FIXED: check out post #17
I didn't think posting this in each GB Rom thread and kernel thread would be appropriate so I'm starting here. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Okay......After doing countless and wasted hours of searching and coming up empty handed, why is it that only a few of us are having the WIFI issue on the Gingerbread ROMs? It doesn't matter which ROM I use as soon as the screen cuts off, BAM, no WIFI or 3G data. And yes WIFI sleep policy is set to never and I've tried turning on Better WIFI performance and I've even tried every kernal out there, nothing works. FROYO ROMs are working fine so it's got to be either the Gingerbread ROMs or the Kernels.
Either way I'm okay with the issue not working (yet) and I understand that HTC hasn't released the source for the GB Kernel yet. All I would like is some clarification from the people that build these ROMs and Kernels that the WIFI is not working yet. I understand if you're in a 4G area, after all 4G is much faster than the WIFI anyway but for those of us not in a 4G area yet WIFI is king when at home or at work. So if the developers are using 4G constantly I understand the WIFI neglect, but I really don't think it's the developers. These guys are too smart to let something like that slide by! Can someone shed some light on the issue? Thanks again in advance!
This is not an issue with the leaked GB roms themselves or the latest kernels, because the wifi is working great for most people.
It is going to be helpful if you list which rom, kernel, and radio you are using. I did have a similar problem one time, my wifi was going to sleep when the screen turned off and went idle.
It had been working fine but I tried to take a shortcut and reflash the rom without wiping data because it was the same rom. After attempting that which was a bad idea but more of an experiment/learning session for me, I had exactly the problem that you stated.
After wiping my phone properly and flashing the rom, the problem was gone.
I have been running BAMF sence 3.0 with the MR2 radio. I tried MR2.5 and had some different small issues, MR2 has been working Great. Currently with BAMF 3.0 RC 3, the MR2 rom and the latest dreamKernel, everything is running perfectly, at least everything I use or thought of using.
The background data is extremely important for me because I communicate exclusively with my girlfriends using IM services such as gtalk with Trillian. So I wouldn't be able to run gingerbread if it wasn't working REALLY good.
Here's the thread that I use often as a resource. It discusses some issues similar to what you are dealing with, and is update very regularly
I'm having an identical issue to the OP. Running BAMF GingerREMIX 2.1, Imoseyon's 3.3.8GBTest+ , MR2 radio.
Wifi just disconnects when screen is off. When I turn the screen on, i can see the wifi indicator is all black (similar to no bars). Once it's on for a second or two, it lights up again, and I get whatever notifications I missed due to no data(email, etc).
Ive done the 3x data, cache, and dalvik wipe before flashing the ROM and before flashing the Kernel. It's absolutely DESTROYING my battery life. Since noticing the problem, i've re-wiped and re-flashed everything, didn't help.
Thanks for the response...I'm stumped then because I have tried every combination of kernal/ROM that is available out of the Gingerbread leaks. I recently last night tried BAMF Sense 3.0 RC3 and GINGERTH3ORY V4.5.1 and BAMF 2.1 Remix again along with both MR2 and MR2.5 radios. Nothing worked so I went back to the reliable Perfect Storm 1.5 ROM and left my radio at MR2.5
Any suggestions? Thanks for the help!
theaustins513 said:
Thanks for the response...I'm stumped then because I have tried every combination of kernal/ROM that is available out of the Gingerbread leaks. I recently last night tried BAMF Sense 3.0 RC3 and GINGERTH3ORY V4.5.1 and BAMF 2.1 Remix again along with both MR2 and MR2.5 radios. Nothing worked so I went back to the reliable Perfect Storm 1.5 ROM and left my radio at MR2.5
Any suggestions? Thanks for the help!
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I'm having no issues with gingeritis 1.0 (Not the 3D Alpha), and lean kernel 3.4.0. Did you try those?
Wayloss said:
I'm having no issues with gingeritis 1.0 (Not the 3D Alpha), and lean kernel 3.4.0. Did you try those?
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I did try the gingeritis 1.0 3D with dreamkernel but not lean. Maybe I'll give that a shot this evening but I'm not holding my I've tried almost everything and known combinations that are working for others and all the wipes I can muster, nothing is working.
Okay I've been trying Gingeritis 1.0 3d with the lean kernel for a few hours hours now. When my screen turns off I will receive emails for a few minutes but then I stop receiving them until I wake the the phone up. Once i wake the phone up i start receiving messages likevi just turned it on from a good nights sleep. Does anyone know what's going on?
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
I've actually had this problem also ever since i moved to the Gingerbread. When the screen turns off and i turn it back off after awhile, the WiFi seems like it was sleeping the entire time. I get all my notifications when i turn the screen back on. And i do believe this has been killing my battery life a bit. I have wiped before i flashed. I tried it with the original GB radio/MR2/MR2.5. I've flash different kernels. Wifi sleep is set to never.
Note: I tried running an app such as Pandora on while the screen was off and only in situations like this the WiFi doesn't have the problem.
tethering is ****ed up as well in gb, screen off, no tether, screen on and everything is okay. personally i think that something is ****ed up at the kernel, i switched back to froyo and problems went away.
For the record.....if I set wifi sleep policy to never when plugged in I still receive notifications instantly but it's through 3G because when I wake the phone 3g is active instead of wifi.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
This is something I've brought up before too, but nobody addresses it because there probably isn't an answer about a whether it's the kernel or rom. I've just come to terms that I can't use wifi. For those who are suggesting we didn't clear data appropriately, that's not the issue. Most of us who have this wifi problem have been determined enough to try multiple clean installs to get to the bottom of this issue.
jschecter said:
This is something I've brought up before too, but nobody addresses it because there probably isn't an answer about a whether it's the kernel or rom. I've just come to terms that I can't use wifi. For those who are suggesting we didn't clear data appropriately, that's not the issue. Most of us who have this wifi problem have been determined enough to try multiple clean installs to get to the bottom of this issue.
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Shall I throw another quirk into our problem?............... I flashed CM7.1 RC1 early this morning. This is the best ROM I've put on my TBolt yet. WIFI seems to be working flawlessly except for right after the initial install it wouldn't download anything, through browser or even open the market. After a reboot, I'm going strong. I am receiving messages and data when phone's screen is off. I'm beginning to think that it might be a Sense 3.0 problem....any thoughts from the peanut gallery?
The problem with GB is that it is not official. The ROM is not final (or has been ported from a different phone), kernel is not final, and neither is the radio. We shouldn't be surprised that a lot of features don't work properly. Now cyanogen do their own Roms and kernels basically from scratch, and maybe that is why it's working. GB was fun to have, but i just switched to Froyo for faster 4g speeds, ability to tether properly and better battery life. I'll wait for the proper GB before switching again.
Yeah not Gingeritis 3d but the normal version.... I've noticed also that it seems settings don't change, Like I have turned off Haptic feedback yet still get it when i type on the keyboard, and still get weather sounds with the sounds turned off. This is every time I flash even with 5 wipes. Settings don't seem to stick.
Wayloss said:
Yeah not Gingeritis 3d but the normal version.... I've noticed also that it seems settings don't change, Like I have turned off Haptic feedback yet still get it when i type on the keyboard, and still get weather sounds with the sounds turned off. This is every time I flash even with 5 wipes. Settings don't seem to stick.
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For the keyboard not turning off haptic feedback, you have to go to the settings in the keyboard to disable it. Settings->Language and Keyboard->Touch Input->Text Input->Uncheck Vibrate While Typing.
WI FI Alternative
And I thought I was the only one having problems with wifi tether on gingeritis 3D. I posted a question in a different forum but no one answered me. So after trying different versions of wireless tether I found one that is working perfectly for me. It is wireless tether v2.0.5. I've been using it for 2 days with no issues and phone screen doesn't have to be on. Now, this may not work for everybody, like I said I tried different versions until I found the right one.
Here is the link:
I hope this helps some of you.
Okay.......!!!!!!!! Thanks to the folks over at (akaGingeritis ROMs) forums I now have working WiFi with the Gingeritis ROMs. Just download Advanced WiFi Lock from the Marketplace and set it up and you're good to go! Now that wasn't hard was it guys/gals? I've been looking for an answer for so long I can't even remember when I started....oh wait it was the first day that Gingerbread were available by these great developers!!!! Sorry, I didn't mean to vent, I'm not mad just very excited that now I can enjoy these Gingerbread ROMs. So everyone else that's having problems with the WiFi staying connected, download Advanced WiFi Lock from the Marketplace and get your Ginger on!
So is that the free version, or the paid version? You're finding that your WiFi now says connected even if the phone is sleeping? To do some more testing, I fully charged my phone, turned on my WiFi, and connected to my home wireless for 5 hours, just let the phone sit. Used 50% of my battery. Next day, same thing, but had WiFi off, 4g on. 5 hours later, used 15% of battery. Pretty sucky that I can't use my TB on my own home network.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
xNitebreedx said:
So is that the free version, or the paid version? You're finding that your WiFi now says connected even if the phone is sleeping? To do some more testing, I fully charged my phone, turned on my WiFi, and connected to my home wireless for 5 hours, just let the phone sit. Used 50% of my battery. Next day, same thing, but had WiFi off, 4g on. 5 hours later, used 15% of battery. Pretty sucky that I can't use my TB on my own home network.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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I'm using the free version as the paid doesn't offer any extra features I needed. I left my phone connected to WiFi all night idle, about 7.5 hours, and only used 13% of battery and received all messages. I can't test on 4G so please provide feedback for others.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Not so lucky. Downloaded and installed advanced WiFi lock. Connected to my home wireless and see the same exact results. WiFi just sucking battery. Still draining at about 10% an hour on WiFi and about 3% an hour on 4g. I'm so confused over this, how is WiFi draining battery more than 4g? Phone isn't even usable on WiFi. Checking battery usage stats as noticed that the phone is constantly awake when WiFi is on.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
I have been having some issues with the Gin-Sen-Tazz Rom for Eris. First of all, this ROM is AMAZING. It is extremely smooth and easy to OC my Eris on this one. The only problem is that my data just drops on its own. Now, I've been wanting to list this on the [FIX] 3g Data drops on GB Sense Roms Thread but couldn't due to my less than 10 posts (or post it on the actual Gin-Sen-Tazz ROM thread). I'm not sure if my problem is the same as those on the [FIX] 3g Data drops on GB Sense Roms Thread. I've done those steps but still it just drops. The way it does it, usually when the screen is off and after a while of inactivity, it just goes out (the whole 3g/data). As if I manually turned off the data. When I try to turn it on (either via the widget/shortcuts or through Settings) it just say "turning on..." but doesn't. I have reverted back to a different ROM but remember something saying about..."Radio" something something in the "Wireless Networks / Mobil Network" check box. The data will never turn on unless i Restart the phone and even then it turns off after a while. I've installed the ROM MANY times, done all the wipes, all the Reverting Back to Stock and all that and avoided doing the *228 AFTER the ROM install. I'm hoping one of you genius' who are inventing these things, and by the way - GREAT JOB! could help me out. Please let me know if I need to add something to this lengthy question.
Does data work alright when running stock 2.1 after flashing Flashback21 v2?
I'll post a link to your question in both the 3g data drop fix thread and the Gin-Sen-Tazz thread so more people can come and help you figure this out.
Thanks for putting this in the dev forums for us... I'll have to load up gst in the am and check, but if I'm not mistaken, there are some powersave settings that might affect that. I'll report back tomorrow.
MongooseHelix said:
Does data work alright when running stock 2.1 after flashing Flashback21 v2?
I'll post a link to your question in both the 3g data drop fix thread and the Gin-Sen-Tazz thread so more people can come and help you figure this out.
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Sent from my HTC Desirec using XDA App
I'll do some digging around when I get a chance too. What radio are you using BTW? Not 100% certain its that but I know on inc certain radios don't play well with gb sense. I know when I was running gst with the hero radio I didn't have and data issues but I did with the radio from Eris ota. I'll do some digging though and see if I can find anything. One thing you can try in the meantime though. Instead of rebooting, have you tried switching airplane mode on for a few seconds then back off? Doing this usually got my data back on for me instead of having to reboot.
Sent using my 666th Inc from remote regions of hell
The 3g drop is a known issue w/that rom. It happened daily to me the entire time I was using that rom. If you reboot the phone, like the others said,you will get the data connection back. I think the airplane mode trick works too.
MongooseHelix said:
Does data work alright when running stock 2.1 after flashing Flashback21 v2?
I'll post a link to your question in both the 3g data drop fix thread and the Gin-Sen-Tazz thread so more people can come and help you figure this out.
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Yes, Sir. Works like a charm...I'm using xtraSENSE right now and it works great. I've noticed, you know how on some phones/ROM's you can go into settings and have it automatically turn off data after so long of not using it. I've had that option on my Thunderbolt (when the screen is off) and when you turn on the screen the data connects, well, its kind of like that, except, it never connects and the setting reads something like "Connecting to....." can't remember the rest. I've noticed the xtraSENSE automatically disconnects data but connects perfectly when I turn on the screen.
CondemnedSoul said:
I'll do some digging around when I get a chance too. What radio are you using BTW? Not 100% certain its that but I know on inc certain radios don't play well with gb sense. I know when I was running gst with the hero radio I didn't have and data issues but I did with the radio from Eris ota. I'll do some digging though and see if I can find anything. One thing you can try in the meantime though. Instead of rebooting, have you tried switching airplane mode on for a few seconds then back off? Doing this usually got my data back on for me instead of having to reboot.
Sent using my 666th Inc from remote regions of hell
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CS, yep I've tried the Airplane mode. When I do that, the mode turns on, when I turn it off, the data still does not far as Radio, I'm not sure where to find that (I even tried googling it). However, when I used that link to revert ALL back to stock and there was that option to do the radio thing as well, I did that step, too. I hope that helps and thanks a mill!
Macrodroid said:
Thanks for putting this in the dev forums for us... I'll have to load up gst in the am and check, but if I'm not mistaken, there are some powersave settings that might affect that. I'll report back tomorrow.
Sent from my HTC Desirec using XDA App
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Yep, Powersave Settings lol that's the name I was looking for on my previous post. And that's a great way to explain it. I think, if that ROM had an option to turn that powersave feature off, I think that would be nice only because it would not turn off on its own. But that just seems more like a shortcut and I'm certain that, for you guys, its a piece of cake to get to the root of the glitch.
dirtyriffs said:
The 3g drop is a known issue w/that rom. It happened daily to me the entire time I was using that rom. If you reboot the phone, like the others said,you will get the data connection back. I think the airplane mode trick works too.
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Yeah, I wish it'd work for me. Its a great ROM, I'd put up with it until it would get fixed.
yea post 3, 4 idk 5 more minutes
I'm ganna try turning the power save feature off on this Rom and see if that works. Great idea, never noticed that before. Only thing is for me it seems to happen more often when I receive a text or a phone call when my phones locked (or "off"). I did notice that when my phone is active and I'm using it, I see the data turn off (3g icon disappears) and I just get my phone signal, whenever I recieve a text or phone call. I have not noticed this before on other roms. But then again, I have been known to be very un-observent before....
Sent from my Gin-Sen-Tazz using Tapatalk
Dunno if anyone is still following this thread, but I've had a small breakthrough with the data drop issue in the sense gb roms 3g drop issue. I had power saver mode disabled all day yesterday and my 3g never dropped! Still to early to say if this is actually working or if i was just lucky, but in my experience my 3g would drop at least 1 time a day and sometimes more. So far so good. I will report back again in a couple of days of testing to let you know if this is a working "fix".
Sent from my Gin-Sen-Tazz using Tapatalk
Doesn't work, 3g dropped last night. Back to the drawing boards.
Sent from my Gin-Sen-Tazz using Tapatalk
I was having those issues too...I actually switched to a different ROM because it was so bad. the new condemnedsoul and GSB don't do that anymore.
Sent from my ERIS using Tapatalk
disconnecktie said:
I was having those issues too...I actually switched to a different ROM because it was so bad. the new condemnedsoul and GSB don't do that anymore.
Sent from my ERIS using Tapatalk
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Yeah .... unfortunate...
Random reboots
WiFi acting up
Connection hiccups
Browser and some other apps randomly close
Battery sucks
Wondering if htc has confirmed a update to fix all this?
Any ideas?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
I haven't seen any of these issues, maybe you have a bad phone
I'm living on a yellow submarine
XOAngio said:
Random reboots
WiFi acting up Don't have this problem
Connection hiccups [Yeah a new radio would be nice
Browser and some other apps randomly close Don't have this problem
Battery sucks Battery is good for me.
Wondering if htc has confirmed a update to fix all this?
Any ideas?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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From what my friend told me (vzw business rep) less than 10% of the Rezounds have these problems and some of the problems are caused by current problems in the 4G network.
No software release by htc at this time.
I would get the phone replaced at a vzw store where you can play with the phone to see if it works like it should.
Sent from my HTC
LTE 4G Rezound
Haven't had a random reboot yet.
No WiFi problems.
What do you mean by "connection hiccups"? I can't think of anything that would come close to what I think you mean.
No random apps closing.
Battery is in line with other HTC phones. Sense is just a battery hog. Wait for S-OFF and custom kernels and you'll see leaps and bounds of battery improvements.
I have none of the reported issues...
I am shocked at how long the battery lasts... 20% better than my old TB after ROMS and Kernel tweaks.
I agree, I get battery life than my TBolt did and have not had any of the problems listed above.
Sent from my HTC
LTE 4G Rezound
I haven't had any of these issues either. Have you tried a factory reset yet? It's relatively easy to do and could possibly help if you are having issues with apps and random reboots.
If that doesn't help definitely return it and get a new one. Hopefully the issues will not continue.
The battery life is going to depend on each person's location.
I got 30 hours when I was at home over the weekend, and 8 hours when I spent the day at the university. The reason being signal strength. I didn't use it any more than I did at home.
Also if you are in a low signal area the phone strains to get the data signal resulting in battery overheating and browser problems.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
no random reboot issues here... the GF's tbolt is another story though that thing is awful.
Radio would be nice - i frequently go in and out of 4g areas and the radio does have a tough time picking which one to use.
The rest of the issues noted I haven't seen at all!
for me:
video playback occassionally goes out of sync
while headphones/aux is plugged in and nothing is playing(or at low volume) there's this static/hiss sound
phone gets really hot often(and when it goes over 100F the battery depletes quicker
screen is incredibly sensitive and keeps thinking I'm tapping on things that I'm not
have weird random browser lag(regardless of browser) where ill select something and nothing will happen... then after like 10 - 15sec, the new page suddenly pops up
those are my 'regular' issues. I've only had the phone reboot by itself once & the battery was super hot then. also, I will get FC's here & there but its not common.
I still blame sense/bloatware
[EDIT]: I forgot to mention that sometimes if I go to a 3G area, it will not go back to 4G on its own. ill have to manually turn the radio off/on, then it kicks back into 4G
XOAngio said:
Random reboots
WiFi acting up
Connection hiccups
Browser and some other apps randomly close
Battery sucks
Wondering if htc has confirmed a update to fix all this?
Any ideas?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA App
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i was actually impressed with the radio on the phone, maybe thats because i updated from a samsung fascinate which fascinated me as to how bad the radio was, excuse the bad pun
guys, open tickets with HTC and complain about your problems. t hat's the ONLY way they're gonna find out, besides seeing a high exchange rate! let's tell them EXACTLY what's wrong! my open ticket is about the crappy mic recording in the video mode, and i also brought up light leak and the background noise with music. they've escalated me to another hihger support team whos gonna contact me wtihin a week
Ditto on being impressed with the radio. I get -75db in the same metal building in which my hTC EVO 4G could muster -90db at best. The external antenna on the battery cover really do the trick.
Never had a random reboot or force close.
No problems with WiFi (except that LTE is so fast I never want to connect to my home internet!)
I get 8-10 hrs from the batt, on Performance mode, connected to 4G and heavy use. Picked up a spare battery to take me through the evening after I swap it after work.
My stock browser has always crashed occasionally, my incredible did it when it was stock and rooted and my rezound does it exactly the same way, its a software problem. I have had 2 random reboots so far not enough to complain. Other than that great, love this phone.
The only problem I have had is my phone not connecting to 4g but I think juice defender was the problem.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
I've had mine since the 14th and not a single problem...I'm very impressed so far!!!
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
awmobjects said:
I've had mine since the 14th and not a single problem...I'm very impressed so far!!!
Sent from my GT-P7510 using xda premium
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Same here! !
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
What someone with some time needs to do is get a digital petition up on the forums with phones having these problems ( Inc, TBolt, Rezound etc.) and try to get several thousand signatures to send to HTC because VZW doesn't care. That might get htc to do a software fix.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1
Ok so first off my internet connection is perfect, and it isn't my internet because my internet works fine, now to my issue....
My WiFi on my amaze turns off by itself every 5 minutes, but not only that it throttles and I can't get a stable connection to my internet, I tried loading google and it took me 5 minutes because my WiFi was disconnecing and not working even though I have full signal
It's not my Rom, or any Rom (it happens with my Rom, Mikes rom, and NRG's Rom)
It could be a hardware issue but I doubt it because my data connection is fine, although my connection has been weaker ever since this has started happening, any advice? Could be a radio issue but I havnt flashed a radio since the first leak so I dunno
EclipzeRemix said:
Ok so first off my internet connection is perfect, and it isn't my internet because my internet works fine, now to my issue....
My WiFi on my amaze turns off by itself every 5 minutes, but not only that it throttles and I can't get a stable connection to my internet, I tried loading google and it took me 5 minutes because my WiFi was disconnecing and not working even though I have full signal
It's not my Rom, or any Rom (it happens with my Rom, Mikes rom, and NRG's Rom)
It could be a hardware issue but I doubt it because my data connection is fine, although my connection has been weaker ever since this has started happening, any advice? Could be a radio issue but I havnt flashed a radio since the first leak so I dunno
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I have the same issue. I'm on the latest stock ICS and my wifi has been acting up too. Weak signal strength and extremely slow. Wasn't like this before on GB. And, yes, my internet works fine on other devices at my house.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Does your security use WPA? I know that for some routers, the WPA handshake interval (also known as Key Renewal Interval) can be set too low. This is not something you can change with your phone, but with your router. I find that anything below 3600 *CAN* cause problems. Try changing it to 3600 and see if it improves.
Stupid question: Do you have the "Best Wi-Fi Performance" option selected? I find it that it helps sometimes.
No its not my router, my iPod touch 1rst gen loads pages fine, aswell as my old mytouch 4g
SuperSayain Sense 3.6 coming soon
I have WiFi issues as well...I always reset the router everyday just to deal with it. The only time it works better is with stock. ICS or GB I don't have issues...only Roms.
It's Better To Fail In Originality
Than To Succeed In Imitation.
My real world experience with it seems good .. but app shows only 5mb/s when is usually close to 15mb/s on hi.gingerbread (i pay for 15gb speed, so it made sense).
It never times out or has a hard time connecting tho
I'm running stock rooted .3 ics... Interesting find. I will keep an eye on it myself
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Tried resetting your wifi router? That could be the issue, since I use both wifi/3G on the leak and official updates, both are fluent, hence the idea of a hardware issue possibly, but you can try reflashing the latest radio file. And I don't think wifi should affect network data, sounds like a hardware issue with that for sure.
EclipzeRemix said:
No its not my router, my iPod touch 1rst gen loads pages fine, aswell as my old mytouch 4g
SuperSayain Sense 3.6 coming soon
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I know, but it seems that the Amaze can be a bit sensitive. It wouldn't hurt to check the interval. If it's at 3600, great. If not, change it to 3600 and see if it improves.
It doesn't have to do with our routers. At least not mine. On GB, never experienced this issue. Same phone but now with stock .3 ICS I have trouble with connection and speed over wifi. Same at work. It must have something to do with the new ICS radio because I've experience the same issue on ARHD 2.2.1.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Then reflash the radio, see if it helps, my reception actually increased with the update, from 5-8mbps to 12-25mbps.
I should also mention that my wife's GS2 doesn't have WiFi issues. Stock GB...she won't let me do anything to her Sammy.
It's Better To Fail In Originality
Than To Succeed In Imitation.
Dark Nightmare said:
Then reflash the radio, see if it helps, my reception actually increased with the update, from 5-8mbps to 12-25mbps.
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Done that. Flashed first leaked ICS - wifi issues. Flashed ARHD 2.2.1 - wifi issues. Flashed latest leaked/official ICS - wifi issues.
On the network, I get great signal and 23mbps in Beverly Hills. Wifi is just slow and weak. Pay for 10mbps download but phone does half of that.
Not a deal breaker for me but confirming eclipze wifi issues.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
Dark Nightmare said:
my reception actually increased with the update, from 5-8mbps to 12-25mbps.
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On wifi?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Yea reflashing radio didn't do anything, I'm curious to what this is, and I can't even start up SpeedTest because I can't get a stable connection, yea its that freakin bad
SuperSayain Sense 3.6 coming soon
EclipzeRemix said:
Yea reflashing radio didn't do anything, I'm curious to what this is, and I can't even start up SpeedTest because I can't get a stable connection, yea its that freakin bad
SuperSayain Sense 3.6 coming soon
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Wow... Mine isn't that bad. My scrappy old linksys wireless n is below me downstairs and this is what I get
Again... Half the speeds that I'm paying for and that I got on gingerbread
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Actually I was talking about network speeds, my wifi speeds are about 12-25 always. Maybe you should try a complete system wipe using the wipe script then reflash, just to clean up any old files lying around that may be blocking things up.
Dark Nightmare said:
Actually I was talking about network speeds, my wifi speeds are about 12-25 always. Maybe you should try a complete system wipe using the wipe script then reflash, just to clean up any old files lying around that may be blocking things up.
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Tbh... I think its my router... I tried my thrive too and it was pretty pitiful.
I will reset network and test when I get back home
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
the only wifi issue i (still) have is lag with wifi calling. it was pretty bad today, so much to the point where its useless. anyone else having issues with this currently?
mrmako777 said:
the only wifi issue i (still) have is lag with wifi calling. it was pretty bad today, so much to the point where its useless. anyone else having issues with this currently?
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YES... I don't think it will EVER really work on this phone
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
glacierguy said:
YES... I don't think it will EVER really work on this phone
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
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i was hoping you would say yours is working better
I need some assistance, I just flashed MeanROM 5.7 this morning and seem to be experiencing the same issue, a draining battery. It's like 8:30am and I unplugged about 6:30am. I'm currently at 77% with very light usage. I've sent maybe 20 text messages and spent maybe 10 minutes in various apps. My on screen time is currently 29 minutes. I have email set to sync every 4 hours, weather syncs every three hours, I created the MeanRom.opt file and set parameters for battery. Is there anything I can do to increase my battery life as I hear about others getting at least a full day out of their battery.
Sent from my S-Off'd, MeanAzzRom using Forum Runner!
njspank said:
I need some assistance, I just flashed MeanROM 5.7 this morning and seem to be experiencing the same issue, a draining battery. It's like 8:30am and I unplugged about 6:30am. I'm currently at 77% with very light usage. I've sent maybe 20 text messages and spent maybe 10 minutes in various apps. My on screen time is currently 29 minutes. I have email set to sync every 4 hours, weather syncs every three hours, I created the MeanRom.opt file and set parameters for battery. Is there anything I can do to increase my battery life as I hear about others getting at least a full day out of their battery.
Sent from my S-Off'd, MeanAzzRom using Forum Runner!
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I get 30+ hours with almost 4 hours of screen on try turning off auto sync and whatever else is not neccesary such as GPS and IMHO changing to battery I tried it once and got horrible battery life you can also check Better Battery Stats and see if some rouge programs are running I know GN is a big battery killer also I always heard having wifi on as much as possible was supposed to save battery but.. I had mine on and it kicked the crap out of my battery I saw in BBS that wifi had almost 6000 wakelocks so I turned it off until I needed it then back off when done no more battery problems.
It's not uncommon to have mediocre battery life immediately after flashing a ROM...give it a day or two to settle and it should improve. That's typically been the case for me.
Sent from my EVO LTE
Couple of reboots also helps
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
bigdaddy619 said:
I get 30+ hours with almost 4 hours of screen on try turning off auto sync and whatever else is not neccesary such as GPS and IMHO changing to battery I tried it once and got horrible battery life you can also check Better Battery Stats and see if some rouge programs are running I know GN is a big battery killer also I always heard having wifi on as much as possible was supposed to save battery but.. I had mine on and it kicked the crap out of my battery I saw in BBS that wifi had almost 6000 wakelocks so I turned it off until I needed it then back off when done no more battery problems.
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Thanks BD, will try turning off the autosync. Is there a way I can disable GN? It's rather slow.
Do u do anything else to get that type of battery life? I heard I shld keep 3g off until I actually nd it. What say u?
Sent from my S-Off'd, MeanAzzRom using Forum Runner!
premo15 said:
It's not uncommon to have mediocre battery life immediately after flashing a ROM...give it a day or two to settle and it should improve. That's typically been the case for me.
Sent from my EVO LTE
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Hey Premo, I have been having this problem with previous versions al well. I was told I shld keep 3g off until I use an app or svc which requires internet connectivity. What say u?
Sent from my S-Off'd, MeanAzzRom using Forum Runner!
njspank said:
Thanks BD, will try turning off the autosync. Is there a way I can disable GN? It's rather slow.
Do u do anything else to get that type of battery life? I heard I shld keep 3g off until I actually nd it. What say u?
Sent from my S-Off'd, MeanAzzRom using Forum Runner!
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I have never used GN but I have seen members post there is a way to turn it off in GN settings and my 3g is always on unless I do hook into wifi for a few minutes, I only use wifi as needed.
njspank said:
Hey Premo, I have been having this problem with previous versions al well. I was told I shld keep 3g off until I use an app or svc which requires internet connectivity. What say u?
Sent from my S-Off'd, MeanAzzRom using Forum Runner!
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Yeah, that would help...wifi uses less battery than 3g too, so use that whenever you can. Just make sure the "Best WiFi Performance" option is disabled in wifi settings (it drains battery pretty aggressively).
You really shouldn't have to disable your data connection to get decent battery life though. Have you let the battery run all the way down? How many hours do you get on a full charge? Do you have the same problem with other roms?
Sent from my EVO LTE
njspank said:
Hey Premo, I have been having this problem with previous versions al well. I was told I shld keep 3g off until I use an app or svc which requires internet connectivity. What say u?
Sent from my S-Off'd, MeanAzzRom using Forum Runner!
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I never turn off my 3g. It seems that if it doesn't need data, that it isn't using the 3g. It's on but in a standby mode.
When I'm at home, it's connected to WiFi. Which will help some.
I do have my auto sync turned off too. If stops pinging for messages all the time.
What is GN?
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app
sslbaron said:
I never turn off my 3g. It seems that if it doesn't need data, that it isn't using the 3g. It's on but in a standby mode.
When I'm at home, it's connected to WiFi. Which will help some.
I do have my auto sync turned off too. If stops pinging for messages all the time.
What is GN?
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app
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GN=Google Now
Sent from my POS MoPho
bigdaddy619 said:
GN=Google Now
Sent from my POS MoPho
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Oh, thanks.
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app