Can't Decide.. If I go to Sprint. - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

I'm most likely leaving AT&T and coming to Sprint. There are 3 good phones on Sprint and it's really hard to decide which one to get. The Evo 4g LTE, SGS3, or the GN for Jelly Bean. If anyone could give me their opinions on those 3 devices (best roms, mods, etc.) that would be great. The GN is now only $99 on Sprint. Ugh. I hate that I can never make a decision.

SkizzMcNizz said:
I'm most likely leaving AT&T and coming to Sprint. There are 3 good phones on Sprint and it's really hard to decide which one to get. The Evo 4g LTE, SGS3, or the GN for Jelly Bean. If anyone could give me their opinions on those 3 devices (best roms, mods, etc.) that would be great. The GN is now only $99 on Sprint. Ugh. I hate that I can never make a decision.
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I am having a similar issue. Im deciding betwees the s3 and the white evo lte. But I think im going with the evo tomorrow morning. It has better reviews. I have the ps2 for Sprint and the s3 does not seem that much of an upgrade to me.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

There's a couple of other threads with people on similar positions as you guys. Just search around. They are pretty fact driven
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

I just did the exact same move, I had all three phones in the past three weeks.. i ended up with the EVO, and I'm very happy with it. The nexus had subpar battery, and bad signal strength.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

I have both the S3 and EVO. You can't go wrong with either one. If you need some help deciding go to this great review comparing both
EVO LTE vs Galaxy S3
Sent from my evoLTE

deltawye said:
I just did the exact same move, I had all three phones in the past three weeks.. i ended up with the EVO, and I'm very happy with it. The nexus had subpar battery, and bad signal strength.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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What did you like of the EVO over the sgs3?
Also I looked on Sprint's coverage map and it shows that I am in "fair" territory. Does that mean I'll have poor signal?

I'm in the same boat. I have been an Android user since Day 1 since Oct 2007. I loved it. But I bought the Samsung Vibrant 2 years ago and was very sure that I would never buy another Samsung phone given their sorry upgrade track record and not releasing source code and binaries for their radios. So i was pretty sure I was going to grab the One X. The EVO LTE looks like the best one since it had a micro SD card and a dedicated camera button. The lack of removable battery is a problem, but after reading the reviews on the battery life, I thought I'd risk it.
But two things happened. Samsung released the same S3 model (bar the CPU for the US market) all over the world and they released the source code almost immediately. They don't have a locked bootloader (I know the HTC allows you to unlock it - bit it breaks the warranty). I hated ODIN initially, but it does make the Samsung phones practically unbrickable and they don't lock the bootloader, so I don't lose the warranty if I root it and install a custom ROM. I can always ODIN it back to stock and get a replacement if something goes wrong with the phone.
I haven't been keeping up with the HTC ROMs anymore so I don't know how it's going these days. I have been using ICS on my Vibrant since December. How long have you guys had an ICS ROM for the original EVO?
What's giving me pause in going for the EVO LTE is
1. Would the custom ROM scene on the EVO LTE be as good as the one on the S3? Given that the S3 is practically the same worldwide and Steve Kondik is now a Samsung employee with access to resources that might help CM10?
2. The reports of the multi-tasking on the EVO LTE are worrying. If the reason that the battery life is decent on the One X is because it's aggressively dropping background processes, that's not what I want. If I wanted crippled multi-tasking, I'd have bought an iPhone. How's the multi-tasking? If you load a game in the background, a browser loading a page in the background and switch to the email app, is it responsive? If you go back to the browser, does it start loading the page again? Or has it finished loading the page? I use as my test case since it gives even Firefox on the desktop a problem (although Chrome on the desktop doesn't have any issues with it).
3. I read that it's because Sense is so resource hungry, they traded the multi-tasking to keep it in memory, but I see that that still doesn't work and Sense does keep getting swapped out and has to restart when exiting email or the browser or some big game. Is this still a problem with Nova Launcher? I read that this has been set at the kernel level. Does Auto Memory Manager help?
I guess the extra 1 GB on the S3 helps. I have read some comparisons that the S3 is smoother multitasking than the EVO LTE.
I'd love to hear whether these are real problems or a custom ROM would solve them.
Edit: BTW, my biggest problem with the S3 is the display. It looks very dim. The One X simply smokes it!
Thanks guys.

os2baba said:
I'm in the same boat. I have been an Android user since Day 1 since Oct 2007. I loved it. But I bought the Samsung Vibrant 2 years ago and was very sure that I would never buy another Samsung phone given their sorry upgrade track record and not releasing source code and binaries for their radios. So i was pretty sure I was going to grab the One X. The EVO LTE looks like the best one since it had a micro SD card and a dedicated camera button. The lack of removable battery is a problem, but after reading the reviews on the battery life, I thought I'd risk it.
But two things happened. Samsung released the same S3 model (bar the CPU for the US market) all over the world and they released the source code almost immediately. They don't have a locked bootloader (I know the HTC allows you to unlock it - bit it breaks the warranty). I hated ODIN initially, but it does make the Samsung phones practically unbrickable and they don't lock the bootloader, so I don't lose the warranty if I root it and install a custom ROM. I can always ODIN it back to stock and get a replacement if something goes wrong with the phone.
I haven't been keeping up with the HTC ROMs anymore so I don't know how it's going these days. I have been using ICS on my Vibrant since December. How long have you guys had an ICS ROM for the original EVO?
What's giving me pause in going for the EVO LTE is
1. Would the custom ROM scene on the EVO LTE be as good as the one on the S3? Given that the S3 is practically the same worldwide and Steve Kondik is now a Samsung employee with access to resources that might help CM10?
2. The reports of the multi-tasking on the EVO LTE are worrying. If the reason that the battery life is decent on the One X is because it's aggressively dropping background processes, that's not what I want. If I wanted crippled multi-tasking, I'd have bought an iPhone. How's the multi-tasking? If you load a game in the background, a browser loading a page in the background and switch to the email app, is it responsive? If you go back to the browser, does it start loading the page again? Or has it finished loading the page? I use as my test case since it gives even Firefox on the desktop a problem (although Chrome on the desktop doesn't have any issues with it).
3. I read that it's because Sense is so resource hungry, they traded the multi-tasking to keep it in memory, but I see that that still doesn't work and Sense does keep getting swapped out and has to restart when exiting email or the browser or some big game. Is this still a problem with Nova Launcher? I read that this has been set at the kernel level. Does Auto Memory Manager help?
I guess the extra 1 GB on the S3 helps. I have read some comparisons that the S3 is smoother multitasking than the EVO LTE.
I'd love to hear whether these are real problems or a custom ROM would solve them.
Edit: BTW, my biggest problem with the S3 is the display. It looks very dim. The One X simply smokes it!
Thanks guys.
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After the updates sense no longer reloads, for me anyway. Multitasking aside, the One X has had the best battery life on any phone I've ever had by far. Android or iPhone. I love the One X that's why this is so hard for me to decide. The white Evo LTE looks sick. I'm also starting to like the customization of the sgs3 the more reviews I watch of it.
I just got 3 hours of screen on time on my One X before it got to 50%. By far my best yet.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app

SkizzMcNizz said:
What did you like of the EVO over the sgs3?
Also I looked on Sprint's coverage map and it shows that I am in "fair" territory. Does that mean I'll have poor signal?
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Not necessarily its hard to say tho.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

I bought the nexus and it was amazing with vanilla ics roms were pretty awesome too, the curve to your hand made it by far the best hand held experience of any phone the only down side to it had sub par battery life I had to carry 2 batteries
I now have bought an EVO LTE and its nice but I think cause of the non curve it feels like a mini tablet atleast to me , but holy carp is it fast and snappy , and super bright, I did like a whole lot better on the nexus was swiping left to right to close out the task menu , sense made it so you can only go up to close them out wich Is slow and they didn't add the feature in the browser like the nexus did
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

If you go with the S3 u will be happy, after I had it for a couple of days all the extra customization of the S3 seemed trivial.and gimmicky, it was cool at first especially the gestures... But I ended up not using them at all. Yes I think the S3 is smoother than the EVO, but not by much. I hated the physical home button, it had way too much lag, and that's even with the S-voice turned off. You don't get full use of the home screen realestate on the stock UX, which was annoying. Those where my only complaints. My past three phones have been sammys, that's another reason I chose the HTC, I just wanted a change, and the build quality(external) and feel of an HTC phone in my opinion is far superior to Samsung. In the end don't beat yourself up with the desicion you will be extremely happy with either phone. Oh and I made the switch to sprint from ATT due to ATT raping me on data charges... Now I have to sacrafice service, but its worth the trade off.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

deltawye said:
If you go with the S3 u will be happy, after I had it for a couple of days all the extra customization of the S3 seemed trivial.and gimmicky, it was cool at first especially the gestures... But I ended up not using them at all. Yes I think the S3 is smoother than the EVO, but not by much. I hated the physical home button, it had way too much lag, and that's even with the S-voice turned off. You don't get full use of the home screen realestate on the stock UX, which was annoying. Those where my only complaints. My past three phones have been sammys, that's another reason I chose the HTC, I just wanted a change, and the build quality(external) and feel of an HTC phone in my opinion is far superior to Samsung. In the end don't beat yourself up with the desicion you will be extremely happy with either phone. Oh and I made the switch to sprint from ATT due to ATT raping me on data charges... Now I have to sacrafice service, but its worth the trade off.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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With the Evo having source out now do you think it will get jb fairly quick? Same question for sgs3.
Also my One X gets pretty hot and I don't know if it's the battery causing it. I would love to be able to change out the battery. I miss that option.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app

SkizzMcNizz said:
What did you like of the EVO over the sgs3?
Also I looked on Sprint's coverage map and it shows that I am in "fair" territory. Does that mean I'll have poor signal?
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I have "fair" coverage and I needed to get an Airave because I had zero or one bar everywhere in my house and couldn't have a conversation with anyone. Luckily, they gave me an Airave for free so now I have five or six bars everywhere in my house.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

Get a white EVO LTE and trade me lol I'd pay some cash too
Sent from my EVO using xda premium

I wouldnt get sprint period for atleasr another year
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium HD app

pbedard said:
I wouldnt get sprint period for atleasr another year
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium HD app
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More info please....

the NV upgrades near me have been brutal, tons of dropped calls, especially while on the move, but even still while sitting at home. I would also check the NV upgrade schedule to see if they are even coming to your area any time soon...I agree though, wait on sprint until NV is up and running in your area.

The S3 is indeed almost identical as the international version, with the exception that it uses the S4 krait like the ones in the Evo LTE, putting it in the same situation as the LTE and the One X. The One X's community looks to be pretty active, but with a different processor than ours, the roms are not exactly interchangable, so i would expect the same issue to be present for the LTE-specced S3s.
If you're talking about development though then the multitasking and sense issues shouldn't be a problem unless you actually like sense, in which case all i have to say is you're boned .
I chose the Evo because I like how solid aluminum bodied phones feel, and I have never liked the oversaturation that is present on every amoled-based screen that i've looked at. I held off upgrading from my OG Evo because when i held the SGS2 and then the Gnex, they both felt flimsy and cheap in my hands compared to my Evo. I'm sure that they're probably all equally fragile when dropped, but for something where i'm holding it any time i'm going to use it, the feel was very important to me, so i would say it mostly comes down to personal preference, like Mitsu Evo vs Subaru STi, or Cameros vs Mustangs, test drive them both and see which one you'd like best.

lacrossev said:
The S3 is indeed almost identical as the international version, with the exception that it uses the S4 krait like the ones in the Evo LTE, putting it in the same situation as the LTE and the One X. The One X's community looks to be pretty active, but with a different processor than ours, the roms are not exactly interchangable, so i would expect the same issue to be present for the LTE-specced S3s.
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Yes. The same issue would be present for the S3 if the CPU is the only change. But I expect that the S3 would be probably be a well supported phone since it would sell so many and many devs would have it. I have been out of the HTC scene for a couple of years so don't know if the EVO has had good custom ROM support. eg. I have been running ICS since Dec/Jan on my Vibrant.
lacrossev said:
If you're talking about development though then the multitasking and sense issues shouldn't be a problem unless you actually like sense, in which case all i have to say is you're boned .
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Sorry, what does "you're boned" mean? I'm an idiot for liking Sense, or if i use Sense, then the multitasking is a problem? I like the stock Google UI using Nova Launcher. But I haven't seen any definitive answer on whether using Nova Launcher alleviates the multi-tasking problem. If it does, then I'd be okay with not using Sense, although I do like some Sense widgets. But I can live with out them.
lacrossev said:
I chose the Evo because I like how solid aluminum bodied phones feel, and I have never liked the oversaturation that is present on every amoled-based screen that i've looked at. I held off upgrading from my OG Evo because when i held the SGS2 and then the Gnex, they both felt flimsy and cheap in my hands compared to my Evo. I'm sure that they're probably all equally fragile when dropped, but for something where i'm holding it any time i'm going to use it, the feel was very important to me, so i would say it mostly comes down to personal preference, like Mitsu Evo vs Subaru STi, or Cameros vs Mustangs, test drive them both and see which one you'd like best.
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I have got used to the "flimsy" Samsung phones. I like the lightweight feel of them and they are surprisingly resilient. Check out the CNet's torture test for the S3. It's intense.

os2baba said:
Yes. The same issue would be present for the S3 if the CPU is the only change. But I expect that the S3 would be probably be a well supported phone since it would sell so many and many devs would have it. I have been out of the HTC scene for a couple of years so don't know if the EVO has had good custom ROM support. eg. I have been running ICS since Dec/Jan on my Vibrant.
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The S3 is definitely well supported and got a CM10 preview release this morning. The sprint variant has great devs lurking in the background so there's still lots of good stuff to see released.
Sent from my evoLTE


Available upgrade use it now or wait?

Woo hoo guys and gals I just learned that I can get my upgrade now. I'm coming from the EVO 4G and want to know. Since u peeps already have the photon would u recommend me getting it or should I sit and wait and try my luck with the Samsung galaxy S2 coming out sometime this year? I'm asking here because all of you have first hand use with the photon some pros some cons so I'm sure you guys and girls will shoot me straight. Thanks
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
i came from the Evo4G and not regretted it a bit. I love the screen, best phone/3G/4G/wifi/gps signal there is, never a moment of lag, love the curved glass look and gunmetal trim, better camera than the Evo, great battery life, it's rooted and an unlocked boot loader is about to be released by XDA developers. If you get it now, you can always exchange it in 30 days or go back to your Evo.
If I was you I would wait. This phone is cool but if ur coming from an EVO I don't think u will be impressed. Ive had two customers who both came from EVOs return the photon and get the 3D cause they didn't like it. I love this phone but i could see why people like the EVO better. Just my two cents.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
laraiza said:
Woo hoo guys and gals I just learned that I can get my upgrade now. I'm coming from the EVO 4G and want to know. Since u peeps already have the photon would u recommend me getting it or should I sit and wait and try my luck with the Samsung galaxy S2 coming out sometime this year? I'm asking here because all of you have first hand use with the photon some pros some cons so I'm sure you guys and girls will shoot me straight. Thanks
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Use the upgrade now. This phone is awesome.
I'd definitely get the photon as well. I have 3 friends on the evo 3d wanting the photon instead. None of my friends on the photon want to switch. Photon wins hands down.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
megan23247 said:
If I was you I would wait. This phone is cool but if ur coming from an EVO I don't think u will be impressed. Ive had two customers who both came from EVOs return the photon and get the 3D cause they didn't like it. I love this phone but i could see why people like the EVO better. Just my two cents.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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I am the exact opposite. i felt like I would have lost more going to the 3D. Yeah you get 3d, but no kickstand, 5MP camera versus 8MP etc. The photon has the specs of the 3D (dual core, qHD screen, camera button, etc) plus the missing feature of the EVO 4G (kickstand, higher res camera, HDMI out, solid build). In addition it adds features such as the sd card slot which is HOT SWAPPABLE plus onboard memory, GSM, brighter screen in sunlight etc.
Both phones look like they will now be rooted (or soon enough) and both seem to have some good developers behind them. I chose the Photon for the reasons listed above as well as the cool nickname (MoPho) and much less of a GUI overlay (non-blur vs sense).
These are MY reasons for going this right. Hope that gives you a good viewpoint to help you decision.
In regards to waiting, there is the GSII (rumors are swirling saying it may not have the exyanos <sp> chip), nexus 3 and iphone 5 coming out. Only lots of rumors on those for now though.
megan23247 said:
If I was you I would wait. This phone is cool but if ur coming from an EVO I don't think u will be impressed. Ive had two customers who both came from EVOs return the photon and get the 3D cause they didn't like it. I love this phone but i could see why people like the EVO better. Just my two cents.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
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Yes, because they are morons.
This phone ****s Evo's. The Evo's hardware isn't even close to what this thing has. I have owned the Evo, and the 3d, the 3d is just a gimmick phone, that is all.
Lol - people are dumb
-Also, don't just ask this question in the Photon forums, of course they will say yes here. Do yourself a favor and do some research, go to some sites, read some reviews, learn for yourself and decide for yourself instead of having us make your decisions. The people here have it because they like it/love it. I loved my Evo don't get me wrong, but this phone is the next best thing, and in a year I will have the next best thing then, etc etc.
The galaxy s2 or whatever it is that Samsung is calling it won't hold a candle to this phone. But you could extend your 30 days period 3 times if the customer service rep you use is cool. (Sprint allows this, just keep getting a new photon until your gs2 comes out) And for f*cks sake don't exchange your phone at a corporate store, they suck.
nuff said. GL
First of all its preference when it comes to evo or photon... both have their advantages and problems, and i have both devices. With that being said I already returned one photon and grabbed a evo3d (how it all started) because of random resets and vibrations. But i was still so impressed with what the photon is CAPABLE of being i had to open another line just to have it as well. Let me dive into photon problems; aside from my first experience which i will blame on a faulty device, i am now experiencing these ghost calls people have been talking about... where basically no one is on the line but obviously they are (when call is received or dialed out even) i experienced this several times and ran into sprint to verify with manager.. we pulled the battery and everything is fine. Guessing though from other posts that this wont be the last time i deal with this though.
The EVO3D works but literally does everything the photon does a little worse. So if the Photon is actually working its flat out the better device, has better display... inky blacks, better viewing angles, etc. Better processor in terms of optimization for gaming, more available ram and app memory.
Now what i mean by preference is if you like to use these launchers that come with the devices; either blur or rosie (sense). If youre just going to take the phone out of the box and use it the evo really is the better experience due to the noticeable lag/choppiness of Blur, and the smoothness of Sense. It really is that big of a difference IMO. However if youre like me you are running launcherpro (paid) or adwEX... both phones are snappier after installing said launchers but the photon is much snappier due to the lesser integration of the UI.
So basically in short lol if the photon is actually able to make calls, and is running launcher pro (all speeds on 10, with all animations off) then yes hands down better than evo3d. I prefer evo out of box experience though, over the photon out of the box experience.
Sent from my gingerbreaded delight using XDA App
Honestly, I can't fathom going to this phone now given the issues that it has currently. If they really fix the call issues, I may come back to it. Given that they haven't with other Motorola phones exhibiting this problem I'm not holding my breath.
I loved much of the phone....the design, build quality, earpiece and rear speakers were superb. The phone was extremely fast but enough of a difference to switch up for that?
The lockups, inability to dial and silent calls on multiple handsets makes it kind of useless as an actual phone.
Also, after looking at the Photon screen side by side with my original EVO screen I would take the EVO screen every day of the week
BUT...had the Photon functioned on calls and not randomly shutdown, overall I would have preferred the Photon.
I'm not really a "sense" person I'm running a sense rom but I'm always running either go launcher or launcher pro anyway. I won't miss sense and I won't deal with blur. Once the phone is rooted and bootloader unlocked would it be possible for developers to fix at least most of the problems that r plaguing the photon right now since many issues seem to be more or less software issues?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
probably... but then again they may also bring more to the table....
I was in the same boat as you. I had previously had an evo 4g than traded for an epic. I fell in love with the samoled screen of the epic and was determined to use my upgrade on the sg2, as I've used the DROID charge and the samoled+ screen is beyond stunning. Well, I got sick of waiting and decided to give the photon a try a few days ago and figured if necessary I have the 30 day return policy. The photon is an awesome all around phone. Everything works, and its fast. I enjoyed the epic due to the screen, but gps was worthless and bluetooth and wifi were inconsistent. I am worried that although the sg2 may have the best screen, there are going to be other problems with the samsung build quality. The only negative about the photon is MOTOBLUR, which is much worse than sense and not even up to par with touchwiz. Alot of people complain about the pentile screen but I actually like it alot. Blacks are much deeper than my evo 4g and colors aren't washed out. The photon is an all around great phone, and every thing works(so far for me at least). I don't play games or anything so I can't comment on that, but every day tasks on this thing are fast.
Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using XDA App
I'm in the same boat as the OP...
Currently have the OG EVO, eligible for an upgrade and have been reading EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I can about this phone. Even though I'm still leaning towards getting it, there's a little voice in me saying to hang tight and see "what's coming around the corner." However, with technology, there will always be something better coming out next week, next month, or next year.
As for the Photon, I imagine the developer support that this phone will be receiving compared to the EVO and other HTC devices, won't be as as deep, especially if you're someone who IS coming from the EVO and used to that type of support. However, from what I've seen on this forum and others, the consensus seems to be that it's a great phone right out of the box. And if you're not a big fan of sense anyways and run your own launcher (like I do), then maybe it won't be that big of a deal.
More than likely, I'll be pulling the trigger and picking one up as soon as I get to a Sprint store to check one out. I'm just one of those types that always upgrades anyways and will likely be getting another phone next year too (assuming that I don't object to my wife's monthly shopping sprees so that I in turn, can "build up my credit" for justifying my annual phone purchases).
If I get the photon thru the corporate store vs best buy will I still get to keep my upgrade if I choose not to accept it before my 30 days are up.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I work for Sprint and was given both of them to use. I came from the EVO and loved it, so naturally I wanted to EVO 3D. I got it 2 weeks before the launched and loved it at first then the problems started. First the camera issues, when I take a picture it freezes up and I have to pull the battery to get it back. Sense 3 offers a lot of improvements to original sense (which I love) but has a few cosmetic flaws. I am not a stock Android fan, I love sense and it offers a lot of user friendly controls. I hate that every time I unlock the phone I get a wheel of screens and must wait a nano second to use the phone. The 3D camera isn't all that great and some 3D pictures gives me a headache, also the camera sticks out the back and if your not using a case, it can scratch the screen. Now I got my photon 2 weeks ago and I am amazed at how well it performs. I have not had any of the problems some people have, and I am already told that the problems will be fixed soon with the software upgrade. I missed my kickstand and the photon gives that back to me. The camera is nice, much better then the 3D. Only flaw I have with the phone is black, when you watch a movie the dark parts are really really dark and make it hard to watch sometimes. All in All I prefer it over the 3D, and I was never a Samsung fan so I wouldn't want the Within (galaxy 2). It took Samsung several months to upgrade to Android 2.2 and even then plagued with problems it had to be pulled twice, and the final version caused a few more texting issues and screen orientation issues that have yet to be fixed. Other problems with Intercept and Transform and no help from Samsung leaves me to never choice Samsung. Now the Nexus offers all the cool features of Samsung with none of their software issues since its pure Google.
I had the Evo 3D and liked it up to the point where I had lockups and tinny-sounding calls. I also experienced slowdowns and poor reception. When the Photon launched I checked it out, and decided to give it a try under the 30 day policy.
The build quality out of the box seemed better and the appearance was definitely more what I would expect from a top-end device. Once I booted up and began using it, I fell in love. The call quality is outstanding, speakerphone is excellent, battery life is great, and the screen is near-perfect.
It's obvious Motorola wants to be in the forefront of the portable device market once again. The Photon proves it.
I have not experienced any function issues at all with my MoPho. Smooth sailing here.
I came from the EVO4 where I kept getting low memory messages. EVO 3d has the same internal memory and I had no interest 3d. So far, I am exrememly happy with this phone. The build qulaity is superb. Its hard to put the phone down. I'm not so sure I would like thinner and Galaxy S2. The Photon gives you the feeling you have something. Believe me, the phone is not perfect. No phone is. But this is one of the best phones out there IMO. Do not hesitate one bit. Take the plunge.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
I was able to use both the Evo 3d and Photon side by side for about 12 days and went with the Photon. I really liked both phones but I liked the additional memory and, in my experience, better battery life and reception.
But, I would wait a few weeks and see what comes of the Samsung GS2. It looks like an awesome phone but I'm always leary of their update cycle.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA Premium App
632627 said:
I enjoyed the epic due to the screen, but gps was worthless and bluetooth and wifi were inconsistent. I am worried that although the sg2 may have the best screen, there are going to be other problems with the samsung build quality.
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I agree about GPS, Bluetooth, and Wifi on the Epic, and would add in overall call quality and consistency as the reason why I'm sticking with the Photon no matter what specs the SGSII has. The Epic pretty much convinced me not to get another Samsung phone.
So, given that the competition for the Photon over the next six months or so on Sprint will be the Evo 3D and the SGSII, I think the Photon is by far the better choice. Great call quality, best speakerphone I've had on a smartphone, great performance, love that my Tegra Zone games bought for my Asus Transformer will run on it, great screen for outdoor viewing (perfectly usable at noon in the SoCal sun), rock-solid GPS and Bluetooth, great car dock accessory, solid build quality, and good battery life.
Just a great phone.
Had one, and took it back because of the call problems. Now I'll wait to see the GS2, and will weigh against the Photon again (if they fix it). Until then, my Evo 4g continues to rock on.

Upgrade - SG3 VS EVO LTE Which & Why?

I love me EVO 3D and most importantly I get great Wimax coverage where I am located so I am having a hard time validating my upgrade. However I am getting the itch for a new device. And one of the things I am really looking forward too is a better camera. In my case LTE doesnt look like its going to be in my area (Vegas) any time soon. So sacrificing 4g for what will ultimately be a fancy 3g phone may or may not be worth it. I am torn between getting the Galaxy 3 and EVO LTE . What are your guy's thoughts on the 2 phones and if you are going to upgrade or considering upgrade which would you choose and why?
go with the htc lte
you will get the best experience i think
galaxy sIII isnt worth it because for NOW there are mostly SINGLE core games out there (nova 3, mc3 and stuff like that) and very rare dual core.. but MULTI core wont be there in this year i think...
i would go with the evo, it looks much nicer and i love the edges on the new screens and also on my evo 3d
soo.. hopefully you go with htc
greetz and sry for my bad english ^^
I went with the evo 4g lte over the sg3 because I personally prefer sense over touch wiz by a large margin. If you are the type to just put cm9 on your phone shortly after your purchase then that shouldnt matter to you.
- Also the screen of the sg2 looked fake to me.The colors were very bright but not realistic. I am not sure if that is still an issue with the sg3.
- the camera app on the evo lte is great with the ability to shoot video and take pictures simultaneously.
I won't be choosing either. I don't see either as a significant enough upgrade over my 3D. Also, I want to wait until LTE comes to my neighborhood before upgrade. Finally, I am anxious to see what Google's next Nexus phone will be. There are rumors that they will introduce 5 different models in early fall. I am hoping one model will have a large screen (a la the Note). I am so tired of waiting for 3rd parties to upgrade their lame skins (TouchWiz, Sense) before releasing android OS updates.
If I had to choose, I would select the SGIII. The non-removable battery of the EVO 4G LTE is a deal killer. I must be able to swap batteries.
The lag argument on sense is moot with the LTE. that said, if you like sense the decision should be very easy. AOSP development on the LTE will be way better than on the 3D too.
SGS3 will probably have more accessories if you're into that.
If you're undecided then wait to you get a chance to play with both
Sent via XDA Premium
Best reasons:
The Camera (This I like)
The Screen
HD Voice
HTC Sense 4
Beats Audio
Best reasons:
Storage (Internal)
(v) 2GB Ram?
Smart detection features
All Share Cast (This I like)
Both are great, just don't be the fool who's hunting for the greener grass or the next best thing, if you like it, buy it.
I bought the EVO LTE & I'm not looking back, hopefully I'll be holding this for 2 years (22 Months really).
Probably not going to get either and wait for something better (see: Eclipse), but if I had to choose one it would definitely be the S3.
Two reasons:
1. The S3 has 2GB RAM
2. The S3 won't have a locked BL.
As far as Sense and Pee go, don't really care, heard about these newfangled things called custom ROMS.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
evo 4g lte>sg3 that is all.
Noiro said:
Best reasons:
The Camera (This I like)
The Screen
HD Voice
HTC Sense 4
Beats Audio
Best reasons:
Storage (Internal)
(v) 2GB Ram?
Smart detection features
All Share Cast (This I like)
Both are great, just don't be the fool who's hunting for the greener grass or the next best thing, if you like it, buy it.
I bought the EVO LTE & I'm not looking back, hopefully I'll be holding this for 2 years (22 Months really).
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supposedly the camera is better on the s III, but i think the sense camera software is supposed to be better.
I am really torn myself with this decision. Most people on this forum will say choose htc cause your on the htc evo 3d page. I suggest asking the same question in android general or something.
---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------
flonker said:
Probably not going to get either and wait for something better (see: Eclipse), but if I had to choose one it would definitely be the S3.
Two reasons:
1. The S3 has 2GB RAM
2. The S3 won't have a locked BL.
As far as Sense and Pee go, don't really care, heard about these newfangled things called custom ROMS.
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
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this has me kinda leaning towards the s3 as well, especially the development factor. Should have hundreds of roms especially since it seems like there is really only 2 versions of the S III. There is the lte and the quad-core version. They all have the same body though.
I'm considering the same...
I love Sense and Sense can't be had unless on an HTC phone. I also enjoy the CM experience and go back and forth, but since I can't put Sense on a non-HTC device, I'm probably going to get the LTE. I've played with it and it really is a great little phone.
I was going to make a similar thread, I have an upgrade in June and I'm torn between the S3 and the Evo LTE. In regard to Samsung, what I have been reading is that the US versions will all be one style so the only hurdle there as far as development would be CDMA vs GSM roms.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
Nexus or bust. With up to 5 possible Nexus phones coming out this year, I wouldn't even consider an upgrade right now. Sense and TouchWiz are nothing but bloatware that will hold you back.
But since you are asking for these two, I'd recommend playing with them side by side in a store and getting the one you prefer.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
A lot of good arguments have been made. I.E
-removable Battery VS Embedded battery
-Sense VS Touch Wiz
-Developer support
I am still wondering how the camera quality is side by side though. Yes I think its cool you can take snap shots while recording but I dont think this is the end all be all. I would much rather prefer low light quality for that feature. However I have heard rave things about the EVO LTE camera in general. Also like some I dont know if a like the glossy vs matte finish on the back. I think I would have to see this in person. I have had glossy backs before on different phones and they are scratch magnets and I am not a huge fan of putting a case on my phone. I dont like the extra bulk I would rather just baby it. I am also a pretty big fan of sense. Although I have not really done a test drive on a touch wiz based UI. Its tough I would really like to see the bench marks and these two phones side to side. I would also be nice to maybe get sprint rep in here who has played with both and get there opinion.
2gb of ram on s3...that is all.
Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus CDMA using Tapatalk 2
I'm in the same exact boat. Itching for new device but not excited that either device I chose I wont get LTE till later this year (SF bay area). I just have to have the latest device out and between the 2 I think I may this time around try out the Galaxy 3. I've been an HTC follower for a long time since the window days but I think its time to try new things. I do love the features of sense but I also like the features of the new S3. I just have to try it before I knock it as I can always exchange for the Evo LTE in 14 days. One thing I really not liking about the EVO lTE is non removable battery. I know Im going to use my phone to tether a lot with my tablet and between that and using the phone I've run into times when I've almost run out of battery on my Evo 3d and was so glad I had a spare battery and didnt have to go looking for a wall outlet.
I'm leaning more towards the EVO cuz I've had more HTC phones than any other but I did want to try Samsung out. But more than likely it will be the EVO because I'm used to most of the devs work if ain't broke then don't try to fix it.
hockey4life0099 said:
supposedly the camera is better on the s III, but i think the sense camera software is supposed to be better.
I am really torn myself with this decision. Most people on this forum will say choose htc cause your on the htc evo 3d page. I suggest asking the same question in android general or something.
---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------
this has me kinda leaning towards the s3 as well, especially the development factor. Should have hundreds of roms especially since it seems like there is really only 2 versions of the S III. There is the lte and the quad-core version. They all have the same body though.
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Welp last I checked my evo lte was super simple to root, unlock the boot loader and install viperrom. And the development is awesome already after only one week. Sgs3 is a nice phone and the evo lte is equally as nice.
Sent from my Touchpad using xda premium
swaze said:
Welp last I checked my evo lte was super simple to root, unlock the boot loader and install viperrom. And the development is awesome already after only one week. Sgs3 is a nice phone and the evo lte is equally as nice.
Sent from my Touchpad using xda premium
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Voiding your warranty with HTC. Samsung is light years ahead on being more open with rooting and modding theirs.
jamexman said:
Voiding your warranty with HTC. Samsung is light years ahead on being more open with rooting and modding theirs.
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I have had a smart phone for over the last 10 years and have yet to need to take a phone back. Not an issue.
Btw....if I had an issue sprint would be the one fixing it not HTC.
Sent from my Touchpad using xda premium
You should wait til lte is in your area since you have strong wimax and your satisfied with your phone, I wouldn't drive a Corvette on low octane. when lte comes, then make the switch, you might have a better phone selection then too
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

Help me decide GS III or EVO 4G LTE

These two phones are amazing and hard to compare. Therefore I need some help to decide which phone I should buy.
Camera is awesome, burst shots are easily taken without effort.
Sense does seem to be a little bit more user friendly
The back case of the white one is great (Personal preference)
Kick stand
Less Plastic feel
The multi-tasking sucked pretty hard compared to GS III
Can not swap batteries
Multitasking is awesome on this phone
Big battery and can be swapped out
The front case looks nice
The back case looks dull and pretty plastic feeling in total
Camera is not as great as EVO
Those are pros and cons that matter to me as of now. I just need some more factors to help me decide. And please be objective, you won't get any money from Samsung or HTC by being subjective. Thanks in advance.
Evo. Do the HTC unlock and flash mean Rom. Fix everything pretty much wrong with the phone and multi tasking. There is all 3 evo's and the gs3 here in this house. Nice phone but every yr there has been an eVo it had been the best and most complete device almost until the next eVo came out.the only phone so far that will beat this phone is the Verizon HTC 5 inch 1080p s4 quad core coming soon.
Swyped from my eVo
Pretty hard decision to make, honestly. I've gone back and forth trying to decide which one I want to get when my upgrade comes due soon. I know there are better phones in the pipeline but none that I care much for. I've had a chance to play with both and I prefer the EVO LTE. The build quality seems to be better on the EVO. Both run the same processor. The EVO has less RAM, but Sense seems to be dialed back some as opposed to TW on the Samsung. I've seen nothing but good things about the EVO display and camera. I don't care for the physical home button on the Samsung, or the on-screen app icons. It's like everything else, though, it really boils down to personal preference.
Sent using my HTC EVO 4G and a magic wand
I agree with ryanalan82...get the LTEVO, root and and flash either MeanROM or Viper 4G ROM. Both are amazing ROMs.
Additionally, at least IMO, I prefer Sense to TouchWiz. While the multitasking is great on the SG3, I find myself loving Sense waaaaaay more. Just my $0.02.
I'd say S3
ryanalan82 said:
Evo. Do the HTC unlock and flash mean Rom. Fix everything pretty much wrong with the phone and multi tasking. There is all 3 evo's and the gs3 here in this house. Nice phone but every yr there has been an eVo it had been the best and most complete device almost until the next eVo came out.the only phone so far that will beat this phone is the Verizon HTC 5 inch 1080p s4 quad core coming soon.
Swyped from my eVo
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Will the HTC unlock and mean rom fix the GPS/WIFI issue as well as the distorted voice issue?
I would say get the S3, I love the EVO phone itself, but it just doesn't freaking work!
tnEVo said:
Will the HTC unlock and mean rom fix the GPS/WIFI issue as well as the distorted voice issue?
I would say get the S3, I love the EVO phone itself, but it just doesn't freaking work!
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The GPS/WiFi issue was fixed with the 2.13 base (if it's the same issue I'm thinking of). Not sure what you're referencing with distorted voice though, I've never experienced that?
I do not like the center button on the S3. It should be flush just like on the 4G LTE.
Physical button create dust to get in.
After all, if you are playing game, then a button like this might be helpful.
I have heard people said the S3 has better LTE tolerence than the 4G LTE.
HTC/Sprint needs to fix the LTE connection issue soon or you should go with the SGS3. This is coming from a pretty big supporter of HTC and someone who loves the EVO.
This issue would be a deal breaker for me if I had to choose between the 2 devices.
Get the Note 2. It blows away both phones.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
tgrgrd00 said:
HTC/Sprint needs to fix the LTE connection issue soon or you should go with the SGS3. This is coming from a pretty big supporter of HTC and someone who loves the EVO.
This issue would be a deal breaker for me if I had to choose between the 2 devices.
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What is the LTE issue? Can you tell more in detail?
ryanalan82 said:
Evo. Do the HTC unlock and flash mean Rom. Fix everything pretty much wrong with the phone and multi tasking. There is all 3 evo's and the gs3 here in this house. Nice phone but every yr there has been an eVo it had been the best and most complete device almost until the next eVo came out.the only phone so far that will beat this phone is the Verizon HTC 5 inch 1080p s4 quad core coming soon.
Swyped from my eVo
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Does the mean rom fix the multitasking once for all or it is just a small fix but still not as good as GS III?
libai8268 said:
What is the LTE issue? Can you tell more in detail?
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The EVO doesn't want to find or stay locked onto LTE in known LTE service areas.
carlos64030 said:
The EVO doesn't want to find or stay locked onto LTE in known LTE service areas.
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It's sad that I still don't have LTE around my area and Sprint has not announced anything in my area either. So should I still stick with Sprint? Sprint 3G pretty much sucked too much to be useful.
shook187 said:
Get the Note 2. It blows away both phones.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
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I just played with one at my logical Sprint store (I know a guy who works in the back) and that phone is huge! 5.5 is a little bit too much. It's fast, but unless you plan on gaming like hell I'd still go with the evo. Note 2 is a big piece of plastic
Go with the Evo for now. We all know it's the superior phone but HTC may not be cranking out many more of those based on how things are going. You'll have plenty of time to own a Samsung in the future when they become pretty much the only android handset manufacturer.
Sent from my EVO LTE
I'd hold out if I where you. Never know what's around the corner for christmas. An the LTE issue with our phones is a real draggggggg just to let u know
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
libai8268 said:
Does the mean rom fix the multitasking once for all or it is just a small fix but still not as good as GS III?
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Fixed, with the help of who makes the v6 supercharger. And multitasking is improved further by more app multitasking panels as well. The couple people that kinda were coming at me..... Lol, you don't know what your talking about. Also instead of the note 2, like I said in my first post, the HTC 5 inch phone will be the phone to beat, not the note 2.
Swyped from my eVo
I used to have the galaxy s3 it is very nice looking! and fast but is kinda simple i mean the system ,i know it has a lot of stuff but was to simple for me , so i sold it, and i bought the evo lte, and i love it! ics sense version i think is a lot better
Sent from my ł₦₣E₡ŦEÐ EVØ 4G ŁŦE (-_-メ) Using Tapatalk 2
If you are going to root the phones and run an AOSP ROM, you won't notice much difference between the phones. I own both, and since the both ran AOKP, it was a simple transition.
Let's be honest, you're on an LTE forum so you're going to get bias answers. As an owner of both, I'll tell you that you can't go wrong either way! They both have little pros and cons, but are mostly very similar.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Personally if you can wait a bit I would try to hold out for the next Nexus device. Or choose the EVO. I cannot comment on the lte issue since it isn't available in my area.

Do you like your LTE?

I am in the market for a different phone and I have about 200 to spend, Im on PagePlus so that rules out a lot of phones like the GNex and a few other super sweet deals. Anywhoo I have been looking through Craigslist/eBay, etc and it seems like The Galaxy SII, The Rezound, The Evo 4G LTE, and Moto Razr may all be within budget (used of course). All have their good points I suppose but I was leaning twords the Evo LTE since over all it looks pretty nice. Does anyone have any comments or better suggestions?
Thanks all.
I have been very happy with my LTE. The hardware is great - I like the screen and the availability of an sd card. I get good battery power and performance. More importantly, there are some great developers working on this phone. Between XDA and theMikMik you have a good choice of ROMs to pick from. Good luck with your choice.
Out of the list I will go with the Evo lte. It has the better specs. I loved the GS2 when I had it and even though it's getting jellybean the specs are out of date compared to what's out now. Still pretty responsive device tho. Evo lte takes the cake.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
I love mine!! It's a great phone, hardware and software wise. I preordered mine from Best Buy, so I've had it since launch. It's got the best camera on any phone, and I've is the best displays (only the DNA and similar have a better display, because of their 5" 1080P display, but you're not going to really notice the difference on day to day use with your bare eyes). Looks wise, I think it's one is the best looking phones out there! I love the phone so much that I just bought a brand new white one (since they weren't available at launch) and I'm going to sell my black one. So about 8 months after its release, I still think it's the best phone available for Sprint, and one of the best in the entire market! As far as size goes it probably is the best phone on the market, but personally I'd like a 5" display so I can't say the Evo LTE is the best out of all phones available on all carriers. If you can find one in good condition for $200 or less, then I'd say to jump on it, because it is without a doubt the very best phone in that price range!! No doubt in my mind that you will absolutely love the Evo LTE!! Good luck!!
Sent from my white Evo LTE running the latest MeanBean, using XDA Premium
I actually just "downgraded" my Note 2 to the Evo and couldn't be happier. Phone is just the right size, plenty fast, and battery life is almost as good.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
I love mine. But you're obviously going to get fairly biased responses here.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
scottspa74 said:
I love mine. But you're obviously going to get fairly biased responses here.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
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Obviously But Biased is OK. I have also discovered I might be able to get the original Galaxy Nexus on PP as well. Seems similar hardware wise. Im assuming the GNex has better custom rom support but the specs on the Evo LTE are a hair better. Correct? Any more comments?
electroblood said:
Obviously But Biased is OK. I have also discovered I might be able to get the original Galaxy Nexus on PP as well. Seems similar hardware wise. Im assuming the GNex has better custom rom support but the specs on the Evo LTE are a hair better. Correct? Any more comments?
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Seems like you pretty much know your stuff. Def should be out of the EVO LTE or GNex. Basically specs vs software. What you prefer? A nicer screen, camera, and kick stand vs more rom development/Google support.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
The screen specs looked the same to me, but the EVO looks nicer? It also doesnt look like you guys are lacking for ROM development either. I saw about a dozen, would you say thats accurate? How is the battery life? The Camera sounds like its super nice too.
electroblood said:
The screen specs looked the same to me, but the EVO looks nicer? It also doesnt look like you guys are lacking for ROM development either. I saw about a dozen, would you say thats accurate? How is the battery life? The Camera sounds like its super nice too.
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I have both, kind of. (I bought my mom a gnex for mothers day and tinker with it when I see her). Battery life is abysmal on gnex compared to Evo, and that's even with the extended 2100 battery, irrespective of ROM/kernel combo. Also, the camera on the Evo is vastly superior to the gnex. I do prefer the feel of the gnex in my hand, not the build quality, but the shape/form of the thing.
I Was surprised to see, on the gnex, camera quality degradation after installing custom ROM (CNA), given that it's a nexus and all open source, but I definitely notice a big quality difference from stock software.
Just my .02¢
Camera Evo>gnex
Battery. Evo>gnex
Development. Gnex>Evo (but very slight edge, considering you can run sense OR AOSP on Evo, not so with gnex)
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
---------- Post added at 01:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:54 AM ----------
Specifically with battery life, 4.5 hrs screen on time on Evo, give or take.
3hrs tops on gnex.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
This was all very helpful. The only thing I find irritating about the EVO is the LED on the front only does red. I know that sounds incredibly stupid, but even on the shambling Droid 1 and Droid 2 I am using currently I can tell whats going on based on LED colors. I find the decision to put in a red-only light puzzling, but Im sure I will get used to it.
I am also assuming there is a way to root and unlock the boot loader no matter what version the software on the phone is? I dont actually HAVE the phone yet, but Im going to be driving a couple hours to get it this weekend. WHEEE. I checked the MEID first and its clean. I am porting this phone to PagePlus. Any other pitfalls anyone can think of?
electroblood said:
This was all very helpful. The only thing I find irritating about the EVO is the LED on the front only does red. I know that sounds incredibly stupid, but even on the shambling Droid 1 and Droid 2 I am using currently I can tell whats going on based on LED colors. I find the decision to put in a red-only light puzzling, but Im sure I will get used to it.
I am also assuming there is a way to root and unlock the boot loader no matter what version the software on the phone is? I dont actually HAVE the phone yet, but Im going to be driving a couple hours to get it this weekend. WHEEE. I checked the MEID first and its clean. I am porting this phone to PagePlus. Any other pitfalls anyone can think of?
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I just got mine yesterday after owning the original evo4g then the 3d and now won't be disappointed one bit this phone is amazing.. As of right now every bootloader has been cracked for s-off and i got a bunch of recommendations to run meanbean and its a very nice ROM haven't had any problems yet. Ohh amd also the led is a red green combo is dissapointing they didn't use a tri-led but it doesn't bother me too much
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Yes, you can HTC unlock any hboot and now you can s-off any of them as well (s-off is the only way to go in my opinion!!). Development is great for this phone, even though it's only on 1 carrier (all Evo's have always had exceptional development though!). The camera AND the display in the Evo LTE are amongst the best, just read any Android news blog!! The S4 processor holds its own against other processors too! The S4 Pro would be nice of course, but the standard S4 is still great. You really can't go wrong with the Evo LTE, assuming it's in good condition!!
Sent from my white Evo LTE running the latest MeanBean, using XDA Premium
Even though I am taking this to page plus, the custom roms should still work for me correct? I have only ever used Verizon phones on PP and thats not much of a leap.
OP, If you're in a metro PCS town:
I just picked up the Motion 4G for my lady, for a total of $175 ...(or less). The metro plans just cant be beat right now by anyone and I have a 25% sprint discount.
Here's the rub: Other than the screen not being as nice as the Evo LTE, her phone out performs mine everywhere for about half the price.
I realize its not fully attributable to the Evo, but her carrier brings 4G into the house and pretty much everywhere we go, at a minimum of 3 Mb/s.
My phone doesnt make calls from inside the house and is lucky to ever see 500 kb/s. The motion has ZERO lag, and the speech to text, and web browsing beats my phone by 30 second every time we race them to This is still true when she is on 4G and I am on my wifi. The evo is slower than the Motion. :\
I also had to return my first two Evo LTE's due to manufacturing problems. I had an incredibly poor experience with the returns as well, sprint's "two week" return policy is really a 13 day return policy. Heads up on that.
I really do like my phone in some ways, but screw it. I've had an awful experience.
I like it but I only bought it to hold me over until my upgrade in August. Lol
Ill probably keep it until something I like is out. Preferably an HTC nexus :beer:
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
jesuscash said:
I like it but I only bought it to hold me over until my upgrade in August. Lol
Ill probably keep it until something I like is out. Preferably an HTC nexus :beer:
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Love my EVO. Got a Nexus 10 too. Both are fab !
A phone one might want to consider to buy outright is the LG Optimus G. That phone is pretty awesome and overlooked and underpriced if you ask me.
I too was in the market for a "hold me over phone" and ran into it and was pleasantly surprised. Having owned a GS3, EVO LTE and the Note 2, the Optimus G had a little something over all those phone and all for a price of $325.
I'm still waiting patiently here in NY for LTE to startup! They need to hurry....3G sucks sooo much!!!
No Gnex
electroblood said:
Obviously But Biased is OK. I have also discovered I might be able to get the original Galaxy Nexus on PP as well. Seems similar hardware wise. Im assuming the GNex has better custom rom support but the specs on the Evo LTE are a hair better. Correct? Any more comments?
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I empathize with your quandary; been there done that. I would NOT recommend the CDMA Gnex. I really, really wanted to keep that phone. I've gone thru three of them and all three had signal loss issues. It's a known thing for the via chipset in that phone. Sadly, the best Nexus experience is getting the phone directly from google and using a GSM carrier like ATT or tmobile.
Go with the EVO; best long term bargain for your money.

Stick with HTC or move on?

Titles says it all, I've noticed lesser build quality on the lte vs the og evo. I can fix software related issues but hardware seems to be crap. So the question is should I stay or move on? I'm a strong believer in the user makes the dev so I'm holding a vote. Yall choose.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I'm using your Sinister LTE V8, it's the best rom for me.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Idk..I've had a lot of phones and I say they all have issues. The OG EVO I had replaced a number of times for the same reasons. The charging port broke on 2 of them and the external speaker blew on two of them. My Nexus S 4G had awful signal reception. Both my GS3 and Note 2 offered my callers an echo on their end. I had a moto photon that after about 10 mins on a phone call would drop the call. I'm sure some of these were my device specific (Note 2) as others never experienced them. Guess what I'm saying is that it's hit or miss. Personally, I've always liked HTC because development seems better. While there is lots with the the Samsung devices, I feel the roms are all kind of the same. With HTC we have lots of innovation. Ports from newer devices, nice mods,, if flashing is you thing (development for Sin) then I'd keep rolling with HTC.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
My vote would be htc one.
Sent from my lair.
Seems to me lately that HTC is slowing down on devs working on it, mainly because other phones like the galaxy series are picking up more devs every time the phone releases. Maybe with the HTC One things will change since it will be the same phone across multiple carriers, only difference might be the radio.
We certainly dont have more roms than they do, but the few roms that we have are different enough to be worth looking in to.
Doesn't hurt to try anything new. I'm personally aiming for an s4 but we'll see how it compares to the one, although I'm not really impressed by it(the one that is).
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
I just picked up a galaxy 3 and I have to admit it has me impressed. I thought I would be a HTC EVO guy forever, but that damn lte kept going me problems...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
If I was going to get a new phone this year, it would most likely be the One. Build quality looks outstanding, and from what I've seen, Sense 5 seems decent. I'm sure any one of the talented devs around here could tweak it to near-perfection. As it is, I'm happy keeping my EVO for another year and seeing what goodness I can upgrade to in 2014.
The only other option would be the S4, but unless Samsung ups their game in design and gets over their fascination with that CRAPOLED display, I won't go there.
Now, if HTC came out with say, a 5.5" version of the One, with that beautiful display and build, I would be like "Shut up and take my money."
emtchrisbishop said:
I just picked up a galaxy 3 and I have to admit it has me impressed. I thought I would be a HTC EVO guy forever, but that damn lte kept going me problems...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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i had the galaxy s3 for 2 weeks and couldnt take it anymore
their touchwiz is complete and utter sh!t.
it just feels generic, plus the phone felt cheap
flex360 said:
i had the galaxy s3 for 2 weeks and couldnt take it anymore
their touchwiz is complete and utter sh!t.
it just feels generic, plus the phone felt cheap
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100% agree. To me, the GS3 was nothing compared to my EVO. The only reason I might say I liked the Note 2 better was because battery life is outstanding on it and it has a quad core. But both felt so cheap to me. My Note 2 battery door was always popping open. In fact, there is a thread on it. Common issue. Touchwiz is is gross, imo. And the only mods to it seem to be to turn it red or blue least that's what it was a few months ago when I had the devices.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Surprised to see someone complain about the hardware/build quality of HTC. My launch day Evo 4g is still intact and solid and functional. The unibody aluminum chassis this device is built from seems amazing to me, and the seems around the screen are perfection. The One appears to be even more solid and stunning, and looks like it will be more comfortable to hold due to the curved back. I'm impressed with HTC hardware. Unless, if maybe by hardware you're referring to the radios, which I have seen a lot of complaints about here (but I have none, personally)
Hope you roll with HTC, Sin. :thumbup:
From my Evo LTE, yup.
I think the build quality on my lte rocks. I have owned the og evo, the 3d, and now the lte. Can't say tis one is any less "quality" than the other two. It is just the thin form I think that makes u feel that way. My og and 3d were quite bulky if u were to compare it with this one.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
The irony to the OP's experience, build quality is one of the few reasons I stay HTC.
I see myself sticking around.
Depends on what they have around or after 3/2014.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
I got the LTE on preorder and never had any of the problems others mentioned hardware wise. I proceeded to brick that 1 downgrading firmware but my replacement has been flawless. The only issue I have is my phone being a little to sensitive to lower voltages. Not a big deal really. The main reason I stick with HTC is how good the phones look and I've never had really had big problems with them yet.
Now with the ONE coming its gonnna be hard to get me off it. I just looks so damn good. Definitely gonna wait a few months before I switch I up tho.
Hope you stay with HTC sin. Seems like your always trying to bring something different and unique to the device.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
the only thing that I don't like with HTC is that they're moving away from the SD slot and the user replaceable battery. Other than that, I prefer HTC because of their quality of build.
I'm not sure if I want the One or not. I mean, I -do- want it, but I -really- like the idea of having an SD slot in my phone, and I like having an extra battery just in case. It does look like a sexy phone, though....argh...will have to check it out and see how well it handles in person.
In my experience HTC phones have amazing build quality. Had an OG EVO that is still functional with no problems at all. This one is still fine. My dad has an EVO Design that got dropped in a foot of water and still works. Quality for me at least.
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Not sure what Sprint will bring out this summer after the One and the SG4. Probably a Windows device. The One seems to have excellent specs and a perfect size screen....and looks cool as hell too
via EVO.
I feel as if HTC or Asus are your best bet hardware/build quality wise. Then again, I'm a little biased towards how cheap and plastic-like Samsung phones feel. Google even admitted Motorola phones for the next year are a big let down. I think the LTE was an attempt at new design concepts, and it will only get better. I've used the One X+ a lot, and it's amazingly fast and responsive. I can only image the HTC One is even better.
Here's the deal...
I have used HTC phones since the original T-Mobile Shadow, with windows mobile. Since then I have had the Touch, Hero, Diamond, and the OG EVO and EVO LTE, but although I found HTC to make good quality devices design and hardware wise, it was the DEV for the LTE that let me down. I remember taking my HTC Touch with windows mobile and running android for the first time. Since then I never turned my back on Android, but I just felt like something was lacking with the LTE. I was pretty disappointed in the amount of similiar roms and tacky themes. One preson said the GS3 DEV was lacking...are you kidding me???!! Look at those forums again, and you'll see a plethora of STABLE,SMOOTH, and DIFFERENT ROMS. Yea, Touchwiz is kiddy in a sense, but it still remains one of the best overlays on Android. It just works!! I love HTC SENSE, but after a while you feel like your held back by the way it looks and feels. I say go with whatever you prefer, but take it from an HTC LOYALIST, that the GS3 IS A BEAST AND IT HAS PLENTY OF CUSTOM ROMS AND KERNELS THAT CAN MAKE THE LTE LOOK LIKE AN OUTDATED PEICE OF METAL. Yea, the galaxy line is plasticy, but other than that, what can you complain about?? Great camera? Great screen? Great development? Official support for many popular roms? MIUI W/LTE?? LOL(I love MIUI) but it is a great device and I recommend that anyone who has problems deciding try it... Oh, and this isnt my first Samsung. I've had the GNEX,S2,EPIC,even the Transform which was complete garbage. I even gave up my Nexus 4 in favor of the S3...I say Samsung over the rest for 2013, but if you happen to get your hands on a MEIZU or XIAOMI that works in the US, well then youre talking a whole nother
Get the N4 !
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