Hi i currently have a verizon Gnex and I want to switch to tmobile month to month plans but i have a few questions about getting it to work. Can i just flash the radios then will it work on tmobile? if so will it work on any rom?
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jellydroid13 said:
Hi i currently have a verizon Gnex and I want to switch to tmobile month to month plans but i have a few questions about getting it to work. Can i just flash the radios then will it work on tmobile? if so will it work on any rom?
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using XDA Premium HD app
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You need to have it sim unlocked and flash one of the radios that are compatible.
Not to be a douche, but arent you in the wrong forum? I know that the Radios suggested are for the Note, you say you have the GNex...
is there a way to unlock this phone so I can use it on t-mobile U.S.A.I dont think t-mobile is going to get this wounderful phone.there betting on the htc sensation for some reason with all their locked down bootloaders.a link to do it, information, anything would help.thanks brothers.dont have the phone yet.I will save this thread with any information.I just would like to be ready from day one of have the phone.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Yes there is, here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1092451
You need root
sorrowuk said:
Yes there is, here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1092451
You need root
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Rooting it for sure brother, thanks a million.
One more things is the phone really as great as I here.I already have a galaxy s phone and love it.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
wait a minute. the SGS2 is being sold unlocked already from most places. so if you buy one it will just work on tmobile USA, just pop in your sim and go. however the SGS2 will not support tmobile USA 3G so you will only be stuck on EDGE/2G. nothing can change that.
RogerPodacter said:
wait a minute. the SGS2 is being sold unlocked already from most places. so if you buy one it will just work on tmobile USA, just pop in your sim and go. however the SGS2 will not support tmobile USA 3G so you will only be stuck on EDGE/2G. nothing can change that.
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not even 4g
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tennandcoz1 said:
not even 4g
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nope. TMobile US has modified 3G as their 4G (HSPA+). I believe it is the same band as 3G (HSPA/UMTS)... but I could be wrong.
tennandcoz1 said:
not even 4g
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Iam going to buy in the U.S.A when available from a electric store then unlock so i can use it.will that work
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tennandcoz1 said:
Iam going to buy in the U.S.A when available from a electric store then unlock so i can use it.will that work
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no that wont work either unless the phone is specifically made for tmobile usa 3g bands. when the USA versions come out, they are already confirmed for ATT, verizon, etc, but no tmobile. none of those versions will work on tmobile.
this has alreayd been covered, and the only choice you have is the samsung Hercules coming in place of the SGS2 to tmobile.
RogerPodacter said:
no that wont work either unless the phone is specifically made for tmobile usa 3g bands. when the USA versions come out, they are already confirmed for ATT, verizon, etc, but no tmobile. none of those versions will work on tmobile.
this has alreayd been covered, and the only choice you have is the samsung Hercules coming in place of the SGS2 to tmobile.
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Really not even at&t.the galaxy s vibrant works on both.
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RogerPodacter said:
no that wont work either unless the phone is specifically made for tmobile usa 3g bands. when the USA versions come out, they are already confirmed for ATT, verizon, etc, but no tmobile. none of those versions will work on tmobile.
this has alreayd been covered, and the only choice you have is the samsung Hercules coming in place of the SGS2 to tmobile.
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Is the hercules the same as the s II
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tennandcoz1 said:
Really not even at&t.the galaxy s vibrant works on both.
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No it wont, the vibrant had one of att 3g bands so it could partially work on att. The galaxy s2 has NONE of T-Mobile bands, so it wont work period. It just wont work man no matter how many times you ask. Search the forum this has already been covered in depth.
tennandcoz1 said:
Is the hercules the same as the s II
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No, its a larger screen, single core CPU phone.
Well that sucks
RogerPodacter said:
No, its a larger screen, single core CPU phone.
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RogerPodacter said:
No it wont, the vibrant had one of att 3g bands so it could partially work on att. The galaxy s2 has NONE of T-Mobile bands, so it wont work period. It just wont work man no matter how many times you ask. Search the forum this has already been covered in depth.
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Understand.not too happy.thanks guys
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I know how bad it sucks for the T-Mobile people, best device in 5 years and you can't use it on 3g.
Hey guys. I've searched and can't find any answers.
My gnote is rooted, running saurom, and is using the KID radio CWM flash.
Working beautifully, even though I haven't gotten over 4.2 mbps.
I'm curious... is the LTE radio now disabled? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I was curious if it was switchable to save battery.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using XDA
johnrbell said:
Hey guys. I've searched and can't find any answers.
My gnote is rooted, running saurom, and is using the KID radio CWM flash.
Working beautifully, even though I haven't gotten over 4.2 mbps.
I'm curious... is the LTE radio now disabled? Sorry if this is a silly question, but I was curious if it was switchable to save battery.
Sent from my SGH-I717R using XDA
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Yes it.
Sent from my Unlocked SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using T-MOBILE-HACK for 3G/4G data-xda premium
So I was wondering if the 4 US versions share the same roms, kernels, etc?
There was talk about getting something like that working.. I haven't checked the progress of it lately though
Thank you guys, I think I might get sprint version.
Well Sprint 3g is horrible but hopefully lte will be live soon
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bonebeatz1234 said:
Well Sprint 3g is horrible but hopefully lte will be live soon
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Sprint plans are cheaper than other providers which is why I want to switch to it. If they offer horrible internet speed I'd rather go with att or verizon.
I'm thinking of buying a used one of these off craigslist ... but I'm on tmobile and I'm worried that I won't be able to unlock it without having an AT&T account first .... Can I unlock one of these without having an AT&T account? Most steps I've read talk about downloading an unlocker program from the market ... but without an AT&T sim card in the phone I don't think I'll be able to access the market ...
What do you all think?
You don't have to have cell network to connect to a wifi and log into market. You will need to root it also before those apps will work. Just fyi though. You will NOT get 3g/4g on T-Mobile
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Pirateghost said:
You don't have to have cell network to connect to a wifi and log into market. You will need to root it also before those apps will work. Just fyi though. You will NOT get 3g/4g on T-Mobile
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for responding!
3g/4g only involve data speeds, right? I have wifi at home and at work and do not use a data plan ... So I can root and then unlock on my home wifi without any AT&T account?
I see no reason you can't. I have done lots of phones that way.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Pirateghost said:
I see no reason you can't. I have done lots of phones that way.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks for the reassurance!
Do you or anyone else know how to check if I have the dreaded KK6 2.3.6 version?
Haints said:
Thanks for the reassurance!
Do you or anyone else know how to check if I have the dreaded KK6 2.3.6 version?
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Check in settings maybe?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Dreaded KK6? It ain't dreaded... It's only one flash away from being something amazing!
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda app-developers app
I'm using my unlocked Skyrocket on T-Mobile and I am getting 4G Speeds.
I called AT&T and told them I bought the phone off Craigslist, want to use T-Mobiles network. They asked me for the IMEI and gave me am unlock code no questions asked.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Whoops! Wrong screen shot. The above is from my Sensation.
This screenshot show working 4G on my Skyrocket.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
HateMeILoveIt said:
I'm using my unlocked Skyrocket on T-Mobile and I am getting 4G Speeds.
I called AT&T and told them I bought the phone off Craigslist, want to use T-Mobiles network. They asked me for the IMEI and gave me am unlock code no questions asked.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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And what does that have to do with this phone?
Sent from my Sony Xperia Ion
Nick281051 said:
And what does that have to do with this phone?
Sent from my Sony Xperia Ion
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Absolutely nothing considering unlocking the 2 phones is a completely different process. On the i777 we can do it with root only. We don't have to call at&t
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Pirateghost said:
Absolutely nothing considering unlocking the 2 phones is a completely different process. On the i777 we can do it with root only. We don't have to call at&t
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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Exactly, lol the i777 doesn't support tmo 3g like the skyrocket does
Sent from my Sony Xperia Ion
I'm not an android noob, but I left Android a few years back (2.3.3 / 2.3.4) due to work changing to iPhones for data encryption reasons. I came back to Android when more Samsung phones started supporting ODE (on device encryption). I would like to root my phone and have done so on other Android phone's using SuperOneClick, CWM, etc.
I am reading that there is a secure boot loader on the AT&T version of this phone in USA, so I am screwed in gaining root access to the device? I'd really like to delete all this bull**** bloatware they've installed... and a tethering app without using the carrier option.
Can anyone help?
I have the AT&T version as well. I'm not 100% sure that the bootloader is the reason for no root yet. Other phones have locked bootloaders and can still be rooted.
Running custom roms might be another story. I get the impression that because this is not a "mainstream" phone that it does not get top priority. For example, the Moto X on AT&T has a locked bootloader and that's rooted already, but it's a very popular phone.
Hopefully we'll get some love sooner rather than later. I would be happy with root along with an easy way to go back to stock.
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bulldank said:
I'm not an android noob, but I left Android a few years back (2.3.3 / 2.3.4) due to work changing to iPhones for data encryption reasons. I came back to Android when more Samsung phones started supporting ODE (on device encryption). I would like to root my phone and have done so on other Android phone's using SuperOneClick, CWM, etc.
I am reading that there is a secure boot loader on the AT&T version of this phone in USA, so I am screwed in gaining root access to the device? I'd really like to delete all this bull**** bloatware they've installed... and a tethering app without using the carrier option.
Can anyone help?
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No boot loader unlock, no root, so no custom ROMs as yet.
Be patient.
Mybe kernel needs to rebuild for the i527
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jpeps said:
Mybe kernel needs to rebuild for the i527
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Don't understand!
For the s4 they rebuilded the kernel for the bootload to work
Sent from my SGH-T889 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
jpeps said:
For the s4 they rebuilded the kernel for the bootload to work
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Ok got it.
Root Mega 6.3 AT&T sgh-i527
There is root for Mega 6.3 i527 (not through odin yet) however use this link or thread topic:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=46790725#post46790725 under Root Bounty For The I527 on xda. Hope this helps you if you haven't already seen this thread on here.
I have a unlocked AT&T version. Im currently using straight talk with 4g but it works with tmobile as well.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527 using xda app-developers app
PhilupBlunts said:
I have a unlocked AT&T version. Im currently using straight talk with 4g but it works with tmobile as well.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527 using xda app-developers app
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It sure does and on the LTE bands
pa49 said:
It sure does and on the LTE bands
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Got mine yesterday and unlocked today and have 4g lte plus hspa all day long.... !!!!!!!!!!!
I wasn't getting 4g/LTE at first but getting it in areas I wasn't getting 4g!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527
shynn27 said:
I wasn't getting 4g/LTE at first but getting it in areas I wasn't getting 4g!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527
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Are you on Straight Talk?
No tmobile
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527
shynn27 said:
No tmobile
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I purchased the Straight Talk kit yesterday and you have the option of use Tmobile or AT&T by switching the sim card. if your bill it too high try Straight Talk.
Thx I thought about it but have 2 phones my second one is a s blaze but not unlocked so that person would lose out on service which is needed.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527
pa49 said:
It sure does and on the LTE bands
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Oh I didn't know it would with T-Mobile LTE bands. awesome.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527 using xda app-developers app
Do u get phone insurance on straight talk
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527
shynn27 said:
Do u get phone insurance on straight talk
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I dont know I always purchase my phones factory unlocked on ebay or Craigslist never actually from straight talk. I don't believe they offer it
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I527 using xda app-developers app
PhilupBlunts said:
I have a unlocked AT&T version. Im currently using straight talk with 4g but it works with tmobile as well.
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Does straight talk get lte on the at&t galaxy mega and is the upload and download speeds fast ? I have mines unlocked and wanted to know if I should jump ship from at&t and save money and go with straight talk?