhh and I've had mine since the pre orders were released from itc jail
Sent from my EVO
I have a fully rooted with custom roms and my mom has totally stock and we both love them. Neither of us have any problems at all.
raiderep said:
I've had zero problems with wifi or data on stock or rooted
Roms,running mostly rejuvenated which is on v1.5 right now.
Others are reporting many issues I haven't had so maybe I am just lucky. Just adding my experience for you, its an awesome device in my opinion...
Ohhh and I've had mine since the pre orders were released from itc jail
Sent from my EVO
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Good to hear that
also Ive been reading the stock is pretty good, Ive always ran viper on my pasts evo 4g and evo 3d.
I've had no wifi or data issues at all. My camera app has frozen a couple of times, other than that no issues. And although I'll root eventually, I'm still completely stock and loving it.
Sent from my EVO LTE
I have my EVO LTE rooted I haven't had any problems with it my wifi works great
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
great phone..
p.rodriguezt1 said:
Simple question. Probably getting the EVO LTE , but I've heard there are some problems with WiFi or connectivity . I've found some threads confirming that the problems exist.
What are the odds Ill be getting a bad phone? Are these problems just on a few phones or all?
Are those problems something a custom ROM will fix?
Obviously I don't want to get a bad phone. I prefer to wait 1 or 2 months , for a new batch of problem free phones. Then Ill get one, or try my luck.
Thnks everybody everything helps.
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the problem with wifi connectivity is compatibility with 4 different specific modems, couple of linksys and others, not that the phone is "bad" but sprint knows about it I talk to the tech at sprint store they told me they should have a fix soon..:good: running liquid smooth rom and life is great...
Not one problem so far. Rooted or not, I only rooted it, didn't unlock the bootloader or flashed anything.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk
p.rodriguezt1 said:
Simple question. Probably getting the EVO LTE , but I've heard there are some problems with WiFi or connectivity . I've found some threads confirming that the problems exist.
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I've definitely had problems with WiFi dropping out for no reason. I've had them both before root and after. The device will simply just drop the connection for no good reason.
The only reason I haven't returned the phone is I'm stubborn. I am going to do a nandroid back-up (already used TiBU) and return this device for a different one.
Because I have Best Buy protection, they should just swap it out for a different device. I've had mine since May 25th, the 2nd day of release.
I hope that helps--the rumor is there was a bad batch of EVO's and Sprint/HTC knows it. Fortunately we are not like the poor HOX (HTC One X) users where the only fix for their issue is a soldering iron...
I had problems initially with wifi dropping, changed the setting to 2.4Ghz only, turned off best performance and downloaded wifi manager. Haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda premium
Buy this phone.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
All phones have problems, i wouldn't listen to any one person. Review opinions in this forum and see if the amount of problems are more or less than the competitors. There are a lot of good phones out there right now and not a one of them is a dog, contrary to what fanboys like to say. It also depends what you are coming from. If your current phone is less than a year old you may want to wait it out for a while. I'm not sure any of the choices now are light years ahead of last years group.
I haven't had any issues at all with the phone, except the crappy multitasking.
Oh and don't use the "best WiFi performance" option, it will drain your a lot (35% over 6 hours vs. 3%)
All new phones have bad eggs in a batch. It's the nature of the beast. I personally went through 3 Evo Lte's until I got a good one because of dead pixels. When I got my Evo 3D I got a good one right off the bat, while many others had problems. It doesn't matter what brand it is wether its HTC, Samsung, or even Apple they all have bad eggs.
Sent from my Evo Lte
It is true to a point, I but don't blame HTC I believe a lot of poor signal just simply has to do with sprints known ways of claiming they are top of notch, but truly they are behind in the game ITS THEY'RE SIGNAL THEY'RE TOWERS, there possible merge to lte may be why we see slow data poor signal
When lte goes full blown we who stuck with sprint will have unlimited 4G and those one atat and vzw will have the same 4G but data capped.
That's why it's been slow for years its a waiting game
So I'd start thinking along the lines it's not all HTC it's the networks signal
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
No problems here, only issues ive heard about are from dipshits that dont know how to use it. HTCs best EVO yet. Wait till development really starts up, this device will be straight off the chain.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I personally haven't had any issues besides my initial confusion over how to access my microsd card but after that, the phone rocks dude
p.rodriguezt1 said:
Simple question. Probably getting the EVO LTE , but I've heard there are some problems with WiFi or connectivity . I've found some threads confirming that the problems exist.
What are the odds Ill be getting a bad phone? Are these problems just on a few phones or all?
Are those problems something a custom ROM will fix?
Obviously I don't want to get a bad phone. I prefer to wait 1 or 2 months , for a new batch of problem free phones. Then Ill get one, or try my luck.
Thnks everybody everything helps.
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So just what did Sense 4.1 solve???

Been running the lastest update for a few days now and maybe its me but this last update didn't fix anything. Yes it gave us the option to get rid of 3 dot menu but that is simply a cosmetic thing. My phones seems to run exactly the same as before update, programs still reload when I try to "multitask" back to them, WiFi still loses connection for no apparent reasons and I'm still getting 3G dropouts. Just trying to see if anyone actually saw any improvements.
Sent from my EVO using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
klbjr said:
Been running the lastest update for a few days now and maybe its me but this last update didn't fix anything. Yes it gave us the option to get rid of 3 dot menu but that is simply a cosmetic thing. My phones seems to run exactly the same as before update, programs still reload when I try to "multitask" back to them, WiFi still loses connection for no apparent reasons and I'm still getting 3G dropouts. Just trying to see if anyone actually saw any improvements.
Sent from my EVO using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
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Didnt it also free up some memory and display it differently? Since Im a flashoholic and change roms like women (I wish) I have noticed smoother performance across the boards. When I was on the old base Id get occasional stutters but with this new base every ROM including stock its way smoother than the older base and mine sleeps better than before.
You won't ever fully get rid of the multitasking issues until you get rid of Sense. I have been running CM10 for about 2 weeks now and couldn't be happier. No more Sense, the phone is like a completely different creature. It runs the way it's supposed to now.
klbjr said:
WiFi still loses connection for no apparent reasons and I'm still getting 3G dropouts. Just trying to see if anyone actually saw any improvements.
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WiFi issue I believe may have something to do with what chip is being used, because I had no issues with the EVO 4G WiMax, but have had issues with my old iPhone 3gs and EVO LTE. Connected with IP Address, but no transmitting data. Have to flip WiFi on and off to reset.
Using Airlink 101 AR670W with custom Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/07/10) std
On the 3G dropouts, I noticed it drop out about every 30 minutes (not moving, connected to IRC channel)
It fixed hotmail sync, that is the biggest fix I have noticed.
klbjr said:
Been running the lastest update for a few days now and maybe its me but this last update didn't fix anything. Yes it gave us the option to get rid of 3 dot menu but that is simply a cosmetic thing. My phones seems to run exactly the same as before update, programs still reload when I try to "multitask" back to them, WiFi still loses connection for no apparent reasons and I'm still getting 3G dropouts. Just trying to see if anyone actually saw any improvements.
Sent from my EVO using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
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Did you install the new firmware? The radio was a major fix. Also, Sense 4.1 is about 80mb smaller than 4.0. Freeing up alot of memory. I experience no lag at all on the new base. Not that I hold much stock in quadrant scores but on the old base my scores were around 5000 but the new base I have scores around 6000. My phone flies now with no lag and no overclocking with awesome battery life.
neopolotin75 said:
Didnt it also free up some memory and display it differently? Since Im a flashoholic and change roms like women (I wish) I have noticed smoother performance across the boards. When I was on the old base Id get occasional stutters but with this new base every ROM including stock its way smoother than the older base and mine sleeps better than before.
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On the original firmware I was sure there had to be some kind of memory leak, the phone just kept running low. Instead of trying to figure out if there was, I unlocked and jumped ship so I never confirmed. Really, I would not be surprised if it was something to be patched

Possible jb patch in the works

Just returned from taking care of my bill at a corporate sprint store in Detroit Michigan area, and brought up concerns about issues since jb was released. Before I was able to tell my personal issues since the update the couple techs that were at the front door greeting/mingling with customers, told me they have been notified that a patch is being worked on for the Bluetooth, navigation, proximity sensor, wifi and various glitches others have been reporting. This was all said before I even mentioned those issues that myself and others on this forum have brought up. They've even been instructed to stop doing replacement handsets for people with the issues. So to me it sounds like the issues have been noticed/verified finally and HTC/sprint may be releasing something soon. Sounds legit considering the tech's themselves named off the issues and seemed to know a bit about the problems without me saying anything. Figured I'd pass on this tidbit of info and hopefully it becomes a reality.
Update 01/11 called HTC and they have a bulletin that's been sent out that proximity sensor was specifically being worked on (news for stock users at least)..the nav issue the guy said wasn't a for sure thing because it might be a google dropping the ball thing/capatability issue
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
onefasttreopro said:
Just returned from taking care of my bill at a corporate sprint store in Detroit Michigan area, and brought up concerns about issues since jb was released. Before I was able to tell my personal issues since the update the couple techs that were at the front door greeting/mingling with customers, told me they have been notified that a patch is being worked on for the Bluetooth, navigation, proximity sensor, wifi and various glitches others have been reporting. This was all said before I even mentioned those issues that myself and others on this forum have brought up. They've even been instructed to stop doing replacement handsets for people with the issues. So to me it sounds like the issues have been noticed/verified finally and HTC/sprint may be releasing something soon. Sounds legit considering the tech's themselves named off the issues and seemed to know a bit about the problems without me saying anything. Figured I'd pass on this tidbit of info and hopefully it becomes a reality.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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I would guess for the new year. Htc always does a delta patch a few weeks later
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda-developers app
Hopefully this is true. Only issue I'm having is the proximity sensor, so I've been pretty lucky but another update would be nice.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Kanes_Inferno said:
Hopefully this is true. Only issue I'm having is the proximity sensor, so I've been pretty lucky but another update would be nice.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Out of curiousity, I know I started another thread on the following topic, but did you just recently get your phone? Like maybe in the last 3 months or so? Trying to find a pattern to the issues and handset batch.
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i got mine on launch day june 2.. i have proximity sensor problems thats it so far.. i dont use bluetooth or have LTE so dont kno bout that?
onefasttreopro said:
Out of curiousity, I know I started another thread on the following topic, but did you just recently get your phone? Like maybe in the last 3 months or so? Trying to find a pattern to the issues and handset batch.
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I got in August, I believe.
I'm on my second phone so if that helps any phone seems to work much better
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I have to flash back to an ics rom then back to jelly bean while wiping as little as possible just to get mhl-hdmi adapter to work. And sometimes at that. Most of the time I have to reset the phone 3 times, unplug, plug in cable to phone. It just blows balls! I am about to just go back to ics and stay there. Jelly bean or at least this iteration of it sucks. Not to mention the worse battery life? Why are we excited about jb anyway? It looks good and sounds nice, but it is just like its abbreviation (jb) jailbait!
Does anyone else agree with me or are you all on the google strain of bud? Here's my list of issues over ics: Battery hog! Mhl-hdmi previously mentioned, New usb connection manager screwed my car audio. Have to update busybox everytime I reset just so root explorer displays remaining space in sd card.
I will quit my rant now though I guess. No one at sprint or htc or most the people here even give a rats **** about these issues because i obviously must be a noob who cant wipe and flash a rom properly or my phone has issues so I must be retarded or something. Tired of those attitudes on xda. But thats another topic. Good day to u all!
I updated to JB and I don't have any of the issues you are talking about. After hearing some of your experiences I think I will wait until a patch comes out to update my wife's phone.
I like JB on this phone. Google now is a welcome feature. Initially I experienced shorter battery life, but after adjusting the settings in Google Now I would say my battery life went back to normal or possibly even better than before.
The one thing I don't like about JB is the in scrolling background, but all the pluses more than make up for it.
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@ antonicia
I just tried mhl/hdmi output for the first time since upgrading and it worked after 1 reboot for the phone and tv.
I'm running choclate beans from the mikmik and am using the most popular cable on Amazon for $9
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What settings in Google Now did you adjust to get better battery performance?
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mito8485 said:
What settings in Google Now did you adjust to get better battery performance?
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Dude. Nice avatar! KZ FTW!
Google Now doesn't seem to drain my battery at all. I'm wondering if the people that it's draining are in weak signal areas?
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mito8485 said:
What settings in Google Now did you adjust to get better battery performance?
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I turned off any cards that would frequently update.
Ex. Traffic, weather and nearby places
I can't say for sure that these consume extra battery, but ever since adjusting the settings my battery has been performing well.
It's currently at 50% after 12h 36m off the charger with medium use.
I wish they would just fix this dam Proximity Sensor. I hate my calls hanging up when it touches my face and how it wont show the screen when I wish to hang up.
The CM10 proximity fix woked for me.
[MOD] [CM10] Proximity Sensor Fix
I tested using Proximity Sensor Finder before and after. Before nothing happened, after it went from 9 to 0 when covered.
I've seen all those issues the MeanBean Thread.
All 4.1 JB Devices Broke Bluetooth Voice Dial. As far I know only 4.2 fixes it.
I'd be really impressed if Sprint released 4.2 let alone any update.
I posted a [MOD] in the development section to get Cyberon to be the Default when you click the bluetooth button and it works great, better than it ever has and no longer relies on the Network. And I'm nolonger forced to keep my contacts in gmail. I prefer keep them only in my work's ExchangeMail account.
Nav has worked for me so far but I have not used it too heavily.
As far as Bluetooth Reliability during a Call JB is MUCH better. ICS would drop bluetooth headset as I passed WIFI HotSpots.
WIFI has been an issue on this device since day 1. JB release doesn't seem much better or worse, but it does seem different, but usable for me. I've had it get stuck once and would not let go of WIFI as I drove away, which jams the whole phone up until you shut WIFI off.
The Proximity Sensor seems to be a calibration issue. My guess is the OTA update might have accindentally wiped each devices calibration or something. You can recalibrate it. The default cal works for people. I have not had the issue or it's not a big enough issue for me to care.
Well I can verify after getting a couple refurbs because of the jb updates/roms having nav crashes (first refurb to replace my new launch date phone being a launch date activated one with nav crashes and faulty strip in touchscreen), I finally have one that the navigation works flawlessly on so far with several jb Roms I tried....the refurb date on this phone was in December with no usage/data etc....and I was the first to activate the phone (maybe damaged casing on phone etc and never was sold) the pattern of newer built elte's seems to be a least for was a battle to get a working phone but paid off in the end...
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