Arm6 jellybean - Galaxy Ace S5830 General
Our friend Maclaw did it once again!

And we already know....
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any link for dl?

whoshotjr2006 said:
any link for dl?
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No, PLEASE people when the thread by Maclaw about JB opens up again theres a download they are fixing issues right now...
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2

He has the obligation to upload how he fixed bionic , otherwise he still sucks
"I have to go. It's just....they really need me." - Sora

QNBT said:
Our friend Maclaw did it once again!
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First-your title is wrong...there is nothing called arm6
2-Everyone knows this.Everyone can read maclaw's blog
3-I know u are happy.But it would have been better if u had organised a party rather than making a thread and spamming the already spammed forums.
4-U will get no thanks for this news.
5-Our phone sucks and cant run ICS or JB perfectly ever.Try to post something useful next time

side_effect said:
First-your title is wrong...there is nothing called arm6
2-Everyone knows this.Everyone can read maclaw's blog
3-I know u are happy.But it would have been better if u had organised a party rather than making a thread and spamming the already spammed forums.
4-U will get no thanks for this news.
5-Our phone sucks and cant run ICS or JB perfectly ever.Try to post something useful next time
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Cool down dude.. think positive. We will certainly run ICS and jb perfectly. ::fingers crossed::
Sent from my Galaxy Ace using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

side_effect said:
First-your title is wrong...there is nothing called arm6
2-Everyone knows this.Everyone can read maclaw's blog
3-I know u are happy.But it would have been better if u had organised a party rather than making a thread and spamming the already spammed forums.
4-U will get no thanks for this news.
5-Our phone sucks and cant run ICS or JB perfectly ever.Try to post something useful next time
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trolls come to the party :silly:
also i agree with u on the last point ....Ace will NEVER run ics or jb perfectly .....i hope i m wrong though .....

Modulüs said:
Cool down dude.. think positive. We will certainly run ICS and jb perfectly. ::fingers crossed::
Sent from my Galaxy Ace using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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lol m happy with GB.But for people who want ICS i wish best of luck

Useless thread.
Sent from my lovely Shakira


Congratulations guys !!!! You' ll Rock!!!!

* Moderator feel free to close or delete this thread..
Congrats guys you'll did it !!!!
Yet another dev out from the Ace forums ....first jusada now tj_droid....even the awesome themer spacecaker has retired ...
Way to go guys !!!!you'll rock !!!!!
Very soon the dev section will be deserted and that day will the funeral day of our ace ....
Keep up the good work ...dont read the stickies and keep posting your awesome comments in dev section .. all of you'll rock !!!!
P.S.: i m not complaining about anything i m just congratulating you'll...nice work ....enjoy...
P.S. 2 : just in case you didnt realise whatever i said was all sarcastic ....
Sent from my GT-S5830
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
encik_racun said:
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
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Because there are no new stuff to do
Htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
But not full working
unwritten sentance
encik_racun said:
So? Old dev go new dev comes...
Edit: there are no new rom or script nowdays, its just a themed rom and a edit script...u know but did not admit it...
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If you think making ROMs is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
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spacecaker said:
Because there are no new stuff to do
Htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
But not full working
unwritten sentance
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tj_droid said:
if you think making roms is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
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spacecaker said:
because there are no new stuff to do
htc sense was port wich wasnt a themed thing
but not full working
unwritten sentance
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Okay , that's it . I'm outta here .
Defy-ing all limits.
EmoBoiix3 said:
Okay , that's it . I'm outta here .
Defy-ing all limits.
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Eh? You are leaving too?
tj_droid said:
If you think making ROMs is soo easy, then go make one yourself. And respect others hardwork, all devs are doing it for free. We are sacrificing our precious time to do all this. We have to handle academics and other stuff too :banghead:
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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So you decided to leave. Sorry to hear.
If it's so: thanks for your work, and roms, and good luck to your academics!
Rishris said:
Eh? You are leaving too?
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Out of this thread.....
No matter how many noobs there are here , I can never leave this's like my heart wouldn't let go
Defy-ing all limits.
kmarci said:
So you decided to leave. Sorry to hear.
If it's so: thanks for your work, and roms, and good luck to your academics!
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No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Leaving XDA isnt that easy
I love developing
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
you are welcome ;p
my heart will go on~~~~~~~~
i think some of noobs have learned their lessons and migrate to newbies..
welcome from old newbie~~zaqwankira
EmoBoiix3 said:
Out of this thread.....
No matter how many noobs there are here , I can never leave this's like my heart wouldn't let go
Defy-ing all limits.
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Thank god
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
tj_droid said:
No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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Good news! I think this is the good decision. I don't know the other communities, I just hear, that the other communities are better. I think our Ace is a very popular device, and there's a lot of people, who doesen't read even, or carefully enough, and that's why the noob questions. (I even made this mistake, but than I kept quiet, read, and learn, and read, and learn, and than come back for posting.) I think you should leave them without an answer. Noobs will always be here, and everywhere...
But those, who say that your work is not good enough, or always asking about ETAs, and so on... No, I can't understand them. They are not just noobs, they are simply miserable, who don't know, that this is not your job, you don't get money for this, and you have privacy either. With theese people... I don't know what to do.
But sure: I'm really happy, that you stay!
kmarci said:
Good news! I think this is the good decision. I don't know the other communities, I just hear, that the other communities are better. I think our Ace is a very popular device, and there's a lot of people, who doesen't read even, or carefully enough, and that's why the noob questions. (I even made this mistake, but than I keot quiet, read, and learn, and read, and learn, and than come back for posting.) I think you should leave them without an answer. Noobs will always be here, and everywhere...
But those, who say that your work is not good enough, or always asking about ETAs, and so on... No, I can't understand them. They are not just noobs, they are simply miserable, who don't know, that this is not your job, you don't get money for this, and you have privacy either. With theese people... I don't know what to do.
But sure: I'm really happy, that you stay!
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We all should ignore questions from noobs. If we wont answer they will search themselves and get the answer.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
tj_droid said:
No, not really. I got PM's from few people, they apologised and requested me not to leave. So, I am not leaving now. But, I may, in future.
Leaving XDA isnt that easy
I love developing
Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
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Phewwww i m happy i was really sad when i saw emoboiix 's post in the off topic thread and then your post in stock lite thread ...i m glad u changed your mind thanks man we need guys like you
Sent from my GT-S5830
I dont see why the DEV section cant be a moderated forum where every post has to be allowed through by a moderator.
NOOBS! DAMN ALL NOOBS! Why the hell can't they ever learn?! now spacecaker is out! Jusada, nims11, spacecaker, who's next?
Doo:DAce said:
NOOBS! DAMN ALL NOOBS! Why the hell can't they ever learn?! now spacecaker is out! Jusada, nims11, spacecaker, who's next?
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DooAce lets not start it again i m tried of saying "noob" again and again ...they are just lazy ppl ....just lazy ...lets just keep ourselves clean by not saying anything offensive. .... They will learn a lesson one day...when devs stop working ......untill then let them spam away:banghead: ....
Sent from my GT-S5830

Jelly Bean source code is out!

Seems this news hasn't made it to the Rezound forum yet, so I'm taking the initiative.
What I'm wondering is, when RIL is finally released for the Rezound, will it be forwards and backwards compatible? Will GB, ICS, and JB all match up and work? Or is it specific to each?
Edit: I see someone started a discussion in the General forum while I was typing this. My apologies.
This belongs in general, not development
I'd bet that the ICS RIL would work with few or no modifications in JB, but then again I don't know a thing about Android development.
Sooooo yeah. JB is pretty sweet. Before I lost my Nexus, I had JB on it, and it was AWESOMELY smooth. Even pure stock was awesomely smooth
hardfallen87 said:
This belongs in general, not development
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This. This post doesn't belong in development man. This section is for development only. As in Roms, kernels etc...not links to websites.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
jayochs said:
This. This post doesn't belong in development man. This section is for development only. As in Roms, kernels etc...not links to websites.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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And you guys wonder why people leave XDA cause half the time people post **** in the wrong forum you guys jump there **** about it. Ridiculous, People don't need to be told 9 times that they posted it in the wrong category once is fine. Jesus Christ.
jayochs said:
This. This post doesn't belong in development man. This section is for development only. As in Roms, kernels etc...not links to websites.
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Basically this, report it up, must be locked.
socal87 said:
Seems this news hasn't made it to the Rezound forum yet, so I'm taking the initiative.
What I'm wondering is, when RIL is finally released for the Rezound, will it be forwards and backwards compatible? Will GB, ICS, and JB all match up and work? Or is it specific to each?
Edit: I see someone started a discussion in the General forum while I was typing this. My apologies.
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before u talk about ril lets talk about getting it booting one tiny step at a time
thisiswar951 said:
And you guys wonder why people leave XDA cause half the time people post **** in the wrong forum you guys jump there **** about it. Ridiculous, People don't need to be told 9 times that they posted it in the wrong category once is fine. Jesus Christ.
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No, they do, because its all over every development section on xda that threads like this DO NOT BELONG IN HERE. Period. Complain all you want, its a rule of the forums. People will learn from their simple as that.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
thisiswar951 said:
And you guys wonder why people leave XDA cause half the time people post **** in the wrong forum you guys jump there **** about it. Ridiculous, People don't need to be told 9 times that they posted it in the wrong category once is fine. Jesus Christ.
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Getting sick of these posts saying this is why people leave XDA. If you all want to leave then leave. We don't need to see this post over and over and over again!
How is your post any better then people posting what should be in the development section.
You obviously are not in a hurry to leave because you are still posting here so stop with that BS already!
And if you do decide to leave, XDA will still run just fine without you. I would much rather see jayochs stick around.
[email protected] said:
Getting sick of these posts saying this is why people leave XDA. If you all want to leave then leave. We don't need to see this post over and over and over again!
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*shug* its exaCTLY why i dont post here that much.
at any rate,excuse my lack of excitement for jellybean since we dont even have working AOSP ICS yet. id be way happy to donate to whomever gets RIL working on for ICS. is there anyone even working on it anymore?
with source code out at least ill prolly be able to enjoy it on my sensation
Rils are working. We are waiting for kernel source so we can have a stable.Rom. they tried several other Kernels but none worked and crashed.
Dmeadows is working with what he has. And blame verizion for not letting HTC release the ota....
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
XRaptor29 said:
Rils are working. We are waiting for kernel source so we can have a stable.Rom. they tried several other Kernels but none worked and crashed.
Dmeadows is working with what he has. And blame verizion for not letting HTC release the ota....
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Please link me an aosp ics rom with working data,text,etc.
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Meadows released a stock JB ROM for the Nexus, I had to double take on the name, I was like whaaaaat
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I Am Marino said:
Meadows released a stock JB ROM for the Nexus, I had to double take on the name, I was like whaaaaat
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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And that has wat to do with the rezound?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
I Am Marino said:
Meadows released a stock JB ROM for the Nexus, I had to double take on the name, I was like whaaaaat
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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Lol nice. You run Joel's yet? Its a daily driver. Rocks.
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scotty1223 said:
Please link me an aosp ics rom with working data,text,etc.
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Go check out Chad's Incredikernel thread, he is making progress. Might be at a stand still until source is released though, but he is working on it.
Screw this place. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE NEXUS AT ALL!!! damn.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
scotty1223 said:
*shug* its exaCTLY why i dont post here that much.
at any rate,excuse my lack of excitement for jellybean since we dont even have working AOSP ICS yet. id be way happy to donate to whomever gets RIL working on for ICS. is there anyone even working on it anymore?
with source code out at least ill prolly be able to enjoy it on my sensation
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soon my son, soon. with chad, eris etc working on it, we're bound to get something very soon.
jayochs said:
Lol nice. You run Joel's yet? Its a daily driver. Rocks.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I bet.

MOoded ICS ROM thread?

Does anyone know where is the thread of mooded ICS?
Im sure i saw it yesterday but it just gone
Any idea where chaosfirzen goes?
I really like his ROM
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
It has been removed
check this out.
Yeah...very bad news for Chaos!is one of our ROM developers wich was doing great job!i`m using his ROM...MooDeD ICS 90.5!yesterday i wanted to update to MooDeD ICS 90.6 but...the thead was nowhere to found!I understand...his phone was stolen...but wtf...they stoled his thread too?I think is not fair to delete his thread olso!Or those theefs were really really bad and they deleted the thread?
mrsatan said:
check this out.
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Good idea !
I'm also willing to put some cash down for him
aresbv2000 said:
Yeah...very bad news for Chaos!is one of our ROM developers wich was doing great job!i`m using his ROM...MooDeD ICS 90.5!yesterday i wanted to update to MooDeD ICS 90.6 but...the thead was nowhere to found!I understand...his phone was stolen...but wtf...they stoled his thread too?I think is not fair to delete his thread olso!Or those theefs were really really bad and they deleted the thread?
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Yeah i love his rom very much
Hope he will start dev soon
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
I appreciate his work but this whole move with deleting the thread makes me think that he just want to get more money and that's not what xda is about.
Why deleting the thread? Why not leaving the rom for the ppl to use it? It looks like this to me: give me money and you'll get the rom.... this makes me to not use the rom even though it works ok.

Anyone got chainfire 3d wirking on jb

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
You might want to read the description on Google Play, there Chainfire says clearly:
!! For Froyo and Gingerbread ONLY. NOT COMPATIBLE with Honeycomb/Ice Cream Sandwich/Jelly Bean !!
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Also, this is a development sectio, NOT the place to ask questions.
So wat says ics isnt but still works, maybe u shudnt answer if ur answers lame lol im asking the more intelligent ppl out there
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
Chainfire3D was made for Froyo/GingerBread
It was not updated but still partially works on ICS
It is still not updated but is completely not compatible with JB (too much change since Froyo/GingerBread)
chwads2k8 said:
So wat says ics isnt but still works, maybe u shudnt answer if ur answers lame lol im asking the more intelligent ppl out there
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Stop before you are reported for insulting behavior .
Iv already been reported and what? Users shudnt answer if they gna send abusive messages
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hsrars-d said:
You might want to read the description on Google Play, there Chainfire says clearly:
Also, this is a development sectio, NOT the place to ask questions.
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This is abusive and disrespectful everyone can read from playstore thats not the point of this thread.
Egan good contribution to thread genius
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
chwads2k8 said:
This is abusive and disrespectful everyone can read from playstore thats not the point of this thread.
Egan good contribution to thread genius
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
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Your question has been answered, move on
Op it won't work. Chainfire has already explained things got changed regarding the gpu etcfrom jb onwards. He said he won't work on it anymore.
There was no need to be rude to any of the respondents. Just because you are not hearing what you want, it doesn't justify insulting others.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Omg read the title i asked if anyone got it working didnt ask for smart comments or what it was compatible with lol never mind like talkin to kids lol
Close thread waste of time
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
chwads2k8 said:
Omg read the title i asked if anyone got it working didnt ask for smart comments or what it was compatible with lol never mind like talkin to kids lol
Close thread waste of time
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
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So, here is your answer: nobody got chainfire3D working on JB

[discussion] why developers don't continue their projects

well we all know that XDA forums is a way to communicate with people all around the world and share opinions and problems.
few days ago, this question cross my mind, so i decide to disuss this question with you my friends.
first, thanks for the developers of our ACE for making plenty of amazing roms.
and with all the respect to them, i'd like to ask them(not all of them) ,that why dont you continue your roms to reach the stable level, and make new another rom instead, so roms become uncompleted,and the Forum become overflow.
so please give me your answers , to know your point of view
Sent from my lovely ACE using XDA app
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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That's just half true. These days were over when the thread for ace of spades ROM was closed. But didn't Trent Turvey return with geared android ? The truth is, some people sold their ace, some became busy with life & some discontinue their project because a new ROM with better stability & performance arrived ( For eg., Jellaxy team got off when Wayland_ace brought up cm10.1 ). In any case, some people leave & some new people come. We can just bid them farewell & hope that they return someday. Welcome to the ace forums !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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وعليكم السلام اخي
but there is a lot of people who support the devs and give them feedback ,if some noobs post useless posts thats not enough reason to stop the project
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nizar.nasani said:
وعليكم السلام اخي
but there is a lot of people who support the devs and give them feedback ,if some noobs post useless posts thats not enough reason to stop the project
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
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yes but on early builds usually the noobs are more than those good people
beside another reason is galaxy S4
even in the galaxy S3 thread we lost a lot of developers to the S4 devs want better hardware to work with it seems
most also tAke time between updates
like few nonths
so they hav extra time to create some new stuff
and also most cant test new updates or the roms are already pretty stable/ nothing can be improved
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
Everything has its peak and from there it's a downward slope... Ace is an old device, it launched 2.5yrs ago and very few people use te same device for such a long time so obviously the devs themselves have to move on.
Even my device is 2 yrs n 4 mnths old, am plannin to buy a new one soon, similarly v all will move out. Who would develop,mod,contribute, test and for whom!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
The Galaxy Ace wasn't that much of a flagship, yet it lasted so long. This device is lucky.
"你看到了没? 爱让我流胆怯的泪..."
"Have you seen it? Love has made me cry cowardly tears..."
Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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Well hv u seen those bad ROMs? The 'devs'' just simply add a new launcher/file explorer/a theme on the market and release their ROMs....that's the reason why ppl dislike them lol
Btw AOSP GB ROM must be the rom that has been discontinued mostly....fortunately now Spacecaker is back
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ROMFlasherAce said:
Well hv u seen those bad ROMs? The 'devs'' just simply add a new launcher/file explorer/a theme on the market and release their ROMs....that's the reason why ppl dislike them lol
Btw AOSP GB ROM must be the rom that has been discontinued mostly....fortunately now Spacecaker is back
從我使用 Tapatalk 2 的 GT-S5830 發送
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that rom was discontineud that much because nobody got it to work xD
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
ROMFlasherAce said:
Well hv u seen those bad ROMs? The 'devs'' just simply add a new launcher/file explorer/a theme on the market and release their ROMs....that's the reason why ppl dislike them lol
Btw AOSP GB ROM must be the rom that has been discontinued mostly....fortunately now Spacecaker is back
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hah well there are those other over excited people who piss the devs off by asking for ETA everyday plus i learned my lesson of not to buy anything less than a flagship it is the only way of getting awesome Roms
SpaceCaker said:
that rom was discontineud that much because nobody got it to work xD
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
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I blame everyone involved in GB AOSP, including myself
"你看到了没? 爱让我流胆怯的泪..."
"Have you seen it? Love has made me cry cowardly tears..."
Venomous Viper 119 said:
That's just half true. These days were over when the thread for ace of spades ROM was closed. But didn't Trent Turvey return with geared android ? The truth is, some people sold their ace, some became busy with life & some discontinue their project because a new ROM with better stability & performance arrived ( For eg., Jellaxy team got off when Wayland_ace brought up cm10.1 ). In any case, some people leave & some new people come. We can just bid them farewell & hope that they return someday. Welcome to the ace forums !
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Very well said.We have to move on,that's life.I would like to thanks all the Great Dev's like - Old Droid,Lagloose,Nims11,spacecaker,shaan,Wayland_ace and all the respected Dev's who have release sometime for our ace.You guys rocks.Thanks one again
Blackwolf10 said:
yes but on early builds usually the noobs are more than those good people
beside another reason is galaxy S4
even in the galaxy S3 thread we lost a lot of developers to the S4 devs want better hardware to work with it seems
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Blackwolf10 said:
السلام عليكم يا اخي
i will tell you why developers quit their Rom
because when it is on v1 two or three guys walk in and start bad comments and screwing it up for everyone and that kills the development inside the dev just because it was a Rom with a few bugs and not too much features they don't even let the developer make some updates first before judging
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I soo agree with your statement. I wanted to release so many jelly bean and cm9 roms for ace which would be built exclusively for testers but some noobs thought it was the same work as earlier roms.So I just wanna conclude by saying all cm9 or JB roms would look exactly the same. No matter what the developer contributes in the rom,except theming. So please cooperate with the developers. Its for your own good
altius_cooper said:
I soo agree with your statement. I wanted to release so many jelly bean and cm9 roms for ace which would be built exclusively for testers but some noobs thought it was the same work as earlier roms.So I just wanna conclude by saying all cm9 or JB roms would look exactly the same. No matter what the developer contributes in the rom,except theming. So please cooperate with the developers. Its for your own good
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Thanks man for your awesome ROMS for our ace.:fingers-crossed: Just go ahead and kindly release roms.Do worry about what noobs will say.They are immature peoples.They should be greatfull to you and others DEV'S like you, who have release such wonderfull roms for our ace.
GalaxyAce User said:
Thanks man for your awesome ROMS for our ace.:fingers-crossed:
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Umm great that is adding to my list of positive replies of my work. Expect an update for cm9 soon.
Just quoting an xda rule
Press Thanks button intsead of saying thanks
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altius_cooper said:
Umm great that is adding to my list of positive replies of my work. Expect an update for cm9 soon.
Just quoting an xda rule
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I have already press thanks button.I will once again press once the 8 thanks per day limit expires.Thanks once again GOD BLESS:good:.
Don't worry about the immature people.:fingers-crossed:
altius_cooper said:
Umm great that is adding to my list of positive replies of my work. Expect an update for cm9 soon.
Just quoting an xda rule
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i thought you just told me that your gonna release miui jb??
what happened?
Sent from my legend ACE using tabatalk
nizar.nasani said:
i thought you just told me that your gonna release miui jb??
what happened?
Sent from my legend ACE using tabatalk
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I told miui jb would release after cm10 rc2. Rc2 is out there and now I would continue to work on my stable cm10 on miuijb
altius_cooper said:
I told miui jb would release after cm10 rc2. Rc2 is out there and now I would continue to work on my stable cm10 on miuijb
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