Songza Playstore app - Atrix 4G Themes and Apps

Plays music depending on your mood.
Sent from my MB860 on MROM

Awesome thanks for finding this
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andrew.cambridge said:
Awesome thanks for finding this
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
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No problem. I had to spread the word once the app started playing haunted house mood music because I wanted it to. :good:
Sent from my MB860 on MROM

I have been using Songza on my iPhone 4 in the US but now it's not available in Google Play in my region even though it's a free app. Can anyone share the apk or point me to a site that allows me to download it? Thanks.

sayajoris said:
I have been using Songza on my iPhone 4 in the US but now it's not available in Google Play in my region even though it's a free app. Can anyone share the apk or point me to a site that allows me to download it? Thanks.
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Use google for searching the APK, just search for "songza apk", the first one to appear is the apk4 .us site, donwload it and try to use it. If it says that you are outside the US, assuming you are rooted, just download Orbot, a Tor's Client. I live in Argentina and like many others, can't use Songza or Pandora, but this little app do the trick. Search it on the Play Store.
Once you launch it for the first time it ask you for rooted permissions, then it ask you for the apps that will go trhough Orbot, click the "Select Apps.." button, wait for the list of apps installed on your phone and then check Songza, go back and when it shows you the Large button press for 2 seconds, it begins to connect to the Tor network, once it goes Green.....ALELLUYA!!!!!
Luanch again Songza and there you go listening for your favorites tunes!!!!
Remember to go through the Options in Orbot for uncheck the "Start with the system" option.
By the way, with that little bastard of Orbot, you can make any app "shows" you on the US, like I said before, I live in Argentina, and besides Songza and Pandora, I use, Hulu, Rdio, and so on...
Good luck!


MP3 Apps - Download Failed

Guys, bought my girl her Tbolt last night and downloaded an MP3 app so she can download some songs as she had on her Dinc but everytime we download a song I get a download failed. I tried to download the same song on my Tbolt(rooted) and it worked fine, is there anyway Verizon is stopping the download of the song? BTW, I tried another MP3 app which installed fine but the songs will not download. Any ideas?
What mp3 app? Why not do what the rest of the world does, iTunes (for the morally righteous) or torrent it (for all the horrible terrible people in this world who will grow up to be killers and robbers)
i like gtunes, 95% good downloads,and they always have the songs i look for.
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ziggy484 said:
i like gtunes, 95% good downloads,and they always have the songs i look for.
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Ziggy cant find gtunes in the market.
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Music box classic been using it dice I got started on android. It's not on market anymore.
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Beemp3 in the browser, or torrents. Ttorrent works well
Thunderbolt «» Ginger BAMF
Music Wizard works good, I think they changed the name to Ringtone Wizard in the Market.
irvine32 said:
Ziggy cant find gtunes in the market.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
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Yeah that's weird, I don't see it there anymore either??
Guys, thanks for the feedback like I said my phone has been fine but any MP3 app I put on my girls Tbolt installs but once I download the music it fails. I will let you know.
What was the outcome on this? I'm experiencing that same problem now with my GS4. No app will download songs.

[Q] Hot to get Google+ videos to play in the Google+ app?

I just got my EVO LTE a few days ago, so I haven't gotten around to rooting it yet.
On my original EVO 4G, when I click on a video in the Google+ app, the video plays IN THE APP!
On this phone, it opens a web browser and takes me to the Google+ site where the video is located. And once I'm there, the video's wont play!!! Flash is installed and up to date.
I thought a file association dialogue was supposed to open and ask me which app I wanted to play the video? Is there any way short of rooting (which I don't want to do for at least several more days)??? I changed the association from the default browser to Chrome beta, but Chrome can't play the video's either.
In app associations, there is something called, "streaming link", but the only option to choose is "Streaming Media Player". That's apparently not playing them either.
The same thing happens to me when I click to play a youtube video.
Karate kicked from EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk 2!
Its because of the Apple patent. There is a mod to fix that in the development section.
Sent from my Evo using xda premium
dcaplinger76 said:
Its because of the Apple patent. There is a mod to fix that in the development section.
Sent from my Evo using xda premium
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Are you talking about the mod that requires root? Because I specifically asked for a way to get the app to do this without root.
I will search the dev section in the hopes you understood that.
The only thing I found there was this (requires root):
leebo said:
Are you talking about the mod that requires root? Because I specifically asked for a way to get the app to do this without root.
I will search the dev section in the hopes you understood that.
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I might be, not sure if it requires root but it probably does. Sorry, I never look for root requirements because I am always rooted.
Sent from my Evo using xda premium
So why then do these videos not even play in a browser? It's bad enough they don't play directly in google+, but they don't even play in the browser that opens when you click on the video!
I don't think that is because of the Apple thing.
same thing happened to me. I downloaeded MX player from the market and instaaled it. Somehow the problem is gone. I restored back the Google Video play and ask me wich player I want to chose from. Both work perfect now.
Well, I broke down and rooted today. Couldn't take it anymore.
In other news, I see Apple decided to finally update their stuff to state of the art 2010. You go, Apple!
Oh, and don't forget to file a lawsuit against Google for stealing your map idea.
Sent from my EVO using XDA

How to* keep flash on a browser alive while in background

As of ics when you move browser in the background, that is switch from browser to another app, the flash content on the web page gets paused, like the waiting seconds countdown on a file sharing website, it simply means you can't multitask,
So is there a app that can prevent the browser from being dead in the background, or a floating browser will do the trick
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
sanghaviraj said:
As of ics when you move browser in the background, that is switch from browser to another app, the flash content on the web page gets paused, like the waiting seconds countdown on a file sharing website, it simply means you can't multitask,
So is there a app that can prevent the browser from being dead in the background, or a floating browser will do the trick
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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GTabACTV 10.1 Initiative
Thanks for the suggestion, but i would really want the multitasking in opera, any way i guess i have to settle for now
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
thanks to an app called ram manager pro, the issue is sorted out,i choose multitasking from the option n now i can run opera in the background
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
sanghaviraj said:
thanks to an app called ram manager pro, the issue is sorted out,i choose multitasking from the option n now i can run opera in the background
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Can this thing make YouTube videos keep playing while you are on other apps?
hairpower said:
Can this thing make YouTube videos keep playing while you are on other apps?
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sorry dude, im afraid that's not possible since the YouTube app is not designed to play video in background,n since it make little sense bcoz how you gonna watch,n if you want only audio it's not what YouTube is made for
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sanghaviraj said:
sorry dude, im afraid that's not possible since the YouTube app is not designed to play video in background,n since it make little sense bcoz how you gonna watch,n if you want only audio it's not what YouTube is made for
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I meant with browsers not YouTube app. With opera we can easily browse other tabs while listening to music on YouTube, even without ram manager. Well I guess I'll just have to stick with SuperVideo.
Btw, what other improvements ram manager makes? Other than keeping flash on file sharing sites while background, which opera does by itself, I think, there seems to be no visible changes..
Found a workaround in Firefox
Thought I'd share this workaround.
1. Flash Player (I'm using version
2. Firefox for Android (version 17)
3. Use site requiring flash
4. Open settings menu in Firefox
5. Press Home/Power button to multitask/shutoff display.
Useful for flash music / radio / video.
You may want to use another browser to surf with music in the background.
Music continues playing if headphones pop out.
Not too sure of the battery drain.
Works on my stock Verizon S3 Jelly.
JJeng said:
Thought I'd share this workaround.
1. Flash Player (I'm using version
2. Firefox for Android (version 17)
3. Use site requiring flash
4. Open settings menu in Firefox
5. Press Home/Power button to multitask/shutoff display.
Useful for flash music / radio / video.
You may want to use another browser to surf with music in the background.
Music continues playing if headphones pop out.
Not too sure of the battery drain.
Works on my stock Verizon S3 Jelly.
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Hi JJeng, i use note s2 and downloaded firefox v18 but couldnt find an option home/power - multitask/shutoff - do u know where to find. and is it possible to use ram manager pro without rooting my phone.
Got it. Misunderstood your steps. Working fine now. Thanks a lot.
Tnks, fr tc suggestion,
But wht I'm looking for is live gold rates, wht i exactly want is, when i move to another app from a browser, i still want the browser to run in background, it will be helpful to others when they r downloading files from megaupload etc where the timer stops once u leave the app
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
sanghaviraj said:
Tnks, fr tc suggestion,
But wht I'm looking for is live gold rates, wht i exactly want is, when i move to another app from a browser, i still want the browser to run in background, it will be helpful to others when they r downloading files from megaupload etc where the timer stops once u leave the app
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
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Try OverSkreen. It will keep Flash running even with the screen turned off and while using other apps. The only drawback is that you need to keep it laying on top of everything. You can make the window tiny so it's less bothersome but it would still be better to find something that runs completely in the background.

GO Launcher

Hey there
So i downloaded Go launcher.
Well i downloaded a free themes from go launchers section, but it just wont apply
Why is that?
Can anyone help me out
Google Earth will be available on the playstore, so check there.
In regards to the movie, i believe that was only for the N7.
I knew that charging is slow.
But this slow? In 55% for 25 mins
theserpent said:
Second, I heard people got some free movie along with it where can i find it?
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Go to your Googles Play movies. Ice Age is the free movie you get. You can download it for offline use as well.
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jjdevega said:
Go to your Googles Play movies. Ice Age is the free movie you get. You can download it for offline use as well.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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Sorry but i dont have Play Movies app
theserpent said:
Sorry but i dont have Play Movies app
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You don't need an app. Just go to Google Play on the web, sign in, and it will be there.
xda6969 said:
You don't need an app. Just go to Google Play on the web, sign in, and it will be there.
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Thanks anyways
The apps are not avail for India.

Cloud storage

I'm an idiot when it comes to cloud storage. I have a bunch of music and I know it won't fit with the 16gb capacity on my DNA so I was wondering if there is a website or an app that will let me access all of my music from my computer on my phone?
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
I use BubbleUPnP to stream media from my pc. Works great with pix, music, and video. You need to install the server software on your pc to stream over mobile network.
Win7, media player 11 works great for me. I use MX player as a renderer on my phone. It has the best codec support.
There are several free cloud storage services but I don't know if you can stream to your phone from them
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Awesome thanks for the info, ill check it out
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Google music lets you store like 20k songs for free. Also drop box gives you 25 gigs of storage although I think that might be only for verizon.
I use BubbleUPnP too. It is really good and easy to use.
krazya said:
Google music lets you store like 20k songs for free. Also drop box gives you 25 gigs of storage although I think that might be only for verizon.
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How did you get 25 gigs for dropbox. I only have 3 1/2
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When I opened drop box on my DNA I had to go through a tutorial and then I got the extra space. Not sure if its a Verizon thing or not.
I'm gonna look for the tutorial. I gained a little space (500mb) for auto upload but didn't see an opportunity for the rest. Will check it out
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I don't know if this would be able to cover all of your needs, but you should check out Bitcasa. It's a new Cloud Storage service and I like it very much. You sign up and start off with 10gb free and you can upgrade to unlimited storage for $10 a month.
I use Bitcasa for my pictures and documents, but I use Spotify for music though... but I still hope this helps! :good:
Yeah I use Google music. Download the uploader from the Google music page and just start uploading your music then you can also redownload it later to all of your devices if you want to or stream it
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
Try Plex
Plex, app and desktop media server work well. I think the app is $5 but it works not only for music but you can access your movies, pictures, anything you upload to the app you can watch from pretty much anywhere. But for a free alternative, use google music.
I've been using Subsonic for a few years now. I have the Subsonic server installed on my desktop at home which allows me to stream all of my movies and music to my phone or computer. It was pretty easy to setup.
krazya said:
When I opened drop box on my DNA I had to go through a tutorial and then I got the extra space. Not sure if its a Verizon thing or not.
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The dna does not have a dropbox promotion associated with it. You probably got it from a Rom which includes a promotion from a different device.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
No it has nothing to do with any roms. When I first installed dropbox on my DNA it had the 25gb bonus once I completed their tutorial. If you Google "HTC DNA dropbox" the first link from has all the details.
krazya said:
No it has nothing to do with any roms. When I first installed dropbox on my DNA it had the 25gb bonus once I completed their tutorial. If you Google "HTC DNA dropbox" the first link from has all the details.
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Please link me, cuz the page I found when I googled that specifically said verizon phones aren't eligible.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
I have a bunch of music that I need to stream so ill check out the apps you guys talked about, thanks everyone for the information!
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
Yep, Dropbox 4.0/4+ bonus is not available for Verizon. Some people were able to get it from custom roms. I received a small bonus when i was on a custom rom with my thunderbolt so maybe that is why I cant get the second 4+ (25gig) bonus on my ViperDNA. You might be only able to receive the bonus (w/ custom rom) if you have not received any other sense bonuses in the past.
I My Google music uploaded on my pc stopped working and I get the couldn't connect to Google play. I have tried un installing reinstalling and disabling av as well as sent logs to Google and tried the access code and it still won't work. I have been working with Google for 2 months. So today I got an email and they have forwarded my case to a supervisor because the rep I initially got was horrible and they also credited me 10$ for inconvienece. Which is nice but it's still not working. I have had to transfer music to my laptop and upload which I use only for school so it's a pain in the butt has anyone had this issue and found a fix for it just curious because I don't think Google knows what to do.
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Jaggar345 said:
I My Google music uploaded on my pc stopped working and I get the couldn't connect to Google play. I have tried un installing reinstalling and disabling av as well as sent logs to Google and tried the access code and it still won't work. I have been working with Google for 2 months. So today I got an email and they have forwarded my case to a supervisor because the rep I initially got was horrible and they also credited me 10$ for inconvienece. Which is nice but it's still not working. I have had to transfer music to my laptop and upload which I use only for school so it's a pain in the butt has anyone had this issue and found a fix for it just curious because I don't think Google knows what to do.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app
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Have you tried creating a second gmail/google account and using that for music? Your phone can have several google accounts setup. I have a google account with all my music synced to it; and all of my family put that account on their phone, in addition to their own personal google account. That way they have access to the same music, and we only sync the music from the computer to one account, instead of many accounts.
No my account is fine it's the upload program for the pc that doesn't work. It says it can't connect to the Google play servers so I can't even get into the sign in app...
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