[MOD] Leedroid Tweaks variations for Sprint ICS 2.89 CDMA - HTC EVO 3D

These are a few variations of the Leedroid Tweaks for Sense3.6 ROM's on Sprints 2.89 base. I haven't made these tweaks. The version of tweaks I am using, I have borrowed from coolexe. I have only modified Rosie to offer these variations.
These tweaks have been tested by me only on the MeanROM ICS 2.6, but should work on coolexe's CoolSense 3.6 and most ICS Sense 3.6 Roms on the 2.89 base.
Nandroid before install!!!
LeeDroid for making these tweaks
JoelZ9614 for originally porting the tweaks to the EVo3D
coolexe for making them work on the new 2.89 base and whose version of LeeTweaks that I have used.
il Duce and the whole of team D3rp whose rosie.apk I've borrowed
All credit goes to the great folks mentioned above, so please thank them. I take absolutely no credit for this.
The variations are as follows: (Click image to download)
1. 4x4 Home screen Icons without text and LeeTweaks. - LeeTweaks_Sprint-v2.89(4x4nT).zip
2. 5x4 Home screen Icons with text and LeeTweaks. - LeeTweaks_Sprint-v2.89(5x4T).zip
3. 5x4 Home screen Icons without text and LeeTweaks. - LeeTweaks_Sprint-v2.89(5x4nT).zip
1. Back up at least your system partition. So if things mess up you can restore.
2. Install by flashing the version you want from recovery.

Was looking for this
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

This might be a dumb question but i can't seem to find a straight answer, is there a way to use leedroidtweaks with CM 9? Please be gentle

drio1389 said:
This might be a dumb question but i can't seem to find a straight answer, is there a way to use leedroidtweaks with CM 9? Please be gentle
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I'm sorry but these tweaks aren't meant to work on CM 9, or any AOSP based ROM as they are based on the HTC sense framework.
Sent from my EVO LTE using xda app-developers app

No problem thank you for clarifying this for me, i appreciate it. I was using them on mikvirgins rom but since im now running cm 9 i thought i might ask.

I just finished flashing this on MeanRom 2.6 ics and it is perfect except for one major annoyance, all of the quick setting icons are available EXCEPT for the 4G one..anyone have any idea why? I am using the 5x4 Rosie with text if it makes any difference..anyone know why its not showing up and/or how I can put it in as it seems to be the only one missing and 4G is something I use very often ..also the capacitive settings dont seem to work on this. Any ideas?
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I think cool added 4G toggle into his leeroid 2.89 tweak, anyway to incorporate this into the 5x4 roise mod from this thread?

Sorry about the long delay in replying. I've been away on some personal business, I'll look into adding 5x4 to cools new version tomorrow, time permitting.
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ReDxKinG said:
I just finished flashing this on MeanRom 2.6 ics and it is perfect except for one major annoyance, all of the quick setting icons are available EXCEPT for the 4G one..anyone have any idea why? I am using the 5x4 Rosie with text if it makes any difference..anyone know why its not showing up and/or how I can put it in as it seems to be the only one missing and 4G is something I use very often ..also the capacitive settings dont seem to work on this. Any ideas?
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What recovery are you using? and are you s-on or off?, I am s-on and I always used Clockwork recovery and always had problems with roms not installing everything, I now use 4EXT recovery and have not had a problem yet...let me know if this helps you at all...


[ROM][9/2/11]**SHOGUN ODEX v1.1**[2.08.651.2][OC Daemon]

In order to prevent confusion, I decided to start a separate thread for my Odex version of Shogun.
**Remember, I have never claimed to be a dev. I am just a cook that takes my favorite ingredients and blends them together.
**Please do a Complete wipe before flashing this rom!! I am not responsible for any issues you may have due to installing this. Flash at own risk.
Shogun Odex v1.1 (w/ OC Daemon Script)
9/2/11 Change Log for v1.1
[*]Added CRT Animations after many request per PM (thanks Chogardjr)
[*]Added GTalk w/ Video
[*]Added New Market (forgot about all the new features like +1)
[*]Tweaked a few more things.
[*]Based on Chogardjr's stock odex rom (thanks cho and aamikam)
[*]Removed most bloatware
[*]Includes OC Daemon Script (big thanks to smokin1337 and rmk40)
[*]Includes "The Best Damn Ram Optimization Script" (thanks Juwe11)
[*]NO CRT animations (can't get to work on odex, but I'll keep trying)
[*]Old Market (just seems to work better)
[*]Zeus Modded Notification Pulldown (huge thanks to Treve, Virus, Ziggy, and anyone else involved)
[*]Custom Shogun Pulldown Background (huge thanks to Max_Pain)
[*]Non-Paginated App Drawer
[*]Removed Bubbles from Lockscreen Icons (thanks SteelH)
[*]Unlimited Tabs in Browser
[*]White Honeycomb Taskbar Battery
[*]Colored Taskbar Icons (thanks SteelH)
[*]Removed some ugly, annoying taskbar icons (thanks SteelH0
[*]Netflix w/ Rotation
[*]Wireless Tether Beta 6
[*]Astro File Manager
[*]Probably a lot more that I am forgetting.....LOL
Please take time to thank the following people that made this possible:
aamikam (mentor)
Virus (mentor)
SteelH (mentor)
TommyTomatoe (mentor)
Dsixda (great kitchen
And many, many more people that I learn from each day.
I'll take this one
Does this have native screen capture? Also native hotspot unlocked? I don't use the native screen cap that much, bit It's always good knowing It's there.
:Sent from my pimped EVO 3D:
drewski83 said:
Does this have native screen capture? Also native hotspot unlocked? I don't use the native screen cap that much, bit It's always good knowing It's there.
:Sent from my pimped EVO 3D:
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Yes it has both
Thanks for reminding me, I'll add to op in a bit.
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This is a great move. I was planning in mentioning when I got out of class but I guess great minds think alike.
im hesitant to go back to Odex...I really like easy themeing and skins
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D on MetroPCS 1x...
Max_Pain said:
This is a great move. I was planning in mentioning when I got out of class but I guess great minds think alike.
im hesitant to go back to Odex...I really like easy themeing and skins
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D on MetroPCS 1x...
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Thanks bro.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
nice work dude! my theme should work great on this ROM if anyone is interested. if theres any issues please refer them to the thread i linked to.
@JDeloach CHO has crt working on his 2.3.4 rom it was an edit in the build.prop as long as you have everything in place. hit him up.
steal25 said:
nice work dude! my theme should work great on this ROM if anyone is interested. if theres any issues please refer them to the thread i linked to.
@JDeloach CHO has crt working on his 2.3.4 rom it was an edit in the build.prop as long as you have everything in place. hit him up.
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Sweet thanks bro
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Rom is updated in OP
Just added a few requested things.
Would i be safe to flash this over the last ROM to update
Sent from my double barrel Shooter. BANG!
Can we get any screenshots plz?
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Steal25 and I are working together on the next update, so bear with us. It is gonna be pretty sick. He is a very talented themer, and i wanted to use it to let him show his skills.
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Are there any mods or themes that will work with this rom?
I shot the maid! What can I say? 3vo shooter
affliction said:
Are there any mods or themes that will work with this rom?
I shot the maid! What can I say? 3vo shooter
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There will be some coming, but as of now I'm not sure. It uses chogardjr' base so some made for his ROM may work.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Ok thanks I sent steal a pm and asked him aswell.this rom is very fast and smooth i cant wait for some Kernal to release
I shot the maid! What can I say? 3vo shooter
Remapped rosies!!
affliction said:
Are there any mods or themes that will work with this rom?
I shot the maid! What can I say? 3vo shooter
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Whats up Affliction, glad to see you made the jump to odex! Check out the link in my signature for mods for this ROM. As of now I've got remapped rosies in there after the new version drops I'll be adding more to it. If you guys are looking for a specific mod hit me up and I'll do my best!!
you can also use my theme for CHOs ROM but it doesn't include the zues mod notification drop down, the next version of my theme will.
Yeah i really like this rom its very stable i had to get away from viper rom before I got pissed off. I will check out what u got i will wait on the theme I love Zeus. And as always i will be more than happy to test stuff for u. And I don't think I saw screen shots I can post some if needed
I shot the maid! What can I say? 3vo shooter
Hey, so far I'm liking this ROM. Great work. Only thing I see right now is that the charge animation is not working. Is it just me?
Bondfire said:
Hey, so far I'm liking this ROM. Great work. Only thing I see right now is that the charge animation is not working. Is it just me?
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charge animation works fine for me, whats yours doing?
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Well my battery right now is at 73 so when I plug in the charger, the lightning bolt shows up and the curved line only moves a small amount instead of all the way around. Any other ROM I've had with the honeycomb battle, it moves all the way around.

[MOD] CM7 tweak zip [5/1/12]

OK so I did a few mods for CM7.
They are based on kmyers 7.4 CM7 build, actually as part of our current effort
"Evergreen CDMA cm7 ROM"
On that note here's some other parts of project evergreen:
theme chooser apk thread
project evergreen thread
huge thanks to thoughtlesskyle for spearheading the evergreen project!
these are all themed - if you don't like it use a theme chooser apk to change
-carrier name in status bar
-ICS animations
-remove usb debugging icon
-center clock
-ICS lockrings
-t9 contacts (not really mine, but I'm sharing it)
maybe more, I honestly can't remember...
ok linked to post, all in one zip, which is flashable.
please let me know issues. Also if you only want one of the mods let me know, I can tell you which part of the zip to use
the v1 zip caused FCs (and had 67 downloads, wtf)
the NEW v2 zip is FC free
this stuff took forever, leave a comment...
These tweaks were really a deal breaker for me thanks for posting. T9 is a must have lol.
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Posting in here to keep this up to the top for Duce.... now you have 3 posts in here.
Loving the tweaks....yeah T9 is a must.....
lol thanks guys
I found these tweaks don't do much for me
Sent from my EVO 3D S using Tapatalk 2
What I mean is that it breaks my Rom everytime but I know it's my own fault
Sent from my EVO 3D S using Tapatalk 2
johnb380 said:
I found these tweaks don't do much for me
Sent from my EVO 3D S using Tapatalk 2
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johnb380 said:
What I mean is that it breaks my Rom everytime but I know it's my own fault
Sent from my EVO 3D S using Tapatalk 2
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please elaborate, if there's something wrong I'd like to know...
Duce, awhile back you gave me most of these tweaks - all of them worked fine for me with no issues.

AOSP-like ROM with Sense camera?

I am probably about to upgrade to an Evo LTE.
I would like to know if there is a ROM that is as close as possible to AOSP (cm10 preferred) but which has the stock camera.
Is it possible to have a rom with minimal sense framework but which includes sense camera ?
Still torn between Evo and galaxy s3....
Clean ROM de
Nice sense ROM with an aosp feel/theme
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
d0g said:
I am probably about to upgrade to an Evo LTE.
I would like to know if there is a ROM that is as close as possible to AOSP (cm10 preferred) but which has the stock camera.
Is it possible to have a rom with minimal sense framework but which includes sense camera ?
Still torn between Evo and galaxy s3....
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I have only every seen a handful of hybrid roms and they are difficult to maintain from my experience with them, the closest you will get is if someone can import the libs and somehow get it working that way but things like image sense are proprietary and it takes a lot of work to reverse stuff like that. Try one of the bloat removing scripts, I don't remember the name but one removes rosie and replaces it with a ics/jb based launcher so you aren't just running a launcher on top of rosie
If you install the new Viper 2.0 ROM you can choose to install it "Senseless" which gives largely the look of CM10, but you'll still have the Sense Camera
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Good to know, I have yet to try viper. Seems just like that wipe script I saw a few months back. Aroma has a lot of customization built in.
d0g said:
I am probably about to upgrade to an Evo LTE.
I would like to know if there is a ROM that is as close as possible to AOSP (cm10 preferred) but which has the stock camera.
Is it possible to have a rom with minimal sense framework but which includes sense camera ?
Still torn between Evo and galaxy s3....
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RacerOfAll has a sick AOSP theme because he hates Sense but wants to keep using Sense features like the camera.
His Viper4G 1.0 theme is awesome, but now Viper is on 2.0 and the theme hasn't been updated, yet, so for the now I've manually pulled some of his apk's from the theme, manually replaced other apk's with AOSP versions and am using an HTC ICS skin and a 3rd party ICS launcher.
Basically, there's lots of stuff you can do to Sense ROMS to make them appear near-identical to AOSP while keeping Sense under the hood.
Join our Legion and don't look back. That plastic GSIII is for the birds.
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mexlos said:
RacerOfAll has a sick AOSP theme because he hates Sense but wants to keep using Sense features like the camera.
His Viper4G 1.0 theme is awesome, but now Viper is on 2.0 and the theme hasn't been updated, yet, so for the now I've manually pulled some of his apk's from the theme, manually replaced other apk's with AOSP versions and am using an HTC ICS skin and a 3rd party ICS launcher.
Basically, there's lots of stuff you can do to Sense ROMS to make them appear near-identical to AOSP while keeping Sense under the hood.
Join our Legion and don't look back. That plastic GSIII is for the birds.
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That sounds excellent!
Is this something you're going to release eventually?
(BTW, I got the Evo)
d0g said:
That sounds excellent!
Is this something you're going to release eventually?
(BTW, I got the Evo)
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Awesome, man! You're gonna love it! I'm not going to release anything publicly, but once you're rooted let me know and I can send you the apks I use to make my phone look stock ICS.
I recommend Viper4G ROM from the Original Android Development forum. It comes with an awesome tweaks app that will let you customize the icons in your status bar to AOSP style. If you flash a different ROM I'll help you get it as AOSP as possible but you'd be on your own for the status bar
I might start a thread in the theming forum with screen shots of my setup and directions on how to emulate it now that I think about it. I'll be out of town Sunday so I'll check back here on Monday
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Well ... after trying Stock, CM10, and MIUI, I was having buyer's remorse ...
But then I installed CleanROM DE.
Holy crap! This thing rocks!

[Q] Does anybody have AOSP style recent apps for MeanBean rom?

Has anybody achieved this?
Somebody posted a vague guide here for another rom: http://themikmik.com/showthread.php...-apps-(-3-15-)&p=278436&viewfull=1#post278436
If somebody has a flashable zip, please share! I tried to decompile, make the change, and recompile but I keep getting a bunch of errors. I don't know what I'm doing.
O.M.J. has it in his Mod pack, which is what I'm using for now.
Sent using my HTC EVO LTE and a magic wand
FinZ28 said:
O.M.J. has it in his Mod pack, which is what I'm using for now.
Sent using my HTC EVO LTE and a magic wand
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I was just trying that rom, but how do I apply that update from his modpack? I actually zipped the folder that said aosp recent apps and tried to install it with no success.
You flash the zip through recovery and install the mod options with Aroma. That's what I did, at least. Not sure how he has it set up on his ROM. I'm running MeanBean, so I just downloaded the zip and flashed it.
Sent using my HTC EVO LTE and a magic wand
FinZ28 said:
You flash the zip through recovery and install the mod options with Aroma. That's what I did, at least.
Sent using my HTC EVO LTE and a magic wand
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My mistake. I thought the link you sent me was something else. I flashed them successfully! Thank you.
g2nightmare said:
My mistake. I thought the link you sent me was something else. I flashed them successfully! Thank you.
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No problem
Sent using my HTC EVO LTE and a magic wand
If you are on the lastest MeanBean with no other mods I could whip you up some AOSP recent apps love.
Remember too, by installing that OMJ Mod pack, it might break any tweaks MikeyXDA put in.
I've been using Benny3's mod from this thread:
It's the 2nd DL link labeled "UNIVERSAL DEODEXED RECENT APPS"
MeanBean stays intact and the only side effect I've noticed is that the GPS icon will show up in your notification bar after flashing.
louched1 said:
I've been using Benny3's mod from this thread:
It's the 2nd DL link labeled "UNIVERSAL DEODEXED RECENT APPS"
MeanBean stays intact and the only side effect I've noticed is that the GPS icon will show up in your notification bar after flashing.
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Exactly GPS removed is one of the tweaks MikeyXDA used in the SystemUI.apk. Im not sure how many more there are that he did.
PS. AOSP Recent Apps coming up in a few for MeanBean
---------- Post added at 02:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------
AOSP Recent Apps Mod ONLY for MeanBean.
Indeed, earlier versions of that mod by someone else apparently reverted the battery icon back to stock and removed Mikey's addition of the advanced power menu (and who knows what else).
Supposedly the link I posted is a patch instead of the full files so that it'll hopefully be forward compatible and compatible with any ROM. That may explain why your download is 4 MB in size and only for MeanBean compared to the 0.7 MB size of the patch.
I didn't know Mikey had plans of giving us the AOSP recent apps as an option. That'll be sweet when it's available!
louched1 said:
Indeed, earlier versions of that mod by someone else apparently reverted the battery icon back to stock and removed Mikey's addition of the advanced power menu (and who knows what else).
Supposedly the link I posted is a patch instead of the full files so that it'll hopefully be forward compatible and compatible with any ROM. That may explain why your download is 4 MB in size and only for MeanBean compared to the 0.7 MB size of the patch.
I didn't know Mikey had plans of giving us the AOSP recent apps as an option. That'll be sweet when it's available!
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Yeah i saw that patch script running around here. Pretty cool that it doesn't mess with tweaks by the developer. I think i was reading about how it just unpacks the apk and installs only the images and repacks the apk. sounds good to me if it applies to xml and smali files as well.
schmeggy929 said:
Yeah i saw that patch script running around here. Pretty cool that it doesn't mess with tweaks by the developer. I think i was reading about how it just unpacks the apk and installs only the images and repacks the apk. sounds good to me if it applies to xml and smali files as well.
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louched1 said:
Indeed, earlier versions of that mod by someone else apparently reverted the battery icon back to stock and removed Mikey's addition of the advanced power menu (and who knows what else).
Supposedly the link I posted is a patch instead of the full files so that it'll hopefully be forward compatible and compatible with any ROM. That may explain why your download is 4 MB in size and only for MeanBean compared to the 0.7 MB size of the patch.
I didn't know Mikey had plans of giving us the AOSP recent apps as an option. That'll be sweet when it's available!
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Mike said he won't do it unfortunately, I asked and got that answer directly
Mikey may not, but i did anyways
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schmeggy929 said:
Mikey may not, but i did anyways
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Does this still work with latest meanbean 2.4? I found one in another thread that said it was for meanbean, but ever since the musicbox additions, it was making things buggy.
bhughes3 said:
Does this still work with latest meanbean 2.4? I found one in another thread that said it was for meanbean, but ever since the musicbox additions, it was making things buggy.
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Id also like to know
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
I just flashed the link that louched1 posted on MeanBean 3.03 and it worked as described, AOSP recent apps is back and so is the GPS icon. A worthwhile tradeoff in my opinion.

[Q] Best HTC Sense ROM for Rezound?

HTC Rezound
Stock ICS Rom - Rooted 4.0.3 Sense 3.6
I'm looking for a new ROM for my phone, because the Stock ROM runs kind of slow. I've tried using Liquid Cool 2.9, but I had problems with reboots. I also could not change the default keyboard to the standard T9/Phone layout that Sense 3.6 has.
I'm having trouble finding a good Sense ROM to try out that might run much better than the Stock ROM. I'm requesting Sense in the hopes that it will have the T9/Standard phone keypad layout as an option.
I use EclipticRez v9 with the latest Lunar kernel. It is by Hawknest in the Android Development section. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1962230 The ROM is linked off-site and the latest kernel package for it by Snuzzo is near the end of the thread currently. This has been a very snappy ROM/kernel combo for me. It does have the keyboard/phone/compact layout options on the HTC stock keyboard.
Sundream's Sense 4.1/4.5/5 hybrid ROM has a lot of promise too, but have yet to give it a go. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2419155
I would recommend to also consider looking harder for an aftermarket keyboard that has the layout you prefer and add that onto a Jelly Bean ROM if any of those work well for you.
I had problems finding the download links for eclecticrez. Is everything working on it? Camera? Beats audio etc
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nastarius said:
I had problems finding the download links for eclecticrez. Is everything working on it? Camera? Beats audio etc
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Check PM if a Google search didn't do it for you.
Yes, Camera works well with more features than stock. Camcorder too. The only warning with those is *not* to attempt to take pics during video recording(keeps recording, but freezes display until exiting app), and avoid using burst shots on camera by holding button for shutter (sometimes works, sometimes crashes. No harm in trying on non-vital shots.) These are not features in stock camera, so nothing *lost* here feature-wise. Just don't have the extra processing chip newer HTC phones have dedicated for image processing.
Beats Audio is universal on apps on headset plugin, just like Sense 4 and up. Works fine and better than 3.6.
But it does have the phone compact keyboard? I would love a jb ROM if it had beats and could find the phone keyboard layout
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nastarius said:
But it does have the phone compact keyboard? I would love a jb ROM if it had beats and could find the phone keyboard layout
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EclipticRez has that layout. Uncertain which JB ROMs if any have that built in; may wish to find one you like first then ask about it for that particular ROM - or just try it. Try out Play Store keyboards as well. Still searching for one suitable here.
There may be Beats aftermarket mods on XDA for JB now, I also suggest the one I PM'ed as well, Viper4Android Audio.
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PhantasmRezound said:
EclipticRez has that layout. Uncertain which JB ROMs if any have that built in; may wish to find one you like first then ask about it for that particular ROM - or just try it. Try out Play Store keyboards as well. Still searching for one suitable here.
There may be Beats aftermarket mods on XDA for JB now, I also suggest the one I PM'ed as well, Viper4Android Audio.
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The best sense rom i ever used was ViperRez by Joelz...pretty solid sense rom and has more features than just htc beats...the way it was built was fantastic...however you can download a Beats for jb and obviously its a root required apk but ill have to find the link for everyone
1 of my own personal themes (OrangeMG) over the top of Ineffabilis Deus v1.2 with an underclocked version of Lunar on Lulzactive 168 min/1350 max.
Snuzzo said:
1 of my own personal themes (OrangeMG) over the top of Ineffabilis Deus v1.2 with an underclocked version of Lunar on Lulzactive 168 min/1350 max.
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+1 for Ineffabilis Deus, if you want a Sense 3.6 with the ability to customize that just works, this is a great option.
The ROM I'm using for my Rez right now is EclipticRez Revamped v9. The Lunar kernel is great, and I prefer this over ViperRez because I think Joel is going to stop updating ViperRez.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW running EclipticRezRavampedV9 (Lunar Kernel) using xda app-developers app.
LyricWulf said:
The ROM I'm using for my Rez right now is EclipticRez Revamped v9. The Lunar kernel is great, and I prefer this over ViperRez because I think Joel is going to stop updating ViperRez.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW running EclipticRezRavampedV9 (Lunar Kernel) using xda app-developers app.
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It hasn't been updated in over a year to begin with has it?
Ya he stopped around the beginning of the year...before I finally switched over to aosp this was my last sense ROM and sense ROM of choice because of its stability and customizability... Not to mention boot animation and boot sounds actually worked for this ROM back then but doesn't now
Sent from my P4R4N01D R3D D347H 4.3 using xda app-developers app
decent sense rom
Hawknest's Ecliptic Rez was updated in May of this year to v.9. and Snuzzo
has been updating kernels constantly - last ones this week.
This sure is a daily user, no hiccups anywhere.
Great on battery with Funky Kernel.
I've flashed most all the custom roms trying new stuff, but keep coming back to ERez.
Another Vote for Ecliptic V9
I'm 99% sure I'd be done with my Rezound if it weren't for this ROM. Definitely a daily driver.
This is a ROM that I'd feel comfortable putting on someone else's phone. On my stuff, I'm willing to mess around and deal with odd bugs, but this is a daily driver for sure.
Sundreams ROM is good too
Sent from my HTC Rezound using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

