59 degrees Celsius too hot for CPU - Galaxy S III Q&A, (US Carriers)

When I first got my phone and put a case on it just browsing the web got it up to 59 degrees Celsius or 138.2 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked at some other threads and people said that 60 degrees Celsius is nothing for a CPU, but then other people are saying that it can fry the CPU. Now that I have restarted the device the phone stay much much cooler. I just want to know what a dangerous temp is? Some people say that damage can occur around 60-80 degrees and other people say they have had their cpus hit 90-100 degrees Celsius.

tcb4 said:
When I first got my phone and put a case on it just browsing the web got it up to 59 degrees Celsius or 138.2 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked at some other threads and people said that 60 degrees Celsius is nothing for a CPU, but then other people are saying that it can fry the CPU. Now that I have restarted the device the phone stay much much cooler. I just want to know what a dangerous temp is? Some people say that damage can occur around 60-80 degrees and other people say they have had their cpus hit 90-100 degrees Celsius.
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I'm assuming you mean Fahrenheit. I would say 90 - 100 degree is normal-high when running games or heavy applications. Really when web browsing/idle 60 - 80 would seem like the average.
Edit: I see your calculations now. No, 138 browsing the web is not normal - And beings that the boiling point of water is 100 degree Celcius, that certainly is not acceptable.

id_twin said:
I'm assuming you mean Fahrenheit. I would say 90 - 100 degree is normal-high when running games or heavy applications. Really when web browsing/idle 60 - 80 would seem like the average.
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nope celcius. mine idles at about 93 degrees Fahrenheit.
Edit: Ok, thats what I thought. It didn't stay there long and a restart seems to have corrected things. Do you think that could have damaged it? I just imagine it was a app hogging resources, maybe just chrome being buggy.
with that said the thermal shutdown point for the nexus is 110 degrees celcius, however it starts throttling the clock speed at 60 degrees. some people have claimed to have got it there.


What's a good average temperature?

I usually stay around 38-40 degrees when playing games at 768mhz. If I get to 40 I turn it off and cool it down.
Normal use I probably get around 30-35 degrees C of course.
Is this alright? I try to stay as cool as possible by turning it off and putting a fan on it when it rises.
I usually stay around 38-40 degrees when playing games at 768mhz. If I get to 40 I turn it off and cool it down.
Normal use I probably get around 30-35 degrees C of course.
Is this alright? I try to stay as cool as possible by turning it off and putting a fan on it when it rises.
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Im on the cdma hero, so very similar phone. Those temps sound just about right. Iv been OC for bout 1-2 months now and I do the same at 40 and stay around same temps on average.
Sent from my Hero CDMA using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
That's good to know. I think 40's a bit hot but I've never been past 41 and when I saw that I put it on the fan with the battery back off. I have setcpu set to underclock at 45 degrees.
40 is good to have as a marking point but 50 isn't terrible just don't run it too long above 45 or so
i have my setpcu failsafe to kick in at 40. i read once that 480mhz drops the voltage, so i have it drop to that, does the job pretty quick.

[Q] s6 edge overheating

what is your s6 edge temperature?
my s6 edge 27 c without any open app
if im using default web browser for 30 minutes it can go up to 34
this is normal?
sorry for my english
the HTC m8 was getting sometimes 60-90 ..so I say..yes it's normal
Alex-V said:
the HTC m8 was getting sometimes 60-90 ..so I say..yes it's normal
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What !!!!!!
Lucky you, it didn't melt !!!!
hija31 said:
What !!!!!!
Lucky you, it didn't melt !!!!
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i think he mean 60-90 f
not Celsius
Alex-V said:
the HTC m8 was getting sometimes 60-90 ..so I say..yes it's normal
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Honestly I don't think it's normal. I have the exact same issue where my idle/sleep temp sits anywhere between 27 and 32 degrees. Doing some light tasks causes it to shoot up. Sometimes as high as 38 degrees (100 fahrenheit). At that point it just gets too hot to comfortably hold.
I've tried doing a factory reset, but that didn't solve anything for me. Not really sure what else is left to do. That's why I'm going to give my provider a call tomorrow and see if I can get it replaced.
Shuji1987 said:
Honestly I don't think it's normal. I have the exact same issue where my idle/sleep temp sits anywhere between 27 and 32 degrees. Doing some light tasks causes it to shoot up. Sometimes as high as 38 degrees (100 fahrenheit). At that point it just gets too hot to comfortably hold.
I've tried doing a factory reset, but that didn't solve anything for me. Not really sure what else is left to do. That's why I'm going to give my provider a call tomorrow and see if I can get it replaced.
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my wife tried 4 s6 edge in 2 different store and they all idle at 27 or 28
How are you measuring the temperature? Mine gets hot as hell. According to CPU-Z the processors sometimes gets to 80 degrees Celsius ~ 176 Fahrenheit. The battery usually settle at 34 degrees Celsius while on heavy usage, but overall the phone gets really hot, sometimes uncomfortably so, but I never had any issues regardless, so I think that's normal.
baldotto said:
How are you measuring the temperature? Mine gets hot as hell. According to CPU-Z the processors sometimes gets to 80 degrees Celsius ~ 176 Fahrenheit. The battery usually settle at 34 degrees Celsius while on heavy usage, but overall the phone gets really hot, sometimes uncomfortably so, but I never had any issues regardless, so I think that's normal.
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im using gsam battery
Mousmah said:
i think he mean 60-90 f
not Celsius
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no I mean Celsius...around 85 is the value HTC set throttle down the CPU to not overhead..around 30 is OK on the S6
and it's normal..and my phone not feels warm..it's really really OK..
Mousmah said:
​im using gsam battery
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I have used GSam in the past, it shows the same temp as CPU-Z uses for the battery. Life I said, it can easily get to 34 degrees, right now, for example, just from browsing XDA it is registering 33 degrees.
I guess this is the normal operation temperature. Unless you notice something odd happening, don't worry about it.
Alex-V said:
and it's normal..and my phone not feels warm..it's really really OK..
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now y battery temp is 30 c and my cpu is 46 c
baldotto said:
I have used GSam in the past, it shows the same temp as CPU-Z uses for the battery. Life I said, it can easily get to 34 degrees, right now, for example, just from browsing XDA it is registering 33 degrees.
I guess this is the normal operation temperature. Unless you notice something odd happening, don't worry about it.
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thank you
also OK..in terms of hard use..while playing or so..I think it will go up to 60-80 or so...not looked yet..but we have a little computer here..it's not a Nokia 3210 we have GHz octa core in 64 bit..it's a beast..
Alex-V said:
also OK..in terms of hard use..while playing or so..I think it will go up to 60-80 or so...not looked yet..but we have a little computer here..it's not a Nokia 3210 we have GHz octa core in 64 bit..it's a beast..
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thank you
My phone heats up to 44 C
What is the Warning Level is it safe till 45 or 50 Celsius ?
It happens when
1) On use of Google Maps while driving
2) Charging
3) When i use Sandisk OTG, to the extent that it freezes & the Transfer stops
4) Even if i Record Videos sometimes
5) While wireless charging
This is really bad Never had such a Issue
Mine heats up under the following conditions:
Google Maps
Using WiFi analyzers
Fast charging
Weak Cell Phone Coverage
Heavy Web Browsing 5+ tabs open

charge temperature

I have redmi note 4 . During charge my phone it becomes hot.. i installed cpu z to check temperature...I found that chg-temp is 55 degree during charge and 46 degree without charge in draining ....so is that normal or not
Depends on ambient temperature but 46 degrees is way too high. It runs cooler even when doing heavy tasks like gaming even when playing asphalt 8 it never exceeds 40 degrees. It becomes more hot when charging although it never exceeded 43 degrees while charging. It is one of the coolest device.
55 degrees is way too high it never touch that when holding it under the direct sunlight in summers when outside temperature is around 50 degrees. In this condition mine mine never exceeded 50 degrees.
I reach 40°C when charging, playing EverWing, and listening to Spotify for 2-3 hours non-stop. Granted I'm indoors with ambient temperature of around 20°C. Charging, playing, or watching videos outside in direct sunlight will greatly increase SOC temperature, specially if your phone is the black variant.
In Egypt ambient temperature reaches 35 c so is it affect my cell phone temp
Also I am asking about charge temperature in cpu z program.....other temperature in my device don't reach 40 c but only chg-temp reach 55 c
hshanafy said:
Also I am asking about charge temperature in cpu z program.....other temperature in my device don't reach 40 c but only chg-temp reach 55 c
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Ignore it. Its fine. Not for our use. One of the temp in this showing 78 degrees.

Peak CPU temp under load.

Hi, what is the normal peak CPU temperature for the phone? Mine is going above 90 on the antutu stess-test. I feel it pretty hot around the back camera. Is this normal or my unit is faulty? Thank you.
Is that degree fahrenheit or degree celsius?
Hi, it is Celsius. Please note this is the CPU temp. The battery temp was in low 40s at that time.
Could anybody please run the 15 minute Anutu stress-test and check where the CPU temp goes in Celsius? Thanks!
I've seen several videos on YouTube, the temperatures never raise above 45 degrees celsius, even after an our of playing PUBG. So I think there's definitely something wrong with your device.
Neznam123 said:
Could anybody please run the 15 minute Anutu stress-test and check where the CPU temp goes in Celsius? Thanks!
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It's odd but I have bad experiences with the older 800 series of Snapdragons. I'm still holding off Pocophone for the SD636 or SD660 until I'm sure it doesn't lead to me frying an egg with the phone after playing for 30 minutes.
Lazy Rich said:
I've seen several videos on YouTube, the temperatures never raise above 45 degrees celsius, even after an our of playing PUBG. So I think there's definitely something wrong with your device.
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Playing youtube 4k video and the CPU is around 40c as well. Please note these are CPU temps I am talking about, not the battery temp which is in low 40s when the CPU goes above 90.
If possible please run the antutu stress-test for a couple of minutes and advise on the peaks. Thanks!
Just played pubg for 20 min on the default settings - CPU temp peaked at 46 C. I guess this is normal but why does it spikes in 90s on the antutu stress test...
Run Antutu test again 264k, temp spiking in 80s here in there at the end was 33 C.
Please advise if this sounds normal.
Neznam123 said:
Just played pubg for 20 min on the default settings - CPU temp peaked at 46 C. I guess this is normal but why does it spikes in 90s on the antutu stress test...
Run Antutu test again 264k, temp spiking in 80s here in there at the end was 33 C.
Please advise if this sounds normal.
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That 80c spike has got to be erroneous. That's 176F, which would melt the back cover and everything else inside.
yes it is true
I have the same experience. Run antutu and watch the temps using CPU float when it starts the CPU benchmark. Boy, it went all the to 95 C then goes back to 60 and 90 until the cpu part is finished. While gaming, this wont happen as the cpu will throttle depending how hot the battery temps. I posted the thread here at https://forum.xda-developers.com/poco-f1/how-to/phone-throttles-cpu-gpu-t3839525 so you can see the effect of battery temps on cpu performance.
My question is more like how antutu's cpu test really stress the phone. I run HWBot with cpu float and the maximum temp i was able to get was like 70-75 C while antutu can shoot the cpu up to high 80's to 90's in even cold phone state.
I think it is due to the fact that most of the companies optimise their software in such a way that the benchmarking apps consume the full CPU usage regardless of thermal throttling. OnePlus did this with their phones. My old leeco phone had the same optimization that it automatically utilized full CPU power in benchmarking apps. So I think similar is the case with Xiaomi's Poco f1
Poco F1 cpu temperature reaches 96 °C in Antutu
Neznam123 said:
Hi, what is the normal peak CPU temperature for the phone? Mine is going above 90 on the antutu stess-test. I feel it pretty hot around the back camera. Is this normal or my unit is faulty? Thank you.
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Mine too.It goes up to 96 C , then 60+., 70+ then again 96 degrees Celsius in Antutu stress test.
And in heavy apps goes beyond 60 °C.
I bought the phone from Romania, where I live.
I have a different problem, i too use poco f1, my benchmarks are around 4500 at 36 degree celcius wheras it is 8000 at 30. So is it the same with everyone?

Is it safe to take my phone with me when it's at or around 37 degrees Fahrenheit?

Is it safe to take my phone with me when it's at or around 37 degrees Fahrenheit or will it cause permanent damage to my phone's battery?
There is no problem to use the device. Almost phones have a range of usability between 34º fahrenheit and 99º fahrenheit.
Best regards

