[TOOL] Fastboot and ADB helper v1.0 - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro

Hey there,
I've wrote a little script to make it easier to flash with fastboot for newbies and for those who are flashing very often.
Just run it, and you are able to type a number and the script will do the rest, instead of typing every command in the console.
Windows only!
-Flash with fastboot:
-Erase with fastboot:
-erase boot partition
-erase recovery partition
-Reboot options
-reboot device (ADB)
-reboot device into recovery (ADB)
-reboot device into bootloader (ADB)
-reboot device with fastboot
Simply extract the zip everywhere you want and run the "runme.bat"
Copy the boot.img/recovery.img/data.img/system.img to the 'flashhelper' folder and run the script.
To Do:
-ADB Commands (Push/Pull/Install etc.)
-Fastboot flash all
Tell me!
V1.0 - August-19-2012:
Please feel free to distribute!
This script is freeware!
I make no guarantees that it works!
Please give me feedback if it worked for you!


[READ FIRST] [REF] Dictionary for n00b - What is.../What does ...mean? (2011/01/17)

Dictionary for n00b - What is.../What does ...mean?​
Start read from 1st to last one and don't jump from one to another. If you will read all, it bring complex knowladge, if not you can be confused
Read summary to make sure, that you know everything if you think that some part(s) is not necessary to read for you!
If you post link here, please link to 1st post! Than everybody can know, what he/she can find here
Atin001 helps with some updates/corrections in Dictionary - take a minute to thanks him also.
Did you miss something here? Send me PM what you want to have here!
Basics of Unix-like system (ROOT)
su, root, rooting, superuser app - what is it, why we need it
sh, bash, user/root shell - what is bash, sh; what is user shell; what is root shell; how I can recognise it each other
Bussybox - what BusyBox is, basic list of commands from BusyBox
(in progress) Kernel - what is going on? Do I need it?
Android platform and it's specifics
adb shell - what is it, for what it is
Android SDK - what is it, tool which provides, where to download
Tools for work with Android adb shell - Terminal Emulator, ADB shell from Android SDK and how to use it
Custom recovery
What custom recovery is - what custom recovery is
Tools which custom recovery provides - list of tools with description which custom recovery bringing
ADB as root user
USB-MS Toggle
Flash ZIP from sdcard
Wipe menu
Partition sdcard + etx2, ext3, ext4 filesystem description
Is it save to install? - possible problems, why should I try it?, backup/restore of original recovery
How this whole thing works - Drellisdee's installation steps description/elaboration
Custom ROMs (generally)
What custom ROM is?
Is save install custom ROM? - potencional problems
What I need for install?
What can custom ROM brings - kernel, update, performance, customization, theme, ....
what is ...
deodexed, zipaglined, png-optimized
JIT, HW:acceleration, VM.Heap Size, stagefright
apps2sd + dalvik2sd
custom kernel (recompiled, ...)
Android versions (collecting informations)
List of versions of Android for Optimus One (official&unofficial) - what we can install into our device
What version can be rooted and how? - version list, how to root, which version can be rooted, which can't
Sources (collecting)
Tools which you must have
Android SDK Tools (adb shell)
Terminal emulator
KDZ Updater tool
So I'm on way, where I can start doing advanced stuff?
Follow Noejn's sign-post You can find here main point for start.
If you now know basic "words of android world" you can take a look on really great tutorial how to root, install recovery and so on.
Have you some questions? Make sure that you look on Mihir287's FAQ
1. Basics of Unix-like system
su, root, rooting - what is it, why we need it
sh, bash, busybox - what BusyBox is, basic list of commands from BusyBox, bash, sh
Kernel - What is it?
Also referred as substitute user - is command for changing of the account in current terminal (usually black screen with blinking cursor). Default account is root account. So if you insert into terminal 'su' and hit enter, you will become root user.
Root alias superuser or poweruser is special user account for system administration. Similar to windows having its administrator account, unix-like system have system have the root. With this user you can do anything and if you will run command for delete whole system, unix will just do it! No asking, no confirming. So, watch your steps!
Rooting is just enabling power of root for applications or our proposes. You can read great article about Rooting on androidpolice. Kepp on your mind, that some steps described on this page are NOT compatible with our Optimus One!!
Superuser app
After rooting is done, you will see new app called superuser in app drawer. This app can delegate applications to use su (root) feature. When app ask for first use, popup window will appear asking if the application should be allowed to use root permission.
sh, bash
is a command-line interpreter or shell that provides a traditional user interface for the Unix operating system and for Unix-like systems. So simply, it is some interface, which can execute command(s), which you have entered. Many shells exist, but in scope of android you can (as far as I know) use only sh (standard - Bourne-shell) or bash (compiled in BusyBox or separately on XDA). Both are basically same, but bash has much more future and it is comfortable. It's too big to describe here, so if you are interested in learning more, follow links in sources section.
user/root shell
How do I know if I'm root or normal user? It's simple. Root's shell is ended with # (usually it's shell looks like "bash-3.2# _") and user's ends with $ (usually bash-3.2$ _). In terminal emulator you also can have only [path]($|#) (for root for example "/etc # _")
also called "The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux" is a tool which brings into Android basic tools known from unix system, but is much more smaller than standard tools is. But this "packing" brings also limits in possibilities in comparison to standard tools in unix-system (missing special modes of tool, color output and so on). Many application use this. For example busybox grep (filtering of text) is needed for application called Market enabler.
BusyBox commands
list of commands is really wide, so it's not possible explain all, so I pickup only top few. (hint: if you want what some command do, just search on google for "man <command_name>" for example man mv or enter command here
cd - cange directory - same like in windows. You can switch directory. example: cd /sdcard
ls - list of files in actual directory (have few switches like for example: ls -l /sdcard/*.png (detailed listing)
cat - print file into standart output (like more in windows) Example: cat /sdcard/data.txt
vi - editing of file. But on limited phone keyboard (no keyboard) it is little harder Read more about vi
cp - copy of one or more file. Example: cp /sdcard/bike.jpg /sdcard/media/bike-wallpaper.jpg
mv - moving/rename files, Example: mv /sdcard/bike.jpg /sdcard/media/renamed-moved-bike.jpg
rm - delete file (rm -R for recursive, or for delete whole folder), Example: rm -R /sdcard/wallpaper-bad/*
find - search for files, Example find / -name "best-chopper-ever.avi"
mkdir - make directory - creates directory, Example: mkdir mynewdir
chmod - changes access of files
less - similar like cat, but you can scroll in it and it doesn't produce any output. Example: less /sdcard/funnytext.txt
Please, take due note that man pages are documentation of unix tools. For BusyBox's tool help, just enter BusyBox <command_name> -h.
Many time, when is BusyBox installed, are also symbolic links created. It means, that is not necessary do BusyBox <command>, but only <command> will be enough.
Work in progress...
su (Unix); wikipedia.org
Superuser; wikipedia.org
Bourne shell (sh); wikipedia.org
Bourne-Again shell (bash); wikipedia.org
BusyBox; benno.id.au; BusyBox.net
Kernel; wikipedia.org
Main topic
2. Android platform and it's specifics
adb shell - what is it, for what it is
Android SDK - what is it, tool which provides, where to download
Tools for work with Android adb shell - Terminal Emulator, ADB shell from Android SDK and how to use it
ADB (shell)
ADB - Android Debug Bridge is a versatile tool lets you manage the state of an emulator instance or Android-powered device. It is a client-server program that includes three components:
A client, which runs on your development machine. You can invoke a client from a shell by issuing an adb command. Other Android tools such as the ADT plugin and DDMS also create adb clients.
A server, which runs as a background process on your development machine. The server manages communication between the client and the adb daemon running on an emulator or device.
A daemon, which runs as a background process on each emulator or device instance.
Generally it can be compared with standard cmd prompt in windows (you can write commands which will be executed locally, for example in Terminal Emulator) or it can be just like SSH in unix-like system (you connect to terminal through adb client (in Android SDK) and commands will be run remotely.
Android SDK
Android software development kit is complex set of tools for developing app on Android. It includes fully usable emulator of Android OS on your PC, where you can do everything. You can install/delete apps, browse web page in embedded web browser, play games or make your own application in Eclipse (widely used IDE for development). Of course, with emulator you can use also GPS or camera. Emulated android phone is just like "normal" phone.
Android SDK tools
Fully emulated Android device
Android Development Tools Plugin (Eclipse IDE)
Android Virtual Devices (AVDs)
Hierarchy Viewer
Draw 9-patch
Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (ddms)
Android Debug Bridge (adb)
Android Asset Packaging Tool (aapt)
Android Interface Description Language (aidl)
UI/Application Exerciser Monkey
Tools for work with Android adb shell
You have two ways ho to connect into ADB service - locally and remotely.
Locally - for local access you will need some application which can connect to local adb shell.
Terminal Emulator (free) - probably most commonly used app from market, which works and looks like standard unix shell.
ConnectBot (free) - same as Terminal Emulator, but it can be also used for connecting via SSH or telnet
Remotelly- For remote connection you need phone configuration adjustment:
Home desktop -> [menu button] -> Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging [ON].
Also you need connect your phone via USB (or finds on market some widget/app, witch enable using ADB also via wi-fi)
adb tool from Android SDK
After download Android SDK, extract archive somewhere (in example I extracted it in c:/AndroidSDK). Then follow instruction on developer.android.com for installation of SDK Platform-tools (contains adb). After installation click on start menu and in Run... (in Windows7 in search bar) enter 'cmd' and press Ok or [enter]. Then write in cmd line:
cd c:\AndroidSDK\android-sdk-windows\tools [enter]
now you can enter following command to connect to phone's adb shell if you don't have more connected device (virtual or real-one)
adb shell
If you have more then one, you need explicitly say which one should be used for connection. So list connected devices with
adb devices
which shows you serial number of connected devices. Than use
adb -s <serial-number> shell
ADB; android-dls.com; developer.android.com
Android SDK; wiki.androidforum.cz [CZ]
Basic adb/shell commands for noobs; forum.xda-developers.com
15 Useful Android Terminal (ADB Shell) Commands; gadgetsdna.com
Main topic
3. Custom recovery
What custom recovery is
Tools which custom recovery provide - NAND backup/restore, formatting of SDcard, partitioning (ext1,ext2, ext3), wiping, flashing of Custom ROM, ...
Is it save to install that? - potential problems, backup/restore of original recovery
How this whole thing works - installation description (not how-to install, just explanation of what is done during installation)
What custom recovery is
Recovery is image (binary data) stored in internal memory. This image contains something like "program" maybe better say "tool", which can boot-up independently on Android system. In other words, when this tool is running (booted up), than Android system is not. This tool is part of phone system, and in PC terminology recovery can by compared to BIOS with some added features. This recovery state can be reached on all phone, but if you don't have custom recovery, it will do so-called HW reset and automatically restart itself into standard boot mode. So what is difference between original recovery and custom recovery? Custom recovery didn't call master reset after start and also didn't restart itself.
Tools which custom recovery provides
Let's go check what custom recovery brings (I will describe Drellisdee's custom recovery so another recovery can brings another menu and tools)
In Drellisdee's post is picture of main screen with list and description of tools so let's look on it:
ADB as root user
what is root user, and what is adb, you should already know. If not, follow link on main post.
USB-MS Toggle :mounts sdcard as mass storage
It just mounts your phone as USB-mass storage (USB disk) so in PC you will see new disk where you can see folders based on mountes (lower) and were you can upload what you want.
Nand Backup : runs a nandroid backup of data, cache, boot, system
Nand Backup + .android secure : backs up above plus .android_secure on sdcard (froyo native apps on sd)
//Native app which notify "application can be moved into SD card" if you can move some app. It's good to use, if you used it.
Nand + ext backup : data, cache, system, boot, plus apps2sd on ext partition (old style apps2sd)
//old style apps2sd is used on some custom ROM because can move every application into SD card instead of Froyo's apps2sd
Nand Restore : browse to and select nandroid backup to restore
Absolutely GREAT feature. With NAND you can do 1:1 copy (image) of your actual system (phone's memory). It means, that you didn't backup only SMS, contacts or apps, but whole system with all configuration, customization, wallpapers, system's tweaks... just everything - it creates image of whole phone system. This image will be written to your SD card which you are then free to copy around and back up on your computer.
What it means? You find custom ROM which looks awsome so you create NAND backup and install new ROM, but after few hour/days... you know, ROM before was better. So you boot into recovery, use NAND restore of your old ROM backup and .... woala you have your system just like before backup - as if nothing had happened. For about 2 minutes!! It sounds great, isn't? But one, little problem exist. You can not use for restore only some part of backup. You have to restore all, or nothing.
Flash Zip From Sdcard: Update.zip must be in root of sdcard
This tool is designed for install of custom ROM or for tweaks. If you have instruction to install via custom recovery, and file have .zip extension than you should use this menu. Never unzip file, because file contain meta-information about itself with some validate-checks so if you edit it, or unpack and pack back, it shouldn't work. And of course you can't select *.zip file if it doesn't exist because you unpack it, also you have not to rename it to update.zip, you can just select file to update in list of .zip files. And, at the end, file have to be in root (main folder) of sdcard.
Wipe Menu:
Wipe data/factory reset: wipes data & cache
- wipe of users data (contacts, apps, configuration, ...) and cache (caches of applications)
Wipe cache
- wipe cache only
Wipe Dalvik cache : Wipes Dalvik cache in all possible locations if moved by apps2sd
- wipe of Dalvik cache?
Wipe SD:ext : Wipes Apps2sd ext partition
- if you used Partition SDcard option, you can wipe it here
Wipe Battery Stats
- If you think, that your battery life is too short, you can try delete battery stats. Than let phone fully charge. (more)
Wipe rotate settings
- wipe senzor setting (acceleration, ...)
Wipe .android secure : Wipes froyo native .android_secure on sdcard
- wipe information about moved apps
Partition Sdcard:
Partition SD: Partition's sdcard for apps2sd (this formats card so all non backed-up data is lost)
- will create ext2 partition (you will be asked for size of ext2 and cache)
Repair Sd:ext
SD:ext2 to ext3 : coverts apps2sd ext2 partition to ext3 (requires kernel support for ext3)
SD:ext3 to ext4 : same as above but ext3 to ext4 (requires kernel support for ext4)
ext2 - file system for the Linux kernel (no journal, fast but not recovery of I/O error)
ext3 - file system for the Linux kernel (journal, slower than ext2 because of journal, but provides recovery on I/O error)
ext4 - file system for the Linux kernel (journal, enhanced version of ext3)
How to increase battery life; androidforums.com
Comparison of file systems; wikipedia.org
ZeroXtreme's filesystem answer (thanks); forum.xda-developers.com
Gui mounts to avoid typing in terminal to mount and cd into a dir to mount system, data, cache, sd-ext (if exists), sdcard
Fix apk uid mismatches
//I'm not sure, can somebody helps?
Move recovery log to SD
Toggle Signature Verify : Turn of signature checking on flashing zips
Key Test : Output keycodes for debugging recovery
I thing that this is clear enough.
Is it save to install that?
Well, nothing isn't without any risk. Anyway, from what I know, nobody has had any problems, if Drellisdee's steps are followed, but you have to have P500, not derivate from Sprint, for example. From my point of view the installation of recovery is without any problems. After update with KDZ_FW_UPD tool I had rewritten also recovery. But this tool is really dangerous, so try to avoid to it.
Anyway, original recovery can be backuped before installation of custom recovery and this can be done by command
dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd2 of=/sdcard/<name-of-old-recovery>.img bs=4096
for example:
dd if=/dev/mtd/mtd2 of=/sdcard/my-original-recovery.img bs=4096
For restore,just use same step (command) that you used for flashing, but replace name of .img file.
flash_image recovery /sdcard/my-original-recovery.img
NOTE: You don't have to do other commands before and after as you done for install of recovery!!
So, where can problems arise?
loss of warranty - LG service have much more advanced software and hardware and they can check what problem caused - make dump of memory and so on
bricking of phone - if something goes wrong, then phone may not start at all
deletion of all data if installation fails - if old recovery remains, than hw reset will be performed
custom recovery doesn't work at all - incompatible devices
Why to try?
NAND backup/restore - the most useful tool ever
you can install custom ROM
high count of successful flashing of custom recovery
for now (what I read on forum), when you had said that you brick your phone by standard LG tool, your warranty repair was approved
How this whole thing works (description of installation's steps)
Let's see on how to:
Copy flash_image and recovery-RA-GNM-thunderg-1.1.0.img to the root of your sdcard
Nothing hard I think.
via adb shell or terminal type this from root su # shell. (Do not type the # as its just for reference to show you need a root # shell not a $ user shell)
Ok, it seems that it doesn't make sense, isn't. But what is root and su we already knows, same as user shell and root shell. Also follows commands probably aren't some "normal" task, so some special user approve will be necessary - so it probably means use of root. So, enter 'su [enter]' for become a root.
[B]# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system[/B]
// remounting of filesystem for write
[B]# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image[/B]
// print contend of flash_image into /system/bin/flash_image (it is just copying)
[B]# chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image[/B]
// set up file access for running (basic of unix-like systems)
[B]# mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.sh.bak[/B]
// rename install-recovery as install-recovery.sh.back
// NOTE: many guys haven't this file, so they get error: [I]"failed on '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh' - No such file or directory"[/I]
// it's normal. If it happens, just ignore it and continue.
[B]# mount -o remount,ro -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system[/B]
// remount of filesystem into read-only mode
[B]# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-GNM-thunderg-1.1.0.img[/B]
// using of program/script flash_image for flashing of recovery image
// you can do by same way also restore of your original recovery
[B]# reboot recovery[/B]
// reboots into recovery mode
I think, that was also nothing hard. As was said "#" on beginning means that root's shell should be used for running that command. Maybe you remember what I had written, that if you run something on root's account, it doesn't ask for confirmation and will just do it. Same with responses. If there is nothing to say, then nothing will be said. So if command runs without any problems, nothing will be shown. If something doesn't work, than you will be informed.
Key combo to boot custom recovery from powered off is vol_down + home + power and release keys at LG splash.
Nothing special I guess. But I recommend keep vol down + home keep pressed until custom ROM menu appear.
Note this recovery and the one for the LG Vortex have a service that instantly reboots out of recovery once you load it & I disabled it and thats why you get a E: "Bad Boot Message" on inital startup. Its completely fine.
IMPORTANT NOTE!! Too many of n00bs asking "I have problem, E: "Bad Boot Message appeared, what I should do?" Read ALL carefully before every action!!
Recovery Key mapping:
Up & down : vol-up and vol-down
Select : Menu
Backup : Back
Key map for moving in menu (touch screen doesn't work... )
Drellisdee's custom recovery description; androidforums.com
Main topic
4. Custom ROM (generally)
What custom ROM is?
Is it save to install custom ROM? - potential problems
What I need for install?
What can custom ROM brings - kernel, update, performance, customization, theme, ....
what is ...
deodexed, zipaglined, png-optimized
JIT, HW:acceleration, VM.Heap Size, stagefright
apps2sd + dalvik2sd
custom kernel (recompiled, ...)
What custom ROM is?
Custom ROM is every somehow changed manufacturer's ROM or ROM compiled from source code of Android. "Change/s" can starts with adding/removing default application and can extend to kernels, cpu over/under-clocking, enable/disable features (ROOT, HW acceleration, ...), themes (frameworks, color, ...), keyboards and many other features.
Custom ROM is mostly distributed like signed ZIP package with included installation script for custom recovery. This ZIP is flashed via custom recovery tool.
Is it save to install custom ROM?
Yes, it is. May be I can say, that installation of custom ROM is almost mandatory, because it cost you only few minute if you will not be satisfied - you can just restore your old ROM from NAND backup, if you will be satisfied, you can keep it. And yes, you can also use backup tools like for example Astro for backup of your apps or Titanium Backup backup everything (SMS, call list, preferences, APNs, ...) and restore this in your new ROM (NOTE: In this case it's strongly recommended that both ROM should have same or very similar source/base ROM).
So, it is really simple:
1) Do NAND backup
2) Try new ROM
3) Keep new, or restore old one.
What I need for install?
1) Rooted phone
2) Installed custom recovery
3) Signed .ZIP file of ROM compatible with recovery
#) RECOMMENDED: NAND backup of your actual ROM
What does custom ROM bring
Custom ROM brings almost every feature you can image.
optimization for maximal power (games), long battery life, calling, texting, playing videos,...
awsome look - changed icons, colors, animations, wallpapers, menu, ....
simple work - feature that will short some work (add restart button, reorganized menu, shorts, gestures, ...)
allow tweaking - overclok/underclok your device, ROOT, ....
It's really not possible describe here every possibility what you can do/get with custom ROM.
what is ...
deodexed - needed for using themes. If you want replace/change some file in system (change theme) you need deodex file which you want change. In most cases it's going on services.jar which contains definition of colour for clock for example.
APKs zipaligned - optimization of APK archive, so it takes less memory and is much faster.
png-optimized - png files takes less memory, are loads faster
JIT - just-in-time compilation also known as dynamic translation, is a method to improve the runtime performance of computer programs, but it takes some time to convert into it on start.
HW:acceleration - using of HW acceleration for rendering GUI. Little increase battery consumption.
VM.Heap Size - maximum memory an application can consume
stagefright - In Android 2.2 new media framework that supports local file playback and HTTP progressive streaming
Apps2SD - (mostly DarkTremor's a2sd) If you create ext partition on your SD card, you can mount it like internal memory (you will have more space on phone memory) and move app on SD.
Dalvik2SD - move of Dalvik into SDcard (saves space)
custom kernel - compiled standard unix kernel (can bring support for features like support ext4 for example)
P500 custom ROM list; forum.xda-developers.com
What's Deodex and Odex?; forum.xda-developers.com
What Is Zipalign In Android And How To Make Apps Zipaligned; www.addictivetips.com
PNG compress; http://www.gotow.net/creative/wordpress/?p=79
Just-in-time compilation; wikipedia.org
VM Heap size; forum.cyanogenmod.com
stagefright; developer.android.com
Main topic
Very good and hard work
Hats off to you.
rakesh_4utoo said:
Very good and hard work
Hats off to you.
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Thanks You are welcome!!
very very nice guide, cant wait for you to finish it :X ! Thx alot dude for all the hard work!
Very good work!
Please post it on czech androidforum.cz
Thank you,
David Ullmann, Czech Republic
Very nice. A bit rough around the edges but I'm sure most people can understand it easily enough ^__^ Good job. It came like two days too late for me though since I already asked my questions everywhere on xda to install void
raylgo said:
Very nice. A bit rough around the edges but I'm sure most people can understand it easily enough ^__^ Good job. It came like two days too late for me though since I already asked my questions everywhere on xda to install void
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But you can be happy and proud, that you probably inspired me!
While backing up the old recovery what do you mean by:
My first line went ok in terminal emulator but second line didn't go ok. That's why I am asking this.
Your the Man! Thank You So much! all are much clearer to me now! now lets gets things started!
lekhwani said:
While backing up the old recovery what do you mean by:
My first line went ok in terminal emulator but second line didn't go ok. That's why I am asking this.
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It is just example
I think this post should be read for evey noob even before powering his mobile on !
Great work !
Sent from my LG-P500 using XDA App
Quite helpful for noobs like me
So...because I wrote what I wanted, you can make suggestions what are you missing here.... I'm looking forward...
how long should the recovery flashing take?
bazo666 said:
how long should the recovery flashing take?
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Few minutes
hm, i left it running for like half an hour and nothing happenned. then i unplugged the phone from usb and closed the adb shell, because i had to go.
but the phone boots fine so i think nothing has flashed.
what can be the problem?

How to switch to Android N preview, [FLASH GUIDE, RESTORING BACKUPS, & MORE]

Before I get into this guide I am going to start off with a disclaimer. If you break or harm your device. Or make it unbootable. This is not my fault, and you understand that you are doing this at your OWN RISK.
Now let's get into the guide!
Tip for Section Number #1: If you are having trouble using the windows file explorer or any other OS, use Sync by BitTorrent and sync files to your computer, I am not promoting the app for any self gain, just a suggestion
This will be separated into sections. As listed below:
Installing Android N with working TWRP
Rooting Android N Preview
Enabling Permissive SELinux without a instant reboot
More may be added in the future!
Installing Android N with a working TWRP
Easier method :
If you have Marshmallow already installed, you can enroll your device for a OTA of Android N Developer Preview. Or you can install Marshmallow and then do the same.
Longer method :
Backup all your userdata files (I MEAN EVERYTHING!) this will erase all of your files if you want a working TWRP.
1. Download the Android N .tgz file for your device from here -=OPTIONAL=-Download the modifed boot image with decryption on boot disabled for your Preview version here
2. Decompress/extract every file. (the main file and the image directory) I would recommend having all of them in the same folder
3. Make sure you have fastboot, then open a terminal/command prompt in that folder - Shift + right click in windows then open command prompt here
5. Boot your device into the bootloader, power down your phone (this is for nexus 6p) and hold the power button + volume down until you see a Android figure laying down
6. Do the following commands in a terminal with fastboot installed - this is inferring you have a unlocked bootloader
fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash radio radio.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img - the modified one you downloaded, if you did.
fastboot flash recovery twrp-xxxxx-angler
fastboot format cache
fastboot flash cache cache.img
-=OPTIONAL, FOR DECRYPTION AND WORKING TWRP=-:fastboot format userdata - do not flash the userdata.img unless you have a 32gb Nexus 6P.
fastboot reboot
Now, once the device boots. Set it up and go to Settings>Security and under encryption if you want a working TWRP, it should say Decrypt phone. If not, look back and see if you did a step wrong.
Rooting Android N Preview xx
1. Download the latest BETA of SuperSU - or anything above 1.74. BETA onto your device's sdcard directory. (otherwise known as /storage/emulated/0/)
2. Reboot your device to TWRP by powering off your device, then holding the power button + volume down. Once in the bootloader, tap the volume down button until you land on Recovery. Then press the power button.
3. Go to the install section, and flash your SuperSU zip.
4. Reboot, it may reboot a few times. Let the device run it's course until it lands at the lockscreen, this is important.
Enabling a permissive SELinux without a instant reboot
Follow the guide here
In other words, download the logd file and copy and paste it to /system/bin/ then replace the other file after backing it up.
Then do
setenforce 0
in a terminal with root access on your device and then do getenforce to check if it's working.
This enables you to restore backups using Titanium backup, as it doesn't work without doing this.
Credit for SuperSU goes to @Chainfire
Credit for the modified boot.img goes to @Tigerstown
Credit for getting Permissive SELinux to work on Android N goes to @gubacsek
I do not take credit for any of the downloaded content, all of the downloaded files goes to their original creators.
PM me if anything is wrong, or edit this post!
Mods, if this post is in the wrong place. Move it to the correct place please!
Happy modding of your Nexus 6P on Android N Preview!
Isn't this the same guide as this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3206928 ?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
johnhazelwood said:
Isn't this the same guide as this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3206928 ?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Yes, in some ways. But this thread is all the information from around XDA put in one place. As I haven't found a thread with the information put together like this.
Yeah, I agree. I had to hunt through several threads to find this when I updated both my 6P's to N the other day. I knew the info was out there, but was a PITA to find. Too bad you didn't put this thread up 3 days ago when I needed it LOL.
Just a quick FYI, it is possible to run rooted N with encryption. I just wrote a guide on how to do it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/nexus-6p/general/guide-android-nougat-developer-preview-t3410906
Great guise. Might use this later to finally flash android N. I just wished that xposed worked with Android N.
TnT_ said:
This enables you to restore backups using Titanium backup, as it doesn't work without doing this.
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If you don't like to disable SELinux, you can simply change SELinux's policy using supolicy. Execute the following commands in the terminal:
supolicy --live "allow system_app shell_data_file dir { search read write }"
supolicy --live "allow system_app dalvikcache_data_file dir { write read add_name remove_name }"
supolicy --live "allow system_app dalvikcache_data_file file { create }"
supolicy --live "allow system_app shell_data_file file { read open write }"
The following commands are needed for AdAway (busybox required):
supolicy --live "allow untrusted_app system_data_file file { read write }"
supolicy --live "allow shell dalvikcache_data_file dir { read write }"
supolicy --live "allow shell shell capability { dac_override }"
supolicy --live "allow shell dalvikcache_data_file dir { write remove_name add_name }"
supolicy --live "allow shell dalvikcache_data_file file { create write read open }"
This doesnt work for me. I tried twice. I even tried the modified boot.img. both times it says in security encrypted phone. What do I do?
XAL2 said:
This doesnt work for me. I tried twice. I even tried the modified boot.img. both times it says in security encrypted phone. What do I do?
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@XAL2 you don't need to be decrypted - scroll up to my last post in the thread and follow the instructions there to get N and keep encryption.
asj0422 said:
@XAL2 you don't need to be decrypted - scroll up to my last post in the thread and follow the instructions there to get N and keep encryption.
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So do I have to flash back to Marshmallow stock then try to reflash N? Or do I just go into the bootloader and reflash the M vendor image flash twrp, boot into it flash super su, and then reflash the N vendor and reboot?
Can you dirty flash (wipe cache) N over M? My device is running a stock image + root + busybox, TWRP, encrypted. Can I just flash everything over (without recovery) via fastboot, root via TWRP, and be done with it?
XAL2 said:
So do I have to flash back to Marshmallow stock then try to reflash N? Or do I just go into the bootloader and reflash the M vendor image flash twrp, boot into it flash super su, and then reflash the N vendor and reboot?
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That sounds like it would work to me - although I don't think you have to flash the M vendor image before you flash the recovery, you just can't have the N vendor image when you try to use twrp.
---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------
vostok4 said:
Can you dirty flash (wipe cache) N over M? My device is running a stock image + root + busybox, TWRP, encrypted. Can I just flash everything over (without recovery) via fastboot, root via TWRP, and be done with it?
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Technically, yes - check out this guide I wrote, it's actually for your exact scenario. The issue is that twrp doesn't play nice with N, but if you wait on the vendor image before you use twrp, you're good to go.
Thank you, that worked perfectly!

Unable to load modded System.img on Pixel 2 using kitchen

Is anyone successful in loading modded system.img to a system-as-root device like Pixel 2+? With the nexus 5x I use to make some changed to the build.prop and init.rc to get adb on boot/OOBE but due to the new system-on-root with the Pixel devices, I need to modify the system image. I bought the paid version of Kitchen to do just that, and I can build an image (signed and non-signed... not sure the difference, so I've tested both). Below are the steps I've used but the device always fails to load after.
boot-slot: a
Secure Boot: yes (Production)
Device state: unlocked
"ERROR: LoadImageAndAuth Failed: Load Error"
1. Download Pixel2 8.1.0 firmware from google
2. Pull the system.img
3. Run Kitchen tool and create a new project
4. add the system.img to the project folder
5. Extract the system image (#4 Extract for new rom)
6. Give it a name: TEST
7. Which perm type would you like to use?: #4 raw_img
8. Don't make any changes yet.... testing to see if it can load
9. Go to #8, -> #7 Build Menu -> #2 build ext4 img -> #1 system -> #2 sparse -> #4 system.img
fastboot flash system_a C:\Users\username\Desktop\Pixel2_Images\system_new.img
fastboot flash system_b C:\Users\username\Desktop\Pixel2_Images\system_new.img
fastboot flash system C:\Users\username\Desktop\Pixel2_Images\system_new.img
1. rename system_new.img to system.img
2. Repack the system.img in the Pixel Firmware zip
3. Run flash-all.bat
Update 1:
I have also tried the following.
1. Boot Pixel 2 Image from firmware site
2. Reboot device into recovery mode
2. Wait till you see a Android icon with !
3. Hold Power and hit up arrow
4. Select Wipe data/factory reset
5. When it boots to OOBE, reboot to bootloader
# load the latest TWRP.img
6. fastboot boot C:\Users\username\Downloads\twrp-3.3.0-0-walleye.img
# Device will boot once to TWRP
# Select Wipe -> swipe for factory reset
7. adb push <The image i created using Kitchen> /sdcard/Download
8. select Install and select the Image
Device Boots with error "Can't load Android system. Your data may be corrupt."

[GUIDE] Important partitions you must backup after you have the phone rooted, Stock firmware reinstallation guide at worst case

These partitions are important when you'll have to restore the phone back to normal from worst case.
elableinfo (/dev/block/sda4) - This partition contains Certification Image, may not important.
imeilock (/dev/block/sdg1) - This partition contains your device IMEI.
persist (/dev/block/sda8) - This partition contains your device PSN, MAC, Bluetooth.
oemowninfo (/dev/block/sda2) - This partition contains SKUID, exclusive info, etc.
simlock (/dev/block/sde63) - Carrier locked TA-1251 only. Mandatory to allow your phone boot if your phone isn't carrier locked.
Other Snapdragon 765G based Android phones can also refer this, although we can't guarantee it will 100% apply on your phone. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS GUIDE IF YOU ARE USING TA-1257 (NOKIA 8 V 5G UW from Verizon Wireless).
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To backup these partitions:
1. Unlock the bootloader and root your phone with Magisk.
2. Execute these commands:
adb shell mkdir /storage/emulated/0/bgt-critical/
adb shell su
(Confirm root permission on your phone - if you missed that or didn't confirm it, open Magisk app and grant it manually)
adb shell su -c dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/imeilock of=/storage/emulated/0/bgt-critical/imeilock.img
adb shell su -c dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist of=/storage/emulated/0/bgt-critical/persist.img
adb shell su -c dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/oemowninfo of=/storage/emulated/0/bgt-critical/oemowninfo.img
adb shell su -c dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/simlock of=/storage/emulated/0/bgt-critical/simlock.img
adb pull /storage/emulated/0/bgt-critical/
3. Save entire bgt-critical directory at safe place.
Additionally, you must do QCN backup in case you erased NVRAM at worst case.
To do that:
1. Root your phone with Magisk.
2. Execute this command on your PC with ADB shell for enabling Qualcomm Diag Port:
adb shell su -c setprop sys.usb.config diag,serial_cdev,rmnet,adb
3. Install QPST 2.7.496 and use QPST Software Download to backup both XQCN and QCN images, and save both of them at bgt-critical partition you have saved.
Here's how to reinstall stock firmware, in case you bricked the phone at worst situation.
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Assuming you have UFS lun0-lun6 erased, or the phone is currently at Qualcomm 900E which are considered worst situation.
1. Download following firmware, and extract it 3 times - you'll get tons of files inside.
bgt-2210-0-00WW-B01.HMDSW.7z | by Hikari Calyx for Generic Device/Other
Download GApps, Roms, Kernels, Themes, Firmware, and more. Free file hosting for all Android developers.
2. Use text editor to open rawprogram0_sparse.xml and delete the string super.img inside to save time when doing part 1 flashing.
Use text editor to open rawprogram4.xml and replace the string abl.elf into BGT-abl.elf , then save it.
3. Copy prototype ABL into the firmware directory, and make sure the filename is BGT-abl.elf .
4A. (For Windows users)
Please install QPST 2.7.496 or newer and Qualcomm USB Driver before you proceed. You'd better to erase all other incompatible drivers to increase success rate.
Once installed, please copy QSaharaServer.exe and fh_loader.exe from QPST installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm\QPST\bin by default) to firmware directory.
4B. (For macOS / Linux users)
Please install Python EDL from following website:
GitHub - bkerler/edl: Inofficial Qualcomm Firehose / Sahara / Streaming / Diag Tools :)
Inofficial Qualcomm Firehose / Sahara / Streaming / Diag Tools :) - GitHub - bkerler/edl: Inofficial Qualcomm Firehose / Sahara / Streaming / Diag Tools :)
5. If your phone is currently at 900E, you must disassemble the phone by opening the back cover and make sure the motherboard is exposed.
Disconnect the battery, use a pair of tweezers to short the test point, then connect your phone to PC. Using USB 2.0 port is strongly recommended for best stability.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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If you're using PC that only has USB 3.1 port you may like encounter USB port throttling issue. In this case you must buy an USB hub as workaround.
To check if your phone is properly connected:
(For Windows users)
Please open Device Manager and check if your phone is listed as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 / Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9008. If not you need to disconnect the phone, short the test point and connect the phone to PC again. Once it's listed you can remove the tweezer.
(For macOS / Linux users)
Please execute this command:
and see if a device started from 05C6:9008 is listed. If yes, you can remove the tweezer and proceed to next step.
6A. (For Windows users)
Please check the COM port in Device Manager, assuming the COM port number is 8.
Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell window at directory where you have tons of firmware files extracted.
Execute this command (replace the COM port number to actual COM port number you see in Device Manager)
.\QSaharaServer -p \\.\COM8 -s 13:prog_firehose_ddr.elf
If you see a message says image uploaded successfully, you can proceed to next step.
Execute this command to upload rawprogram XML configuration:
.\fh_loader --port=\\.\COM8 --search_path=. --sendxml=rawprogram0_sparse.xml,rawprogram1.xml,rawprogram2.xml,rawprogram3.xml,rawprogram4.xml,rawprogram5.xml,rawprogram6.xml --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=UFS
Wait for image files being uploaded, now write patch XML configuration:
.\fh_loader.exe --port=\\.\COM8 --search_path=. --sendxml=patch0.xml,patch1.xml,patch2.xml,patch3.xml,patch4.xml,patch5.xml,patch6.xml --noprompt --showpercentagecomplete --zlpawarehost=1 --memoryname=UFS
Once these commands are executed successfully, you can disconnect the phone, reconnect the battery and power it on.
Your phone should boot straight into Fastboot mode. If it doesn't boot the battery might be drained, recharge it a little bit before you proceed.
6B. (For macOS / Linux users)
Assuming you have Python EDL installed properly.
Open a terminal under the directory where you have firmware extracted, and execute this command:
edl qfil rawprogram0_sparse.xml,rawprogram1.xml,rawprogram2.xml,rawprogram3.xml,rawprogram4.xml,rawprogram5.xml,rawprogram6.xml patch0.xml,patch1.xml,patch2.xml,patch3.xml,patch4.xml,patch5.xml,patch6.xml /path/to/where/firmware/images/arelocated/ --memory=ufs --loader=prog_firehose_ddr.elf
Wait for image files being uploaded. If the flashing procedure is throttling, you may want to execute this command before connecting phone with test point shorted.
Once this command is executed successfully, you can disconnect the phone, reconnect the battery and power it on.
Your phone should boot straight into Fastboot mode. If it doesn't boot the battery might be drained, recharge it a little bit before you proceed.
7. Reinstall all other partitions with Fastboot command.
If you're Windows user, please DO NOT USE Minimal ADB and Fastboot, but use this instead: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools
fastboot flash partition:0 gpt_both0.bin
fastboot --set-active=a reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash xbl xbl.elf
fastboot flash xbl_config xbl_config.elf
fastboot flash abl abl.elf
fastboot flash tz tz.mbn
fastboot flash hyp hyp.mbn
fastboot flash devcfg devcfg.mbn
fastboot flash storsec storsec.mbn
fastboot flash pwinfo pwinfo.img
fastboot flash bluetooth BTFM.bin
fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash core_nhlos Core_NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot flash dsp dspso.bin
fastboot flash logfs logfs_ufs_8mb.bin
fastboot flash keymaster km4.mbn
fastboot flash featenabler featenabler.mbn
fastboot flash toolsfv tools.fv
fastboot flash metadata metadata.img
fastboot flash aop aop.mbn
fastboot flash qupfw qupv3fw.elf
fastboot flash imagefv imagefv.elf
fastboot flash uefisecapp uefi_sec.mbn
fastboot flash multiimgoem multi_image.mbn
fastboot flash vbmeta_system vbmeta_system.img
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash super super.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash persist persist.img
By doing this will allow your phone boot as the bare minimal situation, but not ideally functional.
Next you must restore critical partitions you have backed up before.
fastboot erase fsc
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot flash fsg fs_image.img
fastboot flash elableinfo /path/to/bgt-critical/elableinfo.img
fastboot flash imeilock /path/to/bgt-critical/imeilock.img
fastboot flash persist /path/to/bgt-critical/persist.img
fastboot flash oemowninfo /path/to/bgt-critical/oemowninfo.img
fastboot reboot
8. Once your phone boots into normal OS, use Magisk to root your phone, and execute this command to enable Qualcomm Diag Port:
adb shell su -c setprop sys.usb.config diag,serial_cdev,rmnet,adb
9. (For Windows users) Use QPST Software Download to restore the QCN/XQCN image you backed up before. Eject SIM before you doing so to prevent issues.
10. (Skip if you're not using Carrier locked TA-1251) Reboot the phone into Fastboot mode and flash simlock partition:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash simlock /path/to/bgt-critical/simlock.img
fastboot reboot
11. Enjoy your fully revived Nokia 8.3.
Reserved #3

How To Guide ( Rewrite).Using FastbootD .

This step by step tutorial is all about
☆☆☆ FastbootD video tutorial : https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvggR4skCxYzhB3SXxpSx4LvRzGwx9k45​Full round-trip of "GSIs flashing process".​
Step to install Stock ROM with Fastboot ability.(need 3in1.tar)
Step to flash GSI on top of Stock ROM.
get rid of SU.which came with "bvS" or "bgS" Variant.(option if you want Magisk)
Step to update GSI without lost your data include magisk.
Step to Recovery back to the First Boot with Magisk (hidden).
<<Additional for PHH AOSP>>
Add Adaptive Auto-brightness for T225 (magisk module) here
Add Face Unlock. here
<< Additional for Stock SAM A13 based>>
Add Restore Samsung Knox features.(had lost from unlocked and root)
Add Advanced Setup New LeOS
ADD DUAL BOOT WITH Vega Bobo DSU Sideloader. (SAM Stock A13 Base) Example here:
**FastbootD Help.
fastboot commands
fastboot commands. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Sam did not provided " fastboot mode" for all devices. only "Odin flashing tool".
What is the FasdtbootD?
What is FastbootD? How to Boot to FastbootD Mode
In this tutorial, we will explain you what is FastbootD Mode in Android, how to boot to FastbootD Mode and how to exit this mode.
*Limitation of FastbootD
FastbootD not the same as regular "fastboot", impossible to use fastbootd without " Dynamic partition. etc., dynamic partitions are automatically created, resized, or deleted as needed.
*FastbootD has access in logical partition like Super Partition.
( have odm +product+vendor+system partition inside) , Because dynamic partitions are implemented in userspace, partitions needed by the bootloader can't be made dynamic. For example, boot, dtbo, and vbmeta are read by the bootloader, and so must remain as physical partitions.
You can't uses by fastbootD performed
fastboot --disable-verity flash vbmata vbmeta.img
✓ Not enough space to resize partition solution
Removing stock system_ext and/or product from fastbootd is enough, like so:
***Don't uses this command
"fastboot delete-logical-partition product"
why ?
the product partition, with around 1.3GB in size isn’t even required by the GSIs.
then you can delete data on product partition.
*(Didn't delete product partition itself but deletes only data inside this partition , then android will auto-resize product'spartition.)
Do this.
adb reboot fastboot
fastboot erase product
set the size of the product partition to 0
fastboot resize-logical-partition product 0x0
To verify if the partition size has become 0.
fastboot getvar all
If one of the lines shows the below code, then the process is a success.
(bootloader) partition-size:product:0x0
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
>fastboot erase system_ext
>fastboot resize-logical-partition system_ext 0x0
---End Info--
Basic knownledge.
my customAP tutorial.
** When using FastbootD you should knows
Set of fastbootd command.
Flashing Any GSIs​Using Fastboot without CustomAP 》Save your time.​Example_use AOSP A13 from phhusson TrebleDroid GSI.
Complete Cycle From Fastboot Flashing >>>ROOT (Magisk,SU)>>Customized UI >>Update without Lost Data and Magisk.​Requirement:
-Unlocked BootLoader
-(Recommend) Stock Firmware Update to A13 such as
"SM-T225XXU1CWA2" etc.,
Why? Used Android 13 GSIs.
1. MTP works
2. Offline Charging works
3. Google Assistant can call for you. (Ok Google call xxx) Stock A13 didn't do it.
>Step to install Stock ROM together with Fastboot ability at the same time.
(clean install with stock firmware)
Extract AP Framework File for "recovery.img.lz4" and patch to add FastbootD ability. [ Download Attach file ] or patch by yourself here https://github.com/Johx22/Patch-Recovery.
Flash Stock Framework File with odin. (AP , BL, CP, CSC_not_home) + Magisk patch-boot & vbmeta & patch-recovery at (USERDATA Slot) ( include 3 patch-files to one tar file) [ Download Attach file ] -After reboot must connects internet and set "Developer options = enable OEM unlocking + USB debugging"
(Computer) Download and extract Platform tools to C:\ https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools.
(Computer) Download and install Fastboot interface Driver. https://www.droidwin.com/how-to-install-fastboot-drivers-in-windows-11/
1.you can dirty flash patched fastbootD-recovery at AP slot. When you had any firmware or gsi installed.
2.Howto magisk-patch (boot.img.lz4 + vbmeta.img.lz4). in General Section.
>Step to flash GSI on top of Stock ROM
Set of Command to install GSIs on top of Stock Firmware.
-Connect device with USB cable to Computer.
-Download your GSIs.
-Extract "GSI.img file into platform tools directory.
-open CMD inside the platform-tools folder and then type in the below command
** Check device was already connected with computer.
*** Check bootloader version (patched) is the same as your device's firmware.
adb devices
adb reboot fastboot
-Device will turn display into FastbootD mode
fastboot erase system
option: if you founded ‘Not enough space to resize partition’) error.
fastboot delete-logical-partition product
fastboot flash system gsi-filename.img
4. FastootD (pic below)​Select "Enter recovery menu"
5.Recovery (pic below)
Select "wipe data/factory reset" menu
6. Recovery (pic above)
Select "reboot system now" menu
​>>Finished " Flashing with FastbootD"<<​
After installation.
- This variant was included with " PHH-SU".
>Step get rid of SU.(option if you want Magisk) (bvS or bgS variant)
adb shell Enter
su Enter
chmod +x /system/bin/phh-securize.sh Enter
/system/bin/phh-securize.sh Enter
* Device will auto reboot.
After this Magisk icon will show up.
Click Magisk icon to continue setup additional files and reboot.
*Step to update GSI without lost your data include magisk.
*** (Recommended: use Magisk-Gapps, if you don't want to re-process install gapps again.)
Disable all magisk modules. (if you used another Launcher or Port it from another GSI , pleases uninstall it first.)
Flash New-Update-GSI with FastbootD
fastboot flash system new-gsi.IMG
then REBOOT System (No factory reset or wipe data)
fastboot reboot
After get rid of SU , magisk will show up.
get rid of SU
adb shell
chmod +x /system/bin/phh-securize.sh
Note: After this magisk will works again. (with all modules you had installed .)
===End of Update Version info===
Scripts by phhusson to automatically build/CI/Release TrebleDroid GSI
more than 2 times per month
Then I write this easy additional way to update without lost your data..
​>Step to Recovery back toThe First Boot with Magisk (hidden installed).
​1.Run Factory Reset From Recovery by press and hold (Power+ Vol down)
2. Connect internet and enable Developer options.
3. Enable OEM unlocking & USB debugging.
4. Reboot after that Magisk setting icon will show up again.
--End update--
Happy Chinese New Year!​General Section
** Compared 2 projects
** Restore Samsung Knox features.​
✓ How to create Magisk patch for boot.img + vbmeta.img
extract (vbmeta.img.lz4 + boot.img.lz4) from your AP Stock
create compress one file xxx .tar with 7zip
move (vbmeta.img.lz4 + boot.img.lz4).tar (xxx.tar) to tab a7 lite
install magisk.apk on you tab a7 lite
patch the tar file. (with magisk manager)
result magisk-patch file at Tab a7 :-Download folder.
✓ Howto install fastboot driver.
How to Install Fastboot Drivers in Windows 11
In this comprehensive tutorial, we will show you the detailed steps to install the Fastboot Drivers onto your Windows 11 PC
✓ [Add pre-patch-recovery-FastbootD]
*** S2 = can't downgrade (Android version) even firmware version.
✓ Howto install "adb &fastboot" on PC
Samsung Android USB Driver | Samsung Developers
You need the driver only if you are developing on Windows and want to connect a Samsung Android device to your development environment over USB.
You should also replace your adb with the latest binaries by Google.
SDK Platform Tools release notes | Android Studio | Android Developers
Android SDK Platform-Tools is a component for the Android SDK.
Download the platform tools for windows zip file. Find out where your current adb.exe file is located. Extract the zip into that location, overwrite the old file(s).
Note: Don't delete any files from platform-tools
√ Download:
Where are New AOSP A13 official?
Releases · TrebleDroid/treble_experimentations
Scripts to automatically build/CI/Release TrebleDroid GSI - TrebleDroid/treble_experimentations
Note: (Read/Write System should uses variant "vndklite".)
✓Changes PHH-SU to Magisk.
- Connect device with your computer. run below command.
adb shell Enter
su Enter
chmod +x /system/bin/phh-securize.sh Enter
/system/bin/phh-securize.sh Enter
May be didn't found phh-securize.sh only uses root file manager deleted "/system/xbin/su"
√ You can install "GAPPS" by adb shell or by Magisk-Gapps module.
(Cause we didn't have TWRP, but don't worry about TWRP.)
*install Bromite Systemwebview
*Vega Bobo DSU Sideloader (Root mode with magisk)
*this firmware can't downgrade.**S2**​T225XXS2CWA6 , it will no longer be possible to roll back even to the previous firmware .
( A13"SM-T225XXU1CWA2)
* Add some T220 FastbootD -Recovery-patch
Option tools for customize your AOSP GSI.
Install Gapps modules with Magisk. ( For Android 13)​DOWNLOAD: https://litegapps.site/index.html
1. [MAGISK]LiteGapps_Nano_arm64_13.0_v2.8_official.zip (Base)
2. GoogleSearch_LiteGapps_Addon_arm64_13.0.zip. (add-on)
3. GoogleAssistant_LiteGapps_Addon_arm64_13.0.zip. (add-on)
Note: you can add add-on mod from here.
STEP. ( with magisk manager )
Flash 1 and Reboot
Flash 2 and Reboot
Flash 3 and Reboot
How to configure Google Assistant . ( For make a call )
-Set Default Digital Assistant.
Open Setting and Search with keyword " digital assistant or assistant"
-Configure OK Google.
Open Setting 》Google 》Setting for Google apps 》Search Assistant & Voice 》 Google Assistant 》Hey Google & Voice match
ENABLE Hey Google.
tom.android said:
You can install "GAPPS" by adb shell .
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Where can I download a compatible package and what command besides adb shell do I have to run in order to install?
nirogu325 said:
Where can I download a compatible package and what command besides adb shell do I have to run in order to install?
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readme inside archrive.
tom.android said:
readme inside archrive.
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The readme only leads me to the package's website which does not tell me which specific command I have to run after adb shell. I then went to the Telegram group which basically tells me this: "adb root then adb shell or adb shell then su" and then "just run the script" Uh-huh. How do I run the script? "running it".
nirogu325 said:
The readme only leads me to the package's website which does not tell me which specific command I have to run after adb shell. I then went to the Telegram group which basically tells me this: "adb root then adb shell or adb shell then su" and then "just run the script" Uh-huh. How do I run the script? "running it".
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nirogu325 said:
The readme only leads me to the package's website which does not tell me which specific command I have to run after adb shell. I then went to the Telegram group which basically tells me this: "adb root then adb shell or adb shell then su" and then "just run the script" Uh-huh. How do I run the script? "running it".
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1. install root explorer app. (such as Mixplorer)
2. create directory "gapps" or anyname at /data
such as /data/gapps
3. extract archrive " TitaTheGapps.zip" to dir from 2
4. open terminal adb shell ----then su then
cd /data/gapps/tita
chmod +x ./installer.sh
5. add more space for new gapps by delete some unuseful from "/system/system_ext/apex"
Del "android.vndk.v.28,29,30,32 keep only v31
6. run script---> sh ./installer.sh
note you can use command "mount -o rw,remount /system" or used root explorer do it. (changes RO to RW) before mod system.
nirogu325 said:
The readme only leads me to the package's website which does not tell me which specific command I have to run after adb shell. I then went to the Telegram group which basically tells me this: "adb root then adb shell or adb shell then su" and then "just run the script" Uh-huh. How do I run the script? "running it".
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Here is what I did to install GApps on AOSP A13:
Get TheGappsInstaller-Tita archive here: https://github.com/ChonDoit/TheGappsInstaller/releases/tag/Tita (specifically: TitaTheGapps_Terminal_20221225.tar.xz)
Extract the tar archive from the tar.xz file
Follow instructions below (credits: ozmage)
adb push TitaTheGapps_Terminal_20221225.tar /sdcard/Download
adb root
adb shell
cd /data
mkdir GAPPS
mv /sdcard/Download/TitaTheGapps_Terminal_20221225.tar GAPPS
tar xvpf TitaTheGapps_Terminal_20221225.tar
cd TitaTheGapps_Terminal_20221225
chmod a+x ./installer.sh
sh ./installer.sh
tom.android said:
1. install root explorer app. (such as Mixplorer)
2. create directory "gapps" or anyname at /data
such as /data/gapps
3. extract archrive " TitaTheGapps.zip" to dir from 2
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dapr0b said:
Here is what I did to install GApps on AOSP A13:
Get TheGappsInstaller-Tita archive here: https://github.com/ChonDoit/TheGappsInstaller/releases/tag/Tita (specifically: TitaTheGapps_Terminal_20221225.tar.xz)
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Thank you both, THAT is real support.
Update: Howto update GSI without lost your data.
Flashing Any GSIs​Using Fastboot without CustomAP any longer.​
tom.android said:
Update.​Flashing Any GSIs​Using Fastboot without CustomAP any longer.​
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Thank you.
I have one question though.
My tab is already updated to SM-T225XXU1CWA2. In the firs step, can I just simply flash with ODIN your attached fastbootd-recovery.tar in AP slot and the 3-in-1.tar in USERDATA slot without including the stock framework file (AP, BL, CP, CSC)?
jtrakx said:
Thank you.
I have one question though.
My tab is already updated to SM-T225XXU1CWA2. In the firs step, can I just simply flash with ODIN your attached fastbootd-recovery.tar in AP slot and the 3-in-1.tar in USERDATA slot without including the stock framework file (AP, BL, CP, CSC)?
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1. flash only 3in1.tar at AP slot. (magisk 25.2 + vbmeta + recovery-patch)
-install gsi
2. remove SU by
adb shell Enter
su Enter
bra bra bra
look at my tutorial
tom.android said:
1. flash only 3in1.tar at AP slot. (magisk 25.2 + vbmeta + recovery-patch)
2. remove SU by
adb shell Enter
su Enter
bra bra bra
look at my tutorial
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Thank you. That's a big help.
update iconify v6.0 (extract zip file run iconify.apk ) or update from app.
Iconify • Customize Boring Android UI
Updated to v6.0.0
What's new?
• Custom battery color
• Semi Transparent Brightness bar style
• Semi Transparent QS tile style
• Semi Transparent Notification style
• 5 styles of volume panel
• Improved UI roundness
XPosed Menu: (LSPosed recommended)
• Transparent Qs Panel (Supports more rom)
• Window Level Blur and Force blur enabler for unsupported ROMs
• Vertical QS tiles
• Custom header image (GIF supported)
• Custom header clocks
• Custom lockscreen clocks (custom font supported)
• Clock and status icons background chip
Full Changelog: Click Here
Teamfly Launcher (Didn't test)
TeamFiles Launcher
A launcher which aims to provide stability, speed & customizationMore info at github.com/TeamFiles/TeamFiles-LauncherJoin t.me/loopprojects to get more updates!
May be compatible with quick switch of OneUI 5.
I also have a question, is this only for SM-T225XXU1CWA2 only ? or T220 can do this too . I have T220 XAR us version android 13 gsi pixel Experience plus with magisk. I want to install fastbootD and install gsi without custom AP.. do I use this guide?
abc1054 said:
I also have a question, is this only for SM-T225XXU1CWA2 only ? or T220 can do this too . I have T220 XAR us version android 13 gsi pixel Experience plus with magisk. I want to install fastbootD and install gsi without custom AP.. do I use this guide?
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yes u can , extract AP file>>recovery.img.lz4. boot.img.lz4. vbmeta.img.lz4. upload here if you can't patch.
Can you explain how to patch it. Thanks
abc1054 said:
Can you explain how to patch it. Thanks
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1.boot.IMG.lz4. 2. vbmeta.IMG.lz4. patch with magisk
2.recovery.IMG.lz4. patch follow with https://github.com/Johx22/Patch-Recovery
tom.android said:
yes u can , extract AP file>>recovery.img.lz4. boot.img.lz4. vbmeta.img.lz4. upload here if you can't patch.
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Here is my files

