Any Chance?! - HTC EVO 3D

Is There Any Chance Of Ever Getting Working 3D/4G On A Sense 4 ROM?

Yes there's a chance. Is it easy? No..

Well I just realized about 15 minutes ago that Venom Rom plays movies in 3D. It's a sense 4.0 rom. No 3D camera action though.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

iTzLOLtrain said:
Yes there's a chance. Is it easy? No..
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Lol Kinda Knew It Would Ne Something Like That, Hopefully Itll Be True One Day Though

KB112 said:
Well I just realized about 15 minutes ago that Venom Rom plays movies in 3D. It's a sense 4.0 rom. No 3D camera action though.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Hmm Well Im Gonna Try That, Ive Ran It Before Just Never Tried

I'm sure there will be one eventually.
However, you guys with CDMA phones will probably get it before us with GSMs. (;


3d apps from optimus 3d

here are some apps i pulled from the optimus 3d rom dump. there are a couple 3d games and the awesome 3d gallery. I dont know if any of these work, since im not getting mine till Friday but it would be nice if someone can test them for me so I can get started on porting them over. hopefully I can get it done over the weekend
link to my dropbox:
Edit 6/28
None of these apps are currently working and won't work till we have root and the games probably never will work as they are compiled for the powervr chipset of the optimus
Didn't install for me.
Which ones did you try
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
Not installing for me either... Tried both gallery files
Sent from my Evo3D
Tried the first in the list with no luck.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
once we get root... we can use root explorer to install.
im sure they will work then.
dadoc04 said:
once we get root... we can use root explorer to install.
im sure they will work then.
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Yeah these are all system apps that need to be pushed or placed in system/app
Can not wait for root. Thanks op for the files.
Shouldn't this go in the themes and apps sub forum. We need to keep the forums clean. Mods please move this.
unCoRrUpTeD said:
Shouldn't this go in the themes and apps sub forum. We need to keep the forums clean. Mods please move this.
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Sorry I was trying to reverse engineer the files so I thought it would be development my mistake
Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
youtube its 3d? =o
magicalan said:
youtube its 3d? =o
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Yes I haven't got it working yet I just got my phone
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
aaronpoweruser said:
Yes I haven't got it working yet I just got my phone
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Good to see you here Aaron, if we can keep you away from the robots, maybe you can dev the Droid
BANG! from my shooter...
il Duce said:
Good to see you here Aaron, if we can keep you away from the robots, maybe you can dev the Droid
BANG! from my shooter...
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That's the plan got a new lappy set up for deving
sent from my shoot em up
Hey guys.. just got my EVO 3D today... does anyone know how to get to the 3D youtube?.. is it working yet?.. i dont even have the option to switch youtube to 3D... atleast not that i know of... thanks in advance for the help.
aaronpoweruser said:
here are some apps i pulled from the optimus 3d rom dump. there are a couple 3d games and the awesome 3d gallery. I dont know if any of these work, since im not getting mine till Friday but it would be nice if someone can test them for me so I can get started on porting them over. hopefully I can get it done over the weekend
link to my dropbox:
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I tried but none seen to want to install onto my phone.
The 3d YouTube comes preloaded.. search yt3d to get a bunch of 3d formatted videos
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
idaho4045 said:
Hey guys.. just got my EVO 3D today... does anyone know how to get to the 3D youtube?.. is it working yet?.. i dont even have the option to switch youtube to 3D... atleast not that i know of... thanks in advance for the help.
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The version on the EVO 3D is YouTube 2.1.7 which enables 3D support on mobile and is newer than the YouTube 2.1.6 that is in the market.
I could watch 3d on YouTube before, but now all I see is split screen movies in 2d....ideas??
Sent from my 3VO
Vandelay007 said:
I could watch 3d on YouTube before, but now all I see is split screen movies in 2d....ideas??
Sent from my 3VO
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Go unistall updates for YouTube either market or applications in phone settings
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
anyone figure out how to install these yet? not one seems to want to install

Multiple ROM boot

This should be possible with 3d since we have emmc . They can have 5 roms installed at one time and can boot which you want ...... Come on s-off this will fuxing rock ....
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Interesting ...
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Hells yea! That would be sick!
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Kingmac38 said:
This should be possible with 3d since we have emmc . They can have 5 roms installed at one time and can boot which you want ...... Come on s-off this will fuxing rock ....
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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how the HELL did I not know this?????
which means there are [email protected]!!! TELL THEM ALLLLLLL.
more ppl, more cracking that *****, S-. i hate hate her! Supid S-!!! CHANGE YOUR MIND ALREADY.
But seriously... thanks didn't know.
Pretty awesome.
Come on S-OFF!! This will be so sick!
Waiting for s-off to get this going. I gave conap the original code back when he had an Eris. However, we do have a different emmc layout and I need to see exactly how all the partions are utilized.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Cm7 + others hell yea ....
If it can be done will be the bomb ..... cm7 and miui and u can boot which you feel like using that day ..... much better than restoring a nandroid ...... will definitly donate when you get this one going ..... thanks for the work before
Kingmac38 said:
If it can be done will be the bomb ..... cm7 and miui and u can boot which you feel like using that day ..... much better than restoring a nandroid ...... will definitly donate when you get this one going ..... thanks for the work before
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I say a sense ROM and miui but i +1 on the donation
Sent in 3D fashion
unCoRrUpTeD said:
Waiting for s-off to get this going. I gave conap the original code back when he had an Eris. However, we do have a different emmc layout and I need to see exactly how all the partions are utilized.
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dont forget that the incredible has more NAND than our evos so we'll probably only be able to get 2-3 roms at once but i still would love this
thatlonedude said:
dont forget that the incredible has more NAND than our evos so we'll probably only be able to get 2-3 roms at once but i still would love this
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3 would be perfect. CM7, MIUI, and a lean stock.
tapa tapa tapa
think this'll work for OG EVO
This is to wicked...hell YEA!!!!
pimp100500 said:
think this'll work for OG EVO
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I originally had a dual boot script for the Hero, then tried to create a universal script for multiple phones. Most of my testing was done on an EVO, but I had so many problems with it. Parts of it would work then I would make changes to fix the other problems and then that created other problems. I haven't given up, but once I knew I was getting an EVO 3D I halted all work on it until I could mess around with this phone.
Now I'm just waiting for an unlocked phone. Making a script phone specific is much easier, but all my previous work was done for muliple phones, We actually quite a bit of free internal space that isn't used by anything. I'm looking at either repartitioning or just using existing partitions that we already have.
I might return to making an EVO specific script after I get this one going.

[Mod] Stock Battery W/%

Here is the link to OMJ's post over at PPCGeeks he has the Stock Battery with percent posted there, just follow his steps and enjoy.
I did not make this OMJ did All credit goes to him.
Edit: So far from what i can see it is currently working on all 3Vo roms currently out. Please let me know if im wrong
anybody know how to ad green over scroll to this?
could someone supply a mirror?
thanks guys!
Is this basically smooth sense or is it the stock jumps with a percentage?
There u go. If someone could make another mirror so my dropbox doesn't get hammered I'd appreciate it. All credit goes to Omj.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Anyone try this on Synergy and can you use root explorer to install?
Seriously thx for posting this.
Confirmed working on Chogardjr3D v0.9 Mikrom
Downloaded to phone and copy/pasted using ES explorer (with root access). Had to do a battery pull, but it worked.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
[email protected] said:
Anyone try this on Synergy and can you use root explorer to install?
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+1 on this
[email protected] said:
Anyone try this on Synergy and can you use root explorer to install?
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Confirmed working as I'm using right now
Sent from my Dual Core Beast
FYI If you have the new SDK remember that adb is in platform-tools folder now instead of tools.
Thank you! I seriously hated having to run an additional app to give me battery percentage in the status bar. This is much cleaner.
Im running the shOOTER rEWIND rom if it matters.
Thanks just a question tho, did OMJ left xda developers? I remember his work from the OG evo
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d
jgalan14 said:
Thanks just a question tho, did OMJ left xda developers? I remember his work from the OG evo
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d
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You know i noticed this aswell im not really sure though I was a big fan of his work on the OG evo thats what made me look up and see if he was cooking something for the 3VO and found this.
mttneedham said:
You know i noticed this aswell im not really sure though I was a big fan of his work on the OG evo thats what made me look up and see if he was cooking something for the 3VO and found this.
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He probably left xda?? I know some developers from the thunderbolt left as well and they open their own website, incredibledoes left too and he put some work for the evo one of the first one to get sense 2.0 working on evo last year, talk to him no too long ago and he said he was gonna develop for the 3d tho so I hope he does, I want to do a pool for myn that way he can develop for the evo 3d as well, js isn't developing or at least the last tweet I saw from him, and calkculin I have no idea, he got his son now so I guess he is putting more time with his family
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d
I've talked to calk over at the galaxy tab 10.1 forums. He's making some wicked stuff but he said the 3vo was a no go. Maybe GS2 for him
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jgalan14 said:
Thanks just a question tho, did OMJ left xda developers? I remember his work from the OG evo
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d
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OMJ has been on PPCG for a while now. He still stops over at XDA from time to time, but he was over at PPCG for most of the time he had the Evo too, if memory serves me correctly.
Now that I have the percent in the battery icon, it is going to feel like the battery drains twice as fast, haha, because I will always be watching an OCD. I think I'm better off without it..
k2buckley said:
OMJ has been on PPCG for a while now. He still stops over at XDA from time to time, but he was over at PPCG for most of the time he had the Evo too, if memory serves me correctly.
Now that I have the percent in the battery icon, it is going to feel like the battery drains twice as fast, haha, because I will always be watching an OCD. I think I'm better off without it..
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Lmao same here I keep staring at it lol, i like the one on my iPhone it doesn't drop as fast
If you don't have an Evo3d well you don't have an Evo3d
Tiffany84 said:
There u go. If someone could make another mirror so my dropbox doesn't get hammered I'd appreciate it. All credit goes to Omj.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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here ya go Res/framework-res.apk
k2buckley said:
OMJ has been on PPCG for a while now. He still stops over at XDA from time to time, but he was over at PPCG for most of the time he had the Evo too, if memory serves me correctly.
Now that I have the percent in the battery icon, it is going to feel like the battery drains twice as fast, haha, because I will always be watching an OCD. I think I'm better off without it..
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lol yea i was soooo excited to finally have it then i noticed my battery life was cut in half b/c i kept turning the screen on the check my battery percent lol

Update OTA_Shooter_S_Sprint_WWE_2.08.651.3-2.08.651.2_release_2201598na37g8l1af4e904

Here you guys go. Just downloaded it a few sec ago.
New Update just came guys! Pulled this off my phone this morning. Figure its our security update but i have no clue yet as i have yet to even dig into it. wanted to put it up soon as i got it for the devs to take a crack at and see what it all has for us.
This is NOT a ROM. DO NOT FLASH. This is for the DEVS.
sgt. slaughter said:
Here you guys go. Just downloaded it a few sec ago.
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Good Job.. thanks..
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
jetbluebob said:
Good Job.. thanks..
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Is this another new update?
Is this a rooted stock Rom or just the latest update?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
only 9mb? what is this? Where is the info
This is the Security update that removes the spyware.
Sent from my Evo 3D via Tapatalk
Just flash over current ROM?
I think ill have treve look at it first LOL
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XsMagical said:
only 9mb? what is this? Where is the info
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my bad forgot how flash happy ppl get here. This was pulled this morning off my phone. Its the new OTA update Sprint/HTC pushed out today for us. Figure its about the same as the Sensation got before but haven't gone through it at all yet.
This is for the Devs to add to their ROMs as I pulled this off my phone this morning.
so now they are removing CIQ? thats odd, oh well, thanks for the post. I shall check it out
Hope somebody makes this flashable. Don't want a whole Rom update for a few file changes.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
XsMagical said:
so now they are removing CIQ? thats odd, oh well, thanks for the post. I shall check it out
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dunno haven't looked into it yet myself. i assume its along the lines of the sensation update they got weeks ago, but dunno. And likely Treve will have the answer before most get a chance to look at it.
Hell i haven't even looked at all the files that were included in the OTA zip myself. I saw there was an OTA update for today and went ahead and downloaded it to post up for the devs.
Also remember if its still in there it might not be a big deal. The big issue with it all before was the fact that anyone could create an app and pull very important information off peoples phones b/c HTC/Sprint/whoever didn't secure everything well. Also they didn't have the "opt out" stuff working correctly or at all.
They could have at least fixed the missing mirror app, and the shutter sound in the camera. Were the only HTC phone that they removed those from.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
Rydah805 said:
They could have at least fixed the missing mirror app, and the shutter sound in the camera. Were the only HTC phone that they.removed those from.
Via My HTC Evo 3D On The Now Network From Sprint.
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Totally agree! They didn't even fix the photo widget frame that's all white... how lazy!!!
kwheaties said:
Totally agree! They didn't even fix the photo widget frame that's all white... how lazy!!!
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Lol have to agree been what a good month probably and it took that whole time to make a 9mb file lol.
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
bleichtman said:
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Re read the first post or just read it said IT'S NOT TO FLASH FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY...
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
bleichtman said:
Can I flash this over a custom ROM?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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Read the OP?? lol
Id wait to hear from a dev on this OTA update, bud.
A: don't flash this. B: stop complaining about what is/is not included in it.
i know for sure it doesnt fix the camera/mirror, or photo frame widget. i ran the update on my girlfriends 3vo

[Q]Any Sense 3.5 Roms with WiMax?

No matter how long I've looked I haven't found one. So I was wondering if anyone had an idea of a sense 3.5 Rom with working Wimax
People seriously need to learn to give more information of their device.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
iTzLOLtrain said:
People seriously need to learn to give more information of their device.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Like posting in the EVO 3D section wouldn't be enough....?
Jimlarck said:
No matter how long I've looked I haven't found one. So I was wondering if anyone had an idea of a sense 3.5 Rom with working Wimax
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As far as I know, no 3.5 rom I have come across (CDMA), has 4g working. And it sucks. I would be glad to find one with 4g.
to the OP...
iTzLOLtrain said:
People seriously need to learn to give more information of their device.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Posting on the EVO 3D section doesn't help? "oh Nahh I'm wondering about the Galaxy Nexus if there was a Sense 3.5 rom. I just happen to post here in the E3D forums because I'm too lazy to look for the Galaxy Nexus Forums. "
Speaking literal now. I guessed not for CDMA . Well is giving up Wimax for a Sense 3.5 rom a good option?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
Jimlarck said:
Posting on the EVO 3D section doesn't help? "oh Nahh I'm wondering about the Galaxy Nexus if there was a Sense 3.5 rom. I just happen to post here in the E3D forums because I'm too lazy to look for the Galaxy Nexus Forums. "
Speaking literal now. I guessed not for CDMA . Well is giving up Wimax for a Sense 3.5 rom a good option?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
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No it doesn't. Your phone could be cdma or gsm .
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I tried this sense 3.5 rom out there
Everything works perfectly on the MikRunny 1.13, it has sense 3.5 which is awesome, overclockable, wimax, its kinda fast... q=]
iTzLOLtrain said:
No it doesn't. Your phone could be cdma or gsm .
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Stop thinking logical! That gets you no where around here!
oohaylima said:
Stop thinking logical! That gets you no where around here!
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It's cdma, either way I'm.asking for both. I never said which one specifically
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kaosb0x said:
Everything works perfectly on the MikRunny 1.13, it has sense 3.5 which is awesome, overclockable, wimax, its kinda fast... q=]
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I thought it didn't have Wimax, or is this a past build?
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oohaylima said:
Stop thinking logical! That gets you no where around here!
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I want trying to help the guy get correct info. Instead of flashing a wrong from and getting his **** bricked.
But to answer your question. I don't think there's any 3.5 with wimax working
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
kaosb0x said:
Everything works perfectly on the MikRunny 1.13, it has sense 3.5 which is awesome, overclockable, wimax, its kinda fast... q=]
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Nvm its for gsm, but still gonna use it ( I have cdma while my brother has gsm so its still convenient to know) I didnt know that mikrunny had Wimax working MILLION THANKS dude
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
iTzLOLtrain said:
No it doesn't. Your phone could be cdma or gsm .
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Because GSM users would totally know/care/ask about WiMax?
LiquidSolstice said:
Because GSM users would totally know/care/ask about WiMax?
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True, I've never been much of a gsm techy but, Don't gsm's data go in a sim card so because of that most their roms have 4G?
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
There is no 3.5 Sense ROM with working WiMax.
Unfortunately, just about every custom rom has at least one or more things not working, Wimax is one of those things.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA

